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如何提高煤层气渗透率是目前煤层气开采研究中的重要课题。基于煤层瓦斯渗流规律数学模型,利用COMSOL Multiphysics软件,对流-固-热耦合条件下的非等温煤层气解吸、渗流变化规律进行了数值模拟。结果表明,在注热条件下,煤层气渗流压力随着温度的增加而下降,且下降速度加剧,压力差越大,气体从高压区域流向低压区域的渗流速度越快。气体在煤层中径向流向井口,井口附近压力的梯度增大,气体渗流速度较快;在未受到加热影响的区域,煤层气不受外加热量影响,煤层气解吸速率保持不变;注热后煤层温度升高,可以加快煤层气渗流速度、提高渗透率、增加煤层气产量。研究成果可为煤层中注热开采煤层气的工程实践提供相应的理论依据。  相似文献   

煤储层物性是影响煤层气解吸、扩散、渗流的关键因素,其好坏直接决定煤层气井的产气效果.本文以高阶煤为例,基于压汞、低温液氮吸附、等温吸附、煤粒甲烷放散初速度测试以及煤层气井现场自然解吸数据,系统探讨了构造破坏作用下高阶煤的孔隙性、吸附性、扩散性、渗透性等物性的响应规律,建立了不同煤体结构高阶煤储层几何模型、扩散模式图及气体产出综合模式图.研究认为,高阶煤经历构造作用后孔隙性得到改造,不同孔径段孔隙数量均有所增加,中、大孔增加最为明显,孔隙连通性发生差异性变化,这种孔隙性的变化是造成不同煤体结构煤的吸附/解吸性、扩散性等储层物性出现差异的根本所在.原生结构和碎裂结构煤基质孔隙以微孔为主,相对缺少大孔以及大孔连通性较差的孔隙特征,制约着初期气体的解吸和扩散,而较小孔径段孔隙连通性相对较好利于后期气体的解吸和扩散,更由于气体解吸衰减速度慢,易形成长期的产能;碎粒结构和糜棱结构煤吸附、解吸能力增强,自然条件下气体扩散能力强,但储层条件下渗透率的强应力敏感性,导致该类储层渗透性最差,渗流能力弱制约了扩散和解吸的发生;气体综合产出过程中,不同煤体结构的煤储层随着储层压力的变化基质孔隙气体扩散模式发生动态演化,过渡型扩散不断增强,Fick扩散不断弱化,气体的扩散能力不断降低,其中微孔和过渡孔是限制气体扩散的主要孔径因素;提出的储层条件下气体产出的综合模式图可以显示制约不同煤体结构煤储层气体产出的关键因素所在,有助于对储层进行针对性改造.  相似文献   

为揭示天然气水合物降压开采过程中水合物分解规律,建立了柱坐标系下水合物降压开采的物理模型和数学模型,应用有限差分法进行求解,并应用神狐海域试采数据进行了验证,进而分析了降压开采过程中压力、水合物饱和度、渗透率的变化规律以及多种边界条件下分解过渡带的移动规律,研究了不同降压开采参数对水合物分解过程的影响.结果表明:降压开始后,井眼周围迅速形成压降漏斗,随着开采时间的增加,压降漏斗向储层远处扩散;井眼处的水合物最先分解,随着开采时间的推进,水合物饱和度逐渐降低,储层渗透率逐渐增大;水合物饱和度降低的区域沿径向向外扩散,渗透率增大的区域也与之相应;过渡带外沿、内沿移动速度不同步,开采后期移动速度都变慢,分解过渡带宽度随着开采时间逐渐增大,到一定天数后趋于稳定;水合物降压开采的主要控制参数包括开采井压力、水合物初始饱和度、储层绝对渗透率、水合物分解动力学常数等;模拟水合物降压开采时,如果选择封闭型边界且半径较小,则所得出的模拟结果与实际开采情况会有较大的差别,甚至相悖.  相似文献   

现行各类煤芯煤层气逸散量推算方法, 均未考虑煤芯煤层气在不同钻井液环境下解吸过程的差异, 可能导致煤层含气量测定结果出现偏差. 为此, 本文将钻井液条件下煤芯煤层气解吸视为一个变压解吸过程, 以Langmuir方程和Fick第一定律为基础, 综合考虑钻井液条件下影响煤层气解吸扩散的主要因素, 通过物理模拟实验和理论探讨, 建立了考虑游离气在内的钻井液条件下煤芯煤层气解吸-扩散模型及逸散量数值模拟求取方法. 结果显示: 数值模拟能够较为准确地拟合t-Qt物理模拟曲线, 提钻过程最终解吸量数值模拟值和物理模拟值总体较为接近. 通过对实测解吸数据求取逸散量发现, 当逸散时间较长时, 数值模拟结果普遍大于直接法计算结果. 作者由此认为, 采用中国目前方法推得的煤芯煤层气逸散量普遍偏低, 有必要在深入研究基础上考虑对中国现行国家标准予以修订.  相似文献   

