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基于对具有高精度水下定位功能的载人潜水器“蛟龙号”近海底观测视像资料数据的分析研究,本文首次报道了维嘉平顶海山山顶平台凸起区域、顶坡过渡带以及斜坡上部地形单元内的富钴结壳分布特征,对我国富钴结壳资源勘查评价具有重要意义。研究表明:(1)不同地形单元发育的富钴结壳具有明显不同的分布特征;(2)山顶平台凸起区发育有连续分布的富钴结壳,可作为我国富钴结壳资源勘查工作的关注区;(3)顶坡过渡带—斜坡上部区域发育有连续分布的富钴结壳,然而往往被白色波纹状沉积物隔成数段;(4)顶坡过渡带钴结核发育较少,与马尔库斯—威克海山群平顶海山存在明显的不同。  相似文献   

文章通过对采自太平洋海域不同海山上68个结壳样品中Te元素地球化学特征的研究,探讨了富钴结壳中控制Te元素富集的古海洋氧化还原环境及其富集机制。分析表明,太平洋海域中大多数结壳的w(Te)变化于13.4×10-6~115.8×10-6,平均50×10-6,是海水w(Te)的109倍;结壳中w(Te)与Mn/Fe比值呈正相关,相关系数为0.51;与Fe呈负相关,相关系数为-0.61,显示结壳中Te与Co有类似的地球化学特征。古海水氧化还原环境的改变是控制结壳中Te元素含量变化的重要因素;能反映古海水氧化还原环境的Ce异常与结壳中Te含量基本呈同步变化趋势,Te含量具有随古海水氧化程度减弱而降低的特征。结壳中Te元素的富集主要受控于其内的Mn/Fe比值。Te元素的富集机制除被海水中带微弱正电荷的FeOOH胶体以库伦静电吸附外,还可能与δ-MnO2表面上以一种表面络合物方式的富集机制有关。Te进入结壳的存在形式及其在不同古海洋环境中的富集机制还有待进一步研究和探讨。  相似文献   

大洋富钴结壳资源调查与研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
富钴结壳是继多金属结核资源之后被发现的又一深海沉积固体矿产资源,在太平洋、大西洋和印度洋的海底均有分布。据估算,全球三大洋海山富钴结壳干结壳资源量为(1081.1661~2162.3322)×108t。世界各国对富钴结壳的调查始于20世纪80年代初,截至目前,已有日本、中国、俄罗斯和巴西等4个国家与国际海底管理局签订了富钴结壳勘探合同,而韩国的矿区申请也于2016年获得核准。富钴结壳按形态可分为板状结壳,砾状结壳和钴结核3种类型。富钴结壳内部结构构造在宏观上通常表现为三层构造,即底部亮煤层、中部疏松层和顶部较致密层;在微观下主要表现为柱状构造、叠层构造、斑块状构造、纹层状构造等多种类型。富钴结壳的矿物成分主要为自生的铁锰矿物,包括水羟锰矿、钡镁锰矿、羟铁矿、四方纤铁矿、六方纤铁矿、针铁矿等。富钴结壳富含Mn、Fe、Co、Ni、Cu、Pb、Zn等金属元素以及稀土元素和铂族元素,其中Co含量尤为显著。三大洋中,以太平洋富钴结壳的Co平均含量最高。富钴结壳的生长过程极其缓慢,平均仅几毫米每百万年。研究表明,西太平洋富钴结壳最早于始新世-早中新世开始生长。目前通常认为富钴结壳为水成成因,即Co、Fe、Mn等金属元素来源于海水。此外,有研究表明微生物在富钴结壳的形成过程中也起着非常重要的作用。富钴结壳的分布及特征受地形、水深、基岩类型、海水水文化学特征、经纬度等多种因素的影响,其主要分布于碳酸盐补偿深度以上、最低含氧带以下、水深800~2500 m的海山、岛屿斜坡和海底高地上,西、中太平洋海山区被认为是全球富钴结壳的最主要产出区。  相似文献   

