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CT扫描技术不仅可以重建不同驱替液在不同驱替时刻的微观剩余油分布图像,而且通过X射线衰减系数换算成CT值,还可以计算岩心的孔隙度和含油饱和度参数,从而对实验岩心的非均质性和每一驱替过程不同驱替时刻的微观剩余油进行定量分析。分析认为实验岩心在不同驱替阶段微观剩余油类型之间存在量的转化。   相似文献   

常规数字岩心模型由于尺寸较小,对于非均质性较强的复杂岩心,难以具有代表性,模拟得到的岩石物理参数也难有参考性。以三组砂岩样品为例,本文提出了一种可行的构建多尺度多组分数字岩心的方法。利用CT对柱塞岩心和毫米柱塞样品进行不同分辨率的扫描成像,并利用改进的图像配准方法进行扫描图像的精确配准。对于高分辨率扫描图像,利用常规图像分割方法,将岩心分割为孔隙和不同的矿物组分。基于配准关系,构造低分辨率图像的灰度与孔隙度、矿物组分含量的关系曲线。将构造的关系曲线应用到低分辨率扫描图像的图像分割过程。完成分割之后的数字岩心集合即构成了多尺度、多组分的数字岩心模型。基于多尺度多组分数字岩心模型,考虑了四种矿物模型,分别研究了细尺度和粗尺度下随着模型尺寸变化,三组岩心样品弹性模量的变化规律。结果表明:利用多尺度多组分数字岩心模型能够克服常规模型存在的代表性问题,实现岩心不同尺度孔隙、矿物的准确表征。在大尺度上计算的岩石弹性参数更具备代表性,同时岩石矿物组分考虑的越充分,模拟结果与实验结果越吻合。  相似文献   

电导率是表征岩石电学性质的重要物理参数,在地质资源勘查和测井解释等领域发挥着巨大作用.快速、准确地确定岩石电导率具有重要的理论和实践意义.作为近年来发展的一种岩石物理数值模拟工具,数字岩心技术在定量计算电导率等物性参数方面应用广泛.三维微观结构的准确获取是数字岩心技术计算岩石电导率的关键,但传统获取岩石三维微观结构的方法较为复杂费时.为了方便快速地通过数字岩心技术计算岩石的电导率,本文研究了岩石二维与三维数字岩心的电导率联系.我们基于微米级X射线CT扫描得到的三个砂岩样品的微观结构信息建立了三维数字岩心,并通过有限元法计算的三维数字岩心电导率与实验数据的对比验证数值计算方法的有效性.随后我们数字地扩展了岩石的孔隙,产生了较大孔隙度的三维数字岩心样本,在此基础上,计算了三维数字岩心和相应二维数字岩心的电导率,并通过Archie公式分别拟合了电导率与孔隙度之间的关系,得到了相应的胶结系数.结果表明,三维数字岩心的胶结系数小于二维数字岩心的胶结系数,且二者的比值与岩石实测孔隙度呈线性负相关关系.以该联系为纽带,通过二维图像快速计算得到的电导率与孔隙度关系,确定了三维数字岩心的电导率与孔隙度关系,并进一步通过三维数字岩心的孔隙度计算其电导率.该方法计算得到的人工砂岩样品的电导率与其三维数字岩心电导率相关系数高于96%,验证了基于二维图像的数字岩心电导率计算方法的有效性.本文的研究结果为快速、准确地计算岩石电导率提供了新的思路,在油气勘探开发中有广阔的应用前景.  相似文献   

