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The authors bring together two theoretical and empirical strands in economic geography – established work on clusters and nascent research on ‘fictive place’ – in order to introduce the concept of ‘fictive clusters’. To explore this concept, they examine the New Zealand craft beer sector, which has evolved from non-existence since the year 2000. This growth has precipitated the rise of a dynamic and innovative cluster at the local scale in Wellington. The fictive cluster is explored through the Wellington case study, and the authors pose various questions for future work based on this discursive geographical device. The construction and complicit reproduction of what they term a ‘fictive cluster’ has been central to the evolving strategies of the involved agents. Through the use of this term, the evolution of Wellington place-based brands that are increasingly territorially specific are seen as building competitive advantage based on constructed histories, environments, and other geographic characteristics.  相似文献   

跨地方饮食品牌重塑的理论模型与实证分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
曾国军  孙树芝 《地理学报》2016,71(2):338-1589
采用结构方程模型,构建了基于原产地形象,在地消费文化,品牌知名度,感知质量,品牌忠诚度,购买意愿等6个概念的理论模型,以广州哈根达斯为例,探讨文化地理因素如何作用于哈根达斯在中国的跨地方品牌重塑.研究发现:① 哈根达斯借助品牌重塑已在中国广泛确立其高档冰激凌品牌定位,实现了品牌升级,价格成为品牌升级的表征;② 原产地形象,在地消费文化均显著正向影响品牌知名度及感知质量,进一步对品牌忠诚度及购买意愿产生积极影响;③ 哈根达斯的品牌知名度对品牌忠诚度的影响不显著,感知质量对购买意愿的影响不显著;④ 不同于购买频率低的消费者,购买频率高的消费者的感知质量不再受原产地形象和在地消费文化的影响.本研究有助于推进跨地方饮食文化生产理论的发展,也是对品牌重塑理论的补充,将促进饮食地理领域的国际对话.  相似文献   

刘博  朱竑 《地理学报》2017,72(4):699-710
全球化与消费主义盛行的时代,过度消费与环境保护之间的矛盾持续存在。消费者在追求物质满足的同时环境意识渐增,而品牌则以全球化形象与环保形象来响应消费者的需求变化。以国际快时尚品牌H&M为研究案例,使用结构方程模型,回收有效问卷265份,采用SPSS 19.0和Lisrel 8.72软件进行分析,探讨跨地方经营背景下,国际快时尚品牌全球化形象与环保形象如何影响中国消费者的消费行为意向。研究发现:① 消费者全球文化身份对品牌全球化形象感知的总影响、品牌全球化感知对国际快时尚品牌消费行为意向的总影响最大,表明全球化与现代性仍然是中国消费者品牌购买行为意向的最重要影响因素。② 消费者环境友好自我身份与品牌环保形象感知对国际快时尚品牌消费行为意向的影响最弱,即自认为具有环境友好自我身份的消费者仍然在支持快时尚品牌,验证了在生产与消费空间分离背景下,国际快时尚品牌塑造品牌环保形象是资本追求利润最大化的品牌经营策略。同时检验中国消费者的身份建构与国际快时尚品牌形象对消费行为意向的影响,有助于理解在国际快时尚品牌跨地方经营过程中供需双方的互动关系及背后的文化地理逻辑,也更加深刻地剖析全球化背景下资本追逐利润最大化过程中的品牌经营环保局限。  相似文献   

As a product, wine is closely associated with place. The industry has devised various strategies in order to delimit space and create places that are marketable as brands. Although demarcated by supposedly ‘natural’ features, these spaces are socially constructed in order to maximise accumulation. This article reports on the use of place-making strategies in the case of the New Zealand wine sector and the role of capital and agency in their production. Two case studies—Martinborough and Gimblett Gravels—are offered where contrasting geographical strategies have been employed. The work concludes that the employment of flexible delimitation is a strategy that allows contestation in creatively destructive ways. Such an approach allows for specialised identity construction within the framework of semi-porous boundaries. This calls for local economic policy that sits between the two extremes of open-ended neoliberal capital accumulation and arbitrary regional planning.  相似文献   

