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通过中国东部苏北平原厚3.4 m的PM4剖面孢粉分析结果,重建了该地区全新世以来古植被更替过程,查明了5.20~3.00 cal.ka B.P.中国东部沿海平原百年尺度的海平面变化历史,并探讨了沿海平原植被对海平面变化的响应。孢粉结果表明,全新世以来该地区的植被与气候经历了以下5个阶段:1)11.90~8.80 cal.ka B.P.,亚热带常绿、落叶阔叶混交林繁盛,气候温暖湿润;2)8.80~7.40 cal.ka B.P.,发育了常绿、落叶阔叶混交林-草地,气候相对冷干;3)7.40~5.20 cal.ka B.P.,植被为常绿、落叶阔叶混交林,温度降低,降水增加;4)5.20~1.08 cal.ka B.P.,植被退化为盐生草甸;5)1.08 cal.ka B.P.以来植被中湿生草本群落繁盛。根据藜科、蒿属、禾本科和莎草科花粉的含量变化及粒度、有孔虫特征重建了相对海平面的变化历史,5.20~4.55 cal.ka B.P.、4.25~4.05 cal.ka B.P.与4.55~4.25 cal.ka B.P.、4.05~3.00 cal.ka B.P.分别为海平面上升和下降的阶段。研究区4.25~4.05 cal.ka B.P.海平面上升可与大范围尺度的"4.2 ka B.P.气候事件"相对应,可能受到了当时东亚季风减弱、苏北平原强降水与大规模洪水事件的共同驱动。  相似文献   

通过AMS14 C测年技术建立年代标尺,对太湖西部地区LTD-12号钻孔301cm以上的岩芯进行高分辨率孢粉分析,重建太湖西部地区8.2ka BP以来的气候和植被,并探讨了太湖地区新石器文化对气候变化的响应。结果表明:1)太湖西部地区8.2ka BP以来的植被类型演替过程大体为:以松属—常绿栎—落叶栎—枫香为主的含针叶成分的常绿落叶阔叶林→以落叶栎-常绿栎-枫香树属为主的常绿落叶阔叶林→以松属-枫香为主的针阔叶混交林→以松属为主的次生性质的针叶林。2)太湖西部地区高分辨率孢粉记录的气候变化可划分为2个大的阶段:(a)8.2~4.4ka BP为中全新世温暖湿润期,最适宜期出现在6.9~5.5ka BP;(b)4.4ka BP~0ka BP为晚全新世降温期,气候从暖稍湿向暖干过渡。3)太湖地区的新石器文化总体上响应于气候的变化。环太湖平原地区至今未发现10~7ka BP的新石器遗址可能与当时过于潮湿和不稳定的气候环境有关;6.9~5.5ka BP温暖湿润的气候适合人类的生存,促使了马家浜文化的出现、繁荣和发展;5.0ka BP左右的干燥降温事件可能导致了崧泽文化的衰落;良渚文化的消亡可能与4.4ka BP前后该地区的气候突变事件有关。  相似文献   

巴丹吉林沙漠全新世环境记录的年代校正与古气候重建   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
巴丹吉林沙漠地处东亚夏季风区的西北缘,是认识东亚季风演变及其区域响应的窗口.文章在系统研究前人工作的基础上,对环境记录的年代进行了新的校正,并重建了全新世环境演变的历史.分析结果显示,巴丹吉林沙漠在早全新世开始出现高湖面,早中全新世在湖区广泛出现高湖面和淡水环境并在沙漠东北缘发育了古土壤,晚全新世时湖泊水位下降,沉积地层以风成砂为主.巴丹吉林沙漠全新世环境变化总体上可分为3个阶段:晚更新世末至早全新世初气候干旱;在10.0cal.kaB.P.左右气候由干向湿快速变化,并在8.5~4.0cal.kaB.P.期间气候最为湿润,但同时存在短期的十湿波动;4.0cal.kaB.P.以来气候总体干旱,但在2.2cal.kaB.P.左右出现短期的湿润.巴丹吉林沙漠全新世气候变化反映了该地区在早全新世东亚夏季风降水明显增强,中全新世季风降水较强,晚全新世季风降水减弱,同时具有短时期的不稳定性.10.0cal.kaB.P.以来巴丹吉林沙漠气候总体由湿润向干旱变化,应与北半球全新世以来太阳辐射的持续减弱有关.  相似文献   

