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In the method of variation of parameters we express the Cartesian coordinates or the Euler angles as functions of the time and six constants. If, under disturbance, we endow the “constants” with time dependence, the perturbed orbital or angular velocity will consist of a partial time derivative and a convective term that includes time derivatives of the “constants”. The Lagrange constraint, often imposed for convenience, nullifies the convective term and thereby guarantees that the functional dependence of the velocity on the time and “constants” stays unaltered under disturbance. “Constants” satisfying this constraint are called osculating elements. Otherwise, they are simply termed orbital or rotational elements. When the equations for the elements are required to be canonical, it is normally the Delaunay variables that are chosen to be the orbital elements, and it is the Andoyer variables that are typically chosen to play the role of rotational elements. (Since some of the Andoyer elements are time-dependent even in the unperturbed setting, the role of “constants” is actually played by their initial values.) The Delaunay and Andoyer sets of variables share a subtle peculiarity: under certain circumstances the standard equations render the elements nonosculating. In the theory of orbits, the planetary equations yield nonosculating elements when perturbations depend on velocities. To keep the elements osculating, the equations must be amended with extra terms that are not parts of the disturbing function [Efroimsky, M., Goldreich, P.: J. Math. Phys. 44, 5958–5977 (2003); Astron. Astrophys. 415, 1187–1199 (2004); Efroimsky, M.: Celest. Mech. Dyn. Astron. 91, 75–108 (2005); Ann. New York Acad. Sci. 1065, 346–374 (2006)]. It complicates both the Lagrange- and Delaunay-type planetary equations and makes the Delaunay equations noncanonical. In attitude dynamics, whenever a perturbation depends upon the angular velocity (like a switch to a noninertial frame), a mere amendment of the Hamiltonian makes the equations yield nonosculating Andoyer elements. To make them osculating, extra terms should be added to the equations (but then the equations will no longer be canonical). Calculations in nonosculating variables are mathematically valid, but their physical interpretation is not easy. Nonosculating orbital elements parameterise instantaneous conics not tangent to the orbit. (A nonosculating i may differ much from the real inclination of the orbit, given by the osculating i.) Nonosculating Andoyer elements correctly describe perturbed attitude, but their interconnection with the angular velocity is a nontrivial issue. The Kinoshita–Souchay theory tacitly employs nonosculating Andoyer elements. For this reason, even though the elements are introduced in a precessing frame, they nevertheless return the inertial velocity, not the velocity relative to the precessing frame. To amend the Kinoshita–Souchay theory, we derive the precessing-frame-related directional angles of the angular velocity relative to the precessing frame. The loss of osculation should not necessarily be considered a flaw of the Kinoshita–Souchay theory, because in some situations it is the inertial, not the relative, angular velocity that is measurable [Schreiber, K. U. et al.: J. Geophys. Res. 109, B06405 (2004); Petrov, L.: Astron. Astrophys. 467, 359–369 (2007)]. Under these circumstances, the Kinoshita–Souchay formulae for the angular velocity should be employed (as long as they are rightly identified as the formulae for the inertial angular velocity).  相似文献   

Under perturbations from outer bodies, the Earth experiences changes of its angular momentum axis, figure axis and rotational axis. In the theory of the rigid Earth, in addition to the precession and nutation of the angular momentum axis given by the Poisson terms, both the figure axis and the rotational axis suffer forced deviation from the angular momentum axis. This deviation is expressed by the so-called Oppolzer terms describing separation of the averaged figure axis, called CIP (Celestial Intermediate Pole) or CEP (Celestial Ephemeris Pole), and the mathematically defined rotational axis, from the angular momentum axis. The CIP is the rotational axis in a frame subject to both precession and nutation, while the mathematical rotational axis is that in the inertial (non-rotating) frame. We investigate, kinematically, the origin of the separation between these two axes—both for the rigid Earth and an elastic Earth. In the case of an elastic Earth perturbed by the same outer bodies, there appear further deviations of the figure and rotational axes from the angular momentum axis. These deviations, though similar to the Oppolzer terms in the rigid Earth, are produced by quite a different physical mechanism. Analysing this mechanism, we derive an expression for the Oppolzer-like terms in an elastic Earth. From this expression we demonstrate that, under a certain approximation (in neglect of the motion of the perturbing outer bodies), the sum of the direct and convective perturbations of the spin axis coincides with the direct perturbation of the figure axis. This equality, which is approximate, gets violated when the motion of the outer bodies is taken into account.  相似文献   