弹性参数在甜点区预测和页岩气的开发过程中扮演着重要的角色,因此研究等效弹性参数随页岩气储层属性的变化是一项很有意义的工作。研究中我们用X射线CT扫描技术获得了较为精确的页岩样品微观结构图像。从这些图像中,我们可以获得孔隙度和矿物的详细情况,据此,我们构建了三维数字岩心,并应用有限元法对弹性参数进行了数值模拟,其间深入考察了子样选取、网格划分、求解器类型以及边界条件等,该方法易于区别不同的矿物及其百分含量。本文重点研究孔隙度和干酪根含量对弹性参数的影响,计算结果表明,孔隙度和干酪根含量对弹性性质有较大的影响,当孔隙度和干酪根含量增加时,弹性模量降低,且当孔隙度小于0.75%左右、干酪根含量大于3%左右时弹性参数减小速率较缓。因为孔隙度仅仅为4.5%,孔隙中填充油或气对弹性参数的影响甚微。不同岩心样本具有不同的孔隙度和干酪根含量,传统岩石物理实验不仅昂贵而且费时,而数值模拟是基于数字岩心来计算弹性参数,更加经济、方便。本研究证实了将页岩样品的微观结构图像与弹性模量的计算相结合来预测页岩弹性参数的可行性。  相似文献   

用核磁共振测井资料评价碳酸盐岩等复杂岩性储集层   总被引:14,自引:10,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
对于碳酸盐岩等复杂岩性油气藏,由于其储集空间复杂、非均质性强等因素,用常规测井技术难以进行准确描述.核磁共振测井测量的对象是储层空间中的流体,因而可以直接用来划分储集层,而且能提供几乎不受岩性影响的孔隙度和渗透率等参数;同时,由于其T2分布表征了岩石的孔隙结构,所以可以根据T2分布形态判断有效裂缝和溶蚀孔洞.通过多口井的岩心对比和成像测井对比,研究出了一套用MRIL和CMR 的T2分布形态评价储集空间的方法;此外,在特定条件下,根据核磁计算的有效孔隙度和可动流体体积给出了一个计算含油饱和度的公式.利用这些核磁测井技术及其分析方法对车古20古潜山碳酸盐岩储集层裂缝及溶蚀孔洞发育特征进行准确描述,还计算了埕北潜山复杂复杂岩性油气藏的饱和度,对于储量计算具有重要意义.  相似文献   

碳酸盐岩复杂的孔隙结构如何影响其弹性性质一直是地球物理研究的难点问题,在此基础上如何半定量甚至是定量地对碳酸盐岩储层预测,特别是如何有效地获取孔隙结构参数相关的地震属性体一直是油气工业界追求的目标,本研究从数字岩心角度入手,联合测井以及地震数据尝试探究这一问题的解决方案.首先针对代表不同孔隙结构类型的有限数目的碳酸盐岩样品获得其对应的高精度数字岩心数据体,为了获得更加可靠的具有地球物理含义的弹性性质随孔隙度变化的统计规律,我们通过子网格的技术,在有限数目的碳酸盐岩数字岩心数据体上获得了大量的数字岩心子网格样本,对于每个子网格样本可以分别获得其对应的数字岩心图像孔隙度、表征孔隙软硬程度的孔隙结构参数(γ)、以及基于有限元法模拟的弹性性质,由此基于数字岩心的研究思路,我们最终获得了基于孔隙结构因子表征与分类下的弹性性质与孔隙度的定量化解释量版.与此同时,在地震尺度上通过叠前地震资料获取的纵横波及密度属性体后,基于如上获得的定量化解释量版,我们最终获得了针对碳酸盐岩储层的新的属性体——孔隙结构参数(γ)属性体,这使得在地震尺度上预测碳酸盐岩储层的孔隙结构类型成为可能,也使利用地震数据在孔隙结构参数表征与分类下的碳酸盐岩储层反演精度的提高成为可能.  相似文献   

地震地方平太阴时集中程度时间扫描是在平太阴时集中程度空间扫描的基础上发展而来,其计算结算结果反映某一地区的地震地方平太阴时集中程度随时间的变化.由于计算地震地方平太阴时集中程度时间扫描时涉及的扫描参数众多,首先分析了该方法的稳定性,结果显示,最小震级、时间扫描窗长对结果影响比其他参数大;但当所有的时间扫描参数在合理的范围内变化时,结果曲线形态大体一致,相关性比较高,说明该方法得到的结果稳定性比较好.认为,地震地方平太阴时集中程度较高时为异常,并用该方法研究了长江中下游-南黄海地震带,结果显示具有比较好的预报效能.  相似文献   

