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海底地震仪(ocean bottom seismometer,OBS)探测是获得海底深部地壳结构的首选方法。正确拾取OBS记录中折射/反射震相,对获得准确的深部速度结构非常重要。当OBS布设在崎岖海底时,起伏的海底地形会影响OBS地震记录剖面中Pg、Pm P、Pn等岩石圈内部震相的展布特征,如南海东部次海盆中横穿珍贝-黄岩海山链的A4M4地震测线和西南印度洋中脊横穿扩张脊的Y3Y4测线,强烈的地形高差变化增加了这些测线上OBS台站地震剖面的震相识别难度。在震相拾取之前,通过地形校正方法消除海底地形对震相的影响;地形校正后,根据震相视速度及其展布趋势可以准确地识别震相,有效地提高了震相识别的可靠性。地形校正方法在上述地区的震相识别与速度结构研究方面发挥了重要作用,同时为今后在其他地形变化复杂地区的OBS震相识别提供了经验与借鉴。  相似文献   

为深入理解南海北部多道地震测线D80显示的深反射信息,沿此测线布置OBS(15台)地震测线(OBS2015-1),测线长300km,方向NNW—SSE,从水深800m陆坡延伸至3760m深海平原。文章利用Obstool软件进行预处理(位置校正和时间校正等)、震相识别,利用FAST tomography软件进行速度层析成像。速度结果表明,新生代沉积层速度1.6~3.5km·s-1,厚度约2km;中生界速度3.5~5.5km·s-1,平均厚度约3km。在洋陆过渡带处,沉积基底受新生代岩浆活动影响,有较大起伏。在上陆坡处,上地壳存在向上凸起约5km的高速异常,在多道地震剖面中表现为杂乱反射的背斜构造,上覆晚新生代地层也同步形变,推测可能是新生代晚期岩浆侵入造成。地壳厚度由陆坡的23~20km减薄至洋盆的8km。地壳下部存在7.0~7.6km·s-1的高速层,高速层由陆坡的5km左右逐渐递减至海盆的2km左右,因上陆坡和洋陆过渡带晚新生代岩浆活动活跃,作者认为地壳下部高速层是由海底扩张停止后岩浆侵入形成。  相似文献   

为揭示南海南部陆缘的地壳结构, 研究其张裂-破裂机制, 开展共轭陆缘对比, 我们在南沙地块礼乐西海槽附近的洋陆转换带上完成了OBS2019-2测线的探测工作。相较于北部陆缘, 南部陆缘已有的海底地震仪(ocean bottom seismometer, OBS)测线较少, 对深部地壳结构的研究也较少, 因此OBS2019-2测线就尤为重要。文章重点阐述了OBS2019-2测线的数据处理工作, 包括UKOOA文件制作、数据格式转换、位置校正、单个台站综合地震记录剖面的生成等, 然后在剖面图中对各类深部震相(Pg、PcP、PmP、Pn)进行识别追踪, 并建立初步的模型; 使用Rayinvr软件进行走时试算工作, 验证了震相识别的准确性。处理结果显示OBS2019-2测线的深部震相清晰, 最远震相可以连续追踪到120km以外, 数据整体质量良好, 能为后续速度建模和构造解释等工作提供坚实基础。  相似文献   

在马尼拉海沟俯冲带前缘开展了二维海底地震仪(OBS)探测实验,布置了一条东西走向的深地震测线——OBS2015-2。以该测线上的2个台站(OBS04和OBS08)为例,阐述了此次实验所用短周期国产OBS的数据处理流程。包括从原始数据到SAC格式、再到SEGY格式的转换;同时包括炮点位置校正和OBS位置校正。数据处理结果表明,OBS2015-2测线的数据质量良好,综合地震剖面显示来自深部的震相(如Ps P、Pg、Pm P等)信息十分清晰。利用Rayinvr软件正演试算,进一步确认了震相类型,特别是来自于输入板块莫霍面的反射震相非常丰富,为马尼拉俯冲带的输入板块地壳底界面的确定提供了重要的数据基础。  相似文献   