内蒙古克什克腾旗浩来呼热古湖泊全新世以来的环境演变   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
关友义  王永  姚培毅 《地质通报》2010,29(6):891-900
利用位于中国北方季风尾闾区的浩来呼热古湖泊沉积物中的硅藻化石重建了全新世以来的环境演变历史。根据硅藻组合的变化,可将浩来呼热古湖泊全新世以来的环境演变过程划分为6个阶段:阶段Ⅰ(12.1~11.5cal ka BP),气候以寒冷为主;阶段Ⅱ(11.5~8.6cal ka BP),温度有所回升,但存在一定的冷暖波动;阶段Ⅲ(8.6~6.7cal ka BP),气候仍相对偏凉,且比较干燥;阶段Ⅳ(6.7~5.8cal ka BP),气候开始转温;阶段Ⅴ(5.8~2.9cal ka BP),气候温暖偏湿,为全新世气候最适宜期;阶段Ⅵ(2.9~0.2cal ka BP),气候趋于凉干,湖水也越来越浅,最终在0.2cal ka BP前后干涸消失。  相似文献   

通过对青藏高原东北部共和盆地泥炭沉积的粒度与地球化学元素分析, 重建了区域全新世千年尺度的气候变化过程. 结果显示: 10.0~8.6 cal ka BP区域暖湿程度逐渐增加, 但在8.6~7.1 cal ka BP气候相对寒冷干燥, 7.1~3.8 cal ka BP 暖湿程度总体上为全新世最佳, 但也出现明显的气候波动, 3.8~0.5 cal ka BP气候向冷干方向发展, 0.5 cal ka BP以来气候又逐渐转向暖湿. 这一特征与中国东部季风区的气候变化有很好的一致性. 此外, 区域全新世气候变化过程中存在10次千年尺度的寒冷事件, 并与高原冰芯、 湖泊、 泥炭和风成沉积记录的古气候变化, 甚至与北半球高低纬度的气候变化都具有良好的可比性. 因此, 认为区域全新世气候变化具有"季风模式"与"千年尺度震荡"的双重特点.  相似文献   

基于内蒙古东南缘西拉木伦河上游刘家店河湖相剖面的粒度、磁化率、微量元素地球化学指标,重建该区35 ka BP以来的气候演化过程。结果表明,在MIS 3晚期(35.23~25.15ka BP)研究区气候条件总体温暖湿润,并伴有区域变干的趋势;MIS 2阶段(25.15~11.13 ka BP)气候整体寒冷干燥,但叠加有短暂回暖气候事件。剖面记录的末次盛冰期(LGM)出现于22.25~18.47 ka BP,此时气候极度干冷;MIS 2阶段叠加了两个短暂气候适宜期,分别出现于18.47~16.24 ka BP和14.72~11.13 ka BP。在11.13 ka BP前后研究区进入全新世,气候变得暖湿。刘家店剖面的气候记录与周边气候记录具有可对比性,揭示了区域上东亚夏季风进退具有一致性,并认为自MIS 3晚期以来东亚夏季风受北半球太阳辐射及冰量的共同驱动。此外,刘家店剖面记录揭示的千年尺度气候变化对典型气候事件具有一定的响应,推测这些千年尺度的季风强度变化可能与北大西洋经向翻转环流(AMOC)相关。  相似文献   

全新世以来岱海盆地植被演替和气候变化的孢粉学证据   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
岱海盆地99A孔11.01 m以上地层较高分辨率的孢粉分析揭示了该区12 000 cal a BP以来的植被演替和气候变化. 早全新世时期, 岱海盆地受冬季风影响强烈, 气候波动以冷湿、暖干为主, 12 000~11 000 cal a BP为以白桦林为主的森林草原植被, 气候寒凉湿润; 11 000~7 900 cal a BP白桦林退缩, 气候温干; 中全新世时, 主要受控于夏季风影响下, 气候波动以冷干、暖湿为主, 7 900~4 450 cal a BP是岱海盆地森林植被发育最好的时期, 气候温暖湿润, 4 450~2 900 cal a BP森林开始退缩, 气候温干; 2 900~0 cal a BP在气候变凉干和人类活动的影响下, 森林植被几近消失.  相似文献   

