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羟基杀灭船舶压载水微小生物中试实验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用羟基处理压载水技术,使用羟基处理设备和管道作为模拟船舶排放压载水的管道。研究了羟基对海产小球藻、游仆虫和异养细菌的杀灭效果,说明羟基能有效杀灭压载水中的微小生物;并模拟船舶排放压载水过程中排放地的海水对处理后压载水的稀释作用,稀释后的水样经过96h的培养,没有发现微小生物复活的情况,证明了羟基杀灭船舶压载水微小生物在长度为4m(接触时间为2s)的接触管道内已经完成。并研究了羟基处理压载水技术对水质情况的影响,结果表明羟基有效杀灭船舶压载水微小生物的同时能改善压载水水质。  相似文献   

关于船舶压载水管理现状的调查与分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
《国际船舶压载水及沉淀物的控制与管理公约(草案)》生效为时不远,为做好履约准备,开展了对船舶压载水管理现状的调研。本报告从压载水对海洋环境污染、世界各国对压载水排放控制的现状、压载水更换操作、压载水处理设备研制与认证及公约对我国产生的影响5个方面进行了阐述。  相似文献   

《国际船舶压载水及沉淀物的控制与管理公约(草案)》生效为时不远,为做好履约准备,开展了对船舶压载水管理现状的调研.文章从《压载水公约》对我国的影响、我国至今没加入该公约的原因、我国目前可采取的最有效的压载水管理措施、压载水处理设备的性能要求4个方面对调查结果进行分析阐述.并归纳结论:①做好沿海环境监测工作,为制定相关法律、法规提供基础资料;②应尽快实施对到港船舶压载水置换标准;③应加大政策和资金支持力度,促进我国压载水处理系统的研发和产业化,从而保证我们在履约过程中的主动地位.  相似文献   

船舶航运中压载水和船体污垢物是外来物种入侵的主要媒介物。《压载水公约》生效后,到2017年所有的远洋船舶都必须要安装压载水处理设备,将对压载水强制处理,有效制约压载水外来物种的携带。文章根据目前国内外压载水处理设备实船使用的情况,对压载水设备安装使用中的注意事项及常见问题做一些具体的探讨。  相似文献   

控制压载水对海洋水域环境污染的核心措施之一是在船上增添压载水处理设备。随着《国际船舶压载水及沉淀物控制与管理公约》生效趋近,压载水处理设备使用管理的研讨愈趋成为航海业必须面对的紧迫课题。文章着意研究国际海事组织(IMO)对压载水处理设备认证要求及对设有压载水处理设备的船舶发行鉴定证书的管理。  相似文献   

采用三维激发-发射荧光光谱(3D-EEMs),结合平行因子分析(PARAFAC),研究了2015年12月至2020年1月停靠上海洋山港和江苏省江阴港的42艘入境船舶压载水中荧光溶解有机物(FDOM)的组成特征及其来源,并探讨了FDOM用于鉴别置换和未置换压载水的可行性。结果显示,船舶压载水中FDOM主要由3种荧光组分组成:类色氨酸荧光组分C1,λex为275 nm,λem为332 nm;UVB类腐殖质组分C2,λex为290和315 nm,λem为386 nm;UVA类腐殖质组分C3,λex为250和360 nm,λem为446 nm。组分C1在船舶压载水FDOM中荧光强度百分比最高,其次为组分C3,组分C2最低。显著性分析显示,未置换压载水中组分C1显著高于置换压载水(p<0.05)的,而组分C2和C3则无显著差异(p>0.05)。荧光指数分析表明,未置换压载水FDOM受陆源输入和微生物活动的共同影响,而置换压载水由于远离近岸,水体生物活动为...  相似文献   

文章通过分析船舶排放清单估算方法,提出控制船舶NOX、SOX排放的重要性,进而介绍国内外关于船舶排放的相关法规标准及实施进展。当前,我国在控制船舶排放方面的相关法规及措施仍很不完善,加强我国海洋船舶排放监控并完善清单估算及相关法规十分重要。  相似文献   

为了防止全球船舶压舱水中的有害水生物在海洋中传播,危害海洋生态环境,造成海洋污染,2000年9月20日~21日,我国召开了关于制定船舶压载水管理国家项目工作计划和宣传项目研讨会。据悉,国际海事组织近年来一直在努力采取措施,制订有关法规,并将在2002年召开大会予以通过。届时,关于船舶压载水的管理规定将成为全球强制性要求。  相似文献   

洋山深水港入境船舶压载水浮游动物种类组成分析   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
2008年10月至2009年4月采集了19艘停靠在上海洋山深水港的入境船舶压载水水样,对其浮游动物的种类组成进行了分析,共检出压载水中浮游动物39种,其中桡足类37种、淡水枝角类1种、海洋枝角类1种.结果显示,压载水中浮游动物的密度及种类组成与水样压载地的环境直接相关,不同航线船舶压载水中浮游动物的种类差异较大.调查发...  相似文献   