南海中北部OBS2006-3地震剖面中横波的识别与应用   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
纵横波联合探测可以获得丰富的地下结构信息.纵横波速比和岩石泊松比在预测岩石圈的岩性、物性等介质属性方面有重要的作用.通过对比南海中北部OBS2006-3地震剖面垂直分量和径向分量上的纵横波走时、视速度以及质点运动轨迹,识别出了转换横波震相.本文以OBS8和OBS10台站的数据为例,说明了横波识别的方法,并在拟合好的P波速度模型基础上,利用RayInvr软件对转换横波震相进行了射线追踪,确认了PwSs3、PgSs3、PmS等几组转换震相,计算了这两个站位下的波速比和泊松比.根据OBS2006-3测线下地壳高速层的P波速度(Vp=7.20-7.25 km·S-1)、S波速度(Vs=4.20-4.23 km·s-1)、泊松比(0.24)等参数,初步推断下地壳高速层是由上地幔岩浆底侵作用形成.  相似文献   

天然气水合物是一种新型的清洁能源, 南海北部神狐海域的地质条件有利于水合物的形成和储藏。传统的多道地震(MCS)数据难以得到精确的速度信息, 并且只能从时间域上判断地质体纵向分布。海底地震仪(OBS)是一种常用的主动源地震仪器, 可以接收到更清晰的气枪信号。相比于MCS, OBS剖面上的折射震相可以揭示较深部的地层速度信息。文章结合MCS和OBS的优势, 识别水平叠加剖面上的反射层位, 并得到初始模型; 将OBS剖面和水平叠加剖面拼合, 从而判断OBS剖面上反射震相所对应层位; 拾取OBS台站上的反射和折射震相, 使用RayInvr软件正演模拟得到水合物存在区域的二维速度模型, 解决了MCS中较为困难的时深转换问题。最终模型显示了水合物、游离气区域的埋深、厚度和速度, 以及似海底反射(BSR)下方更深部界面的深度和速度特征。  相似文献   

通过挖掘海底地震仪记录的转换横波信息,可以促进对地壳岩性、均质性的认识。以南海南沙地块OBS973-1剖面上18个台站的数据为实例,阐明了海底地震仪横波震相识别的方法。首先对三分量OBS(Ocean Bottom Seismometer)地震数据进行带通滤波、维纳滤波、极化滤波等去噪处理,然后利用能量扫描法求得极化角进行水平分量坐标旋转,求取最佳径向分量。数据处理结果表明,相对于OBS记录的磁罗盘方位角,能量扫描法求取的极化角更为准确可靠。最后通过OBS973-1地震剖面垂直分量与径向分量上的纵横波走时对比、质点运动轨迹、速度模型试算等手段,进一步确定了转换横波震相的类别。在南沙地块OBS探测中成功地在10个台站中识别出了PgSs、PnSc、Pms等震相,不仅可以为下一步横波速度结构模拟提供坚实的数据基础,而且可以为今后OBS转换横波在其他地区的有效应用与推广提供借鉴。  相似文献   

南海南部海底地震仪试验及初步结果   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用德国SedisIV型海底地震仪(OBS)和中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所自主研发的OBS,以4×24.5L的大容量气枪阵列为震源,于2009年4~6月在南海南部开展了OBS试验,获得了两条勘测线,其中OBS2009-1测线(剖面1)从南海西南次海盆南部陆缘延伸到海盆中央,另一条OBS2009-2测线(剖面2)穿过礼乐滩东部向西北延伸进入海盆。由剖面2的14台OBS采集的广角地震反射、折射勘测地震数据可知,此次试验,OBS地震记录清晰、震相丰富,所使用的气枪有足够的能量输出,显示了其良好的工作能力,是一次比较成功的地震勘测。数据初步处理和初至波层析成像结果表明,礼乐滩地块的基底较高,很有可能与南海北部陆缘存在共轭关系,但与南海北部陆缘不同的是,北部陆缘有较厚的沉积层覆盖,而礼乐滩块体上的沉积层很薄;东部次海盆地壳明显被拉薄,海盆内的地壳也很薄,莫霍面埋深较浅。  相似文献   

