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西南"三江"特提斯构造域是中国大陆地质复杂演化的典型缩影,是全球特提斯构造在中国的重要发育区。它经历了晚古生代—中生代特提斯构造演化和新生代大陆碰撞造山的叠加转换,发生了多幕式的大规模成矿作用和巨量规模的金属聚积,形成了若干大型-超大型矿床,成为中国最重要的有色金属矿产富集区之一。  相似文献   

厄尔尼诺的三个调控器   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在地球系统中,气候和构造活动是相互影响的.气候变化引起地表大规模的物质运动,是长期被忽视的构造运动的动力之一.构造运动改变了陆海分布的类型,又会引起全球气候类型的强烈变化.德雷克通道和环南极海冰的全球气候冷暖开关作用是最典型的事例.环南极海冰的扩大压迫南大洋的西风漂流和赤道辐合带北移,加强三大寒流,引发拉尼娜冷事件.  相似文献   

新生代以来,全球气候在持续不断的变冷,从两极无冰的"温室地球"变为现今两极终年有冰的"冰室地球",经历了多次冰盖扩张的变冷事件。始新世-渐新世界线(E/O)附近,δ18O值大幅度正偏,在短期内由 1.2‰迅速增加到 3.0‰,底层海水温度从12 ℃降低为 4.5 ℃。保存在大洋和大陆中的记录表明:E/O界线附近,全球气温大幅降低,海陆生物均有不同程度的灭绝,指示了气候变冷、变干的趋势。始新世-渐新世转换期间,南极洲与澳大利亚之间的塔斯曼尼亚海道和南极洲与南美洲之间的德雷克海峡(DrakeStrait)相继打开,形成环南极洋流,从而阻止赤道地区的热量向南极传送,导致南极大陆"热隔绝",使南极大陆东部为冰川所覆盖。最近的研究显示,E/O事件是与大气CO2含量快速变化密切相关的瞬时气候变化,其变化速率类似于现今地球由于人类活动引起大气CO2的变化,表明大气CO2浓度的变化在这一事件中起了极为重要的作用。  相似文献   

<正>新生代时期,中国大陆在东部滨太平洋构造域和西部特提斯构造域的共同作用下,改造了中生代早期的构造,发生了地形倒转以及地貌系统巨变。青藏高原隆升扩展的深远影响几乎涉及到了地球系统科学的所有领域,对中国大陆构造地貌格局、盆地形成、河湖系统演化、气候系统、生态系统都产生了巨大的控制作用。因此,深入开展中国大陆新生代地质与环境研究,  相似文献   

塔里木盆地是亚洲大陆腹地独特的巨型地质地貌单元,是研究新生代地球系统的天然实验室。新生代以来,它经历 了古近纪海湾、新近纪湖泊-三角洲平原、河流-湖泊-沙漠、沙漠-河流的地质演化过程,古地理格局变化的主要因素 是远程碰撞造山作用,造成盆地的封闭、气候干旱。古近纪以来,海湾盆地西低东高,构造挤压造成周缘山脉隆升和盆地 逐渐封闭,这是盆地演化最主要的动力因素。新近纪南高北低,随着青藏高原隆升,周围山脉持续隆升,早先形成的河湖 等地质地貌单元不断被周边山脉所封闭,形成塔里木盆地,发育大湖泊。第四纪以来,盆地西高东低,经历了最快速的地 球系统演化,形成中国较大的内流水系以及最大沙漠。内、外动力的耦合作用及其相互作用,控制了塔里木盆地新生代地 球系统演化,塔里木盆地周缘新构造活跃,在巨型盆地内发育了河流、湖泊、沙漠、戈壁、雅丹、干盐湖等多种第四纪的 地貌类型。不同地质因素时空上相互作用,塑造着巨型盆地地球系统演化,塔里木盆地展示了极干旱地区地球系统第四纪 快速的演化过程。  相似文献   

