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西安市为我国西北地区最大的工业城市之一。由于“三废”的大量排放,给环境带来了严重的污染。每天排放的城市废水达数十万吨(其中70%左右是工业废水),这些废水未经处理,含有多种有害物质。除一部分排入附近河道外,主要通过下水系统,输送到北郊进行污水灌溉,污灌面积27万亩。城市废水在排放和灌溉过程中,不断渗入地下,成为地下水污染的主要污染源。  相似文献   

本文根据上海市1991年到2007年废水排放的统计资料,对比分析了近年来上海市工业和生活及其他领域废水的排放情况。分析结果显示,工业废水的排放量正在逐渐减少,相反生活废水的排放量与日俱增,到20世纪九十年代中期,生活及其他领域的废水年排放量超过工业废水的年排放量,成为上海市废水的主要来源。文章结合同期上海市工业总产值、户籍人口以及人民生活水平等变化情况,探讨了工业废水排放减少、生活废水排放增加的主要影响因素,并以此为依据探寻未来上海市进一步减少城市废水排放的对策。  相似文献   

由于目前人类生活生产所产生的废水、污水对环境造成了严重的污染,尤其是工业废水、油田废水,对环境的威胁极其严重,污水的处理已成为人类进步与发展过程中的重要课题。本文通过选取改性剂,成功地制备出了复合硅藻土混凝剂。在对油田废水的处理中,提高了除油率。  相似文献   

李娜  罗隆诚  赵绍燕 《地下水》2011,33(2):130-131
城市工业开发区建设时推荐我国工业规模化和产业结构升级的重要措施和手段.但随着而来的是各种各样的工业废水、生活污水汇聚,为城市污水处理厂设计和工艺选择提出了新的要求.文章以四川省成都市为例,生化处理部分采用改良A2/O工艺.结果表明,该工艺具有较好的除氮去磷效果,出水可稳定达到国家<城镇污水处理厂污染物排放标准>(GB1...  相似文献   

土壤镉(Cd)污染的生态安全问题不容忽视,我国目前尚缺乏基于生态风险的土壤Cd环境基准。本研究通过调研国内外关于土壤Cd的生态毒性研究,收集并筛选基于我国土壤的Cd毒性效应数据,采用物种敏感性分布法并结合Cd的生态毒性预测模型,推导不同用地方式下的土壤全量和EDTA提取态Cd生态安全环境基准。共收集与筛选出包含13个物种或生态过程的126个土壤Cd生态毒性数据,其中陆生植物毒性数据60个(6个物种)、无脊椎动物毒性数据39个(3个物种)、生态过程毒性数据27个(4种指标)。土壤Cd生态毒性预测模型研究结果表明,土壤pH是影响Cd生态毒性的最重要因子。自然保护地和农业用地、公园用地、住宅用地、商服及工业用地不同土壤pH值范围的土壤全量Cd生态安全基准分别为1.91~5.25、3.94~11.1、7.59~22.0和10.5~30.8 mg·kg-1,基于EDTA提取态Cd的生态安全基准分别为1.13~3.12、2.34~6.62、4.51~13.1和6.24~18.4 mg·kg-1。研究结果可为我国土壤污染风险管控标准的制修订提供依据。  相似文献   

大型闸坝工程对河流稀释扩散作用的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我们选择淮河蚌埠河段来研究河道径流对稀释扩散作用的影响,是因为蚌埠河段的径流量受上游蚌埠闸的控制,闸下是河道主要的污染源,径流量与稀释扩散作用的变化比较明显。一、蚌埠河段的污染简况蚌埠市位于淮河中游,是安徽省的主要工业城市之一,主要工业区分布在淮河右岸,解放以来,各类工厂如化工、印染、造纸、酒精、皮革等厂相继兴建,排放大量含毒和含有机物质的废水,目前每天约有十余万吨的工业废水和生活污水,未经处理集中于右岸六条排污沟(涵)排入淮河,各沟口化学耗氧量均超  相似文献   

