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黄维东 《水文》2019,39(6):27-33
选取甘肃省境内11个典型小流域的水文站实测资料,在分析资料可靠性、一致性、代表性及暴雨洪水特性的基础上,综合利用水文学、数理统计学等理论和方法,建立了小流域最大暴雨量-暴雨历时关系模型、最大洪峰流量-流域特征关系模型。结果表明:各时段最大暴雨量较大值主要分布在泾河流域和嘉陵江流域东南部,较小值主要分布在渭河流域、洮河流域、嘉陵江流域的北峪河;绘制了各代表站最大暴雨量-暴雨历时关系曲线,嘉陵江流域以90min为转折点,其他流域均以180min为转折点,小于转折点时,暴雨量随暴雨历时增长而急剧增加,大于转折点后,变化趋于平缓稳定。重点选取危害较大、难以防范的330场次短历时暴雨洪水,建立各小流域暴雨洪水概化模型,短历时洪水发生时间很短,洪水起涨时间约2~5h,洪峰出现时间约5~7h。研究典型小流域水文要素变化规律,分析局地短历时暴雨洪水特性,并模拟其变化过程,对区域抗旱防汛减灾、水资源管理、小流域治理及生态环境保护具有重要意义。  相似文献   

为探究西江流域暴雨洪水发生规律,根据1994、1998、2005和2008年四场灾害性暴雨洪水实测资料,对暴雨洪水过程进行分析。通过计算暴雨时间、空间变差系数、相对中心和洪水集中度等特征指标定量分析暴雨洪水特性,结合洪水组合和遭遇情况分析洪水成因。分析结果表明:四场暴雨雨量分布不均,降雨历时均大于10d,且暴雨相对中心值呈减小趋势,暴雨中心沿河流流向移动易导致灾害性洪水。1998和2005年两场100年一遇洪水均为全流域大量级洪水遭遇导致。两场暴雨均有雨量大、时间变差系数V_t值小,时间分布均匀和雨峰系数C_p值大,主雨峰峰现时间迟的特点;暴雨中心均有向下游转移的趋势,空间变差系数V_p值均趋于增加,空间分布趋于集中。研究结果可为西江流域的水库群联合防洪调度提供科学依据。  相似文献   

以滇东典型小流域——罗平县板桥小流域为例,进行滇东山区小流域山洪风险评估的实证研究,提出滇东小流域山洪灾害风险评估方法,得到结论如下:(1)首先采用曼宁公式推求设计洪水位;再次基于DEM利用地理信息技术进行洪水的淹没范围分析;最后根据淹没范围,统计不同危险区内的人口和建筑等的分布情况,从而进行洪灾损失评估。(2)根据对小流域暴雨洪水的计算,采用水文比拟法推算出板桥小流域范围内10个重要河段控制断面的设计洪峰流量,然后再采用曼宁公式进行洪峰水位推求,其中有8个现状防洪能力不能抵抗10a一遇的洪水,现状防洪能力较低。因此板桥小流域范围内重点沿河村落的防洪能力亟待提高。  相似文献   

华东地区特小流域洪水参数研究   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5  
特小流域雨洪特性及参数变化规律,与一般中小流域不同,本文根据特小流域雨洪特性,应用推理公式的基本理论,分析了华东地区95个测站845场次洪水,并参考应用了其它省的43个测站200余场次洪水分析资料,着重研究和总结特小流域资料处理的原则、方法;探讨特小流域的雨洪特性;洪水参数的变化规律。根据华东地区流域下垫面类型,采用了按下垫面分类的办法,将各流域的洪水参数分成五类。在第二类中又分成三个型,分别建立了各种类型洪水参数m的计算公式,可供华东地区流域面积F<30km~2(特别是F<10km~2)的工程推求设计洪水使用。同时选择有代表性的22个流域进行了实地查勘、对比分析,对流域下垫面的分类作了充分的有效的论证,并提供可供野外查勘对照确定流域下垫面类型的影集。为了提高研究成果的实用性和科学性,采用实际流域、工程设计的资料对参数综合成果进行了检验和工程经济效益的分析。  相似文献   