An influential body of literature suggests that economic diversity rather than specialization fuels the economic performance of regions and nations. The authors argue that this hypothesis has no universal applicability and that a more differentiated view is needed. In particular, historical specificity of the local environment and structural characteristics of regional economies should be taken into account. They focus on the effects of industrial specialization on economic performance and the vulnerability of Central European post-communist regions, namely Czech microregions with less than 200,000 inhabitants. They examine whether the economic performance and vulnerability of these regions is fuelled rather by industrial specialization or diversity when controlling for other potential determinants of regional economic performance. Their findings show that the dependence of Czech regions on manufacturing correlates with higher economic performance but also with higher regional vulnerability. In addition, industrial specialization within manufacturing was found to be instrumental for the economic performance of regions with high dependence on manufacturing. With a decreasing share of employment in manufacturing, industrial diversity rather than specialization becomes more valuable for the economic performance of Czech regions.  相似文献   

基于非表征理论和启动效应范式实验方法,以广东省江门市启明里的地方品牌为例,通过对比居民与非居民内隐感知差异、本地居民外显和内隐感知的差异,分析人们内隐感知对于地方品牌建构的影响。研究发现:1)受到日常生活经验的影响,本地居民与非本地居民对启明里的品牌个性的内隐感知存在差异,二者对启明里的品牌个性建构起不同的意义,本地居民将日常生活的记忆和体验融入其中,而非本地居民仅将其视为城市更新的工程;2)本地居民对启明里地方品牌外显和内隐感知的差异表明启明里地方品牌对于本地居民而言只是一种“快餐式”的消费和自我表达的工具,缺乏情感、价值观念层面的认同;3)地方品牌化不能只关注符号性景观构建,而需要重视本地居民日常生活中内隐的、非表征的空间邂逅的作用,这有助于为地方品牌注入可持续的价值提升动力,增进本地居民对品牌的认同和自信。  相似文献   

从跨国广告业看全球化和全球城市——以中国广告业为例   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
柏兰芝  陈诗宁 《地理研究》2004,23(5):582-592
本文从广告业的视角出发 ,分析了伴随全球生产者服务业空间布局的扩张而来的区域市场和空间结构的重塑。研究的主要发现为 :(1)在跨国公司的支配下 ,中国广告业在生产组织上逐渐向专业代理演化 ,在行业规范上也逐渐向 4A的主流靠拢 ;(2 )中国广告业在上海、北京、广州三大城市的集中 ,体现了在全球化过程中形成的“区域性服务业市场” ;(3)由于市场规模大 ,中国广告业有可能向“前端” (产品定位和沟通策略 )发展 ;(4 )由于中国幅员广大 ,进入区域市场需要不同的媒体计划 ,也使得广告的全球标准化产品产出更多的地方版本。在理论争论方面 ,本文认为全球城市是都市区域全球化制度和空间的中介。  相似文献   

刘博  朱竑 《热带地理》2016,36(2):174-180
全球化使品牌与地方之间的联系日益密切。西方国家的快时尚品牌实行全球同价、全球同款和标准化的经营模式,被认为具有消极的品牌形象,然而却在异源文化背景的中国实现品牌升级。以ZARA为例,从时间和空间2个维度出发,描述其品牌空间发展史,分析品牌源地、空间发展、店铺选址等参与快时尚品牌的文化生产过程。结论如下:1)快时尚品牌与全球时尚城市建立积极联系,将全球时尚城市想象写入品牌发展史中,品牌空间发展史比品牌源地对品牌形象的影响更大;2)ZARA与全球时尚城市互动成功塑造全球时尚品牌形象,“全球”品牌头衔对于中国本土向往全球化的消费者来说具有很强的吸引力,对于其跨国升级有积极影响;3)ZARA在中国大陆的品牌空间发展依然延续“下沉式”模式,利用上海、北京、深圳、广州等地在全国时尚产业中的引领地位影响二级城市消费者的品牌选择,实现其跨国品牌升级;4)专卖店选址于高端消费街区,在跨国过程中重新定位于中高端消费群体,使得ZARA实现跨国品牌升级。  相似文献   