为了解典型污染场地浅层地下水微量有机污染特征,对西北某省会城市石油化工场地地下水中的挥发性有机污染物(VOCs)污染情况进行了调查。结果表明,污染场地地下水样品中挥发性有机污染物检出率为100%;检出率较高的是氯代烃和苯系物,检出率分别为60%和40%。超标组分为苯和1,2-二氯丙烷,苯超标率为30%,1,2-二氯丙烷超标率10%,苯最大检出浓度达1515μg/L。场地内的原油储存罐、污水隔油池的渗漏以及石油冶炼、机械加工过程工业废水不合理排放均为该场地地下水VOCs的重要来源;VOCs的理化性质以及污染场地地下水防污性能差是影响该场地地下水环境中VOCs归宿的主要因素。  相似文献   

农村污水是导致我国环境污染的主要污染源之一。针对我国北方地域特点,总结农村污水的主要来源为生活污水、禽畜养殖废水、村镇工业废水和肥料地表径流污水等,从污水水质、水量等方面分析北方农村污水的特点,提出四种适用于北方农村的污水处理技术。  相似文献   

污染水及对污染致病问题的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
罗玉芳 《地下水》2001,23(3):121-121
在城乡供水中 ,评价地下水是否受到污染 ,用有无病菌是不确切的 ,随着工农业的发展 ,不仅污染来源于生活污水、生活垃圾、农业灌溉污水及工业垃圾等 ,也使地下水受到严重污染。工业废水 ,工业垃圾中含有重金属 ,有机、无机化合物 ,给人类健康和生活环境造成极大危害 ,本文着重从生活污水工业废水 ,污水灌溉等方面的污染致病进行了分析探讨  相似文献   

正改革开放以来,我国城市化进入高速发展时期。从1978年到2016年,城市数量由193个增加到660余个,城镇人口由17245万人增加到79298万人。随着城市化进程加快,我国城市生活污水排放量不断增加,城市污水处理厂数量不断增多。截至2016年9月底,全国城镇累计建成污水处理厂3976座,污水处理能力达1.7亿立方米/日。污水处理排放标准也在不断提高,从《污水综合排放标准》(GB8978-  相似文献   

Risk assessment and management, are increasingly established as key procedures in dealing with the range of environmental issues at different scales and of different nature. Although at the EU and international policy level requirements for the use of risk assessment and management are being established through emerging policy and legislation, this demand has not been followed with common guidance on how to do so. This has proven to hinder the effective adoption of such processes, and posed a barrier more so in its implementation for large transboundary issues. In this paper is presented a Decision Support System (DSS) designed to provide a common framework and procedure for environmental risk assessment and management. The DSS is web-based and was developed to enable the formalized and more systematic utilization of risk assessment and management procedures in environmental decision making processes, in particular for users such as public authority officials charged with the responsibility of implementing risk management legal and policy obligations, yet which have limited know how in the field of risk. The DSS presented herein enables environmental administrators and decision makers to undertake generic risk assessment and management identifying areas where detailed risk assessment is required, proposing as well as appropriate risk management options. The web DSS was developed and piloted as part of the STRiM project funded by the European Union. Herein are shown results from the web application which has been trailed successfully in four pilot trials addressing risks of forest damage from storms, water pollution from olive mill waste discharges, wetland loss from water abstraction, and damage from flooding.  相似文献   

