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This study examined lightning activity and its relationship to precipitation and convective available potential energy(CAPE) in South China during 2001–12, based on data from the Guangdong Lightning Location System, the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission satellite, and the ERA-Interim dataset. Two areas of high lightning density are identified: one over the Pearl River Delta, and the other to the north of Leizhou Peninsula. Large peak-current cloud-to-ground(LPCCG) lightning(75 kA) shows weaker land–offshore contrasts than total CG lightning, in which negative cloud-to-ground(NCG) lightning occurs more prominently than positive cloud-to-ground(PCG) lightning on land. While the frequency of total CG lightning shows a main peak in June and a second peak in August, the LPCCG lightning over land shows only a single peak in June.The ratio of positive LPCCG to total lightning is significantly greater during February–April than during other times of the year. Diurnally, CG lightning over land shows only one peak in the afternoon, whereas CG lightning offshore shows morning and afternoon peaks. The rain yield per flash is on the order of 10~7–10~8kg per flash across the analysis region, and its spatial distribution is opposite to that of lightning density. Our data show that lightning activity over land is more sensitive than that over offshore waters to CAPE. The relationships between lightning activity and both precipitation and CAPE are associated with convection activity in the analysis region.  相似文献   

基于卫星观测资料的全球闪电活动特征研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用卫星携带的闪电探测系统所获取的11年(1995年5月至2006年4月)闪电资料,对全球闪电活 动特征进行了详细分析。结果表明:全球闪电频数约为46.2 fl s-1(fl为flash简写,表征闪电发生的次数),在30°S~30°N闪电数占全球闪电总数的78.1%,陆地和海洋的闪电密度之比为9.64:1。近海海域面积占海洋面积的近3成,但闪电数占海洋闪电总数的近7成,远海海域闪电的密度很小。陆地和近海海域闪电活动随季节变化呈现出单峰特征,峰值出现在7月。中高纬度大陆东部近海海域闪电频数大于西部,赤道附近区域相反,大陆西部近海海域闪电频数大于东部。闪电活动随海拔高度的变化呈两峰三谷的特征,两峰分别出现在海拔100~2400 m和3300~4600 m,3个低谷分别出现在海拔100 m以下、2400~3300 m和4600 m以上,这是在地理位置和海拔高度的影响下,各种因素综合作用的结果。  相似文献   

利用TRMM/LIS 0.1°超高分辨率闪电定位产品, 分析了浙江省及周边地区(117.5~123.0°E, 26~32°N)卫星闪电资料的时空分布特点; 并结合中国区域地面气象要素驱动数据集、亚洲大陆气溶胶光学厚度数据集, 分析了该区域闪电与气象要素的关系。结果表明: 研究区域内闪电平均密度为5.97 f1/(km2·a), 其中陆地闪电平均密度为7.94 f1/(km2·a), 海洋闪电平均密度为2.09 f1/(km2·a), 陆地闪电平均密度为海洋闪电平均密度的3.80倍; 平均闪电密度值逐月变化特征在陆地和海洋区域有很好的一致性, 夏季闪电密度最大, 冬季闪电密度值最小; 陆地闪电密度日变化呈现单峰结构, 海洋闪电密度日变化呈现双峰双谷波形。该区域陆地气温、地面辐射、比湿及降水率均与闪电密度的月变化成正相关, 其中地面降水率和闪电密度月变化相关系数最高, 为0.858 0;气溶胶光学厚度与闪电密度月变化呈现弱的负相关, 相关系数为-0.397 8。   相似文献   

Thunderstorms and associated lightning flash activities are studied over two different locations in India with different terrain features. Lightning imaging sensor (LIS) data from 1998 to 2008 are analyzed during the pre-monsoon months (March, April and May). The eastern sector is designated as Sector A that represents a 2° × 2° square area enclosing Kolkata (22.65°N, 88.45°E) at the centre and covering Gangetic West Bengal, parts of Bihar and Orissa whereas the north-eastern sector designated as Sector B that also represents a 2° × 2° square area encircling Guwahati (26.10°N, 91.58°E) at the centre and covering Assam and foot hills of Himalaya of India. The stations Kolkata and Guwahati are selected for the present study from Sector A and Sector B, respectively, as these are the only stations over the selected areas having Radiosonde observatory. The result of the present study reveals that the characteristics of thunderstorms over the two locations are remarkably different. Lightning frequency is observed to be higher in Sector B than Sector A. The result further reveals that though the lightning frequency is less in Sector A, but the associated radiance is higher in Sector A than Sector B. It is also observed that the radiance increases linearly with convective available potential energy (CAPE) and their high correlation reveals that the lightning intensity can be estimated through the CAPE values. The sensitivity of lightning activity to CAPE is higher at the elevated station Guwahati (elevation 54 m) than Kolkata (elevation 6 m). Moderate resolution imaging spectrometer (MODIS) data products are used to obtain aerosol optical depth and cloud top temperature and employed to find their responses on lightning radiance.  相似文献   