塔里木盆地是亚洲大陆腹地独特的巨型地质地貌单元,是研究新生代地球系统的天然实验室。新生代以来,它经历 了古近纪海湾、新近纪湖泊—三角洲平原、河流—湖泊—沙漠、沙漠—河流的地质演化过程,古地理格局变化的主要因素 是远程碰撞造山作用,造成盆地的封闭、气候干旱。古近纪以来,海湾盆地西低东高,构造挤压造成周缘山脉隆升和盆地 逐渐封闭,这是盆地演化最主要的动力因素。新近纪南高北低,随着青藏高原隆升,周围山脉持续隆升,早先形成的河湖 等地质地貌单元不断被周边山脉所封闭,形成塔里木盆地,发育大湖泊。第四纪以来,盆地西高东低,经历了最快速的地 球系统演化,形成中国较大的内流水系以及最大沙漠。内、外动力的耦合作用及其相互作用,控制了塔里木盆地新生代地 球系统演化,塔里木盆地周缘新构造活跃,在巨型盆地内发育了河流、湖泊、沙漠、戈壁、雅丹、干盐湖等多种第四纪的 地貌类型。不同地质因素时空上相互作用,塑造着巨型盆地地球系统演化,塔里木盆地展示了极干旱地区地球系统第四纪 快速的演化过程。  相似文献   

辽河盆地新生代构造演化模式   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
辽河盆地新生代火山岩的分布规律和岩石学特征表明:辽河盆地新生代的构造环境的为大陆裂谷。地壳深部资料显示了辽河地区存在上地幔隆起,它控制了浅部构造的发育。而辽河盆地新生代断裂构造组合,反演出辽河盆地新生代4期的构造应力作用方式。为此,笔者将造山和成盆作用纳入统一的动力学机制,提出了辽河盆地新生代构造演化的动力学模式。  相似文献   

通过介绍J.P.Kennett为代表的“洋流说”阐述了大洋钻探25年来约10个航次研究所揭示的南极地区显生宙晚期气候演变的历史。晚白垩世时南极地区和全球一样暖和无冰,末期变冷,古新世开始后不久又转暖,早始新世-中始新世早期达顶峰,以后变冷。渐新世为主要冷却期,南极东部形成冰盖,中,晚中新世为另一重要冷却期,南极西部以至全部南极在中新世晚期-上新世早期最终形成稳定冰盖。德雷克海峡打开,环南极洋流(A  相似文献   

青藏高原的隆起和西太平洋边缘海的形成是亚洲中新生代地质发展史上的重大事件,它们构成地球上一对独特的构造格局。而亚洲大陆边缘是全球独特的复合型大陆边缘,位于欧亚、太平洋和印度-澳大利亚三大板块的汇聚、碰撞边界,西部的青藏高原经历了强烈隆起,东部的西太平洋边缘汇集了全球75%的边缘海。亚洲大陆边缘北起北冰洋的拉普捷夫海、东西伯利亚海、楚科奇海,东部包括太平洋的白令海、鄂霍次克海、日本海、东海(及渤、黄海)和南海,西南部涵盖印度洋的安达曼海、孟加拉湾和阿拉伯海。近10年来,我们基于广泛的国际合作对上述海区进行了初步的沉积地质学调查研究,形成了亚洲大陆边缘"源-汇"过程国际合作研究计划。青藏高原的隆升营造了世界上最大的地球表层"源-汇"体系,大量的陆源物质从亚洲大陆输送到边缘海,进而进入太平洋和印度洋,不仅仅在大陆边缘形成了重要的沉积体系,蕴育大量油气和矿产资源,也显著影响全球海洋物质组成。亚洲大陆边缘具有宽广陆架和边缘海系统,世界性的大陆河流和山地河流并存,气候梯度系统独特,陆海相互作用强烈。因青藏高原的存在,西伯利亚高压、西风急流、亚洲季风等与西太平洋暖池和边界流的相互作用变得异常复杂,控制了亚洲大陆边缘的气候变化,降水、干旱及灾害频率都受其影响。同时,亚洲大陆边缘发育有强大的西部边界流,将海洋中的热量和水汽通过大气传向陆地、从低纬输送到高纬,对亚洲东部的气候、降水和生态环境产生影响,最终影响到陆源物质向海的输运。亚洲大陆边缘区域内以河流为杻带的源-汇系统贡献了全球约2/3的入海物质,这些巨量入海物质对边缘海和全球大洋沉积作用、生物地球化学过程和海洋生态环境等都产生了巨大影响。特别是边缘海作为陆源物质的主要沉积汇,在不同海区发育发育了巨大的浅水三角洲、宽阔陆架沉积体和深水扇沉积体系。它们不仅直接记录了陆源物质入海的源-汇系统过程,也是研究新生代亚洲大陆构造隆升、风化剥蚀、季风演化与大河发育历史的理想载体。本研究计划下一步将选择亚洲大陆边缘的典型地区,通过广泛深入的国际合作,研究亚洲大陆边缘层序地层及沉积体系、大型河流和山地河流对海洋沉积作用的贡献与影响,阐明"源-汇"扩散系统的发育过程及机制,系统对比研究亚洲若干大河与山地河流入海物质的源-汇过程。通过边缘海及其邻近大洋的沉积记录,旨在揭示:1)构造尺度上的新生代亚洲地质形变造成的水系调整和大陆边缘沉积充填历史。2)第四纪冰期旋回的海陆相互作用和源汇过程,及其对海洋环境变化的沉积响应。3)近现代自然变化和人类活动双重因素驱动下的陆源物质源-汇过程与沉积地层形成机制。4)亚洲大陆边缘源-汇系统演化在全球变化研究中的特色与启示。  相似文献   