西太平洋富钴结壳的分布、组分及元素地球化学   总被引:31,自引:2,他引:29  
本文以富钴结壳的研究意义,趋势、西太平洋的地区域地质特征为背景,较为详细地阐述了西太平洋富钴结壳的区域分布特征、局部富集规律及其在水下平顶海山上的产出形态;论述了富钴结壳的物质组分,探讨了其含量变化与古海洋环境的关系;研究了富钴结壳的化学成分特征及其在空间上的变化规律,指出西太平洋富钴结壳成矿的良好前景,这对进一步开展富钴结壳成矿规律以及找矿勘探都有重要指导意义。  相似文献   

文章通过对采自太平洋海域不同海山上68个结壳样品中Te元素地球化学特征的研究,探讨了富钴结壳中控制Te元素富集的古海洋氧化还原环境及其富集机制。分析表明,太平洋海域中大多数结壳的w(Te)变化于13.4×10-6~115.8×10-6,平均50×10-6,是海水w(Te)的109倍;结壳中w(Te)与Mn/Fe比值呈正相关,相关系数为0.51;与Fe呈负相关,相关系数为-0.61,显示结壳中Te与Co有类似的地球化学特征。古海水氧化还原环境的改变是控制结壳中Te元素含量变化的重要因素;能反映古海水氧化还原环境的Ce异常与结壳中Te含量基本呈同步变化趋势,Te含量具有随古海水氧化程度减弱而降低的特征。结壳中Te元素的富集主要受控于其内的Mn/Fe比值。Te元素的富集机制除被海水中带微弱正电荷的FeOOH胶体以库伦静电吸附外,还可能与δ-MnO2表面上以一种表面络合物方式的富集机制有关。Te进入结壳的存在形式及其在不同古海洋环境中的富集机制还有待进一步研究和探讨。  相似文献   

<正>中西太平洋海山是富钴结壳广泛分布的区域,大量文献报道了该区域富钴结壳中稀土元素特征。富钴结壳中稀土元素含量受控因素较多,其中磷酸盐化作用是影响富钴结壳中稀土元素含量的重要因素之一(王吉中,2005)。稀土元素Ce、REE3+和Y在富钴结壳中富集特征也不同。因此,未对富钴结壳及稀土元素进行分类,而简单的对其稀土元素总量取平均值进行比较,很难准确地反映不同海区内富钴结壳中稀土元素的  相似文献   

为了探讨富钴结壳的稀土和铂族元素是否有相似的形成机制,对西太平洋海山富钴结壳稀土和铂族元素进行了类比研究.结果表明:富钴结壳的∑REY范围为1 433.7×10-6~2 888.0×10-6,其中Ce占到近50%,北美页岩标准化后显示较平坦的稀土模式和显著的Ce正异常特征.根据稀土配分模式及已有的Nd同位素结果,富钴结壳具有亲陆壳属性.富钴结壳具有极高的Pt (115.5×10-9~1 132.0×10-9)、(Pt/Pd)N和 (Pt/Os)N值,Ir与Pt及Rh与Pt显示良好相关性.经球粒陨石标准化后显示较一致PGE (platinum-group elements) 配分模式,从Os到Pt逐渐富集,Pd元素强烈亏损.已有的Os同位素研究结果显示物源在地质历史时期从幔源属性向陆源属性变化,但富钴结壳PGE元素内部相对含量仍在一定程度上保持稳定.研究认为:富钴结壳对海水中的稀土清扫具有选择性,Ce的正异常恰恰是结壳对海水稀土中Ce的优先选择造成的,从而导致海水亏损Ce.然而海水中Ce的亏损并未改变新形成富钴结壳的稀土模式,原因是在海洋中存在适量的具有亏损Ce特征的磷酸盐等组分,理论上只需要氧化物类稀土与磷酸盐类稀土消耗的稀土与海水中的补给平衡即可.只是在相关过程中,海洋中氧化物类对稀土的选择更具有主动性,而磷酸盐类表现更多的继承关系.尽管Os同位素显示物源供给发生变化,然而富钴结壳PGE模式相对稳定.因此富钴结壳PGE模式同样可以用富钴结壳对PGE的选择性吸收解释,因富钴结壳优先选择Pt与Ir以及相对排斥Pd和Os,形成了现有独特的PGE模式.   相似文献   

