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流域物质与水系及产沙间非线性关系实验研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
金德生  陈浩  郭庆伍 《地理学报》2000,55(4):439-448
在35.56mm/h.cm^2定雨强的人工降雨条件下,组成物质中径分别为0.021mm、0.066mm及0.076mm的发育对比实验表明,产沙过程具有波动振荡衰减特征;水系发育以增加河道(沟道)数目及弯曲拉伸长度两种方式进行最小消能。水系分形维数正是这种消能的量度。水系分数维值随时间呈不对称上凹型曲线。对比分析表明:产沙过程的振荡性、衰减率,随物质变粗而加强,水系河道数目随物质变细而增多,河道随物  相似文献   

以河龙区间42个流域为对象,在流域地貌格局信息提取和侵蚀产沙过程特征指标计算及其相互关系分析的基础上,探讨地貌格局对流域侵蚀产沙过程的影响。结果表明:①在河道系统水平,河流数量、长度等几何特征指标和河流分叉率(Rb12)、分级率(Rd32)、相邻级别间的河流长度比等形状特征指标与流域侵蚀模数显著相关;②在流域系统水平,坡度粗糙度、相对高差、圆度比、高长比是影响流域侵蚀产沙过程的主要指标,其中坡度粗糙度是最根本的解释变量;③各地貌格局因子间相互作用复杂,且对侵蚀过程的影响要强于泥沙输移过程,其通径分析模型对流域侵蚀模数、输沙模数和泥沙输移比变化的解释度分别为65%、33%和20%。这对正确认识影响流域侵蚀产沙过程的格局因素和建立准确的过程模型,具有重要参考价值。  相似文献   

中国河流地貌研究进展——纪念沈玉昌先生100年诞辰   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2016年是中国现代河流地貌研究的开拓者和奠基人沈玉昌先生100年诞辰,本文对中国河流地貌研究进展进行综述,以资纪念。研究涉及4个方面:① 水系发育与河谷地貌演变,包括大江大河水系历史发育和山区河流地貌;② 侵蚀与产沙过程,包括有物理成因基础的侵蚀产沙模型、侵蚀产沙过程的尺度效应、植被对侵蚀的影响及临界现象、坡面细沟发育过程模拟等;③ 河床过程与河型,包括河道冲淤过程、河床演变、河型成因与演变等;④ 河流地貌系统研究,包括流域系统不同子系统的耦合关系、河流地貌系统中的高含沙水流和多营力地貌过程、河流地貌系统对于自然因素变化和人类活动的响应、河流地貌系统中的泥沙灾害和河流地貌系统的实验研究等。50年前沈玉昌先生与钱宁先生提出在地貌学与河流动力学相结合的基础上发展中国河流学科。文中对此方面的进展进行了综述,并提出了需要深化和解决的问题。  相似文献   

流域特征的精确提取对深入研究流域水文过程和水资源管理至关重要。利用DEM数据进行数字流域特征分析,尤其在难以进入、地形复杂的无资料山区,可高效精准地提取、统计和研究地貌和水系特征。基于Arc GIS实验平台,利用DEM数据,从流域产汇流形成以及洪水调蓄角度对那陵格勒河山谷段进行流域特征提取。结论如下:1)流域地貌特征表明产汇流面较大,地面侵蚀过程较强,重力侵蚀过程较弱。2)流域水系为狭长形弯曲河道,主河道比降小。实际沟谷网络密度为1.71~2.32 km/km2。3)流域地貌特征使子流域的沟谷集水面广量大且速度快,易形成大的径流汇入主河道;但流域水系特征可降低主河道汇流速度,延长汇流时间,有利调蓄,洪峰不易集中。  相似文献   