微焦点X射线计算机层析(CMT)及其在石油研究领域的应用   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
工业微焦点CT的X射线源焦点尺寸小于5微米,成象分辨率明显优于常规焦点CT。在石油勘探开发研究中;微焦点CT在许多技术领域进行了应用,取得了崭新的成果:(1)确定岩心的基本物理参数—计算和描绘密度、孔隙度、流体饱和度分布;(2)描述岩心的微观特征—直观描述岩石内部孔隙结构和流体分布特征;(3)特殊油藏岩心分析评价—观察碳酸岩、火成岩等内部一些常规技术无法获得的特征;(4)岩心驱替和提高采收率分析—重建油水在岩心内部的宏观分布状态;(5)其他方面的应用—岩心筛选、地层伤害评价、岩石力学评价等。  相似文献   

页岩中的TOC(Total Organic Carbon,总有机碳)含量,对页岩的有效弹性模量以及与之相关的弹性波速度(P波和S波)有重要影响,建立弹性模量与TOC含量关系是页岩气甜点预测的重要手段之一.CS和SM两种固体置换理论主要针对孔隙度较大的砂岩,能否适用于孔隙度低、孔隙形态复杂和非均质性强的页岩目前尚未深入研究.鉴于目前已知的富有机质页岩的TOC赋存形态与裂缝以及孔隙形态类似,有关TOC含量对岩石弹性模量的影响可视为孔隙物质充填问题来研究.本文利用数字岩心技术,构造同一数字岩心不同TOC含量的样本群,基于CS和SM两种固体替换理论模型,通过有限元(FEM)数值模拟交叉验证,详细研究了两种固体替换方程对页岩的适用性和TOC含量对页岩弹性性质的影响.研究表明,由于实际岩心孔隙及TOC分布的非均质性,CS替换方程弹性模量预测值与FEM模拟结果存在差异,而SM替换方程预测值与FEM模拟结果基本一致,两种方程的预测差异揭示页岩非均质强度,利用SM替换方程中的参数α_1,α_2,β_1和β_2可详细分析实际岩心孔隙及TOC分布的非均质特征.  相似文献   

利用核磁共振成像技术、图像处理技术进行了岩心分析方法研究。阐述了核磁共振成像原理及图像处理软件功能。通过岩心测试分析计算方法研究,建立了核磁共振成像测试分析计算岩心内部结构,岩心孔隙度参数和孔隙度分布图像、渗透率分布图像,可动流体百分数图像,油水识别图像方法。表明:核磁共振图像不仅能够给出岩心总孔隙度,渗透率物性参数,而且能够给出岩心孔隙度,渗透率分布信息。根据可动流体百分数图像,可观察到可动流体在岩心中的分布情况。核磁共振成像油水识别方法,给出了油水在岩心中的分布情况,并可计算油、水饱和度。建立的岩心磁共振成像分析研究方法,可应用于油田储层评价,开发试验以及提高采收率研究。  相似文献   


This paper presents a method for the geologic assessment of the distribution, shape, and character of heterogeneity for reservoir studies. The goals of a supporting lithological study would ordinarily be (1) to subdivide the test reservoir into gross units each of which has a characteristic lithology significant to the performance of the reservoir, and (2) to describe the physical relationships of these gross units so that workable analogs of the reservoir can be constructed.

To effect these goals from a scrutiny of subsurface core or outcrop samples, a single, or a set of lithological features significant to permeability and porosity must be not only identified but be capable of rapid evaluation so that a significant number of samples can be analyzed. From correlation of lithological features and flow properties, certain reservoir lithotypes can be identified, each of which has a characteristic permeability and porosity. By subdividing representative core samples into these lithotypes and correlating these from well-to-well, the three-dimensional distribution of these lithotypes can guide the construction of reservoir models.

