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王晓阳  蒙克 《地理科学进展》2019,38(10):1482-1489
2008—2009年的全球金融危机对西方发达国家尤其是英美经济体的影响是深远的,反映在经济、政治和社会的各个层面。相关学科的学者从不同的视角对金融危机的爆发作出了解释。论文尝试从金融地理学的角度分析经济全球化与全球金融危机之间的关系并探讨危机对中国的影响。首先,研究考察了经济全球化背景下新的国际劳动力分工的形成,指出了金融危机的传导机制,并描绘了金融危机对世界经济地理塑造的空间差异。对中国来说,全球金融危机是外部性的,西方发达国家的经济衰退和消费收缩直接影响了中国的出口,但危机并没有动摇中国的金融体系。其次,解释了为什么全球金融危机没有动摇中国的金融体系。制度的空间异质性、市场经济制度的多样性、政府积极的宏观调控和中国以银行主导的金融体系都是重要因素。第三,金融危机之后中西方金融地理学家对中国问题的兴趣逐渐增加,文章总结了最新的研究进展并指出其存在的不足之处。最后,在西方金融地理学最新研究进展的基础上,对中国金融地理学的学科构建提出了建议。  相似文献   

Gavin Bridge  Andrew Wood 《Area》2005,37(2):199-208
In this paper we initiate a dialogue between work on the geographies of globalization and knowledge economies, areas of inquiry that have tended to develop in isolation. We argue for a critical harnessing of these two bodies of work to (1) understand how and where different types of knowledge are acquired, produced and mobilized by firms as they seek to 'go global', (2) map the multi-scalar geographies of knowledge that enable practices of globalization and (3) examine the ways in which networks of knowledge structure emerging geographies of production. We demonstrate the potential of this move using oil exploration and production as an example.  相似文献   

Being able to analyse the relationships between people and nature has always been of key interest to ecosystems conservation, planning decisions and in a number of disciplines of natural and social sciences. In this framework, it is of paramount importance to evaluate possible correlations between factors such as ecosystem services, human health, and social deprivation. The present study aims at exploring relationships between ecosystem services, human health, and social deprivation for the region of Wales in the United Kingdom. Wales is of special interest because as a region it offers many ‘green’ ecosystems which have already been found to have a positive influence on humans' well-being as well as on socio-economic status. First, a recreational layer showing the size and location of all potential recreational areas in each Welsh local authority was created. Subsequently, correlation/regression analysis and weighted raster analysis were performed which allowed determining quantitatively the degree of correlation between the observed socio-economic factors and recreational areas.The findings of this exploratory study suggested that the relative size of potential recreational area varies widely within the local authorities comprising Wales. Not all the socio-economic factors which were examined herein found to be correlated with recreational areas. Some variables, such as income and employment deprivation showed high correlations with poor recreation options. Very poor correlation was also reported between recreation options and variables such as life expectancy and long-term illness. Our results, in agreement to previous studies conducted elsewhere, suggested that human health is determined by a complex interplay of more than one of the observed determinants, including for example biology and genetics or living and working conditions. As to our knowledge there are no prior research studies on the topic for our study region, this work provides a key contribution concerning the determination of a “social” value of ecosystems in the context of human health and other socio-economic factors. However, as these are only initial results, further work is required to verify those.  相似文献   

马海涛  周春山  刘逸 《地理研究》2012,31(6):1057-1065
网络演化是演化经济地理学研究的重要内容和新近热点之一。在当前的理论探讨中主要强调路径依赖和惯例对网络演化的强化作用,对于信任这个关键要素缺乏深入探讨。本文通过深度访谈和问卷调查相结合的方法,对比金融危机前后广东省纺织服装行业生产网络的空间结构,揭示信任与生产网络演化之间的互动机制。研究发现:信任是维系生产网络稳定性的基本要素之一,信任的强弱程度主要受合作类型(市场关系)、地理接近(空间关系)和社会文化接近根植性(社会关系)等因素影响。金融危机作为一种负面外部冲击,重构了广东省服装行业的生产网络。在这个过程中,较强信任关系的网络连结(潮汕地区)得以保留,并在危机过后进一步强化;而部分较弱信任关系的网络连结(珠三角地区)发生断裂,且在经济回暖之后被潮汕地区的网络所取代。  相似文献   