中、新生代全球尺度地质过程及其对自然环境的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中、新生代是地球岩石圈经历重大构造演化 ,最终形成现今地球面貌的时代。研究对中、新生代全球级环境变化有重大影响的地质作用过程 ,对从整体上把握和理解环境演变的规律和原因 ,最终实现对环境变化的预测有重要意义。中生代开始不久 ,位于赤道附近的联合古陆便解体分裂 ,全球大陆和大洋逐渐演变成现今的分布格局。与此相伴 ,地球的地形、地貌也发生了重大变化。中生代造山运动造就的山脉和其后由构造隆升形成的高原 ,也是影响全球气候的主要因素之一。中、新生代的多次大规模火山活动 ,造成气候、环境的快速变化 ,甚至导致大规模生物灭绝。在中白垩世期间 ,发生了一系列全球规模的构造运动现象 ,它们与地球深部的超地幔柱有关。文中也通过天体撞击作用探讨了地外因素对地球环境和生命演化的影响。  相似文献   

The evolution of the Northern Hemisphere oceanic gateways has facilitated ocean circulation changes and may have influenced climatic variations in the Cenozoic time (66 Ma–0 Ma). However, the timing of these oceanic gateway events is poorly constrained and is often neglected in global paleobathymetric reconstructions. We have therefore re-evaluated the evolution of the Northern hemisphere oceanic gateways (i.e. the Fram Strait, Greenland–Scotland Ridge, the Central American Seaway, and the Tethys Seaway) and embedded their tectonic histories in a new global paleobathymetry and topography model for the Cenozoic time. Our new paleobathymetry model incorporates Northeast Atlantic paleobathymetric variations due to Iceland mantle plume activity, updated regional plate kinematics, and models for the oceanic lithospheric age, sediment thickness, and reconstructed oceanic plateaus and microcontinents. We also provide a global paleotopography model based on new and previously published regional models. In particular, the new model documents important bathymetric changes in the Northeast Atlantic and in the Tethys Seaway near the Eocene–Oligocene transition (~34 Ma), the time of the first glaciations of Antarctica, believed to be triggered by the opening of the Southern Ocean gateways (i.e. the Drake Passage and the Tasman Gateway) and subsequent Antarctic Circumpolar Current initiation. Our new model can be used to test whether the Northern Hemisphere gateways could have also played an important role modulating ocean circulation and climate at that time. In addition, we provide a set of realistic global bathymetric and topographic reconstructions for the Cenozoic time at one million-year interval for further use in paleo-ocean circulation and climate models.  相似文献   

