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记述了辽宁省四合屯下白垩统义县组三个半恐龙足迹,归入似鹬龙足迹(亦译为跷脚龙足迹)一未定种(Grallator isp.)。这是义县组恐龙足迹化石的首次描述。该行迹至少由3个造迹者所造。从足迹推断恐龙体长1.51m,属于义县组兽脚类恐龙较为普遍的体长范围。重建了尾羽鸟(Caudipteryx)和中华龙鸟(Sinosauropteryx)的足部,前者的足迹轮廓与似鹬龙足迹未定种的吻合度超过后者。根据化石记录,似鹬龙足迹类型可能广泛存在于义县组的各种中小型兽脚类(驰龙类与伤齿龙类除外)中。  相似文献   

胡松梅  邢立达  王昌富  杨苗苗 《地质通报》2011,30(11):1697-1700
记叙了中国陕西省商洛市邵涧村下白垩统东河群2个大型兽脚类恐龙足迹,并将其归于Megalosauripus isp.。 东河群的时代与热河生物群同期,邵涧Megalosauripus isp. 可能可与热河生物群的大型兽脚类恐龙之足部形态做简 单对比。此外,邵涧Megalosauripus isp.造迹者的体长约为7.4m,这意味着早白垩世的陕西中南部亦存在着大型的 兽脚类恐龙。邵涧Megalosauripus isp.的发现,不仅为中国早白垩世恐龙足迹增加了新的成员,而且为将来在该地 区下白垩统中发现大型兽脚类恐龙的骨骼化石提供了确凿的依据。  相似文献   

陕北地区下白垩统洛河组恐龙足迹的发现为了解本地区恐龙的个体大小、运动方式、速度及生活习性等信息,恢复恐龙动物群面貌及古生态、古地理环境提供了化石证据.本文在前人研究的基础上,探讨了陕北地区下白垩统洛河组恐龙足迹在古生态学及地层学上的意义.对足迹形态特征的研究表明,陕北地区早白垩世恐龙足迹的造迹者体型较小,为小型兽脚类;对行迹特征的研究表明,造迹动物均处于正常行走状态,造迹恐龙以双足行走,而小型哺乳形动物为四足行走.靖边龙洲多条近于平行的恐龙行迹体现了小型兽脚类恐龙群居的生活习性;神木中鸡足迹组合为亚洲地区首次发现的具有典型沙漠相特征的巴西足迹遗迹相(Brasilichnium ichnofacies),为开展洲际地层对比提供了新的化石证据.陕北地区下白垩统洛河组的恐龙足迹拓宽了中国西北地区恐龙足迹的地理和地层分布范围,为探讨本区早白垩世恐龙动物群特征和演化及古生态、古地理、古环境等提供了条件和重要新材料.  相似文献   

辽西北票地区中-晚侏罗世土城子组恐龙足迹化石的发现   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
辽西朝阳北票南八家子附近中-晚侏罗世土城子组发现了大量恐龙足迹化石(兽脚类、鸟脚类、蜥脚类).本文主要对兽脚类恐龙足迹做了报道.兽脚类恐龙为两足行走,三趾型、窄行迹、多数为趾行式,化石均为上层面保存.层面发育泥裂和波痕.足迹大小从29.5cm×19cm到4cm×3cm,连续分布的足迹构成明显的行迹,行迹方向规律性分布为当时恐龙的行为习性提供了可靠证据.南八家子地区发现的大量小型兽脚类恐龙足迹表明:在北票地区小型兽脚类恐龙在中晚侏罗世土城子期已经出现.  相似文献   

本文记述了发现于宁夏六盘山地区的恐龙足迹化石。共计5个化石点,分别位于宁夏六盘山地区固原市隆德县和泾源县,赋存地层为下白垩统六盘山群和尚铺组、李洼峡组和马东山组,包括蜥脚类和鸟脚类恐龙足迹化石,其中以蜥脚类为主。足迹可识别的有4条行迹,其中,隆德县香水镇行迹所代表的恐龙个体较小,臀高仅1.44m,其余3组行迹代表的恐龙较大,臀高在2.79~3.27m之间;鸟脚类恐龙臀高约为0.48 m,为小型鸟脚类恐龙。采用Alexander的速度计算方法对造迹恐龙的速度进行研究,表明六盘山地区蜥脚类造迹恐龙速度为0.34~1.41m/s之间,复步长与臀高的比值小于2,均为正常行走状态。足迹保存层面岩性主要为粉砂质泥岩、细砂岩,具水平层理、波痕、泥裂、雨雹痕等沉积构造,含植物碎片化石,并发育有大量的无脊椎动物潜穴化石。根据岩性及沉积构造判断,造迹恐龙活动环境为离湖岸较近的浅水地带。  相似文献   