通过数值模拟 ,研究渗流场和应力场相互作用 ,了解在震源区地下水对应力场和应变场的影响。结果表明 ,岩石的抗剪强度及摩擦阻力随孔隙压力的增加而降低 ,孔隙压力使应变分布发生变化 ,断层及其附近剪切应力升高。地下水的这些效应可能与地震震源过程有关  相似文献   

沁水盆地南部煤层气储层压裂过程数值模拟研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
储层改造是煤层气井提高产能的重要措施,水力压裂是煤层气储层改造的重要方法.为研究煤层气储层压裂过程及其天然裂缝对煤储层压裂时破裂压力的影响,本文以山西沁水盆地南部高煤级煤矿区为研究区,运用有限元数值模拟方法,计算不同地应力条件下、裂缝处于不同位置时煤储层的破裂压力.结果表明:(1)不同类型地应力场对破裂压力的影响不同.对于均匀应力场,破裂压力随着围压的增大而增大,其增幅约为围压的两倍;对于非均匀应力场,当一个水平主应力不变时,破裂压力会随着水平主应力差的增加而减少;(2)如果地应力条件不变,煤储层破裂压力随着天然裂缝与最大水平主应力方向夹角的增加而增加,水平主应力差越大煤储层破裂压力增幅也越大;(3)在有天然裂隙的地层中进行压裂,当天然裂缝的方位不同时压裂裂缝既可能是沿着天然裂缝扩展的裂缝,也可能是压裂过程中产生的新裂缝,因此天然裂缝的方位对破裂压力具有一定的影响.  相似文献   

压力是天然气水合物资源量评价的重要参数.常规基于速度分析的压力预测方法过多依赖于经验公式,精度较低、地质意义不明确,难以满足资源量评价的需求.为了获取更可靠的含水合物沉积层压力分布及演化特征信息,本研究采用基于地质模型的流体压力模拟方法对区域压力场进行研究.基于沉积压实模型的流体压力模拟方法由于将地质信息与地震数据有机结合起来,因而不但能够获取现今压力场的状态,而且能够对压力场的演化特征进行分析.通过结合南海1148站位资料,模拟得到了研究区浅层的孔隙度、超压及流体压力数据,通过与实际数据对比,进行误差分析,获取的模拟数据与实际数据误差较小,验证了该方法的准确性和有效性.模拟结果表明,沉积速率和渗透系数对模拟结果影响较大,沉积速率增加,孔隙度增加,超压增加,有效应力减小,渗透系数增加,孔隙度降低,超压降低,有效应力增加,计算误差很可能是二者共同引起的.该方法可以为现有的水合物资源评价技术体系提供有力支撑.  相似文献   

构建大规模裂缝网络是干热岩有效开发的关键.借助径向井在诱导裂缝转向与多缝形成方面的优势,提出采用径向井压裂干热岩储层.基于温度-渗流-应力-损伤(THMD)耦合模型,考虑压裂过程中低温诱导热应力作用,首先探讨了干热岩径向井压裂裂缝扩展机理及径向井诱导作用下热应力与注入压力对应力场的扰动机制,随后分析了储层温度、径向井方位角对裂缝形态的影响规律.结果表明:采用径向井压裂干热岩在径向井的辅助冷却作用下低温诱导热应力加剧,径向井的存在有利于储层拉应力提升,干热岩径向井压裂与直井压裂相比损伤单元数增幅51.63%.基岩温度升高径向井引导裂缝偏转能力增强.径向井方位角增加有利于压裂损伤区域缝网沟通,降低流体流动阻抗.  相似文献   

水力压裂对速度场及微地震定位的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
水力压裂是页岩气开发过程中的核心增产技术,微地震则广泛用于压裂分析、水驱前缘监测和储层描述.微地震反演过程中,用于反演的速度模型往往基于测井、地震或标定炮资料构建,忽略了压裂过程中裂缝及孔隙流体压力变化对地层速度的影响.本文首先基于物质守恒、渗流理论和断裂力学模拟三维水力压裂过程,得到地下裂缝发育特征和孔隙压力分布.继而根据Coates-Schoenberg方法和裂缝柔量参数计算裂缝和孔隙压力对速度场的影响,得到压裂过程中的实时速度模型.最后利用三维射线追踪方法正演微地震走时和方位信息,并采用常规微地震定位方法反演震源位置及进行误差分析.数值模拟结果表明,检波器空间分布影响定位精度,常规方法的定位误差随射线路径在压裂带中传播距离增加而变大,且不同压裂阶段的多点反演法与单点极化法精度相当.  相似文献   

