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随着河南省经济的快速发展和城市化进程步伐的加快,为建筑业的发展提供了相当广阔的市场空间。1978年至2003年的25年间,河南省GDP年均增长都高于全国平均水平,全省经济总量多年来位居全国第5位,今年上半年,全省国内生产总值达3975.3亿元,同比增长13.9%,为1997年以来同期最高。  相似文献   

近几年,我省建筑业发展势头强劲,产业素质整体提高,为推动全省经济增长、转移农村富余劳动力、提高城镇化水平、带动相关产业发展作出了重要贡献,已逐步成为湖南经济的支柱产业。1998-2003年,全省建筑业实现增加值从176.6亿元发展到338.4亿元,年均增长12.1%,高于同期湖南省GDP增长速度3.2个百分点,占GDP比重从5.7%提高到7.3%,  相似文献   

为加快我省建筑业改革和发展,全面提高我省建筑业的整体素质和综合竞争力,实现我省建筑业的跨越式发展,提出如下意见:  相似文献   

随着西部大开发战略的实施,我省全社会固定资产投资力度不断加大,建筑业蓬勃发展。2000年到2003年我省国内生产总值、全社会固定资产投资额、建筑业增加值分别平均以13.96%,22.57%和23.82%的速度增长,建筑业增加值占我省国内生产总值的比重由2000年的12.69%增加到2003年的16.28%。建筑业的发展,  相似文献   

各县、市(区)人民政府,省政府各部门、各直属机构,各大企业,高等院校:为加快我省建筑业改革和发展,全面提高我省建筑业的整体素质和综合竞争力,实现我省建筑业的跨越式发展,提出如下意见:一、总体要求和目标任务(一)总体要求:以“三个代表”重要思想为指导,根据省委构建三条战略通道、实施项目带动、加快发展县域经济的战略部署,坚持以市场为导向,以企业为主体,以改革为动力,大胆探索,全面推进产权制度改革,放手发展民营建筑业企业,优化企业结构,提高我省建筑业的整体竞争力,实现我省建筑业跨越式快速发展。(二)目标任务…  相似文献   

经过近几年的努力,天津建筑业整体水平取得了长足进步,已经成为天津经济发展的支柱产业。2003全市实现建筑业总产值510亿元,同比2002年增长25%;实现建筑业增加值120亿元,同比增长24%,占全国市场生产总值比重5.1%,第一次超过房地产贡献率。预计2004年实现建筑业总产值640亿元,建筑业增加值150亿元,为我市国民经济持续高速增长做出了积极的贡献。归纳我市加快建筑业改革与发展主要做法有五方面:  相似文献   

一、存量规模与市场概况。(一)存量规模。建筑业是国民经济支柱产业。近十年来,我国建筑业总量一直稳步增长。从1992年到2002年,我国建筑业年平均利税增长速度为30%。特别是近几年,建筑业投资规模增长迅速。2000年~2003年间,全社会固定资产投资规模分别为.2000年,32900亿;2001年,37200亿;2002年,43500亿;2003年,55100亿,年均增幅超过11%。其中2002-2003年增幅达到26.7%。2004年上半年,尽管二季度调控力度加大,国内社会固定资产投资仍然增长了28.7%。  相似文献   

各市、州、县人民政府,省政府各部门:为深入贯彻落实党的十六大和十六届三中全会精神,充分发挥建筑业在全省经济发展中的支柱作用,加快推进建筑业的改革与发展,现提出如下意见:一、立足未来,明确加快建筑业发展的指导思想和目标任务(一)建筑业是全面建设小康社会的重要组成部分,对于促进我省经济和社会发展,吸纳农村剩余劳动力,加快推进城镇化建设,有着重要作用,是推动全省经济发展新的增长点。(二)建筑业发展的指导思想是:以邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想为指导,以市场为导向,加快体制创新,大力调整结构,推进科技进步…  相似文献   

2003年,我省完成全社会固定资产投资1180亿元,全省建筑业完成增加值260亿元,比2002年增长11%,占全省GDP的10.8%。建筑业从业人员达到110余万人,约占全社会从业人员的5.9%,吸纳农村富余劳动力达82万人,建筑业已成为我省的支柱产业之一。  相似文献   

各市、县人民政府,省各委、办、厅、局,省各直属单位:新世纪之初,是我省建筑业发展的关键时期。为了加快建筑业发展,促进结构调整,推进体制创新和科技创新,实现由建筑大省向建筑强省的转变,特提出如下意见:一、认清我省建筑业面临的新形势,明确目标和任务近年来,我省建筑业发展取得较大成绩。建筑队伍不断壮大,技术装备明显改善,企业改革逐步深化,市场开拓能力得到增强,创建了一批部、省级优质工程,在国内建筑市场赢得良好声誉,为全省经济和社会发展作出了积极的贡献。1999年,全省建筑业从业人员达到270万人,占社会劳动…  相似文献   