利用湖泊钻孔的孢粉及炭屑分析资料,探讨了安徽巢湖湖泊沉积物孢粉-炭屑组合记录的全新世以来植被与气候演变。孢粉-炭屑记录表明:本区9870-6040 cal.{a BP},植被是以壳斗科的落叶、常绿属种为主的落叶阔叶、常绿阔叶混交林,气候呈现温和略干的特点;6040-4860 cal.{a BP},植被是以落叶栎类、栗属、青冈属和栲/石栎属为主的落叶阔叶、常绿阔叶混交林,气候由前一阶段的温和略干变为温暖湿润,进入全新世最适宜气候期;4860-2170 cal.{a BP},植被是以落叶栎类占绝对优势的落叶阔叶、常绿阔叶混交林,气温逐渐降低、湿度下降,气候温和干燥,环境整体向着干旱趋势转化,2170 cal.{a BP}左右出现一次明显的干旱事件;2170-1040 cal.{a BP},森林退缩,落叶阔叶、常绿阔叶混交林迅速被破坏,演替成以禾本科为主的草地,气候处于转型时期,总体上温和湿润;1040-200 cal.{a BP},木本植物仅零星分布,可能存在针叶阔叶混交林植被,植被类型逐渐演替成以禾本科、蒿属和蓼属等为主的草丛,其中包括较多的农作物,气候温凉稍湿;200 cal.{a BP}以来,湖区周围零星分布有阔叶乔木,松林在远处可能有分布,植被仍是以禾本科、蒿属和蓼属等为主的草丛,气候相对温暖湿润,但也有若干变凉干的波动,湖泊富营养化水平逐渐增加,人类活动已经对环境变化产生了较大的影响。  相似文献   

刘冰  靳鹤龄  孙忠 《冰川冻土》2012,34(2):403-410
青藏高原东北部共和盆地气候与环境变化文献分析认为:末次盛冰期(14 C年龄14ka BP或16cal ka BP之前)地层沉积主要为风成砂和黄土,冰缘地貌发育,气候寒冷干燥,植被可能为干旱荒漠或荒漠草原;末次冰消期(14 C年龄14ka BP或16 cal ka BP-Younger Dryas,缩写YD事件)地层发育古土壤,湖泊水位明显上升,并显著的捕捉到冷暖事件(Blling-Allerd,缩写B/A、YD)的信息,气候趋于温暖湿润,对应植被为荒漠草原;全新世8.5ka BP(14 C年龄)之前区域温度和湿度不同程度增加,湖泊水位较高,地层发育古土壤,植被为荒漠草原或干草原;8.5~7.0ka BP(14 C年龄)风成砂出现,古土壤发育中断,气候寒冷干燥,为全新世新冰期第一期;7.0~3.0ka BP(14 C年龄)古土壤显著发育,高水位湖面出现,水热组合达到全新世最佳,植被向干草原方向演化,但期间也存在千–百年尺度的冷事件(全新世新冰期第二期);3.0ka BP(14 C年龄)以来气候向温凉(寒冷)干燥方向发展.太阳辐射等外部因素变化并触发地球系统内部各个圈层之间相互作用是区域气候、环境变化的主要驱动力.同时,对研究现状进一步剖析,阐明其存在的问题,并提出气候、环境变化研究的发展方向.  相似文献   

伍婧  刘强 《地球科学》2012,37(5):947-954
地处季风/非季风影响过渡地带的月亮湖是大兴安岭中段阿尔山-柴河火山区中的一个火山口湖.其长8.86 m的沉积岩心孢粉记录, 揭示了末次冰期晚期以来的古植被演化和古气候变化历史: 20.9~18.0 cal. ka B.P.期间研究区的植被为典型草原, 气候寒冷干旱; 18.0~15.3 cal. ka B.P.期间研究区的植被为草甸草原, 气候寒冷湿润; 15.3~14.0 cal. ka B.P.期间乔木开始在当地发育, 植被开始由草甸草原向森林草原转变, 气候向较为温暖湿润的方向转变; 14.0~12.8 cal. ka B.P.期间森林草原在温暖湿润的气候影响下, 森林扩张, 草原退缩, 与B?lling-Aller?d暖期相对应; 12.8~11.8 cal. ka B.P.期间草原在寒冷气候下扩张, 可与新仙女木期相对应; 11.8~0.8 cal. ka B.P. 期间在较为温暖的气候条件下, 草原在气候快速变冷事件的影响下发生了多次扩张, 其中, 较为明显的6次气温突降事件分别发生在9.0~8.9, 8.2~7.8, 7.0~6.8, 6.1~5.6, 5.4~5.2, 2.3~1.8 cal. ka B.P..这些快速气候变化事件与全球和区域中其他高分辨率古气候记录具有可比性, 揭示出月亮湖敏感地记录了全球和区域气候的变化, 同时也表明研究区的高分辨率孢粉分析是研究东亚季风强度变化的良好指标.   相似文献   

