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Long, structurally undeformed north–south trending structures show no magnetic anomaly at the magnetic equator, except at the north and south truncations of the structure. However, folding, faulting, differential erosion or other structural deformation can produce detectable magnetic anomalies in a generally north–south trending equatorial structure. Spatial variation in magnetic susceptibility or remanent magnetization can also produce anomalies in equatorial north–south structures. These anomaly patterns are often more complicated than patterns produced by similar structures at high latitudes, but interpretational insight can be gained through numerical modelling of common structures. Reduction-to-pole and analytic signal filters can aid in interpretation of equatorial anomalies, but these must be applied carefully because of instabilities deriving from filter design and noise amplification.  相似文献   

The magnetic anisotropy of several artificially constructed samples has been measured with different types of instruments in several laboratories. Susceptibility bridge determinations have given consistent results, but the magnitude of the anisotropy determined by the Digico anisotropy delineator is incorrect. For future measurements with this instrument it is necessary to make either a simple calibration change or to make a minor change in the associated computer program. A set of equations for correcting the old published data is given.  相似文献   

磁偏角是机场建设中一个重要的测量数据,《民用机场勘测规范》(2008)要求磁偏角的测量精度优于0.1°,而目前教科书和有关测量规范并未给出相关方案。本文描述了某机场磁偏角施测的技术过程:根据当地磁偏角的日变特征,选取每日6:00—8:30及17:30—19:30进行观测,测距400 m;连续2天共测得29个观测数据,数据标准差为1.93',与机场跑道外侧草坪内2个观测点的磁偏角相差3.93',均小于0.1°,说明本次观测数据稳定可信,观测成果满足技术指标。  相似文献   

Highly vesicular, microporphyritic basaltic rocks have been dredged from the slow-spreading Spiess Ridge segment of the Southwest Indian Ridge. All the samples recovered are hyalocrystalline with plagioclase, clinopyroxene and olivine as phenocryst and microphenocryst phases. Titanomagnetite occurs as euhedral microphenocrysts in some of the more evolved samples. In terms of bulk rock and quench glass chemistry the lavas are characterised by highly evolved compositions(e.g. FeO*=10.3−14.2%;TiO2=2.0−3.4%;K2O=0.50−1.1%;MgO=6.0−3.5%;Zr=160−274ppm;Nb=14−32ppm) and can be classified as ferrobasalts. Isotopic and incompatible element ratios of the lavas(e.g.87Sr/86Sr=0.70325−0.70333;Zr/Nb=8.4−11.3;Y/Nb=2.3−1.4) indicate their strongly “enriched” nature (see also Dickey et al. [6]).

Quantitative major and trace element modelling indicates that most of the compositional variations observed can be attributed to low-pressure fractional crystallisation of plagioclase, clinopyroxene and minor olivine and titanomagnetite. The range in composition can be accounted for by up to 65% fractional crystallisation.

We suggest that the extreme differentiation of the Spiess Ridge lavas is related not to spreading rate, but to rate of magma supply. The basaltic melts appear to have evolved in a newly established zone of magmatic activity, associated with the most recent northward jump of the Bouvet triple junction, where they were effectively isolated from significant admixture of primitive magmas.  相似文献   

Streams and rivers, particularly smaller ones, often do not maintain steady flow rates for long enough to reach equilibrium conditions for sediment transport and bed topography. In particular, streams in small watersheds may be subject to rapidly changing hydrographs, and relict bedforms from previous high flows can cause further disequilibrium that complicates the prediction of sediment transport rates. In order to advance the understanding of how bedforms respond to rapid changes in flow rate,...  相似文献   

We examine the problem of determining the spatial position of a triaxial magnetometer onboard an artificial satellite by measuring the fields in orbit. Such a task is interesting from the point of view that to solve it, data on the satellite and the character of its motion in orbit are not used. We obtain explicit expressions for the Euler angles via the field components measured in orbit and taken from a field model, which is considered given.  相似文献   

