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根据大量的野外地质调查和测量资料分析,讨论了地震滑坡沿昌马断裂带走向和倾向的展布特征。研究认为昌马断裂带地震滑坡主要发生在山坡坡度30°-50°的部位和山坡地形高差100-300m的部位;地震滑坡规模、数量的分布特征与断裂活动强度的分布变化有密切的关系,这是地震滑坡与降水滑坡、人为滑坡和融冻滑坡的最大区别;最后讨论了地震滑坡最大水平滑距的规律,对地震滑坡灾害预测有很现实的意义。  相似文献   

徐小任  徐勇 《地理研究》2017,(4):661-672
在采用建设用地当量面积占区域土地总面积百分比法计算黄土高原地区各县级单元人类活动强度基础上,从总体变化、类型时空分异、地域单元变化及空间自相关性四方面分析人类活动强度时空变化特征。结果表明:1992年黄土高原地区人类活动强度为12.48%,2000年达到14.49%,2008年仅上升至14.81%,2000年以前增长相对较快,2000年以后增长明显放缓;人类活动强度空间分布格局呈现出西北低、东南高的特点,二者之间的区域则随时间发生一定变化,呈现出较低、中等、较低与中等类型交错分布的变化趋势;除黄土丘陵地区人类活动强度较低、低类型大幅度转化为中等类型外,其他五大地域单元空间分布格局变化不大;人类活动强度具有显著的空间集聚(正相关)特征,高值集聚区主要分布于黄土高原地区东南部的汾渭谷地和豫西北盆地区,低值集聚区大片集中于西北半壁的鄂尔多斯风沙区、黄土丘陵地区以及青东高原山地丘陵区。  相似文献   

西藏樟木滑坡活动空间分布的分维特征及其地质意义   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4  
依据分形理论,系统地研究了西藏樟木地区滑坡活动空间分布的分形特征。结果表明,滑坡活动的空间分布结构具有很好的统计自相似性,分维可作为滑坡活动空间分布的定量描述参数。区域性的滑坡活动空间分布的分维在急剧变化阶段同滑坡活动的高潮期相对应,分维的变化对滑坡预报有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

中国世界遗产的空间分布特征   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
世界遗产是极其宝贵的旅游资源,其空间分布对区域旅游流格局产生着重要影响.分析中国世界遗产的分布状况,揭示其空间分布特征及规律,能够为我国世界遗产的申报、管理和保护规划提供科学依据.本文运用空间结构分析方法,从全国范围、省际、南北、东中西不同地域,以及腾冲-黑河线等尺度研究中国世界遗产的宏观地域分异.研究表明:中国世界遗产具有明显地域特征,空间格局表现出明显的组团状特征,大致可以分为北京及周边、黄河中下游、长江中下游平原及西南地区四大斑块;省域分布不均衡,全国只有北京、辽宁、四川等22个省份拥有世界遗产,其中北京以6处世界遗产位居全国首位;从南北方看,南方世界遗产地面积、遗产分布密度均大于北方,自然遗产主要分布在南方;从东中西部来看,均有世界遗产,但东部和中部地区明显多于西部地区;从人口地理分界线看,世界遗产主要分布于东南侧人口密集地区,西北地区则分布较少.各种角度的空间分布特征均与自然环境、社会历史、经济活动等诸多因素有密切关系.  相似文献   

中国堵江滑坡发育分布特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在我国已经发现和识别出160余个堵江滑坡,根据这些实际资料,绘制了我国滑坡堵江事件分布图,研究表明,堵江滑坡的发育与我国的降雨分区、地形地貌、断裂分布、地震活动和地层岩性的分布密切相关,从而堵江滑坡灾害在时间上、空间上的发育分布具有一定的规律。  相似文献   

在野外实地调查和资料收集的基础上,主要研究了广东省西部地区地质灾害在时空分布方面的规律。在对广东省西部地区灾害的发育分布特征、形成灾害的各方面影响因素等进行综合性分析,根据本次调查结果,某地区发生的灾害主要突发性地质灾害,主要有崩塌、滑坡、地面沉降和泥石流等四种类型。由此提出在完善群测群防体系条件下,以适合该地区的工程治理、搬迁避让、生物防治及综合治理等防治措施,保护某地区土地资源、生态环境,实现该地区的经济可持续发展,为地方规划部署地质灾害防治工作提供决策依据。  相似文献   

广东省茂名市某矿区附近发生滑坡地质灾害,造成路面塌陷,地面裂缝,输水管道变形断裂,所幸没有造成人员伤亡。现对该滑坡进行勘查,查明该滑坡所处的地质环境、空间分布范围及形态特征、规模大小及滑带发育情况,研究滑坡的形成机制及影响因素,预测滑坡的稳定性,对滑坡的防治措施提出合理的建议。  相似文献   

