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People′s environmental tropism has an effect on their understanding of tourism-nature relationship,and also influences their attitudes to natural resources utilization and environmental protection.Taking Jiuzhaigou National Park of China as a study case,the authors conducted some quantitative analyses with the tools of SPSS 16.0 and LISREL 8.7,to explore the influence of tourists′ environmental tropism on their attitudes to tourism and nature conservation in the natural tourist destination.Three hypotheses and the theoretic model of influences of tourists′ environmental tropism on their attitudes to tourism and nature conservation have been tested and accepted based on the Structural Equation Model analysis on survey data collected in Jiuzhaigou National Park of China.Some conclusions were drawn as follows: 1) tourists′ human-prioritized concept influences their cognition to tourism-nature relationship.This concept has a positive influence on their supportive attitudes to tourism,but a negative influence on their attitudes to nature conservation;2) tourists′ human-nature coordination concept has a positive influence on their supportive attitudes to both tourism and nature conservation,especially to the latter.This paper generally proves that human′s environmental tropism does have an influence on their attitudes to tourism and nature conservation in natural tourist destinations.  相似文献   

利用部分非金属矿产的特有性能处理污水,往往能取得事半功倍的效果。工业化国家在这方面的研究比较广泛和深入,而我国比较落后。因此,需要广大的环保、地矿科技人员迅速行动起来,加强非金属矿产在污水处理中的应用研究,以保护我们的水环境,造福于人民。  相似文献   

陶渊明和华兹华斯都选择了归隐自然,希望藉大自然的幽静来摆脱社会的束缚,追求心灵的宁静,维持心理的平衡,因此,他们的诗歌中都表现出好静的特色。然而,由于社会文化背景的不同,两人对"静"有不同的感悟,他们的诗歌中达致宁静的方式和所表达的"静"的内涵也有所不同。从两位诗人的诗歌创作入手,探讨他们的"静"的文化特征。  相似文献   

A study has been done on the comparison of nesting and feeding behavior, population variances as well as breeding success between two populations of south polar skua (Catharacta maccormicki) from near Great Wall station on Fildes Peninsula and near Zhongshan station in Eastern Larsemann Hills, Antarctica. There are evident differences in their population ecology. The foraging habit is much related to regional ecosystem and food resources near their territorial area. Dependence on human food waste influences skua‘s diet,which considerably affects their behavior even population variation in both areas. The skuas in Zhongshan Station,could shorten and/or regulate the timing for their egg laying and hatching, and take precedence of one chick brooding, for keeping their breeding success, and subsequent species continuation.  相似文献   

“吏隐”作为大历十才子的生活特征之一,也成为他们创作的题材,这与当时方外隐逸诗人因其不同的人生观照所创作的诗作相映成趣。方外隐逸诗人又可分为隐士诗人和诗僧两个群体,大历十才子和方外隐逸诗人之间体现出了完全不同的生命体验,方外隐逸诗人对真隐精神的写作与十才子的“伪隐”形成了鲜明的对比,就后者来说,现实的功利主义态度和价值上的物质取向使其隐逸诗作之精神内涵大打折扣。  相似文献   

着重说明英文歌曲对英语学习有着不可忽视的作用。具体介绍了通过英语歌曲的学习,可以丰富知识、陶冶情操、增加英文学习兴趣,并且学生可以灵活多样地运用语言,从听、说、读、写、译上有效地克服了英语学习中的困难。  相似文献   

以自建航海英语报刊语料库为基础,探讨如何在航海英语阅读教学中利用报刊英语语料库辅助教学,引导学生借助语境共现、词频表和关键词表等来进行英语学习,以达到快速掌握航海英语词汇,提高阅读速度和增强阅读理解能力,培养学生的跨文化交际意识等教学目标。  相似文献   

鲁迅、赵树理和高晓声都是农村题材创作的代表,然而三大作家的创作都带有明显的时代特点。深入文本,结合作家生活的时代背景和作家的人生经历探究三大作家创作特质及其创作风格的形成,可以让我们更明确地看到时代大环境和个体经历对文学创作的影响。  相似文献   

Pavlova viridis sp. nov. is described on the basis of light and electron microscope observations. The material was collected from the coast of Haiyang county of Shandong, China. It is characterized by 1) yellowish green to green chloroplast, 2) rudimentary short flagellum 0. 3um long and hook-shaped, 3)long flagellum with small spherical knob-scales, 4) absence of pyrenoid and stigma, and 5) marine habitat. This new species and P . salina seem to be most closely related to each other but their colour, the insertion of their three appendages, the shape of their knob scales, and their cell periplasts are quite different from one another .  相似文献   

20世纪 90年代中国诗歌创作在离经叛道中呈现出非线性的、多元多向发展的、自由散漫的生存状态。一是加强个人化写作 :诗人们以现实生活和个体生命的原生状态为切入点 ,以口语入诗 ;二是凸现逃亡主题 :诗人们进入非主流的、反审美的、对大写的“人”的精神逃逸性写作 ;三是注重心灵剖析 ;诗人们勇敢面对不完美的现实 ,更重视内省 ,从而达到精神的超越  相似文献   