基于流域DEM对各个集水区进行划分,提取流域沟壑长度、平均高程、平均坡度等信息,并运用EXCEL、SPSS对这些信息进行分析处理,计算出沟壑密度、流域相对高程、面积-高程积分值,并结合流域侵蚀产沙数据以及实地考察情况,借助地貌学的相关理论,分析流域不同区域内、不同尺度流域地貌发育及侵蚀产沙情况.研究发现,流域左右两岸支流的发育数目、形状受邻近流域的影响;面积-高程积分值的大小能反应流域的地貌现状与侵蚀趋势,蛇家沟与岔巴沟的面积-高程积分值分别为0.547 5、0.463 7,但面积-高程积分值的大小及变化趋势还与流域最低点是否达到基岩有关;沟壑发育分为长度发育与宽度发育两个阶段,沟壑密度只是衡量地貌的一个重要指标,沟壑密度对流域侵蚀产沙的影响与沟壑的发育阶段有关;一般情况下产沙模数的大小与流域面积大小没有直接的关系,主要看流域内的地貌的发育阶段.  相似文献   

水系分形维数(Fractal dimension of gully network,D_g)反映了河网分布和水系发育的复杂程度。以位于黄河上游内蒙古段十大孔兑上游丘陵沟壑区为研究对象,利用计盒维数的方法,研究其水系分形特征,同时利用水系分维数D判断流域地貌所处的侵蚀发育阶段。结果表明,(1)以毛不拉孔兑为例,利用人工判定法,相关系数检验法和拟合误差相结合的方法确定无标度区为20~370 m。且各孔兑的地貌形态在该无标度区间内均表现出很好的分形特征,计盒维数可作为流域地貌形态分形特性的量化指标。求得十大孔兑上游丘陵沟壑区的水系分维数D_g为1.08~1.14。(2)十大孔兑水系分维值在不同的汇流面积阈值下变化不大;径流模数与河网分维存在正相关关系。产沙模数与河网分维的线性正相关关系反映了地貌发育幼壮年期地形条件对产沙的影响。(3)按水系分维数与流域起伏程度、坡度及等高线分维值的关系,就十大孔兑而言,当D_g≤1.06时,流域处于幼年期;当D_g1.06时,流域进入壮年期。水系分维数、高程积分值指示十大孔兑上游流域地貌均处于壮年期。  相似文献   

在半干旱区的季节性沙漠沟谷,暴雨引发的洪水过程侵蚀产沙强度大,水土流失严重,对区域及下游河道生态造成严重威胁。以毛布拉孔兑的支沟苏达尔沟为研究对象,以苏达尔沟2011-2015年6次暴雨洪水事件的观测数据为基础,分析洪水流量、泥沙浓度及地表沉积物粒度特征,给出暴雨洪水侵蚀产沙输沙特征。结果表明:观测期间暴雨洪水侵蚀产沙量平均每次约37.69×104 t,产沙模数为0.57×104 t·km-2;其中最大的洪水事件130721号暴雨洪水过程侵蚀产沙量高达90.47×104 t,产沙模数达1.36×104 t·km-2。流域总侵蚀产沙以0.25~0.063 mm泥沙为主,约占总侵蚀量74%。洪水总侵蚀产沙量随暴雨产流强度增强而增加,同时下游沙漠沙地段产沙贡献比重也随之增加,风沙贡献也相应增大。坡面侵蚀约占暴雨洪水总侵蚀的4.37%,且主要集中在上游砒砂岩坡面。  相似文献   

基于DEM,分别以不同的沟壑发育所需的汇水面积为阈值,提取岔巴沟流域等6个不同空间尺度流域的沟壑.并求出不同级别沟壑的差值.结合黄河子洲观测站多年的水沙观测资料,分析不同级别的沟壑及沟壑的不同部位在不同时间尺度下对流域侵蚀产沙的影响.分析结果表明:沟壑密度并不是简单地随着流域面积的增大而减小.沟壑密度的空间尺度效应与所提取沟壑的级别有关;黄土丘陵沟壑区梁峁坡、沟坡的次暴雨产沙量占流域产沙总量的比重与降雨特性有关;重力侵蚀多发生在毛沟的中、上部及沟头处,而支沟、干沟主干道的沟坡比较稳定,且其发生的重力侵蚀对流域产沙的影响多为"无效"部分;沟壑发育汇水面积的阈值为1500、1800、2000个栅格提取的沟壑对流域侵蚀产沙的作用较大,同时沟壑对流域侵蚀产沙的影响与时间尺度有关,在多年平均尺度下,高级别沟壑只起到泥沙输送通道的作用.  相似文献   

