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近30年来长江源区土地覆被变化特征分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
长江源区是我国重要的水源涵养地。本文利用20世纪70年代中后期、90年代初期、2004年和2008年共4期土地覆被数据,通过土地覆被转类途径与幅度、土地覆被状况指数和土地覆被转类指数,分析评价了长江源区近30年来土地覆被与生态状况的时空变化特征。结果表明:草地是长江源区主要的土地覆被类型,2008年草地面积占该区总面积的66.93%。在70年代中后期-90年代初期、90年代初期-2004年和2004-2008年的3个时段内,土地覆被状况指数变化率分别为-0.15、-0.24和0.01;土地覆被转类指数分别为-0.20、-0.66和0.08。近30年来,长江源区土地覆被和生态状况总体经历了变差-显著变差-略有好转的过程。2004-2008年,长江源区年平均温度比前期(70年代中后期-2004年)升高了0.57℃,年平均降水量比前期增加了17.63mm。区域气候变化有助于自然生态系统的恢复。后期生态保护与建设工程的实施,对植被恢复产生了一定的积极作用。  相似文献   

近30年黄河源头土地覆被变化特征分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本研究对以DEM生成的黄河源头范围内的土地覆被变化进行了分析,得到20世纪70年代中后期至80年代末、80年代末至2004年和2004-2008年土地覆被变化数据。同时利用转移矩阵的方法,定量研究了近30年黄河源头土地覆被类型转移的途径和幅度;分析了3个时段内的土地覆被状况指数和土地覆被转类指数,藉此探讨黄河源头不同土...  相似文献   

近20年黄土高原土地利用/覆被变化特征分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文根据黄土高原地区20世纪80年代末、2000年、2008年3期土地利用/覆被空间数据集,计算2个时段(20世纪80年代末-2000年,2000-2008年)土地利用/覆被转类方向及其幅度、土地利用/覆被转类指数、土地利用/覆被状况指数及其变化率,分析黄土高原地区自20世纪80年代末以来土地利用/覆被时空变化特征以及宏观生态状况的变化趋势。结果显示:黄土高原地区近20年来平均土地利用/覆被状况指数为24.07,其中土石山区生态系统综合功能最好,其次为河谷平原区,最差的为农灌区。20世纪80年代末-2000年,黄土高原地区主要土地利用/覆被转类是森林和草地转为耕地,生态级别由高级向低级转移,2000-2008年主要土地利用/覆被转类是耕地转为林地和草地,低覆盖草地转为中高覆盖草地,生态级别由低级向高级转移。近20年来黄土高原地区地覆被状况指数变化以及土地利用/覆被转类指数表明,该区域的宏观生态状况总体上经历了转差(20世纪80年代末-2000年土地利用/覆被转类指数为-1.08),后转好(2000-2008年土地利用/覆被转类指数为2.66)2个过程。这一变化过程前期受区域气候变化以及人口增长共同驱动,后期则叠加了生态工程的影响。  相似文献   

硫酸盐气溶胶对长江中下游夏季降水年代际转型的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了研究人为硫酸盐气溶胶增长对1970年代末长江中下游夏季降水年代际转型的影响,使用全球气候模式(GFDL—AM2),对硫酸盐直接气候效应进行了模拟。结果表明,硫酸盐气溶胶增长引起的降水年代际变化与观测到的降水转型有很好的时空一致性;观测中包括副热带高压西伸南移、中国东部近地面异常北风等夏季风年代际减弱信号以及对应的垂直温度、上升运动分布等均能很好地被模式再现。机制上,硫酸盐气溶胶通过引起负辐射强迫,造成中国中东部的大部分地区地面到对流层中层降温,海陆热力对比减小,使东亚夏季风减弱,雨带容易在长江中下游停留,从而导致该区域降水增多。于是,硫酸盐气溶胶增多对长江中下游降水年代际转型有重要贡献。  相似文献   

Severe soil erosion in the middle and upper reaches of Yangtze River has been regarded as a major environmental problem. The on-site impact of soil erosion on agricultural production and the off-site impact on floods and sedimentation in Yangtze Rive are well known. A quantitative assessment of soil erosion intensity is still scanty for developing appropriate soil erosion control measures for different land use types and zohes in this region. This article constructs a localized USLE and estimates the average soil loss in the Jinsha River Region in Yunnan Province, one of the priority areas for soil erosion control in the middle and upper reaches of Yangtze River. The estimation is done under different land uses and zones in this basin. The estimation shows that while soil erosion in the cultivated land is the most severe, 36~40% of the garden and forest land suffers from soil erosion of various degrees due to lack of ground cover and other factors. Soil erosion in the pasture is modest when the ground cover is well maintained. It also confirmed that terracing can reduce soil erosion intensity significantly on the cultivated land. Research findings suggest that sufficient attention must be paid to regeneration of the ground cover in reforestation programs. In addition to mass reforestation efforts, restoration of grassland and terracing of the cultivated land should also play an important role in erosion control.  相似文献   