香港地区地闪时空分布特征及其影响因素   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
通过对香港地区2006—2012年闪电定位数据、气象参数和海拔高度等相关数据的统计及相关性分析,对香港地区的地闪活动时空分布特征及其影响因素进行研究。结果表明,香港地区2006—2012年的地闪发生次数最多的是2010年,最少是2011年,每年地闪高发日的天数对地闪活动年际变化起到了关键性作用。地闪活动的发生主要集中在4—9月,逐月地闪回击次数与气温、相对湿度、降雨量及CAPE均呈现显著的正相关关系。地闪活动的日变化特征主要受到地闪高发日闪电活动、海陆热力差异及太阳辐射变化的综合影响,正、负地闪回击次数的日变化峰值均出现在01时。香港西部地区的正地闪回击密度明显高于东部,而负地闪回击密度的高值中心主要集中在海拔较高的山区。香港地区正、负地闪回击密度均随海拔的升高而有所增加,且六座典型山峰周围的负地闪回击密度与海拔高度在空间分布特征上具有很强的相似性。   相似文献   


Flash density and occurrence features for more than 23.5 million cloud‐to‐ground (CG) lightning flashes detected by the Canadian Lightning Detection Network (CLDN) from 1999 to 2008 are analyzed on 20 × 20 km equal area squares over Canada. This study was done to update an analysis performed in 2002 with just three years of data. Flashes were detected throughout the year, and distinct geographic differences in flash density and lightning occurrence were observed. The shape and locations of large scale patterns of lightning occurrence remained almost the same, although some details were different. Flash density maxima occurred at the same locations as found previously: the Swan Hills and Foothills of Alberta, southeastern Saskatchewan, southwestern Manitoba and southwestern Ontario. A region of greater lightning occurrence but relatively low flash density south of Nova Scotia occurred at the same location as reported previously. New areas of higher flash density occurred along the US border with northwestern Ontario and southern Quebec. These appear to be northward extensions of higher flash density seen in the previous study. The greatest average CG flash density was 2.8 flash km?2 y?1 in southwestern Ontario, where the greatest single‐year flash density (10.3 flash km?2 y?1) also occurred. Prominent flash density minima occurred east of the Continental Divide in Alberta and over the Niagara Escarpment in southern Ontario.

Lightning activity is seen to be highly influenced by the length of the season, proximity to cold water bodies and elevation. The diurnal heating and cooling cycle exerted the main control over lightning occurrence over most land areas; however, storm translation and transient dynamic features complicated the time pattern of lightning production. A large portion of the southern Prairie Provinces experienced more than 50% of flashes between 22:30 and 10:30 local solar time. The duration of lightning over a 20 × 20 km square at most locations in Canada is 5–10 h y?1, although the duration exceeded 15 h y?1 over extreme southwestern Ontario. Lightning occurred on 15–30 days each year, on average, over most of the interior of the country. The greatest number of days with lightning in a single year was 47 in the Alberta foothills and 50 in southwestern Ontario. Beginning and ending dates of the lightning season show that the season length decreases from north to south; however, there are considerable east‐west differences between regions. The season is nearly year‐round in the Pacific coastal region, southern Nova Scotia, southern Newfoundland and offshore.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Data from the World Wide Lightning Location Network (WWLLN) were used to analyze the lightning activity and the relationship between maximum sustained wind and lightning rate in 69 tropical cyclones over the Northwest Pacific Ocean from 2005 to 2009. The minimum lightning density was observed in the category 2 typhoon Kong-Rey (2007), with a value of only 1.15 d-1 (100 kin)-2. The maximum lightning density occurred in the category 2 typhoon Mitag (2007), with a value of 510.42 d-1 (100 km)-2. The average lightning density decreased with radius from the typhoon center in both weak (categories 1-3) and super (categories 4-5) typhoons. The average lightning density in the inner core of super typhoons was more than twice as large as that for weak typhoons. Both groups of typhoons showed a near-monotonic decrease in lightning density with radius. Results also showed that lightning activity was more active in typhoons that made landfall than in those that did not. The mean correlation coefficient between the accumulated flashes within a 600-kin radius and the maximum wind speed in the weak typhoons and super typhoons was 0.81 and 0.74, respectively. For more than 78% (56%) of the super (weak) typhoons, the lightning activity peaked before the maximum sustained wind speed, with the most common leading time being 30 (60) h. The results suggest that, for the Northwest Pacific Ocean, lightning activity might be used as a measurement of the intensification of typhoons.  相似文献   

