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影响石笋δ13C的因素众多,且其中一些影响机制未知,从而导致利用石笋δ13C准确重建古环境仍存在一定的困难.作为形成石笋母液的洞穴滴水,其δ13CDIC变化必然会导致石笋δ13C的变化,因而只有对影响洞穴滴水δ13CDIC的各种因素进行细致的研究才能更好地利用石笋δ13C重建古气候环境.对贵州夜郎洞、天钟洞和普定岩溶模拟试验场的研究均表明,雨季上覆植被生物量的大小以及植被类型(C3和C4)是控制岩溶地下水δ13CDIC变化的主要因素.而对于夜郎洞的研究还得出旱季先期CO2脱气作用对岩溶地下水δ13CDIC的影响较大,如夜郎洞C3植被下雨季δ13CDIC值在-10.94‰~-12.15‰之间,旱季为-3.66‰~-5.50‰,夜郎洞C3植被下滴水点雨季旱季之间差异最大达到-8.49‰,这些不仅仅是由生物量的变化而引起的,先期CO2脱气对滴水碳同位素的影响也是不可忽略的.不同于夜郎洞旱季滴水δ13CDIC,先期CO2脱气作用对天钟洞滴水δ13CDIC的影响较小,天钟洞滴水δ13CDIC总体上能够反映上覆植被发育状况,因而先期CO2脱气作用等过程对滴水δ13CDIC影响因洞穴而异,可能反映了洞穴顶部包气带不同水文地质条件的影响.  相似文献   

贵州中西部洞穴水系与碳酸钙的稳定同位素意义   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
在贵州中西部四个洞穴取得水样和碳酸钙样品,其中地表水与洞穴水的δD和δ~(18)O_(SMOW)的平均值分别为-51.1‰±6.2‰和-7.48‰±0.88‰,代表了该地区的大气降水δD和δ~(18)O的平均值。一方面,尽管只是一次取样,多数洞穴滴水的δD和δ~(18)O值还是反映了地表水的同位素年平均值。而另一方面,在个别滴水点可能由于洞顶包气带很薄,能够灵敏地反应季节性雨水δD和δ~(18)O值的变化,那么,短期的滴水测量不一定反映地表水的年平均值。石将军洞的年轻鹅管δ~(13)C_(PDB)值(-1.6‰)远比织金洞(-7.00‰)的重,是由于植被覆盖率低、严重石漠化造成的,织金洞上覆植被由于受到人为的保护,恢复较好。其他洞穴碳酸钙沉积物的δ~(18)O和δ~(13)C显示,全新世时期的植被发育较好,δ~(13)C值轻;而冷干的冰期时,植被覆盖减少,δ~(13)C值偏重。因此,洞穴沉积物的δ~(13)C可以作为重建古植被和贵州喀斯特地区石漠化演变的重要依据。  相似文献   

以往的研究中一般认为石笋δ13C变化的影响因素复杂,但在大多数报道中地表植被仍被认为是影响石笋δ13C变化的主要因素之一.本文综合国内外已发表的模拟试验研究结果及川东北地区已发表和未发表的石笋δ18O-δ13C数据,特别是Heinrich事件中石笋δ18O-δ13C的表现,指出地表植被不一定是影响石笋δ13C变化的主要因素,洞穴水文(如地下水流速、滴水速率、水文化学,等等)的变化可以解释通常观察到的石笋δ13C变化.植被变化的效应可以叠加在洞穴水文变化的效应上.洞穴系统的水文变化复杂性可能是造成石笋δ13C变化呈现较复杂特征的主要原因.  相似文献   

利用川东北梭子洞石笋SZ2的稳定碳同位素组成(δ~(13)C)高分辨率重建了120~103ka时段的石笋碳同位素序列。SZ2的δ~(13)C变化与该石笋稳定氧同位素组成(δ~(18)O)的长期变化趋势明显不同。在整体变化趋势上δ~(13)C变化与生长速率相似,反映石笋表面滴水时间间隔影响的CO_2脱气作用和CaCO_3沉积可能是影响SZ2的δ~(13)C长时间尺度上变化的主要因素。但在较短时间尺度上,SZ2的δ~(13)C与δ~(18)O变化基本趋势一致,反映了地表植被类型(如C3/C4植被比例)、植被密度、土壤微生物活动以及洞穴通风效应的变化可能是引起SZ2的δ~(13)C短时间尺度上变化的主要因素。  相似文献   