矿业开采诱发的地质环境负效应及综合治理工程   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
王凤生 《吉林地质》2001,20(1):35-44
采矿必然扰动环境,诱发各种各样的地质环境负效应;西方发达国家已实行了矿山环境保护和治理工作;中国作为发展中国家,矿山环境综合治理工程对我国矿产资源的可持续开发具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Health impacts of coal and coal use: possible solutions   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Coal will be a dominant energy source in both developed and developing countries for at least the first half of the 21st century. Environmental problems associated with coal, before mining, during mining, in storage, during combustion, and postcombustion waste products are well known and are being addressed by ongoing research. The connection between potential environmental problems with human health is a fairly new field and requires the cooperation of both the geoscience and medical disciplines. Three research programs that illustrate this collaboration are described and used to present a range of human health problems that are potentially caused by coal. Domestic combustion of coal in China has, in some cases, severely affected human health. Both on a local and regional scale, human health has been adversely affected by coals containing arsenic, fluorine, selenium, and possibly, mercury. Balkan endemic nephropathy (BEN), an irreversible kidney disease of unknown origin, has been related to the proximity of Pliocene lignite deposits. The working hypothesis is that groundwater is leaching toxic organic compounds as it passes through the lignites and that these organics are then ingested by the local population contributing to this health problem. Human disease associated with coal mining mainly results from inhalation of particulate matter during the mining process. The disease is Coal Worker's Pneumoconiosis characterized by coal dust-induced lesions in the gas exchange regions of the lung; the coal worker's “black lung disease”.  相似文献   

城市饮用水源地水环境健康风险评价及风险管理   总被引:35,自引:1,他引:35  
环境健康风险评价是环境科学的一个新兴研究领域,在简要介绍水环境健康风险评价基本方法的基础上,建立了健康风险评价模式,并根据深圳市主要饮用水源地水质监测资料,进行分析与评价。研究结果表明:(1)深圳市7个主要水库由基因毒物质所产生的健康风险的数量级为1 0-5~1 0-4,而由躯体毒物质所产生的健康风险的数量级为1 0-11~1 0-10,因此,基因毒物质为优先控制污染物;(2)对于Cr、As、Cd这三种基因毒物质,这7个水库的优先控制污染物是Cr;(3)对于躯体毒物质,所有水库的优先控制污染物是氨;(4)饮用水源各类污染物所致健康危害的个人年总风险小于国际辐射防护委员会(ICRP)推荐的最大可接受值,但超过瑞典环保局、荷兰建设和环境部推荐的最大可接受水平。目前环境健康风险评价还没有包括在常规环境评价工作中,建议在今后的评价工作中应该逐步开展这方面的工作,以提高供水安全。  相似文献   

对我国城市河流综合管理的思考   总被引:84,自引:2,他引:84       下载免费PDF全文
简要介绍发达国家河流管理方面的若干进展,分析了我国城市河流管理、整治中存在的问题;指出转变城市河流管理观念、改革治河技术方法的必要性;认为我国城市河流综合管理的方向是:确保河流用地;引入以人为本的规划设计理念;恢复河流的生物多样性、景观多样性和环境自净能力;研究与应用多自然河流工法治理河道;建立城市河流的社会化管理机制.  相似文献   

我国地质灾害具有点多面广的分布特点,而地质灾害风险管控人力和能力有限,因此需要开展地质灾害风险排序工作,筛选出优先管控的地质灾害隐患点,确保地质灾害风险管控对策实施的针对性和高效性。地质灾害风险排序的实质是运用定量化风险评价计算出每处隐患点的风险值,然后根据风险值开展排序工作。目前定量化风险评价模型多用于单个地质灾害点风险评价,并未应用于大范围地质灾害风险排序工作,且模型较为复杂,推广应用较难。在分析崩塌、滑坡地质灾害与其环境因素间的响应关系及规律的基础上,提取崩塌、滑坡地质灾害的主控环境因子与诱发因子,联合人口、物质、资源等易损性因子建立地质灾害风险评价指标体系;基于岩石工程系统相互作用矩阵与专家打分法确定各级地质灾害风险评价指标因子权重,构建地质灾害风险评分体系;并根据风险评价定义,提出了能够快速定量化的简易地质灾害风险计算模型。以贵州省98处地质灾害隐患点为例,开展模型应用验证,风险排序结果与灾害管理机构主观认识的实际风险一致,验证了本模型的合理性与有效性,提高了地质灾害风险管控能力与效率。  相似文献   