基于演化和制度经济地理学,构建了区位机会窗口、金融机构衍生、区域产业分叉、制度厚度“四位一体”的分析框架,以郑州为案例,以郑东新区金融产业集聚区为对象,通过问卷调查和深度访谈,研究了中国内陆区域中心城市金融产业在特定空间的集聚过程与演化机理。研究发现:在金融产业集聚起步阶段,郑东新区开发建设为金融业发展打开了区位机会窗口;在快速发展阶段,金融机构衍生是金融业集聚和集群化发展的重要内生动力;在全面提升阶段,区域产业分叉是金融业态创新和高端要素集聚的主导力量;在郑东新区金融业集聚演化的全过程中,持续改进的政府支持与制度安排使制度厚度不断加厚,自增强机制使制度空间的粘性作用不断增强。与制造业的企业衍生、产业分叉过程不同,金融业集聚演化缺乏从大学实验室、科研机构、已有产业衍生和分叉出以技术为纽带的相关企业的实践,但对制度空间的粘性作用有更强的依赖。  相似文献   

英国是全球乡村景观建设和发展的典范。从地理学、生态学及规划学等综合的视角出发,首先从社会背景上分析二战后英国乡村景观的演变轨迹;其次从学术背景梳理英国乡村景观的研究历程,并从学科角度提炼不同阶段的研究重点及研究特征;最后从研究趋势方面讨论学者们最新的研究议题。在梳理和总结英国乡村景观研究的基础上,提出对中国乡村景观研究的启示和借鉴。  相似文献   

在全球一体化形势下中国农业持续发展面临的困境与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在全球一体化的形势下,中国农业持续发展面临重重困境:(1)耕地面积减少,耕地质量下降;(2)水资源短缺,供需矛盾突出;(3)生态环境问题日益严重;(4)粮食与食物安全问题不容忽视;(5)科技竞争在国际上处于劣势地位;(6)生产成本过高,收益过低,农民的生产积极性受到了伤害;(7)农村剩余劳动力的充分就业是一个难题,面对这些困境,中国农业持续发展应该采取的对策是;(1)合理利用水土资源,保护生态环境,促进资源环境与农业经济的协调发展;(2)继续深化农村经济体制改革,构筑新的农业政策体系;(3)加速农业科技创新与科技进步的步伐。  相似文献   

从跨国广告业看全球化和全球城市——以中国广告业为例   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
柏兰芝  陈诗宁 《地理研究》2004,23(5):582-592
本文从广告业的视角出发 ,分析了伴随全球生产者服务业空间布局的扩张而来的区域市场和空间结构的重塑。研究的主要发现为 :(1)在跨国公司的支配下 ,中国广告业在生产组织上逐渐向专业代理演化 ,在行业规范上也逐渐向 4A的主流靠拢 ;(2 )中国广告业在上海、北京、广州三大城市的集中 ,体现了在全球化过程中形成的“区域性服务业市场” ;(3)由于市场规模大 ,中国广告业有可能向“前端” (产品定位和沟通策略 )发展 ;(4 )由于中国幅员广大 ,进入区域市场需要不同的媒体计划 ,也使得广告的全球标准化产品产出更多的地方版本。在理论争论方面 ,本文认为全球城市是都市区域全球化制度和空间的中介。  相似文献   

