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庄农  姜水洋 《热带海洋》1994,13(4):87-91
在完善GPS导航方式的过程中,引入重要目标点的概念,并以此为思想指导,修改原导航程序,使之多个目标点明确、直观地显示于驾驶台及船上各实验室的计算机显示屏幕上。从而提高船舶停靠站的精度,并使船舶停靠原站位具可重复性。这样,满足了海上地质勘测和石油化探中多点间歇采样的需要;同时,亦提高了工作效率并有利于船舶航行安全。  相似文献   

随着全球经济的快速发展,海上运输由于其运力大、运费低而变得更具实用性。然而,这也意味着在海上航道行驶的船只正变得越来越多,这将导致在复杂的海洋环境中航海船只发生事故的可能性会很高。据相关历史的统计,在海域中航行缺乏高精度导航数据会导致大量事故,这种累积的事故信息可以被用来提高航海的安全性。本文通过将蕴含在AIS (Automatic Identification System) 大数据中的经验导航信息挖掘出来,以辅助实现复杂海事环境下安全可靠的船舶路径的生成。本文提出了一种基于大数据自动生成船舶路径的新方法。该方法首先在大量船舶轨迹上通过DBSCAN (Density-Based Spatial Clustering of Applications with Noise) 聚类形成不同的轨迹矢量簇。然后,迭代计算轨迹矢量簇的中心线,并从这些中心线之间的节点-弧段拓扑关系来构建航道网络。最后,基于航道网络来实现船舶路径的生成,对于航道网络未覆盖的海域,则通过海洋环境风险栅格的路径规划来实现船舶路径的生成。不同海域不同AIS数据集进行的多次实验结果表明,本文提出的船舶路径生成方法是有效性。  相似文献   

为提高船舶气象导航自动化水平,实现避台决策由经验型向智能型转变,提出1种高效、稳定的绕避台风航线规划算法。基于电子海图平台实现GPS、数字化气象信息的多源信息集成,直观显示船舶和台风当前位置和运动态势,基于栅格模型设计避台航线自动生成算法,实现避台航线在线实时规划。仿真结果表明,该方法能够根据气象信息及时重建环境模型并获取新的最优航线,算法对环境的复杂性不敏感,具有稳定性好、求解规模大、效率高的特点。  相似文献   

通过对多家船舶海洋气象导航公司和机构的介绍,概括了国内外气象导航的业务和发展。文章分析结果表明,国外气象导航业务发展历史悠久,技术储备雄厚,业务体系完善,占据了全球气象导航业务的大部分市场份额。国内气象导航的发展历程较短,技术力量薄弱,业务量相对较少。当前国内的气象导航服务正在努力开拓创新,在信息化背景下逐步开展多样化的平台建设和产品研发,并取得了良好的进展。  相似文献   

分析了导航型GPS在海上地球物理勘探应用中存在的问题,着重研究了卡尔曼滤波对号航数据中航向和航速的处理;提出两种滤波模型,对模拟的导航数据和真实航行数据进行计算,并将结果用于重力测量数据的Eotvos改正,对出现的问题进行了讨论。文章提出适当的处理方法,使导航型GPS适应海上地球物理勘探的要求,提高了导航精度和满足测量了精度。  相似文献   

新华社北京一月十八日电(记者张继民)国家海洋局海洋环境预报中心一九八四年先后九次在横跨太平洋的几条航线上,进行了气象导航试验,导航效果已接近国外这类导航的先进水平。 气象导航亦称最佳航线。它根据海洋环境要素预报和船舶本身的运动性能,利用电子计算机模拟大量航线,从中优选出航行安全、航程较短、航时最省、人员舒适及货损最小的理想航线;船舶启航后,实行连续跟踪预报服务,提供航行海域未来的环境状况,如风向、风力、风浪及涌浪等,并结合船只及货载的具体情况修正船舶航向,加速或缓行,借以避难就易,提高营运效益。  相似文献   

海监船舶在维护南海海洋权益、实施海域使用管理、海洋环境保护和海洋防灾救灾等方面起着重要的作用。文章从技术实现角度出发,结合海监船舶的航行方法、区域及受控监管特点,对海监船舶导航及监控的技术和信息需求做了深入研究,设计并基本实现了“海监船舶导航与监控管理信息系统”。  相似文献   

将北斗通信技术、船舶自动识别系统技术、航标遥测遥控技术以及GPS差分技术进行有效结合,研制了海上导航信息远程传输监控系统,对我国中、远海海域装有AIS设备的船舶进行跟踪与监控、可疑船舶的辨认、船舶的岸基调度、航标遥测遥控、GPS差分信息远程播发等。相比单一技术的应用,海上导航信息远程传输监控系统不受天气条件限制,无需人员定期出海维护,具有设备集成度高、导航差错率低、功能全面、成本效益好等特点。  相似文献   