The spatiotemporal variability of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) structure in the upper 100–800 m layer is analyzed at two sections in the Drake Passage. The existence of the Subantarctic and Polar Current superjets, formed due to the confluence of a few jets together, is confirmed. Peak eddy activity at the periphery of all the ACC jets is revealed, which demonstates intensive meridional eddy exchange of properties across the Passage. The ACC jets are strongly coherent in the vertical direction. The ACC upper layer transport intensifies over bottom relief rises because of jet acceleration during their crossing.  相似文献   

全球范围内已确认的新生代陨击天文事件有8次,根据陨击直接证据或板块构造演化等推测的陨击事件至少还有3次,这些陨击天文事件都对应了新生代不同程度的气候变化。新生代全球气候变化的触发因素主要包括陨击天文事件、地球轨道参数变化、CO2浓度降低和全球碳循环变化、海洋及大气系统大量甲烷水合物释放、洋流变化及全球规模的构造运动(如构造隆升、超地幔柱、大规模火山活动)等,陨击天文事件是全球气候变化最主要的触发因素。  相似文献   

全球中、新生代大地构造编图是全球构造理论研究的基础和切入点,本文介绍了该图编制思路与方法、数据来源和大地构造区划,并以地球圈层构造为主线,讨论了全球中生代以来水平构造和全球垂向圈层之间的衔接关系,认为大洋中脊和环太平洋边缘俯冲带通过印度洋、北冰洋、特提斯构造域以及南极洲板块发生构造衔接和转换。南极洲板块周缘被洋中脊环绕,并衔接了全球洋中脊在地球南部的离散运动。结合构造赤道理论,分析了全球不同构造背景下的构造单元之间的关系,认为构造赤道是中生代以来全球构造体制大规模调整的产物。在此基础上,从泛大陆裂解,洋陆关系的角度探讨了中、新生代的全球构造演化。  相似文献   

The common elements and differences of the neighboring Austral (Magallanes), Malvinas and South Malvinas (South Falkland) sedimentary basins are described and analyzed. The tectonic history of these basins involves Triassic to Jurassic crustal stretching, an ensuing Early Cretaceous thermal subsidence in the retroarc, followed by a Late Cretaceous–Paleogene compressional phase, and a Neogene to present-day deactivation of the fold–thrust belt dominated by wrench deformation. A concomitant Late Cretaceous onset of the foreland phase in the three basins and an integrated history during the Late Cretaceous–Cenozoic are proposed. The main lower Paleocene–lower Eocene initial foredeep depocenters were bounding the basement domain and are now deformed into the thin-skinned fold–thrust belts. A few extensional depocenters developed in the Austral and Malvinas basins during late Paleocene–early Eocene times due to a temporary extensional regime resulting from an acceleration in the separation rate between South America and Antarctica preceding the initial opening of the Drake Passage. These extensional depocenters were superimposed to the previous distal foredeep depocenter, postdating the initiation of the foredeep phase and the onset of compressional deformation. Another pervasive set of normal faults of Paleocene to Recent age that can be recognized throughout the basins are interpreted to be a consequence of flexural bending of the lithosphere, in agreement with a previous study from South Malvinas basin. Contractional deformation was replaced by transpressive kinematics during the Oligocene due to a major tectonic plate reorganization. Presently, while the South Malvinas basin is dominated by the transpressive uplift of its active margin with minor sediment supply, the westward basins undergo localized development of pull-apart depocenters and transpressional uplift of previous structures. The effective elastic thickness of the lithosphere for different sections of each basin is calculated using a dynamic finite element numerical model that simulates the lithospheric response to advancing tectonic load with active sedimentation.  相似文献   