分析了海运船舶尾气洗涤废水排放对多环芳烃 (PAHs) 类污染物的海洋富集行为的影响以及对 PAHs 控制的制约因 素和净化技术发展现状。PAHs 的海洋富集趋势与船舶的发动机尾气排放行为呈正相关性, 且船舶尾气洗涤废水排放加速了 PAHs 向海洋中富集。 国际海事组织 (IM0) 尚未对在PAHs 中占比大且毒性强的烷基化多环芳烃进行立法限制, 但单方面采 取措施禁止船舶尾气洗涤废水在其所属海域排放的国家和地区日益增多, 洗涤废水排放的PAHs 类污染物亟须净化处理。将 高级氧化光催化技术应用于洗涤废水排放的PAHs 净化具有发展前景。我国应抓住机遇, 大力开展针对海洋 PAHs 的排放限 制立法以及船舶尾气洗涤废水处理先进技术的研究, 这对于提升我国海事管理水平、增大国际话语权, 以及保护海洋生态安 全具有重要意义。  相似文献   

The Convention for ballast water management is approaching the threshold of enforcement. Many countries around the world formulate national laws and regulations to mitigate the hazards of non-indigenous aquatic species (NIAS) brought about by the discharge of ballast water from ships. Taiwan’s critical location as an important transportation hub in the Western Pacific Ocean makes it a hot spot for the invasion of NIAS. Therefore, devising strategies for the management of ballast water is urgently needed. This study explores the global trend in ballast water management, and discusses the possible strategies which Taiwan may adopt in response to the Ballast Water Convention, from the perspective of Taiwan’s stakeholders in relation to the ballast water issue. Some of the proper actions that Taiwan should take in the future regarding the management of ballast water include: delineating the area for ballast water exchange, establishing the ballast water declaration system for incoming vessels, assisting shipping companies in installing ballast water treatment systems, determining risk priority for incoming vessels, and inspecting ballast water-related parameters by means of port state control (PSC). In this way, the invasion of NIAS may then be prevented in compliance with the global standards.  相似文献   

Human-mediated transfer and invasions of organisms have permanently altered distribution patterns on a global scale. In response to growing numbers and impacts of invasions, global-scale vector management is advancing to curtail unintentional and unwanted species re-distributions. In marine systems, ocean-going ships have been the major dispersal mechanism across biogeographic barriers, and maritime vector management has become a priority global initiative, including national regulations and recent ratification of an international convention to manage ballast water. This paper provides the first analysis of the pioneering patterns of ballast water treatment systems (BWTS) on board commercial ships, using vessel arrivals to the United States as a model system. Over an opening 28-month period, >200 unique vessels arriving to the U.S. reported BWTS operations, using 58 different systems to treat 4.42 million m3 of discharged ballast water. Although this volume represents <2% of all ballast water discharged in the U.S. per month during this period, there was substantial growth in treated ballast discharge throughout this time. Through 2015, ‘Filtration+UV’ systems were the most common BWTS type installed across all ship types. Currently, BWTSs occur on higher numbers of tankers and bulkers, but a higher proportion of passenger vessels, than other ship types. If BWTSs meet the required discharge standards as intended, this will cause a steep reduction in total discharge of organisms ≥50 µm compared to current practices. While several hurdles in fleet-wide BWTS adoption remain, including the timeline for BWTS installation across the global fleet, we are at a significant milestone in the history and evolution of global shipping, which is undergoing wholesale transition to a new and more effective global-scale ballast vector management strategy.  相似文献   

Study on Treating Halobios Pollution by Hydroxyl Radical   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Human beings are facing a serious environmental crisis which is even threatening their existence. Therefore, many scholars propose the concept of advanced oxidation method (technology or process, abbr. AOP or AOT). The advanced oxidation method includes the process of producing hydroxyl radicals (OH·) and a series of chain reactions excited by OH·. The radicals can attack various kinds of pollutants and microorganisms in water and finally decompose them into CO2, H2O and inorganic salt…  相似文献   

Shipping represents a threat as a vector for the transfer of non-indigenous marine species through the discharge of ballast water and biofouling of vessels’ external structures and internal piping. While considerable attention has been given to the management of ballast water, there currently exists no international legal instrument with which to control biofouling.A number of existing legal mechanisms may be applicable in the context of coastal States’ rights under international law. However, existing mechanisms are insufficient to regulate all aspects of the biofouling problem to ensure comprehensive management of the issue. There is, therefore, a need for the development of a comprehensive international agreement to address this gap. The issue of biofouling on international vessels has now been included on the work programme of the International Maritime Organisation (IMO). As a contribution to discussions on how to address this particular issue at an international level, this article provides an analysis of the options available through the IMO to address this issue.Having defined the specific “threat scenario” with regard to hull fouling, the article will consider: (i) the international legal framework that has been established to regulate the harmful impacts of international shipping; (ii) the range of practical measures that are available to manage biofouling on vessels; and (iii) international legal options available to States to address the threat of biofouling posed by international shipping.  相似文献   