基于川东北宋家洞石笋SJ1的399个稳定碳同位素组成(δ13C)数据建立了末次冰期中晚期(14~43 ka)高分辨率δ13C时间序列。SJ1的δ13C变化与已发表的该石笋稳定氧同位素组成(δ18O)变化趋势非常一致,清晰地记录了该地区植被对D/O事件5-10的敏感响应。东亚夏季风气候控制的地表植被(包括C3和C4植被比例C3/C4变化和植被密度变化)和土壤微生物活动变化可能是影响SJ1的δ13C变化的主要因素。在这些D/O事件发生时δ13C变轻,指示了C3/C4植被比例上升和植被密度增加。此外,受降水控制的岩溶地下水流速影响的水-岩相互作用,石笋表面滴水时间间隔、洞穴空气的CO2分压和洞穴通风效应等因素影响的CO2脱气作用和先期碳酸盐沉积也可能对SJ1的δ13C变化产生了影响。  相似文献   

为了研究芙蓉洞滴水和池水中溶解无机碳碳同位素(DICδ13C)的变化特征、影响因素及其气候环境指示意义,于2013年5月-2014年5月对芙蓉洞进行了洞穴监测。结果显示芙蓉洞山体土壤CO2浓度和洞内空气CO2浓度均表现出明显的季节变化特征,夏半年浓度偏高,冬半年浓度偏低,受温度和降水量的共同影响。芙蓉洞5个滴水点的DICδ13C平均值为-8.98 ‰,两个池水点的DICδ13C平均值为-6.98 ‰,池水的DICδ13C比滴水的重2 ‰。对应2013年7月的干旱气候,洞穴水DICδ13C在10月相应出现明显偏重值,偏轻的DICδ13C值则是对湿润气候的滞后响应。洞穴水的DICδ13C变化对地表气候的响应具有明显的滞后期。洞穴水DICδ13C主要受土壤CO2的影响,基岩溶解作用、包气带的开放性等因素也会对洞穴水DICδ13C造成一定的影响。研究结果表明在短时间尺度上,洞穴水DICδ13C变化响应了当地降水量以及地表湿润状况的变化。   相似文献   

贵州纳朵洞洞穴滴水、现代沉积物δ18O特征及其环境意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了研究洞穴滴水及其对应的现代沉积物氧同位素的变化特征和对外界气候环境的指示意义,文章对贵州纳朵洞洞外大气降水、洞穴池水、6处滴水点及其对应的现代沉积物氧同位素进行了近2年的监测。结果显示纳朵洞外大气降水和洞穴池水δ18O值均呈现旱季偏重,雨季偏轻的季节特征,基本能反映洞穴所在区域的气候变化。而滴水沉积物δ18O值和滴水δ18O值自身存在协调同步的季节特征,但二者δ18O值与大气降水δ18 O值却呈现反向的季节变化,这可能是区域地形、岩溶表层带的调节和大气环流共同作用的结果。   相似文献   

对贵州中西部郑家洞、石将军洞和织金洞三个洞穴中水样和碳酸钙沉积物样品地球化学特征的分析,得出洞穴水Mg /Sr 比平均值分别为1 278± 411、1 155± 207、14. 0± 2. 7。安顺洞穴的水样富Mg 贫Sr,与织金洞的相反,一方面可能与围岩组成的差别有关,另一方面可能与洞穴地表的植被和土壤覆盖有关。碳酸钙样品中的微量元素比值反映了洞穴水的比值,而后者受围岩和地表条件的影响。因此,以Mg /Sr或Mg /Ca 比值来反映温度的变化,必须详细了解各种影响因素的影响作用。通过织金洞洞穴水和现代碳酸钙沉积物中Sr /Ca比值,计算出K Sr值为0. 04~ 0. 134,平均值为0. 073± 0. 035; KMg平均值为0. 021± 0. 010。这些结果可为今后利用石笋Mg /Sr 比值作为古气候代用指标的研究提供基础数据。   相似文献   