山东省崩塌、滑坡、泥石流灾害具区域分布相对集中 ,形成条件大致相近 ,周期性变化规律。其诱发因素主要是地震和降雨。本文采用统计法和标准点密度法对灾害的时空分布特征作了分析 ,并根据地质背景条件及气象周期、地震活动规律预测了灾害的多发部位和多发时段  相似文献   

This paper, based on field data and experimental results, gives an analysis and summary of the types and salt-forming characteristics of salt lakes in Xinjiang, and the distribution and chemical compositions of their brines and groups of salt minerals. The evolution and substance origins of the salt lakes and their salt-forming regularities as seen from analyses of their paleogeographic environment and geological tectonics are also reported. This paper will serve as a reference for further investigation of the Xinjiang salt lakes, and as a guide for fuller utilization of their resources. This paper was published in Chinese inOcean. Limn. Sinica 15(2):168–178, 1984.  相似文献   

用二倍体普通栽培稻和异源四倍体小粒野稻及其杂种一代(F1)进行酯酶同工酶测定和主要性状的田间表证。结果表明:普通栽培稻与小粒野生稻由于亲缘关系较远,其遗传基础差异很大,从而致使两者的酯酶同工酶谐相差也很大。两者杂交的F1,集中显示出双亲的所有酶带。F1的酶带是由于双亲互补的多个结构基因通过一系列调控机制而表达的结果。  相似文献   

Implementation of payments for watershed services (PWS) has been regarded as a promising approach to coordinating the interests of upstream and downstream ecosystem services stakeholders. There is growing concern about whether PWS programs have achieved their original environmental goals of improving water quality and quantity, as well as the ancillary objective of increasing the welfare of local people. We start with an overview of PWS schemes and focus on their particularity and implementation mechanisms in China. We proceed to review 62 active PWS cases and examine their environmental performance in detail. The resulting findings show that PWS schemes have been able to reduce water pollution to some extent by establishing collaborative upstream/downstream watershed management policies, thereby improving water quality and quantity, as well as by making government officials more responsible for water resource management. In addition, their continued effectiveness in light of present challenges such as water-quality data availability is discussed. Chinese PWS schemes and their implementation mechanisms also provide information useful in monitoring environmental outcomes and guiding future designs of PWS programs in other regions.  相似文献   

Genus Grateloupia is one of the most speciose genera in family Halymeniales. It is also one of the sources for natural materials, food and medicine. With different environments, Grateloupia change their morphological characteristics, making their morphological identification very difficult. In addition, few of the species diversity in this genus has been described before. In this study, phylogenetic analysis based on rbc L gene sequence was employed to group Grateloupia collected from three locations along Chinese coast. The microsatellites were also used to evaluate their genetic diversity. In total, the tissue parts of 6 putative species were collected from G. asiatica, G. livida, G. lanceolate, G. catenata, G. turuturu and G. filicina. In order to evaluate their genetic diversity and then conserve them better, 40 microsatellites available for Grateloupia were used to evaluate their genetic diversity, and 11 microsatellites were found to be applicable to determine the genetic diversity of G. asiatica. It was found that the genetic diversity of G. asiatica around Qingdao was very rich. We suggested that the species of genus Grateloupia should be identified based on rbc L phylogenetic analysis before the diversity evaluation with microsatellites. The microsatellites should be developed for each species of Grateloupia so that their genetic diversity can be evaluated appropriately.  相似文献   

法律如何规定妇女的结婚年龄,是妇女社会地位变迁的重要标志。当妇女在社会劳动中发挥重要作用,社会地位提高时,她们的结婚年龄就规定得比较适当;当她们在社会劳动中作用被削弱,社会地位降低被当成生育的工具时,她们的结婚年龄也就规定得不适当。这种结婚年龄的变化,反映出了古代妇女社会地位的历史变迁。在注重妇女权益保护的现代社会,妇女法定婚龄的规定应当更加符合人性。  相似文献   

《颜氏家训》是研究魏晋南北朝汉语的重要语料。全面统计分析其中总括范围副词,分为新、旧两种,并逐一分析其语法功能、语法位置、与其它副词叠用情况以及语义指向等,以管窥魏晋南北朝时期总括范围副词的使用情况,这对于系统研究汉语总括范围副词的发展演变具有重要的参考价值。  相似文献   

Li  Yingjie 《中国海洋湖沼学报》2021,39(6):2070-2081
Journal of Oceanology and Limnology - Magnetotactic bacteria can orientate in the Earth’s magnetic field to search for their preferred microoxic environments, which is achieved by their...  相似文献   

依据全省 11个 1∶2 0万重力调查区实测的岩石密度数据 ,按《辽宁省区域地质志》划分的地层、侵入岩及混合岩进行系统整理、归纳 ,统计出全省密度参数 ,并划分出岩层主要密度界面 ,为重力资料解释提供了地球物理前提和依据。  相似文献   

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