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统计2007-2016年池州市暴雨引发的主要灾害及次生灾害,运用冯利华[1]提出的灾级概念模型对其进行分级,结果表明:2007年7月10日和2016年7月3日的暴雨灾害指数均超过了6.00,灾害等级为重灾。前者的短历时强降水特征非常明显,且由于降水发生时段主要在夜间,发生地位于山区,结果导致出现山洪、山体滑坡、泥石流等灾害;后者则是由于持续性的降水造成了城市内涝、多条河流超警戒水位甚至发生溃堤。文章还基于上述原因从致灾因子和承灾体即短时强降水和地形因素两方面重点分析其致灾性,结果表明:凌晨5时前后是池州市暴雨灾害的最强致灾时段,这主要是因为此时段为短时强降水高发时段,一旦发生持续性短时强降水将会造成严重的暴雨灾害;而在空间上池州市东至县、贵池南部山区及九华山区域为暴雨灾害高发区域,其原因是东至县为喇叭口特殊地形,而其他地区多为山区,同时由于池州市位于副高西北侧,汛期西南气流输送比较强盛,通过山区地形的强迫抬升和动力抬升作用容易触发对流,产生强降水过程,造成暴雨灾害。  相似文献   

基于自然灾害形成机理及风险评估原理,利用济南市长清区气象数据、自然地理和社会经济等数据,建立起致灾因子危险性、孕灾环境敏感性、承灾体易损性和防灾减灾能力4个评价指标,采用加权综合评价法和层次分析法,借助GIS空间分析技术,对暴雨灾害风险性进行评价和等级划分,并绘制出长清地区暴雨灾害综合风险区划图。结果显示:长清区暴雨灾害综合风险性分布空间性强,无明显的地域分布界限,东部高于其它地区。暴雨灾害高综合风险区分布面积较为分散且最小,占全区总面积的14.60%;中综合风险区主要分布在高综合风险区的外围,占全区总面积的30.31%;轻、低综合风险区分别占全区总面积的20.72%和34.37%。  相似文献   

R.G. Barry 《大气与海洋》2013,51(4):771-807

The current status and history of observing systems for snow cover, sea and freshwater ice, glaciers, ice caps, ground ice and permafrost in Canada are reviewed as part of a contribution to the WMO's Global Climate Observing System program. The data requirements that have been identified by previous discussion groups for different research, change detection and monitoring purposes are summarized. Problem areas in data collection and processing, as well as gaps in the observing/data systems, are illustrated and the status of cryospheric data archives relating to Canada, and data distribution, are discussed. The present status is considered to be unsatisfactory in a number of respects for the different cryospheric variables important for global change research.  相似文献   

张容焱  游立军  高建芸  林昕  唐振飞 《气象》2013,39(12):1642-1648
本文针对有水位资料,但没有流量观测的流域,同时又有历史罕见洪水记载、流域断面洪水警戒水位和自动站记载的近年几次小洪水过程,采用统计分析方法确定雨 洪关系,得到致灾临界雨量;再应用淹没模型模拟洪水淹没情况,得到洪水的风险等级评估。通过对历史特大山洪个例的淹没反演,可以看到由数理统计与淹没模型相结合的方法确定出的山洪风险等级,与实际情况基本相符。由于洪水记载和考察资料,往往对洪水淹没的高度记录准确,而对发生的具体时间通常是模糊的,本文得到的临界雨量指标是否能够预见洪水需要实例检验。通过2012年前汛期强降水过程的检验,虽然预警了低风险洪水事件,但是风险发生时间有差异,经过合理调整低风险临界雨量,满足了能够预见洪水的目的。对于其他等级的临界雨量的检验,有待于日后更多的实例,进行合理的调整,逐步完善翠江流域的山洪临界雨量指标。  相似文献   

