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南海北部陆坡东沙海域海底丘状体气体与水合物分布   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘斌 《海洋学报》2017,39(3):68-75
海底丘状体在天然气水合物发育区是一种常见的微地貌,对丘状体的研究有助于理解海底流体渗漏模式以及水合物的赋存规律。本文研究南海北部陆坡东沙海域天然气水合物发育区海底丘状体的特征及其与水合物的关系。研究所用的数据包括准三维多道地震数据、多波束数据以及浅地层剖面数据。在多波束海底地形图上,丘状体表现为局部的正地形,直径大约为300 m,高出周围海底约50 m。浅地层剖面上存在明显的声空白以及同相轴下拉现象,指示了海底丘状体气体的分布以及流体运移的路径。丘状体周围明显的BSR表明局部区域可能发育有水合物,水合物钻探结果也证实了这一推测。三维多道地震剖面上,丘状体正下方存在空白反射区域,这与泥火山的地震反射特征类似。但空白反射区域内存在强振幅能量,而且丘状体正下方存在连续的反射层,这表明该丘状体并非泥火山成因。综合钻探结果以及三维地震成像结果,认为水合物形成过程引起的沉积物膨胀以及海底碳酸盐岩的沉淀是形成该丘状体的主要原因。  相似文献   

目前世界上许多国家对海洋天然气水合物开展了调查和试开采,但是对水合物开发与海底甲烷渗漏之间的关系缺乏了解。本文依托我国第二次天然气水合物钻探航次(GMGS2),对GMGS2-16钻孔开展了两次钻后甲烷渗漏调查。第一次使用水下机器人(ROV)在该孔开钻之前、钻探过程中及完钻67天内进行了4次海底观察,其中开钻之前未发现海底甲烷渗漏,而在完钻后的两次海底观察中,发现大量气泡从废弃井口冒出。第二次使用船载多波束在该孔完钻18个月后开展水体调查,发现水体中存在火焰状的高回波强度,表明水体中存在气体羽状流,指示海底发生了甲烷渗漏。地震剖面显示该站位水合物赋存层下伏游离气,甲烷渗漏可能是由于钻探打通了海底与该游离气层,形成了甲烷气体运移的优势通道,造成海底甲烷渗漏。多波束水体数据显示甲烷气泡从海底溢出,在海面以下约650m处消失,表明甲烷气体在通过水体的过程中被完全溶解,因此,钻探导致的甲烷渗漏对大气的影响较小。未来随着井壁的坍塌以及水合物在井内的形成,气体运移的优势通道将会完全关闭,甲烷渗漏终止。  相似文献   

在系统收集和分析南海海底冷泉资料基础上,应用浅剖和多波束水体影像技术识别海底冷泉,结合地质条件综合研究南海冷泉分布特征,进而分析探讨其油气地质意义。研究结果表明,南海冷泉分布广泛,神狐、东沙西南部、东沙东北部、琼东南、西沙海槽、南沙南部和越南沿岸等海域均发现冷泉,冷泉分布水深为200~3 000m。海底冷泉与深部油气乃至浅层天然气水合物资源有着密切的成因联系。冷泉及其伴生物(冷泉碳酸盐岩)的探测与识别对海洋油气勘探,尤其是天然气水合物勘查的指示作用明显。浅剖和多波束水体影像技术不仅可以探测和识别冷泉,而且两者结合可实现低成本、高效率的海底地质异常体(冷泉碳酸盐岩、泥底辟及气烟囱等)的声学异常探测,极大地提高了海洋油气勘探及天然气水合物勘查的成功率。  相似文献   

多波束水体数据对台西南盆地天然气水合物的揭示   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
在台西南盆地陆坡上进行了多波束测量,获取了海底地形数据和水体数据。对多波束数据进行处理,展示了多波束水体数据形成的声学水柱影像。研究表明:在台西南盆地天然气水合物富集区,多波束水柱影像异常,呈现羽状流特点,揭示了台西南盆地的天然气资源,多波束声呐系统为探测海底天然气水合物提供了精确高效的方法。  相似文献   

