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In spite of chemical and petrological data furnished by the early Apollo missions, disagreement has persisted as to the ultimate origin of the mare lavas - were they true igneous magmas or impact melts? Examination of Lunar Orbiter and Apollo photographs of Tsiolkovsky, Mare Orientale and Humboldt crater, as examples of mare-filled impact structures, has suggested the answer. It has been found that the mare lavas possibly stem from internal melting because a considerable time interval has elapsed between the time of basin excavation and basaltic extrusions. This was most effectively shown by crater counts on the ejecta blanket and mare filling of Mare Orientale. The central mare filling is distinctly younger than the ejecta cover, as shown by the lower crater densities on the mare surface as compared with the ejecta. Furthermore, many craters on the ejecta blanket of Orientale were flooded by lava long after the impact had occurred. Mare-type lavas are not only confined to large circular impact basins, but also fill irregular depressions, like Mare Australe, where evidence for different flooding episodes has been observed.  相似文献   

The lunar Orientale basin and its associated facies formed as a result of impact into lunar highland crustal rocks. The crater rim is shown to be closely represented by the position of the outer Rook Mountain ring, approximately 620 km in diam. The inner Rook Mountains form a central peak ring within the crater. The 900 km diam Cordillera ring is a fault scarp which formed in the terminal stages of the cratering event as a large portion of the crust collapsed inward toward the recently excavated crater, forming a mega-terrace. This collapse pushed the wall of the Orientale crater inward, distorting it and slightly decreasing its radius.A domical facies is almost exclusively developed between the Cordillera and outer Rook rings. The domical facies is interpreted to be radially textured ejecta which was disrupted and modified to a jumbled domical texture by seismic shaking associated with the formation of the mega-terrace. The plains and corrugated facies pre-date the mare fill and lie within the Orientale crater. These facies are interpreted to have been deposited contemporaneously with the cratering event as partial and total impact melts which collected on the floor of the crater during the terminal stages of the event. The plains facies, with an estimated thickness of 1 km and a volume of 75000 km3, represent the most thoroughly impact melted materials which collected and ponded in the central portion of the crater floor. The corrugated facies, with an estimated thickness of 1 km and a volume of 180000 km3, represent impact partial melts mixed with debris. A relatively small volume of mare material was subsequently deposited in the basin (probably less than 25000 km3 in Mare Orientale).There is little evidence that the basin has undergone major structural modifications subsequent to the terminal stages of the cratering event. The striking implication for the Orientale gravity anomaly is that mascon formation may be primarily related to crustal excavation and upwarping of a moho plug, rather than attributable to post-impact mare filling.The plains units on the floor of Orientale are similar to Cayley-like plains in other multi-ringed basins and on smaller crater floors. Impact melt deposits may therefore be a significant source of Cayley-like plains units.The volumes of impact melt associated with the Orientale basin and their mode of deposition have important implications for petrogenetic models. Multi-ringed basin formation provides a mechanism for instantaneously melting large volumes of shallow to intermediate depth lunar crustal material which is emplaced such that the differentiation and crystallization of a variety of igneous rock types and textures may occur.  相似文献   

Peak-ring basins represent an impact-crater morphology that is transitional between complex craters with central peaks and large multi-ring basins. Therefore, they can provide insight into the scale dependence of the impact process. Here the transition with increasing crater diameter from complex craters to peak-ring basins on Mercury is assessed through a detailed analysis of Eminescu, a geologically recent and well-preserved peak-ring basin. Eminescu has a diameter (∼125 km) close to the minimum for such crater forms and is thus representative of the transition. Impact crater size-frequency distributions and faint rays indicate that Eminescu is Kuiperian in age, geologically younger than most other basins on Mercury. Geologic mapping of basin interior units indicates a distinction between smooth plains and peak-ring units. Our mapping and crater retention ages favor plains formation by impact melt rather than post-impact volcanism, but a volcanic origin for the plains cannot be excluded if the time interval between basin formation and volcanic emplacement was less than the uncertainty in relative ages. The high-albedo peak ring of Eminescu is composed of bright crater-floor deposits (BCFDs, a distinct crustal unit seen elsewhere on Mercury) exposed by the impact. We use our observations to assess predictions of peak-ring formation models. We interpret the characteristics of Eminescu as consistent with basin formation models in which a melt cavity forms during the impact formation of craters at the transition to peak ring morphologies. We suggest that the smooth plains were emplaced via impact melt expulsion from the central melt cavity during uplift of a peak ring composed of BCFD-type material. In this scenario the ringed cluster of peaks resulted from the early development of the melt cavity, which modified the central uplift zone.  相似文献   