洞穴化学沉积物气候-环境记录机理研究中,亟需了解各种环境替代指标形成的地球化学过程及其影响因子.我们以洞穴滴水为主线长期系统监测研究了气候-环境信号的传递过程和受控因素,判别了洞穴顶板土壤基本情况(自然和人为作用),分析了洞穴滴水的水动力特征,归纳了水文、水文地球化学过程及简单模型,考察了滴水的DOC、荧光强度及相关性,综合探讨了氢、氧、碳同位素信号传递过程及其受控因素,以及对不同生态系统的碳、氧同位素的对比.当前我们所获得的主要成果和认识是发现滴水的溶解有机碳和荧光强度以每年4~6月最强,并与洞穴上覆植被条件成正相关;降雨对洞穴滴水氧同位素组成有明显的控制作用和一致的季节变化特征,蒸发作用对氧同位素信号的传递有不大于2‰的影响作用;植被条件对滴水碳同位素信号起主导控制作用,δ13C值在湿热条件下低于干冷条件,明显受降雨稀释效应、水动力过程、方解石溶解/沉积作用和CO2逃逸等因素的影响.  相似文献   

塔里木盆地荒漠植物与表土碳同位素组成研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
表土有机质碳同位素组成(δ13Corg)反映了来自于地表各种植物δ13Corg的一个混合信息.要从沉积物δ13Corg中提取可靠的植被信息,需要系统研究现代表土有机质δ13Corg与地表植被δ13Corg的差异.初步研究了塔里木盆地主要现代植被及土壤碳同位素组成,对比不同地区土壤和地表植被δ13Corg的差异.结果表明:塔里木盆地柽柳属种群中植物与表土碳同位素组成之间存在显著相关关系,说明在干旱地区土壤中微生物和水生生物等的干扰因素可以忽略,其现代土壤的同位素组成只与地表相应的主要植被类型有关.塔里木盆地柽柳属种群中表土有机质δ13Corg值比地表植被δ13Corg值平均偏正1.71‰左右,不同于其它地区表土和地表植被δ13Corg差异(2.2‰,1‰,0.5‰)的结果,反映不同地区表土和地表植被有机质δ13Corg值差异不同.在利用沉积物δ13Corg值提取古生态植被信息时,应考虑到不同地区土壤有机质与地表植被δ13Corg值的不同差异会影响植被中C3、C4植物组成情况.  相似文献   

Monitoring and sampling of main plants,soil CO2,soil water,bedrock,spring water,drip water and its corresponding speleothem were performed at four cave systems of Guizhou,Southwest China,from April 2003 to May 2004,in order to understand stable carbon isotope ratios variations of dissolved inorganic Carbon(DIC) in cave percolation waters(δ13CDIC) and their implications for paleoclimate.Stable carbon isotopic compositions and ions(Ca,Mg,Sr,SO4,Cl etc.) were measured for all samples.The results indicate that there are significant differences among the δ13CDIC values from inter-cave,even inter-drip of intra-cave in the four caves.The δ13CDIC values from the Liangfeng Cave(LFC) is lightest among the four caves,where vegetation type overlying the cave is primary forest dominated by tall trees with lighter average δ13C value(–29.9‰).And there are remarkable differences in δ13CDIC values of different drip waters in the Qixing Cave(QXC) and Jiangjun Cave(JJC),up to 6.9‰ and 7.8‰,respectively.Further analyses show that the δ13CDIC values in cave drip waters are not only controlled by vegetation biomass overlying the cave,but also hydro-geochemical processes.Therefore,accurate interpreting of δ13C recorded in speleothems cannot be guaranteed if these effects of the above mentioned factors are not taken into consideration.  相似文献   

