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从1999年起,国土资源部相继出台了一些新的征收土地规章、制度,明确了国土资源部门应严格执行征地程序,规范征地补偿行为;依法维护被征地农民的知情权和财产权。旗帜鲜明的提出了各级国土资源部门在新形势下征地拆迁补偿工作的新观念。  相似文献   

我国土地征收补偿标准存在一系列缺陷和不足,这是引发我国土地征收纠纷的一个重要原因。因此,完善土地征收补偿标准具有重要的理论和实践意义。在工业化、城镇化快速发展的过程中,农用土地转化为非农业用地是不可避免的,任何一个国家都要经历这样的过程。但由于我国土地征收及补偿制度还不完善,对农民权益造成很大损害,因征地补偿而引发的社会矛盾仍很突出。因此,在征地制度改革中如何维护好农民的合法权益,是个十分重要而紧迫的问题。  相似文献   

日前,安徽省国土资源厅下发的《关于切实加强征地管理维护社会稳定工作的紧急通知》,要求各地尽快建立土地征收征用纠纷调解委员会,负责调解和处理土地征收征用中各类矛盾纠纷,把纠纷化解在基层。《通知》要求,要认真落实征地批后反馈制度,建设用地批准后6个月内,市县国土资源部门应将征地批后实施完成情况,  相似文献   

随着烟台市开发区经济的发展,城市化进程不断加快,大量的农村集体土地被征收,随之而来的是出现大量失地农民,因此做好土地征收工作,解决好失地农民问题是开发区长远发展和社会稳定的保证。近年来,烟台市开发区制定出台了关于征地拆迁管理、失地农民的相关保障和促进就业的相关政策,保证了征地工作顺利开展,解决了失地农民的权益保障问题,促进了开发区经济又好又快的发展和社会的稳定。  相似文献   

改变现行的上地用途管制制度,改计划配置为市场配置,建立开放、竞争、城乡统一的土地市场,要转变政府职能——管理土地而不是经营土地;完善土地产权制度,明晰和平等保护集体土地产权;修改《物权法》,给予集体土地有处分权的建设用地使用权、宅基地使用权;允许集体土地进入建设用地市场;改革土地征收制度,缩小征地范围,按市价给被征地者公平补偿。  相似文献   

最近,《浙江蓝皮书》(法治卷)收录的一份来自省法院行政庭两位法官的关于《浙江土地征收行政诉讼工作调研报告》指出:“从收案数量看,2008年至2010年土地征收类行政诉讼案件呈现逐年递增的趋势:2009年较2008年上升295%,2010年较2009年上升12%。”且“三年来土地征收类行政诉讼案件败诉率呈逐年上升趋势,年均增幅几乎翻了一番。”针对这一情况,就如何降低征地行政诉讼案件上升和败诉比例。笔者有以下几点思考:一是严格执行现行征地法律制度各项规定;二是加强征地行政裁决和行政复议工作;三是切实提高征地相关部门和干部的依法征地的意识和工作能力及水平。  相似文献   

改革开放三十年我国经济社会的快速发展,城市化、工业化需要征收大量的集体土地,而建立在城乡土地二元所有制、集体土地的传统种植业用途及长期的以农助工、以乡促城的思维定势基础上的征地制度,征地范围宽泛、补偿标准偏低。由此,产生了很多低价征地、强制征地现象,导致了众多涉地信访,甚至以申请征地补偿标准行政裁决、  相似文献   

按照《中华人民共和国土地管理法》的有关规定,征收土地的,应按照被征收土地的原用途给予补偿。征地补偿费用包括土地补偿费、安置补助费以及地上附着物和青苗的补偿费。除特殊性的地上附着物补偿外,土地补偿费和安置补助费占整个征地补偿费用的主要部分,也是征地区片综合地价的主要内涵。  相似文献   

郑攀 《浙江地质》2011,(7):52-53
近年来,临海市经济发展步入快车道,建设用地需求日益旺盛,在土地供需矛盾日益凸显的同时,征地补偿和失地农民的生计保障等议题日益成为社会关注的焦点。如何在依法征收土地,保障经济发展的同时,坚守耕地保红线,  相似文献   