Estimates of lava volumes on planetary surfaces provide important data on the lava flooding history and thermal evolution of a planet. Lack of information concerning the configuration of the topography prior to volcanic flooding requires the use of a variety of techniques to estimate lava thicknesses and volumes. A technique is described and developed which provides volume estimates by artificially flooding unflooded lunar topography characteristic of certain geological environments, and tracking the area covered, lava thicknesses, and lava volumes. Comparisons of map patterns of incompletely buried topography in these artificially flooded areas are then made to lava-flooded topography on the Moon in order to estimate the actual lava volumes.This technique is applied to two areas related to lunar impact basins; the relatively unflooded Orientale basin, and the Archimedes-Apennine Bench region of the Imbrium basin. Artificially flooding the Orientale basin to the Cordillera Mountains (outer basin ring) produces a lava fill geometry with two components; (a) thebasin interior (within the inner Rook ring) where the area covered is small but lava thicknesses are large (6–8 km), and (b) thebasin, edges where larger areas are covered but thicknesses are less, averaging about 2 km. Detailed examination of the Archimedes-Apennine Bench area (Imbrium basin edge) also shows average thicknesses in this region of basins of approximately 2 km.On the basis of these analyses it is concluded that early flooding of the basin interior places a major load on the lithosphere in the same geographic region where mascon gravity anomalies are concentrated. Mare ridges and arches are concentrated at the outer edge of the region of thickset fill and appear to be related to tectonic activity accompanying basin loading and downwarping. Lava thicknesses in most areas of flooded, impact basins (>2 km) exceed the thickness of lava where vertical mixing of underlying non-mare material is possible. Thus, vertical mixing is not likely to have been an important process in mare deposits within flooded impact basins. Thickness estimates derived from this technique exceed those derived from the morphometry of buried or partially buried craters by at least a factor of two. Examination of the assumptions employed in the latter technique show several sources of variability (e.g., initial rim height variability in a fresh crater) which may result in significant underestimation of lava thicknesses.  相似文献   

The 1300-km-diameter Caloris impact basin is surrounded by well-defined ejecta units that can be recognized from more than 1000 km, radially outward from the basin edge. A formal rock stratigraphic nomenclature is proposed for the Caloris ejecta units, which are collectively called the Caloris Group. Each of the individual formations within the Group are described and compared to similar rock units associated with the lunar Imbrium and Orientale basins. A crater degradation chronology, linked the the Caloris event, is also proposed to assist in stratigraphic correlation on a Mercury-wide basis.  相似文献   

The origin of the multiple concentric rings that characterize lunar impact basins, and the probable depth and diameter of the transient crater have been widely debated. As an alternative to prevailing “megaterrace” hypotheses, we propose that the outer scarps or mountain rings that delineate the topographic rims of basins—the Cordilleran at Orientale, the Apennine at Imbrium, and the Altai at Nectaris—define the transient cavities, enlarged relatively little by slumping, and thus are analogous to the rim crests of craters like Copernicus; inner rings are uplifted rims of craters nested within the transient cavity. The magnitude of slumping that occurs on all scarps is insufficient to produce major inner rings from the outer. These conclusions are based largely on the observed gradational sequence in lunar central uplifts:. from simple peaks through somewhat annular clusters of peaks, peak and ring combinations and double ring basins, culminating in multiring structures that may also include peaks. In contrast, belts of slump terraces are not gradational with inner rings. Terrestrial analogs suggest two possible mechanisms for producing rings. In some cases, peaks may expand into rings as material is ejected from their cores, as apparently occurred at Gosses Bluff, Australia. A second process, differential excavation of lithologically diverse layers, has produced nested experimental craters and is, we suspect, instrumental in the formation of terrestrial ringed impact craters. Peak expansion could produce double-ring structures in homogeneous materials, but differential excavation is probably required to produce multiring and peak-in-ring configurations in large lunar impact structures. Our interpretation of the representative lunar multiring basin Orientale is consistent with formation of three rings in three layers detected seismically in part of the Moon—the Cordillera (basin-bounding) ring in the upper crust, the composite Montes Rook ring in the underlying, more coherent “heald” crust, and an innermost, 320-km ring at the crust-mantle interface. Depth-diameter ratios of 110to115 are consistent with this interpretation and suggest that volumes of transient cavities and hence of basin ejecta may be considerably greater than commonly assumed.  相似文献   