探测海底天气渗漏活动形成的甲烷羽状流,研究其基本特征和分布,具有重要的资源和环境效益。目前对于海底甲烷羽状流的声学探测主要以船载单波束和分裂波束声呐系统为主,而多波束声呐系统的声学图像分辨率较高,覆盖宽度较大,具有良好的应用前景。对于单个或少量甲烷羽状流气体运移通量的测算,多采用声学原位观测,即通过ROV携带声呐探头或在海底固定安装特定声呐系统的方式实现。对于某一海域海底天然气渗漏总量的测算,多采用走航式声学遥感观测,其核心是建立由甲烷羽状流体积反向散射强度反演其气体运移通量的模型。  相似文献   

浅表层水合物对于理解冷泉系统以及水合物对环境变化的响应非常重要。由于赋存位置较浅,且赋存的范围一般较小,目前尚缺乏探测浅表层水合物的系统方法。以南海珠江口盆地东部海域GMGS2-08站位为例,综合利用多个不同频率的数据刻画浅表层水合物的赋存。所用的数据包括多道地震数据(主频65Hz)、初次高频浅剖(22kHz)以及二次低频浅剖数据(4kHz)。多道地震上似海底反射(BSR)以不连续的方式出现,表明局部地层受到向上运移流体的扰动。在浅剖剖面上,识别出声空白、增强反射以及弱振幅海底等冷泉系统相关的特征。多道地震剖面上海底反射表现为两个非常接近的强反射轴(相距约16ms),这与正常的海底反射特征不一致。计算表明,海底反射中第2个强反射轴对应的界面深度大约在海底以下12m处。二次低频浅剖剖面上,气烟囱的顶部出现在海底以下大约13.5m处。考虑到计算中存在的误差,认为气烟囱的顶部对应了海底反射中第2个同相轴。此外,根据地震以及浅剖数据识别出的界面与浅表层水合物样品的深度(海底以下9~22m)以及声波测井曲线上高速异常的深度(海底以下9~22m)是一致的。综合利用多频率数据成像能够有效的刻画浅表层水合物的赋存,并能对其形成过程推测。  相似文献   

海底天然气渗漏是海洋环境中广泛分布的自然现象,在世界各大洋中都有发现。海底渗漏可以极大地改变海底地貌特征,形成多种与之相关的微地貌类型。海底渗漏和天然气水合物的赋存具有密切的关系,海底渗漏区常伴有埋藏浅、饱和度高的天然气水合物。对南海东北部陆坡海域浅地层剖面、多波束测深和地震反射剖面等资料进行综合研究,识别出海底麻坑、海底丘状体、大型海底圆丘、泥火山等与海底天然气渗漏有关的微地貌类型,且麻坑、海底丘状体/大型海底圆丘、泥火山微地貌分别代表了浅覆盖层快速天然气渗漏、浅覆盖层中等速度天然气渗漏和厚覆盖层快速天然气渗漏3种天然气渗漏模式。以海底丘状体微地貌及声空白反射特征的浅层天然气聚集带,成为块状水合物最理想的发育场所,这可能成为南海北部陆坡勘察块状水合物的重要识别标志。  相似文献   