莱芜市国土资源局不断加强领导,强化措施,全面整改,共清欠征地补偿款1.7亿元,清理涉及土地征收、补偿安置及被征地农民社会保障等地方性政策文件2个,依法妥善处理问题线索13个。征地工作中,坚持以人为本,阳光运作,严格履行法定程序,不断完善各项制度,做到程序明确,运转规范,监督有力,实现了征地工作的合法性、公正性、有序性,有力维护了被征地农民合法权益。  相似文献   

Education infrastructure issues have been one of the most important topics in developing countries that have difficulty reserving money for education infrastructure needs, especially Turkey. Development plans have a crucial role in meeting school infrastructure needs in Turkey. Generally, the expropriation method has been used for land transitions from private to public ownership. However, scarcity of monetary resources for such land transitions and legal/technical deficiencies delays the process. The main objectives of this paper are to respond to the need of the education sector by using land management tools and to identify the most suitable land management tool for allocating basic and primary school lands free of charge. Current trends, education indicators, management responsibility and financial resources, statistical and economical information, education infrastructure needs, and qualitative-quantitative characteristics of the pupils in the Turkish education system are analyzed based on national and international reports. Then, the property right problems experienced in the process of allocating school lands are defined. Methods of transferring school lands to public ownership are examined, and the benefit-cost relationships are revealed. Land readjustment (LR) would make an important contribution to planning decisions and the implementation stage in the sustainable management of school lands.  相似文献   

田阳辉  李小春  魏宁 《岩土力学》2011,32(12):3597-3603
地下采矿引起了地表塌陷和错动;尾矿库储存尾砂能力有限,同时又受到征地限制。为综合解决这两个问题,针对金山店铁矿现状,采用半干胶结块体充填塌陷区。但在上覆和周围岩层再塌陷过程中,充填块体易破碎粉化并诱发深部采空区泥石流。因此,需要研究塌陷后充填块体的粉化率以及诱发泥石流的可能性。为此,分别对抗压强度为1、3 MPa的尾砂胶结块体和抗压强度为6 MPa的尾砂胶结块体与废石混合体进行分级压缩,并记录竖向应力-应变;当加载到某一级荷载胶结块体发生破碎并粉化时,取样进行颗粒筛分试验,分析破碎块体的粒径分布曲线。对试验结果分析可得,在采空区发生塌陷压缩胶结块体时,各种状态下的块体粉化率为8%~15%;胶结块体与废石混合充填,可有效降低围岩塌陷后充填体破碎的块体粉化率,结合泥石流试验结果,尾砂胶结块体充填诱发泥石流的可能性较小;即使发生,也能保证矿区井下正常生产  相似文献   

Prior to the penetration of the European capitalist economy into central and northern Australia, the Aboriginal mode of production was one of hunting and gathering. Spiritual, economic and social relationships betwen people and land produced a spatial distribution of small bands of people living on their traditional lands. To the incoming white settlers the low population density and type of land use appeared uneconomic. This observation was used as ideological justification for the expropriation and development of the land for commercial pastoralism. This paper discusses the articulation of the Aboriginal and European modes of production in the East Kimberley region of northwest Australia. It argues that the introduced capitalist economy virtually destroyed the Aboriginal means of subsistence, incorporating Aborigines into the new mode of production within various subordinate roles. The exploitation of Aborigines, formerly as labour and now predominantely as consumers, is fundamental to the maintenance of the capitalist mode of production in pastoral areas. The spatial effects of the dominant mode of production have been to centralise Aborigines in locations suited to the various phases of development of the European economy, undermining the traditional Aboriginal social-spatial structure. The centralisation of the Aboriginal population also enhances the opportunities for the further development of the mining industry, which is in direct competition with Aboriginal interests in land. Aboriginal resistance to these spatial tendencies is intense in many quarters, but efforts to return to living on traditional lands and to develop alternative ways of living are hampered by the dominant mode of production.  相似文献   

