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生物多样性为煤矿区生态系统提供了诸多生态系统功能和服务,对改善矿区环境、矿区可持续发展有着重要的作用和意义。从煤矿开采—损毁—复垦全过程出发,介绍了开采前生物多样性保护规划与生物多样性调查、监测、评价技术;阐述了煤矿开采、运营阶段,保护表土资源中土壤种子库、土壤动物、生物土壤结皮以及边采边复的优化开采技术等生物多样性保护的主要内容与技术;分析了煤矿复垦阶段影响生物多样性恢复的关键因素,论述了煤矿复垦生物多样性恢复中土壤改良、植被重建的主要进展;最后提出了未来煤矿区生物多样性保护、恢复研究的发展方向,以期为我国煤矿复垦生物多样性保护与恢复提供科学参考。  相似文献   

生物多样性信息学及其在地质学研究中的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对生物多样性信息学做了简要介绍,并说明了其在生物学与地质学交叉领域研究中的应用现状,指出了生物多样性信息学发展过程中存在的困难及其在地质学研究中的应用前景.生物多样性信息学在生物多样性信息数据库和生物多样性信息处理程序2方面取得了很大的进展,而古生物学、生物与环境协同演化、地质生态学等研究领域的一些课题已经应用了生物多样性信息学的成果.  相似文献   

为研究矿山开采及修复过程中如何开展生物多样性管理,本文借鉴IUCN(世界自然保护联盟)发布的《矿山生物多样性管理系列指南》成果,将相关理论和方法应用到广东大宝山矿生态修复实践中。文章在介绍IUCN的“综合生物多样性管理体系”方法主要内容的基础上,将其作为大宝山矿实施生态修复依据,阐述了该管理体系在矿山生态修复工程中的应用,并结合广东大宝山矿的实际情况,提出了大宝山矿生物多样性管理的保护与修复框架,包括全周期的生物多样性管理手段,重点阐述大宝山矿生物多样性调查与监测、评价、保护与受损控制及恢复的技术方案,最后分析了对中国矿山生物多样性保护和修复的启示,IUCN矿山生物多样性管理系列指南对于指导我国矿山生态修复具有重要作用。  相似文献   

国际湿地科学研究进展和中国湿地科学研究优先领域与展望   总被引:95,自引:0,他引:95  
湿地科学已成为国际学术界的重要学科和优势领域,它纵横双向发展、学科体系扩大、研究深入、内容增多、领域拓宽。国际湿地科学研究前沿领域的热点为:湿地分类、形成、发育、演化、古环境、生态与界面过程、温室气体和全球变化、健康、湿地构建、退化湿地恢复与重建、生物多样性、模型、制图、开发、保护、可持续发展和新技术手段应用研究。论述了这些领域最新研究进展和发展趋势。中国湿地科学研究发展缓慢的原因在于:理论研究薄弱,技术手段相对落后,科研力量与经费不足,先进设施与基地缺乏。提出了21世纪中国湿地科学研究的优先领域,应加强湿地基础理论研究,在湿地的定义与概念、分类、形成、发育、演化、生态过程、界面过程、生物多样性、温室气体与全球变化、健康及其评价、信息系统、电子地图、退化湿地恢复与重建、构建湿地与生态工程方面开展创新性研究。  相似文献   

近年来,我国科研领域对于生物系统工程项目的探索在不断深入,有一些科研成果值得广泛推广,其价值极高。生物系统工程与科学是对系统论、工程方法、计算方法及实验方法进行交叉整合的应用与研究。本文主要探讨系统遗传学与生物技术—细胞分子生物系统的合成这一课题,得出系统科学对计算机科学、人工机器的仿生学的理论的研究有着重要的意义这一论断,为生物技术科研领域充实了研究内容。  相似文献   

李延梅  张志强  巩杰 《地球科学进展》2005,20(11):1262-1268
“生物可持续性”(bioSUSTAINABILITY)科学计划是生物多样性计划(DIVERSITAS)3个核心科学计划之一,是一个有关生物多样性的国际计划。bioSUSTAINABILITY有3个密切相关的研究焦点:①评价目前生物多样性保护和持续利用所采取的措施的有效性;②导致生物多样性丧失的社会、政治和经济驱动因子分析;③生物多样性保护与持续利用的社会选择和决策取向研究。介绍了bioSUSTAINABILITY的主要内容及其实施战略,并分析了它对保护和可持续利用生物多样性的重要作用。  相似文献   