南海东北部陆坡海底微地貌特征及其天然气渗透模式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
海底天然气渗漏是海洋环境中广泛分布的自然现象,在世界各大洋中都有发现。海底渗漏可以极大地改变海底地貌特征,形成多种与之相关的微地貌类型。海底渗漏和天然气水合物的赋存具有密切的关系,海底渗漏区常伴有埋藏浅、饱和度高的天然气水合物。对南海东北部陆坡海域浅地层剖面、多波束测探和地震反射剖面等资料进行综合研究,识别出海底麻坑、海底丘状体、大型海底圆丘、泥火山等与海底天然气渗漏有关的微地貌类型,且麻坑、海底丘状体/大型海底圆丘、泥火山微地貌分别代表了浅覆盖层快速天然气渗漏、浅覆盖层中等速度天然气渗漏和厚覆盖层快速天然气渗漏3种天然气渗漏模式。具有海底丘状体微地貌及声空白反射特征的浅层天然气聚集带,成为块状水合物最理想的发育场所,这可能称为南海北部陆坡勘察块状水合物的重要识别标志。  相似文献   

浅剖资料在南海北部东沙西南海域水合物调查中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
南海北部东沙海域陆坡已经被证实为天然气水合物前景分布区,浅地层剖面数据以其高效率采集过程和浅表层高分辨率的特点被国内外学者应用到天然气水合物调查中并取得了很多成果。以南海北部东沙西南海域的两条浅剖测线为例,分析了该区浅表层沉积物的声学特征,并在浅剖剖面上发现了浅层含气带以及气体泄露现象,初步推测为深部的天然气水合物分解后通过断层运移到浅层中形成了浅层含气带,部分浅层气体还通过泄露点喷射到海水中从而形成了剖面中的气体泄露现象。最后,进一步通过对研究区域的沉积及气源条件、温压条件、地质及生物证据的讨论,证实该区具有天然气水合物发育的基本条件,因此,可以证实上述浅剖资料解释中关于天然气水合物的推测。  相似文献   

东沙群岛西南海区泥火山的地球物理特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
多道反射地震和CHIRP浅地层剖面显示在南海东沙群岛西南陆坡和白云凹陷东部陆坡之间的深水(600~1 000m)陆坡上矗立着一系列高出周围海底50~100m的丘形地质体,其内部地层发生褶皱,反射波呈现杂乱和空白,海底声波屏蔽严重。浅地层剖面还显示丘状构造带有气体羽状构造,从海底进入水体高达50m。海底沉积取样分析表明,这些海丘区的表层分布着生物成因的致密碳酸盐结核。可以推断东沙西南的丘形地质体就是泥火山带,并且可能是一个重要的水合物潜在区。东沙西南海区泥火山表现出构造挤压和带状分布的特点,不同于南海北部神狐和九龙甲烷礁已发现水合物区的非泥火山,也不同于全球其他典型被动大陆边缘的泥火山特征,其构造成因和水合物潜力有待进一步研究。  相似文献   

To confirm the seabed fluid flow at the Haima cold seeps, an integrated study of multi-beam and seismic data reveals the morphology and fate of four bubble plumes and investigates the detailed subsurface structure of the active seepage area. The shapes of bubble plumes are not constant and influenced by the northeastward bottom currents, but the water depth where these bubble plumes disappear (630–650 m below the sea level) (mbsl) is very close to the upper limit of the gas hydrate stability zone in the water column (620 m below the sea level), as calculated from the CTD data within the study area, supporting the “hydrate skin” hypothesis. Gas chimneys directly below the bottom simulating reflectors, found at most sites, are speculated as essential pathways for both thermogenic gas and biogenic gas migrating from deep formations to the gas hydrate stability zone. The fracture network on the top of the basement uplift may be heavily gas-charged, which accounts for the chimney with several kilometers in diameter (beneath Plumes B and C). The much smaller gas chimney (beneath Plume D) may stem from gas saturated localized strong permeability zone. High-resolution seismic profiles reveal pipe-like structures, characterized by stacked localized amplitude anomalies, just beneath all the plumes, which act as the fluid conduits conveying gas from the gas hydrate-bearing sediments to the seafloor, feeding the gas plumes. The differences between these pipe-like structures indicate the dynamic process of gas seepage, which may be controlled by the build-up and dissipation of pore pressure. The 3D seismic data show high saturated gas hydrates with high RMS amplitude tend to cluster on the periphery of the gas chimney. Understanding the fluid migration and hydrate accumulation pattern of the Haima cold seeps can aid in the further exploration and study on the dynamic gas hydrate system in the South China Sea.  相似文献   