通过系统地梳理以往研究成果,归纳总结了陕西省恐龙足迹化石的分布特征和科学价值.陕西省目前发现的恐龙足迹化石分布在11处地点,地层分布主要为中侏罗世延安组和早白垩世洛河组,已命名的恐龙足迹共有5属9种,造迹恐龙以兽脚类占绝对优势,个体普遍较小.陕西省恐龙足迹化石的发现和研究弥补了恐龙骨骼化石的匮乏,丰富了中国恐龙足迹化石...  相似文献   

山东诸城黄龙沟恐龙足迹产于下白垩统中部莱阳群杨家庄组,其中以兽脚类为主,同时有蜥脚类和疑似鸟脚类足迹;兽脚类足迹又可进一步区分为大型兽脚类、似跷脚龙类(Paragrallator)和东方强壮百合龙类(Corpulentapus lilasia)。足迹共组成至少63条行迹,作者系统实测了其中50条,并据足迹大小指数—复步长和GAE(跷脚龙—安琪龙—实雷龙)图解给出了识别3类兽脚类足迹的经验性数值。足迹点沉积特征显示,浅湖相粉砂质泥岩和粉砂岩逐渐过渡为滨湖相砂岩。足迹层及其邻近层位波痕、泥裂发育,根据波脊线恢复的古岸线方向为东西向,波浪运动方向呈现出北至北西周期性变化,表明可能存在季节性风向变化。泥裂以及恐龙分布特征显示足迹点以S/WS为湖心方向,以N/EN为湖岸方向。似跷脚龙类和东方强壮百合龙类足迹分布区域的差异性表明东方强壮百合龙类生活区域更靠近湖岸。恐龙足迹中存在的明显叠盖现象表明足迹不是同时,而是多次活动遗迹。小型兽脚类行迹中较多近于平行的行迹体现了集群性生活习性。行进行为研究又显示兽脚类的绝大多数为快速奔跑状态,但蜥脚类等为慢行状态。兽脚类与蜥脚类、疑似鸟脚类足迹数量之比远大于正常捕食者和被捕食者之比也表明,早白垩世中期的胶莱盆地生存着以兽脚类为主、蜥脚类和鸟脚类为辅的恐龙动物群。早白垩世晚期,胶莱盆地以及沂沭断裂带内蜥脚类、鸟脚类恐龙以及鸟类逐渐繁盛,这与华北北部恐龙足迹所恢复的造迹恐龙动物群特征较为一致。中国北方、韩国、日本白垩纪恐龙足迹以及骨骼化石发育情况暗示,晚中生代中国北方以及东亚地区发育一个以恐龙等脊椎动物为主的大型陆地动物群。  相似文献   

简要报道了新近首次在冀西北张家口尚义地区发现的恐龙足迹。野外地质调查发现,恐龙足迹赋存于尚义晚中生代盆地侏罗系—白垩系后城组顶部。恐龙行迹呈近东西向展布,由数十个足迹构成。初步研究表明,造迹者分别属于兽脚类和蜥脚类恐龙,由西向东行进。足迹中包括兽脚类足迹70余个,组成数个行迹;蜥脚类足迹15个,构成1列行迹。蜥脚类足迹特征显示其可能属于游泳状的行迹。华北北部土城子组/后城组发育于燕辽生物群—热河生物群更替演化时期(晚侏罗世—早白垩世早期),以往在该时期沉积物中罕见脊椎动物骨骼化石。近年来华北北部土城子组/后城组中频繁发现的恐龙足迹表明,燕辽生物群—热河生物群更替演化时期发育着以恐龙为代表的脊椎动物群。该发现将有助于进一步了解土城子组/后城组沉积时期恐龙属种的多样性及其生物古地理环境。晚侏罗世—早白垩世早期沉积古地理和古生态环境及其与恐龙动物群发育的研究有助于揭示陆地生物群更替演化和环境的关系。  相似文献   

