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Sentinel-2A与Landsat 8O LI逐像元辐射归一化方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
考虑不同传感器光谱响应函数差异及不同地物类型反射率光谱的差异,提出了一种逐像元辐射归一化方法,并以2017年7月17日内蒙古达里诺尔湖地区准同步过境的Sentinel-2A及Landsat 8数据为例,对两类数据可见-近红外波段(VNIR)地表反射率结果进行归一化。首先采用Sen2cor方法及NASA官方提供大气校正算法,分别对Sentinel-2A及Landsat 8 OLI影像进行大气校正并重采样到同一空间分辨率;然后基于光谱库计算匹配因子并构建图像与光谱库之间的匹配转换模型,实现像元尺度上从Sentinel-2影像到Landsat 8影像地表反射率相似波段之间的转换。结果表明,经逐像元归一化的影像相比原始影像及经HLS光谱归一化的影像,与Landsat 8 VNIR波段的相关性明显提高,辐射一致性增强。该转换模型为多源中高分辨率遥感图像高精度辐射归一化提供了新思路。  相似文献   

Landsat长时间序列数据格式统一与反射率转换方法实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了一种长时间序列遥感影像预处理程序,即陆地卫星生态系统干扰自适应处理系统(landsat ecosystem disturbance adaptive processing system,LEDAPS)。该程序通过使用MODTRAN太阳能输出模型,校正太阳方位、日地距离、TM或ETM+带通以及太阳辐照度,将定标影像转换为表观(top-of-atmosphere,TOA)反射率影像,并将通过浓密植被(dark dense vegetation,DDV)算法插值生成的气溶胶光学厚度(aerosol optical thickness,AOT)以及通过相关资料获得的臭氧(O3)浓度、大气压及水汽值等用于6S辐射传输模型,生成地表反射率产品。以LEDAPS可处理的标准数据Landsat7 ETM+和统一格式后的非标准数据Landsat5 TM影像为例,介绍了长时间(1987—2011年)序列数据的选择、格式统一以及算法的实现过程,同时给出了校正后影像效果评价的方法。结果表明,标准数据和非标准数据经过LEDAPS处理后生成的地表反射率产品能有效降低大气中O3、水汽及气溶胶等对影像真实反射率的影响,为土地覆盖变化和干扰因素等的长时间序列监测和生物物理参数的遥感反演提供科学产品,有助于在国内形成处理长时间序列影像数据的准则。  相似文献   

Landsat系列卫星光学遥感器辐射定标方法综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Landsat系列卫星自1972发射以来,已经连续提供了40多年的中等分辨率多光谱遥感数据,广泛应用于农业、水资源管理、灾害响应等领域。目前,很多研究人员开始考虑利用这些数据开展中分辨率尺度的长时间序列地表定量信息监测,更加精细地反映局地甚至全球气候变化。开展这些研究的前提在于对数据进行辐射定标,并通过不同卫星的交叉辐射传递保证数据辐射精度的一致性。从Landsat 1到Landsat 8,随着遥感器性能和数据获取能力的提升,辐射定标方法不断更新,涉及发射前实验室定标、内定标灯方法、全孔径太阳定标器方法、交叉定标方法、场地定标方法等。本文在对Landsat系列卫星的遥感器性能进行分类、归纳、对比的基础上,系统梳理了Landsat系列卫星遥感器辐射定标方法发展过程以及不同定标方法的优缺点,特别是对定标精度的影响。Landsat系列卫星辐射定标的发展过程为遥感数据高精度定量化应用提供了非常重要的基础,未来辐射定标方法不但要随着新型遥感器研制而更新,更要注重多源遥感数据的交叉验证以及全过程辐射定标方法的完善与应用,保障遥感数据辐射定标精度的一致性。  相似文献   

胡昌苗  张微  冯峥  唐娉 《遥感学报》2014,18(2):267-286
全球地表覆盖遥感制图与关键技术研究项目要求对两个基准年度(2000年,2010年)的全球覆盖30 m分辨率遥感数据进行辐射处理,转换到地表反射率,数据以Landsat TM/ETM+为主,HJ-1A/B CCD数据为补充。海量数据中有些不适宜进行绝对大气校正,为了保证全球覆盖,对这些数据设计开发了一套自动的相对辐射处理及精度验证流程算法,利用相邻数据重叠区域进行相对辐射校正的方式,将数据由Oigital Number(DN)值直接转换为地表反射率,精度验证以MODIS地表反射率产品MOD09GA作为参考,比较对应波段数据的相对一致性,算法采用了图像分块处理技术及OpenMP加速技术提高效率,实际应用结果表明该算法流程可以满足项目对辐射处理精度、速度及自动化程度的要求。  相似文献   