First direct evidence for ongoing gas seepage activity on the abandoned well site 22/4b (Northern North Sea, 57°55′ N, 01°38′ E) and discovery of neighboring seepage activity is provided from observations since 2005. A manned submersible dive in 2006 discovered several extraordinary intense seepage sites within a 60 m wide and 20 m deep crater cut into the flat 96 m deep seafloor. Capture and (isotope) chemical analyses of the gas bubbles near the seafloor revealed in situ concentrations of methane between 88 and 90%Vol. with δ13C–CH4 values around −74‰ VPDB, indicating a biogenic origin. Bulk methane concentrations throughout the water column were assessed by 120 Niskin water samples showing up to 400.000 nM CH4 in the crater at depth. In contrast, concentrations above the thermocline were orders of magnitude lower, with a median value of 20 nM. A dye tracer injection into the gas seeps revealed upwelling bubble and water motion with gas plume rise velocities up to ∼1 ms−1 (determined near the seabed). However, the dissolved dye did not pass the thermocline, but returned down to the seabed. Measurements of direct bubble-mediated atmospheric flux revealed low values of 0.7 ± 0.3 kty−1, much less than current state-of-the-art bubble dissolution models would predict for such a strong and upwelling in situ gas bubble flux at shallow water depths (i.e. ∼100 m).Acoustic multibeam water column imaging data indicate a pronounced 200 m lateral intrusion at the thermocline together with high methane concentration at this layer. A partly downward-orientated bubble plume motion is also visible in the acoustic data with potential short-circuiting in accordance to the dye experiment. This observation could partly explain the observed trapping of most of the released gas below the well-established thermocline in the North Sea. Moreover, 3D analyses of the multibeam water column data reveal that the upwelling plume transforms into a spiral expanding vortex while rising through the water column. Such a spiral vortex motion has never been reported before for marine gas seepage and might represent an important process with strong implication on plume dynamics, dissolution behavior, gas escape to the atmosphere, and is considered very important for respective modeling approaches.  相似文献   

A combined high resolution seismic, sub-bottom profiling, and multi-beam echo-sounding survey in the Skagerrak (Danish sector of the North Sea) together with gas analyses at a station along the profile exhibit the expulsion of gas (mainly methane) and the presence of gas-charged sediments at shallow depth. The echo-soundings yield detailed insight into the distribution and shape of typical sea-floor features associated with gas seepage, such as pockmarks. The pockmarks reach dimensions of 800 m in length, 300 m in width, and 15 m in depth, with the long axis running parallel to the slope of the Norwegian Trench. Processing of the multi-channel high resolution seismic data and the digitally recorded sub-bottom profiler signals indicate an internal compressional velocity of about 1050 m s-1 within the gas-charged sediments reaching from the sea-floor to a sub-bottom depth of about 23 m. Using the lateral distribution and thickness of the gas-charged sediments in conjunction with a mean concentration of gas of 3000 ppb, the present amount of trapped gas is estimated to be 6·45 × 1011 g CH4. The flux of methane through the sea-bed into the water column appears to be 7·2 × 1010 g CH4 per year. To explain the small difference in size between the methane pool in near-surface sediments and the annual flux through the sea-bed, a constantly high supply of methane from leaking hydrocarbon reservoirs at greater depths has to be active.  相似文献   

北黄海长山群岛外海底环状微洼地地貌特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
得益于多波束测深系统对海底精细地形特征的展现能力,2011年在长山群岛南侧进行的多波束水深调查中一种特殊的环状微洼地地貌引起了调查人员的注意,该地貌形态与以往报道的海底侵蚀坑槽和洼地有很大的不同,且成群密集分布。本文依据多波束调查数据对环状微洼地的具体形态和地貌特征进行了详细描述,将环状微洼地分为3种不同的类型,并利用地形地貌分析手段,结合收集的地质环境资料对该地貌的成因进行探讨,认为该地貌形态应与海底浅层气体或油气泄漏有关,且后期受到水动力的改造。  相似文献   