东太平洋CC区多金属结核铂族元素(PGE)地球化学及其意义   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:12  
文章采用火试金分离富集法和等离子发射光谱(ICP_MS)测定了东太平洋CC区多金属结核中PGE和Au元素的含量,结果显示:结核中PGE相对于洋壳明显富集,尤其是Pt含量较高,wPt平均值为100.90×10-9。各种类型的多金属结核PGE和Au的球粒陨石配分曲线及有关参数非常一致,均表现为Pt正异常和Pd负异常,显示其中PGE和Au具有相似的来源。多金属结核与海底海山富钴结壳PGE配分模式及特征元素比值对比表明,两者PGE可能具有相同的来源,可能主要来源于海底玄武岩的水岩反应,部分来源于铁陨石,而并非主要来自海底热液及正常海水。  相似文献   

中太平洋海山富钴结壳生长习性及控制因素   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:15  
通过对"大洋一号"调查船DY95-10、DY105-11、DY105-12等航次结壳样品和海底摄像照相资料等综合观测分析,从不同角度对中太平洋海山富钴结壳的生长习性及控制因素进行了初步探讨.结果表明,富钴结壳可以在海山区的各种岩石上生长发育,对岩性没有明显的选择性,载壳岩石类型统计结果与岩石类型区域上的分布不均衡有关,而与岩性本身并没有必然的联系.结壳生长的厚度除受载壳岩石形成年代、物化环境影响外,与其所经受构造活动的强度和频率也有密切联系.水深可能对结壳的生长发育具有一定的控制作用,但由于海山在结壳生长后存在移动和升降运动,因此现在海山上的结壳并不存在截然的水深界限.地形对富钴结壳覆盖率、产状、形态具有明显的控制作用,海山坡度太缓、太陡均不利于结壳的生长发育;在海山坡度较大处生长的结壳多呈平板状,而在坡度较小处生长的结壳多呈波纹状或枕状;海山的斜坡上生长的多为板状结壳,而在平坦低洼处则有利于砾状结壳、钴结核的生长发育.  相似文献   

潘家华  刘淑琴  李波  王高尚 《矿床地质》1998,17(Z4):757-760
通过对西太平洋某区水下海山上富钴结壳的类型、物质组分、主要成矿元素地球化学特征及其在空间分布规律的首次初步研究,阐述古地质、古地球化学、古海洋环境对富钴结壳形成富集的影响,对进一步开展工作和找矿勘探有重要指导意义。  相似文献   

西秦岭寒武系层控金矿床中成矿元素富集规律   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
产于西秦岭南亚带寒武系硅岩建造中的金矿床, 是我国境内发现的一种与海底喷流作用有关的、具有独特地质特征的层控金矿床。成矿元素富集规律研究表明, 矿床中富集的元素种类十分丰富, 不仅含有具基性、超基性特征的元素群, 而且含有具酸性特征的元素群, 元素组合相当复杂。除Au 外, Cu、U、Mo、Sb、V、Zn等在局部地段亦可圈出独立的矿体。尤为重要的是, 矿床中铂族元素(PGE)、分散元素(Se、In) 的富集程度达到了综合利用的程度, 从而构成特殊的Au-Cu-U-Mo-Se-PGE建造矿床。  相似文献   

自20世纪50年代河南滦川钼(钨)矿床的发现,经几十年勘查研究和对区域水沉积物测量的资料分析,各构造单元元素丰度、富集系数和富集分布特征表明,区内富集元素为Mo、W、Au、Ag、Pb、Cu、Bi,尤其是Mo、W是区内重要的成矿元素处于中朝板块南缘的东秦岭—大别山钼(钨)矿带,是我国重要的钼(钨)矿带之一。研究表明,主要钼矿床属斑岩型,其次为矽卡岩型、脉型。成因多与中生代花岗质斑岩有关。文章着重对大别地区矿化中酸性小岩体地球化学特征进行讨论,以期为在该区普查找矿起到借鉴作用。  相似文献   