Inter-laboratory and absolute calibrations of rock magnetic parameters are fundamental for grounding a rock magnetic database and for semi-quantitative estimates about the magnetic mineral assemblage of a natural sample. Even a dimensionless ratio, such as anhysteretic susceptibility normalized by magnetic susceptibility (Ka/K) may be biased by improper calibration of one or both of the two instruments used to measure Ka and K. In addition, the intensity of the anhysteretic remanent magnetization (ARM) of a given sample depends on the experimental process by which the remanence is imparted. We report an inter-laboratory calibration of these two key parameters, using two sets of artificial reference samples: a paramagnetic rare earth salt, Gd2O3 and a commercial “pozzolanico” cement containing oxidized magnetite with grain size of less than 0.1 μm according to hysteresis properties. Using Gd2O3 the 10 Kappabridges magnetic susceptibility meters (AGICO KLY-2 or KLY-3 models) tested prove to be cross-calibrated to within 1%. On the other hand, Kappabridges provide a low-field susceptibility value that is ca. 6% lower than the tabulated value for Gd2O3, while average high-field susceptibility values measured on a range of instruments are indistinguishable from the tabulated value. Therefore, we suggest that Kappabridge values should be multiplied by 1.06 to achieve absolute calibration. Bartington Instruments magnetic susceptibility meters with MS2B sensors produce values that are 2-13% lower than Kappabridge values, with a strong dependence on sample centering within the sensor. The Ka/K ratio of ca. 11, originally obtained on discrete cement samples with a 2G Enterprises superconducting rock magnetometer and a KLY-2, is consistent with reference parameters for magnetites of grain size <0.1 μm. On the other hand, Ka values from a 2G Enterprises magnetometer and K values from a Bartington Instruments MS2C loop sensor for u-channel and discrete cement samples, will produce average Ka/K values that are unrealistically high if not properly corrected for the nominal volume detected by the sensors for these instruments. Inter-laboratory measurements of K and Ka for standard paleomagnetic plastic cubes filled with cement indicate remarkable differences in the intensity of the newly produced ARMs (with a standard deviation of ca. 21%), that are significantly larger than the differences observed from the calibration of the different magnetometers employed in each laboratory. Differences in the alternating field decay rate are likely the major source of these variations, but cannot account for all the observed variability. With such large variations in experimental conditions, classical interpretation of a “King plot” of Ka versus K would imply significant differences in the determination of grain size of magnetite particles on the same material.  相似文献   

The Pannonian Basin is a deep intra-continental basin that formed as part of the Alpine orogeny. In order to study the nature of the crustal basement we used the long-wavelength magnetic anomalies acquired by the CHAMP satellite. The anomalies were distributed in a spherical shell, some 107,927 data recorded between January 1 and December 31 of 2008. They covered the Pannonian Basin and its vicinity. These anomaly data were interpolated into a spherical grid of 0.5° × 0.5°, at the elevation of 324 km by the Gaussian weight function. The vertical gradient of these total magnetic anomalies was also computed and mapped to the surface of a sphere at 324 km elevation. The former spherical anomaly data at 425 km altitude continued downward to 324 km. To interpret these data at the elevation of 324 km we used an inversion method. A polygonal prism forward model was used for the inversion. The minimum problem was solved numerically by the Simplex and Simulated annealing methods; a L2 norm in the case of Gaussian distribution parameters and a L1 norm was used in the case of Laplace distribution parameters. We interpret that the magnetic anomaly was produced by several sources and the effect of the sable magnetization of the exsolution of hemo-ilmenite minerals in the upper crustal metamorphic rocks.  相似文献   

Summary A direct method of interpreting magnetic anomalies due to two-dimensional prisms is presented here. Measurement of the first vertical derivative supplies additional information concerning the parameters. The normal ground magnetic profile, as well as the gradient profile will have symmetrical points whose distances from the origin are related to the width, depth and height of a two dimensional prism shaped body.  相似文献   

The distribution of earthquakes along the Reykjanes ridge is highly variable but follows a pattern which has remained essentially unchanged for the past fifty years. A number of possible interpretations are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary The results of recent extensive studies on the low field hysteresis in basalts from India and East Africa and the memory phenomenon observed in some of the rocks have been found to have a direct bearing on the various parameters such asQ n,Q tn, stability by the A.C. field technique etc. which are of great importance in rock-magnetism. It has been found that rocks having low Curie temperature (it c ) and not exhibiting memory phenomenon are ideally suited for palaeomagnetic studies. Also, rocks having relatively higher it c often exhibit memory phenomenon, given inconsistent NRM directions and show an irregular behaviour on A.C. field cleaning. In using the latter rock types for palaeomagnetic work one has to take a number of precautions which are clearly brought out by the studies described in this paper.  相似文献   

Gravity and bathymetric results from the 1983 Canadian Expedition to Study the Alpha Ridge (CESAR) have outlined positive free-air anomalies centred on the continental break off Ellesmere Island characteristic of normal Atlantic-type passive margins. These data confirm implications derived from depth-to-magnetic basement calculations that the ridge may not be structurally connected to the continent. Across the Alpha Ridge magnetic and gravity anomalies mimic the bathymetry. The magnetic anomalies apparently are not caused, to any great extent, by internal structures or magnetic reversals, but rather seem to result simply from variations in depths to a homogenous magnetic structure. The gravity anomalies across a 500 km wide section of the Alpha Ridge can be almost completely accounted for by topography, shallow sedimentary fill and a simple two-tier crustal model. This implies an extraordinary lateral density homogeneity unknown in continental structures of comparable size. Gravity models show the crustal thickness to increase gradually from 20 km at the Marvin Spur to 38 km at the ridge crest. A comparison of this model with a gravity model of the continental-type Lomonosov Ridge, which has a thickness of about 25 km, indicates that, at the same thickness of 25 km, the average crustal density of the Alpha Ridge is 0.08 Mg/m3 greater. These gravity constraints, the unusually homogenous seismic velocity structure revealed by the CESAR studies, the homogeneous magnetic structure, and the extraordinary high intensity satellite magnetic anomaly associated with the Alpha Ridge, indicate that the ridge may be composed of a large pile of mafic rock, possibly unique on this planet.  相似文献   

