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印度尼西亚多岛海末次冰期最盛期以来的穿越流活动   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
印度尼西亚穿越流是西太平洋和印度洋之间热量传输的重要载体,穿越流的活动由潜在地影响El Nino和季风现象进而影响到全球气候变化。通过对爪哇海SHI9006岩心LGM以来氧同位素、有孔虫与CaCO3沉积量、浮游有孔虫浅层水种与深层水种比值反映的古温跃层变化等的研究,得出结论:研究区末次冰期氧同位素2期穿越流活动微弱,冰后期穿越流活动增强;特别是冰消期终止期IA,穿越流活动由弱迅速增强,是冰川消融、海平面上升,印度尼西亚岛弧古海水通道开放的结果。  相似文献   

全新世东亚季风活动在印度尼西亚多岛海的表现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
印度尼西亚多岛海位于印度洋东部 ,北印度洋和西太平洋交界处 ,由至少 8个盆地通过相对较浅的海槛相连而成 ,海盆水深一般能达 45 0 0m以上。它属于表层水温大于2 8℃的西太平洋暖池范围 ,并受强烈的季风活动影响。由于风场模式差异 ,太平洋海平面较印度洋海平面有一个显著高差 ,致使海水自太平洋向印度洋流动产生印度尼西亚穿越流。 2 0 0 0m深的帝汶海和位于巴厘岛和龙目岛之间的龙目海峡是印度尼西亚穿越流两个最主要的传输通道。南半球冬季 (8月 )澳大利亚上空的高压系统与亚洲上空的低压系统之间的相互作用 ,在印尼海区形成东南方向…  相似文献   

热带印度洋环流动力研究对认识海盆尺度物质和水体交换、区域乃至全球气候变化具有重要意义,亦服务于人类的生产生活。回顾了近年来基于中国科学院南海海洋研究所热带印度洋观测取得的环流动力方面的研究进展,探讨提出海洋波动桥梁概念,即:赤道波通过水平传播、垂向传播和东边界反射,在赤道上混合层、次表层和中深层调制着赤道流系的生成与变化;随着波动能量在东边界以沿岸开尔文波和反射罗斯贝波的形式往外赤道传输,赤道动力过程亦调节着外赤道的环流结构变化。作为能量传输的十字路口,海洋东边界是环流变化的动力支点。在其支撑下,海洋波动成为环流间重要的能量纽带,贡献于环流的动力联系,是东印度洋环流多尺度变化的重要内因。基于观测,初步探讨了大尺度气候模态等外因对热带东印度洋环流的影响。凝练的海洋波动桥梁动力学框架,为进一步研究热带印度洋的环流的特征、变化及影响提供科学启示。  相似文献   

受季风系统影响,热带印度洋的环流具有明显的季节变化,这在北印度洋尤其明显。但在气候平均态意义上,热带印度洋环流在赤道为东向流动,在赤道以南为西向流动,在东、西部边界分别向南、向北流动,从而与其他大洋类似,形成一个相对闭合的热带环流圈,称之为印度洋热带环流圈。立足于此环流圈,从环流热盐输运及其气候影响等方面,综述了相关的研究,讨论了印度洋热带环流系统与温盐分布和区域主要气候模态的关系。  相似文献   

海洋上部水体垂向结构变化对于理解热带海区在全球气候变化中的作用有着重要意义。通过分析印度尼西亚穿越流(ITF)出口处东印度洋帝汶海区SO18480-3孔中的浮游有孔虫表层种Globigerinoides ruber和温跃层种Pulleniatina obliquiloculata壳体氧碳同位素,并借助12个AMS14C测年数据重建了末次盛冰期(LGM)以来该区温跃层深度和营养盐水平的演化序列。壳体氧同位素(δ18O)记录表明温跃层古海洋学特征的变化幅度要大于表层海水,其差值(Δδ18O(P-G))有效地反映了温跃层深度的变化,即冰消期和晚全新世温跃层较浅,LGM和早中全新世温跃层较深;并揭示出与全新世相比,LGM期间ITF总流量未显著减小,ITF对该区上部水体结构的影响受到了东西太平洋之间不对称性的调节。碳同位素(δ13C)记录则表明该区的古海洋学变化在不同程度上受到了南大洋的影响,并受本区上部水体垂向结构的控制,其差值(Δδ13(G-P))在一定程度上反映了该区上部水体营养盐水平的变化。  相似文献   