The study of peak-ring basins and other impact crater morphologies transitional between complex craters and multi-ring basins is important to our understanding of the mechanisms for basin formation on the terrestrial planets. Mercury has the largest population, and the largest population per area, of peak-ring basins and protobasins in the inner solar system and thus provides important data for examining questions surrounding peak-ring basin formation. New flyby images from the MErcury Surface, Space ENvironment, GEochemistry, and Ranging (MESSENGER) spacecraft have more than doubled the area of Mercury viewed at close range, providing nearly complete global coverage of the planet's surface when combined with flyby data from Mariner 10. We use this new near-global dataset to compile a catalog of peak-ring basins and protobasins on Mercury, including measurements of the diameters of the basin rim crest, interior ring, and central peak (if present). Our catalog increases the population of peak-ring basins by ∼150% and protobasins by ∼100% over previous catalogs, including 44 newly identified peak-ring basins (total=74) and 17 newly identified protobasins (total=32). A newly defined transitional basin type, the ringed peak-cluster basin (total=9), is also described. The new basin catalog confirms that Mercury has the largest population of peak-ring basins of the terrestrial planets and also places the onset rim-crest diameter for peak-ring basins at , which is intermediate between the onset diameter for peak-ring basins on the Moon and those for the other terrestrial planets. The ratios of ring diameter to rim-crest diameter further emphasize that protobasins and peak-ring basins are parts of a continuum of basin morphologies relating to their processes of formation, in contrast to previous views that these forms are distinct. Comparisons of the predictions of peak-ring basin-formation models with the characteristics of the basin catalog for Mercury suggest that formation and modification of an interior melt cavity and nonlinear scaling of impact melt volume with crater diameter provide important controls on the development of peak rings. The relationship between impact-melt production and peak-ring formation is strengthened further by agreement between power laws fit to ratios of ring diameter to rim-crest diameter for peak-ring basins and protobasins and the power-law relation between the dimension of a melt cavity and the crater diameter. More detailed examination of Mercury's peak-ring basins awaits the planned insertion of the MESSENGER spacecraft into orbit about Mercury in 2011.  相似文献   

Adopting the theory of shallow water waves with an initial surface deformation of a parabolic crater, the tsunami model of the origin of multi-ring basins is discussed and an approximate formula for calculating the ring radius is obtained. From the computed ring spacings of three multi-ring basins on the moon (Orientale, Moscoviense and Serenitatis South), it is shown that the tsunami model can only be applied to the area within the main ring (the IV ring), which marks the end of fluidized region and the crater rim of the excavated basin. Besides this, by comparing the result of initial impulsive pressure disturbance with initial deformation disturbance under the condition of the same fluidized depth, it seems that the time of multi-ring basins required to reach its present status in the case of initial deformation disturbance is shorter than in the case of initial impulsive pressure disturbance. This time difference can be explained as the time required from the start of impact to the deformation of a parabolic crater.  相似文献   

The Imbrium sculpture texture, a distinctive ridged and furrowed pattern radial to the Imbrium basin and seen in other basins, has long been debated as to its origin (internal, formed by basin-related fractures; external, related to ejecta patterns). To test for the presence of deep radial fractures on the moon, the azimuth and length of linear rim segments of twenty-four post-Imbrium-basin craters were measured. Linear segments of crater rims parallel preexisting fracture patterns in terrestrial craters floored in an indurated substrate. Craters forming in a terrain containing pervasive fractures radial to Imbrium should show evidence of this tectonic influence by forming rim crest segments (terrace scarps) preferentially along these directions. No systematic relation of these segments with Imbrium radial structure was found. This suggests that the surface radial grooves may not extend to depth. The relatively young Orientale basin shows two types of radial structures: (1) pervasive subparallel ridges and furrows formed by a spectrum of sizes of secondary crater chains emanating from the main crater, and from flowage of material during secondary cratering; (2) parallel, generally radial ridges which appear to have formed on top of outward flows of debris. These types of radial textures (both depositional and erosional) appear unrelated to major faults or fractures. Therefore, these two lines of evidence suggest that much of the Imbrium-type sculpture surrounding major lunar basins is sedimentary, rather than tectonic, in origin.  相似文献   