山体滑坡是一种较为常见且危害性极大的地质灾害,主要由强降雨、地震等自然因素或坡脚开挖、坡顶堆载等人为因素诱发,给人民群众的生命财产安全带来极大威胁。广东省梅州市地处山区,地质灾害频频发生。2017年2月,在大埔县高陂镇古西村鹤山片发育了一处特大型滑坡群地质灾害,对人民群众的生命财产造成了严重的威胁。由于该滑坡群规模较大,且特征明显,本文主要论述了滑坡的特征及对该滑坡的成因进行探讨,为此类滑坡的研究与防治提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

余承君  刘希林 《热带地理》2012,32(4):344-351
广东省地质灾害较为常见,崩塌、滑坡、泥石流是其中比较严重的3种类型。基于现有的泥石流危险度评价原理和方法,建立了可用于广东省崩塌、滑坡、泥石流灾害危险性的评价模型。以全省88个县级评价单元为基础,根据崩塌、滑坡、泥石流灾害危险度评价结果,将广东省共分为3个危险等级区,其中高度危险区8个县,占总数的9.1%;中度危险区60个县,占总数的68.2%;低度危险区20个县,占总数的22.7%,据此制成广东省崩塌、滑坡、泥石流灾害危险等级图。高度危险区主要位于粤北山区,危险度数值介于0.6~0.72之间;中度危险区连片分布,是全省崩塌、滑坡、泥石流灾害的主体部分,危险度数值介于0.4~0.6之间;低度危险区集中分布在平原区及低平台地区,危险度数值介于0.31~0.4之间。采用1994―2009年广东省防灾减灾年鉴和广东省地质灾害防治规划(2001―2015年)中的统计数据,验证了本文的研究成果与实际情况具有较高的一致性。  相似文献   

昭通“7.12”暴雨过程诱发了区域性滑坡泥石流的强烈活动,造成严重的灾害。本文通过对灾害现场考察,剖析了暴雨成因、时空分布,并阐明了“7.12”暴雨滑坡泥石流区域分布和成灾特征,并以彝良县为例,探讨了暴雨与滑坡泥石流形成关系。根据昭通地区暴雨滑坡泥石流发生规律和发展趋势,提出了减灾对策。  相似文献   

为探究哈尼梯田世界文化景观遗产地核心区滑坡灾害时空分布规律,以Google Earth 0.55 m分辨率的2005、2009、2015年3期遥感影像为基础,结合实地走访调查,建立滑坡数据库,在ArcGIS 10.2平台上计算滑坡点的最邻近指数、K函数曲线及密度分布。结果显示:1)哈尼梯田遗产核心区2005、2009、2015年的滑坡数量分别为184、337和285个,对应最邻近指数为0.556、0.603、0.628;最显著聚集的空间尺度为1 000 m,从聚集向离散分布转变的空间尺度阈值分别为2.9、3.9、3.6 km。2)3个年份滑坡点高密度区占比逐渐增加(2.3%→5.8%→8.3%),中密度区占比亦逐渐增大(15.7%→21.8%→27.9%),低密度区占比逐渐减小(82.0%→72.5%→66.8%)。3)需要重点防范滑坡灾害风险的区域为森林区的西段和东段,村寨区的多依树、硐浦、勐品、水卜龙等地,以及阿勐控河和碧猛河流域内的梯田区。综上,研究区2005-2015年滑坡空间格局发生了显著变化,随着人类活动对地表景观干预程度不断加大,滑坡灾害风险增加了更多的不确定性。  相似文献   

This paper proposes a statistical decision-tree model to analyze landslide susceptibility in a wide area of the Akaishi Mountains, Japan. The objectives of this study were to validate the decision-tree model by comparing landslide susceptibility and actual landslide occurrence, and to reveal the relationships among landslide occurrence, topography, and geology. Landslide susceptibility was examined through ensemble learning with a decision tree. Decision trees are advantageous in that estimation processes and order of important explanatory variables are explicitly represented by the tree structures. Topographic characteristics (elevation, slope angle, profile curvature, plan curvature, and dissection and undissection height) and geological data were used as the explanatory variables. These topographic characteristics were calculated from digital elevation models (DEMs). The objective variables were landslide occurrence and reactivation data between 1992 and 2002 that were depicted by satellite image analysis. Landslide susceptibility was validated by comparing actual data on landslides that occurred and reactivated after the model was constructed (between 2002 and 2004).This study revealed that, from 2002 to 2004, landslides tended to occur and reactivate in catchments with high landslide susceptibility. The landslide susceptibility map thus depicts the actual landslide occurrence and reactivation in the Akaishi Mountains. This result indicates that the decision-tree model has appropriate accuracy for estimating the probabilities of future landslides. The tree structure indicates that landslides occurred and reactivated frequently in the catchments that had an average slope angle exceeding ca. 29° and a mode of slope angle exceeding 33°, which agree well with previous studies. A decision tree also quantitatively expresses important explanatory variables at the higher order of the tree structure.  相似文献   

