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在快速城市化区域,村镇的布局与形态变化很大程度上影响着城市化的进程与区域经济的发展。城市空间的扩张是城市区域对周边乡村聚落空间的倾入过程,也是周边村镇空间演变的过程。曲靖市麒麟区是云南省曲靖市中心城区所在地,以麒麟区行政范围内的镇、乡、行政村及自然村为对象,实证分析麒麟区区域快速城市化过程中,村镇空间布局与形态特征及形成原因,探讨村镇布局形态与中心城区的空间关系,提出村镇形态发展的建议,为西部地区的区域城市化建设提供依据。  相似文献   

结合实地调查和观察标图、GIS空间分析及文本分析等研究方法,探讨解放初期至今环境变化、城市化与天兴乡聚落的演化关系,分析了其乡村聚落重构的动因。结果发现:1)天兴乡的发展演变先后历经初级发展、变革发展、转型重构发展等3个不同时期。2)天兴乡空间形态从单一性趋向复合化,由传统的生活、生产、生态等三元孤立的空间转向生产―生活、生产―生态等多元复合空间。3)天兴乡的聚落演替为环境变化及城市化进程交互作用的结果。首先,自然资源和生态环境确定了天兴乡空间形态的基本格局;其次,为治理频繁发生的自然灾害,“移民建镇”等政策及相关防范灾害工程的实施,为天兴乡转型提供了有利条件;此外,城市化对天兴乡聚落演变的影响也是双重的:一方面天兴乡人口被虹吸、资源向城市集聚,加速天兴乡衰落;另一方面促进天兴乡乡村旅游业发展,为聚落发展提供机遇。  相似文献   

半城市化地区因其在社会、经济、景观等方面的过渡性、多样性和动态性,从而得到地理学、城乡规划学、生态学及社会学等多个学科学者的关注。本文重点研究城市化近域推进过程中半城市化地区城乡聚落的消长规律,探讨保留村落的空间格局演化特征及其动力机制。在综述半城市化地区和乡村聚落研究进展的基础上,以西安市南郊大学城康杜村为例,综合运用遥感影像解译、野外调查和统计分析等方法,对其近15年来的聚落空间格局及其演化机制进行研究。结果表明:康杜村在2001-2015年间共经历了4次建房高峰和2次显著的就业变迁,绝大多数原住民的房屋租赁始于2006年;原住民的就业变迁时间与主要的城市化时间节点高度一致;就业变迁与建房高峰之间呈现出“刺激—反馈”的系统演化特征。城市化近域推进的外部驱动和村庄原居民的自我调适是半城市化地区乡村聚落空间格局演化的主要动力。  相似文献   

苏北地区乡村聚落的空间格局   总被引:19,自引:3,他引:16  
李全林  马晓冬  沈一 《地理研究》2012,31(1):144-154
基于苏北地区2008年卫星遥感影像,通过运用空间插值、空间关联指数、空间变差函数等空间测度模型,深入分析了苏北地区乡村聚落的空间格局特征。结果表明:在空间分布上,苏北地区乡村聚落具有"南密北疏"的特征;在规模分布上,苏北地区乡村聚落表现出很强的空间自相关性,并出现高值簇的空间集聚,其主要集中于徐州、连云港和宿迁等地,总体上呈现"南低北高"的空间分布特征;在形态分布上,苏北地区乡村聚落形态的空间分布格局具有较好的连续性和稳定性。空间分异格局中的随机成份较低,而由空间自相关引起的结构化分异则较为显著。从不同方向来看,苏北地区乡村聚落形态分布表现出一定的各向异性,其中东南-西北方向的乡村聚落形态呈现出明显的阶梯状分布特征,自东南向西北,聚落形态具体表现为由带状、长矩形、矩形到方形或不规则团块状的渐进性演变。总体来看,苏北地区乡村聚落的空间格局具有明显的空间依赖性。  相似文献   