在现有侧向测井仪器基础上,提出了一种新型贴井壁式阵列方位侧向测井电极系,该仪器能提供径向和周向方位电阻率测量.该电极系采用贴井壁测量方式,提供5种径向探测深度.利用三维有限元方法模拟了阵列方位侧向测井电极系的井眼影响特性、径向探测特性、纵向分层能力、方位分辨能力,并模拟其对井周地层、水平井非对称泥浆侵入和倾斜地层的响应.在导电泥浆中最大探测深度为1.23m,纵向分辨率为0.3m,可以识别出0.1m薄层,方位分辨率为20°.贴井壁测量时,纵向分辨率不受泥浆和围岩电阻率的影响,能够准确测量井周方位电阻率,较不贴井壁测量具有很大优势,同时利用12条方位电阻率曲线能够反映出水平井泥浆非对称侵入特性,倾斜地层倾角和倾斜方向.  相似文献   

The physical characteristics of coal reservoirs are important for evaluating the potential for gas desorption, diffusion, and seepage during coalbed methane (CBM) production, and influence the performance of CBM wells. Based on data from mercury injection experiments, low-temperature liquid nitrogen adsorption, isothermal adsorption, initial velocity tests of methane diffusion, and gas natural desorption data from a CBM field, herein the physical characteristics of reservoirs of high-rank coals with different coal-body structures are described, including porosity, adsorption/desorption, diffusion, and seepage. Geometric models are constructed for these reservoirs. The modes of diffusion are discussed and a comprehensive diffusion-seepage model is constructed. The following conclusions were obtained. First, the pore distribution of tectonically deformed coal is different from that of normal coal. Compared to normal coal, all types of pore, including micropores (<10 nm), transitional pores (10–100 nm), mesopores (100–1000 nm), and macropores (>1000 nm), are more abundant in tectonically deformed coal, especially mesopores and macropores. The increase in pore abundance is greater with increasing tectonic deformation of coal; in addition, the pore connectivity is altered. These are the key factors causing differences in other reservoir physical characteristics, such as adsorption/desorption and diffusion in coals with different coal-body structures. Second, normal and cataclastic coals mainly contain micropores. The lack of macropores and its bad connectivity limit gas desorption and diffusion during the early stage of CBM production. However, the good connectivity of micropores is favorable for gas desorption and diffusion in later gas production stage. Thus, because of the slow decline in the rate of gas desorption, long-term gas production can easily be obtained from these reservoirs. Third, under natural conditions the adsorption/desorption properties of granulated and mylonitized coal are good, and the diffusion ability is also enhanced. However, for in situ reservoir conditions, the high dependence of reservoir permeability on stress results in a weak seepage of gas; thus, desorption and diffusion is limited. Fourth, during gas production, the pore range in which transitional diffusion takes place always increases, but that for Fick diffusion decreases. This is a reason for the reduction in diffusion capacity, in which micropores and transitional pores are the primary factors limiting gas diffusion. Finally, the proposed comprehensive model of CBM production under in situ reservoir conditions elucidates the key factors limiting gas production, which is helpful for selection of reservoir stimulation methods.  相似文献   

王3、王4井是首都圈地区两口重要的水化学观测井,京津新城地热开发对王3、王4井有无影响,对震情监视有重要意义。依据2004年7月后京津新城地热开发与王3、王4井井压急剧下降,氡、汞等测项相应变化的相关分析,认为尽管地热开发的含水层和地震观测层位不同、埋深不同,但地热开发仍然是影响王3、王4井地震观测的根本原因。从地质构造、岩溶裂隙的发育、水动力条件及地下水物理-化学平衡等方面,论述了地热开发对王3、王4井水化学动态影响的原因,并在此基础上对地热异常区内水化学观测井选择、建设的有关问题提出了建议  相似文献   