国土整治生态修复中的农业景观生物多样性保护策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着生态文明建设成为国家发展战略,国土整治修复需要更多生态科学和技术的支撑。农业景观生物多样性是重要的自然资源,为人类可持续发展提供了重要的生态系统服务,并提供了应对气候变化等风险的途径。本文分析了我国农业景观生物多样性保护及其对国土整治生态修复的重要性,国土整治生态修复中农业景观生物多样性保护面临的挑战,并总结了欧盟在农业景观生物多样性保护方面的经验和方法。最后,文章提出了将农业景观生物多样性保护整合到国土整治生态修复的四项策略,包括生态空间的“生态修复和管护-生态补偿-民生改善”策略、农业空间的“生态基础设施-生态系统服务提升-绿色发展”策略、城乡生活空间的“多功能景观-绿色宜居空间营造”策略、国土全域“生物多样性保护网络”策略,为生态文明背景下的国土整治生态修复提供参考。  相似文献   

白洁  邢迎春  高婉茹  赵亚辉 《中国岩溶》2021,40(6):1014-1020
中国洞穴数量多、分布广,洞穴生物资源丰富,传统生物多样性调查方法效率不高,受特殊环境影响而覆盖范围有限,一定程度上制约了中国洞穴生物多样性研究和保护工作的开展。环境DNA(eDNA)可通过从环境中提取洞穴生物的痕量DNA,利用PCR等技术对其多样性组成、生物量等进行定性和定量调查,将成为未来中国洞穴生物研究中使用的重要手段。文章对eDNA原理、在洞穴生物研究中的优势、目前取得的一些最新研究进展、主要工作流程和注意事项等进行评述,同时进一步分析中国开展相关研究所面临的问题,并展望eDNA在中国洞穴生物研究中的前景。  相似文献   

深海化能合成生态系统(ChEss)是当前最大的国际海洋生物多样性研究计划--国际海洋生物普查计划的现场研究项目之一.深海化能合成生态系统主要包括热液、冷泉、鲸骨生态系统以及由其他高度还原型生境形成的生态系统.确定上述系统动物区系间的进化和生态学关系,对于了解全球尺度上化能合成生态系统物种分布的形成过程至关重要.重点介绍深海化能合成生态系统科学计划发起的背景、研究内容和目标、研究区域、研究技术与方法以及当前在该领域的研究进展和展望,综合国际上在深海化能合成生态系统生物地理学和生物多样性方面的最新进展,了解其中的驱动过程,以期为我国在深海化能合成生态系统、极端环境下的生物多样性和生物地理学研究提供参考.  相似文献   

白丽 《新疆地质》2002,20(4):392-392
有关生物多样性保护和特别自然保护区管理领域法律问题的最后一次地区性会议,近日在比什凯克落幕。参加会议的有哈萨克斯坦、吉尔吉斯斯坦和乌兹别克斯坦三国政府、议会、自然保护部门、地方政权机关、自然保护区和国家公园的代表及一些国际组织的代表,会议完成了欧盟关于保护西天山生物多样性的TACИC规划及其地区性国际合作项目的第一阶段任务  相似文献   

我国喀斯特地貌发育强烈,主要分布在滇、黔、桂、湘、川、渝、鄂、浙等省区,洞穴无脊椎动物的研究也主要集中在这些省份。本文介绍了我国洞穴无脊椎动物研究的简史,列出了近20多年来我国发现的真洞穴无脊椎动物种类,并根据栖息环境的不同,将洞穴无脊椎动物划分为陆生群落和水生群落;着重介绍了蛛形纲、重足纲、昆虫纲、甲壳纲、腹足纲的研究现状。此外,对洞穴无脊椎动物的生态特征以及进化研究也进行了概述。然而,我国洞穴无脊椎动物的研究在国内重视程度不够,与国外同类研究相比还存在一定的距离。因此,深入系统地研究洞穴无脊椎动物,加大洞穴生物保护的宣传力度,防止生物多样性的流失,将是未来中国洞穴无脊椎动物研究前进的方向。   相似文献   