A new land cover classification system was established for the Three Gorges Reservoir Region (TGRR) after considering the continuity of inundation and the natural characteristics of land cover. The potential evapotranspiration (PET) was predicted using a modified Penman-Monteith (P-M) model. The region’s ratio of precipitation to evapotranspiration was calculated as the humidity index (HI). The data obtained was used to analyze climatic responses to land cover conversions from the perspectives of evapotranspiration and humidity variations. The results show that, from 1997 to 2009, the average annual PET increased in the early years and decreased later. In terms of overall spatial distribution, a significant reciprocal relationship appeared between annual PET and annual HI. In 1997, the annual PET was higher in the lower reaches than in the upper reaches of the TGRR, but the areas with high PET shifted substantially westward by 2003. The annual PET continued to increase in 2006, but the areas with high PET shrank by 2009. In contrast, the annual HI showed varying degrees of localized spatial variability. Over the three periods, the dominant forms of land cover conversions occurred from evergreen cover to seasonal green cover, from seasonal green cover to evergreen cover, and from seasonal green cover to seasonally inundated areas, respectively. These accounted for 48.0%, 38.4%, and 23.8% of the total areas of converted land covers in the three periods, respectively. During the period between 1997 and 2003, the main forms of land cover conversions resulted in both positive and negative growths in the average annual PET, while all of them pushed down the average annual HI. From 2003 to 2006, the reservoir region experienced neither a decrease in the annual PET nor an increase in the annual HI. The period between 2006 and 2009 saw a consistent downward trend in the annual PET and a consistent upward trend in the annual HI.  相似文献   

近几十年来, 由气候变化和人类活动共同驱动的内蒙古地区土地利用/覆被变化(LUCC)较为剧烈, 其引发了一系列的生态环境问题。本文基于3 期LUCC数据, 借助于变化率指数、动态度指数、转类矩阵, 在全区和地级市尺度上, 分析了内蒙古地区土地利用/覆被变化的时空特征及驱动因素。研究结果显示, 受地形因素的影响, 研究区土地利用/覆被变化表现出明显的区域差异及区域趋同性。在经济发展和人口增长的双重压力下:(1)平原耕作区深受国家宏观政策的影响, 2000 年之后的“林地、高覆盖草地开垦”总体速度下降了近35%;(2) 平原耕作区北部边缘条带状地区、山区草原区受制于降水不显著的波动呈减少态势, 2000 年之后的“草地退化及荒漠化”趋势加强了近85%。研究结果为内蒙古地区土地资源的可持续利用与科学管理提供了依据。  相似文献   

塔里木河流域综合治理生态要素变化的遥感分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用多种类、多时相遥感数据对塔里木河流域综合治理后的耕地变化和干流绿色走廊带的植被、沙质荒漠化和盐碱质荒漠化等主要生态要素进行了动态监测,结果表明:(1)1999-2008年间,流域耕地面积逐步扩大,从167.17万hm2增长到207.51万hm2。其中,塔里木河干流区耕地面积增加最快,叶尔羌河、开都河-孔雀河与和田河三流域稳步增加,而阿克苏河流域耕地面积先增加,后减少。除阿克苏河流域外,塔里木河流域等其他三流域和塔里木河干流,在2004-2008年间的面积增长速度明显大于1999-2002年和2002-2004年两个时段。(2)2002-2004年间,塔里木河干流绿色走廊带生态环境明显改善,主要表现为植被覆盖度的提高、沙质荒漠化土地面积的减小和强度减弱、盐碱质荒漠化土地的强度减弱等。耕地面积的大幅度增加引起的灌溉用水量的增大,对长期采用输水实现塔里木河的生态功能恢复具有长期性制约作用。  相似文献   

Based on the National Land Use/Cover Database of China(NLUD-C) in the end of the 1980s(the 1980s,hereafter), 1995, 2000, 2005, and 2010, 665 cities were selected to study the size distribution and its changes of urban lands in China. In this study, the spatiotemporal evolutions of urban land size distribution as well as the influence of administrative-level on these cities were explored by combining urban spatial positions and administrative-levels. Results indicate that: 1) City size distribution using urban lands was more practical and reasonable than using non-agricultural population. 2) In the 1980s, cities with ascending urban land rank were centralized in Eastern China, specially the Changjiang(Yangtze) River Delta, the Zhujiang(Pearl) River Delta, and Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region. Cities in Central, Western, and Northeast China mainly indicated descending urban land rank. 3) The transfer of national development focus resulted in cities with ascending urban land rank becoming evenly distributed nationwide; however, this trend was slightly centralized around Chengdu, Chongqing, and Wuhan in different periods. 4) During the 1980s to 2010, the proportion of cities with ascending urban land rank in provincial capitals, municipalities, and special administrative regions(high-level cities, hereafter) was consistently higher than those in prefecture- and county-level cities except for 2005–2010. The ranks of the majority of the prefecture- and county-level cities were mainly descending, supported by ascending; the proportion of cities with unchanged rank is small. This study breaks through the bottleneck of traditional research in the area of city size distribution by examining urban land replacing the non-agricultural population. The current study also provides scientific explanation for the healthy and reasonable development of urban land as well as the coordinated development of population urbanization and land urbanization.  相似文献   

The sediment flux data, measured from a dry-hot valley of the Longchuan River, a tributary of the lower Jinsha River, were analyzed with Mann-Kendall test, Seasonal Mann-Kendall test and Sen‘s test. In both the upper reaches (Xiaohekou) and the lower reaches (Xiaohuangguayuan), the sediment fluxes showed a significant increase from 1970 to 2001, despite the fact that the water discharge did not change significantly during the period and numerous reservoir constructions which contribute to the trap of sediment. This can be attributed to the intensification of human activities, especially the activities related to land surface disturbances such as deforestation and afforestation, expansion of agriculture land, and road constructions. This increase is more significant in the lower reaches of the river observed at the place of Xiaohuangguayuan due to the dry-hot climate. The profound increase in sediment flux has significant implications for effective management of the sedimentation problems of the on-going Three Gorges Reservoir.  相似文献   

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