淮河流域近500年洪旱事件演变特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了认识淮河流域过去500年洪旱事件发生规律并鉴别当前的洪旱情势,收集并对比分析了流域实测降雨资料、重建历史雨季降雨资料、历史旱涝等级资料、历史洪旱文献记录和历史调查洪水资料等多源洪旱灾害数据。以重建历史雨季降雨资料和历史旱涝等级资料为主要依据,通过滑动平均、频率计算、小波分析和突变检验等方法,分析流域过去500年洪水干旱时空分布特征和演变规律。结果表明,17世纪淮河流域洪旱灾害最严重,但20世纪极端洪旱事件发生频次最多。淮河流域洪旱事件存在40年左右的稳定长周期,主周期从18世纪的15~20年逐渐减少到19世纪的5年周期,近20年来出现2~3年的主周期,洪旱灾害事件呈增加趋势,流域社会经济发展面临着严峻的洪旱灾害威胁。  相似文献   

赵兰兰  朱冰  唐俊龙 《水文》2017,37(4):24-28
拒马河水系为海河流域防洪重点区域,预报难度大,精度要求高。根据海河流域拒马河水系历史水文资料,分别采用新安江模型、增加超渗的新安江模型、河北雨洪模型和人工神经网络模型,对1956年、1963年和2012年暴雨洪水进行预报对比分析,研究结果表明:4种模型均可应用于暴雨强度大、降雨历时长的历史洪水模拟,洪峰流量模拟相对误差均小于20%,尤以人工神经网络模型模拟精度最高,4种模型在干旱半干旱地区均具有推广应用价值。  相似文献   

沈天元  马细霞  郭良  张李川 《水文》2018,38(6):37-41
临界雨量是山洪灾害预警的重要指标,为分析小流域雨型对临界雨量的影响,首先对流域降雨过程按照雨峰出现位置的不同进行归类和划分,定性分析流域常出现的各种典型雨型;在此基础上,采用PilgrimCordery法定量确定流域各种典型雨型的时程分配,并通过试算法计算其相应的临界雨量;利用流域近期发生的成灾洪水,采用临界雨量偏离度指标进一步分析论证雨型对临界雨量的影响。以河南省新县裴河典型小流域为实例进行应用研究,结果表明:设计雨型不能完全代表该流域的降雨类型,其属于雨峰偏后式雨型,由此确定的临界雨量与该流域常出现的雨峰偏前式雨型临界雨量相差33%,与多峰雨型临界雨量差异较大,相差43%。实时预警时,根据实时雨型类型,采用相应的临界雨量,可以提高山洪灾害预警预报水平。  相似文献   

赵小伟  李永坤  杨忠山  臧敏  付春梅 《水文》2022,42(3):1-7+13
随着极端性强降雨的持续高发,超大型城市洪涝灾害防御难度不断增大,给流域防汛调度带来极大考验。以北京北运河流域为例,选取近10年中4场典型暴雨水文监测数据,应用数理统计、知识图谱方法,通过分析降雨移动路径,统计积水致灾阈值,核算降雨产流系数,演算洪水传播时间,对比分析洪涝演变规律与调度模式。分析结果表明,在北京城区各水文站控制流域内不透水比例~径流系数~洪峰模数、最大1 h雨强~洪峰呈现明显正相关关系,洪水速度~涨洪时间成反比例关系;当局地雨强超过30 mm/h,该区域将出现严重内涝。城区分洪和北运河干流洪峰错峰是北京防汛指挥调度的关键。研究成果可为超大型城市洪涝灾害系统化防御提供重要参考。  相似文献   

以陕西省南部某水利工程为例,采用推理公式法在无资料地区小流域洪水计算中具有重要的意义。采用推理公式法计算特小流域设计洪水,通过流域汇流历时与河长、比降以及洪峰的相关关系推求洪峰,得到其频率P=5%洪峰流量115 m3/s,P=0.5%洪峰流量186 m3/s。为无货料地区小流域设计洪水的推求提供了思路。  相似文献   

李军 《地下水》2023,(6):219-220
2021年7月11日新疆头屯河石灰沟流域较大暴雨洪水,为研究本次暴雨洪水特征,以暴雨洪水发生前后的水文资料为基础,对“7.11”洪水进行调查分析,在确定洪水痕迹、实际断面测量及糙率选用基础上,进行洪峰流量的计算,结果可知:调查河段顺直且坡度均匀,河床组成为砂粒石及粘土,河段左、右岸为自然斜坡植被较差。河段内各处洪痕比较容易辨认,可比较准确确认洪水水面线位置,河段平均糙率n可取值0.030,计算得出头屯河石灰沟断面洪峰流量为43.2 m3/s。洪水调查河段总体顺值、河床稳定、洪痕可靠、调查成果可靠。分析结论为该流域防洪减灾,洪水预测预报等提供一定的依据。  相似文献   