Groundwater resources have become more vulnerable to contamination due to rapid population growth and economic development. This study aimed to assess the groundwater contamination risk in the Weining Plain, China. Based on the specific conditions of the Weining Plain, a new model DRTSWI with a weighting scheme determined by analytic hierarchy process was developed to evaluate the intrinsic groundwater vulnerability for the study area. An integrated approach, combining the toxicity, the release possibility, and the potential release quantity of the pollutants, was used to estimate the pollution loading. The groundwater contamination risk results were obtained by overlaying the intrinsic vulnerability and pollution loading maps. These indicated that two industrial parks pose the main threat to groundwater quality, due to their unfavorable hydrogeological setting and potential pollution sources on the surface. Some areas in and around the industrial parks exhibit groundwater pollution, which was identified on the contamination risk map using buffer analysis. High risk areas are industries with high or medium vulnerability. The vulnerability and contamination risk maps developed for this study are valuable tools for environmental planning and can be used for predictive management of groundwater resources.  相似文献   

As the industrialization process accelerates in developing countries, road accidents involving hazardous materials are increasing, and the threat associated with these accidents to areas along the highway cannot be ignored. The main objective of this paper is to contribute information regarding risk quantification, risk prevention, and control by government managers in areas along the highways. Thus, the risk assessment of the area along the highway (RAAH) method was established and applied as a regional risk prevention policy. Considering that the damage caused by accidents can vary substantially between different surroundings, the RAAH method was used as an integrated function comprising of accident frequency, intensity and vulnerability along the route, and the vulnerability system reflected the characteristics of the social and environmental factors in the study area. Then, in this study, we implemented this assessment model in geographic information system and applied it to a typical section of the Beijing–Tibet Highway in Beijing, China, to demonstrate its functionality and utility. A risk map was successfully obtained, and it showed that this method not only effectively reveals the neglected high-risk units but also can be used to provide technical support to the regional government to identify the blind spots and strengthen their risk management.  相似文献   

This study draws attention to the fact that natural processes can mobilize thallium (Tl), a highly toxic metal, which may enter the food chain with severe health impacts on the local human population. A rural area having independent Tl mineralization in southwestern Guizhou, China, was chosen for a pilot study. Tl contents of soils extracted by HNO3 in the study area range from 35-165 mg/kg in soils from the mining area, 14-78 mg/kg in alluvial deposits downstream, and 〈0.2-0.5 mg/kg in soils from the background area. Tl contents in ammonium acetate EDTA-extracted fraction are 0.013-1.3 mg/kg, less than 1% of concentration in HNO3-extracted fraction. The amounts of Tl in NH4Ac-extracted fraction were thought to be more exchangeable and bioavailable, i.e., immediately available to plants and/or available to plant roots over a period of years. Tl concentration in crops exhibits species-dependent preferences. The enrichment of Tl in edible crop species decreases in the following order: green cabbage〉chili〉Chinese cabbage〉rice〉com. The highest level of Tl in green cabbage is up to 500 mg/kg (DW), surpassing the values of Tl in the soils (13-59 mg/kg). The enrichment factor for TI in green cabbage is up to 1-10 when considering the HNO3-extracted Tl, but the factor highly rises to 30-1300 while considering the NH4Ac-extracted Tl. The average daily uptake of Tl by the local villagers through consumption of locally planted crops was estimated at about 1.9 mg per person, which is 50 times the daily ingestion from the Tl-free background area.  相似文献   

Transboundary hazard risk reflects how different societies interact with disaster in a shared landscape. In the Gobi desert of northern China and southern Mongolia recurring drought, extreme cold, wind and dust storms are the dominant hazards yet disasters vary significantly in the two countries. Research examined national approaches to environmental engagement and livelihoods in the desert through an assessment of disaster risk in two Gobi communities; farmers in Gansu Province, China, and herders in Dundgov and Omnogov Provinces, Mongolia. Exposure and resilience was evaluated and work examined how risk factors are shaped by policy, economics, culture and social memory. Comparison between two state systems reveals how disaster risk and vulnerability are shaped as much by human action as by the physical climatic event. China stressed government-led disaster management whilst Mongolia emphasised adaptation to hazards. Integrating multiple divisions within a hazard zone is essential to address risk reduction; without this disaster mitigation remains state-specific and lacks applicability to a wider area or global context.  相似文献   

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