Theory development on the geographies of innovation has been very successful in incorporating the changing patterns of knowledge dynamics due to globalization, lifting the gaze beyond processes of localized learning and increasingly acknowledging the multilevel, multiscalar governance of innovation. Arguably less attention has been directed to the changing qualities and impacts of innovation as a result of globalization, notably in view of social polarization and climate change. The aim of the article is to provide suggestions for how research on the geography of innovation can be improved by engaging with a more capacious understanding of innovation and territorial development. The authors explore how socio-ecological innovation can be introduced in contemporary discussions and practices of place-based smart specialization policy. They conclude by suggesting that future research should address and interrogate (1) the rise of the foundational economy as an expression of place-based innovation, which entails new forms of co-governance, and (2) the challenge of experimentalism in the public sector, a sector that looms large in lagging regions and the places that were deemed not to matter until they took their revenge on the mainstream political system.  相似文献   


The selling of naming rights to corporate sponsors has led urban policymakers to increasingly view the identities of public places as rent-generating assets to fund urban infrastructure. Yet few scholars have critically analyzed this emerging global trend of toponymic commodification and the seeking of “naming rent.” Through a combination of archival research, on-site field observations, and semi-structured interviews, this study examines how the practice of toponymic commodification is transforming the cultural landscapes of contemporary cities by considering two naming rights programs: Dubai’s Metro Naming Rights Initiative and the Sponsor Winnipeg Program. In each case, we explore the implications of commodifying public place names as well as the conflicting perceptions of such sponsorship programs. In doing so, the present study illustrates how the selling of naming rights is reshaping the built environment into a space of symbolic/economic capital transformations as brands become destinations and public places are reconceived as marketing opportunities.  相似文献   

《The Journal of geography》2012,111(5):230-237

The connotations and meanings of the term “frontier” have undergone several transitions, mainly from border areas through advance settlement regions to developing regions. These transitions are highlighted in several ways: tracing the idea of the frontier back to its original meanings; providing a critical perspective on experiments for redefinitions of frontiers; and, finally, drawing some conclusions from these redefinitions, notably in light of the evolving global economy.  相似文献   

全球跨境并购网络结构及其演变特征   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
计启迪  陈伟  刘卫东 《地理研究》2020,39(3):527-538
跨境并购是跨国公司实现全球化发展战略的重要方式。利用Zephyr全球并购数据库,本文通过构建1997—2017年的全球跨境并购网络,分析全球跨境并购网络的拓扑特征及结构演变,主要结论如下:① 自20世纪90年代以来,全球跨境并购波动发展,网络拓扑指标呈现阶段性,其中2008年全球金融危机是跨境并购发展的重要转折点。② 全球跨境并购网络具有显著的小世界特征,服从无标度分布;并购方的“富人俱乐部”现象比被并购方更为明显,但随着全球经济一体化进程逐渐减弱。③ 全球跨境并购网络呈现出“核心-边缘”式结构,非洲、南美洲和亚洲部分地区长期处于边缘地带;但2008年全球金融危机以来,北美与西欧双核主导向“全球三极”主导模式演变,东亚及东南亚国家(地区)逐渐发展成为第三大核心。④ 世界各国(地区)在全球跨境并购网络中表现不一,可划分为外向型和内向型,以及核心国家(地区)、活跃国家(地区)和潜力国家(地区)。⑤ “一带一路”沿线地区参与跨境并购的活跃度较低。  相似文献   