Zhuyeze palaeolake is a terminal lake situated in the arid northern China in the East Asian monsoon margin. In order to examine the Holocene palaeoclimatic change in the East Asian monsoon margin, Qingtu Lake section (QTL) from Zhuyeze palaeolake is sampled in high resolution. Palaeoclimatic proxies such as grain size, carbonate, TOC, C/N and δ13C of organic matter, were analyzed; eleven 14C samples and six optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) samples were dated to provide chronological control. We also investigated the geomorphic features of lake shorelines in this area. The results show that the climate was warm and dry in early-Holocene (9.5-7.0 cal ka BP), cool and humid in mid-Holocene (7.0-4.8 cal ka BP), and increasingly drier in late-Holocene (since 4.8 cal ka BP). Comparisons of our records with other records in adjacent areas, as well as with the records in the Asian monsoon areas, suggested that changes in effective moisture was synchronous in East Asian monsoon marginal zone (i.e. the pattern of dry early-Holocene, humid mid-Holocene, and aridity-increasing late-Holocene), and that the moisture optimum during the Holocene was out-of-phase between Asian monsoon margin and Asian monsoonal dominated region, possibly due to the high temperature at that time.  相似文献   

The Dajiuhu mire deposit is a sensitive archive of palaeoenvironmental evolution in the East Asian monsoon region. The aim of this study of the elemental geochemistry of a sediment core from Dajiuhu was to improve our understanding of the geochemical behaviour of elements in peat deposits, as well as the environmental and climatic history of the East Asian monsoon region since the Late Pleistocene. We conducted a principal components analysis (PCA) on inorganic geochemical data obtained by ICP‐MS and XRFS from a sediment core spanning the last 16 ka. In addition, spectral analysis was applied to the PC1 score profile to test periodicities. The PCA results suggest that variations in elemental concentrations in the Dajiuhu core are controlled by three main factors: input of inorganic mineral matter, effect of biological processes and a combination of changes in redox conditions and biological processes. Interpretation of the data suggests that monsoon precipitation increased, albeit with significant volatility, during the last deglaciation (16.0–11.3 cal. ka BP). The early Holocene (11.3–9.4 cal. ka BP) was a humid period, and was followed by monsoon deterioration in the early stages of the middle Holocene. A warm and wet climate dominated between 7.0 and 4.2 cal. ka BP, correlating with the Holocene Climatic Optimum. After a two‐step decrease in monsoon precipitation, beginning at 4.2 cal. ka BP, the climate became more arid until 0.9 cal. ka BP, after which humidity once again increased. The spectral analysis revealed statistically significant periodicities of approximately 1480, 360, 316, 204 and 188 years, indicating solar forcing for the East Asian monsoon evolution over millennial to centennial time scales and a link between the East Asian monsoon and North Atlantic climate.  相似文献   

晚冰期月亮湖炭屑记录反映的古气候演化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
伍婧  刘强 《地质科学》2013,48(3):860-869
位于大兴安岭中段的月亮湖地处季风/非季风影响过渡地带,其沉积岩心下部886~546 cm的炭屑记录揭示了末次冰期晚期到全新世早期(20.9~10.8 cal.ka B.P.)的古气候演化历史,反映了东亚季风对研究区气候的影响。研究区炭屑浓度的变化主要由可供燃烧的生物量决定,生长在气候温暖时期的森林草原能够提供更多可供燃烧的生物量。在同一植被类型的条件下,气候寒冷湿润时炭屑浓度低,气候温暖干旱时炭屑浓度高。20.9~18.0 cal.ka B.P.炭屑浓度较低, 气候寒冷偏干,18.0~15.3 cal.ka B.P.炭屑浓度最低,气候寒冷湿润,15.3~14.4 cal.ka B.P.炭屑浓度增高,气候开始向温暖的方向发展,14.4~11.8 cal.ka B.P.炭屑浓度快速变化,气候也经历了一系列的快速变化,11.8~10.8 cal.ka B.P.炭屑浓度总体较高,气候温暖湿润。<50 μm的炭屑浓度指示了区域火演化的历史, >50 μm的炭屑则反映了当地野火发生的状况。  相似文献   

中晚全新世科尔沁沙地沉积物化学特征及其气候变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘冰  靳鹤龄  孙忠 《沉积学报》2012,30(3):536-546
科尔沁沙地位于我国沙漠-黄土边界带和北方农牧交错带,深受东亚季风的影响,对全球气候变化反应非常敏感,是研究全球气候变化的理想区域。TL剖面磁化率、粒度和地球化学元素氧化物及其比值变化分析表明:中晚全新世研究区气候极不稳定,可以大致划分为:① 6.0~4.2 ka BP,气候暖湿,夏季风逐渐增强,并占据主导,冬季风较弱,与全新世大暖期对应,但存在百年尺度的气候波动,其中:6.0~5.6 ka BP,5.5~5.4 ka BP,4.9~4.7 ka BP,4.5~4.2 ka BP气候暖湿;5.6~5.5 ka BP,5.4~4.9 ka BP,4.7~4.5 ka BP气候相对冷干。② 4.2~1.3 ka BP,气候相对暖湿,与上一阶段相比夏季风有所减弱,其间也存在次一级波动,4.2~3.63 ka BP,3.57~3.4 ka BP气候相对干冷;3.63~3.57 ka BP,3.4~1.3 ka BP,气候相对暖湿。③ 1.3~0.65 ka BP以来,气候波动频繁,后期有向暖湿发展的趋势。这些气候变化与区域和全球变化具有良好的对应关系,反映该区气候变化与全球气候变化具有高度一致性。  相似文献   