基于自然灾害风险评估理论,利用2005—2019年辽宁省1639个自动站逐时降水观测资料、2017年辽宁省30 m分辨率的基础地理信息和山洪沟资料以及风险普查数据,对辽宁暴雨诱发山洪灾害风险区划进行研究,并将风险区划结果与历史山洪灾情进行对比分析。结果表明:通过山洪灾害与降水相关性统计发现,6 h暴雨作为辽宁省山洪致灾因子更为合适,因此构建了6 h综合利用分级暴雨强度及暴雨频次精细评估暴雨致灾危险性;山洪沟沟口高程、沟床比降及河网密度等资料可有效评估山洪孕灾环境敏感性;人口密度、耕地比例两个风险暴露度指标以及灾损敏感系数可大体评估承灾体的易损性;与历史山洪灾害空间和频率分布对比,山洪灾害的高发区与在本次风险区划高风险区基本吻合;精确到每个山洪沟风险区划的结果,提高了山洪灾害的风险区划精度,为辽宁暴雨诱发山洪灾害精准防御提供参考。  相似文献   

Considered is a dangerous ice phenomenon developing in the Neva River during its freezing, the formation of the intrawater ice resulting in the corking of water intakes, and ice jams causing a sharp water runoff decrease downstream of them and floods. Described are the forecasting techniques of the intrawater ice formation intensity, peak ice jam water levels, and thickness of ice jams.  相似文献   


A lagged cross‐correlation analysis of climatic data from the period 1953–1984 was carried out for three regions of Northern Canada (Beaufort Sea, Hudson Bay, Baffin Bay/Labrador Sea) to determine the relationships between sea‐ice anomalies and surface air temperature and river discharge anomalies. Significant negative correlations at the 95% level were found between sea‐ice and temperature anomalies. A significant correlation at the 95% level was found between sea‐ice and river discharge anomalies in only one of two subregions studied.  相似文献   

利用常规气象资料、水情资料及灾情资料,对发生地点、季节及影响系统相似的2010年7月8-14日和2012年7月11-19日两次湖南省持续性大范围暴雨天气过程进行对比分析,结果表明:(1)两次暴雨过程均具有持续时间长、暴雨频繁且集中、累计雨量大、洪涝严重等特点;(2)东北冷涡加强、副高东退南落,冷、暖空气在湖南交汇,导致连续性暴雨发生;(3)“10.7”暴雨过程冷、暖气流势力相当,雨带呈东西向,稳定少动,致灾性强.而“12.7”暴雨过程冷空气势力较强,雨带呈移动性,虽然致灾范围广,但灾情较前者轻.  相似文献   

Neil Macdonald 《Climatic change》2012,112(3-4):901-923
The last decade has witnessed an increase in the application of historical records (historical and documentary) in developing a more complete understanding of high-magnitude flood frequency; but little consideration has been given to the additional information that documentary accounts contain, particularly relating to flood seasonality. This paper examines the methods and approaches available in long-term flood seasonality analysis and applies them to the River Ouse (Yorkshire) in Northern England since AD 1600. A detailed historical flood record is available for the City of York consisting of annual maxima flood levels since AD 1877, with documentary accounts prior to this. A detailed analysis of long-term flood seasonality requires confidence in the accuracy and completeness of flood records; as a result the augmented flood series are analysed using three strategies: firstly, considering all recorded floods since AD 1600; secondly, through detailed analysis of the more complete record since AD 1800; and finally, applying a threshold to focus on high-magnitude flood events since AD 1800. The results identify later winter flooding, particularly in the second half of the twentieth century, with a notable reduction in summer flood events at York during the twentieth century compared to previous centuries. Flood generating mechanisms vary little between the periods considered, with a general pattern of stability in the ratio of floods incorporating a snowmelt component.  相似文献   

黔南暴雨洪涝灾害情势及防御   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
石昌军 《贵州气象》2010,34(4):6-10
根据黔南州1983—2007年共25 a的暴雨洪涝灾害资料及降水资料,对黔南州洪涝灾害的基本特征和主要特点进行分析、总结,并结合该州气候变化趋势及人文地理、经济社会发展等情况进行研究,结果表明:5—8月是该州暴雨洪涝灾害的多发季节,尤以6月最多,7月次之;州的南部和中部地区洪涝灾害要重于北部地区,而且随着经济的发展,暴雨洪涝灾害所造成的损失越来越大,全州防御暴雨洪涝灾害面临的形势更加严峻。同时,根据防灾减灾面临的形势提出一些防御措施。  相似文献   

