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黑龙江省松嫩平原南部大气降尘地球化学特征 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
采集了黑龙江省松嫩平原南部大气降尘样品,以农村、城镇、城市为单元对降尘通量与指标含量特征进行了探讨。对大气降尘中20种指标含量的分析结果表明:与土壤背景值相比较,Hg、Cd含量在大气降尘中显著富集;以A l为参考元素计算表明,Cd、S明显受人类活动影响而具有较大的富集因子;主成分分析各指标的主要来源为人类活动、地表尘土与人类活动叠加、区域扬尘。 相似文献
运用ICP-MS和ICP-OES分析了攀枝花市不同时段不同地点大气降尘中重金属元素含量,并对大气降尘中重金属的地球化学特征进行了分析,得出以下结论:①攀枝花市大气尘中As、Co、Mn、Pb、Ti、V的含量,与四川省其他城市相比均偏高,Zn的含量相对较低;②Cd、Mn、Pb主要分布在冶炼区和石灰石矿区,Co、Cu、Ti主要分布在石灰石矿区,Cr和V主要分布在冶炼区,As在仁和河富集较为富集,Zn集中在排土场附近,Fe集中在冶炼区和煤矿区;③除Pb外,其余十种元素旱季含量基本都高于雨季,而雨季Pb的含量却明显高于旱季。通过主成份分析,得出了在攀枝花市大气降尘中,重金属元素的来源主要为矿山污染和开采过程中产生的废水、废气。 相似文献
铜陵市大气降尘中铜元素的污染特征 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
为了探讨和评价矿产资源利用过程对大气污染的可能贡献,评价了典型有色金属矿山城市--铜陵市的大气降尘中铜元素的污染状况及其来源。运用ICP-AES法分析测试了铜陵市不同功能区17个大气降尘样品中铜元素的含量,并采用富集因子法定性地判断了各采样点铜元素的来源。结果表明:铜陵市大气降尘中铜元素的平均质量分数为2 190×10-6,富集因子最高值为391.5;大气降尘中铜元素污染严重,形成了以铜开采和冶炼企业为中心的污染区域;铜矿石的开采和冶炼对大气降尘中的铜元素污染贡献较大,是主要的污染源。 相似文献
在济南市城区对大气降尘及不同污染端元样品进行采集,系统分析了大气降尘和污染端元元素含量特征,并对大气降尘空间分布及污染来源进行研究。结果表明:不同污染端元中元素含量差别明显,燃煤尘中As、Cd、F、Pb是汽车尾气尘的3倍以上,是交通尘、冶炼尘、建筑尘等其他端元尘的1.26~2.35倍,对环境影响较大;汽车尾气尘中Cr、Ni、S、Zn含量最高,冶炼尘中Co、Ni、Pb、F含量偏高,而建筑尘中多数元素含量为所有端元尘中最低。与土壤背景值相比,济南市大气降尘中Cr、Cu、Pb、Zn、Cd、F、S富集程度较高,受到不同程度人为污染;相关分析和因子分析结果表明,Cd、Cu、Hg、Pb、As主要来源于企业燃煤,大气降尘中这些元素高含量区与热电厂、冶炼厂、化工厂等燃煤污染源空间分布相一致;F、S可能与汽车尾气排放有关,而As、Cr主源于交通污染,这3种污染源是济南市大气降尘污染的主要来源,对降尘的贡献约占60.42%。研究表明,工业燃煤排放已逐渐代替汽车尾气成为大气降尘中Pb元素的主要来源。 相似文献
北京市中关村地区大气降尘的来源与垂向分布特征 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
利用光学和电子显微镜、X射线衍射仪以及同步辐射X射线荧光对北京市中关村地区大气降尘的粒度分布、颗粒物微观形貌特征、矿物组成及化学元素组成等方面进行分析研究。粒度分析表明中关村地区大气降尘随着相对高度的增加,粗颗粒物逐渐减少。大气降尘的颗粒物形貌可以分为粒状、柱状单矿物,圆球状飘珠和不规则粒状集合体3种类型。矿物组成及化学元素组成的分析显示中关村地区大气降尘的污染物主要来自自然扬尘、建筑扬尘、燃煤、汽车尾气等污染源。 相似文献
江苏徐州城市地质调查需求分析及关键问题 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
随着城市化及城乡一体化进程加快,地质环境问题对城市建设的影响日益突出,开展城市地质调查,解决城市地质问题已成为当务之急。从徐州市城市规划建设、重大工程建设、城市防灾减灾、生态环境保护及"智慧徐州"构建等方面分析徐州城市发展对地质调查工作的需求,从基础地质、地质资源、地质环境、综合研究、信息系统5方面部署徐州城市地质调查工作,并提出徐州城市地质调查中亟需解决的关键问题,即地下水资源约束与应急供水保障、岩溶区地下工程风险与灾害防控、采空区建设用地的适宜性与风险评价、塌陷地复垦土地质量与生态安全、城市地质信息系统的构建与"智慧徐州"融合。 相似文献
有关生态地球化学调查工程的成果应用已经受到高度关注。本文以江苏区域生态地球化学调查工程所获取的土壤、岩石等元素含量数据为基础,探讨了富硒土壤的分布特点、元素地球化学特征、物质来源与成因类型。研究结果显示:(1)全省富硒土壤的Se含量一般介于0.3~15 mg/kg,同时伴有S、TOC、Zn、Sb、Cd、Pb、As、Cr、Ni、Fe等相对富集;(2)富硒土壤可分为原岩风化残积型、煤矸石风化迁移型、湖相沉积型、粉煤灰型、污染叠加型、多金属矿化伴生型等6个成因类型,以产于苏南酸性土壤环境的原岩风化残积型富硒土壤利用价值最高,该类富硒土壤也是天然富硒农产品的主要产地;(3)富硒土壤物质来源具有多源复合性,表现为先天性物质来源(自然)、后天性物质来源(人为)及复合性物质来源(自然与人为叠加)等3种形式;(4)在先天性物质来源所形成的富硒土壤中,Se与S、TOC等呈显著正相关性,且Cd、Zn、Pb、As等未超标,富硒土壤厚度不受耕作层限制、深度可超过2 m。 相似文献
自然资源管理视角下江苏城市地质调查工作新思考 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