This paper reports the first results of a study of 11 isotope systems (3He/4He, 40Ar/36Ar, 34S/32S, 65Cu/63Cu, 62Ni/60Ni, 87Sr/86Sr, 143Nd/144Nd, 206–208Pb/204Pb, Hf–Nd, U–Pb, and Re–Os) in the rocks and ores of the Cu–Ni–PGE deposits of the Norilsk ore district. Almost all the results were obtained at the Center of Isotopic Research of the Karpinskii All-Russia Research Institute of Geology. The use of a number of independent genetic isotopic signatures and comprehensive isotopic knowledge provided a methodic basis for the interpretation of approximately 5000 isotopic analyses of various elements. The presence of materials from two sources, crust and mantle, was detected in the composition of the rocks and ores. The contribution of the crustal source is especially significant in the paleofluids (gas–liquid microinclusions) of the ore-forming medium. Crustal solutions were probably a transport medium during ore formation. Air argon is dominant in the ores, which indicates a connection between the paleofluids and the atmosphere. This suggests intense groundwater circulation during the crystallization of ore minerals. The age of the rocks and ores of the Norilsk deposits was determined. The stage of orebody formation is restricted to a narrow age interval of 250 ± 10 Ma. An isotopic criterion was proposed for the ore-bearing potential of mafic intrusions in the Norilsk–Taimyr region. It includes several interrelated isotopic ratios of various elements: He, Ar, S, and others.  相似文献   

最新的流行病学研究表明,空气中较高浓度的悬浮细颗粒可能对人类的健康有不利的影响。根据该项研究显示,由于心脏病、慢性呼吸问题和肺功能指标恶化而导致死亡率的升高与细尘粒子有关。这些研究结果已经促使欧盟于1999年4月出台了限制空气中二氧化硫、二氧化氮、氧化氮、铅和颗粒物含量的法案(1999/30/EC),对各项指标包括对可吸入PM10颗粒的浓度提出了新的限制性指标。PM10颗粒是指可以通过预分级器分离采集的气体动力学直径小于10μm的细颗粒。目前研究的兴趣重点逐步偏向PM2.5这些更细微颗粒物,PM2.5这种颗粒物对健康有明显的不利影响。在欧盟指令2008/50/EC中,对PM10和PM2.5都提  相似文献   

Komatiites are mantle-derived ultramafic volcanic rocks. Komatiites have been discovered in several States of India, notably in Karnataka. Studies on the distribution of trace-elements in the komatiites of India are very few. This paper proposes a simple, accurate, precise, rapid, and non-destructive wavelength-dispersive x-ray fluorescence (WDXRF) spectrometric technique for determining Sc, V, Cr, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Rb, Sr, Y, Zr, Nb, Ba, Pb, and Th in komatiites, and discusses the accuracy, precision, limits of detection, x-ray spectral-line interferences, inter-element effects, speed, advantages, and limitations of the technique. The accuracy of the technique is excellent (within 3%) for Sc, V, Cr, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Rb, Sr, Zr, Nb, Ba, Pb, and Th and very good (within 4%) for Y. The precision is also excellent (within 3%) for Sc, V, Cr, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Rb, Sr, Y, Zr, Nb, Ba, Pb, and Th. The limits of detection are: 1 ppm for Sc and V; 2 ppm for Cr, Co, and Ni; 3 ppm for Cu, Zn, Rb, and Sr; 4 ppm for Y and Zr; 6 ppm for Nb; 10 ppm for Ba; 13 ppm for Pb; and 14 ppm for Th. The time taken for determining Sc, V, Cr, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Rb, Sr, Y, Zr, Nb, Ba, Pb, and Th in a batch of 24 samples of komatiites, for a replication of four analyses per sample, by one operator, using a manual WDXRF spectrometer, is only 60 hours.  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》2001,16(2):137-159
Five hundred and ninety-eight samples of terrestrial moss (Hylocomium splendens and Pleurozium schreberi) collected from a 188,000 km2 area of the central Barents region (NE Norway, N Finland, NW Russia) were analysed by ICP-AES and ICP-MS. Analytical results for Al, B, Ba, Ca, K, La, Mg, Mn, Na, P, Rb, Si, Sr, Th, U and Y concentrations are reported here. Graphical methods of data analysis, such as geochemical maps, cumulative frequency diagrams, boxplots and scatterplots, are used to interpret the origin of the patterns for these elements. None of the elements reported here are emitted in significant amounts from the smelting industry on the Kola Peninsula. Despite the conventional view that moss chemistry reflects atmospheric element input, the nature of the underlying mineral substrate (regolith or bedrock) is found to have a considerable influence on moss composition for several elements. This influence of the chemistry of the mineral substrate can take place in a variety of ways. (1) It can be completely natural, reflecting the ability of higher plants to take up elements from deep soil horizons and shed them with litterfall onto the surface. (2) It can result from naturally increased soil dust input where vegetation is scarce due to harsh climatic conditions for instance. Alternatively, substrate influence can be enhanced by human activity, such as open-cast mining, creation of ‘technogenic deserts’, or handling, transport and storage of ore and ore products, all of which magnify the natural elemental flux from bedrock to ground vegetation. Seaspray is another natural process affecting moss composition in the area (Mg, Na), and this is most visible in the Norwegian part of the study area. Presence or absence of some plant species, e.g., lichens, seems to influence moss chemistry. This is shown by the low concentrations of B or K in moss on the Finnish and Norwegian side of the (fenced) border with Russia, contrasting with high concentrations on the other side (intensive reindeer husbandry west of the border has selectively depleted the lichen population).  相似文献   