利用1960-2010年江西省81个台站月平均气温观测资料和NOAA全球月平均海表温度资料(ERSST-V3),分析了江西省冬季气温异常与海温异常的相互联系,并运用超前-滞后相关分析和奇异值分解(SVD)方法初步探讨了关键区海温异常之间的相互作用.结果表明:①影响江西省冬季气温异常的海温关键区和关键时段分别为同期印度洋(10°S~20°N,54°~90°E)、同期西北太平洋(20°~40°N,120°~180°E)和前期8-9月北大西洋中部(24°~44°N,20°~60°W)海域;②西北太平洋关键区暖水年预示暖冬年好于印度洋区,而印度洋区冷水年预示冷冬年稍好于西北太平洋区,冬季西北太平洋与印度洋海温异常可以修正前期8-9月北大西洋中部海温异常对江西省冬季气温的影响.  相似文献   

一种新的雷电日及雷电参数统计方法   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
为更好地应用雷电定位系统的自动监测数据统计雷电日及雷电参数,利用滇中地区1987~2006年49个气象站点雷电观测资料和2005~2006年闪电定位探测资料,在对比分析气象观测雷电资料与闪电定位探测雷电资料的基础上,提出了一种新的适用于自动监测雷电日的统计方法--网格法.网格法划分统计区域详细、合理,其雷电日统计值与传统气象雷电日有可比性.长期气象雷电日资料是选定网格大小的参考标尺,滇中地区取0.175°×0.175°网格统计值为其年平均雷电日,取0.3°×0.3°网格统计值为其最大雷电日.用网格法对雷电参数进行统计结果显示:滇中地区雷电日和雷电密度有显著的局地变化特征,地闪密度与闪电强度成反比关系.此结论为防雷工程设计、雷电灾害评估和雷电成因分析提供了较好的理论基础.  相似文献   

利用2010—2018年全球闪电定位网(WWLLN)观测资料, 采用基于闪电密度的空间聚类算法(DBSCAN)建立了西北太平洋地区雷暴数据集, 研究了该区域雷暴的时空分布特征, 并进行海陆差异对比。研究结果表明, 在合理设定DBSCAN参数阈值的条件下, 基于WWLLN闪电聚类的雷暴与天气雷达观测在时空分布和过程演变上具有一致性。西北太平洋区域的日均雷暴数为3 869, 雷暴的闪电密集区平均面积为557.91km2, 平均延展尺度为31.99 km, 平均闪电频次为33 str/(h·thu)。在空间分布上, 东南亚沿海地区与热带岛屿的雷暴活动最强, 南海的雷暴活动强于深海。距离海岸线越近的海域其雷暴面积越大。在季节分布上, 整个区域雷暴活动在夏季(6—8月)达到全年最强, 南海雷暴活动6月达到峰值, 而日本东部近海海域的雷暴活动则在冬季达到最强。我国内陆南方地区雷暴3月开始显著增多, 雷暴平均面积达到最大, 但雷暴平均闪电频次5月才达到峰值。在日变化方面, 陆地雷暴活动呈现典型的单峰型特征, 大部分雷暴发生在午后及傍晚。海洋雷暴日变化则较为平缓, 南海具有其独特的雷暴日变化特征。   相似文献   