Flash flood disaster is a prominent issue threatening public safety and social development throughout the world, especially in mountainous regions. Rainfall threshold is a widely accepted alternative to hydrological forecasting for flash flood warning due to the short response time and limited observations of flash flood events. However, determination of rainfall threshold is still very complicated due to multiple impact factors, particular for antecedent soil moisture and rainfall patterns. In this study, hydrological simulation approach (i.e., China Flash Flood-Hydrological Modeling System: CNFF-HMS) was adopted to capture the flash flood processes. Multiple scenarios were further designed with consideration of antecedent soil moisture and rainfall temporal patterns to determine the possible assemble of rainfall thresholds by driving the CNFF-HMS. Moreover, their effects on rainfall thresholds were investigated. Three mountainous catchments (Zhong, Balisi and Yu villages) in southern China were selected for case study. Results showed that the model performance of CNFF-HMS was very satisfactory for flash flood simulations in all these catchments, especially for multimodal flood events. Specifically, the relative errors of runoff and peak flow were within?±?20%, the error of time to peak flow was within?±?2 h and the Nash–Sutcliffe efficiency was greater than 0.90 for over 90% of the flash flood events. The rainfall thresholds varied between 93 and 334 mm at Zhong village, between 77 and 246 mm at Balisi village and between 111 and 420 mm at Yu village. Both antecedent soil moistures and rainfall temporal pattern significantly affected the variations of rainfall threshold. Rainfall threshold decreased by 8–38 and 0–42% as soil saturation increased from 0.20 to 0.50 and from 0.20 to 0.80, respectively. The effect of rainfall threshold was the minimum for the decreasing hyetograph (advanced pattern) and the maximum for the increasing hyetograph (delayed pattern), while it was similar for the design hyetograph and triangular hyetograph (intermediate patterns). Moreover, rainfall thresholds with short time spans were more suitable for early flood warning, especially in small rural catchments with humid climatic characteristics. This study was expected to provide insights into flash flood disaster forecasting and early warning in mountainous regions, and scientific references for the implementation of flash flood disaster prevention in China.  相似文献   

The Mediterranean coastal region is prone to high-intensity rainfall events that are frequently associated with devastating flash floods. This paper discusses the role of a karst aquifer system in the flash floods of a Mediterranean river, the Lez river. Most of the Lez river watershed is located on karst terrains where interactions between surface water and groundwater take place. During extreme rainfall events, the presence of fractures and well-developed karst features in carbonate terrains enhances the infiltration processes and involves the concentration of the recharge into highly organized and permeable flow paths. The groundwater, therefore, quickly moves towards the natural outlets of the karst system. The influence of the Lez karst aquifer system on the associated river floods dynamics is analysed while considering the spatially distributed rainfall, as well as the time series of the groundwater level within the aquifer and of the Lez river discharge measured at various gauging stations. Special attention is given to the relative importance of the surface and underground processes involved in flash flood genesis. It is shown that the karst groundwater contributes to flash floods under certain conditions, while high-rate pumping within the karst aquifer, which generates significant drawdown, may mitigate flash floods under other conditions.  相似文献   

Basins across Mediterranean coast are often subject to rapid inundation phenomena caused by intense rainfall events. In this flash flooding regime, common practices for risk mitigation involve hydraulic modeling, geomorphic, and hydrologic analysis. However, apart from examining the intrinsic characteristics of a basin, realistic flood hazard assessment requires good understanding of the role of climatic forcing. In this work, peak rainfall intensities, total storm accumulation, average intensity, and antecedent moisture conditions of the 52 most important storms in record, during the period from 1993 to 2008, in northeast Attica, in Greece, are examined to investigate whether there is a correlation between specific rainfall conditions and flood triggering in the area. For this purpose, precipitation data from a network of five rain gauges installed across the study area were collected and analyzed. Storms totals, average intensity, antecedent moisture conditions, and peak intensities variations were calculated and compared with local flooding history. Results showed that among these rainfall measures, only peak storm intensity presents a significant correlation with flood triggering, and a rainfall threshold above which flooding becomes highly probable can be defined.  相似文献   