We have applied this method to core samples from a heterogeneous brine-saturated sandstone reservoir in central Oklahoma to provide an example of such a reservoir study. In this example, the reservoir was subdivided into lithotypes based on a cursory examination of 29 lithological features, five of which could be related to permeability and porosity.  相似文献   

— A new non-contact and non-destructive optical scanning instrument provided a large number of high-precision measurements of thermal conductivity tensor components in samples of sedimentary and impact rocks, as well as new insights into interrelations between thermal conductivity and other physical properties. More than 800 core samples (dry and fluid-saturated) of sedimentary rocks from different Russian oil-gas deposits and impact rocks from the well “Nördlingen 1973” drilled in the Ries impact structure (Germany) were studied using optical scanning technology. It was established that the thermal conductivity parallel to the stratification is more informative for petrophysical investigations than the thermal conductivity perpendicular to the layering. Different approaches were developed to estimate porosity, permeability, pore space geometry, and matrix thermal conductivity with a combination of thermal conductivity measurements in dry and fluid-saturated samples and mathematical modelling. These approaches allow prediction of the rock porosity and permeability and their spatial distribution along a well using thermal conductivity measurements performed with the optical scanning instrument directly applied to cores. Conditions and constraints for using Lichtenecker-Asaad's theoretical model for the estimation of porosity and thermal conductivity of sedimentary rocks were determined. A correlation between thermal conductivity and acoustic velocity, porosity, density, and electric resistivity of impact rocks was found for different rock types. New relationships between permeability, electrical and thermal conductivity found for sedimentary rocks are described.  相似文献   

对于裂缝、溶蚀孔洞发育的碳酸盐岩缝洞储层,如何从测井资料中提取裂缝、溶蚀孔洞信息是评价储层有效性的关键问题.为了从电成像测井静态图像上准确地分割出清晰的裂缝、溶蚀孔洞子图像进而提取其参数信息,本文提出了一种基于小波变换模极大值图像分割技术的电成像测井资料缝洞面孔率提取方法.以钮扣电极电导率曲线为对象,先消除井壁凹凸不平导致的地层背景噪声的影响,利用小波变换模极大值图像分割方法得到包含裂缝和溶蚀孔洞目标的子图像,根据子图像提取裂缝-孔洞总面孔率、裂缝面孔率、孔洞面孔率等信息.本文利用塔里木盆地奥陶系碳酸盐岩地层的电成像测井数据提取了缝洞面孔率参数,还利用同井岩心CT扫描图像计算的平均缝洞面孔率、双侧向电阻率、常规测井资料三孔隙度模型计算的相对连通缝洞孔隙度进行了对比,并进行了试油验证.对比表明,电成像测井裂缝-孔洞总面孔率、裂缝面孔率、孔洞面孔率与岩心CT扫描图像平均缝洞面孔率、双侧向电阻率、相对连通缝洞孔隙度、试油结果均有较好的一致性.这一方面验证了采用本文方法提取的裂缝-孔洞总面孔率、裂缝面孔率、孔洞面孔率的合理性,另一方面表明所提取参数可用于指示缝洞型碳酸盐岩储层的渗透性和有效性.  相似文献   

Attenuation of P- and S-waves in limestones   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Ultrasonic compressional- and shear-wave attenuation measurements have been made on 40, centimetre-sized samples of water- and oil-saturated oolitic limestones at 50 MPa effective hydrostatic pressure (confining pressure minus pore-fluid pressure) at frequencies of about 0.85 MHz and 0.7 MHz respectively, using the pulse-echo method. The mineralogy, porosity, permeability and the distribution of the pore types of each sample were determined using a combination of optical and scanning electron microscopy, a helium porosimeter and a nitrogen permeameter. The limestones contain a complex porosity system consisting of interparticle macropores (dimensions up to 300 microns) and micropores (dimensions 5–10 microns) within the ooids, the calcite cement and the mud matrix. Ultrasonic attenuation reaches a maximum value in those limestones in which the dual porosity system is most fully developed, indicating that the squirt-flow mechanism, which has previously been shown to occur in shaley sandstones, also operates in the limestones. It is argued that the larger-scale dual porosity systems present in limestones in situ could similarly cause seismic attenuation at the frequencies of field seismic surveys through the operation of the squirt-flow mechanism.  相似文献   