刘逸  纪捷韩  许汀汀  张晓琳 《地理研究》2021,40(12):3382-3398
战略耦合与区域经济韧性分别为关系经济地理学派与演化经济地理学派的关键变量,在当下已有的研究中,前者缺乏区域长期演化的动态视角,后者忽视区域外部的经济联系对区域内部的影响,二者缺乏理论对话;同时,战略耦合在当下缺乏定量研究,成为两个学派之间进行融合的阻碍之一。因此,以广东省21个城市为例,基于回归分析、地理探测器等方法,从区域经济中外资的出口主导、生产主导、技术主导3个维度来测度战略耦合程度对区域经济韧性的影响,以此尝试推动两个学派的互动。研究结论:① 证实战略耦合对区域的经济韧性有着显著的影响,其中外资的生产主导影响最为显著,其次是外资的技术主导,影响最小的是外资的出口主导;② 中国港澳台地区投资与其他外资对区域经济韧性的作用机制存在根本性差异,体现在区域韧性变动的过程中,二者在技术主导和生产主导维度上的影响效果相反;③ GDP、FDI、出口总额等传统的全球化程度的测度指标不适合作为测度战略耦合对区域经济韧性影响的重要变量。本研究通过方法的创新,实现了对战略耦合的一次完整的定量测度,进一步实现了关系经济地理学派与演化经济地理学派在方法上的一次理论互动,为全球生产网络后续更加深入的量化研究奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Although primarily concentrated in countries with Muslim majorities, Islamic finance has become a global industry representing both a decentering of the global financial architecture and the emergence of an urban network that resides beyond the confines of traditional world city literature. While geographers have identified the “Mecca’s” of the Islamic finance industry – one of which is Bahrain – there remains a need to identify the factors necessary to create and sustain centers of Islamic finance. This paper examines these factors through a firm-level survey of foreign and local Islamic financial institutions in Bahrain, in conjunction with key informant interviews with representatives of these firms. We find that while Bahrain’s entrenched institutional advantages have preserved its role as a center in the Islamic financial landscape, ongoing political instability and the increasing attractiveness of new and emerging centers are threatening this role. As the country navigates the current social and political unrest, questions are raised as to what it takes to be an Islamic financial center.  相似文献   

An economic census and a survey of seventy-nine firms revealed a changing geography of financial services after 11 September 2001. Although the suburbs benefited from the outward relocation of financial services from Manhattan immediately afterward, they lost considerably two years later, demonstrating the interdependence of the central city and its suburbs. Executives of financial services firms ranked highly locational attributes such as prestige, public transportation, and proximity to clients and other financial services before 11 September, but terrorism also emerged as a major locational factor after 11 September. The impact of terrorism and how it interacts with agglomeration economies, technological changes, and globalization to shape the geography of financial services is examined under the framework of quaternary place theory.  相似文献   

全球化与地方发展理论是当前经济地理学研究的热点领域。地方综合服务型物流企业作为现代物流业的主体,参与到全球生产网络中,但学术界对基于企业层面的空间网络组织研究较薄弱。采用案例分析研究方法,通过实地调研获取数据资料,对综合服务型物流企业的空间网络组织进行深入分析。研究发现:地方综合服务型物流企业空间网络一般由总部—分公司—办事处(或营业部)三级构成,各级机构设置影响因素存在差异;企业空间网络呈"核心—边缘"模式;空间网络扩张呈现"先地方,后国际"的时间特征和"接触式扩散+跳跃式扩散"的空间特征;地方部分物流企业空间网络受到国际化和全球化的影响。  相似文献   

This paper presents an analysis of the geography of the booming 'Islamic financial services' (IFS) sector, which provides a host of financial services based on Islamic religious grounds. The relevance of such an analysis is discussed against the conceptual backdrop of the world city network literature. It is argued that a focus on the globalisation of the IFS sector may provide an alternative to hegemonic geographical imaginations of world city-formation through its focus on other forms of globalising economic processes and regions that do not commonly feature in this literature. Based on information on the location strategies of 28 leading IFS firms in 64 cities across the world, we analyse different features of this decentred global urban geography. Manama is hereby identified as the Mecca of the IFS sector, while other major Gulf cities such as Dubai and Abu Dhabi are also primary nodes in this urban network. Other major Middle East North Africa (MENA) cities such as Tehran follow suit, but also more traditional financial centres such as London are well connected.  相似文献   