北京地区城市暴雨积涝灾害风险预评估   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
该文提出自下而上的城市暴雨积涝灾害风险定量评估方法,即在三级评估指标体系下,由下级指标综合核算上级指标系数。在第2级指标计算中,风险区划的危险性指数由历史降水量资料推算得出,风险预警则用实况及预报降水量来计算致灾因子危险性指数;暴雨敏感性指数综合叠加地形、不透水地表因子及河网密度得出;暴雨积涝的风险暴露因子侧重地均人口密度、地均GDP及重点防汛指标等因子,着重于城市地区人口、经济、防汛重点目标的暴露程度。然后在危险性、敏感性及暴露性指数的基础上叠加得出积涝风险指数。通过对比发现,得到的风险区划结果与2004—2008年北京地区暴雨积涝的历史灾情基本吻合。最后,选用北京2011年“6.23”暴雨作风险预警的实例应用检验及分析,结果表明:采用自下而上的快速风险评估结果与积涝的实际发生情况较为接近,无论是风险变化趋势还是风险区域分布情况均与当天的积涝发生情况基本吻合。即该方法能较为准确、快捷地圈定城市地区各级风险区域,能较好地满足风险评估、区划及风险预警的要求。  相似文献   

Probabilistic assessment of flood risks using trivariate copulas   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
In this paper, a copula-based methodology is presented for probabilistic assessment of flood risks and investigated the performance of trivariate copulas in modeling dependence structure of flood properties. The flood is a multi-attribute natural hazard and is characterized by mutually correlated flood properties peak flow, volume, and duration of flood hydrograph. For assessing flood risk, many studies have used bivariate analysis, but a more effective assessment can be possible considering all three mutually correlated flood properties simultaneously. This study adopts trivariate copulas for multivariate analysis of flood risks, and applied to a case study of flood flows of Delaware River basin at Port Jervis, NY, USA. On evaluation of various probability distributions for representation of flood variables, it is found that the flood peak flow and volumes can be best represented by Fréchet distribution, whereas flood duration by log-normal distribution. The joint distribution is modeled using four trivariate copulas, namely, three fully nested form of Archimedean copulas: Clayton, Gumbel–Hougaard, Frank copulas; and one elliptical copula: Student’s t copula. Based on distance-based performance measures, graphical tests, and tail-dependence measures, it is found that the Student’s t copula best representing the trivariate dependence structure of flood properties as compared to the other copulas. Similar results are found for bivariate copula modeling of flood variables pairs, where Student’s t copula performed better than the other copulas. The obtained copula-based joint distributions are used for multivariate analysis of flood risks, in terms of primary and secondary return periods. The resultant trivariate return periods are compared with univariate and bivariate return periods, and addressed the necessity of multivariate flood risk analysis. The study concludes that the trivariate copula-based methodology is a viable choice for effective risk assessment of floods.  相似文献   

东津河流域暴雨洪涝灾害风险区划   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
谢五三  吴蓉  田红  卢燕宇 《气象》2017,43(3):341-347
本文从暴雨致灾机理出发,以东津河流域为例,开展中小河流域暴雨洪涝灾害风险区划技术研究。根据气象资料、水文资料、地理信息资料、社会经济统计资料以及历史灾情资料等,运用TOPMODEL水文模型并结合统计法确定致洪临界面雨量,利用逐步回归法重建区域站资料序列,基于广义极值分布函数计算出不同重现期的致洪面雨量,根据流域内小时降水雨型分布,将不同重现期致洪面雨量以及叠加堤坝信息的DEM、manning系数等数据代人Flood Area模型进行洪水淹没模拟,得到不同重现期下洪水淹没图,再叠加流域内栅格化的人口、GDP以及土地利用信息,最终得到不同重现期下人口、GDP以及土地利用等风险区划图谱。建立的中小河流域暴雨洪涝灾害风险区划技术方法简便可行,区划结果精度高、实用性强,对于面向实时防灾减灾的动态灾害风险管理具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Coastal areas around the world are urbanizing rapidly, despite the threat of sea level rise and intensifying floods. Such development places an increasing number of people and capital at risk, which calls for public flood management as well as household level adaptation measures that reduce social vulnerability to flooding and climate change. This study explores several private adaptation responses to flood risk, that are driven by various behavioral triggers. We conduct a survey among households in hazard-prone areas in eight coastal states in the USA, of which, some have recently experienced major flooding. While numerous empirical studies have investigated household-level flood damage mitigation, little attention has been given to examining the decision to retreat from flood zones. We examine what behavioral motives drive the choices for flood damage mitigation and relocation separately among property buyers and sellers. Hence, we focus on the drivers that shape demand for future development in flood-prone cities. We find that households’ choices to retreat from or to avoid flood zones (1) are highly sensitive to information that provokes people's feelings of fear, and (2) rely on hazardous events to trigger a protective action, which ideally would take place well before these events occur. We highlight that major flooding may cause a potential risk of large-scale outmigration and demographic changes in flood-prone areas, putting more low-income households at risk. Therefore, coordinated policies that integrate bottom-up drivers of individual climate adaptation are needed to increase urban resilience to floods.  相似文献   