全球地表覆盖遥感制图与关键技术研究项目要求对两个基准年度(2000年、2010年)全球30 m分辨率的多光谱遥感数据进行辐射处理和几何精纠正处理,为地表覆盖制图完成数据准备。数据以Landsat TM/ETM+为主,HJ-1A/B CCD数据为补充,共计2万多景影像需要进行辐射处理,有1000多景HJ-1A/B CCD影像需要几何精纠正。如此大规模的数据处理,自动化处理是必然的选择。本文介绍了HJ-1A/B CCD图像几何精纠正自动化实现中关键问题的解决方法和精度评价结果,Landsat TM/ETM+和HJ-1A/B CCD图像自动化辐射校正中关键问题的解决方法和精度评价结果,以及大规模的数据处理活动引发的一些思考。  相似文献   

光学影像覆盖范围广,质量越来越高,可以应用于地表形变监测研究.文中以基于ENVI的COSI-Corr作为数据处理平台,通过光学影像获取地表形变.文中选取2019年加州Ridgecrest地震序列覆盖区域.首先,探究哨兵2号影像误差处理过程中横向条带处理方法,对其进行改进;然后,使用哨兵2号光学影像获取Ridgecrest地震序列同震形变,分析地震的地表形变情况,结果显示该次地震产生多个地表破裂,东西向呈拉伸趋势,南北向呈挤压趋势,东西向形变略小于南北向形变,两个方向形变特征表明Ridgecrest地震序列主震是一个右旋走滑地震;最后对Landsat 7和Landsat 8影像分别进行相关,将3种影像进行比较.结果表明在光学影像地表形变监测中,影像分辨率越高,效果和精度越好;同种分辨率的光学影像进行相关处理,也会有不同的结果.研究成果可以为地震反演提供形变数据和约束条件,以及为光学影像的地表形变监测提供参考.  相似文献   

土地利用/覆盖分类通常是利用地物的波谱反射特征进行监督或非监督分类,分类结果由于"同物异谱、异物同谱"现象的存在,往往分类精度不高。而植被指数和地表温度作为表征地表覆盖状况的生物物理参数,已成功用于宏观尺度的土地利用/覆盖分类,使得分类结果有所提高,而对于区域尺度的土地利用/覆盖分类却少见报道。本文充分利用TM数据的多光谱特征,从中提取了植被指数NDVI、地表温度Ts、温度植被角度TVA和温度植被距离TVD这四种分类特征进行监督分类,通过对7种组合方案(反射率波段组合、NDVI与反射率波段组合、Ts与反射率波段组合、NDVI与Ts和反射率波段组合、TVA与反射率波段组合、TVD与反射率波段组合、TVA与TVD和反射率波段组合)的分类结果进行比较,得出以下结论:①NDVI、Ts、NDVI和Ts、TVD作为分类特征参与到多波段地表反射率影像分类中,能够提高分类精度,而TVA、TVA和TVD的加入却没有改善分类结果;②总体分类精度受到训练样本与检验样本比例的影响。  相似文献   

李大成  唐娉  胡昌苗  郑柯 《遥感学报》2014,18(2):307-319
Landsat 5卫星较低的时间分辨率(16天)使得其很难获得大区域的、时相一致的清晰影像数据集。本文发展了一种基于半物理模型的时空融合算法-即乘性调制融合算法,并借助多时序的MODIS反射率数据来生成多时相的Landsat TM/ETM+反射率合成影像,经镶嵌后得到区域尺度的高时空分辨率地表反射率数据集(Landsat TM/ETM+)。本文利用吉林省2006年—2011年的Landsat 5 TM地表反射率数据以及500 m的MOD09A1反射率产品来生成3个时相的Landsat 5 TM反射率合成数据,从而获得研究区在上述时相下地表反射率数据的镶嵌图。初步分析表明,所生成的Landsat 5 TM反射率数据的光谱分布特征与MOD09A1反射率数据较为一致,且图像在整体上光谱特征的连续性较好。  相似文献   

长时间序列多源遥感数据的森林干扰监测算法研究进展   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
沈文娟  李明诗  黄成全 《遥感学报》2018,22(6):1005-1022
时空意义明确的森林干扰和恢复信息是评价森林生态系统碳动态的关键因素之一。然而由于诸多的现实困难,多尺度的森林干扰定量化时空信息相对缺乏。Landsat数据具备光谱、时间和空间分辨率上的优势,以及可以免费获取的特点,使其成为主要的长时间序列动态监测的遥感数据源之一,为长时间周期内提供具有合适的空间细节和时间频率的森林干扰信息成为可能。特别是基于Landsat时间序列堆栈(LTSS)的森林干扰自动分析算法的出现,更为森林生态系统的近实时监测提供强有力的工具。本文全面评述了长时间序列遥感数据准备和预处理技术以及国内外基于遥感数据源的多时相森林干扰监测方法,重点分析了基于Landsat的多种指数监测和自动化方法的优缺点,并总结了其与多源数据结合的扩展应用,最后就现有方法与国内外新的数据、技术手段的关联进行了展望,以期为推广中国本土卫星影像应用于森林干扰监测提供理论借鉴。  相似文献   