Natural gas seepages occur on the United Kingdom's continental shelf and although published reports suggest that they are very rare, the petroleum industry has identified, but not publicly reported, many more. There is also very little data on the flux of gas from seabed seepages, and even less on the contribution of seepages to atmospheric concentrations of gases such as methane.

Potential gas source rocks include Quaternary and Tertiary peats as well as petroliferous source rocks such as the Carboniferous Coal Measures and the Upper Jurassic Kimmeridge Clays. There are also other organic-rich sediments which are potential source rocks. Together these cover a considerable part of the U.K. continental shelf.

Analogue seismic reflection (pinger) profiles acquired during the British Geological Survey's regional mapping programme have been reviewed to identify water column targets including fish and plumes of gas bubbles. The ability to distinguish targets is critical to an assessment of the distribution of gas seepages. Both theoretical predictions of target identity and the habits of shoaling fish have been investigated in order to identify a method of distinction.

Data from seabed seepages and measurements of seepage rates have been used to establish likely ranges of gas flux rates and the sizes of gas bubbles. The likelihood that a rising bubble will survive and escape into the atmosphere is determined primarily by bubble size and water depth; methane, the principal constituent of seepage gas, is relatively unreactive and sparingly soluble.

The studies have enabled a new estimate of the distribution of gas seepages on the U.K. continental shelf, and of the contribution to atmospheric methane levels. The results suggest that natural gas seepages are significantly more important as a source of methane than had hitherto been established. It is estimated that between 120,000 and 3.5 mtonnes of methane per year come from a continental shelf area of about 600,000 km2. This represents between 2% and 40% of the total United Kingdom methane emission. It is suggested that similar contributions arise from other continental shelf areas worldwide, and that geological sources of atmospheric methane are more significant than is generally acknowledged.  相似文献   

Gas seepage, pockmarks and mud volcanoes in the near shore of SW Taiwan   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In order to understand gas hydrate related seafloor features in the near shore area off SW Taiwan, a deep-towed sidescan sonar and sub-bottom profiler survey was conducted in 2007. Three profiles of high-resolution sub-bottom profiler reveal the existence of five gas seeps (G96, GS1, GS2, GS3 and GS4) and one pockmark (PM) in the study area. Gas seeps and pockmark PM are shown in lines A and C, while no gas venting feature is observed along line B. This is the first time that a gas-hydrate related pockmark structure has been imaged off SW Taiwan. The relatively high backscatter intensity in our sidescan sonar images indicates the existence of authigenic carbonates or chemosynthetic communities on the seafloor. More than 2,000 seafloor photos obtained by a deep-towed camera (TowCam) system confirm the relatively high backscatter intensity of sidescan sonar images related to bacteria mats and authigenic carbonates formation at gas seep G96 and pockmark PM areas. Water column gas flares are observed in sidescan sonar images along lines A and C. Likewise, EK500 echo sounder images display the gas plumes above gas seep G96, pockmark PM and gas seep GS1; the gas plumes heights reach about 150, 100 and 20 m from seafloor, respectively. Based on multichannel seismic reflection (MCS) profiles, an anticline structure trending NNE-SSW is found beneath gas seep G96, pockmark PM and gas seep GS2. It implies that the gas venting features are related to the anticline structure. A thermal fluid may migrate from the anticline structure to the ridge crest, then rises up to the seafloor along faults or fissures. The seafloor characteristics indicate that the gas seep G96 area may be in a transitional stage from the first to second stage of a gas seep self-sealing process, while the pockmark PM area is from the second to final stage. In the pockmark PM area, gas venting is observed at eastern flank but not at the bottom while authigenic carbonates are present underneath the pockmark. It implies that the fluid migration pathways could have been clogged by carbonates at the bottom and the current pathway has shifted to the eastern flank of the pockmark during the gas seep self-sealing process.  相似文献   