Understanding the relationships between speleothem stable isotopes (δ13C δ18O) and in situ cave forcing mechanisms is important to interpreting ancient stalagmite paleoclimate records. Cave studies have demonstrated that the δ18O of inorganically precipitated (low temperature) speleothem calcite is systematically heavier than the δ18O of laboratory-grown calcite for a given temperature. To understand this apparent offset, rainwater, cave drip water, groundwater, and modern naturally precipitated calcite (farmed in situ) were grown at multiple locations inside Hollow Ridge Cave in Marianna, Florida. High resolution micrometeorological, air chemistry time series and ventilation regimes were also monitored continuously at two locations inside the cave, supplemented with periodic bi-monthly air gas grab sample transects throughout the cave.Cave air chemistry and isotope monitoring reveal density-driven airflow pathways through Hollow Ridge Cave at velocities of up to 1.2 m s−1 in winter and 0.4 m s−1 in summer. Hollow Ridge Cave displays a strong ventilation gradient in the front of the cave near the entrances, resulting in cave air that is a mixture of soil gas and atmospheric CO2. A clear relationship is found between calcite δ13C and cave air ventilation rates estimated by proxies pCO2 and 222Rn. Calcite δ13C decreased linearly with distance from the front entrance to the interior of the cave during all seasons, with a maximum entrance-to-interior gradient of Δδ13CCaCO3 = −7‰. A whole-cave “Hendy test” at multiple contemporaneous farming sites reveals that ventilation induces a +1.9 ± 0.96‰ δ13C offset between calcite precipitated in a ventilation flow path and calcite precipitated on the edge or out of flow paths. This interpretation of the “Hendy test” has implications for interpreting δ13C records in ancient speleothems. Calcite δ13CCaCO3 may be a proxy not only for atmospheric CO2 or overlying vegetation shifts but also for changes in cave ventilation due to dissolution fissures and ceiling collapse creating and plugging ventilation windows.Farmed calcite δ18O was found to exhibit a +0.82 ± 0.24‰ offset from values predicted by both theoretical calculations and laboratory-grown inorganic calcite. Unlike δ13CCaCO3, oxygen isotopes showed no ventilation effects, i.e. Δδ18OCaCO3 appears to be a function of growth temperature only although we cannot rule out a small effect of (unmeasured) gradients in relative humidity (evaporation) accompanying ventilation. Our results support the findings of other cave investigators that water-calcite fractionation factors observed in speleothem calcite are higher that those measured in laboratory experiments. Cave and laboratory calcite precipitates may differ mainly in the complex effects of kinetic isotope fractionation. Combining our data with other recent speleothem studies, we find a new empirical relationship for cave-specific water-calcite oxygen isotope fractionation across a range of temperatures and cave environments:
1000lnα=16.1(103T-1)-24.6  相似文献   

Cai, B., Zhu, J., Ban, F. & Tan, M. 2011: Intra‐annual variation of the calcite deposition rate of drip water in Shihua Cave, Beijing, China and its implications for palaeoclimatic reconstructions. Boreas, Vol. 40, pp. 525–535. 10.1111/j.1502‐3885.2010.00201.x. ISSN 0300‐9483. Monthly in situ monitoring of the calcite deposition rate, drip‐water chemistry and surrounding cave environment was carried out at Shihua Cave, Beijing, China, through two hydrological years (from January 2006 to February 2008) to determine the seasonal variability and mechanisms of stalagmite growth in Shihua Cave. Calcite deposition rates exhibit significant intra‐annual variation, with the lowest values during the summer monsoonal rainy season (July–August) and peak values from autumn to spring. The temporal change in the calcite deposition rate is negatively correlated with the drip rate, cave‐air PCO2 (CO2 partial pressure) and Ca concentration, and positively correlated with the pH of the feeding drip water. The seasonal recharge regime of drip water is likely to be the primary control on the drip‐water quality and quantity, which, in turn, control the calcite deposition rate in Shihua Cave. During the summer rainy season, periodic and intense rainstorms increase the drip rate and cave‐air PCO2, leading to drip water with a lower pH and saturation index of calcite, thereby reducing the calcite precipitation. It seems that the high cave‐air PCO2 is the dominant control on the calcite deposition rate during the rainy season. Our previous study on the dissolved organic carbon of drip water concluded that the thin luminescent bands in stalagmite laminae from Shihua Cave form during the rainy season. The lower calcite deposition rate during the rainy season further supports this suggestion. The significant intra‐seasonal variability of the calcite deposition rate implies that the seasonal bias of δ18O of stalagmites should be considered when stalagmite δ18O is used as a high‐resolution palaeoclimatic archive.  相似文献   