全球生产网络中企业去地方化的形式与机理研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
经济活动的去地方化既是生产活动的空间转移过程,也是企业供应链在不同空间尺度的分离与再组合的功能整合过程,并且对地方产业的前后向联系、社会资本和就业等方面产生影响。在文献综述的基础上,提出在全球生产网络中企业去地方化的动力主要是网络权力的拉力和社会资本的粘性。在两种力的相互作用过程中,产生了不同的网络权力的依赖关系,形成了不同类型的企业去地方化形式。企业去地方化可能会导致地方生产网络断裂,并且由于去地方化形式的不同,对企业经济绩效和地方集聚经济产生的影响也不同。最后,对中国沿海外贸加工业的去地方化情况和发展前景进行了初步思考。  相似文献   

王玉婷  徐红罡  劳丽芬 《热带地理》2021,41(6):1246-1257
饮食符号是旅游目的地符号系统的重要组成部分,以地方特色饮食为基础的旅游餐饮也是旅游地的重要经济活动。文章以阳朔啤酒鱼为例,分析旅游地饮食符号经济的特点与形成机制。研究发现,1)旅游地饮食符号的形成既是对地方特色的营销与建构,也是特定饮食产品生产与消费集聚的路径依赖结果。2)从饮食生产的角度,就地取材、利润高、制作工艺简单等特点使啤酒鱼餐饮能够大规模、低成本地发展;从饮食消费的角度,啤酒鱼既具有地方特色又能够被大众口味所接受,同时满足游客的符号性和支持性的餐饮体验。3)消费性服务业的集聚能够营造良好的氛围并产生累积吸引力,使得啤酒鱼的营销成本更低、销量更高,从而形成正反馈机制。  相似文献   

Surfboard-making is concentrated in regions with vibrant surfing subcultures, suitable waves and sufficient expertise in crafting boards, by hand, to suit prevailing coastal conditions. This article charts the rise of the Gold Coast as Australia's most concentrated cluster of surfboard-making, from its origins as do-it-yourself craft in backyards and sheds, to professional, export-oriented industry. Out of highly informal, subcultural origins, a regional cluster emerged in the 1960s, fuelled by the growth of surfing, tourism and suburban development, and by the needs of surfers for customised boards that suit their body size, surfing style and local wave conditions. What transpired was a vernacular form of coastal creative industry combining craft skills, subcultural knowledge and design flair. Nevertheless, a mix of factors, including automation, increased competition from cheap imports, increasingly aggressive retail trade, and mistrust among board-makers, has threatened viability. Some workshops overextended into export production, marketing and automation, and consequently suffered from exposure to risk (as well as a commensurate decline in regional tourism). Others survived, and in some ways turned full circle: those small workshops continuing to service local markets, within their means, were most able to ride out the industry's turbulent times. Small-scale cultural production persists despite the volatility of the larger brands, geared instead around loyal customers who want hand-crafted boards made by shapers who they know and trust.  相似文献   


Despite much attention paid to the topic of community in academic literature and policy documents, there is a relative lack of knowledge about what laypersons perceive as a local community. Based on data from a national survey, the authors examine how c.1400 Norwegians conceptualized local community – lokalsamfunn in Norwegian. They reveal some of the linguistic and conceptual aspects of local community as a term, in addition to tendencies and patterns among the survey responses. The respondents’ conceptualizations contained references to lokalsamfunn variously as a geographical area, people and relations, activities and involvement, attachment to place and people, and provider of local goods and services. Their main emphasis was on lokalsamfunn as a spatial unit. However, the responses contained relatively few references to the relational aspects of lokalsamfunn. The authors conclude that a common, lay understanding may be that lokalsamfunn is a vaguely defined but limited geographical unit filled with people who to varying degrees know each other and interact. Concerning policymaking aimed at fostering communal well-being, the authors hold that any community-based programming requires intricate knowledge of the people who form the community, since without community interaction and a degree of social cohesion any envisioned programmes may not succeed.  相似文献   