This paper investigates the distribution of spatial modes of cloud-to-ground (CG) lightning activity across China's land areas during the period 2010–20 and their possible causes based on the CG lightning dataset of the China National Lightning Detection Network. It is found that the first empirical orthogonal function mode (EOF1) occupies 32.86% of the total variance of the summer CG lightning anomaly variation. Also, it exhibits a negative–positive–negative meridional seesaw pattern from north to south. When the SST of the East Pacific and Indian Ocean warms abnormally and the SST of the Northwest Pacific becomes abnormally cold, a cyclonic circulation is stimulated in the Yellow Sea, East China Sea, and tropical West Pacific region of China. As the water vapor continues to move southwards, it converges with the water vapor deriving from the Bay of Bengal in South China, and ascending motion strengthens here, thus enhancing the CG lightning activity of this area. Affected by the abnormal high pressure, the corresponding CG lightning activities in North China and Northeast China are relatively weak. The ENSO phenomenon is the climate driver for the CG lightning activity occurring in land areas of China.摘要本文利用中国气象局国家雷电监测网 (CNLDN) 的地闪观测数据集, 分析了2010–2020年中国陆地区域地闪空间模态分布特征及其可能的气候成因. 研究发现, 夏季地闪第一模态的方差贡献率为32.86%, 其分布从北到南呈现出“−+−”的经向跷跷板模式. 当东太平洋和印度洋的海温异常增暖, 西北太平洋的海温异常变冷时, 在中国黄海, 东海及热带西太平洋地区激发出气旋性环流. 随着水汽南下至华南地区, 与来自孟加拉湾的水汽汇合, 上升运动在此加强, 从而使得该地区的雷电活动增强. 表明厄尔尼诺-南方涛动 (ENSO) 现象, 是发生在中国陆地区域的地闪活动的气候驱动因子.  相似文献   

卫星观测的我国近海海域闪电分布特征   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
利用星载闪电探测仪OTD(optical transient detecter)和LIS(lightning imaging sensor)所获取的1995年6月—2006年4月的卫星闪电资料,结合NOAA Optimum Interpolation SST海温资料,分析我国近海海域的闪电分布时空特征以及闪电活动与该海域海温之间的相关性。结果表明:我国近海闪电密度平均值为3.39 fl·km~(-2)·a~(-1),其中,南海和渤海的闪电活动相对频繁,随着与海岸线间距离以及纬度的增加,该海域闪电密度逐渐下降;在春季和冬季,黑潮主干海域的海温值相对较高,该处闪电活动也明显强于同纬度的东海近海和太平洋海域,表明黑潮海域是强闪电活动区;在季节变化上,我国近海海域闪电活动与同海域海温呈明显正相关,相关系数达0.797,闪电活动与海温变化体现出了一致的变化趋势;而在年际变化上,我国近海海域闪电活动与该海域海温的线性相关不显著,说明我国近海海域海温的年际变化并不是引起该海域闪电活动年际变化的主要原因。  相似文献   

We investigated the regional-scale relationships between columnar aerosol loads and summer monsoon circulation, and also the precipitation over northeast Asia using aerosol optical depth (AOD) data obtained from the 8-year MODIS, AERONET Sun/sky radiometer, and precipitation data acquired under the Global Precipitation Climatology Project (GPCP). These high-quality data revealed the regional-scale link between AOD and summer monsoon circulation, precipitation in July over northeast Asian countries, and their distinct spatial and annual variabilities. Compared to the mean AOD for the entire period of 2001–2008, the increase of almost 40–50% in the AOD value in July 2005 and July 2007 was found over the downwind regions of China (Yellow Sea, Korean peninsula, and East Sea), with negative precipitation anomalies. This can be attributable to the strong westerly confluent flows, between cyclone flows by continental thermal low centered over the northern China and anticyclonic flows by the western North Pacific High, which transport anthropogenic pollution aerosols emitted from east China to aforementioned downwind high AOD regions along the rim of the Pacific marine airmass. In July 2002, however, the easterly flows transported anthropogenic aerosols from east China to the southwestern part of China in July 2002. As a result, the AOD off the coast of China was dramatically reduced in spite of decreasing rainfall. From the calculation of the cross-correlation coefficient between MODIS-derived AOD anomalies and GPCP precipitation anomalies in July over the period 2001–2008, we found negative correlations over the areas encompassed by 105–115°E and 30–35°N and by 120–140°E and 35–40°N (Yellow Sea, Korean peninsula, and East Sea). This suggests that aerosol loads over these regions are easily influenced by the Asian monsoon flow system and associated precipitation.  相似文献   