湖北清江和尚洞石笋古环境研究的回顾和展望   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从1997年开始对湖北清江和尚洞开展了系统的现代过程监测和地质记录的综合研究,以了解气候和生物信息的传输、转化和记录过程,并由此重建长江中游末次冰期以来的气候和生态环境。通过对和尚洞的大气、植被、土壤、围岩、滴水和沉积碳酸盐开展年代学、水文学、地球化学、地球物理学、地球生物学等多学科的调查,已经积累了许多现代过程的基础资料,为进一步进行石笋记录的研究奠定了很好的基础。同时,研究发现该洞穴石笋具有年代准确、环境和生态信息丰富、分辨率高、记录时间长等众多优点,是重建过去气候和生态变化历史的优质载体。下一步研究应该充分利用这些特点,力争在季风的年际和年代际变化以及不同气候态下环境与生物的相互作用两个方向取得进展。  相似文献   

桂林市芦笛岩、大岩洞穴环境特征   总被引:13,自引:5,他引:8  
对桂林市西郊的芦笛岩和大岩洞穴环境长期观测的结果表明,作为游览洞穴的芦笛岩与洞外空气交换频繁,洞穴CO2 的含量较低,温、湿度变化频繁而且幅度大。游览活动导致洞内CO2 含量显著增加,但是回落十分迅速,不会引起洞内温度、CO2 的累积效应。作为非游览洞穴的大岩与外界交换弱且缓慢,保持着相对恒定的原始环境,有较好的洞穴气候分带,空气温度、湿度比较稳定, CO2 的含量呈规律性季节变化;最近20多年来,洞内气温、湿度有明显的降低。   相似文献   

This paper investigates the stable isotopic composition from late Pleistocene–Holocene (~ 13 to ~ 10.5 cal ka BP) shells of the land snail Helix figulina, from Franchthi Cave (Greece). It explores the palaeoclimatic and palaeoenvironmental implications of the isotope palaeoecology of archaeological shells at the time of human occupation of the cave. Modern shells from around the cave were also analysed and their isotopic signatures compared with those of the archaeological shells. The carbon isotope composition of modern shells depicts the consumption of C3 vegetation. Shell oxygen isotopic values are consistent with other Mediterranean snail shells from coastal areas. Combining empirical linear regression and an evaporative model, the δ18Os suggest that modern snails in the study area are active during periods of higher relative humidity and lower rainfall δ18O, probably at night. Late glacial and early Holocene δ18Os show lower values compared to modern ones. Early Holocene δ18Os values likely track enhanced moisture and isotopic changes in the precipitation source. By contrast, lower late glacial δ18O could reflect lower temperatures and δ18Op, compared to the present day. Shell carbon isotope values indicate the presence of C3 vegetation as main source of carbon to late glacial and early Holocene snails.  相似文献   

石笋是古气候重建的重要地质载体,文石与方解石是石笋碳酸钙晶体的常见矿物形态。根据现代洞穴监测数据分析洞穴新生碳酸钙沉积物 (Active Speleothem: AS)的矿物形态的研究较少。本文在重庆武隆芙蓉洞三个滴水点 (MP2、MP5、MP9)下放置玻璃片,收集新生碳酸钙沉积物和滴水样品,监测新生碳酸钙沉积物矿物形态、滴水的Mg/Ca比值、pH、滴率和洞穴环境等指标,分析玻璃片正面和反面新生碳酸钙沉积物的δ18O、δ13C和Mg/Ca比值。研究发现:(1) MP2滴水点下的玻璃片正反面新生碳酸钙沉积物的矿物形态均为方解石;MP5和MP9滴水点的正面沉积方解石和文石-方解石混合两种情况,反面沉积文石-方解石,且反面文石多于正面。 (2) MP2滴水Mg/Ca比值小于MP5和MP9,说明滴水Mg/Ca比值是影响新生碳酸钙沉积物矿物形态的重要因素;而滴水pH值对AS矿物形态的影响在不同滴水点有差异。(3) 不论是玻璃片正面还是反面,文石-方解石混合的新生碳酸钙沉积物δ18O和δ13C比以方解石为主的沉积物偏正,说明AS矿物形态的变化会导致δ18O和δ13C发生变化。通过在芙蓉洞的系统监测和分析,发现新生碳酸钙沉积物的矿物形态与地表环境、洞穴上部岩溶水文地质条件密切相关,并验证了洞穴新生碳酸钙沉积物的矿物形态对石笋δ18O和δ13C具有重要影响。   相似文献   