旅游村落在旅游地系统演化中扮演着重要的角色,并逐步成为中国新型城镇化过程中重要的乡村发展类型。研究采取参与式农村评估(PRA)、GIS空间分析和Google earth高清遥感影像相结合的方法,以野三坡旅游区3个旅游乡村聚落为例,从土地利用和空间形态变迁两个维度,分析了旅游业诱导下旅游地乡村聚落的空间演变规律。研究发现,因区位条件的差异,乡村聚落土地利用模式演变呈现出"核心—边缘"的差异,距离核心景区越近的村落,土地集约利用程度越高,旅游功能愈加完善,村落风貌格局变化愈大。其中,苟各庄村用地容积率由0.17提高到0.44,但村落原真性破坏最严重,原真性指数为仅为0.048,是3个村子最低的,其旅游功能也最完善;刘家河村落土地扩张规模最大,建设用地由173564 m2扩展到341128 m2,增幅达到96.54%,村落的原真性相对保持稳定,为0.566,旅游功能相对完整;上庄村是原真性保持最好的村落,原真性指数则高达0.942,但是其建设用地规模和用地强度则最低,但其旅游功能也最单一。显然,在具体空间形态上,3个村落也表现为"现代城镇"—"半城镇化"—"传统村落"的过渡特征,并对应形成"就地重建型"、"飞地开发型"、"原地利用型"3种空间重构模式。乡村聚落作为乡村旅游发展的最基本空间单元,这3个乡村聚落发展模式隐含着旅游地传统乡村聚落"旅游化"空间演变的阶段形态,这种空间模式在国内旅游地乡村聚落演变中具有一定的代表性。  相似文献   

快速城市化背景下乡村聚落变化的驱动力研究是乡村聚落演进规律的重要组成部分,是进行乡村聚落空间重构的重要依据。以三峡库区重要区重庆万州区为研究对象,选择库区蓄水前(1995年)和后三峡时代(2012年)为时间节点,进行乡村聚落空间演变特征的识别,并以村级范围内乡村聚落变化率为因变量,选用地形综合指数、道路、城区中心、三峡工程、人口变化率、农民人均收入变化率等12个因子为自变量,基于地理加权回归模型探索乡村聚落空间演变的驱动因素作用机理。结果表明:在村级范围内的乡村聚落变化率呈明显"东增西缓中减少"的空间分异特征;乡村聚落演变过程中,受自然环境、社会经济、政策制度等驱动因素综合作用,其作用范围和影响程度不同导致乡村聚落演变模式出现差别,根据驱动力作用程度和乡村聚落变化率值将研究区乡村聚落的空间演变分为自然演变、加速演变和剧烈演变等模式。研究结果可为库区新农村建设和乡村管理工作提供指导和借鉴。  相似文献   

中国乡村发展进入转型发展的关键时期,呈现更加复杂和多元化的发展态势。乡村聚落的用地类型与空间布局是推进乡村振兴急需解决的关键科学问题。蒙东农牧交错区自然地理格局复杂、经济地理区位特殊,但该区域乡村聚落的空间演变规律及其驱动机理研究不足。本文基于1990年、2000年、2010年和2020年4期蒙东地区土地利用数据,借助GIS空间分析和地理加权回归等方法分析乡村聚落空间演变及其影响因素。结果表明:(1)蒙东地区乡村聚落规模差异显著,微、小型聚落居多。(2)乡村聚落核密度的空间分布非常相似,具有“南密北疏”的分布特征。(3)乡村聚落的规模和密度分布具有负相关的局部特征,聚落具有高密度-小规模集聚和低密度-大规模集聚的特征;(4)乡村聚落空间分异受自然和人文综合影响,空间差异显著。其中,人口密度和人均耕地面积呈正相关;距河流距离和乡村人口比重呈负相关;人均大家畜数量正负作用均存在,区域差异显著。研究结果可为内蒙古农牧交错区乡村聚落空间格局的优化及乡村振兴战略的实施提供科学依据。  相似文献   