近年来随着我国页岩气大规模开采,四川盆地南部活动构造相对稳定的地区出现了一系列微震和有感地震,甚至是破坏性地震。这些地震是否为工业开采所诱发,目前已有研究从时空相关性给出了一些统计推断,本文则从形变观测角度分析页岩气开采能否产生可以检测到的地面形变,以揭示形变信息与页岩气开采的关系,尝试为页岩气开采提供有效的监测手段。基于长波ALOS-2卫星雷达数据对长宁页岩气区块近两三年内的InSAR地表形变展开探测,检测页岩气大规模生产可能造成的地面形变及其基本特征,同时使用Sentinel-1卫星雷达数据分析页岩气开发活跃时段内的形变时间序列信息。结果显示:考虑到不同观测技术的误差水平和观测角度差异,两种卫星数据均反映了一致的地表形变分布,且形变场与页岩气开采井的空间分布有很好的对应关系;压裂注液过程会造成地表快速隆升,生产过程中随着流体扩散地表会出现沉降和水平运动,初步揭示出页岩气生产过程中地面形变的非稳态变形特征。这表明在四川盆地南部复杂的形变观测条件下,InSAR技术是页岩气开采有效的监测手段,能够弥补地震学观测的不足。   相似文献   

Igneous intrusions in coal seams are found in 80 % of coal mines in the Huaibei coalfield, China, and coal and gas outburst accidents have occurred 11 times under a 120-m-thick sill in the Haizi mining field. The magma’s heat had a significant controlling effect on coal seam gas occurrence. Based on theoretical analysis, experimental tests and site validation, we analyzed the temperature distribution following magma intrusion into coal measure strata and the variations in multiple physical parameters and adsorption/desorption characteristics between the underlying coal seams beneath the sill in the Haizi mining field and coal seams uninfluenced by magma intrusion in the adjacent Linhuan mining field. The research results show that the main factors controlling the temperature distribution of the magma and surrounding rocks in the cooling process include the cooling time and the thickness and initial temperature of the magmatic rock. As the distance from sill increases, the critical effective temperature and the duration of sustained high temperatures decrease. The sill in the Haizi mining field significantly promoted coal seam secondary hydrocarbon generation in the thermally affected area, which generated approximately 340 m3/t of hydrocarbon. In the magma-affected area, the metamorphic grade, micropore volume, amount of gas adsorption, initial speed of gas desorption, and amount of desorption all increase. Fluid entrapment by sills usually causes the gas pressure and gas content of the underlying coal seams to increase. As a result, the outburst risks from coal seams increases as well.  相似文献   

Analytical solutions are developed for modeling the transient and steady-state gas pressure and the steady-state streamfunction fields resulting from gas injection and extraction from a pair of parallel horizontal wells. These solutions apply to cases in which the ground surface is open to the atmosphere, and in which the porous media is anisotropic but homogeneous. By neglecting end effects due to the finite length of the wells, the three-dimensional gas flow field is approximated as a two-dimensional cross section perpendicular to the wells. These solutions may be used to develop estimates of the horizontal well system behavior and to analyze horizontal well gas pump tests, and are useful for numerical model verification.  相似文献   

In order to estimate the distribution of pressure and transmissibility in the Otake Geothermal Reservoir, in which flow can be assumed to be two-dimensional and horizontal, well-head pressure and flow rates measured at both production and reinjection wells, and the time required for a tracer to arrive at certain production wells from one of the reinjection wells were analyzed. Analysis of these data was performed by means of an equation which was obtained by combining the Darcy and the continuity equations, in which the transmissibility and two components of the flow remain unknown. Estimation of pressure and transmissibility distributions and flow patterns within the reservoir was possible by numerical solution of this equation using the finite-difference method and by assuming suitable boundary conditions.  相似文献   

We utilize data from a Superfund site where radius of influence (ROI) testing was conducted in support of a venting design to describe limitations of ROI evaluation in more detail than has been done previously, and to propose an alternative method of design based on specification and attainment of a critical pore-gas velocity in contaminated subsurface media. Since accurate gas permeability estimation is critical to pore-gas velocity computation, we assess the usefulness of ROI testing data on estimation of radial permeability, vertical permeability, and leakance. We apply information from published studies on rate-limited vapor transport to provide the basis for selection of a critical design pore-gas velocity for soils at this site. Using single-well gas flow simulations, we evaluate whether this critical pore-gas velocity was achieved at measured ROIs. We then conduct a series of multi-well gas flow simulations to assess how variation in anisotropy and leakance affect three-dimensional vacuum and pore-gas velocity profiles and determination of an ROI. Finally, when attempting to achieve a critical design pore-gas velocity we evaluate whether it is more efficient to install additional wells or pump existing wells at a higher flow rate.  相似文献   

分析了龙门山断裂带附近的四川中坝气田气井井口压力数据,发现汶川地震前,多口气井出现井口压力异常升降的变化.开采层深3 100 m的7口雷三储气层的气井压力,在4月8日-5月5日井压同步出现了大于35%-130%的上升;开采层深2400m的24口须二储气层的气井中,多数井压在震前出现缓慢下降的异常变化,幅度最大为45%,...  相似文献   

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