中国Argo计划组织实施15年以来,在太平洋和印度洋等海域布放了350多个剖面浮标,建成了我国Argo大洋观测网,并建立了针对Argo剖面浮标的资料接收、处理和分发系统,利用Argo资料开发了多个数据产品,在一定程度上推动了国内海洋数据的共享进程。海量的Argo资料已成为我国海洋和大气科学领域基础研究及业务化应用的主要数据源,特别是在热带气旋(台风)、海洋环流、中尺度涡、湍流、海水热盐储量与输送、大洋水团以及海洋、天气/气候业务化预测预报等方面取得了一批重要的研究和应用成果。随着国际Argo计划由"核心Argo"向"全球Argo"拓展,我国Argo大洋观测网的长期维护和持续发展面临巨大挑战,应紧紧抓住这一难得的机遇,利用国产北斗剖面浮标在南海及邻近我国的西北太平洋和印度洋海域建成Argo区域海洋观测网,为应对全球气候变化及防御自然灾害,更多地承担一个海洋大国的责任和义务。  相似文献   

水下海脊能够限制并影响大洋底部密度大的冷水流。如果没有海脊,深层海水可以自由流动,并加速海洋环流和海洋表面的暖洋流。海洋表面的暖水使得海冰的形成比较困难。没有海冰反射阳光,表面的水会吸收更多的阳光,进一步变暖。美国地质调查局的科学家们回顾了300万年到中上新世暖期的海水温度变化,研究了北大西洋的格陵兰—苏格兰海岭对表面水温的影响。美国地质调查局的科学家Marci Robinson指出:中上新世暖期的北大  相似文献   

热液羽状流研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
热液羽状流是全球洋中脊热泉场的重要组成部分,在深海热量和物质循环中有重要地位,是探测热泉场和热液喷口位置最直接有效的手段。介绍了热液羽状流的主要研究内容、探测技术方法、在不同海域洋脊的研究进展和21世纪的新成果,从地球系统科学和热泉场资源探测的角度归纳了主要科学问题和发展趋势。热液羽状流对全球海洋循环及大洋化学有重要影响,其位置探测在近期将经历一次“小型革命”,正在成为大洋研究前沿热点。  相似文献   

我国海洋科学领域的全球变化研究进展   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7  
简要介绍了属于海洋科学研究领域中的全球变化研究计划,重点介绍了我国在热带海洋和全球大气(TOGA)、世界大洋环流试验(WOCE)、全球海洋通量联合研究(JGOFS)和海洋PAGES研究中所开展的工作及其研究进展。  相似文献   

虽然地球海底地热通量在全球热能收支平衡中所占的比例非常低,在目前的海洋气候模式开发中也并没有将其包含在内,但是由于海底地热通量可以持续改变海洋的浮力而影响海水层结,进而影响海洋温度分布以及环流等海洋水文要素,并且可以进一步影响海水的化学性质、碳氮的分布循环以及生物分布等,因此其对海洋环流和气候变化长期影响的潜在可能性仍不能完全排除。在通用地球系统耦合模式(CESM)的基础上,通过在全球大洋中脊区域持续加入1 W/m2的地热通量的方式运行了长达5 000年的数值模拟实验,模式结果显示:海底地热通量对深层海洋的物理性质和全球海洋环流的长期影响是不可忽略的;受地热通量的局地加热效应影响,大洋深层3 000~3 500 m总体升温约0.4℃;在南大洋和北大西洋的深层水形成区域,海洋深层的增温信号可以影响到表层海洋。北大西洋深层水和南极底层水形成增强,并且模拟的北大西洋深层水的深度加深,更符合观测结果。  相似文献   