This paper illustrates the development of flood hazard and risk maps in Greater Dhaka of Bangladesh using geoinformatics. Multi-temporal RADARSAT SAR and GIS data were employed to delineate flood hazard and risk areas for the 1998 historical flood. Flood-affected frequency and flood depth were estimated from multi-date SAR data and considered as hydrologic parameters for the evaluation of flood hazard. Using land-cover, gemorphic units and elevation data as thematic components, flood hazard maps were created by considering the interactive effect of flood frequency and flood water depth concurrently. Analysis revealed that a major portion of Greater Dhaka was exposed to high to very high hazard zones while a smaller portion (2.72%) was free from the potential flood hazard. Flood risk map according to administrative division showed that 75.35% of Greater Dhaka was within medium to very high risk areas of which 53.39% of areas are believed to be fully urbanized by the year 2010.  相似文献   

Assessing flash flood hazard in an arid mountainous region   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Although flash floods are one of the major natural disasters that may hamper human development in arid areas, aspects of the process leading to their initiation remain uncertain and poorly understood. In the present study, wadi El-Alam Basin, one of the major basins in the Eastern Desert of Egypt that is frequently subjected to severe flash flood damage, is selected for investigation. Here, a hydrological modeling approach was used to predict flash flood hazard within the basin. Earlier work conducted for the same basin showed that such approach is successful and was able to accurately highlight the locations of historical flood damage. However, such work was based on one set of arbitrary model parameters. The present study has taking into account the rainfall as the excitation factor in the adopted hydrological modeling. The study aims to build on the earlier study by investigating impacts of variation of rainfall depth, areal coverage, and location on flash flood generation. Results demonstrate that the basin under study requires a rainstorm intensity of at least 40 mm in order to initiate surface runoff with a noticeable flood peak at its main outlet. The location of rainstorm has a major effect on the shape of the basin final hydrograph. Furthermore, in the study basin, the upstream flood appears to be of a magnitude and a peak flow that is much higher than those for downstream ones, which believes to be strongly attributed to the surface steepness and impermeability of the former. The used approach shows to be useful in the rapid assessing of flash flood hazard in mountainous desert and could be adopted, with appropriate modifications, elsewhere in arid regions.  相似文献   

Yang  Song-Yue  Chang  Che-Hao  Hsu  Chih-Tsung  Wu  Shiang-Jen 《Natural Hazards》2022,111(3):2297-2315

Coupled 1D–2D hydrodynamic models are widely utilized in flood hazard mapping. Previous studies adopted conceptual hydrological models or 1D hydrodynamic models to evaluate the impact of drainage density on river flow. However, the drainage density affects not only river flow, but also the flooded area and location. Therefore, this work adopts the 1D–2D model SOBEK to investigate the impact of drainage density on river flow. The uncertainty of drainage density in flood hazard mapping is assessed by a designed case and a real case, Yanshuixi Drainage in Tainan, Taiwan. Analytical results indicate that under the same return period rainfall, reduction in tributary drainages in a model (indicating a lower drainage density) results in an underestimate of the flooded area in tributary drainages. This underestimate causes higher peak discharges and total volume of discharges in the drainages, leading to flooding in certain downstream reaches, thereby overestimating the flooded area. The uncertainty of drainage density decreases with increased rainfall. We suggest that modeling flood hazard mapping with low return period rainfalls requires tributary drainages. For extreme rainfall events, a lower drainage density could be selected, but the drainage density of local key areas should be raised.