Kubo (Celest Mech Dyn Astron 110:143–168, 2011) investigated the kinematical structure of the perturbation in the rotation of the elastic Earth due to the deformation caused by the outer bodies. In that paper, while the mechanism for the perturbation of the figure axis was made clear, that for the rotational axis was not shown explicitly. In the present study, following the same method, the structure of the perturbation of the rotational axis is investigated. This perturbation consists of the direct perturbation and the convective perturbation. First the direct perturbation is shown to be (AC)/A times as large as that of the figure axis, coinciding with the analytical expressions obtained in preceding studies by other authors. As for the convective perturbation, which appears only in the perturbation of the rotational axis but not in that of the figure axis, it is shown to be (AC)/A times the angular separation between the original figure axis and the induced figure axis produced by the elastic deformation, A and C being the principal moments of inertia of the Earth. If the perturbing bodies are motionless, the conclusion of Kubo (Celest Mech Dyn Astron 105:261–274, 2009) holds strictly, i.e. the sum of the direct and the convective perturbations of the rotational axis coincides with the perturbation of the figure axis.  相似文献   

New determination of the Earth orientation parameters (EOP), based on optical astrometry observations since the beginning of the century, is now under preparation by the Working group established by Commission 19 of the IAU. The Hipparcos catalog is to define the celestial reference frame in which the new series of EOP are to be described, The novelties of the prepared solution are the higher resolution (5 days) and more parameters estimated from the solution (celestial pole offsets, rheological parameters of the Earth, certain instrumental constants). The mathematical model of the solution is described, and the results based on the observations made with 46 instruments at 29 observatories and a preliminary Hipparcos catalog are presented.  相似文献   

Effects of an interaction between the mantle and the core of the Earth on its rotational motion are investigated. Assuming that the Earth consists of a rigid mantle and a rigid core with a frictional coupling and a kind of inertial coupling between them, the equations of motion are derived, and they are solved in a close approximation. The solution gives the expressions for the precession, the nutation, the secular changes in the obliquity and the rotational speed, the polar motion and so on as functions of the magnitudes of these forces. A numerical estimation shows that the effect of the friction on the amplitude and phase of the nutation is small for a reasonable intensity of the friction while inertial coupling force has a decisive influence on the amplitude, and an appropriately chosen value of the latter force gives a nutation which closely agrees with observations. It is also indicated that this torque remarkably lessens the rates of the secular changes in the obliquity and the rotational speed. The possibility of a periodical change in the amplitude of the polar motion is suggested as a result of the interaction between the two consituents.  相似文献   

It is shown, based on certain simplifying assumptions, that an island the size of Greenland, drifting across the North Atlantic at 10 m/century produces a change in secular rotation T=0.01 s.Presented at the Symposium Star Catalogues, Positional Astronomy and Celestial Mechanics, held in honor of Paul Herget at the U.S. Naval Observatory, Washington, November 30, 1978.  相似文献   

An outline of the astrometric series of the ERP of their accuracy and of the results obtained from analyses of these data are given in the paper. Presently known systematic differences between the astrometric ERP series and those determined by VLBI and Lageos ranging techniques are discussed. Some geophysical applications of latitude and longitude variations determined by astrometric techniques are mentioned.  相似文献   

We compare the Earth's rotation parameters claculated from various input sets and conclude 1) A reference system comparable to the BIH sustem can be set up using just a few high-precision, evenly-distributed instruments. 2) Chinese instruments for time and latitude determination play an important role in the setting up and maintenance of a global reference system. 3) There seem to be no systematic differences, of an annual or a semi-annual character between the observations by the classical methods and the newer techniques. The difference BIH (1979) – BIH (1968) is probably what has remained of the station errors when the BIH (1968) system was set up. 4) It is possible that some unknown common source of error may exist over a large geographical region, hence, to set up a good reference system, the observing insrtuments should be distributed as evenly as possible over the globe.  相似文献   

We have developed a cosmological model for the Earth rotation and planetary acceleration that gives a good account (data) of the Earth astronomical parameters. These data can be compared with the ones obtained using space-base telescopes. The expansion of the universe has shown to have an impact on the rotation of planets, and in particular, the Earth. The expansion of the universe causes an acceleration that is exhibited by all planets.  相似文献   

When the problem of the rotation of a non-rigid body is studied, the usual procedure consists of adding perturbations to the Hamiltonian of the rigid solid. In some cases, as occurs with the centrifugal deformation, the new perturbations contains potentials which depend on the velocity, but usually one alter neither the definition of the canonical variables nor the method for obtaining the Hamiltonian. Although this procedure gives good estimates and its formulation is simpler, it is incorrect from a theoretical point of view.In this paper we rigorously develop a Hamiltonian formulation of the problem, considering potentials that depend on the velocity. Thus the differences between the two procedures are clearly shown, giving special emphasis to the case of the elastic Earth, for which we show that the differences obtained cannot be ignored within the accuracy limits at present required.  相似文献   

We used the mirror-cone model to derive formulas and construct an algorithm for determining the pole position and the siderial period of the rotation of an artificial Earth satellite about its center of inertia. The apex angle of cone and the precession angle are determined as well. An algorithm is also constructed for calculating a model mirror flash series at fixed satellite rotation parameters.  相似文献   