Protected areas will more efficiently protect biodiversity if threats to the persistence of populations are addressed. Seagrass meadows are globally regarded as critical habitats because of their ecosystem services, human use values, and their diminishing extent. While selecting priority areas for conservation of seagrass meadows is largely aimed at maximizing the protection of their biodiversity, little attention is paid to consider simultaneously the representation of biodiversity and the minimization of threats. This study developed and tested an approach for integrating vulnerability of seagrass meadows to anthropogenic disturbance with the selection of estuarine-protected areas. Vulnerability was measured by data on different land use types in subcatchments. Conservation value was measured by irreplaceability, diversity indices, and rarity of macroinvertebrate species in seagrass meadows. Vulnerability was incorporated into conservation planning by plotting grid cell scores for conservation value versus their scores for vulnerability. The results showed that the performance of the model for the integration of vulnerability into estuarine conservation planning was sensitive to the data treatment. The vulnerability of seagrass meadows and accordingly the arrangement of priority areas for conservation and management attention may change if more information is incorporated into the measurement of vulnerability.  相似文献   

The development of improved rice varieties depends upon access to the genetic resources of rice. These are represented by the thousands of locally adapted varieties that farmers have grown for generations, and over 20 wild rice species native to Asia, Africa, and Latin America. Rice genetic resources are threatened with extinction in farming systems when farmers adopt improved varieties, and the wild species may be lost through destruction of their habitats.IRRI has been at the forefront of international efforts for three decades to collect and conserve the biodiversity of rice. More than 80,000 samples of cultivated and wild rices are conservedex situ in the genebank at IRRI.In situ conservation of rice genetic resources is likely to become an important complementary strategy in the future.Through utilization of rice germplasm, resistances to pests and diseases have been incorporated into improved varieties. These are shared worldwide through the International Network for Genetic Evaluation of Rice (INGER). The impact of biotechnology and intellectual property rights on germplasm conservation is discussed.  相似文献   

During the past two decades biodiversity conservation has become the major focus of international interventions by donor organizations and nongovernment organizations (NGOs) working in Madagascar. Despite these efforts, biodiversity losses continue unabated and the conservation activities undertaken to date appear ineffective. This paper summarizes the findings of a research study conducted on the central highlands of Madagascar that sought to examine possible reasons for the continued erosion of biodiversity in the country. A political ecology research framework is used to identify different social actor groups vying for access to natural resources and the extent to which their actions influence biodiversity on the island. The application of this framework reveals three major findings: (1) the existence of tensions between groups of social actors vying for access to and use of natural resources; (2) the characteristics and role of power differs greatly by actor group and it is the maldistribution of power, and its manifestations of use, that have detrimental effects on regional biodiversity; and (3) there are numerous aspects of the `conventional wisdom' that have permeated the thinking of staff from extralocal actor groups (especially NGOs, donors, and government agencies) and are largely false. Such `wisdom,' perpetrated by discourse and media, lacks understanding of local livelihood patters and local needs. However, endowed with political power and financial influence, this wisdom dominates local knowledge and ultimately leads to the conception and realization of conservation projects that fail to achieve their stated objectives. The behaviors of all of the actors in this situation perpetuate the status quo, including current patterns of biodiversity elimination.  相似文献   

中国寒区湿地研究进展   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
谭雅懿  王烜  王育礼 《冰川冻土》2011,33(1):197-204
中国是世界上湿地资源最丰富的国家之一,其中寒区湿地占我国自然湿地的60%以上,因此它在调节气候、涵养水分、碳源汇以及牛物多样性保护等方面均具有不可替代的作用.由于结构和功能上的独特性,寒区湿地对气候和环境变化反应极为敏感,因此深入探讨和分析其目前的研究状况对于中国湿地的生态保护和环境管理意义重大.从寒区湿地的类型和分布...  相似文献   