The Hollister Ridge is located on the western flank of the Pacific–Antarctic Ridge (PAR), between the Udintsev fracture zone (FZ) and the Eltanin fault system. It is a linear aseismic structure, 450 km long, oblique with respect to the PAR. Data show that the most recent activity is located in the central part of the chain, which can be considered as being still volcanically active. Both major/trace element and isotopic data suggest that some interaction occurred between the Pacific–Antarctic Ridge and the Hollister Ridge. The source of the Hollister Ridge samples has its own geochemical characteristics. The geochemical variations observed along the ridge can be explained by mixing between two major end-member components: (1) a PAR depleted source, and (2) a Hollister enriched source. A small contribution (20% maximum) of Louisville plume material is likely to exist in the middle of Hollister Ridge. These data unequivocally reject the possibility that the Hollister Ridge could be the present location of the Louisville hotspot. Ages and geochemistry data support the idea of an influence of intraplate deformation as a probable cause of the origin of the Hollister Ridge.  相似文献   

The method for controlling the state of the geomagnetic field in real time, based on comparing the up-to-date models of the magnetospheric magnetic field (the Tsyganenko model, the NIIYaF MGU paraboloid model) with this field measured onboard a spacecraft along its trajectory, is presented. The method is based on the possibility of characterizing the state of the geomagnetic field in the near-Earth space in the scope of such models. The specific state is determined, based on the best correspondence of the measurements to one of these three model calculations, by comparing the model calculations of the geomagnetic field along the satellite trajectory, belonging to different classes of the field state (quiet, disturbed, strongly disturbed), with the current experimental magnetic data. The method was tested using the CHAMP satellite data.  相似文献   

The mineral magnetic properties of deposited dusts collected along a broadly north‐to‐south transect across Niger have been investigated on both a bulk and particle size‐specific basis. Dusts display a general north‐to‐south gradient in fine‐grained ferrimagnetic mineral (magnetite/maghemite) concentrations, with samples south of the Sahara/Sahel transition (south of ~15·5o N) generally containing greater concentrations than dusts from further north where the climate is much drier. This distinction is seen especially clearly in the clay (< 2 µm) fraction, which harbours the products of weathering and pedogenesis. This gradient in ferrimagnetic mineral concentrations broadly parallels that previously reported for surface soils/sands across a similar latitudinal range. We suggest that the regional distinction in both dust and surface soil/sand magnetic properties can be related to differences in weathering regime between the arid Saharan parts of the transect and the Sahel sites where higher rainfall has permitted stronger weathering and pedogenesis. Given that the weathering‐related magnetic signatures in the clays dominate the magnetic properties of the < 16 µm fractions in these samples, and that this particle size component is most likely to be involved in long‐range transport, magnetic measurements hold out the potential of discriminating Sahara and Sahel dusts deposited in remote areas. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Apollo 15 and 16 subsatellite measurements of lunar surface magnetic fields by the electron reflection method are summarized. Patches of strong surface fields ranging from less than 14° to tens of degrees in size are found distributed over the lunar surface, but in general no obvious correlation is observed between field anomalies and surface geology. In lunar mare regions a positive statistical correlation is found between the surface field strength and the geologic age of the surface as determined from crater erosion studies. However, there is a lack of correlation of surface field with impact craters in the mare, implying that mare do not have a strong large-scale uniform magnetization as might be expected from an ancient lunar dynamo. This lack of correlation also indicates that mare impact processes do not generate strong magnetization coherent over ~ 10 km scale size. In the lunar highlands fields of >100 nT are found in a region of order 10 km wide and >300 km long centered on and paralleling the long linear rille, Rima Sirsalis. These fields imply that the rille has a strong magnetization (>5 × 10?6 gauss cm3 gm?1 associated with it, either in the form of intrusive, magnetized rock or as a gap in a uniformly magnetic layer of rock. However, a survey of seven lunar farside magnetic anomalies observed by the Apollo 16 subsatellite suggests a correlation with inner ejecta material from large impact basins. The implications of these results for the origin of lunar magnetism are discussed.  相似文献   

Twenty-four heat flow measurements are clustered in 5–20 m.y. and 60–80 m.y. old seafloor on the crest and northern flank of the Pacific-Antarctic Ridge. The crestal heat flow stations are characterized by (1) low mean heat flow relative to that predicted by theoretical models, (2) thin sediment cover, and (3) high ratio of standard deviation to mean heat flow, all of which indicate a system dominated by convective heat transfer. The measurements made on older seafloor of the northern flank have (1) mean heat flow equal to the theoretical predictions of conductively-cooling lithospheric plate models, (2) thick sediment cover, and (3) low ratio of standard deviation to mean heat flow. Thus convective loss associated with hydrothermal circulation is not considered to be important in 60–80 m.y. old seafloor on the Pacific-Antarctic Ridge. The pattern of heat flow on this ridge is thus similar to that in the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific Oceans: hydrothermal circulation is dominant on the ridge crest but is suppressed on the flanks, possibly due to a difference in the hydraulic admittance of the sediment between the two regions.  相似文献   

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