船舶压载水中有害生物的管理与控制   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
对由压载水引起的外来生物污染问题进行了较详细的分析。介绍了目前已经应用或正处于研究中的各种对压载水处理方法 ,探讨了其优越性及发展前景  相似文献   

福建主要港口外轮压舱水生物的分布及其潜在入侵威胁   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据2006~2007年间采自福建省4个主要港口12艘外轮(包括8条集装箱船和4条散货船)的压舱水样品,研究压舱水生物的分布特点,结果表明进入该水域的外来船舶压舱水生物物种丰富度和个体丰度高,共发现浮游植物7门86属240种(包括60种赤潮生物)和浮游动物5门30属52种;经3种网目(20,77,和160μm)筛网收集的不同粒径生物的平均丰度分别为:动物38858.3 ind./m~3(粒径77~160μm)和782.3 ind./m~3(粒径>160μm);植物3625.0 cells./ dm~3(粒径20~77μm)和134.1 cells./dm~3(粒径77~160μm).压舱水生物的分布及生存状态与水样的盐度及水龄相关.初步评估外来压舱水生物排放对福建沿海的潜在入侵风险.  相似文献   

模拟压载水排放过程,以球等鞭金藻为实验对象,进行了羟基处理20t/h压载水的中试实验。在高气压强电场作用下,将O2,H2O电离离解成OH^*等强氧化自由基,在分子层次上加工高浓度羟基等自由基溶液,泵入压载水主管道进行在线治理。实验结果表明羟基溶液在比值浓度为0.55mg/L时,在很短的排放管道中,就可以有效地抑制和杀死球等鞭金藻,分解叶绿素、氨基酸等。  相似文献   

All transoceanic vessels entering the Great Lakes are required to manage ballast water and ballast tank residuals with ballast water exchange and tank flushing, respectively. While these management procedures effectively reduce the density and richness of biota in ballast waters and thereby reduce the risk of transferring non-indigenous species, some ships are unable to uniformly manage all tanks. Laboratory experiments were conducted to evaluate sodium chloride brine as an emergency treatment for ballast tanks with non-compliant residuals. Invertebrate communities collected from i) Detroit River, ii) exchanged ballast tanks arriving in the Great Lakes, and iii) North Sea ports, were exposed to a range of brine concentrations (15–115‰) until complete mortality was reached. Results indicate that a 1-h exposure to 115‰ brine is a broadly effective treatment (>99.9% mortality) regardless of treatment temperature, taxonomic group, or species’ source habitat salinity. A median of 0.00% (range 0.00–5.33) of individuals are expected to survive treatment and the expected number of viable individuals released after treatment is within Canadian and proposed international discharge standards. Before implementation, validation with ship-scale trials is recommended.  相似文献   

船舶压舱水可引起外来生物入侵,国际海事组织(International Maritime Organization, IMO)因此制定了具有约束力的压舱水公约,已于2019年1月对我国正式生效。大量研究证明船舶压舱泥是有害藻华种类特别是有害甲藻孢囊的携带者。另一方面,有害藻华在我国近三十年频发,尤其是新的种类不断出现。因此,这种态势是否与压舱泥带来的外来种入侵有关是一个具有重要科学和现实意义的问题。我们最近的工作表明,此前国内外通过形态学方法对压舱泥的检测都大大地低估了甲藻孢囊的种类多样性和样品间种类组成的异质性。因此,必须通过更深入全面的实证研究对外源有害藻华甲藻通过压舱泥入侵我国海域进行风险评估。本文从如下几个方面进行了综述与讨论:(1) 船舶压舱水(泥)与有害藻华地理扩散;(2) 国内外有关压舱泥中甲藻孢囊多样性的检测与溯源研究;(3) 我们对美国港口船舶压舱泥的检测发现压舱泥中甲藻孢囊具有很高的种类多样性和样品间的异质性。最后从我们最近的工作及与文献报道的工作比较获得了几个重要的科学问题。在评述国内外研究成果和前期研究结果基础上,提出有必要通过更大量、广泛的国际船舶压舱泥和中国全海域沉积物取样、高通量测序的分子鉴定与形态观察、单孢囊分子-形态鉴定、孢囊萌发、全面生信分析相结合的技术路线,实证性地评估有害藻华种类通过压舱泥入侵中国的风险,并以此建立对新出现藻华种类溯源或判断是否外来种入侵的基本依据,同时为海关职能部门的检验执法提供依据。  相似文献   

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