尤金  郑栋  姚雯  孟青 《应用气象学报》2019,30(2):191-202
利用2002—2014年的TRMM/LIS(Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission/lightning imaging sensor,热带测雨卫星/闪电成像仪)闪电观测数据分析了18°~36°N和70°~160°E范围内闪电尺度和光辐射能空间分布特征,并选取6个区域(区域1~6),探讨09:00—14:00(地方时,下同)和18:00—次日06:00两个时段闪电上述属性的逐月变化和参数分布特征。研究指出:闪电空间尺度和光辐射能在深海最大,次之为近海和陆地,持续时间在中国东部近海最大,次之为深海和陆地。不同闪电属性大值分布区域差异明显,小值则分布在区域1和区域2。多数区域分析时段内闪电空间尺度和光辐射能的逐月变化趋势较一致,陆地上它们与闪电活动逐月变化的反向对应关系较明显。分析时段内闪电时空尺度和光辐射能均呈对数正态分布,陆地闪电各属性值比海洋闪电更向小值方向集中。在LIS观测性能较高的18:00—次日06:00,各区域内闪电持续时间中值为0.18~0.29 s,通道延展距离中值为12~21 km,光辐射能中值为0.11~0.52 J·m-2·sr-1·μm-1。分析时段内闪电空间尺度与光辐射能的相关性明显优于它们与持续时间的相关性。  相似文献   

基于2005—2015年闪电观测和NCEP再分析资料,对陕西省地闪时空分布及气候环流特征进行统计分析。结果表明,近10年来陕西地闪呈波动上升趋势,平均12.8万次/a,平均密度为0.67 fl/(km2·a),负闪占总地闪93.7%。每年3月地闪开始逐渐活跃,年平均强度最大;8月地闪最活跃,盛夏总频次超过全年的75%。陕西地闪频次日变化呈单峰型,峰值在16—17时,下午至前半夜活跃;对应时段在延安周边地区的闪电密集区东移南压明显。陕北地闪日变化幅度明显偏大,关中峰值时段偏晚其他地方约3 h,陕南地闪夜发性明显。陕西地闪主要分布在黄土高原东侧、南侧和秦巴山脉南麓的迎风坡,正闪主要位于陕北和陕南西部局地。相比其他省市,陕西地闪密度明显偏小,但平均强度偏大。陕西地闪活动与西太平洋副热带高压的南北进退变化基本一致,随着季节变化而出现北跳、扩大和迅速消散过程。春季闪电主要位于陕南;初夏陕北南部至渭北明显增多;盛夏闪电最强,北部闪电中心区东移至黄河沿线,关中闪电频次增幅远大于陕北、陕南;夏末闪电迅速消散。陕西盛夏闪电主要包括4种气候类型,不同类型的环流特征差异显著。25 °N以北、80~100 °E附近关键区青藏高压强盛、陕西周边温度槽落后高度槽、相对明显的不稳定层结条件是盛夏闪电活跃的有利环流背景。   相似文献   

2020年夏季(6—8月),北半球极涡呈现明显的单极型分布,极涡主体位于北极圈内,中心偏向东半球,中高纬环流呈现4波型分布。6—7月,西太平洋副热带高压较常年平均偏强,且位置偏西偏南,不利于热带气旋活动。2020年夏季共有8个热带气旋在西北太平洋和南海生成,其中7月没有热带气旋生成。除西北太平洋和南海之外,其他热带洋面另有20个热带气旋生成,其中北大西洋11个,东太平洋8个,北印度洋1个。受偏南暖湿气流的影响,我国北方海域多海雾天气。同时受入海气旋活动影响,多海上大风过程。夏季近海海域共出现了7次比较明显的海雾过程,其中6月3次,7月1次,8月3次。大风过程出现了10次, 2次由热带气旋影响,7次与入海气旋活动有关。发生2 m以上的大浪过程12次,6—8月分别出现了4次、5次和3次。  相似文献   