The geochemistry of trace elements in the underground and open-pit mine of the Goze Delchev subbituminous coal deposit have been studied. The coals in both mines are highly enriched in W, Ge and Be, and at less extent in As, Mn and Y as compared with the world-wide Clarkes for subbituminous coals. Ni and Ti are also enhanced in the underground coals, and Zr, Cr and Mo in the open-pit mine coals.Characteristic for the trace element contents in the deposit is a regular variation with depth. The following patterns were distinguished for profile I: a — the element content decreases from the bottom to the top of the bed paralleling ash distribution (Fe, Co, As, Sb, V, Y, Mo, Cs, REE, Hf, Ta, Th, P and Au); b — Ge and W are enriched in the near-bottom and near-top coals; c — in the middle part of the bed the content of K and Rb is maximal, while that of U is slightly enriched; d — Ba content decreases from the top to the bottom of the bed. In profile II, W and Be contents decrease from the bottom to the top. The near-bottom, and especially the near-roof samples of profile IV are highly enriched in Ge, while for W the highest is the content of the near-bottom sample.Ge, Be, As, Mn, Cl and Br are mainly organically associated. The organic affiliation is still strong for Co, B, Sr, Ba, Sb, U, Th, Mo, La, Ce, Sm, Tb and Yb in the underground coals, and Fe, Co, Na, W, Sr, Y and Ag in the coals from the open-pit mine. K, Rb, Ti, Zr, Hf and Ta are of dominant inorganic affinity. The chalcophile and siderophile elements correlate positively with Fe and each other and may be bound partly with pyrite or other sulphides and iron containing minerals.Compared statistically by the t-criteria, the elements Na, Li, Cu, Zn, Pb, Cr, Ni, Co, Mo, Fe and Be are of higher content in the open-pit mine. Tungsten is the only element of higher concentration in the underground mine. The contents of Ge, As, Sr, V, Mn, Y, Zr and P are not statistically different in both mines.It was supposed that there were multiple sources of the trace elements in the deposit. The source of the highly enriched elements (W, Ge, Be, and As) most probably were the thermal waters in the source area. The contemporary mineral springs are of high content of these elements. Another source were the hosting Mesta volcanic rocks, which are enriched in Sb, Mo, Hf, U, Th, As, Li and Rb. Some of the volcanics were hydrothermally altered and enriched or depleted of many elements. Thus, the hydrothermal solutions were also suppliers of elements for the coals. It is obvious that the contents, distribution and paragenesis, of the trace elements in both Goze Delchev coals reflect the geochemical specialization of the source area, including rocks, paleo- and contemporary thermal waters.  相似文献   

This paper presents abundances of major and trace elements of apatites in granitic rocks associated with different types of ore deposits in Central Kazakhstan on the basis of electron probe microanalysis and laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Our results demonstrate that the concentrations and ratios of elements in apatites from different granitoid rocks show distinct features, and are sensitive to magma evolution, petrogenetic and metallogenetic processes. Apatites in the rocks associated with Mo‐W deposits have high content of F and MnO, low content of Cl, which may be indicative of sedimentary sources, while apatites from a Pb‐Zn deposit show relatively high content of Cl and low F content, which possibly suggest a high water content. In these apatites, Sr contents decrease, while Mn and Y contents increase with magma evolution. This relationship reflects that these elements in apatites are related with the degree of magmatic differentiation. Four types of REE patterns in apatites are identified. Type 1 character of highest (La/Yb)N in apatites of Aktogai porphyry Cu‐Mo deposit, Sayak‐I skarn Cu deposit and Akzhal skarn Pb‐Zn depposit is likely produced by the crystallization of heavy REE‐enriched minerals. Type 2 character of upward‐convex light REE in apatite of Aktogai porphyries likely results from La‐enriched mineral crystallization. Type 3 feature of Nd depletion in apatites of East Kounrad and Zhanet deposits both from Mo‐W deposits primarily inherits the character of host‐rock. Type 4 apatites of Aktogai deposit and Akshatau W‐Mo deposit with wide range of REE contents may suggest that apatites crystallize under a wide temperature range. Three types of apatite with distinct redox states are identified based on Eu anomaly. The Aktogai apatite with slight negative Eu anomaly displays the most oxidized state of the magma, and the apatites of other samples at Aktogai, East Kounrad and Akzhal with moderate negative Eu anomaly show moderate oxidizing condition of these rocks, while the remaining apatites with strong En anomaly indicate a moderate reductive state of these rocks.  相似文献   