渤海湾沉积物中的多环芳烃   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
关于渤海湾海水中多环芳烃(PAHs)之分布已进行了测定,本文报告渤海湾沉积物中多环芳烃的测定与分布。运用索氏萃取和高效液相色谱分离的方法,测定了渤海湾23个站位沉积物样中的PAHs的含量,主要对其中的菲、萤蒽、茈、(艹屈)、苯并〔e〕芘、苝、苯并〔a〕芘等进行了分析。部分站位样品中这些化合物的总含量最高达330mg/kg(干重),一般在50—150mg/kg范围内,显示出明显的规律性。  相似文献   

介绍了由多种AIS监测平台获取船舶信息的方法,探讨基于AIS的海洋环境目标监测技术。介绍了AIS信息获取和融合技术,提出了同类传感器多源融合与异类传感器多源融合的模型,描述了船只目标信息提取与应用技术。通过收集处理AIS信息,可以大大扩展船舶的监视范围,对于提高船舶动态的监控能力和海上安全的保障能力具有很重要的意义。  相似文献   

水下潜器通常采用捷联惯性导航和多普勒计程仪组合导航系统。为提高惯性导航系统的导航精度,保障水下潜器顺利作业,文章以高性能惯导系统PHINS为例,介绍其安装和初始对准技术。PHINS在安装时须计算其与船体的偏差以及与船体和外部传感器的力臂,尤其与多普勒计程仪组合时应执行传感器自动对准程序;PHINS的初始对准是其精确导航的前提,可在海上或静态时进行;惯导系统的安装误差和初始对准精度对于其导航精度具有决定性的影响。  相似文献   

Fiber strapdown inertial navigation system (FSINS) is presently used in several applications related to marine navigation. However, the absolute position from FSINS contains the error that increases with time, which prevents its long-term use for the ship cruise. In order to improve the performance of FSINS based on our present inertial sensors, the spin technology was proposed in the system to mitigate the navigation errors and a prototype of the proposed system was developed in Navigation Lab. The prototype contains the IMU, temperature controller, rotating configuration, navigation and I/O electronics group, control and display, power supply subsystem and other modules. In the proposed spin technology, the IMU is rotated back and forth in azimuth through four orthogonal positions relative to the ship’s longitudinal axis. Experimental testing was conducted for the prototype in the laboratory and the results showed that the RFSINS’s navigation performance is improved 10 times.  相似文献   

Wen-Hui Cheng   《Ocean Engineering》2004,31(5-6):693-707
Currently, most submerged bodies use the long-baseline acoustic position system (LBL) to identify the navigation position for submerging. A precise navigation position is always the target pursued by underwater technology. The conventional long-baseline acoustic position systems normally use Kalman filter correction to handle the problem of positional errors. This article proposes a new modification, which is based on the periodically measured actual navigation distance, and associated with the three-dimensional geometrical relations between the transponder on the seabed and the navigation distance. This new modification employs the iterative approximation to modify the errors of the measured navigation position from the conventional long-baseline acoustic position system. In order to verify the availability of the modified model by the essay, the study uses the navigation position for an underwater surveying submerged body as the study object. After the numerical simulation analysis, the result shows that the modification was presented by the article can only use very few iterations to precisely modify the errors of the measured navigation position from the conventional long-baseline acoustic position system, which is highly applicable for positioning in long-term and long-distance submersion. Moreover, the modification method proposed by the paper can also help submersion positioning for the underwater vehicle, as well as the military submerged body.  相似文献   

数字水深模型的应用通常可分为航海和非航海两大类型。从航海与非航海DDM的不同应用需求出发,分别构建了航海和非航海DDM,比对分析了不同类型DDM相互应用时的质量情况。实验证明,航海DDM的模型中误差相对较大,模型产生了系统性偏移,应用于非航海时模型质量会相对降低,且这种降低的程度随着比例尺的缩小而增大;非航海DDM未考虑航海安全性需求,会引起模型深度保证率指标明显偏低,且随比例尺不断缩小而偏低更明显,从而不能直接应用于航海。  相似文献   

- This paper, after briefly reviewing the experimental research on sediment transport on muddy beach since the 1950s, improves and perfects the method for forecasting siltation in navigation channels and harbour basins which was first put forward in China by the authors. In consideration of silty sediment and sand, some factors in forecasting methods have been changed and modified. Consequently, the modified methods can be used either to compute siltation in navigation channels and harbour basins on muddy beach or to compute siltation and scouring in navigation channels and harbour basins on both silty beach and sandy beach. The verification of field data from eleven large, medium and small natural harbours shows a good agreement between the forecasting by the modified method and the natural conditions. Finally, the paper deals with the rational utilization of water area after the construction of the West Dyke in Lianyungang, the maintenance of water depth of the navigation channel at the entrance, siltation distribution, siltation in the navigation channel and harbour basin for ships of 100 thousand tonnnage. Results once again prove that the prospect of constructing Lianyungang Harbour into a deepwater harbour is bright.  相似文献   