坡面侵蚀水沙流时间变化特征的模拟实验   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
多坡段实验模型以黄土丘陵沟壑区垂向上梁峁坡面与沟谷坡面构成的坡沟系统为原型,采用人工降雨模拟实验方法,对坡沟系统土壤侵蚀链内降雨径流产沙随时间变化的规律进行了系统的研究。结果表明:雨强29 7mm/h时36′40″开始产流,60 5mm/h时3′43″产流,90 2mm/h时2′30″产流。雨强29 7mm/h时侵蚀过程以面蚀为主,产沙起伏20min出现一次。60 5mm/h时以面蚀与细沟蚀为主,35°陡坡伴有崩塌、滑塌等重力侵蚀,产沙波动平均12min出现一次。雨强90 2mm/h时坡面上细沟发育充分,有细沟合并及出现浅沟侵蚀现象,35°坡崩塌、滑塌剧烈,产沙过程波动频繁,每10min一次。雨强29 7mm/h时单位流量的产沙量为0 10kg/L;雨强60 5mm/h时为0 30kg/L;雨强90 2mm/h时为0 41kg/L。流量的大小影响了侵蚀方式和形态分异的程度,使产沙过程出现强弱相间的波动性特点。  相似文献   

黄土丘陵沟壑区小流域不同地类的侵蚀产沙模型   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
根据黄土丘陵沟壑区的侵蚀产沙规律,通过对晋西王家沟小流域1955—1980年的多年观测资料及多次人工模拟降雨资料分析,建立了不同地类侵蚀产沙关系式,包括坡面侵蚀产沙、黄土沟坡侵蚀产沙、红土沟坡侵蚀产沙、发育沟壁侵蚀产沙、洞穴侵蚀产沙等黄土丘陵沟壑区丰富的侵蚀产沙类型。利用GIS强大的空间分析功能,从DEM数据中提取出小流域水沙汇流网络,将水沙运移引入到侵蚀产沙模型的计算之中;模型对羊道沟22次降雨的计算结果表明:坡耕地是坡面的主要泥沙来源,陡坡地在全流域侵蚀产沙中占有重要地位,水沙汇流作用对下坡的侵蚀产沙具有重要影响。同时,选用了晋西汾河上游的阳湾小流域进行了模型的推广应用,取得了较好的预测效果。  相似文献   

This paper examines the experimental study on influence of material component to nonlinear relation between sediment yield and drainage network development completed in the Lab. The area of flume drainage system is 81.2 m2, the longitudinal gradient and cross section slope are from 0.0348 to 0.0775 and from 0.0115 to 0.038, respectively. Different model materials with a medium diameter of 0.021 mm, 0.076 mm and 0.066 mm cover three experiments each. An artificial rainfall equipment is a sprinkler-system composed of 7 downward nozzles, distributed by hexagon type and a given rainfall intensity is 35.56 mm/hr.cm2. Three experiments are designed by process-response principle at the beginning the Ψ shaped small network is dug in the flume. Running time spans are 720 m, 1440 minutes and 540 minutes for Runs I, IV and VI, respectively. Three experiments show that the sediment yield processes are characterized by delaying with a vibration. During network development the energy of a drainage system is dissipated by two ways, of which one is increasing the number of channels (rill and gully), and the other one is enlarging the channel length. The fractal dimension of a drainage network is exactly an index of energy dissipation of a drainage morphological system. Change of this index with time is an unsymmetrical concave curve. Comparison of three experiments explains that the vibration and the delaying ratio of sediment yield processes increase with material coarsening, while the number of channel decreases. The length of channel enlarges with material fining. There exists non-linear relationship between fractal dimension and sediment yield with an unsymmetrical hyperbolic curve. The absolute value of delaying ratio of the curve  相似文献   