陈诚  金志丰 《地理研究》2015,34(11):2155-2164
基于空间形态与功能结构视角,运用空间分析和参与式评估方法,利用聚落用地现状与多时相遥感影像数据,分析经济发达地区乡村聚落用地格局与功能演变特征,总结不同类型村域聚落用地演变模式,从制度变迁视角讨论演变机制与调控路径。结果表明:1980年代以来聚落用地增长近1倍,扩张强度先增后减,呈倒“U”型变化,但集聚分布的格局并未改变;工业、旅游住宿、商贸服务等非居住用地快速增长,以居住为主的用地模式逐步转向居住—工业—旅游—商服多元复合型的用地模式。工业和旅游村聚落用地呈“飞地状”拓展,用地功能多元化、形态规则化,农业村聚落延续以居住为主的用地模式和传统形态。制度变迁引导了乡村功能分异,加速了聚落用地类型及功能多样化,可以因地制宜采用“工业城镇、旅游小镇和柔性集中居住”等模式引导聚落用地布局优化。  相似文献   

谭雪兰  安悦  蒋凌霄  谭洁  周国华 《地理科学》2018,38(10):1707-1714
以江南丘陵湖南地区为研究对象,通过对18个抽样村进行实地走访与问卷调查,从乡村聚落的居住条件、居住设施和乡村居民的生产生活形态等方面,探讨江南丘陵湖南地区乡村聚落空间地域分异特征与规律。研究表明:乡村聚落研究是江南丘陵地区乡村聚落空间布局优化与调控的基础。由于地域范围广泛,区域内的资源禀赋与地域组合、经济发展基础、文化传统等条件差异悬殊,因此江南丘陵湖南地区乡村聚落发展的地域分异规律较为明显,在聚落空间格局(规模、密度、形态)、居住条件(住房面积、住房结构、建筑特色)、居住设施(道路、饮水安全、网络电视开通率等基础与公共服务设施)和生产生活形态等方面呈现出较为显著的盆地-丘陵-低山区、发达-欠发达-落后、近郊-远郊-偏远等地貌、经济、区位梯度差异。  相似文献   

中国乡村聚落地理研究进展及趋向   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
近年来, 随着中国新农村建设的不断推进, 乡村发展问题日益受到学术界的重视。作为聚落地理学重要分支的乡村聚落地理学重新受到关注。了解乡村聚落地理学的研究现状, 掌握其研究趋向, 不仅是学术发展的需要, 也是促进中国城乡协调发展, 推动新农村建设的需要。在查阅大量相关文献的基础上, 本文首先简要叙述了国外乡村聚落地理的研究进展, 认为国外的相关研究成果值得中国借鉴;然后简单分析了中国乡村聚落研究进展, 并从乡村聚落生态、乡村聚落空间特征及其演化、乡村聚落发展问题、乡村聚落综合研究等4 个方面对近年来中国乡村聚落研究的主要内容进行概括和分析;最后, 在分析国内外乡村聚落研究进展的基础上, 本文认为中国未来乡村聚落研究的主要趋向应为:中国工业化、城镇化过程中乡村聚落演变趋势预测研究;中国不同发展水平区域乡村聚落的模式研究;中国不同地貌形态区乡村聚落的研究;新聚落的构建研究;跨学科综合性研究。  相似文献   

目前,乡村旅游得到了前所未有的发展,但其主要集中在经济发达城市的周边地区。该文旨在探讨象张家界这样不具备区位优势的中小型专业化旅游城市,如何发展独具特色的乡村旅游,并给出了一个参考思路,即依靠传统观光型旅游的带动。在这一思路指导下,对张家界的乡村旅游发展进行SWOT分析,提出了乡村旅游开发的宏观和微观建议。  相似文献   