Six peat samples obtained from the Holocene and the Weichselian of the Philippi peat deposit, eastern Macedonia, Greece, were analyzed for 48 trace elements by Inductively Coupled Plasma–Mass Spectrometry (ICP–MS). The ash contents of these samples were also determined. Most of the trace elements are associated with the minerals in the peat, while Ge, Mo, Pb, Se, Ta, Tl, U, and W display a greater affinity with the organic matter. Compared with crustal averages (Clarke concentrations), the Philippi peat is enriched in some elements (Ag, As, Au, Cd, Mo, Se, Te, U, and W) because of the respective mineralizations in the area. The Philippi peat is also enriched in Cr, Cu, Mo, Pb, Sc, Sn, T, V, Y, and Zn in comparison with typical fen peats, as well as in As, Cr, Mo, Se, and U in comparison with typical coals. Climatic and hydrogeological conditions strongly influenced the peat-forming environment resulting in a differentiation between Holocene and Weichselian peat. Generally, the Holocene peat contains lower concentrations of trace elements in the northern and southern part of the fen, than the Weichselian one. The opposite trend is observed in the fen area close to the western basin margins.  相似文献   

The Harlik metallogenic belt is a favorable area for polymetallic mineralization of Cu,Au, W, Sn, Mo, Fe, Mn, Ni and Co. In order to further study the ore-bearing properties of each stratum in the metallogenic belt, based on the 1:50 000 stream sediment measurements in Hami area of Tianshan Mountains, the authors analyzed the characteristic parameters, distribution and evolution of 17 elements, and the ore-bearing properties of 7 stratigraphic units. The results show that Au, Sb and Bi are of extremely uneven distribution (Cv≥1.5), and As, Hg and W are of uneven distribution (1.5>Cv≥1.0). There are four distribution types of elements in the region: symmetry, positive bias, negative bias and bimodal. The concentration coefficients of these elements and oxides show a wavy and tortuous change in each stratigraphic unit. Iron group elements are mainly enriched in Daliugou Formation and Tousuquan Formation. Tungsten and molybdenum group elements are mainly enriched in Tousuquan Formation. Au is mainly enriched in Daliugou Formation and Dananhu Formation. Au, Cu, W, Bi, Fe, Mn and Zn are the dominant mineral resources in the study area after comprehensive analysis. And the main mineralizing elements are Au, Cu and Fe, and their optimum enrichment age is Ordovician, followed by Devonian. The Daliugou Formation of Ordovician is the main ore-bearing stratum.  相似文献   

哈尔里克成矿带属铜、金、钨、锡、钼、铁、锰、镍、钴多金属成矿有利地段。为进一步研究成矿带内各地层的含矿性,以天山哈密地区1:5万水系沉积物测量为基础,分析了17种元素及氧化物的特征参数、分布规律及演化特征,对7个地层单元的含矿性进行了分析。结果显示: 哈尔里克地区Au、Sb、Bi呈极不均匀分布(变异系数Cv≥1.5),As、Hg、W为不均匀分布(1.0≤Cv<1.5); 区内元素有对称、正偏、负偏和双峰4种分布类型。各地层单元元素及氧化物浓集系数均表现为波浪形曲折变化。铁族元素主要富集于大柳沟组和头苏泉组; 钨、钼族元素主要富集于头苏泉组; Au主要富集在大柳沟组、大南湖组; 综合分析认为Au、Cu、W、Bi、Fe、Mn、Zn为研究区优势矿种,主成矿元素为Au、Cu、Fe,最佳富集地质时代为奥陶纪,泥盆纪次之,奥陶系大柳沟组为主要含矿地层。  相似文献   