Test geochemistry of planktonic foraminifera is an indispensable tool in reconstructing past ocean hydrological changes. It is essential to investigate region-specific implications of test geochemistry,although those established from other regions can be broadly applied. In this study, characteristics of6180 and Mg/Ca from tests of four planktonic foraminiferal species, Globigerinoides ruber sensu stricto(s.s.), Globigerinoides sacculifer, Pulleniatina obliquiloculata and Neogloboquadrina dutertrei, from 60 coretop sediment samples retrieved from the Indonesian Throughflow(ITF) region were studied. These geochemical data were compared with modern hydrographic profiles in order to assess their relations and to investigate potential implications of test geochemical parameters in reconstructing past oceanographic change in the ITF region. Calcification depths of these four species were first estimated based on comparison between measured test δ180 and predicted calcite δ18O that was calculated from modern temperature and salinity. The results indicate that G. ruber s.s. and G. sacculifer calcify within the mixedlayer at 0-50 m and 20-75 m, respectively, whereas P. obliquiloculata and N. dutertrei calcify within the thermocline at around 75 to 125 m. A combined study of excess Mg/Ca(difference between measured and predicted Mg/Ca) and salinity suggests that salinity exerts a negligible impact on test Mg/Ca of these foraminiferal species in the ITF region. Comparison of test Mg/Ca-derived temperatures with temperature profiles of the upper 200 m of the water column from the seas of the ITF region also indicate calcification depths of these species, which match well with the above estimations using test δ18O. It further indicates that G. sacculifer may be more sensitive in reflecting changes in the depth of the mixedlayer, highlighting a potential use of Mg/Ca temperature difference between G. ruber s.s. and G. sacculifer in reconstructing the depth of the mixed-layer in the ITF region.  相似文献   

We describe the environmental variation in the Banda Sea over the past 820 ka by using the magnetic parameters and oxygen isotope data from the core MD012380. Overall, characteristics of the magnetic parameters show simultaneous variation with marine isotope stage (MIS), especially in the last 420 ka. There are fewer, coarser and more oxidative magnetic minerals in glacial periods, and turn to opposite conditions in interglacial periods. Spectral results clearly present the Milankovitch periods over the last 820 ka, especially the eccentricity period (400-ka and 100-ka). However, the magnetic data shows different pattern before and after 420 ka. Thus, we segmented the time-series data into two periods: MIS 20 to MIS 12 and MIS 11 to MIS 1. During MIS 20 to MIS 12, the spectra of magnetic data show clear periods related to the obliquity (41-ka) and precession (23-ka and 19-ka), while they present only the eccentricity period (100-ka) during MIS 11 to MIS 1. This feature, which splits the late Pleistocene at around 420 ka, could be attributed to the mid-Brunhes event (MBE). In the Banda Sea, main factor controlling the variation of the magnetic minerals is considered as the fluctuation of the Indonesian Throughflow (ITF) intensity due to sea-level change. Thus, the magnetic data show clear 400-ka and 100-ka periods (main MIS cycle). Besides, the eccentricity signals are relatively dominant in the last ~420 ka, implying that the ITF might become more important after the MBE in the Banda Sea.  相似文献   

Laser Ablation-Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometer (LA-ICP-MS) provides an opportunity for us to perform in-situ microanalysis for depth profiling of elements and trace elements/Calcium ratios in calcite foraminiferal shells. In this study, Globigerinoides ruber shells were investigated with a total of 173 ablating positions from a total of 11 core top sediment samples that retrieved from the Indonesian Seas. The results showed changing compositions of Magnesium and Calcium from the inside to the outside surface for both of intra-test and inter-test. Subsequently, Mg/Ca ratios from the LA-ICP-MS microanalysis were compared with Mg/Ca ratios based on regular analyses, suggesting that LA-ICP-MS microanalysis may provide a comparatively safe and convenient way for investigating Mg/Ca ratio of planktonic foraminiferal shells with considerable reliability and accuracy.  相似文献   