城市地质调查是城市规划建设和运行管理的基础工作。江苏在全国率先覆盖地级市的城市地质调查工作,形成具江苏特色的工作机制、工作方法、工作模式和工作成果,但尚不能满足自然资源管理的需要。本文在全面分析江苏城市地质调查工作成效和不足的基础上,基于自然资源管理需求,构建了由多尺度三维地质调查、多要素自然资源调查、多系统生态地质调查、多维度地下空间评价、资源环境监测网建设和城市地质信息系统及服务平台建设组成的城市地质调查工作新体系,并提出精准服务国土空间规划、建立地质大数据开放共享平台、推广“地质+”成果转化创新和探索后工业化时代工作方向等城市地质调查工作新思考。 相似文献
Dominik Weiss William ShotykJack Rieley Susan PageMarlies Gloor Steve ReeseAntonio Martinez-Cortizas 《Geochimica et cosmochimica acta》2002,66(13):2307-2323
Biogeochemical processes in a forested tropical peat deposit and its record of past atmospheric dust deposition were assessed using the vertical distribution of lithophilic and plant essential elements in a dated core profile from Borneo, SE Asia. Peat formation started ∼22,120 14C yr before present (BP), and Ca/Mg mass ratios of the solid peat and very low ash contents indicate a strongly ombrotrophic character throughout the deposit, implying that most of the inorganic fraction has been supplied exclusively by atmospheric inputs. Concentration profiles of Mn, Sr, and Ca suggest a very minor influence of chemical diagenesis in the underlying sediments. Silicon, Ca, Mg, P, S, and K show a strong and extended zone of enrichment in the top 200 cm of the profile, indicating that biological accumulation mechanisms are much more extensive than in temperate peat bogs.In the lower core sections, where the element distribution is dominated solely by past atmospheric deposition, average Al/Ti ratios are similar to the upper continental crust (UCC), whereas Fe is slightly enriched and Si is strongly depleted: this condition favors highly weathered tropical soil dust as the main inorganic mineral source. Significant correlation of Al, Fe, Si, S, Ca, and Ti with the lithophilic elements Y and Zr suggests that the distribution of these elements is controlled by sources of atmospheric mineral dust. The Ca/Mg, Ca/K, and Mg/K ratios of the collected rainwater samples are similar to the global average of continental rainwater and suggest a continental character for the site. This is supported by the similarity of the average concentration of Br, Mg, Ca, and S to that in temperate continental and maritime bogs in Switzerland and Scotland.The concentration profiles of Si, Fe, Al, and Ti show distinct peaks within the profile, implying enhanced dust deposition, reduced rates of peat accumulation, or possibly both owing to climatic changes during the Holocene. Enhanced dust deposition between ∼10,830 and 9060 14C yr BP is tentatively interpreted as a Younger Dryas-like event with dust fluxes of ∼10.8 mg/m2/yr. The variations in Al/Ti and Fe/Ti profiles suggest that mineral dust sources have been changing constantly during the Holocene, with local sources being dominant between ∼7820 and 9500 14C yr BP and long-range transport (derived most likely from China) being important during the late Pleistocene and early Holocene and from ∼7820 14C yr BP to the present. 相似文献