The crater populations of 18 lunar light plains (Cayley plains) show a variation in relative ages by a factor of about 4 in crater frequency of regions in the surroundings of the Orientale resp. Imbrium basin, and by a factor of greater than 25 for more distant sites. Thus the idea of a Moonwide synchronism in the emplacement of the lunar light plains with the formation of the basins Imbrium or Orientale cannot be supported.Some light plains are younger than the youngest basin Orientale. Since these plains cannot have been emplaced by any other basin-forming event and local impact-derived origin can certainly be excluded, an endogenic (magmatic) origin is proposed for these plains.Age determination data (D L -values) by Soderblom and Lebofsky (1972) and Soderblom and Boyce (1972) are shown to be correlated with own cumulative crater frequency data (N) for surfaces younger than 3.8 × 109 years; we findD L × N 0.6, different from the originally proposed relationD L × N. For ages > 3.8 × 109 years, theD L data by those authors, especially their light plains data, are incompatible with our crater frequency data.  相似文献   

Before the Apollo 16 mission, the material of the Cayley Formation (a lunar smooth plains) was theorized to be of volcanic origin. Because Apollo 16 did not verify such interpretations, various theories have been published that consider the material to be ejecta of distant multiringed basins. Results presented in this paper indicate that the material cannot be solely basin ejecta. If smoothplains are a result of formation of these basins or other distant large craters, then the plains materials are mainly ejecta of secondary craters of these basins or craters with only minor contributions of primary-crater or basin ejecta. This hypothesis is based on synthesis of knowledge of the mechanics of ejection of material from impact craters, photogeologic evidence, remote measurements of surface chemistry, and petrology of lunar samples. Observations, simulations, and calculations presented in this paper show that ejecta thrown beyond the continuous deposits of large lunar craters produce secondary-impact craters that excavate and deposit masses of local material equal to multiples of that of the primary crater ejecta deposited at the same place. Therefore, the main influence of a large cratering event on terrain at great distances from such a crater is one of deposition of more material by secondary craters, rather than deposition of ejecta from the large crater. Examples of numerous secondary craters observed in and around the Cayley Formation and other smooth plains are presented. Evidence is given for significant lateral transport of highland debris by ejection from secondary craters and by landslides triggered by secondary impact. Primary-crater ejecta can be a significant fraction of a deposit emplaced by an impact crater only if the primary crater is nearby. Other proposed mechanisms for emplacement of smooth-plains formations are discussed, and implications regarding the origin of material in the continuous aprons surrounding large lunar craters is considered. It is emphasized that the importance of secondary-impact cratering in the highlands has in general been underestimated and that this process must have been important in the evolution of the lunar surface.  相似文献   

By use of the theory of shallow water waves generated by an impulsive pressure, the tsunami theory of the origin of multi-ring basins is rediscussed and an approximate formula used for calculating the ring location is derived. From the computed ring spacing of three multi-ring basins on the Moon (Orientale, Moscoviense and Serenitatis South), it is shown that the tsunami model can only be applied to the area within the IV ring which signifies the rim of the excavated basin and the end of the fluidized region. In the frame of the tsunami model, no explanation for ring spacing is plausible for exterior rings as well as interior ones.Project supported by the Science Foundation of Academia Sinica and the ICTP.  相似文献   

Lunar crater degradation can be divided into two time periods based on differing styles and rates of crater degradation processes. Comparison of lunar radiometric age scales and the relative degradation of crater morphologic features for craters larger than about 5 km diam shows that Period I, prior to about 3.85–3.95 b.y. ago, is characterized by a high influx rate and by formation of large, multi-ringed basins. Period II, from about 3.85–3.95 b.y. to present, is characterized by a much lower influx rate and lack of large multi-ringed basins. Craters formed throughout Period II show generally constant morphologic characteristics. Craters formed in Period I show markedly different characteristics although their residence time could not have increased more than 15% over the total time of Period II. The vast majority of crater degradation of Period I craters took place nearly coincident with their time of formation. Elements of crater degradation and modification during Period I include destruction of crater exterior, rim, and wall facies and structures, decrease in crater depth, and increase in crater floor width. Examination of fresh crater geometry reveals that major changes in crater depth and floor width parameters can occur with the addition of only minor volumes of material as crater fill. Volumes sufficient to produce these characteristic changes are readily available in the surrounding crater wall and rim deposits and can be derived by erosion associated with the observed morphologic changes. Depositional mechanisms associated with lunar landslides are capable of moving material across the crater floor-wall boundary while maintaining and propagating the characteristic break in slope. A prime source of crater degradation during Period I is related to the formation of multiringed basins. The widespread ballistic sedimentation associated with the formation of these basins produces a near-saturation bombardment which excavates and mobilizes large volumes of local material and preferentially moves it into nearby low regions. Seismic effects contribute to degradation by enhancing slope instability and by mobilizing material for downslope movement. The net effect for a crater influenced by multi-ringed basin formation is a tendency toward destruction of crater facies and structure by near-saturation bombardment and seismic effects, the erosion and mobilization of crater material, and the redeposition of this material in nearby low regions, primarily on the crater floor. This process appears to be of major importance in the degradation and modification of craters, in generation of interior crater fill, and in the formation and propagation of Cayley-type plains surfaces.  相似文献   