珍稀濒危和特有物种是地区生物物种的重要组成,研究珍稀濒危和特有物种的多样性对生物保护和良好生态环境的维护有重要意义。本文在对桂林喀斯特世界自然遗产提名地生物物种调查的基础上,对提名地内的珍稀濒危和特有生物物种及其受威胁级别情况进行了统计,并从种群、群落和生境3个层面对珍稀濒危和特有物种的保护提出了建议。结果表明,在167.5 hm2范围内共有高等植物754种,脊椎动物525种;列入 IUCN红色名录443种、濒危野生动植物国际贸易公约67种、中国物种红色名录145种、中国国家重点保护野生动植物55种,并包括部分古老孑遗植物,珍稀濒危生物多样性较高;此外提名地还拥有87种特有种,是动植物特有种的重要资源地。在珍稀濒危和特有物种多样性的保护上,应根据提名地的珍稀濒危物受威胁级别,有计划地开展种群调查和生境分析,确定不同级别珍稀濒危物种的最小生存种群和最小动态区,并采取就地保护或迁地保护的措施,以促进小种群的发展;加强顶级群落的保护和监测研究,实施封山育林和群落恢复工程,促进群落的正向演替;划定珍稀濒危和特有种群和群落保护范围,建立自然保护区,维护其生存繁衍所必需生境量;此外着重加强对野生兰科植物的研究及生存空间保护,加强洞穴、峰林、峭壁等独特生境的保护。  相似文献   

This paper introduces the Special Issue of the Proceedings of the Geologists' Association on ‘Valuing the Quaternary – Nature Conservation and Geoheritage’, arising from the International Union for Quaternary Research (INQUA) Congress in Dublin, in July 2019. It presents an overview of the values of Quaternary geoheritage, which merit recognition as an integral part of nature conservation, to protect priority sites and features for scientific research and education, and to deliver wider ecological, cultural and aesthetic benefits. The paper highlights the benefits of incorporating knowledge and understanding of Quaternary geoheritage for nature conservation and society. Palaeoenvironmental, palaeoecological and palaeobiological archives are a key source of ecological and environmental data that allow learning from the past to help address contemporary conservation challenges such as biodiversity loss, anthropogenic pressures and climate change. Quaternary science plays a vital part in supporting the wider nature conservation agenda, including strengthening the role of protected and conserved areas in the sustainable management of natural capital and ecosystem services, climate change adaptation, marine conservation, nature restoration and recovery, connecting people and nature and informing nature-based solutions to threats faced by society. However, challenges remain to achieve protection of key geoheritage sites and landscapes globally, and to integrate better understanding of geodiversity in nature conservation research, policy development and practice to help address the twin crises facing nature conservation – biodiversity loss and climate change. Quaternary studies provide temporal and spatial perspectives to inform forward-looking nature conservation that is dynamic rather than static in outlook.  相似文献   

干旱灾害和我国西北干旱气候的研究进展及问题   总被引:72,自引:4,他引:72  
首先阐述了自然灾害中干旱灾害的严重性和复杂性;接着从西北干旱气候的时空分布特征、形成原因、干旱气候的比较以及监测和预测等方面回顾了近20年来我国西北干旱气候研究的进展;最后提出了西北干旱气候待研究的问题。  相似文献   

Estuaries, which lie at the end of rivers, belong to the interlocking area between marine ecosystems and terrestrial ecosystems. In the estuary region, there are plenty of biological resources that carry many important ecosystem services. However, severe degradation of the estuary ecosystem in northern China has been caused by anthropogenic disturbances, including water pollution from upstream area, change of marine environmental dynamics, animal habitat loss, and unreasonable exploitation in the estuary region. In order to provide scientific evidence for restoration and conservation of the estuary ecosystem, we collected data from published literature to analyze the ecological problems in several main estuary regions in northern China, such as the Yellow River estuary, Liaohe River estuary, Haihe River estuary, Yalu River estuary, and some others. The main ecological problems in the estuary region of northern China include the input decrease of fresh water from rivers, the change of the sediment input from rivers, the destruction of the estuary wetland ecosystem, the environmental pollution in the estuary region, the erosion in the estuary region, seawater encroachment, the biodiversity decline of the estuary region, and the depletion of the fish resources in the estuary region. Meanwhile, the driving forces for these ecological problems in the estuary region were also assessed. Based on the analysis of these driving forces, we propose several pieces of advice for integrated estuary management in northern China, including the creation of a management system for estuary conservation, improvement of the means and strength of the environmental law execution, increased investment on scientific research in the estuary ecosystem, improvement of public participation on the conservation for the estuary environment and biodiversity, and construction of a monitoring system for the estuary environment.  相似文献   

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