2015—2018年, 国家自然科学基金重大研究计划“南海深海过程演变”的重点支持项目“南海东部马尼拉俯冲带深部结构探测与研究”以马尼拉俯冲带为研究重点, 从深部地球物理的角度探索南海形成演化史与运行规律。项目执行期间, 在国家基金委共享航次协助下, 先后开展和参与5次综合地球物理探测, 共投放海底地震仪(Ocean Bottom Seismometer, OBS)台站73台次, 海底电磁仪(Ocean Bottom ElectroMagnetometers, OBEM)仪器5台次, 累积放炮达13872炮, 成功获得了60台OBS数据和5台OBEM数据。同时, 取得了一系列创新性研究成果: (1)基于人工地震探测及天然地震层析成像结果, 确定南海东北部的地壳属性为受到张裂后期岩浆活动影响的减薄陆壳(12~15km), 划分了南海北部陆缘洋陆边界(Continent-Ocean Boundary, COB); (2)根据多道地震反射剖面, 划分了马尼拉俯冲带北部增生楔前缘的精细结构; (3)圈定了南海停止扩张时洋壳范围; (4)初步构建了南海与菲律宾海板块构造演化模型。本项目为重大研究计划“南海深海过程演变”核心科学问题(海底扩张的年代与过程)提供了实质性的证据, 同时为南海构造演化生命史的“骨架”提供了重要的基础数据, 具有深远的科学意义。  相似文献   

海底地震仪(ocean bottom seismometer,OBS)广角地震探测是研究海洋深部精细壳幔结构的重要地球物理手段,其主要原理是利用广角折射/反射震相信息来反演地壳深部结构,从而为深入认识海底构造特征提供最为基础的地震学信息。文章基于地震层析成像结构反演的基本原理,针对OBS广角地震速度结构反演中可能存在的一些不确定性因素,用Tomo2D软件构建了不同的理论模型和数据体,对初始模型中沉积层的变化是如何影响整个地壳速度结构的反演结果、不同台站间距所构建的数据体对下地壳高速层分辨精度的控制影响以及不同数据体在分辨深部异常体的有效性等方面进行了分析研究,以此深入了解OBS广角地震速度结构反演中的不确定性因素。研究结果显示,地壳深部较厚(大于4km)的高速层能够被很好地反演出来,而较薄(小于2km)的高速层虽能够识别,但其形态规模恢复得较差;初始模型中沉积层速度结构的失真度影响着高速层的识别,沉积层失真度越大,对高速层的恢复越差;地壳内部存在低速层对反演高速层的规模有较为明显的影响,但低速层的厚度变化对其影响不大;对于文中10km台站间距的模型,能够识别的速度异常体规模在水平方向上最小约为5km,在纵向上最小约为3km,而20km和30km台站间距的模型最小能够识别的速度异常体规模为水平向10km、纵向3km。  相似文献   

A wide-angle seismic survey, combining ocean-bottom seismometers (OBS) and multi-channel seismic (MCS) profiling, was implemented in the southwestern Ryukyu subduction zone during August and September 1995. In this paper, we present the data analysis of eight OBSs and the corresponding MCS line along profile EW9509-1 from this experiment. Seismic data modeling includes identification of refracted and reflected arrivals, initial model building from velocity analysis of the MCS data, and simultaneous and layer-stripping inversions of the OBS and MCS arrivals. The velocity-interface structure constructed along profile EW9509-1 shows that the northward subduction of the Philippine Sea Plate has resulted in a northward thickening of the sediments of the Ryukyu Trench and the Yaeyama accretionary wedge north of the trench. The boundary between the subducting oceanic crust and the overriding continental crust (represented by a velocity contour of 6.75 km/s) and a sudden increase of the subducting angle (from 5 degrees to 25 degrees) are well imaged below the Nanao Basin. Furthermore, velocity undulation and interface variation are found within the upper crust of the Ryukyu Arc. Therefore, the strongest compression due to subduction and a break-off of the slab may have occurred and induced the high seismicity in the forearc region. This revised version was published online in November 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