Hamiltonian mechanics is applied to the problem of the rotation of the elastic Earth. We first show the process for the formulation of the Hamiltonian for rotation of a deformable body and the derivation of the equations of motion from it. Then, based on a simple model of deformation, the solution is given for the period of Euler motion, UT1 and the nutation of the elastic Earth. In particular it is shown that the elasticity of the Earth acts on the nutation so as to decrease the Oppolzer terms of the nutation of the rigid Earth by about 30 per cent. The solution is in good agreement with results which have been obtained by other, different approaches.  相似文献   

The distribution of near‐Earth asteroid (NEA) rotation rates differs considerably from the similar distribution of Main Belt asteroids (MBAs) by the presence of excesses of fast and slow rotators, which are not observed or not so prominent in the distribution for MBAs. Among possible reasons for the difference, there can be influence of solar radiation on spin rate of small NEAs, the so‐called “YORP effect,” which appears due to reflection, absorption, and IR re‐emission of the sunlight by an irregularly shaped rotating asteroid. It is known that the YORP‐effect action strongly depends on the amount of solar energy obtained by the body (insolation), its size, and albedo. The analysis of observation data has shown that: (1) the mean diameter of NEAs decreases from the middle of the distribution to its ends, that is, the excesses of slow rotators (ω ≤ 2 rev day?1) and fast rotators (ω ≥ 8 rev day?1) are composed of smaller NEAs than in the middle of the distribution; (2) NEAs of both excesses are in the orbits where their insolation is about 8–10% larger than that of NEAs in the middle of the distribution; and (3) the objects in both excesses have a little lower albedo on average than that of objects in the middle of the distribution. All these results qualitatively agree well with the YORP‐effect action and may be considered as independent arguments in favor of it.  相似文献   

We calculate the so-called convective term, which shows up in the expression for the angular velocity of the elastic Earth, within the Andoyer formalism. The term emerges due to the fact that the elasticity-caused perturbation depends not only on the instantaneous orientation of the Earth but also on its instantaneous angular velocity. We demonstrate that this term makes a considerable contribution into the overall angular velocity. At the same time the convective term turns out to be automatically included into the correction to the nutation series due to the elasticity, if the series is defined by the perturbation of the figure axis (and not of the rotational axis) in accordance with the current IAU resolution. Hence it is not necessary to take the effect of the convective term into consideration in the perturbation of the elastic Earth as far as the nutation is related to the motion of the figure axis.  相似文献   

As a key technique in deep space navigation, radio interferometry can be used to determine the accurate location of a spacecraft in the plane-of-sky by measuring its signal propagation time delay between two remote stations. To improve the measurement accuracy, differential phase delay without phase ambiguity is usually desired. Aiming at the difficulties of resolving phase ambiguity with few stations and narrowband downlink signals, a new method is proposed in this work by taking advantage of the Earth rotation. The high accurate differential phase delay between the spacecraft and a calibrator can be achieved not only in the in-beam observation mode but also in the out-of-beam observation mode. In this paper we firstly built the model of phase ambiguity resolution. Then, main measurement errors of the model are analyzed, which is followed by tests and validations of the model and method using the tracking data of the Cassini mission and Chang'E-3 mission. The results show that the phase ambiguities can be correctly resolved to generate a 10-picosecond level accuracy differential phase delay. Angular measurement accuracy of the Cassini reaches the milli-arc-second level, and the relative position accuracy between the Chang'E-3 rover and lander reaches the meter level.  相似文献   

D.J. Scheeres  A. Rossi 《Icarus》2004,170(2):312-323
In this paper we study the statistical effect of planetary flybys on the rotation rates and states of Near Earth Objects (NEOs). Our approach combines numerical and analytical methods within a Monte Carlo model that simulates the evolution of the NEO spin rates. We take as input for the simulation a source distribution of spin states and evolve it to find their steady state distribution. In performing this evolution we track the changes in the spin rate and state distribution for the different components of the NEO population. We show that the cumulative effect of planetary encounters is to spin up the overall population of NEOs. This spin up effect holds on average only, and particular members of the population may experience an overall decrease in rotation rate. This effect is clearly seen across all components of the NEO population and is significant both statistically and physically. For initially slow rotators the spin up effect is strong, lowering the mean rotation period by 32%. For faster rotating populations the effect is less, lowering the spin period by 15% for the intermediate case, 6% for fast rotating rubble piles, and 8% for fast rotating monoliths. Physically, the spin up effect pushes 1% of the fast rotating rubble-pile NEOs over the disruption limit, while 6% of these bodies experience a sub-disruption event that could modify their physical structure. For monolithic NEOs, the spin up effect is self-limiting, reaching a minimum spin period of 1.1 hr, with a strong cut-off between 2-3 hr. This has two implications. First, it may not be necessary to invoke the rubble-pile hypothesis to recover a cut-off in spin period. Second, it shows that planetary flybys cannot account for the extremely rapid rotation rates of some small NEOs. We also tested a different balance between the effects of Earth and Venus by treating the Aten sub-class of asteroids separately. Due to increased interactions with the planets, the spin up effect is more pronounced (10%) and disruptions increase by a factor of three. The slow rotation tails of the spin distributions are increased to longer periods, in general, with rotation periods of over 100 hr occurring for a few tenths of a percent for some component populations. Thus, this mechanism may account for some of the noted excess in slow rotators among the NEOs. Planetary flybys also cause NEOs to enter a tumbling state, with approximately 0.5% of the population being placed into a long-axis rotation mode. Finally, based on the evolution of spin states of different components of the NEO population, we compared the evolved states with the measured distribution of NEOs to estimate the relative populations of these components that comprise the NEOs.  相似文献   