Abstract— We have developed a quantitative model for predicting characteristics of ejecta deposits that result from basin‐sized cratering events. This model is based on impact crater scaling equations (Housen, Schmitt, and Holsapple 1983; Holsapple 1993) and the concept of ballistic sedimentation (Oberbeck 1975), and takes into account the size distribution of the individual fragments ejected from the primary crater. Using the model, we can estimate, for an area centered at the chosen location of interest, the average distribution of thicknesses of basin ejecta deposits within the area and the fraction of primary ejecta contained within the deposits. Model estimates of ejecta deposit thicknesses are calibrated using those of the Orientale Basin (Moore, Hodges, and Scott 1974) and of the Ries Basin (Hörz, Ostertag, and Rainey 1983). Observed densities of secondary craters surrounding the Imbrium and Orientale Basins are much lower than the modeled densities. Similarly, crater counts for part of the northern half of the Copernicus secondary cratering field are much lower than the model predicts, and variation in crater densities with distance from Copernicus is less than expected. These results suggest that mutual obliteration erases essentially all secondary craters associated with the debris surge that arises from the impacting primary fragments during ballistic sedimentation; if so, a process other than ballistic sedimentation is needed to produce observable secondary craters. Regardless, our ejecta deposit model can be useful for suggesting provenances of sampled lunar materials, providing information complementary to photogeological and remote sensing interpretations, and as a tool for planning rover traverses (e.g., Haskin et al. 1995, 2002).  相似文献   

Matija ?uk  Brett J. Gladman 《Icarus》2010,207(2):590-7225
Multiple impact basins formed on the Moon about 3.8 Gyr ago in what is known as the lunar cataclysm or Late Heavy Bombardment. Many workers currently interpret the lunar cataclysm as an impact spike primarily caused by main-belt asteroids destabilized by delayed planetary migration. We show that morphologically fresh (class 1) craters on the lunar highlands were mostly formed during the brief tail of the cataclysm, as they have absolute crater number density similar to that of the Orientale basin and ejecta blanket. The connection between class 1 craters and the cataclysm is supported by the similarity of their size-frequency distribution to that of stratigraphically-identified Imbrian craters. Majority of lunar craters younger than the Imbrium basin (including class 1 craters) thus record the size-frequency distribution of the lunar cataclysm impactors. This distribution is much steeper than that of main-belt asteroids. We argue that the projectiles bombarding the Moon at the time of the cataclysm could not have been main-belt asteroids ejected by purely gravitational means.  相似文献   

Analysis of terrain in the Apollo 16 Descartes landing region shows a series of features that form a stratigraphic sequence which dominates the history and petrogenesis at the site. An ancient 150 km diam crater centered on the Apollo 16 site is one of the earliest recognizable major structures. Nectaris ejecta was concentrated in a regional low at the base of the back slope of the Nectaris basin to form the Descartes Mountains. Subsequently, a 60 km diam crater formed in the Descartes Mountains centered about 25 km to the west of the site. This crater dominates the geology and petrogenetic history of the site. Stone and Smoky Mountains represent the degraded terraced crater walls, and the dark matrix breccias and metaclastic rocks derived from North and South Ray craters represent floor fallback breccias from this cratering event. Subsequent major cratering occurred in the region (Dollond B, etc.) prior to the Imbrium and Orientale basin-forming events but had minor effect on the site. Based on this interpretation, contributions from Imbrium at the Apollo 16 site are minor and those from Orientale negligible. The petrology of the Apollo 16 rocks supports this stratigraphic and process model of a local crater-dominated history for this region.  相似文献   