气候变暖将导致高山区冰冻圈加剧融化,一方面融水资源时空分布的不确定性增大;另一方面,融水洪水灾害发生的频度和强度也将发生改变。基于气象、水文数据和MODIS积雪覆盖数据,利用融雪径流模型(SRM),对1990—2012年共23年祁连山黑河札马什克控制区融雪期径流进行模拟与验证。结果表明:SRM在该流域具有较高的模拟精度(纳什系数为0.91),可用于分析和预估控制区径流强度变化。为此,采用黑河流域气温、降水降尺度数据,预估了未来气候变化背景下积雪范围变化及不同重现期洪水变化趋势。结果显示,与基准期相比,在RCP2.6、RCP4.5和RCP8.5情景下,最大积雪范围可减小3%~7%,且随着海拔升高,变化愈剧烈。RCP2.6情景下因气温和降水变化幅度较小,到21世纪末各重现期洪水强度保持在10%以内波动;RCP4.5情景下,各重现期洪水强度最高增大约20%;在RCP8.5情景下,各重现期洪水强度最高可增大超30%。相关分析结果显示,不同重现期洪水径流与气温和降水均具有较强相关性:重现期越长,洪峰与气温的相关性越大;重现期越短,洪峰与降水的相关性越大。通过预估气候变化背景下的融雪性洪水事件强度及重现期变化,有助于有效开展区域洪水风险管理、提高洪水资源的利用价值。  相似文献   


Monthly mean sea‐level pressure (SLP) data from the Northern Hemisphere for the period January 1952‐December 1987 are analysed. Fluctuations in this field over the Arctic on interannual time‐scales and their statistical association with fluctuations farther south are determined. The standard deviation of the interannual variability is largest compared with that of the annual cycle along the seaboards of the major land masses. The SLP anomalies are generally in phase over the entire Arctic Basin and extend south over the northern Russia and Canada, but tend to be out of phase with fluctuations at mid‐latitudes. The anomalies are most closely associated with fluctuations over the North Atlantic and Europe except near the Chukchi Sea to the north of Bering Strait. The associations with the North Pacific fluctuations become increasingly more prominent at most Arctic sites (e.g. the Canadian Arctic Archipelago) as the time‐scale increases.

Associations between the SLP fluctuations and atmospheric indices that represent processes affecting sea‐ice drift (wind stress and wind stress curl) are determined. In every case local associations dominate, but some remote ones are also evident. For example, changes in the magnitude of the wind stress curl over the Beaufort Sea are increased if the atmospheric circulation over the North Pacific is intensified; wind stress over the region where sea ice is exchanged between the Beaufort Gyre and the Transpolar Drift Stream is modulated by both the Southern and North Atlantic Oscillations.