The urban transition almost always involves wrenching social adjustment as small agricultural communities are forced to adjust rapidly to industrial ways of life. Large-scale in-migration of young people, usually from poor regions, creates enormous demand and expectations for community and social services. One immediate problem planners face in approaching this challenge is how to define, differentiate, and map what is rural, urban, and transitional (i.e., peri-urban). This project established an urban classification for Vietnam by using national census and remote sensing data to identify and map the smallest administrative units for which data are collected as rural, peri-urban, urban, or urban core. We used both natural and human factors in the quantitative model: income from agriculture, land under agriculture and forests, houses with modern sanitation, and the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index. Model results suggest that in 2006, 71% of Vietnam's 10,891 communes were rural, 18% peri-urban, 3% urban, and 4% urban core. Of the communes our model classified as peri-urban, 61% were classified by the Vietnamese government as rural. More than 7% of Vietnam's land area can be classified as peri-urban and approximately 13% of its population (more than 11 million people) lives in peri-urban areas. We identified and mapped three types of peri-urban places: communes in the periphery of large towns and cities; communes along highways; and communes associated with provincial administration or home to industrial, energy, or natural resources projects (e.g., mining). We validated this classification based on ground observations, analyses of multi-temporal night-time lights data, and an examination of road networks. The model provides a method for rapidly assessing the rural–urban nature of places to assist planners in identifying rural areas undergoing rapid change with accompanying needs for investments in building, sanitation, road infrastructure, and government institutions.  相似文献   


Peri-urban areas are the interface between urban and rural regions, with these regions traditionally acting as foodbowls for adjacent urban areas. This peri-urban agriculture provides a diverse suite of benefits to urban areas. Increasingly, however, peri-urban areas are being converted to residential uses, driven in part by higher land values secured for land converted for residential development. In Sydney, planning and development has tended to treat peri-urban areas as ‘suburbs in waiting’. Using a Foucauldian governmentality approach, this paper investigates the prevailing rationalities in metropolitan-level strategic planning documents—in particular A Plan for Growing Sydney and the Draft South West District Plan—and how these rationalities relate to peri-urban agriculture. Our analysis shows that the three overarching rationalities—the global city, the compact city and the sustainability agenda—frame the urbanisation of peri-urban agricultural lands as necessary and inevitable, and only integrate agriculture as part of the future of the city of Sydney when it can be rationalised within the ‘global city’ narrative. As a result, peri-urban areas are not considered to have unique planning needs, but are imagined as latent spaces that will enable Sydney to meet its housing and job targets through their future development.  相似文献   

The peri-urban area is the region where there is a more dynamic interaction between the urban and rural. The peri-urban area supplies natural resources, such as land for urban expansion and agricultural products to feed the urban population. In arid and semi-arid lands, such as northern Mexico, these areas may also be the source of water for the city's domestic demand. In addition, scholars argue that peri-urban residents may have a more advantageous geographical position for selling their labour and agricultural products in cities and, by doing so, sustaining their livelihoods. A considerable number of studies have examined the peri-urban to urban natural resources transfer in terms of land annexation, housing construction, and infrastructure issues; however, the study of the effects of the reallocation of peri-urban water resources to serve urban needs is critical as well because the livelihoods of peri-urban residents, such as those based on agriculture and livestock, depend on water availability. In the case of Hermosillo there is a tremendous pressure on the water resources of peri-urban small farm communities or ejidos because of urban demand. Based on interviews and structured surveys with producers and water managers, this paper examines how peri-urban livelihoods have been reshaped by the reallocation of the city's natural resources in many cases caused some ejido members or ejidatarios to lose livelihoods.  相似文献   