1 IntroductionThe drainage network is one of the important components in a fluvial system, as Schumm[1] pointed out that three zones compose a typical fluvial system. As early as in the mid 20th century, Horton[2] made a significant quantitative explanation to hydro-geomorphology in a drainage network system. Since the 1960s, Leopold and Langbein have studied the network structure with random walk and entropy, and Shreve, Smart and Scheideger have topologically studied network structure[3-1…  相似文献   

岔巴沟流域次暴雨产沙统计模型   总被引:30,自引:2,他引:28  
流域综合治理规划、防治土壤侵蚀、合理利用水沙资源 ,无不需要掌握流域产沙情况。流域产沙统计模型结构简单 ,计算方便 ,是现有产沙预报的强有力工具。本文以陕西省岔巴沟流域及其支流实测降雨水文资料为基础 ,系统地分析了流域产沙的降雨、径流、地貌因子在流域产沙中的作用 ,进而将影响产沙的因素概括为径流深、洪峰流量、流域面积、流域沟道密度 ,并作为产沙预报的指标 ,建立了岔巴沟流域次暴雨产沙的统计模型。经检验 ,该预报公式具有一定的精度。  相似文献   

A numerical study was undertaken to investigate non linearity and the potential for self-organized criticality (SOC) in the evolution of river basins. Twenty-three simulations were carried out, using the authors' CAESAR landscape evolution model, in which the magnitude of storm events, variability of storm events, sediment heterogeneity, sources of sediment supply, and catchment morphology are systematically varied to evaluate their importance as possible drivers for non linear behavior and SOC.Temporal fluctuations in simulated sediment yield show notable non linear behavior. Storm magnitude and occurrence of landslides appear to have little impact on variability of the sediment yield, when compared to the impacts of sediment heterogeneity, rainfall variability and catchment morphology. Particularly, it appears that the non linearity of sediment yields results from the manner in which the catchment processes the variable rainfall, rather than just the rainfall variability itself.The variations in sediment yield show a power law magnitude–frequency distribution, which is a possible, but inconclusive, indicator of SOC. However, several other, more qualitative arguments can be made to support the case for SOC in these simulations. Specifically, we identify the nature of the critical state and suggest two cascade mechanisms by which the system can organize itself around this critical state. Combined, these arguments indicate that simulated evolution of river basins indeed exhibits SOC, at least with respect to sediment yield. The critical state appears to be an indicator of the connectivity of the drainage network. Thus, the simulations indicate that, unlike traditional SOC systems, the critical state of the system can vary in time, as sudden changes in drainage network connectivity may result in sudden changes in the SOC behavior of the system.  相似文献   

Regular spacing of drainage outlets from linear fault blocks   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Outlets of river basins located on fault blocks often show a regular spacing. This regularity is most pronounced for fault blocks with linear ridge crests and a constant half-width, measured perpendicular to the ridge crest. The ratio of the half-width of the fault block and the outlet spacing is used in this study to characterize the average shape (or spacing ratio) of 31 sets of drainage basins. These fault-block spacing ratios are compared with similar data from small-scale flume experiments and large-scale mountain belts. Fault-block spacing ratios are much more variable than those measured for mountain belts. Differences between fault-block spacing ratios are attributed to variability in factors influencing the initial spacing of channel heads and subsequent rates of channel incision during the early stages of channel network growth (e.g. initial slope and uplift rate, precipitation, runoff efficiency and substrate erodibility). Widening or narrowing of fault blocks during ongoing faulting will also make spacing ratios more variable. It is enigmatic that some of these factors do not produce similar variability in mountain belt spacing ratios. Flume experiments in which drainage networks were grown on static topography show a strong correlation between spacing ratios and surface gradient. Spacing ratios on fault blocks are unaffected by variations in present-day gradients. Drainage basins on the Wheeler Ridge anticline in central California, which have formed on surfaces progressively uplifted by thrust faulting during the last 14 kyr, demonstrate that outlet spacing is likely to be determined during the early stages of drainage growth. This dependency on initial conditions may explain the lack of correlation between spacing ratios of fault blocks and slopes measured at the present day. Spacing ratios determine the location of sediment supply points to adjacent areas of deposition, and hence strongly influence the spatial scale of lateral facies variations in the proximal parts of sedimentary basins. Spacing ratios may be used to estimate this length scale in ancient sedimentary basins if the width of adjacent topography is known. Spacing ratio variability makes these estimates much less precise for fault blocks than for mountain belts.  相似文献   