鲁东诸城皇华镇地区下白垩统莱阳群发现大量恐龙足迹化石(兽脚类、鸟脚类、蜥脚类).足迹化石赋存地层为龙旺庄组灰绿色、黄绿色泥质细砂岩、粉砂岩,为滨浅湖—河流相沉积环境.足迹特征显示:蜥脚类恐龙体重大,四足行走,前后足迹面积相近,似椭圆形;鸟脚类和兽脚类恐龙为两足行走,足迹为三趾型;兽脚类恐龙体重最轻、数量最多.三大类恐龙行进速度介于散步—小跑之间,有转弯、减速、驻足等状态,无奔跑行迹,行进方向大多数为自东向西,行迹具有较强的规律性,推测恐龙可能在集体迁徙.结合足迹形态特征及保存现状,将该区恐龙足迹变形程度划分为未变形、弱变形、中等变形和强变形4种,并在前人侵蚀模型基础上,初步探讨了恐龙足迹复原方法与侵蚀机理,为更精确地分析恐龙种属、大小、生活习性、生物力学性质等信息提供了可能性.  相似文献   

描述了河北省赤城县寺梁山土城子(后城)组一例极可能的兽脚类恐龙蹲伏迹及相关的足迹,该蹲伏迹也是该组地层目前发现的最大的兽脚类足迹。虽然缺乏前足迹和尾迹,但因保存了左跖骨印、关联的坐骨及可能的耻骨胼胝印被定为蹲伏迹。该蹲伏迹是世界上第三例非对称的兽脚类恐龙蹲伏迹。  相似文献   

Here we report a large dinosaur tracksite from an extensive fluvial sandstone surface in the Lower Cretaceous Jiaguan Formation of Sichuan Province, China. The site contains over 250 individual tracks comprising at least 18 recognizable trackways, including the longest theropod trackway (cf. Eubrontes) known from China. This exceptional theropod trackway consists of 81 successive footprints covering a distance of 69 m. The tracks are well-preserved and are expressed both as true tracks on the main “upper” surface and as transmitted undertracks on a locally exposed “lower” bed. Also recorded are six other theropod trackways, including small Grallator-like ichnites, eight sauropod trackways (cf. Brontopodus), and three small ornithopod (cf. Ornithopodichnus) trackways with a parallel orientation, which may indicate gregarious behavior. Several trackways of a larger theropod trackmaker show pes imprints with elongated traces of the metatarsals, suggesting extramorphological (substrate-controlled) variation and/or plantigrade posture, which is here interpreted as indicating a change in gait assumed in response to deep and soft sediment. The assemblage indicates a diverse dinosaur fauna in the Lower Cretaceous Sichuan Basin with variously sized theropods, sauropods, and ornithopods. The late occurrence of footprints of the Grallator-Eubrontes plexus in Lower Cretaceous strata is further evidence of the extended stratigraphic range of this morphotype and the distinct palaeobiogeographic distribution of these trackmakers in East Asia.  相似文献   

More than 125 footprints of theropods from the Cretaceous Longwangzhuang Formation have been mapped in a preliminary study at a site in the Zhucheng region of China. The tracks represent at least three morphotypes. The largest morphotype is a large theropod (footprint length ∼30 cm) represented by a single trackway and an isolated natural cast. At least 10 trackways assigned to the new ichnospecies Corpulentapus lilasia represent a medium-sized biped (footprint length ∼13 cm) with very short, wide, robust, ‘tulip-shaped’ tracks and long steps (∼5 × footprint length), and a short central digit (III) indicating weak mesaxony. Corpulentapus trackways are narrow and theropod-like even though track morphology is convergent with the footprints of some ornithopods. The third morphotype, made by a medium-sized grallatorid track maker (ichnogenus Paragrallator), is about the same size (∼13 cm) as the robust morphotype, but far more elongate and gracile, with an elongate central digit (III) indicating strong mesaxony. This ichnotaxon requires detailed comparison with Grallator sensu stricto. The contrast in morphology between the two common morphotypes is striking and demonstrates that two distinct medium-sized taxa of presumed theropod affinity frequented the same habitat in significant numbers.  相似文献   

江苏省新沂市马陵山地区的4个神秘的印记,传统上被解释为“李存孝打虎处”的“虎爪印”和“人足迹”,重新将其解释为大盛群田家楼组恐龙足迹。这些足迹中只有一个最深的“虎爪印”保存了可识别的趾印,表明它是一个有着后内侧拇趾印的兽脚类恐龙左足迹,是一道单步约50cm的直线行迹的一部分;另一种解释是该足迹为小型蜥脚类恐龙的右后足迹,形成行迹的右侧部分,其左侧部分没有保存。马陵山足迹点提供了恐龙足迹如何影响中国民间传说的另一个案例。  相似文献   