The concentrations of Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Cd, and Pb in 177 surface sediment samples from throughout Chesapeake Bay
are reported. Analyses were made of both unfractionated samples and the <63 μm fractions. Analytical uncertainty, always less
than ±10%, controlled reproducibility in analyses of the <63 μm fractions, but sampling variance controlled reproducibility
in the unfractionated samples, especially when coarse-grained sediments were being analyzed. Sediments in the northernmost
part of the bay are enriched relative to average continental crust in all elements except Cr. This reflects the composition
of dissolved and suspended material being delivered to that region by the Susquehanna River. The enriched sediments appear
not to be transported south of Baltimore in significant quantily. Zinc, cadmium, and lead are enriched relative to average
crust throughout the bay and in most other estuaries in the eastern United States. 相似文献
地下空间资源是地表基质层中宝贵的自然资源之一,其作为城市有机体的重要组成部分,在未来城市建设中起着举足轻重的作用。苏南都市圈城市地下空间资源开发在全国处在领先地位,地下空间规划管理方面已形成较为完善的体系,城市地质调查也在全国率先实现全覆盖。依据地下空间资源开发现状和地质结构 “软硬”两个方面条件对苏南都市圈城市地下空间资源进行分类,划分为宁镇丘陵岗地型、苏锡常平原型和长江中下游冲积平原型三种类型。不同类型城市地下空间资源开发的地质背景和城市需求不尽相同,需根据实际情况定制不同的地下空间调查、规划、建设、管理体系。城市地下空间资源地质调查作为城市地质调查工作的延伸,需要提出更高的要求。本文从城市地下空间资源地质调查精度和深度、多参数多尺度一体化建模、地下空间资源评价、多种地下资源协同利用、地质资料信息数据库与平台建设等方面提出对策建议,用于指导未来城市地下空间资源调查的工程实践,为地质调查成果支撑城市地下空间全生命周期发展提供借鉴意义。 相似文献
Trace element geochemistry was studied in geothermal fluids in Iceland. The major and trace element compositions of hot springs, sub-boiling, and two-phase (liquid and vapor) wells from 10 geothermal areas were used to reconstruct the fluid composition in the aquifers at depth. Aquifer fluid temperatures ranged from 4 to 300 °C, pH values between 4.5 and 9.3, and fluids typically contained total dissolved solids <1000 ppm, except in geothermal areas that have seawater and seawater-meteoric water mixtures. Trace alkali elements Li, Rb and Cs are among the most mobile elements in aquifer fluids, with concentrations in the range of <1 ppb to 3.49 ppm Li, <0.01 to 57 ppb Cs, and <1 ppb to 3.77 ppm Rb. Their chemistry is thought to be dominated by rock leaching and partitioning into Na- and K-containing major alteration minerals. Arsenic, Sb, Mo and W are typically present in concentrations in the range of 1–100 ppb. They are relatively mobile, yet Mo may be limited by molybdenite solubility. The alkaline earth elements Ba and Sr are quite immobile with concentrations in the range of <0.1–10 ppb Ba and <1–100 ppb Sr in the dilute