孙喆  杨琰  施强  张萍  梁沙  张娜  刘肖  聂旭东  彭涛 《沉积学报》2017,35(1):93-101
岩溶洞穴次生沉积物--石笋因其独有的高精度测年和高分辨率记录的优势已越来越成为过去全球变化研究中重要的支柱。进行洞穴碳酸盐沉积机理研究对于理解石笋沉积速率,结晶形态、准确解译气候替代指标和现代洞穴合理保护具有重要意义。以我国南北交汇带亚洲季风敏感区河南鸡冠洞为例,通过对2010-2015年连续6个水文年对鸡冠洞滴水和碳酸盐沉积的监测发现:①洞内滴水水化学指标与沉积速率表现出很好的一致性,雨季大气降水增加,气温升高,生物活动加强,土壤CO2含量增加,滴水滴速、Ca2+、HCO3-、电导率(EC)和沉积速率同时增加,旱季反之;洞内CO2对方解石沉积的抑制作用被滴水饱和度掩盖。②受2012-2013年年降雨量显著减少的影响,水岩作用减弱,2014年滴水饱和度降至最低,出现为期一年的沉积间断,直至2014年下半年降水增加,于11月重新接收到方解石沉积。③自2013年下半年开始,受人为淋滤洞穴影响,滴水NO3-上升数十倍,模拟实验显示其对CaCO3溶解的能力较之前提高约60%,表明NO3-对方解石沉积存在抑制作用,这可能是个别月份滴水饱和度高却没有回收到CaCO3沉积的原因,建议景区在进行补水的同时要考虑水质对岩溶作用的影响。  相似文献   

Variations in speleothem δ13C values can reflect changes in overlying surface vegetation, which, over historical time scales, may represent the influence of human activities. Here, we examined δ13C variations in two stalagmites growing for the last 2200 years in Shennong Cave, Jiangxi Province, SE China. The two δ13C records corroborate well one another and show a prominent 6‰ enrichment of the δ13C values from AD 700 to 1100. The isotopic equilibrium for modern calcite and negative correlation between δ18O and δ13C values along the growth axis suggest that the influences of kinetic fractionation are negligible. Varied correlations between Mg/Ca and Sr/Ca ratios and divergent changes between δ13C values and Mg/Ca and Sr/Ca ratios from AD 700 to 1100 reveal that the prior calcite precipitation (PCP) and water–rock interaction did not dominate the increase of δ13C values. It is plausible that the obvious δ13C variation was largely influenced by the changes in vegetation cover overlying the cave. Our δ13C results, together with the records of climate and human activity from historical documentary records, suggest that: (i) prior to AD 700, small fluctuations in relatively light δ13C values reflect the presence of lush forest coverage above the cave, which was minimally disturbed by human activities; (ii) during AD 700–1100, the drastic increase in δ13C values indicates persistent and massive deforestation associated with large‐scale immigration into northern Jiangxi after the Rebellion of An & Shi (AD 755–763) in the Tang Dynasty and the subsequent development of agriculture and economic activity; and (iii) since AD 1100, fluctuations in relatively high δ13C values suggest that local vegetation during the last millennium has been sparse. Since the Rebellion of An & Shi, southeastern China was progressively developed, coincident with deforestation and vegetation deterioration caused by human disturbance in the form of deforestation and cultivation.  相似文献   

Hearths are important archaeological features, serving to infer past practices related to hominin subsistence and social behaviors. The identification of hearths is not always straightforward due to post‐depositional processes. In karstic cave environments in particular it is not always easy to distinguish, in the field or in the laboratory, between geogenic and anthropogenic cemented features because both are composed of calcite. Here we present a novel study in which bulk oxygen and carbon isotopic analyses were used in order to unequivocally identify anthropogenic calcite derived from hearths in the Neanderthal site of Amud Cave (Israel). We demonstrate that the isotopic composition of wood ash is distinctively different from that of geogenic calcite. The linear relationship observed between carbon and oxygen isotopic compositions of the various sediment types in Amud Cave is interpreted as a mixing line between wood ash and geogenic calcite, thus enhancing our understanding of the origins of sedimentological variability at the site and showing that not all of the cemented sediments in Amud Cave should be regarded as hearths. Our study suggests that the relative abundance of validated hearths in the various areas of the cave may be associated with Neanderthal use of space in Amud Cave. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

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