我国近海和邻近海的海洋环境对最近全球气候变化的响应   总被引:18,自引:1,他引:18  
蔡榕硕  陈际龙  黄荣辉 《大气科学》2006,30(5):1019-1033
鉴于全球气候变暖对海洋环境和海洋生态及对经济和社会可持续发展影响的严重性,作者首先利用ERA-40再分析的风场资料以及HadISST 和SODA等海洋高分辨率再分析资料,分析了近50年来全球气候变化对中国近海(包括渤海、黄海、东海和南海)和邻近海(主要是热带和副热带西太平洋)海面附近的风力、海表纬向和经向风应力和海表温度的影响.分析结果表明: 由于受全球气候变暖的影响,1976年之后中国近海和邻近海上空的冬、夏季风变弱,从而引起中国近海冬、夏季海表风应力减弱(尤其是经向风应力),而海表水温明显上升; 并且,冬、夏季海表风应力的减弱和海水温度的上升在中国东海反映尤其明显,这些为中国近海赤潮的频繁发生提供了有利的海洋环境.此外,从中国近海上空环流散度分布的变化可见,中国近海上空从1976年之后大气环流辐散增强,这不利于中国近海上升流的形成,从而会对沿岸水域营养盐的输送产生影响.  相似文献   

Summary Convective Available Potential Energy (CAPE) is the driving force for thunderstorm development. CAPE is closely controlled by wet bulb temperature. The lightning activity measured by a network of ten lightning flash counters widely distributed across continental Australia was studied as a function of wet bulb temperature. At each of the stations, the monthly total of lightning ground flashes, N, increased sharply with the increase of the monthly mean daily maximum wet bulb temperature, Tw, max. The dependence was strongest in the tropics and became less pronounced at temperate latitudes. In Darwin (latitude 12° S), the lightning ground flash activity increased by over three orders of magnitude over a 7 °C range of Tw, max. The corresponding increases for Coffs Harbour (latitude 30° S) and for Melbourne (latitude 38° S) were about one and a half orders of magnitude and about half an order of magnitude, respectively, each over a 10 °C range of Tw, max. Power law approximations were derived for each of the ten stations and showed that the logarithm of N was directly proportional to the power, P, of Tw, max. The value of P showed a sharp exponential decrease with increasing latitude away from the equator.  相似文献   

王芳  郄秀书  崔雪东 《大气科学》2017,41(6):1167-1176
利用2005~2014年全球闪电定位网(WWLLN)资料和中国气象局提供的热带气旋(Tropical Cyclone,TC)位置和强度资料,分析了近10年西北太平洋地区228个TC中的闪电时空分布特征及其与气旋强度变化的关系。结果表明:TC闪电活动年际变化呈震荡分布,夏半年闪电活动比冬半年强,闪电频数日变化呈单峰分布,峰值出现在12:00(地方时,下同),谷值出现在06:00。闪电密度呈三圈分布结构,内核区和外雨带区闪电密度较高,内雨带区最低;闪电密度空间不对称分布,最高值出现在TC南侧。TC强度改变时,内核区闪电密度随TC不同强度等级的分布与外雨带区不同。TC内核区闪电活动较外雨带区强,内核区和外雨带区的闪电密度最大值分别出现在TC快速增强和强度一般变化时;快速增强过程一般发生在中等强度的TC中,而快速减弱过程一般发生在强度较强的TC中。TC快速增强前后,内核区闪电活动变化比全部TC闪电和外雨带区明显,表明内核闪电活动较全部TC闪电和外雨带区闪电能更好的指示TC的快速增强。  相似文献   

2018年春季(3—5月)大气环流特征为:北半球极涡呈偶极型分布,中高纬度呈4波型。3月,亚洲中东部中高纬度环流呈经向型,利于冷空气南下。4月,冷空气势力减弱。5月,温带气旋活动增多。我国近海出现了15次8级以上大风过程,其中冷空气大风过程有8次,冷空气和温带气旋共同影响的大风过程有3次,入海温带气旋大风过程有2次,强对流导致雷暴大风过程2次。我国近海浪高在2 m以上的海浪过程有14次。春季共有11次比较明显的海雾过程,分别为:3月3次,4月3次,5月5次。西北太平洋和南海共生成1个台风,全球其他各大洋共有热带气旋 14个,分别为北大西洋1个、南太平洋6个、南印度洋 5个、北印度洋2个。海面温度整体呈上升趋势。  相似文献   

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