This paper discusses the result of the detailed investigations carried out on the coal characteristics, including coal petrography and its geochemistry of the Pabedana region. A total of 16 samples were collected from four coal seams d2, d4, d5, and d6 of the Pabedana underground mine which is located in the central part of the Central-East Iranian Microcontinent. These samples were reduced to four samples through composite sampling of each seam and were analyzed for their petrographic, mineralogical, and geochemical compositions. Proximate analysis data of the Pabedana coals indicate no major variations in the moisture, ash, volatile matter, and fixed carbon contents in the coals of different seams. Based on sulfur content, the Pabedana coals may be classified as low-sulfur coals. The low-sulfur contents in the Pabedana coal and relatively low proportion of pyritic sulfur suggest a possible fresh water environment during the deposition of the peat of the Pabedana coal. X-ray diffraction and petrographic analyses indicate the presence of pyrite in coal samples. The Pabedana coals have been classified as a high volatile, bituminous coal in accordance with the vitrinite reflectance values (58.75–74.32 %) and other rank parameters (carbon, calorific value, and volatile matter content). The maceral analysis and reflectance study suggest that the coals in all the four seams are of good quality with low maceral matter association. Mineralogical investigations indicate that the inorganic fraction in the Pabedana coal samples is dominated by carbonates; thus, constituting the major inorganic fraction of the coal samples. Illite, kaolinite, muscovite, quartz, feldspar, apatite, and hematite occur as minor or trace phases. The variation in major elements content is relatively narrow between different coal seams. Elements Sc,, Zr, Ga, Ge, La, As, W, Ce, Sb, Nb, Th, Pb, Se, Tl, Bi, Hg, Re, Li, Zn, Mo, and Ba show varying negative correlation with ash yield. These elements possibly have an organic affinity and may be present as primary biological concentrations either with tissues in living condition and/or through sorption and formation of organometallic compounds.  相似文献   

The Kuskokwim River at Bethel, Alaska, drains a major mercury-antimony metallogenic province in its upper reaches and tributaries. Bethel (population 4000) is situated on the Kuskokwim floodplain and also draws its water supply from wells located in river-deposited sediment. A boring through overbank and floodplain sediment has provided material to establish a baseline datum for sediment-hosted heavy metals. Mercury (total), arsenic, antimony, and selenium contents were determined; aluminum was also determined and used as normalizing factor. The contents of the heavy metals were relatively constant with depth and do not reflect any potential enrichment from upstream contaminant sources.  相似文献   

《Chemical Geology》2007,236(1-2):13-26
We examined the coprecipitation behavior of Ti, Mo, Sn and Sb in Ca–Al–Mg fluorides under two different fluoride forming conditions: at < 70 °C in an ultrasonic bath (denoted as the ultrasonic method) and at 245 °C using a Teflon bomb (denoted as the bomb method). In the ultrasonic method, small amounts of Ti, Mo and Sn coprecipitation were observed with 100% Ca and 100% Mg fluorides. No coprecipitation of Ti, Mo, Sn and Sb in Ca–Al–Mg fluorides occurred when the sample was decomposed by the bomb method except for 100% Ca fluoride. Based on our coprecipitation observations, we have developed a simultaneous determination method for B, Ti, Zr, Nb, Mo, Sn, Sb, Hf and Ta by Q-pole type ICP-MS (ICP-QMS) and sector field type ICP-MS (ICP-SFMS). 9–50 mg of samples with Zr–Mo–Sn–Sb–Hf spikes were decomposed by HF using the bomb method and the ultrasonic method with B spike. The sample was then evaporated and re-dissolved into 0.5 mol l 1 HF, followed by the removal of fluorides by centrifuging. B, Zr, Mo, Sn, Sb and Hf were measured by ID method. Nb and Ta were measured by the ID-internal standardization method, based on Nb/Mo and Ta/Mo ratios using ICP-QMS, for which pseudo-FI was developed and applied. When 100% recovery yields of Zr and Hf are expected, Nb/Zr and Ta/Hf ratios may also be used. Ti was determined by the ID-internal standardization method, based on the Ti/Nb ratio from ICP-SFMS. Only 0.053 ml sample solution was required for measurement of all 9 elements. Dilution factors of ≤ 340 were aspirated without matrix effects. To demonstrate the applicability of our method, 4 carbonaceous chondrites (Ivuna, Orgueil, Cold Bokkeveld and Allende) as well as GSJ and USGS silicate reference materials of basalts, andesites and peridotites were analyzed. Our analytical results are consistent with previous studies, and the mean reproducibility of each element is 1.0–4.6% for basalts and andesites, and 6.7–11% for peridotites except for TiO2.  相似文献   

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