单一导航系统无法满足水下运载体高精度、高可靠性的导航需求,文中根据常用水下导航系统的特点,提出基于可重置联邦滤波器的水下运载体导航定位方案,设计了以惯导系统(INS)为主参考系统,声学定位系统/深度计、多普勒计程仪(DVL)、罗经为子参考系统的联邦滤波器,并进行了仿真研究。结果表明文中设计的滤波器能有效融合各个传感器的导航信息,实现水下运载体高精度导航定位,并具有一定容错性。  相似文献   

陈维  匡翠萍  顾杰  秦欣 《海洋科学》2013,37(4):75-80
根据长江口南沙头通道、横沙通道和南北槽分汊口的断面水深变化及长江口南北港和南北槽的分流比变化实测资料,分析了长江口北槽深水航道淤积的原因。结果表明,北槽深水航道上段淤积受多种因素影响,其中,南沙头通道和横沙通道的发展对深水航道影响最大。南沙头通道的发展在加大落潮流量的同时,对南港南岸会产生一定的冲刷,后经沙洲的阻挡,把泥沙带向南港北岸,在北槽进口段处落淤,直接影响了进入深水航道的落潮量;横沙通道由于直接贯通了北港北槽的水沙交换,因而削弱了南港和北槽之间的水沙交换,促使北槽深水航道上段产生淤积,这也是南槽河道上段刷深的一个主要原因,而南槽河道的发展必然减少了进入北槽的落潮量,进一步加剧了北槽深水航道上段的淤积。同时,科氏力与北槽南导堤分流口鱼咀工程对深水航道也造成了一定的不可忽视的影响。研究成果对治理北槽深水航道淤积问题保障深水航道正常运行具有十分重要的科学实践意义。  相似文献   

文中关注水下潜航器导航定位时,电磁波传播途径中能量衰减、惯导系统长航时积累误差以及提高水下潜航器定位精度等问题。基于倒置的超短基线声学基阵,分析声波往返传播时间(RTT)、平面波近似方法和USBL导航解算方法及其坐标转换过程,结合INS误差方程,建立INS/USBL松组合模型。为进一步提高系统精度、动态性能和抗干扰性,考察USBL的原始斜距、斜距差以及声学基阵的空间分布信息,提出基于USBL原始输出信息的INS/USBL紧耦合组合导航方法。通过MATLAB仿真对导航算法进行验证,结果表明两种算法能充分抑制纯惯导误差随时间积累问题,且有效地估计出姿态、速度和位置误差角;其中紧耦合方法状态估计误差最小,导航参数精度相对松组合提高30%以上,对于提高水下载体导航定位精度、海洋探测具有重大意义。  相似文献   

水下声学定位、惯性导航定位、多普勒声纳以及组合导航定位是目前我国大洋科考调查工作中的几种主要水下导航定位技术。通过分析常规调查装备、ROV、AUV和载人潜水器等4类主要水下科考设备的导航定位系统实测数据,给出不同水下导航定位模式的现场作业精度,为我国大洋科考调查工作中水下导航定位技术的选择与应用等工作提供参考。  相似文献   

This paper presents an integrated navigation system for underwater vehicles to improve the performance of a conventional inertial acoustic navigation system by introducing range measurement. The integrated navigation system is based on a strapdown inertial navigation system (SDINS) accompanying range sensor, Doppler velocity log (DVL), magnetic compass, and depth sensor. Two measurement models of the range sensor are derived and augmented to the inertial acoustic navigation system, respectively. A multirate extended Kalman filter (EKF) is adopted to propagate the error covariance with the inertial sensors, where the filter updates the measurement errors and the error covariance and corrects the system states when the external measurements are available. This paper demonstrates the improvement on the robustness and convergence of the integrated navigation system with range aiding (RA). This paper used experimental data obtained from a rotating arm test with a fish model to simulate the navigational performance. Strong points of the navigation system are the elimination of initial position errors and the robustness on the dropout of acoustic signals. The convergence speed and conditions of the initial error removal are examined with Monte Carlo simulation. In addition, numerical simulations are conducted with the six-degrees-of-freedom (6-DOF) equations of motion of an autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) in a boustrophedon survey mode to illustrate the effectiveness of the integrated navigation system.  相似文献   

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