To avoid dominant positivist explanations of links between climate change and security, I use alternative, human security approaches to study how climate security is managed in one of Spain’s most endangered coastal ecosystems, the Ebro Delta. I find that increasing the downstream flow of sediments retained in upstream dams is a crucial measure for dealing with climate change threats (sea-level rise) in the Delta. Yet, state policies do not increase sediment flow, but instead implement incremental adaptation at the site of climate impact (coast), which, at times, requires executing small-scale land expropriations. Refraining from improving human security via increasing sediment flow benefits corporate interests upstream. At the same time, expropriation silences mild farmer protest downstream and adds insult to injury by conveying to farmers a sense of blame for their vulnerability to climate change. Meanwhile, using expropriation at the service of incremental adaptation goes against the very rationale of expropriation established by Spanish legislation and creates a fundamental contradiction between what the practice is meant to deliver, namely security and the social contract from the part of the state, and what it actually does, i.e. permit the state to evade providing human security. I conclude that, under climate change, achieving human security, the delivery of the social contract, and corporate rent-seeking at the same time may not be possible. Moreover, rather than the social contract been threatened by state incapacity to respond to the effects of climate change and breached social contract expectations of vulnerable communities, it is the actual mobilisation of the contract in order to respond to climate change that diminishes human security.  相似文献   

从苏锡常地区地面沉降研究实际需要出发,介绍了利用虚拟现实技术构建地面沉降地质结构三维可视化模型虚拟现实系统的设计思路、开发模式、实现方法和功能特点。该系统真实表达了研究区三维地层结构特征,逼真再现了地面沉降模型所预测的地下水流场、地面沉降发展变化过程,并虚拟表现出地面沉降可能造成的后果,为苏锡常地区地面沉降机理及预测研究提供了一个全新的三维可视化平台。  相似文献   

杨宁 《安徽地质》2010,20(4):311-314
第二次土地调查是一项重大的国情国力调查,目的是全面查清全省土地利用现状,掌握真实的土地基础数据,建立和完善土地调查、统计和登记制度,实现土地调查信息的社会化服务,满足经济社会发展及国土资源管理的需要。本文以濉溪县为例,介绍安徽省农村土地二调内业建库流程及数据库维护步骤,发现并解决了内业建库过程中遇到的一些问题。  相似文献   

Phyto-geomorphic classification of the landscape   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The subdivision of landscape into phyto-geomorphic units forms a useful basis for land resource surveys and for providing a holistic approach to potential biological productivity. This paper explains the natural basis for such units, justifies their subdivision into a hierarchy and gives definitive criteria for each categoric level. The main levels are the land zone, land division, land province, land region, land system, land catena and land facet, of which the province, system and facet are the more important. Most bear some analogy with categories recognized in pedology and plant ecology. Vegetation varies in importance in relation to landforms in land unit definition both regionally and categorically, being most important in forested areas and for certain other land categories. Sample areas in the United Kingdom, Australia and Jordan illustrate complete hierarchies of land units for different climatic zones. A simple procedure based on critical path analysis and using remotely sensed imagery, maps and other data can give a landscape analysis suitable for planning at a variety of scales.  相似文献   

近年来,烟台市不断深化土地使用制度改革,引入市场竞争机制,规范土地市场管理,较好地发挥了市场机制配置土地资源的作用,促进了经济和城市建设的发展。但随着全市社会经济的快速发展,对土地的需求也越来越多,土地使用过程中一些新的问题和矛盾也凸显出来。该文通过分析烟台市土地使用状况以及土地使用的特点,找出了土地使用过程中存在的问题,并结合实际情况提出了相应的对策建议。  相似文献   

工业用地供应管理是土地科学研究的热点问题之一。从制度分析的视角探讨高新区工业用地供应问题不仅有助于完善中国特色的工业用地供应管理理论,而且对于快速城市化背景下工业用地供应管理策略的制定也具有重要的现实意义。本文对广东省清远市高新区工业用地供应与利用状况、工业用地供应的管理困境进行了分析。从目前来看,清远市高新区工业用地供应存在工业用地出让年限过长、价格低导致工业用地盘活利用、转型升级难度大;供应总体规模大,用地结构未跟上产业结构调整步伐;工业用地供后监管难等问题。在剖析工业用地供应面临的困境基础上,提出应当推进土地行政管理体制改革、完善土地监管政策、优化工业用地规划管理制度,以完善高新区工业用地供应管理。  相似文献   

上海市地面沉降动态分析与灰色预测   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文应用灰色系统理论的关联度分析法,分析了上海市地面沉降在时间、空间上的变化特征,进而以市区和近郊区典型地段的地面沉降监测资料为基础,建立了灰色预测模型,并在某些假定前提下预测了上海市地面最终沉降量及“沉降寿命”。  相似文献   

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