The Dongsha Basin, circling Dongsha Island that is amid the northern margin of the South China Sea, is characterized by thin (∼0.5 km) Cenozoic sediments veneering on thick (up to 5 km) Mesozoic strata. Recently, several geophysical and geological surveys, including multiple channel reflection seismic, sub-bottom profiling and benthic dredging, have been conducted on the slope southwest to the Dongsha Island, where the water depth varies from 400 m to 2000 m. A novel discovery is numerous submarine mud volcanoes of various sizes over there, typically 50–200 m high and 0.5–5 km wide. Geophysical profiles document their unusual features, e.g., roughly undulating seafloor, high-amplitude seabed reflectivity, foggy hyperbolic diffractions up to 50 m in water column above seabed, and internal reflection chaos and wipe-out down to 2–3 km level or deeper below the seabed. Benthic dredging from the mud volcanoes gives abundant faunas of high diversity, e.g., scleractinian (stony coral), gorgonian, black coral, thiophil tubeworm, glass sponge, bryozoan etc., indicating booming chemosynthetic community, among which the Lophelia pertusa-like coral and the Euretidae-like glass sponges are the first reports in the South China Sea. Concomitantly with them, there are also abundant authigenic carbonate nodules and slabs, raw, brecciated and breccias with bio-clasts congregation. Besides, there coexist massive mudflows and allogenic coarse-grained quartz, feldspar and tourmaline most likely brought out by mud volcanism. Geochemical analysis of the bottom water samples give dissolved methane concentration up to 4 times higher than the background average. These results lend comprehensive evidences for the ongoing and historical mud volcanism. The escaping methane gas is inferred to source mainly from the Mesozoic strata. Occupying a large province of the deep water slope, ca. 1000 km2 or more, the mud volcanoes is prospective for gas hydrate and natural gas for the Dongsha Basin.  相似文献   

The amount of methane leaked from deep sea cold seeps is enormous and potentially affects the global warming,ocean acidification and global carbon cycle. It is of great significance to study the methane bubble movement and dissolution process in the water column and its output to the atmosphere. Methane bubbles produce strong acoustic impedance in water bodies, and bubble strings released from deep sea cold seeps are called "gas flares"which expressed as flame-like strong backscatter in the water column. We characterized the morphology and movement of methane bubbles released into the water using multibeam water column data at two cold seeps. The result shows that methane at site I reached 920 m water depth without passing through the top of the gas hydrate stability zone(GHSZ, 850 m), while methane bubbles at site II passed through the top of the GHSZ(597 m) and entered the non-GHSZ(above 550 m). By applying two methods on the multibeam data, the bubble rising velocity in the water column at sites I and II were estimated to be 9.6 cm/s and 24 cm/s, respectively. Bubble velocity is positively associated with water depth which is inferred to be resulted from decrease of bubble size during methane ascending in the water. Combined with numerical simulation, we concluded that formation of gas hydrate shells plays an important role in helping methane bubbles entering the upper water bodies, while other factors, including water depth, bubble velocity, initial kinetic energy and bubble size, also influence the bubble residence time in the water and the possibility of methane entering the atmosphere. We estimate that methane gas flux at these two sites is 0.4×10~6–87.6×10~6 mol/a which is extremely small compared to the total amount of methane in the ocean body, however, methane leakage might exert significant impact on the ocean acidification considering the widespread distributed cold seeps. In addition, although methane entering the atmosphere is not observed, further research is still needed to understand its potential impact on increasing methane concentration in the surface seawater and gas-water interface methane exchange rate, which consequently increase the greenhouse effect.  相似文献   

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