The lunar Late Heavy Bombardment (LHB) defines a time between ∼3.8 to possibly 4.1 Gy ago when the Nectarian and early-Imbrium basins on the Moon with reasonably well-constrained ages were formed. Some have argued that these basins were produced by a terminal cataclysm that caused a spike in the inner Solar System impactor flux during this interval. Others have suggested the basins were formed by the tail end of a monotonically decreasing impactor population originally produced by planet formation processes in the inner Solar System. Here we investigate whether this so-called declining bombardment scenario of the LHB is consistent with constraints provided by planet formation models as well as the inferred ages of Nectaris, Serenitatis, Imbrium, and Orientale. We did this by modeling the collisional and dynamical evolution of the post-planet formation population (PPP) for a range of starting PPP masses. Using a Monte Carlo code, we computed the probability that the aforementioned basins were created at various times after the Moon-forming event approximately 4.54 Ga. Our results indicate that the likelihood that the declining bombardment scenario produced Nectaris, Serenitatis, Imbrium, and Orientale (or even just Imbrium and Orientale) at any of their predicted ages is extremely low and can be ruled out at the 3σ confidence level, regardless of the PPP's starting mass. The reason is that collisional and dynamical evolution quickly depletes the PPP, leaving behind a paucity of large projectiles capable of producing the Moon's youngest basins between 3.8-4.1 Gy ago. If collisions are excluded from our model, we find that the PPP produces numerous South Pole-Aitken-like basins during the pre-Nectarian period. This is inconsistent with our understanding of lunar topography. Accordingly, our results lead us to conclude that the terminal cataclysm scenario is the only existing LHB paradigm at present that is both viable from a dynamical modeling perspective and consistent with existing constraints.  相似文献   

Despite evident similarities, the Argyre basin exhibits important differences with regard to its lunar counterparts, as the Orientale basin. These differences concern both the stratigraphy of the impact related units and the tectonics of these areas. The Argyre basin is not surrounded by ejecta with radial facies, but by an annulus of structurally uplifted and faulted preimpact basement. That is different from the lunar basins which exhibit a large annulus of radial facies but only a narrow ring of uplifted terrains. The Argyre basin is surrounded by five or more outer discontinuous rings extending far away from the basis edge. That is different from the lunar basins which are surrounded by only one, continuous and closer ring. These differences could be partially explained by the external conditions, but mainly by differences in the crustal properties and lithospheres thickness which would have been thinner on Mars than on the Moon.  相似文献   

Depending on their sizes, impact craters have either simple or complex geometries. Peak‐ring craters such as the Chicxulub impact structure possess a single interior ring of peaks and hills and a flat interior floor. The exact mechanisms leading to the formation of a morphological peak‐ring are still a matter of debate. In this study, analog modeling was used to study the flow field of a collapsing central uplift. A 3‐D‐printed cast was used to bring the analog material in the shape of an overheightened central uplift that was based on numerical modeling. The cast was then quickly removed and the central peak collapsed, forming a flattened broad mound that spread out onto the annular moat of the crater cavity. A subwoofer was used to fluidize the granular target material. The kinematics of the collapse were analyzed with the aid of particle image velocimetry, revealing a downward and outward collapse of the central uplift. This mode of collapse is partly in agreement with numerical models, in particular for the initial and middle phases. The overthrusting of the collapsing central peak onto the inward moving crater floor predicted by numerical modeling was observed, though to a lesser degree. A peak‐ring, however, could not be reproduced since the collapse came to a halt before the central peak was completely leveled. Nevertheless, the method provides qualitative insights into the kinematics of collapse phenomena. This experimental study provides independent support of the theory of acoustic fluidization, in addition to numerical simulations.  相似文献   

The Apollo orbital geochemistry, photogeologic, and other remote sensing data sets were used to identify and characterize geochemical anomalies on the eastern limb and farside of the Moon and to investigate the processes responsible for their formation. The anomalies are located in the following regions: (1) Balmer basin, (2) terrain northeast of Mare Smythii, (3) near Langemak crater, (4) Pasteur crater, (5) terrain northwest of Milne basin, (6) northeast of Mendeleev basin, (7) north and northeast of Korolev basin, (8) terrain north of Taruntius crater, and (9) terrain north of Orientale basin. The anomalies are commonly associated with Imbrian- or Nectarian-aged light plains units which exhibit dark-haloed impact craters. The results of recent spectral reflectance studies of dark-haloed impact craters plus consideration of the surface chemistry of the anomalies strongly indicate that those geochemical anomalies associated with light plains deposits which display dark-haloed impact craters result from the presence of basaltic units that are either covered by varying thickness of highland debris or have a surface contaminated with significant amounts of highlands material. The burial or contamination of ancient volcanic surfaces by varying amounts of highland material appears to have been an important (though not the dominant) process in the formation of lunar light plains. Basaltic volcanism on the eastern limb and farside of the Moon was more extensive in both space and time than has been accepted.  相似文献   

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