转移企业地方嵌入的论争与研究动向   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
“嵌入”是理解转移企业与承接地集群以及全球/跨区生产网络互动耦合过程和机理的有效理论工具。自“嵌入”概念引入经济地理学以来,学界对转移企业地方嵌入意愿存在“被动”与“主动”的论争,对嵌入效应也存在积极与负面两种不同观点。通过对转移企业地方嵌入主要动因、影响因素、演进过程、区域效应等研究的系统梳理,发现不论基于“主动”还是“被动”意愿,转移企业地方嵌入都是其在“企业—地域”关系演化中维护并强化自身竞争力的地理敏感战略;嵌入过程受承接地条件、转移企业特质的双重影响;嵌入沿着“关系培育—价值链衔接—全球与地方生产网络战略耦合”的路径,逐步实现关系性嵌入和结构性嵌入;转移企业地方嵌入为承接地集群转型升级提供了“区位机会窗口”。转移企业地方嵌入研究今后需在四个方面加强和深化:一是构建一个以“关系—网络—演化”为主线的综合性分析框架;二是加强转移企业网络角色与绩效的定量研究;三是加强转移企业经济嵌入、技术嵌入、社会嵌入的相互影响研究;四是加强转移企业与承接地集群“双向嵌入”研究。  相似文献   


With combined insights from evolutionary economic geography and transition studies, the article examines the engagement of different regions in Norway in the innovation networks created within the European Union’s environmental programmes. The aim is to explore the programmes’ potential for supporting green economy and economic restructuring through branching and new path creation. The authors assess which regions participate in the programmes, which international networks they build, and which organisations participate in different regions. They compare three regions with different restructuring needs and research capacity – the counties of Rogaland, Hordaland, and Sør-Trøndelag (now part of the county of Trøndelag). They find that overall, Norwegian organisations participate relatively frequently in the programmes, but private firms play a marginal role. Their partners are mainly in core EU regions. Regional participation in the programmes is a function of research capacity as well as oil dependence. The authors conclude that in research-oriented regions, research establishments tend to dominate participation, creating potential for restructuring mainly through path creation. In oil-dependent regions, private firms account for a higher share of participants, enhancing the potential for branching. As the former regions participate more, the programme can mainly stimulate path creation.  相似文献   

在现代性构建和人的城镇化社会进程推动下,地方认同在发生转换和迭代的变化。与静态视角下地方认同的断面研究不同,论文基于生命历程和家的流动性的动态研究视角,以具有70 a时间跨度的个体-家庭为研究主体,对其地方认同随时空迁移的变化和社会意义进行了生活史式的跟踪解读。研究发现:在城乡迁移过程中,随着时空的转移和生活经历的层累,个体-家庭的地方认同发生了转换、迭代的动态变化。① 这一动态变化与家的流动紧密联系在一起,流动中个体与家庭成员在不同生活区域的地方性产生了地方阻力与地方推力,二者综合作用的结果使得地方认同发生了迭代变化;② 社会环境与社会场景、家庭角色、文化适应与个体行为调整是人的城镇化过程中地方认同迭代的重要影响因素;③ 家庭类型变化和代际差异会影响到地方认同迭代发生的幅度。  相似文献   

Ranchettes are low-density, rural parcels typically from thirty-five to seventy acres that have proliferated across the Rocky Mountain West. They consume large amounts of land and increase fragmentation, leading to potentially negative impacts on the ecology and cultural identity of local places. Although many anecdotal accounts decry the rise in ranchettes, few studies measure their prevalence or spatial patterns. We use archival and contemporary land ownership data to measure ranchette development in La Plata County, Colorado, an amenity-rich county popular for recreation, retirement, and ranchettes. Results show continual yet slowing growth across the decades with patterns of growth spreading in a contagious effect around initial nodes of development.  相似文献   

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