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New zircon laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry and secondary ion mass spectroscopy U–Pb ages, and Hf isotope and whole-rock geochemical data are reported for Mesozoic igneous rocks from the eastern margin of the Songnen–Zhangguangcai Range Massif, Northeast China, in order to document the petrogenesis of the igneous rocks and reconstruct the early Mesozoic tectonic setting of the region. Zircons from five representative igneous rocks are euhedral–subhedral and display oscillatory growth zoning or striped absorption in cathodoluminescence images, suggesting a magmatic origin. The dating results indicate that granite, gabbro, and rhyolite from the eastern Songnen–Zhangguangcai Range Massif formed during Late Triassic (204–211 Ma). The Late Triassic granitoids and rhyolites have an affinity to A-type granites or rhyolites. Their zircon εHf(t) values and Hf two-stage model ages range from –3.8 to +3.8 and from 999 to 1485 Ma, respectively, indicating that their primary melts were derived from the partial melting of the Meso-Proterozoic crust. The geochemistry of coeval gabbros, which reflects primary magma composition, shows a significant large ion lithophile element (e.g. Ba and Sr) enrichment and high field strength element (i.e. Zr, Hf, Nb, Ta, and Ti) depletion. Based on zircon εHf(t) values (–4.2 to +2.8) and Hf single-stage model ages (746–1031 Ma), we conclude that the mafic magma is the product of partial melting of lithospheric mantle that was metasomatically enriched by fluids derived from the subducted oceanic crust. The Late Triassic magmatism along the eastern margin of the Eurasian continent has bimodal magma compositions, indicating an extensional setting after the final closure of the Palaeo-Asian Ocean rather than being related to subduction of the Palaeo-Pacific Plate beneath the Eurasian continent. The occurrence of Late Triassic igneous rocks on the eastern side of the Mudanjiang Fault suggests that this fault does not represent the suture zone between the Songnen–Zhangguangcai Range and Jiamusi massifs.  相似文献   

The Great Xing’an Range in Northeast China is located in the eastern part of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt. From north to south, the Great Xing’an Range is divided into the Erguna, Xing’an, and Songliao blocks. Previous U–Pb zircon geochronology results have revealed that some ‘Precambrian metamorphic rocks’ in the Xing’an block have Phanerozoic protolith ages, questioning whether Precambrian basement exists in the Xing’an block. We present laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA–ICP–MS) U–Pb dating results for zircons from suspected Precambrian metamorphic rocks in the Xing’an block. Meta-rhyolites of the Xinkailing Group in Nenjiang yield magmatic ages of 355.8 Ma. Detrital zircons from phyllites of the Xinkailing Group in Duobaoshan yield populations of ca. 1505, ca. 810, and ca. 485 Ma, with the youngest peak constraining its depositional age to be <485 Ma. Zircons from amphibolitic gneisses of the Xinkailing Group in Nenjiang have magmatic ages of 308.6 Ma. Mylonitic granites of the Xinkailing Group in Nenjiang have zircon magmatic ages of 164 Ma. Detrital zircons from two-mica quartz schists of the Luomahu Group in the Galashan Forest yield ca. 2419, ca. 1789, ca. 801, ca. 536, ca. 480, and ca. 420 Ma, with the youngest peak indicating its depositional age as <420 Ma. Detrital zircons from mylonitized sericite–chlorite schist of the Ergunhe Formation in Taerqi yield populations of 982–948, ca. 519, and ca. 410 Ma, with the youngest peak demonstrating that its depositional age is <410 Ma. These zircon ages for a range of lithologies show that the Great Xing’an Range metamorphic rocks formed during the Phanerozoic (164–485 Ma) and that this crust is mostly Palaeozoic. Based on these results and published data, we conclude that there is no evidence of Precambrian metamorphic basement in the Xing’an block. In summary, the age data indicate that Precambrian metamorphic basement may not exist in the Xing’an region.  相似文献   

In this study, we present zircon U-Pb ages, whole-rock geochemical data and Hf isotopic compositions for the Meiguifeng and Arxan plutons in Xing'an Massif, Great Xing'an Range, which can provide important information in deciphering both Mesozoic magmatism and tectonic evolution of NE China. The zircon U-Pb dating results indicate that alkali feldspar granite from Meiguifeng pluton was emplaced at ~145 to 137 Ma, and granite porphyry of Arxan pluton was formed at ~129 Ma. The Meiguifeng and Arxan plutons have similar geochemical features, which are characterized by high silica, total alkalis, differentiation index, with low P_2O_5, CaO, MgO, TFe_2O_3 contents. They belong to high-K calc-alkaline series, and show weakly peraluminous characteristics. The Meiguifeng and Arxan plutons are both enriched in LREEs and LILEs(e.g., Rb, Th, U and K), and depleted in HREEs and HFSEs(e.g., Nb, Ta and Ti). Combined with the petrological and geochemical features, the Meiguifeng and Arxan plutons show highly fractionated I-type granite affinity. Moreover, the Meiguifeng and Arxan plutons may share a common or similar magma source, and they were probably generated by partial melting of Neoproterozoic high-K basaltic crust. Meanwhile, plagioclase, K-feldspar, biotite, apatite, monazite, allanite and Ti-bearing phases fractionated from the magma during formation of Meiguifeng and Arxan plutons. Combined with spatial distribution and temporal evolution, we assume that the generation of Early Cretaceous Meiguifeng and Arxan plutons in Great Xing'an Range was closely related to the break-off of Mudanjiang oceanic plate. Furthermore, the Mudanjiang Ocean was probably a branch of Paleo-Pacific Ocean.  相似文献   