本文主要是探索Landsat TM数据不同辐射校正方法对土地覆盖遥感分类的影响。介绍了使用的3种不同辐射校正方法(ATCOR3、FLAASH以及查找表)和两种分类算法。在分类实验部分,根据样本的地理坐标在3景校正影像中分别采集训练样本并训练各自的分类器,并交叉用于其他辐射校正影像的土地覆盖遥感分类。实验结果表明:(1)用于分类器训练的样本采集自待分类影像时的分类精度明显高于采集自其他影像的分类精度;(2)3种辐射校正影像的分类结果存在差异,其中使用ATCOR3和FLAASH方法校正后影像的分类结果有更相近的精度;(3)辐射校正对分类类别的影响不同,其中对森林类型影响最大,对裸地等其他类别影响相对较小。  相似文献   

迁移学习是运用已有知识对相关的不同领域的问题进行求解的一种机器学习方法,本文结合这一方法,提出了一种基于先验知识的样本自动选取方法,并构建了一套土地覆盖自动分类的算法框架。该方法主要面向Landsat数据,通过图像变化检测技术与光谱形状编码的方法,从源领域中迁移适用的地物类别知识并标记在目标影像中,使用SVM完成基于样本迁移的自动分类流程。结果表明,该方法可以获得可靠的自动分类结果,一定程度上满足遥感信息的大范围提取与长时间序列处理分析的发展需求。  相似文献   

雷晨阳  孟祥超  邵枫 《遥感学报》2021,25(3):791-802
遥感影像时—空融合可集成多源数据高空间分辨率和高时间分辨率互补优势,生成时间连续的高空间分辨率影像,在遥感影像的动态监测与时序分析等方面具有重要应用价值.然而,现有多数研究往往基于单一数据产品对时—空融合算法进行评价,而在实际生产应用中,需要验证算法在多种遥感产品数据的融合表现;此外,目前研究大多基于“单点时刻”进行评...  相似文献   

Monitoring Earth dynamics using current and future satellites is one of the most important objectives of the remote sensing community. The exploitation of image time series from sensors with different characteristics provides new opportunities to increase the knowledge about environmental changes and to support many operational applications. This paper presents an image fusion approach based on multiresolution and multisensor regularized spatial unmixing. The approach yields a composite image with the spatial resolution of the high spatial resolution image while retaining the spectral and temporal characteristics of the medium spatial resolution image. The approach is tested using images from Landsat/TM and ENVISAT/MERIS instruments, but is general enough to be applied to other sensor pairs. The potential of the proposed spatial unmixing approach is illustrated in an agricultural monitoring application where Landsat temporal profiles from images acquired over Albacete, Spain, in 2004 and 2009 are complemented with MERIS fused images. The resulting spatial resolution from Landsat allows monitoring small and medium size crops at the required scale while the fine spectral and temporal resolution from MERIS allow a more accurate determination of the crop type and phenology as well as capturing rapidly varying land-cover changes.  相似文献   

The detection of buried archaeological remains using satellite remote sensing is still an open question in archaeological research. This research investigates how the phenological stages of crops can be used support the detection of buried archaeological remains. Ground remote sensing data using the GER-1500 spectroradiometer were obtained from two sites. One site was the Neolithic settlements in central Greece and the other was in Alampra village in Cyprus. For the latter, an archaeological environment was simulated and ground spectroradiometric measurements were systematically acquired over the different phases of the phenological cycle of barley crops. The acquired in situ reflectance measurements have been converted to "in-band" reflectance values of the Landsat TM/ETM+ using the satellite relative spectral responses filters (RSR). Based on the proposed methodology, 97 Landsat MSS, TM, and ETM+ satellite images were acquired (covering a period from 1983 to 2011), for the Thessalian (Greek) site. It has been found that phenological-cycle observations can provide valuable information for identifying buried archaeological remains. Such observations may be used in cases where the spatial resolution of satellite imagery is not high and therefore cannot help support the detection of archaeological remains using standard interpretation techniques.  相似文献   

Landsat TM遥感影像中厚云和阴影去除   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
提出了一种新的利用多时相Landsat TM影像数据进行的厚云及其阴影去除的方法。该方法通过分析厚云及其阴影的光谱特征, 设计了厚云和云阴影识别模型。该算法的实现是采用图像配准技术、非监督分类、像元替换等运算, 计算出厚云和云阴影区域的TM影像替换数据, 进而得到消除或者减少云影响的TM遥感影像。试验结果表明本文提出的厚云及其阴影去除方法效果很好, 能消除或者弱化云对TM影像数据的影响。  相似文献   