The orbital-scale variability of the Indian summer monsoon (ISM) has been influenced by multiple factors, such as atmospheric CO2 concentration, global ice volume, and insolation. Proxies for weathering activity and paleo-productivity provide potential insights into the driving forces of its variability. We documented multi-proxy data at IODP Site U1445, located in the Mahanadi Basin of the northwestern Bay of Bengal, to find out ISM variability over the last 200 ka. The proxy records, such as Nd/Sr isotopes of detrital particles, clay mineral compositions of the fine-grained sediments, biogenic opal and CaCO3, organic carbon contents, and carbon isotopes of organic matter, represent sediment sources, weathering patterns, and paleo-productivity related to the ISM variability. Detrital Nd/Sr isotope data and clay mineral compositions suggest that the sediments at Site U1445 originated mainly from the Ganges, Brahmaputra, and Meghna rivers without dramatic provenance change between the glacial and interglacial periods. The weathering activity inferred from clay mineral compositions and the paleo-productivity shift reconstructed by biogenic opal and CaCO3 contents suggest that the land-sea interactions were closely linked to the ISM precipitation between the glacial and interglacial periods. High precipitation by the strong ISM resulted in intense chemical weathering and dominant biogenic opal deposition during the interglacial periods. In contrast, low precipitation by the weak ISM led to reduced chemical weathering and predominant CaCO3 deposition during the glacial periods. Further, the ISM variability driving the land-sea interactions in the Mahanadi Basin was modulated by the Indonesian throughflow (ITF). Our study emphasizes the role of low-latitude forcing of climatic changes in the strong relationship between the ISM and ITF over orbital periods, providing a base for future investigations.  相似文献   

多年平均表层水温超过28℃的"西太平洋暖池",是全球海平面高度的加热中心和大气三大环流的辐散中心。为评价西太平洋暖池中心区域海洋生物泵的演化特征、规律与机制,本文以位于热带西太平洋暖池核心区——Ontong Java海台的WP7柱状样为材料,通过提取浮游有孔虫δ13C组成、底栖有孔虫群落和钙质超微化石下透光带属种Florisphaera profunda相对百分含量变化等指标,反演该区250kaB.P.以来的古生产力的演化历史。研究结果表明,250kaB.P.以来西太平洋暖池中心区的古生产力演化与地球轨道变化控制的冰期-间冰期旋回以及岁差控制的太阳辐照率密切相关。在冰期-间冰期尺度上,西太平洋暖池中心区距今250ka以来的生产力变化间冰期明显低于冰期,而且在间冰期阶段生产力相对稳定,冰期波动幅度较大。在冰期或间冰期背景下显著的岁差周期是该区古生产力演化的又一重要特征。而且在岁差波段生物生产力的变化可能领先极地冰体积变化2~4ka左右。热带东西太平洋的古生产力演化在冰期-间冰期变化和岁差尺度上存在ENSO式的变动机制,而且二者互相调谐,产生了似30ka和19ka周期,并出现了"半30ka周期"和半岁差周期。此外,WP7孔Neogloboqudrina dutertrei的δ13C显示在MIS 1/2,MIS 3/4和MIS 5e/6的冰期向间冰期的过渡期的冰消期阶段存在变轻事件,可能与数千年尺度的大洋环流演化有关。  相似文献   

In this article, the authors examine Sea surface temperature (SST), Sea surface circulation (SSC) and Vertical velocity (VV) fields from simulation of 25 layers coarse resolution Modular ocean model (MOM version 3.0) with prescribed wind forcing for the region 74.25°S to 65°N, 180°W-180°E. It is found that distribution of SST simulated by the model shows its consistency with the observed climatology. However, simulated SST in the areas of Arabian Sea, Bay of Bengal, Indonesian Throughflow (ITF) region and east of North America near equator exhibit slight warming with respect to observation, which may be due to model deficiency and forcing problems. Circulation features suggest that one of the strongest current viz. Antarctic circumpolar current (ACC) along with other major current systems viz. Gulf stream current, North and South Pacific current, Agulhas current, Labrador current, Canary current, etc are captured well by the model. In the Indian Ocean and other ocean basins, current patterns are well captured by the model simulation. Intense upwelling as well as downwelling areas is marked in the horizontal distribution of VV, which is as expected. VV show quasi-stagnant and convergent regions suggesting that floating materials may be accumulated during January/July in the real ocean and wind driven circulation may act as an important contribution for such transport of floating materials in these regions. An attempt has also been made to understand the fluctuations of the SST in NINO 3.4 region during the period of model simulation using SST anomalies.  相似文献   