A pollen record from Huguangyan Maar Lake documents regional palaeovegetation and palaeoclimate changes in southern China over the last 30 000 years. Huguangyan Maar Lake is located close to the South China Sea (SCS) coastline and is influenced by the East Asian Monsoon (EAM). The pollen assemblages show a succession of vegetation and climate changes. During the Last Glaciation, 30–15.8 cal. ka BP, the Huguangyan area was dominated by subtropical evergreen‐deciduous forest with grassland surrounding the lake, indicating a colder and drier climate than today. During 15.8–11 cal. ka BP, the study area experienced several climatic fluctuations. From 11 to 2 cal. ka BP, the climate shifted to warmer and wetter conditions. After the Holocene Optimum in the early Holocene, the temperature and precipitation decreased. The sediment record of the last 2000 years cannot be used to interpret natural palaeoclimate changes due to the intense anthropogenic influences. Overall, however, the Huguangyan pollen archive highlights the rapid responses of subtropical vegetation to insolation changes in southern China.  相似文献   

In arid regions, because of spatial variability, using single climate records is difficult to reconstruct the past climate change for the drainage basins. Holocene environmental records were collected from the upper, middle and lower regions of the Shiyang River drainage basin in the marginal area of the Asian monsoon (northwest China). The main objective of this paper was to compare the records from the terminal lake and the middle and upper reaches of the basin to study the basin-wide environmental changes. During the early Holocene the vegetation was sparse, and the effective moisture was relatively low in the basin. The Holocene Climatic Optimum started between 7.0 and 8.0 cal ka BP, during which the lake level reached the highest level in the terminal lake; the vegetation density and the effective moisture reached the highest level during the Holocene in the drainage basin. From 4.7 cal ka BP the terminal lake began to shrink, while the vegetation density decreased dramatically. In the middle and upper regions of the drainage, the effective moisture began to decrease since 3.5 cal ka BP, and the arid tendency was earlier in the terminal lake than it was in the middle and upper regions of the drainage basin. During the early Holocene the relatively arid environment was affected by the gradually intensifying East Asian monsoon and the dry westerly winds. The mid-Holocene Optimum benefited from the intensive East Asian monsoon and the humid westerly winds. Then, the East Asian monsoon retreated since the late-Holocene. In the basin the arid tendency may be related to the retracting of the East Asian monsoon. However, the intensifying acidification after 1.5 cal ka BP may be correlated to the increasing dryness of the westerly winds.  相似文献   

李卓仑  王乃昂  李育  程弘毅 《冰川冻土》2013,35(6):1481-1489
通过对花海古湖泊沉积剖面8.42~0.405 m沉积物样品的矿物和化学元素测定,分析了沉积物中盐类矿物含量及化学元素K/Na比值的变化情况,结合已有的年代地层结果,重建了花海古湖泊10.47~5.5 cal ka BP湖水盐度变化. 结果表明:花海湖泊全新世湖相沉积阶段中,除个别层位以硫酸盐类矿物沉积为主外,早全新世(10.47~8.87 cal ka BP)和中全新世(8.87~5.5 cal ka BP)均以碳酸盐盐类矿物沉积为主,并且早全新世时期K/Na高于中全新世时期,揭示了早全新世时期湖水盐度高于中全新世时期. 这一结果与该湖泊沉积过程所揭示的湖泊水位变化、粒度等揭示的有效湿度变化具有一致性,表明花海湖泊早、中全新世湖水盐度的高低可以指示其湖泊水位的变化,并间接反映了有效湿度的变化. 结合花海湖泊晚全新世湖泊萎缩、气候干旱的特点,该区域早、中、晚全新世气候干湿变化变化模式可以概况为早全新世降水增强、气候呈现由干向湿的转变,中全新世有效湿度最大,晚全新世气候干旱. 这种全新世气候干湿变化模式有别于西风区,亦与季风区不完全相同,呈现出了一种季风-西风过渡带全新世气候干湿变化的模式.  相似文献   

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