新疆富蕴县希勒库都克钼铜矿床地球化学特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对希勒库都克钼铜矿床的矿床地质、矿区地层、岩浆岩微量元素含量特征进行研究,认为下石炭统南明水组上亚组地层富集成矿元素,为矿区的主要含矿层位,该地层中强蚀变砂岩、凝灰质粉砂岩的成矿元素含量较高,为矿区的主要赋矿围岩。岩浆岩中成矿元素及主要伴生元素的含量特征显示,海西中晚期侵入的花岗闪长岩、花岗闪长斑岩和闪长斑岩(玢岩)与成矿作用密切,可能直接或间接提供了成矿物质来源。矿床在水平和垂直方向上均具有良好的分带特征,水平上由矿床中心向外呈现Mo、Cu(Au)、→V、Ti、Co、Cr、Ni、Mn、As、Sb、Hg、W、Sn、Bi→Ag、Zn、B、F的分带特征,垂向上自上而下呈现F、B、As(Cr、Ni)→Au、Cu、W(Mo、V、Co、Bi)→Mn(Au、V、Bi、Mo)的分带特征,对指导找矿具有一定意义。  相似文献   

The first systematic analyses of the trace and rare earth element (REE) distribution in uraninite from various gold-bearing conglomerates of the Mesoarchaean Central Rand Group in South Africa’s Witwatersrand Basin by in situ laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry confirms a placer origin for the uraninite and a magmatogenic provenance thereof. The chemistry of commonly rounded to sub-rounded uraninite is highly variable from grain to grain but generally marked by elevated Th, W, Bi, Mo, Ta, Y, REE contents and unusually high Au concentrations. Especially, the high Th contents and the chondrite-normalised REE patterns are incompatible with post-sedimentary hydrothermal genetic models for the U mineralisation and point to derivation of the detrital uraninite from a high-temperature, magmatogenic, presumably granitic to pegmatitic source. The elevated Au concentrations (of as much as 67 ppm) in this uraninite are unique to the Witwatersrand and hint at a granitic hinterland that was enriched in both U and Au, thus presenting a potential source domain for some of the detrital gold in the Witwatersrand conglomerates. Minute fracture fills of brannerite in close proximity to the larger, rounded uraninite grains are devoid of detectable Bi, Mo, REE and Au and have only very low concentrations of Th, W, Ta and Y. This is explicable by crystallisation from a low-temperature hydrothermal fluid. Thus, Witwatersrand U phases show, analogous to many other ore constituents, such as pyrite and gold, clear evidence of partial, short-range mobilisation of originally detrital particles by post-sedimentary fluids.  相似文献   

This paper presents a review of the genetic types and geochemical processes that have formed ‘metalliferous’ coals around the world. Primary attention is given to elements in coal that are currently being extracted from coal as raw material (Ge and U) or have, in our opinion, the best chance for such use (REE, Ag, Au, and PGE). Coals with anomalously high concentrations of other metals having potential for economic by-product recovery (Be, Sc, V, Ga, Sb, Cs, Mo, W, and Re) are briefly considered. Original data and a survey of the literature indicate that metalliferous coals are in many coal basins. Ore formation in coal-bearing structures may occur during peat accumulation, during diagenesis of the organic matter, or by epigenesis. Various metals are supplied to sedimentary basins as minerals that are transported by water and wind or as ionic species in surface water and descending and ascending underground water and may be incorporated into peat or coals. The modes of occurrence of metals in the enriched coals are diverse. The data presented in this review indicates that metalliferous coals should be regarded as promising for economic recovery for by-products in the course of coal mining and combustion.  相似文献   

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