Geochemical characteristics of marine sediment from the southern Drake Passage were analyzed to reconstruct variations in sediment provenance and transport paths during the late Quaternary. The 5.95 m gravity core used in this study records paleoenvironmental changes during the last approximately 600 ka. Down-core variations in trace element, rare earth element, and Nd and Sr isotopic compositions reveal that sediment provenance varied according to glacial cycles. During glacial periods, detrital sediments in the southern Drake Passage were mostly derived from the nearby South Shetland Islands and shelf sediments. In contrast, interglacial sediments are composed of mixed sediments, derived from both West Antarctica and East Antarctica. The East Antarctic provenance of the interglacial sediments was inferred to be the Weddell Sea region. Sediment input from the Weddell Sea was reduced during glacial periods by extensive ice sheets and weakened current from the Weddell Sea. Sediment supply from the Weddell Sea increased during interglacial periods, especially those with higher warmth such as MIS 5, 9, and 11. This suggests that the influence of deep water from the Weddell Sea increases during interglacial periods and decreases during glacial periods, with the degree of influence increasing as interglacial intensity increases.  相似文献   

Reconstructions of the Cambrian–Silurian tectonic evolution of eastern Gondwanaland, when the Australian Tasmanides and Antarctic Ross Orogen developed, rely on correlation between structural elements in SE Australia and Northern Victoria Land (NVL), Antarctica. A variety of published models exist but none completely solve the tectonic puzzle that is the Delamerian–Lachlan transition in the Tasmanides. This paper summarizes the understanding of Cambrian (Delamerian) to Silurian (Lachlan) geological evolution of the eastern Tasmanides, taking into account new deep seismic data that clarifies the geological connection between Victoria and Tasmania — the ‘Selwyn Block’ model. It evaluates previous attempts at correlation between NVL, Tasmania and Victoria, and presents a new scenario that encompasses the most robust correlations. Tasmania together with the Selwyn Block is reinterpreted as an exotic Proterozoic microcontinental block – ‘VanDieland’ – that collided into the east Gondwanaland margin south of western Victoria, and north of NVL in the Late Cambrian, perhaps terminating the Delamerian Orogeny in SE Australia. Subsequent north-east ‘tectonic escape’ of VanDieland in the Early Ordovician explains the present-day outboard position of Tasmania with respect to the rest of the Delamerian orogen, the origin of the hiatus that separates the Delamerian and Lachlan orogenic cycles in Australia, and how western Lachlan oceanic crust developed as a ‘trapped plate-segment’. The model establishes a new structural template for subsequent Lachlan Orogen development and Mesozoic Australia–Antarctica separation.  相似文献   

西南极主要由哈格冰原岛峰群、南极半岛、瑟斯顿岛、玛丽·伯德地和埃尔斯沃思-惠特莫尔山脉五个各具特色的地壳块体组成。通过综述上述各块体主要的岩浆事件及其构造意义,旨在了解西南极的地质演化过程。西南极最古老的岩石为哈格冰原岛峰群地块的前寒武纪正片麻岩,时代为1238 Ma,记录了中元古代弧岩浆作用,其余四个地块记录了~500 Ma以来的地质演化过程。古生代时期,埃尔斯沃思-惠特莫尔山脉地块处于快速沉降的陆相断陷盆地环境,岩浆活动稀少,与罗斯造山运动形成的弧后伸展有关;玛丽·伯德地地块中—晚古生代发育一套与板块汇聚有关的岩浆作用,形成于活动大陆边缘环境;而南极半岛-瑟斯顿岛地块记录了石炭纪—二叠纪时期弧的发育。各地块的构造背景从侏罗纪开始明显分化,埃尔斯沃思-惠特莫尔山脉地块记录了侏罗纪板内岩浆作用,可能与大火成岩省有关;玛丽·伯德地地块发育的侏罗纪—早白垩世Ⅰ型弧岩浆岩随时间转变为白垩纪中期的A型碱性岩浆岩,经历了由俯冲向裂解机制的转变;南极半岛-瑟斯顿岛地块侏罗纪—白垩纪为弧岩浆活动活跃期,同时也有大火成岩省火山活动的记录,是持续俯冲和裂解相互作用的产物。新生代岩浆作用以南极半岛地块为代表,弧岩浆作用持续到始新世,其时空分布特征与左行错断扩张脊的分段俯冲和碰撞有关。   相似文献   

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