Clay minerals eroded from soils by rivers and wind action become entrained in shallow‐ as well as deep‐water masses of the surrounding seas. Their pattern on the sea floor gives clues to their propagation by ocean currents. Clay mineral assemblages in sediment cores can be used as a useful proxy to decipher past changes in the intensity of ocean currents or in the nature of the palaeoclimatic processes on the adjacent landmasses. Three cores taken from beneath the path of the present‐day Leeuwin Current in the Timor Passage, from off the Australian North West Shelf and off the North West Cape of Western Australia are investigated. They provide a Late Quaternary record of environmental changes. Kaolinite and chlorite are transported into the Timor Passage today by the Indonesian Throughflow, while illite is provided locally from Timor. The Leeuwin Current leaves the Timor Passage with a characteristic clay mineral signature acquired in the Indonesian Archipelago (kaolinite, chlorite and illite). Uptake of clay minerals along its way through the Timor Sea, e.g. illite from the Kimberley area, changes this signature. South of North West Cape chlorite, injected by the rivers of the Pilbara region into the path of the Leeuwin Current, is prominent in surface sediments in less than 1000 m water depth and outlines the flow of the current today. During the last glacial period, the volume of the Indonesian Throughflow decreased and less kaolinite and chlorite reached the Timor Passage. Offshore from North West Cape, a reduction in chlorite during the last glacial may indicate a decrease or absence of the Leeuwin Current and/or a reduction in the input of chlorite due to drier conditions on land. A maximum of illite in recent sediments and the Holocene offshore from North West Cape results from the input of material from rivers periodically draining the adjacent hinterland. Again, a reduction in illite points to a drier climate in the area during the last glacial.  相似文献   

热带西太平洋对现代全球气候系统有举足轻重的影响,其中"西太平洋暖池"区的变异对调节全球气候发挥着极为重要的作用。越来越多的证据表明在轨道—亚轨道尺度上暖池对全球古气候的变化也有着重要的调控作用,低纬热带西太平洋已成为近十几年来古海洋学研究的重点地区之一。从表层海水古温度和古生产力记录、千年尺度的快速气候变化、厄尔尼诺—南方涛动(El Nio-Southern Oscillation,ENSO)式变化以及暖池强弱变动及其位移等角度梳理了西太平洋暖池区古海洋学研究的现状,综述了目前对暖池区海洋环境演化及其气候效应的已有认识,针对目前暖池区古环境研究的状况探讨了未来工作中应重视的科学问题。  相似文献   

Aiming at the current climate status, i.e., drastic rise of atmospheric greenhouse gases and the apparent trend of global warming, the International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP), launched in 2013, proposed four scientific challenges, including the response of global climate to CO2 rise, the feedback of ice-sheet and sea-level to global warming, the dynamics of the mid- and low-latitude hydro-cycle, and the mechanism of the marine carbon-chemical buffering system. By August 2017, eight IODP expeditions of climate-related themes were implemented, focusing on the Neogene evolution of the monsoon system over Asia-Pacific-Indian and the West Pacific Warm Pool, with specific interests in the variabilities and mechanisms of the Asian Monsoon system on orbital-to millennial-scales, as well as the connections between Asian Monsoon and the uplift/weathering of the Tibetan Plateau on tectonic time scale. The planned IODP expeditions in the forthcoming two years will explore the Southern high-latitude climate histories of West Antarctic ice in the Cenozoic, and Southern Ocean currents and carbon cycle in the Cretaceous-Paleogene. In sum, during the current phase of IODP (2013-2023), our knowledge about the marine climate system would be greatly advanced via deciphering the past changes in tropical processes of Asian Monsoon and West Pacific Warm Pool, as well as in high-latitude factors of the West Antarctic ice. A better scientific background of natural variability would be provided, accordingly, for predicting the future tendency in climate change. In this context, China’s strategic directions include the global monsoon concept, the tropical forcing hypothesis, and in particular the climate effect of the Sunda Shelf.  相似文献   

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