During TAiwan Integrated GEodynamics Research of 2009, we investigated data from thirty-seven ocean-bottom seismometers (OBS) and three multi-channel seismic (MCS) profiles across the deformation front in the northernmost South China Sea (SCS) off SW Taiwan. Initial velocity-interface models were built from horizon velocity analysis and pre-stack depth migration of MCS data. Subsequently, we used refracted, head-wave and reflected arrivals from OBS data to forward model and then invert the velocity-interface structures layer-by-layer. Based on OBS velocity models west of the deformation front, possible Mesozoic sedimentary rocks, revealed by large variation of the lateral velocity (3.1–4.8 km/s) and the thickness (5.0–10.0 km), below the rift-onset unconformity and above the continental crust extended southward to the NW limit of the continent–ocean boundary (COB). The interpreted Mesozoic sedimentary rocks NW of the COB and the oceanic layer 2 SE of the COB imaged from OBS and gravity data were incorporated into the overriding wedge below the deformation front because the transitional crust subducted beneath the overriding wedge of the southern Taiwan. East of the deformation front, the thickness of the overriding wedge (1.7–5.0 km/s) from the sea floor to the décollement decreases toward the WSW direction from 20.0 km off SW Taiwan to 8.0 km at the deformation front. In particular, near a turn in the orientation of the deformation front, the crustal thickness (7.0–12.0 km) is abruptly thinner and the free-air (?20 to 10 mGal) and Bouguer (30–50 mGal) gravity anomalies are relatively low due to plate warping from an ongoing transition from subduction to collision. West of the deformation front, intra-crustal interfaces dipping landward were observed owing to subduction of the extended continent toward the deformation front. However, the intra-crustal interface near the turn in the orientation of the deformation front dipping seaward caused by the transition from subduction to collision. SE of the COB, the oceanic crust, with a crustal thickness of about 10.0–17.0 km, was thickened due to late magmatic underplating or partially serpentinized mantle after SCS seafloor spreading. The thick oceanic crust may have subducted beneath the overriding wedge observed from the low anomalies of the free-air (?50 to ?20 mGal) and Bouguer (40–80 mGal) gravities across the deformation front.  相似文献   

The Southwest Subbasin (SWSB) is an abyssal subbasin in the South China Sea (SCS), with many debates on its neotectonic process and crustal structure. Using two-dimensional seismic tomography in the SWSB, we derived a detailed P-wave velocity model of the basin area and the northern margin. The entire profile is approximately 311-km-long and consists of twelve oceanic bottom seismometers (OBSs). The average thickness of the crust beneath the basin is 5.3 km, and the Moho interface is relatively flat (10–12 km). No high velocity bodies are observed, and only two thin high-velocity structures (~7.3 km/s) in the layer 3 are identified beneath the northern continent-ocean transition (COT) and the extinct spreading center. By analyzing the P-wave velocity model, we believe that the crust of the basin is a typical oceanic crust. Combined with the high resolution multi-channel seismic profile (MCS), we conclude that the profile shows asymmetric structural characteristics in the basin area. The continental margin also shows asymmetric crust between the north and south sides, which may be related to the large scale detachment fault that has developed in the southern margin. The magma supply decreased as the expansion of the SWSB from the east to the west.  相似文献   

As a supplementary study, we used passive seismic data recorded by one ocean bottom seismometer (OBS) station (49°41.8′E) close to a hydrothermal vent (49°39′E) at the Southwest Indian Ridge to invert the crustal structure and mantle transition zone (MTZ) thickness by P-to-S receiver functions to investigate previous active seismic tomographic crustal models and determine the influence of the deep mantle thermal anomaly on seafloor hydrothermal venting at an ultra-slow spreading ridge. The new passive seismic S-wave model shows that the crust has a low velocity layer (2.6 km/s) from 4.0 to 6.0 km below the sea floor, which is interpreted as partial melting. We suggest that the Moho discontinuity at ~9.0 km is the bottom of a layer (2–3 km thick); the Moho (at depth of ~6–7 km), defined by active seismic P-wave models, is interpreted as a serpentinized front. The velocity spectrum stacking plot made from passive seismic data shows that the 410 discontinuity is depressed by ~15 km, the 660 discontinuity is elevated by ~18 km, and a positive thermal anomaly between 182 and 237 K is inferred.  相似文献   