Drainage networks link erosional landscapes and sedimentary basins in a source‐to‐sink system, controlling the spatial and temporal distribution of sediment flux at the outlets. Variations of accumulation rates in a sedimentary basin have been classically interpreted as changes in erosion rates driven by tectonics and/or climate. We studied the interactions between deformation, rainfall rate and the intrinsic dynamics of drainage basins in an experimental fold‐and‐thrust belt subjected to erosion and sedimentation under constant rainfall and shortening rates. The emergence of thrust sheets at the front of a prism may divert antecedent transverse channels (perpendicular to the structural grain) leading to the formation of longitudinal reaches, later uplifted and incorporated in the prism by the ongoing deformation. In the experiments, transverse incisions appear in the external slopes of the emerging thrust sheets. Headward erosion in these transverse channels results in divide migration and capture of the uplifted longitudinal channels located in the inner parts of the prism, leading to drainage network reorganization and modification of the sediment routing system. We show that the rate of drainage reorganization increases with the rainfall rate. It also increases in a nonlinear way with the rate of uplift. We explain this behaviour by an exponent > 1 on the slope variable in the framework of the stream power erosion model. Our results confirm the view that early longitudinal‐dominated networks are progressively replaced by transverse‐dominated rivers during mountain building. We show that drainage network dynamics modulate the distribution of sedimentary fluxes at the outlets of experimental wedges. We propose that under constant shortening and rainfall rates the drainage network reorganization can also modulate the composition and the spatial distribution of clastic fluxes in foreland basins.  相似文献   

A stability model of drainage basin mass balance is used to interpret historic and prehistoric patterns of sediment production, storage and output from the Waipaoa River basin, New Zealand and assess the sensitivity of basin sediment yield to land use change in the historic period. Climate and vegetation cover changed during the late Holocene, but the drainage basin mass balance system was stable before the basin was deforested by European colonists in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. In this meso‐scale dispersal system sediment sources and sinks are closely linked, and before that time there was also little variability in the rate of terrigenous mass accumulation on the adjacent continental shelf. However, despite strong first‐order geologic controls on erosion and extensive alluvial storage, sediment delivery to the continental shelf is sensitive and highly responsive to historic hillslope destabilization driven by land use change. Alluvial buffering can mask the effects of variations in sediment production within a basin on sediment yield at the outlet, but this is most likely to occur in basins where alluvial storage is large relative to yield and where the residence time of alluvial sediment is long relative to the time scale of environmental change. At present, neither situation applies to the Waipaoa River basin. Thus, the strength of the contemporary depositional signal may not only be due to the intensity of the erosion processes involved, but also to the fact that land use change in the historic period destabilized the drainage basin mass balance system.  相似文献   