Severe sea‐ice conditions in the Greenland Sea (as measured by the Koch Ice Index) coincide with a weakened atmospheric circulation over the North Atlantic.  相似文献   

天津地区设计暴雨强度的推算与适用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
设计暴雨是防洪和排水设施建设的重要基础,完善设计暴雨是加强应对区域洪水和城市内涝灾害风险的重要保障。由于一般气象站的暴雨观测资料不足以推算城市排水所需的设计暴雨强度,因此研究如何最大限度地利用常规观测资料,对于在空间上细化城市排水设计暴雨具有重要意义。该文选取天津市区和塘沽两个具有长年分钟雨量资料的气象站,基于年最大值和年多值两种数据采样方式对暴雨强度进行推算,并分别编制了暴雨强度公式。与天津市区相比,塘沽的暴雨强度明显偏大,其在市政排水设计上不宜采用与天津市区相同的标准,否则将面临更大的暴雨内涝风险。对比分析两种暴雨强度公式计算值表明:当标准为2~10年一遇时,基于年最大值采样法的暴雨强度公式在排水设计上具有适用性,即利用常规观测资料推算的设计暴雨强度在排水设计方面的适用范围。这为在空间上进一步细化城市排水设计暴雨提供了参考。  相似文献   

The average annual cost of floods in the United States has been estimated at about $2 billion (current US dollars). The federal government, through the creation of the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP), has assumed responsibility for mitigating the societal and economic impacts of flooding by establishing a national policy that provides subsidized flood insurance. Increased flood costs during the past two decades have made the NFIP operate at a deficit. This paper argues that our current understanding of climate change and of the sensitivity of the urban environment to floods call for changes to the flood policy scheme. Conclusions are drawn on specific examples from cities along the heavily urbanized corridor of northeastern United States. Mesoscale and global models along with urbanization and economic growth statistics are used to provide insights and recommendations for future flood costs under different emissions scenarios. Mesoscale modeling and future projections from global models suggest, for example, that under a high emissions scenario, New York City could experience almost twice as many days of extreme precipitation that cause flood damage and are disruptive to business as today. The results of the paper suggest that annual flood costs in the United States will increase sharply by the end of the 21st Century, ranging from about $7 to $19 billion current US dollars, depending on the economic growth rate and the emissions scenarios. Hydrologic, hydraulic and other related uncertainties are addressed and a revised version of the NFIP is suggested.  相似文献   


The climatic role of sea ice is assessed in a survey of the recent literature. Theoretical or model‐based results are compared with existing evidence of ice‐atmosphere interactions over scales ranging from the local and regional to the hemispheric and global.

The evidence shows that sea‐ice fluctuations are meteorologically important locally, primarily through associations with air temperature. On the regional and hemispheric scales, atmospheric and sea‐ice fluctuations are correlated according to both observational evidence and model experiments. While the causal links have not been evaluated quantitatively, there is evidence that the stronger signal occurs in the response of the ice to the atmosphere. On the longer time‐scales, model experiments and qualitative arguments suggest that sea ice may play a major role in the climatic change. However, the results of large‐scale coupled model simulations contain deficiencies and must be viewed with caution pending more realistic treatments of sea‐ice dynamics, leads, ice thickness variations, and the areally‐integraled effects of the small‐scale features of sea ice.  相似文献   


During the Labrador Ice Margin Experiments, LIMEX ‘87 in March 1987 and LIMEX ‘89 in March and April 1989, the Canada Centre for Remote Sensing (CCRS) CV‐580 aircraft collected synthetic aperture radar (SAR) image data over the marginal ice zone off the east coast of Newfoundland, Canada. One aspect of these experimental programs was the observation of ocean waves penetrating into the marginal ice zone (MIZ). Based upon directional wavenumber spectra derived from SAR image data, the wave attenuation rate is estimated using SAR image spectra and compared with predictions from a model developed by Liu and Mollo‐Christensen (1988). The wave and ice conditions were considerably different in LIMEX ‘87 and LIMEX ‘89. However, the model‐data comparisons are very good for all ice conditions observed. Both the model and the SAR‐derived wave attenuation rates show a characteristic roll‐over at high wavenumbers. A model for the eddy viscosity is proposed, using dimensional analysis, as a simple function of ice roughness and wave‐induced velocity. Eddy viscosities derived from SAR and wave buoy data for the wave attenuation rate show a trend that is consistent with the proposed model.  相似文献   

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