南海北部地球物理特征及地壳结构   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了研究南海地壳结构,中国和日本合作在南海北部首次进行了以炸药为震源的综合地球物理调查。经初步分析其地壳结构主要特征为:南海北部地壳分为沉积层、上地壳层、中地壳层及下地壳层。大陆架及上陆坡地壳厚度大、稳定。下陆坡地壳厚度除中地壳外,其他壳层厚度减薄且不稳定。深海盆地壳分3层,厚度虽薄但相对稳定,其底部缺失7.3km·s-1的高速层。测区内地壳总厚度:陆壳26—30km,过渡壳13—22km,洋壳为8km。  相似文献   

A multi-channel seismic reflection image shows the reflection Moho dipping toward the Clipperton Fracture Zone in crust 1.4 my old. This seismic line crosses the fracture zone at its eastern intersection with the East Pacific Rise. The seismic observations are made in travel time, not depth. To establish constraints on crustal structure despite the absence of direct velocity determinations in this region, the possible effects of temperature, tectonism, and anomalous lithospheric structure have been considered. Conductive, advective, and frictional heating of the old crust proximal to the ridge-transform intersection can explain <20% of the observed travel-time increase. Heating has a negligible effect on crustal seismic velocity beyond ~10 km from the ridge tip. The transform tectonized zone extends only 6 km from the ridge tip. Serpentinization is unlikely to have thickened the seafloor-to-reflection Moho section in this case. It is concluded that, contrary to conventional wisdom, the 1.4 my old Cocos Plate crust thickens approaching the eastern Clipperton Ridge-Transform Intersection. Increase in thickness must be at least 0.9 km between 22 and 3 km from the fracture zone.  相似文献   

The Moho interface provides critical evidence for crustal thickness and the mode of oceanic crust accretion. The seismic Moho interface has not been identified yet at the magma-rich segments (46°-52°E) of the ultra- slow spreading Southwestern Indian Ridge (SWIR). This paper firstly deduces the characteristics and do- mains of seismic phases based on a theoretical oceanic crust model. Then, topographic correction is carried out for the OBS record sections along Profile Y3Y4 using the latest OBS data acquired from the detailed 3D seismic survey at the SWIR in 2010. Seismic phases are identified and analyzed, especially for the reflected and refracted seismic phases from the Moho. A 2D crustal model is finally established using the ray tracing and travel-time simulation method. The presence of reflected seismic phases at Segment 28 shows that the crustal rocks have been separated from the mantle by cooling and the Moho interface has already formed at zero age. The 2D seismic velocity structure across the axis of Segment 28 indicates that detachment faults play a key role during the processes of asymmetric oceanic crust accretion.  相似文献   

深入研究珠江口地区海陆过渡带壳内低速层的结构和构造特征对于理解板内地震的发震机理、孕震构造及该区域的地壳结构具有重要的地质地球物理意义。利用2015年珠江口区域海陆地震联测L2-ME测线上的19个地震台站(包括陆上台站14台, 海底地震仪5台)记录到的地震数据来探明该区域低速层的结构和构造特征。在常规震相的基础上, 加入了大量的滑行波震相(Ph)进行结构模型计算, Ph震相的增加使得地壳内部10~20km范围内的射线覆盖密度有了显著提高, 从而获得了L2-ME测线下方更为精确的地壳纵波速度结构模型。结果发现, 模型中测线下方13~18km深度范围内稳定连续展布的壳内低速层被清晰成像, 其内部速度稳定在5.7~6.0 km·s-1之间, 与上下层界面速度差分别为0.5km·s-1、0.4km·s-1, 低速特征明显。该低速层厚度由陆侧的3.5km左右降至海侧的1km, 呈现出向海侧逐渐减薄的趋势, 低速层底界面起伏变化较大且具有与莫霍面相似的起伏特征。  相似文献   

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