通过问卷调查和深度访谈等手段获取反映企业金融服务消费行为的数据资料,结合社会经济统计 (1990~2003 )和基本单位普查 (2001 )数据,实证分析了东莞市第二产业分散化空间格局前提下,跨国公司生产基地"多点"金融服务消费行为、成功港资企业"两点"金融服务消费行为以及镇区工业集团总公司"园区型"金融服务消费行为,探讨了东莞金融服务业"无强中心,分散化"空间格局形成的机制。  相似文献   

2008年金融危机对全球制造业尤其是“世界加工厂”珠三角地区的产业链生态空间产生了较大影响,高质量的市场需求、弹性生产模式等冲击了珠三角传统生产模式.大规模生产企业的倒闭,影响了珠三角地区产业集群之间的联系.论文基于演化经济地理学下的复杂网络视角,利用2008年全国第二次经济普查与2013年全国第三次经济普查数据库,在...  相似文献   

Smoking is an important and topical health issue in the UK. In Leeds, the target is to reduce smoking prevalence by 9 per cent by 2010. However, a key unknown is the likely distribution of smokers across the city. This paper aims to estimate individual smoking rates using microsimulation and hence evaluate the performance of established stop smoking services, e.g. how well do they serve local areas and to what extent does attendance vary between service point locations? Location-allocation modelling is employed to test various location scenarios and provide insight into where to optimally place centres.  相似文献   

区域金融协调发展研究——基于长三角经济一体化的实证   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
金融是现代经济的核心,区域金融协调发展则是实现金融资源在区域内优化配置的必要保障,也是促进区域经济一体化健康、快速发展的有力保障。基于此,以长三角地区为研究对象,在区域经济一体化迅速发展的大背景下,重点分析了长三角地区金融业发展演进的空间结构特点。研究发现,区域金融业呈现出"一心两极两轴多点"的空间结构特点,在此基础上分析了制约区域金融协调发展的突出问题,最后提出构建区域利益协调机制、金融信息共享机制、多层次金融合作协调机制及金融监管协调机制等对策建议。  相似文献   

以海原县为研究对象,以2000、2005、2010和2015年遥感数据为基础数据,综合运用土地利用动态度、生态系统服务价值评价模型、地理探测器等模型对海原县2000—2015年的生态系统服务价值时空变化进行研究。结果显示:2000—2015年海原县土地利用类型发生明显变化,林地、建设用地、水域以及园地面积分别增加24 532.56hm2、13 233.71hm2、1 093.58hm2和812.16hm2,而耕地、草地和未利用地面积呈下降趋势,其中未利用面积下降幅度最大,共减少21 333.05hm2;研究期间海原县生态系统服务价值呈现出逐年增加的变化趋势,由2000年的37.25×108元增加至2015年的62.23×108元,变化率为67.07%,而林地、园地和水域面积的增加是海原县生态系统服务价值增加的关键;从态系统服务价值空间分布来看,海原县生态系统服务价值在空间呈现出由西南向东北递减的变化趋势;研究期间研究区生态系统单项服务价值均呈现出增加的变化趋势,其中废物处理和水源涵养增加量最大,其次是生物多样性和气候调节,而食物生产、原材料生产以及娱乐文化增加量最低,说明海原县的生态系统调节服务>支持服务>供给服务>文化服务;通过地理探测器诊断发现草地、园地、林地、气候调节、土壤形成与保护、生物多样性保护的决定力q值均>0.8,说明这6项因子对研究区生态系统服务价值变化具有重要的影响作用。  相似文献   

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