半城市化地区作为城乡景观混杂交错、城乡功能相互渗透的过渡性地域,推进这类地区的良性发展是促进城乡融合发展的关键。对半城市化地区空间范围的精确识别是对其实施精准管控的基础前提,对半城市化地区演变规律的科学把脉可为其未来的发展规划提供重要参考。然而,由于半城市化地区的复杂性、动态性和模糊性,目前对该类地区的精细尺度定量识别研究不多。基于此,论文综合考虑半城市化地区的复杂多维特征,在多源遥感数据支持下,建立了一种高精度的半城市化地区识别方法体系:① 构建了一套覆盖社会经济和空间格局2大维度的半城市化地区识别综合指标体系;② 运用空间网格化技术和线性加权建立了半城市化特征值的计算方法; ③ 结合滑动t检验与概率密度分析实现了半城市化特征临界值的确定。最后以苏州市为实例,运用建立好的方法体系,在1 km×1 km尺度下识别出了该市2010、2015和2018年的半城市化地区空间范围,并在此基础上进一步探讨了其时空演变规律,以期为苏州市以及其他地区未来的城市化进程提供参考。实证结果显示,苏州市的半城市化地区在空间上围绕中心城区不连续分布,在时间上总体呈现减少趋势,尤其是2015—2018年间下降幅度明显,表明苏州市城镇化发展趋于有序,乡村工业化与城市的无序蔓延有所放缓。  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of periurban development on the physical capacity of the roading network in an area to the north west of Tauranga, exploring the potential impact of subdivision, population growth and building of new residences in rural areas with respect to pressures on rural roads. Geographic Information Systems (GIS) are used to integrate large volumes of complex road and other data, model traffic flow generated from these data, display the outcomes effectively and test the effect of different development scenarios in a particular peri-urban environment.  相似文献   

Existing evidence on food retail expansion in developing countries is largely based on cross-country studies. This may be excellent to provide general pictures but less relevant for development planners to tailor context-specific interventions. We apply a meso-level analysis to address three questions: (i) Are modern food retail formats impeding the expansion of the traditional ones? (ii) What is the pattern of food retail expansion into urban, peri-urban, and rural areas? (iii) What factors influence observed food retail patterns? The study was carried out within the geographic landscape of Lebanon, a commercial link between the Middle East and Europe. Historical analysis shows increased growth both in the modern and traditional food retail sales, with the former modestly outpacing the latter. However, data from the last five years indicate the gap being reduced to 2 percentage points, displaying a clear leveling-off as compared to the preceding decade. Thus, we find insufficient evidence to conclude that modern food retail formats are definitively replacing traditional ones. An extremely high spatial disparity in food retail concentration is observed across governorates and districts, suggesting a need for flexible policies for viable food system development in various contexts. Expansion of modern food retail formats is limited by geography or socioeconomic groups, while traditional formats are equally present in urban, peri-urban and rural settings, including high poverty areas. This suggests a need for recognizing the latter as alternative institutions to address specific needs of consumers, particularly in poorer neighborhoods or rural areas. The findings are relevant for international, regional, and domestic food retailers to understand food retail patterns in Lebanon, for development planners to tailor specific interventions in areas where food establishments are least developed, and for researchers to investigate the impact of such patterns on nutritional transformations among the Lebanese urban, peri-urban and rural populations.  相似文献   

The global food system is coming under increasing strain in the face of urban population growth. The recent spike in global food prices (2007–08) provoked consumer protests, and raised questions about food sovereignty and how and where food will be produced. Concurrently, for the first time in history the majority of the global population is urban, with the bulk of urban growth occurring in smaller-tiered cities and urban peripheries, or ‘peri-urban’ areas of the developing world. This paper discusses the new emerging spaces that incorporate a mosaic of urban and rural worlds, and reviews the implications of these spaces for livelihoods and food security. We propose a modified livelihoods framework to evaluate the contexts in which food production persists within broader processes of landscape and livelihood transformation in peri-urban locations. Where and how food production persists are central questions for the future of food security in an urbanising world. Our proposed framework provides directions for future research and highlights the role of policy and planning in reconciling food production with urban growth.  相似文献   

This article explores the use of nighttime satellite imagery for mapping urban and peri-urban areas of Australia. A population-weighted measure of urban sprawl is used to characterize relative levels of sprawl for Australia's urban areas. In addition, the expansive areas of low light surrounding most major metropolitan areas are used to map the urban–bush interface of exurban land use. Our findings suggest that 82 percent of the Australian population lives in urban areas, 15 percent live in peri-urban or exurban areas, and 3 percent live in rural areas. This represents a significantly more concentrated human settlement pattern than presently exists in the United States.  相似文献   

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