fluids, but up to 5.9 ppm Ba and 8.2 ppm Sr in saline fluids. These elements show a systematic relationship with Ca, possibly due to substitution for Ca in Ca-containing major alteration minerals like calcite, epidote and anhydrite. Incorporation into major Ca-minerals may also be important for Mn. Many metals including Fe, Cr, Ni, Zn, Cu, Co, Pb and Ag have low mobility and concentrations, typically <1 ppb for Ag, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Ni, and Pb, <10 ppb for Zn and < 100 ppb for Fe, although for some metals higher concentrations are associated with saline fluids. Based on the metals assessed, saturation is approached with respect to many sulfide minerals and in some cases oxide minerals but Cu, Ni and Pb minerals are slightly but systematically undersaturated, and Ag phases significantly undersaturated. Evaluation of mineral-fluid equilibria for these metals is problematic due to their low concentrations, problems associated with assessing the aqueous species distribution by thermodynamic calculations, and uncertainties concerning the exact minerals possibly involved in such reactions. Reaction path calculations, poor comparison of concentrations measured in the samples collected at the wellhead and published downhole data as well as boiling, cooling and mass precipitation calculations suggest removal of many metals due to changes upon depressurization boiling and conductive cooling of the aquifer fluids as they ascend in wells. These results imply that processes such as mass precipitation upon fluid ascent may be highly important and emphasize the importance of considering mass movement in geothermal systems. 相似文献
城市地下空间开发利用情况及环境地质问题分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
地下空间具有恒温、恒湿、隔热、遮光、气密、隐蔽、安全等优点,地下构筑物具有良好的抗震性、稳定性、隐蔽性、防护性、隔音性等特性。介绍了城市对地下空间的利用情况与发展趋势,以及城市地下空间资源开发利用中的环境地质问题或地质灾害。 相似文献
大气中的沙尘通过对太阳光的吸收和散射对地表温度产生影响,进而对大气环流和降水等也产生影响,但是在地球的不同历史时期尤其是深时地球大气中的沙尘量如何变化以及如何影响气候还有很多不清楚的地方。本文通过模式模拟对地球上4个不同时期的沙尘变化及其气候影响进行了研究,这4个时期分别是陆地植被还没有出现的前寒武时期、有植被且全球气温较高的盘古超大陆时期、大陆分布接近现代但气候较寒冷的末次盛冰期和气候较温暖的中全新世。在前寒武时期,由于陆地起沙面积大,大气中的沙尘含量可以达到现代地球的近10倍,使得全球地表温度下降也有近10 ℃。在盘古超大陆时期,由于在副热带的陆地面积比现代稍大,因此大气沙尘量也比现代稍大,对全球平均温度的影响很小。在末次盛冰期,由于寒冷干燥,沙尘量是现代的约两倍,但是它对全球有强烈的增温作用,如果没有沙尘,全球温度可能降低约2.5 ℃。在中全新世,观测显示全球沙尘量比现代少很多,模拟显示,采用现代沙尘和把沙尘全部去掉对全球平均温度的影响可以忽略,但是大西洋经向翻转流有显著变化。 相似文献
萤石是许多热液矿床中重要的脉石矿物,其稀土元素含量及相关参数(如∑REE、LREE/HREE、Eu/Eu*、Ce/Ce*、Y/La、Tb/Ca-Tb/La图解等),能为揭示成矿流体性质、来源与演化,建立成矿模式,评价区域成矿潜力等提供重要信息。然而,随着微区分析技术的日趋成熟,原位实测数据显示,萤石中微量元素(包括稀土元素)的分配在显微尺度上可能具有不均一性,致使依据萤石溶液法获得的稀土元素含量所反映地质信息的可靠性受到质疑。因此,在应用萤石稀土元素地球化学探讨相关地质问题前,有必要加强萤石微观结构的观察和配套的流体包裹体以及相关同位素组成分析。本文在综述萤石稀土元素地球化学研究基础上,初步探讨了影响萤石稀土元素不均一分配的主要机制,以期为萤石稀土元素在热液矿床成因研究中的应用提供借鉴。 相似文献