GIS and ANN model for landslide susceptibility mapping   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
XU Zeng-wang 《地理学报》2001,11(3):374-381
Landslide hazard is as the probability of occurrence of a potentially damaging landslide phenomenon within specified period of time and within a given area. The susceptibility map provides the relative spatial probability of landslides occurrence. A study is presented of the application of GIS and artificial neural network model to landslide susceptibility mapping, with particular reference to landslides on natural terrain in this paper. The method has been applied to Lantau Island, the largest outlying island within the territory of Hong Kong. A three-level neural network model was constructed and trained by the back-propagate algorithm in the geographical database of the study area. The data in the database includes digital elevation modal and its derivatives, landslides distribution and their attributes, superficial geological maps, vegetation cover, the raingauges distribution and their 14 years 5-minute observation. Based on field inspection and analysis of correlation between terrain variables and landslides frequency, lithology, vegetation cover, slope gradient, slope aspect, slope curvature, elevation, the characteristic value, the rainstorms corresponding to the landslide, and distance to drainage line are considered to be related to landslide susceptibility in this study. The artificial neural network is then coupled with the ArcView3.2 GIS software to produce the landslide susceptibility map, which classifies the susceptibility into three levels: low, moderate, and high. The results from this study indicate that GIS coupled with artificial neural network model is a flexible and powerful approach to identify the spatial probability of hazards.  相似文献   

GIS and ANN model for landslide susceptibility mapping   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
1 IntroductionThe population growth and the expansion of settlements and life-lines over hazardous areas exert increasingly great impact of natural disasters both in the developed and developing countries. In many countries, the economic losses and casualties due to landslides are greater than commonly recognized and generate a yearly loss of property larger than that from any other natural disasters, including earthquakes, floods and windstorms. Landslides in mountainous terrain often occur a…  相似文献   

Probability maps of landslide reactivation are presented for the Pra Bellon landslide located in the southern French Alps based on results obtained with dendrogeomorphic analysis. Spatiotemporal patterns of past landslide activity was derived from tree-ring series of 403 disturbed mountain pine trees growing in the landslide body. In total, 704 growth disturbances were identified in the samples indicating 22 reactivation phases of the landslide body between 1910 and 2011. The mean return period was 4.5 years. Given the spatiotemporal completeness of the reconstruction, probabilities of landslide reactivation were computed and illustrated using a Poisson distribution model and for 5, 20, 50, and 100 years. Probability of landslide reactivation is highest in the central part of the landslide body and increases from 0.13 for a 5-year period to 0.94 for a 100-year period. Conversely, probabilities of reactivation are lower at its margins. The proposed method differs from conventional approaches based on statistical analyses or physical modeling that have demonstrated to have limitations in the prediction of spatiotemporal reactivation of landslides. Our approach is, in contrast, based on extensive data on past landslides and therefore allowed determination of quantitative probability maps of reactivation derived directly from the frequency of past events. This approach is considered a valuable tool for land managers in charge of protecting and forecasting people and their assets from the negative effects of landslides as well as for those responsible for land use planning and management. It demonstrates the reliability of dendrogeomorphic mapping that should be used systematically in forested shallow landslides.  相似文献   

This paper presents a statistical approach to study the spatial relationship between landslides and their causative factors at the regional level. The approach is based on digital databases, and incorporates such methods as statistics, spatial pattern analysis, and interactive mapping. Firstly, the authors propose an object-oriented conceptual model for describing a landslide event, and a combined database of landslides and environmental factors is constructed by integrating the various databases within such a conceptual framework. The statistical histogram, spatial overlay, and dynamic mapping methods are linked together to interactively evaluate the spatial pattern of the relationship between landslides and their causative factors. A case study of an extreme event in 1993 on Lantau Island indicates that rainfall intensity and the migration of the center of the rainstorm greatly influence the occurrence of landslides on Lantau Island. A regional difference in the relationship between landslides and topography is identified. Most of the landslides in the middle and western parts of the island occurred on slopes with slope angles of 25–35°, while in the eastern part, the corresponding range is 30–35°. Overlaying landslide data with land cover reveals that a large number of landslides occurred in the bareland and shrub-covered area, and in the transition zones between different vegetation types. The proposed approach can be used not only to analyze the general characteristics of such a relationship, but also to depict its spatial distribution and variation, thereby providing a sound basis for regional landslide prediction.  相似文献   