The dynamics between sediment erosion and accumulation at an alluvial basin margin affected by changes in the surface hydrology are explored using scaled analogue models produced in a flume. The presented results differ from previous counterparts in that accumulation or erosion has not been forced at a spreading outlet, but occurred at a slope change produced by previously accumulated sediment. Cyclical upstream incision produced by increased stream discharge generated incised valleys, and these were subsequently filled by sediment carried by less efficient streams generated during the low discharge period. High resolution mapping using 2.5 mm contour maps allowed the study of sediment accumulation and terrain modelling. The results of three selected experiments are analysed. The only variable explored was discharge. The basin margin was simulated by a ramp inserted in a low sloping flume, consisting of two segments of different slopes selected to emulate high and low efficiency flume fans produced elsewhere. Water and fine‐medium sand entered the ramp along a narrow (0.1 m) channel and flow expanded but without occupying the complete 1.2 m flume width. Flows were highly concentrated and noncohesive. Fan‐like accumulation (slope: 0.11) began during low discharge (LD) periods at the ramp slope break, and proceeded upstream, onlapping quickly at first, but shifting to mostly progradation at the end of the period. High discharges (HD) usually generated two or three incised channels at the beginning of the period, but one of them prevailed and rapidly eroded parts of the LD fan and moved the sediment to a more distal low‐sloping fan (slope: 0.045). Both LD and HD fans passed downstream into a system of small parallel channels resembling a braided alluvial plain ending in sediment lobes. The mapping of the accumulated sediment during the various periods allowed calculation of sediment budgets for the entire flume. The stratal architecture of the deposits was investigated along five parallel trenches cut after experiment termination. The regression analysis of depositional profiles at fan‐like features (expanding flow) and at braided plains (parallel flow) indicated that these fan‐like systems are linear and dependent on applied discharge, while the latter showed an exponential decrease of slope downstream, with a starting value set up by the fan slope. Two main types of stratigraphic units were generated, the LDST and HDST (system tracts). The LDST has a nonerosive base over ‘bedrock’ and the previous HDST, filling proximal erosional topography and prograding as well, generating an onlap–downlap array. Its geometry is highly variable and dependent on pre‐existing topography. The HDST base is an important erosive surface comparable to sequence boundaries. However, there are places without erosion due to a marginal position with respect to the main stream. Indeed, the results suggest that the three‐dimensional variability of erosion and depositional processes might produce very different architectures along the same basin margin.  相似文献   

黄河中游土壤侵蚀与下游古河道三角洲演化的过程响应   总被引:10,自引:7,他引:10  
根据黄土高原土壤侵蚀的周期特点,结合华北平原古河道,古三角洲的演化过程,应用泥沙输移的过程响应,分析了晚更新世以来黄河中游黄土高原土壤侵蚀与下游古河道,三角洲演化的关系,在人类历史之前,黄土高原土壤侵蚀基本上遵循自在生态环境演化规律,强裂侵蚀期发生在干冷向湿湿气候转化的过渡期,在强裂侵蚀的初期是古道形成期,强烈侵蚀期发生在干冷向温湿气候转化的过渡期,在强裂侵蚀的期是古河道形成期,强烈侵蚀的外营力迭加了人为作用,黄河下游河游泳以改道,三角洲横向扩展发生在强烈侵蚀的衰退期,人类历史时期,土壤侵蚀的外营力迭加了人为作用,破坏了地质历史时期的规律性,土壤侵蚀强度越来越强,基本上按照旱涝变化频率而演化,干冷期降雨不均匀系数增加,土训侵蚀加重,径流量较少,河床以淤积为主,是古河道形成期,正常年黄河泥少输移比接近于一,是三角洲进积期,温湿期降雨量增加,径流量加大,下游河流改道,三角洲横向发展。  相似文献   

CHEN Hao 《地理学报》2001,11(1):71-79
From a long-term point of view, the balance between erosion and sediment yield in a drainage system can basically realize, i.e., the delivery ratio can be close to 1. However, substantial variations among individual rainfall events or between annual delivery ratio exist, causing frequent sediment retaining or re-erosion and re-delivery of the retained sediments in a short period of time. Thus the delivery ratio will be < 1 or > 1. The sediment delivery ratio is closely related to the spatial distribution of rainfall and magnitude of rise and fall of peak flood and that of runoff depth in the drainage system. Delivery ratio of single event in a drainage system and changes of delivery capacity of silt-laden runoff in various classes of gullies can be expressed by transformation mechanism of shear force of a single rainstorm event with flood resulting from increase and decrease of peak flood per unit area.  相似文献   

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