基于微CT技术的砂岩数字岩石物理实验   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
数字岩石物理技术可弥补传统岩石物理实验的诸多不足,为岩石物理学研究提供一个新平台.本文以常规砂岩为研究对象,利用微CT扫描结合先进的图像处理技术建立了具有真实孔隙结构特征的三维数字岩芯模型;应用Avizo软件内含的多种形态学算法进行数字岩芯孔隙结构量化及表征研究,统计获取了孔隙度、孔隙体积分布及孔径分布特征,建立了等价孔隙网络模型;将Avizo与多场耦合有限元软件Comsol完美对接,实现了孔隙尺度的渗流模拟并计算获得绝对渗透率,对于考虑固相充填孔隙的情况,模拟计算了岩石有效弹性参数,并与近似Gassmann方程良好验证.本文所提出的将Avizo与Comsol结合使用的方法丰富了现有的数字岩石物理研究手段,为其大规模发展提供了一条新途径.  相似文献   

Computed tomography scan imaging techniques have been used on core samples to investigate the effect of natural open fractures on reservoir flow in the Snøhvit Gas Condensate Field. Firstly, computed tomography (CT) scanning was used to describe the 3D geometrical properties of the fracture network including orientation and fracture density. Two types of fractures were observed: F1 fractures are short and stylolite related and F2 fractures are longer, cross-cutting the core and without any obvious relationship to stylolites. Secondly, monitoring of single and two phase flow experiments on samples containing these two types of natural open fractures was performed under 10 and 80 bar net confining pressure while using CT scanning. 1-phase miscible flooding experiment shows approximately 3 times higher flooding velocity in an open F2 fracture than in the matrix. 2-phase flooding by gas injection into a 100% water saturated core gave early gas breakthrough due to flow in the fracture and thereafter very little water production. The flow experiments showed that the presence of open fractures has a significant local effect on fluid flow even in a case with relatively high matrix porosity (200–300 mD). The sample containing F1 fractures showed a complex flow pattern influenced both by open fractures and stylolites. The CT scan data enables an exact representation of the fracture network in core scale simulation models and therefore improves the understanding of fracture influence on flow in a fractured porous medium. CT scanning of core samples provides an effective tool for integrating geology and fluid flow properties of a porous fractured medium.  相似文献   

New Method for Continuous Transmissivity Profiling in Fractured Rock   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A new method is presented to search for hydraulically transmissive features in open boreholes in bedrock. A flexible borehole liner made of a watertight, nylon fabric is filled with water to create a constant driving head to evert (reverse of invert) the liner down the hole so that the liner pushes the borehole water out into transmissive fractures or other permeable features. The descent rate is governed by the bulk transmissivity of the remaining permeable features below the liner. Initially, the liner descent rate or velocity is a measure of transmissivity (T) of the entire hole. As the everting liner passes and seals each permeable feature, changes in the liner velocity indicate the position of each feature and an estimate of T using the Thiem equation for steady radial flow. This method has been performed in boreholes with diameters ranging from 96 to 330 mm. Profiling commonly takes a few hours in holes 200‐ to 300‐m long. After arrival of the liner at the bottom of the hole, the liner acts as a seal preventing borehole cross connection between transmissive features at different depths. Liner removal allows the hole to be used for other purposes. The T values determined using this method in a dolostone aquifer were found to be similar to the values from injection tests using conventional straddle packers. This method is not a replacement for straddle‐packer hydraulic testing of specific zones where greater accuracy is desired; however, it is effective and efficient for scanning entire holes for transmissive features.  相似文献   

页岩储层矿物颗粒、孔/裂隙、干酪根等微观结构呈现明显的尺度化分布特征,常规的单结构单尺度随机介质模拟方法难以完整描述和重构微观尺度的页岩储层介质,本文提出了一种微结构-尺度双分解的随机介质模拟方法.基于龙马溪组页岩数字岩心,将岩心切片按照占比分解为脆性矿物、孔隙、干酪根及背景介质四种类型,对脆性矿物、孔隙和干酪根三种微结构进行尺度分解,通过优化随机介质模型参数,实现精确模拟不同尺度的微结构组分,再按占比进行微结构-尺度双合成.结果表明,微结构-尺度双分解随机介质模拟大幅度提高强非均质页岩储层介质的建模精度.  相似文献   

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