A landslide-hazard map is intended to show the location of future slope instability. Most spatial models of the hazard lack reliability tests of the procedures and predictions for estimating the probabilities of future landslides, thus precluding use of the maps for probabilistic risk analysis. To correct this deficiency we propose a systematic procedure comprising two analytical steps: “relative-hazard mapping” and “empirical probability estimation”. A mathematical model first generates a prediction map by dividing an area into “prediction” classes according to the relative likelihood of occurrence of future landslides, conditional by local geomorphic and topographic characteristics. The second stage estimates empirically the probability of landslide occurrence in each prediction class, by applying a cross-validation technique. Cross-validation, a “blind test” here using non-overlapping spatial or temporal subsets of mapped landslides, evaluates accuracy of the prediction and from the resulting statistics estimates occurrence probabilities of future landslides. This quantitative approach, exemplified by several experiments in an area near Lisbon, Portugal, can accommodate any subsequent analysis of landslide risk.  相似文献   

Active landslides are evident throughout Bridger-Teton National Forest (BTNF), and northwestern Wyoming has one of the highest landslide densities in the country. Land use changes and increased demands for infrastructure challenge BTNF personnel to better understand landslide processes in order to make informed land management decisions. Despite recent population growth in the region, research on landslide phenomena is lacking. In this study, soil and geomorphic properties related to landslide occurrence were studied at 18 landslides in the BTNF. Landslides were categorized as active or inactive based on geomorphic features. Landslide soil characteristics including texture, shrink-swell potential, clay mineralogy, and horizonation were compared on active and inactive landslides. The results indicate that soil characteristics related to the degree of soil formation are different on active and inactive landslides. Soil characteristics such as plasticity, shrink-swell potential, and clay mineralogy influence slope stability and were distinctly different on active and inactive landslides, especially in C horizons. This study shows that soil characteristics and slope geomorphic properties may be useful for assessing landslide frequency. Our results support a hypothesis that landslide occurrence in the BTNF is related to weathering of soil and unconsolidated material, which affects clay mineralogy.  相似文献   

Probabilistic landslide hazard assessment at the basin scale   总被引:32,自引:9,他引:32  
We propose a probabilistic model to determine landslide hazard at the basin scale. The model predicts where landslides will occur, how frequently they will occur, and how large they will be. We test the model in the Staffora River basin, in the northern Apennines, Italy. For the study area, we prepare a multi-temporal inventory map through the interpretation of multiple sets of aerial photographs taken between 1955 and 1999. We partition the basin into 2243 geo-morpho-hydrological units, and obtain the probability of spatial occurrence of landslides by discriminant analysis of thematic variables, including morphological, lithological, structural and land use. For each mapping unit, we obtain the landslide recurrence by dividing the total number of landslide events inventoried in the unit by the time span of the investigated period. Assuming that landslide recurrence will remain the same in the future, and adopting a Poisson probability model, we determine the exceedance probability of having one or more landslides in each mapping unit, for different periods. We obtain the probability of landslide size by analysing the frequency–area statistics of landslides, obtained from the multi-temporal inventory map. Assuming independence, we obtain a quantitative estimate of landslide hazard for each mapping unit as the joint probability of landslide size, of landslide temporal occurrence and of landslide spatial occurrence.  相似文献   

Manjiya County on the Ugandan slopes of Mount Elgon is a densely populated mountainous area where landslides have been reported since the beginning of the twentieth century. The numerous fatalities and the damage done during the extreme rainfall events of 1997 to 1999 drew attention to this phenomenon. In order to better understand the causal factors of these landslides, 98 recent landslides in the study area, mostly debris slumps, were mapped and investigated. Together, they displaced 11 millions m3 of slope material. Statistical analysis shows that landslides dominate on steep concave slope segments that are oriented to the dominant rainfall direction (northeast) and at a relatively large distance from the water divide. Based on landslide occurrence and impact, four different zones can be distinguished within the study area. Causal factors as well as landslide characteristics differ greatly between the four zones.Besides the fact that steep slopes, high rainfall and typical soil properties and stratification turn Manjiya into an inherently unstable area, human interference cannot be neglected. Whereas deforestation has reduced the stability of the shallow soils on the eastern slopes of the study area, the excavation of slopes, mainly for house building, is an important destabilizing factor for the western slopes. The growing population density not only increases the risk on damage, but hampers the search for solutions for the landslide problem as well.  相似文献   

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