Spectral mixture analysis is an algorithm that is developed to overcome the weakness in traditional land-use/land-cover (LULC) classification where each picture element (pixel) from remote sensing is assigned to one and only one LULC type. In reality, a remotely sensed signal from a pixel is often a spectral mixture from several LULC types. Spectral mixture analysis can derive subpixel proportions for the endmembers from remotely sensed data. However, one frequently faces the problem in determining the spectral signatures for the endmembers. This study provides a cross-sensor calibration algorithm that enables us to obtain the endmember signatures from an Ikonos multispectral image for spectral mixture analysis using Landsat ETM+ images. The calibration algorithm first converts the raw digital numbers from both sensors into at-satellite reflectance. Then, the Ikonos at-satellite reflectance image is degraded to match the spatial resolution of the Landsat ETM+ image. The histograms at the same spatial resolution from the two images are matched, and the signatures from the pure pixels in the Ikonos image are used as the endmember signatures. Validation of the spectral mixture analysis indicates that the simple algorithm works effectively. The algorithm is not limited to Ikonos and Landsat sensors. It is, in general, applicable to spectral mixture analysis where a high spatial resolution sensor and a low spatial resolution sensor with similar spectral resolutions are available as long as images collected by the two sensors are close in time over the same place.  相似文献   

Biodiversity mapping in extensive tropical forest areas poses a major challenge for the interpretation of Landsat images, because floristically clearly distinct forest types may show little difference in reflectance. In such cases, the effects of the bidirectional reflection distribution function (BRDF) can be sufficiently strong to cause erroneous image interpretation and classification. Since the opening of the Landsat archive in 2008, several BRDF normalization methods for Landsat have been developed. The simplest of these consist of an empirical view angle normalization, whereas more complex approaches apply the semi-empirical Ross–Li BRDF model and the MODIS MCD43-series of products to normalize directional Landsat reflectance to standard view and solar angles. Here we quantify the effect of surface anisotropy on Landsat TM/ETM+ images over old-growth Amazonian forests, and evaluate five angular normalization approaches. Even for the narrow swath of the Landsat sensors, we observed directional effects in all spectral bands. Those normalization methods that are based on removing the surface reflectance gradient as observed in each image were adequate to normalize TM/ETM+ imagery to nadir viewing, but were less suitable for multitemporal analysis when the solar vector varied strongly among images. Approaches based on the MODIS BRDF model parameters successfully reduced directional effects in the visible bands, but removed only half of the systematic errors in the infrared bands. The best results were obtained when the semi-empirical BRDF model was calibrated using pairs of Landsat observation. This method produces a single set of BRDF parameters, which can then be used to operationally normalize Landsat TM/ETM+ imagery over Amazonian forests to nadir viewing and a standard solar configuration.  相似文献   

Radiometric correction is a prerequisite for generating high-quality scientific data, making it possible to discriminate between product artefacts and real changes in Earth processes as well as accurately produce land cover maps and detect changes. This work contributes to the automatic generation of surface reflectance products for Landsat satellite series. Surface reflectances are generated by a new approach developed from a previous simplified radiometric (atmospheric + topographic) correction model. The proposed model keeps the core of the old model (incidence angles and cast-shadows through a digital elevation model [DEM], Earth–Sun distance, etc.) and adds new characteristics to enhance and automatize ground reflectance retrieval. The new model includes the following new features: (1) A fitting model based on reference values from pseudoinvariant areas that have been automatically extracted from existing reflectance products (Terra MODIS MOD09GA) that were selected also automatically by applying quality criteria that include a geostatistical pattern model. This guarantees the consistency of the internal and external series, making it unnecessary to provide extra atmospheric data for the acquisition date and time, dark objects or dense vegetation. (2) A spatial model for atmospheric optical depth that uses detailed DEM and MODTRAN simulations. (3) It is designed so that large time-series of images can be processed automatically to produce consistent Landsat surface reflectance time-series. (4) The approach can handle most images, acquired now or in the past, regardless of the processing system, with the exception of those with extremely high cloud coverage. The new methodology has been successfully applied to a series of near 300 images of the same area including MSS, TM and ETM+ imagery as well as to different formats and processing systems (LPGS and NLAPS from the USGS; CEOS from ESA) for different degrees of cloud coverage (up to 60%) and SLC-off. Reflectance products have been validated with some example applications: time series robustness (for a pixel in a pseudoinvariant area, deviations are only 1.04% on average along the series), spectral signatures generation (visually coherent with the MODIS ones, but more similar between dates), and classification (up to 4 percent points better than those obtained with the original manual method or the CDR products). In conclusion, this new approach, that could also be applied to other sensors with similar band configurations, offers a fully automatic and reasonably good procedure for the new era of long time-series of spatially detailed global remote sensing data.  相似文献   

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