Improved differential equations of the rotation of the deformable Earth with the two-layer fluid core are developed. The equations describe both the precession-nutational motion and the axial rotation (i.e. variations of the Universal Time UT). Poincaré’s method of modeling the dynamical effects of the fluid core, and Sasao’s approach for calculating the tidal interaction between the core and mantle in terms of the dynamical Love number are generalized for the case of the two-layer fluid core. Some important perturbations ignored in the currently adopted theory of the Earth’s rotation are considered. In particular, these are the perturbing torques induced by redistribution of the density within the Earth due to the tidal deformations of the Earth and its core (including the effects of the dissipative cross interaction of the lunar tides with the Sun and the solar tides with the Moon). Perturbations of this kind could not be accounted for in the adopted Nutation IAU 2000, in which the tidal variations of the moments of inertia of the mantle and core are the only body tide effects taken into consideration. The equations explicitly depend on the three tidal phase lags δ, δ c, δ i responsible for dissipation of energy in the Earth as a whole, and in its external and inner cores, respectively. Apart from the tidal effects, the differential equations account for the non-tidal interaction between the mantle and external core near their boundary. The equations are presented in a simple close form suitable for numerical integration. Such integration has been carried out with subsequent fitting the constructed numerical theory to the VLBI-based Celestial Pole positions and variations of UT for the time span 1984–2005. Details of the fitting are given in the second part of this work presented as a separate paper (Krasinsky and Vasilyev 2006) hereafter referred to as Paper 2. The resulting Weighted Root Mean Square (WRMS) errors of the residuals dθ, sin θd for the angles of nutation θ and precession are 0.136 mas and 0.129 mas, respectively. They are significantly less than the corresponding values 0.172 and 0.165 mas for IAU 2000 theory. The WRMS error of the UT residuals is 18 ms.  相似文献   

The solar tables of ibn Yunis and of King Alfonso, those of Kepler, of G. D. and J.-J. Cassini, and of Lalande are compared with Newcomb's theory of the Sun to determine the deceleration of the Earth's rotation. Comparisons of mean motion and of longitude lead to separate determinations. A value for the deceleration, , assumed to be independent of time is obtained for the period — 146 through 1892. This result is based on the assumption that Newcomb's theory converts the Earth's orbital motion into a perfect clock, and the result is independent of lunar and tidal theory. The deceleration seems greater than that obtained from the literature for the tidal deceleration caused by the Moon.  相似文献   

Cataclysmic variables are special celestial bodies because they have particular light curves and spectra.The mechanisms for generating emission lines radiated from dwarf novae in their quiescent phases are studied.We assume that the incident radiation field which is emitted by a hot source(white dwarf and boundary layer)irradiates the gaseous layer evaporated from the accretion disk,and the emission lines are radiated from the gas.We model the fluxes of emission lines by using the photoionization code CLOUDY.Using this method,we input some reasonable parameters and get a series of simulated spectra.In order to find a simulated spectrum which is the best fit to an observed spectrum,we use a cross-correlation method to match them.After the calculation,we use the approximation that the parameters of the simulated spectrum can simulate the observed spectrum.Finally,we learn more about the physical conditions of the system.  相似文献   

Two selection statistics are used to extract new candidate periodic variables from the epoch photometry of the Hipparcos catalogue. The primary selection criterion is a signal-to-noise ratio. The dependence of this statistic on the number of observations is calibrated using about 30 000 randomly permuted Hipparcos data sets. A significance level of 0.1 per cent is used to extract a first batch of candidate variables. The second criterion requires that the optimal frequency be unaffected if the data are de-trended by low-order polynomials. We find 2675 new candidate periodic variables, of which the majority (2082) are from the Hipparcos 'unsolved' variables. Potential problems with the interpretation of the data (e.g. aliasing) are discussed.  相似文献   

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