Upper Triassic and Middle Jurassic strata of the Xichang Basin in Sichuan Province, southwestern China, yielded important dinosaur ichnofossils. From the Xujiahe Formation of the Yiguojiao tracksite, we report a Late Triassic footprint assemblage in China and the first discovery of diagnostic Triassic sauropodomorph tracks in this region. The tracks share a number of features in common with the ichnogenera Eosauropus(Late Triassic) and Liujianpus(Early Jurassic). The neighboring Bingtu tracksite is stratigraphically younger(Shaximiao Formation, Middle Jurassic) and preserves small tridactyl theropod tracks that represent the first occurrence of the ichnotaxon Carmelopodus in China and Asia. While these tracks are morphologically comparable to those from the Middle Jurassic type locality in North America, the specimens from China show the proximal margin of the digit IV impression in a more cranial position, which may indicate a trackmaker with a relatively short metatarsal IV. In addition to the skeletal record, the Carmelopodus footprints document the presence of small theropods in the dinosaur fauna of the Middle Jurassic Shaximiao Formation.  相似文献   

During the Campanian and Maastrichtian ages (86–66 million years ago), tyrannosaurids were the predominant large carnivorous dinosaurs throughout the Northern hemisphere. Despite the abundance of skeletal material, the fossil-footprint record of tyrannosaurids has been limited. Here we report a tyrannosaurid trackway in the Lance Formation, Wyoming. The trackway consists of three sequential tracks on a sandstone surface. Based on the age and size of the footprints, the trackmaker can be identified as either a sub-adult Tyrannosaurus rex or a Nanotyrannus lancensis. The trackway offers a record of a tyrannosaurid pace length, which permits the speed of the trackmaker to be calculated at 4.5–8.0 km/h. This result discounts previous speculation that tyrannosaurid walking speeds were notably slower than those of other large theropods.  相似文献   

Cretaceous dinosaur tracks from Hunan Province are historically significant as the basis for three ichnotaxa: Xiangxipus chenxiensis, Xiangxipus youngi, and Hunanpus jiuquwanensis all representing theropodan tracks, described from a single site in 1982. Although the type locality has since been destroyed, the type specimen and replicas remained available for restudy in 2006, when paratype Hunanpus tracks and sauropod footprints were described from a second, nearby locality. Material from both localities is here re-described in detail. It is proposed that while Xiangxipus chenxiensis can be regarded as a distinct ichnospecies, probably representing an ornithomimid trackmaker, Xiangxipus youngi cannot be accommodated in the same ichnogenus. We consider it similar to the ichnogenus Wupus from the Lower Cretaceous of Sichuan Province, and therefore of possible avian affinity. We also find no justification for regarding Hunanpus jiuquwanensis as generically distinct from the widespread ichnogenus Grallator, and therefore rename it Grallator jiuquwanensis comb. nov. The Hunan track record is generally consistent with the sparse record of theropod skeletal remains in the province, but adds evidence of sauropods that was previously lacking.  相似文献   

Trackways can provide unique insight to animals locomotion through quantitative analysis of variation in track morphology. Long trackways additionally permit the study of trackmaker foot anatomy, providing more insight on limb kinematics. In this paper we have restudied the extensive tracksite at Barranco de La Canal-1 (Lower Cretaceous, La Rioja, NW Spain) focussing on a 25-m-long dinosaur (ornithopod) trackway that was noted by an earlier study (Casanovas et al., 1995; Pérez-Lorente, 2003) to display an irregular pace pattern. This asymmetric gait has been quantified and photogrammetric models undertaken for each track, thus revealing distinct differences between the right and the left tracks, particularly in the relative position of the lateral digits II–IV with respect to the central digit III. Given that the substrate at this site is homogenous, the consistent repetition of the collected morphological data suggests that differences recorded between the right and the left tracks can be linked to the foot anatomy, but more interestingly, to an injury or pathology on left digit II. We suggest that the abnormal condition registered in digit II impression of the left pes can be linked to the statistically significant limping behaviour of the trackmaker. Furthermore, the abnormal condition registered did not affect the dinosaur's speed.  相似文献   

A new Lower Cretaceous (lower Aptian) dinosaur tracksite, from the eastern side of Monte Cagno (Abruzzi, Italy), is described. Different styles of track formation are represented on the site surface. Most of the footprints are preserved as deep tracks, produced by trackmakers sinking into soft mud. Some tracks, better preserved than the others, are characterized by metatarsal impressions and were interpreted as the resting traces of a crouching theropod (based on their orientation and three-dimensional morphology). The 135 cm length of the track with metatarsal impressions indicates huge pedal proportions and represents the largest theropod trackmaker ever documented from the Mesozoic peri-Adriatic platforms of Italy.  相似文献   

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