Flash flood forecasting of catchment systems is one of the challenges especially in the arid ungauged basins. This study is attempted to estimate the relationship between rainfall and runoff and also to provide flash flood hazard warnings for ungauged basins based on the hydrological characteristics using geographic information system (GIS). Morphometric characteristics of drainage basins provide a means for describing the hydrological behavior of a basin. The study examined the morphometric parameters of Wadi Rabigh with emphasis on its implication for hydrologic processes through the integration analysis between morphometric parameters and GIS techniques. Data for this study were obtained from ASTER data for digital elevation model (DEM) with 30-m resolution, topographic map (1:50,000), and geological maps (1,250,000) which were subject to field confirmation. About 36 morphometric parameters were measured and calculated, and interlinked to produce nine effective parameters for the evaluation of the flash flood hazard degree of the study area. Based on nine effective morphometric parameters that directly influence on the hydrologic behavior of the Wadi through time of concentration, the flash flood hazard of the Rabigh basin and its subbasins was identified and classified into three groups (High, medium, and low hazard degree). The present work proved that the physiographic features of drainage basin contribute to the possibility of a flash flood hazard evaluation for any particular drainage area. The study provides details on the flash flood prone subbasins and the mitigation measures. This study also helps to plan rainwater harvesting and watershed management in the flash flood alert zones. Based on two historical data events of rainfall and the corresponding maximum flow rate, morphometric parameters and Stormwater Management and Design Aid software (SMADA 6), it could be to generate the hydrograph of Wadi Rabigh basin. As a result of the model applied to Wadi Rabigh basin, a rainfall event of a total of 22 mm with a duration of 5 h at the station nearby the study area, which has an exceedance probability of 50 % and return period around 2 years, produces a discharge volume of 15.2?×?106 m3 at the delta, outlet of the basin, as 12.5 mm of the rainfall infiltrates (recharge).  相似文献   

Basin morphometric parameters play an important role in hydrological processes, as they largely control a catchment’s hydrologic response. Their analysis becomes even more significant when studying runoff reaction to intense rainfall, especially in the case of ungauged, flash flood prone basins. Unit hydrographs are one of the useful tools for estimating runoff when instrumental data are inadequate. In this work, instantaneous unit hydrographs based on the time-area method have been compiled along the drainage networks of two small rural catchments in Greece, situated approximately 25 km northeast of its capital, Athens. The two catchments drained by ephemeral torrents, namely Rapentosa and Charadros, have been subject to flash flooding during the last decades, which caused extensive damages at the local small towns of Marathon and Vranas. Hydrograph compilation in numerous locations along the catchments’ drainage networks directly reflected the runoff conditions across each basin against a given rainfall. This gave a holistic assessment of their hydrologic response, allowing the detection of areas where peak flow rates were elevated and therefore, there was higher flood potential. The resulting flood hazard zonation showed good correlation with locations of damages induced by past flood events, indicating that the method can successfully predict flood hazard spatial distribution. The whole methodology was based on geographic information software due to its excellent capabilities on storing and processing spatial data.  相似文献   

Flood hazard in Hungary: a re-assessment   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Some decades ago the concept of flood hazard in the Carpathian Basin was interpreted solely as riverine flood hazard, mostly restricted to the Tisza and Danube Rivers, and was closely associated with the impacts of river flow regulation in the second half of the 19th century. Recent assessments, however, allow us to outline a more diverse picture. Climate change is predicted to bring about both an increase in the frequency of droughts and excessive rainfall events, resulting in irregulaties in the water regimes of rivers in Hungary. Excess water hazard from raised groundwater levels is found to affect much larger areas than previously thought. Recent strongly localized cloudbursts, point to the increasing significance of flash floods.Riverine flooding and excess water hazard are more common in lowlands, whereas flash flood hazards are primarily, but not exclusively, affect the mountainous and hilly regions of the country. This paper intends to assess the relative importance of the three types of inundation hazard analyzed and to illustrate their overall spatial occurrences by microregions on a map series.  相似文献   

T. Mahdi 《Natural Hazards》2007,42(1):225-236
The direct consequences of exceptional floods are usually considered to be limited to the maximum flooding zone created downstream. However, considering the magnitude of the flows, the morphology of the flooded zone could undergo deep changes. To predict the hazard zone on a river undergoing exceptional flooding, numerical simulations are widely used. In this article, the simulation of the evolution of river reaches resulting from such catastrophic events is performed by coupling the hydraulic and sediment transport numerical model GSTARS with a developed slope stability model based on the Bishop’s simplified method. This is a novel methodology for the delimitation of hazard zones along riverbanks by taking into consideration not only the flood risks but also the possible induced landslides. Indeed, each section of the river reach is subject to changes caused by the river hydraulics and the associated erosion or sediment deposition and also undergoes profile changes caused by possible landslides. The initial hydraulic and geotechnical characteristics are first defined and then used to test the stability of several slopes of representative sections of the river reaches before the dam break. Validation tests are performed on specific reaches of the Outaouais River (Quebec) undergoing a dam break flood.  相似文献   

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