<正>1 Introduction The Songnen–Zhangguangcai Range Massif(SZRM)crops out over an extensive part of NE China and was thought to contain Precambrian crystalline basement material,as evidenced by the presence of what appears to bePaleoproterozoicbasementmaterialwithin exploration drillholes(Pei et al.,2007).An alternative view is that the basement within the SZRM is  相似文献   

We present new zircon U–Pb–Hf and whole-rock geochemical data for volcanic rocks along the eastern margin of the Xing'an Massif of NE China in order to further our understanding of the history of subduction towards the SE and the spatial extent of the Mongol–Okhotsk tectonic regime. Zircon U–Pb dating indicates that the Triassic volcanism in the Xing'an Massif occurred in two stages during the Middle (ca. 242 Ma) and Late (ca. 223–228 Ma) Triassic. Middle Triassic basaltic andesites in the Heihe area have an affinity to arc-type volcanic rocks. The zircon εHf(t) values (+ 8.5 to + 12.7) suggest that the primary magma was generated by the partial melting of a relatively depleted mantle wedge that had been metasomatized by subduction-related fluids. The Late Triassic andesites in the Handaqi area exhibit geochemical affinities to high-Mg adakitic andesites. Their zircon εHf(t) values (+ 11.5 to + 14.5) and TDM2 ages (313–484 Ma) indicate that their primary magma was derived from the partial melting of a young subducted oceanic crust, followed by interaction with melts derived from mantle peridotite. The Late Triassic basaltic andesites, andesites, and dacites in the Zhalantun–Moguqi area have features similar to those of igneous rocks formed in subduction zones. Their zircon εHf(t) values (+ 8.4 to + 15.4) and TDM1 ages (260–542 Ma) indicate that their primary magma was derived from the partial melting of a depleted mantle wedge that had been metasomatized by subduction-related fluids. These data suggest that the Triassic volcanic rocks of the Xing'an Massif formed in an active continental margin setting associated with the southward subduction of the Mongol–Okhotsk oceanic plate towards the SE. We conclude that the Mongol–Okhotsk tectonic regime extended at least as far as the eastern margin of the Xing'an Massif, and that the tectonism spanned the period from the late Permian to early Early-Cretaceous.  相似文献   

9172 Conodonts have been recovered from the uppermost Hunghuayuan Formation and the Zitai Formation at two sections in Shitai County, southern Anhui Province, South China, which was situated close to the margin of the Lower Yangtze Platform during the Early to Middle Ordovician. Systematic and multivariate statistical studies on these conodonts permit recognition of seven conodont biofacies: Tropodus biofacies, Diaphorodus biofacies, Oepikodus biofacies, Baltoniodus biofacies, Paroistodus biofacies, Periodon biofacies and Protopanderodus biofacies. Each biofacies is restricted to a particular lithofacies and stratal position and shows a consistent order and/or position within the succession. Turnover of these conodont biofacies is related to sea-level changes. The transgressive–regressive patterns demonstrated by the conodont biofacies compare closely to published sea level curves for South China, and highlight the utility of conodont biofacies as a means of confirming sedimentological evidence of relative sea-level change.  相似文献   

《International Geology Review》2012,54(12):1522-1549

The northern Lesser Xing’an Range in NE China hosts many gold deposits. However, genesis and tectonic background for the mineralization remain unclear. The newly discovered Yongxin gold deposit in this region provides a good example for understanding the related issues. Two economic orebodies have been recognized at Yongxin and they are mainly hosted in the hydrothermal breccias. Zircon U–Pb ages of granite porphyry and diorite porphyry are 119.3 ± 0.7 Ma and 119.9 ± 0.6 Ma, respectively. These data provide constraints to the upper limit of ore-forming age. The δ34S values of pyrite from orebodies range from 2.3‰ to 5.1‰. The 206Pb/204Pb, 207Pb/204Pb and 208Pb/204Pb ratios of the pyrite are of 18.126–18.255, 15.492–15.537 and 37.880–38.019, respectively. The δ18OH2O and δD values of ore-forming fluids range from ?12.5‰ to 1.8‰ and from ?124.8‰ to ?102.1‰, respectively. The REE compositions of gold-bearing pyrite are similar to those of the volcanic rocks of the Longjiang formation, diorite porphyry and granite porphyry. The combined geological, geochronological and geochemical characteristics of the Yongxin gold deposit indicate that the ore-forming materials were likely sourced from the volcanic rocks of the Longjiang formation, diorite porphyry and granite porphyry, whereas the ore-forming fluids are dominated by meteoric water. The Yongxin gold deposit could be a product of the Early Cretaceous large-scale gold mineralization in northeast China which occurred in an extensional tectonic setting and were related to the rollback of the subducted Paleo-Pacific Oceanic Plate beneath the continental margin of northeast China.  相似文献   

This study presents new zircon U–Pb geochronology, geochemistry, and zircon Hf isotopic data of volcanic and subvolcanic rocks that crop out in the Bayanhushuo area of the southern Great Xing’an Range (GXR) of NE China. These data provide insights into the tectonic evolution of this area during the late Mesozoic and constrain the evolution of the Mongol–Okhotsk Ocean. Combining these new ages with previously published data suggests that the late Mesozoic volcanism occurred in two distinct episodes: Early–Middle Jurassic (176–173 Ma) and Late Jurassic–Early Cretaceous (151–138 Ma). The Early–Middle Jurassic dacite porphyry belongs to high-K calc-alkaline series, showing the features of I-type igneous rock. This unit has zircon εHf(t) values from +4.06 to +11.62 that yield two-stage model ages (TDM2) from 959 to 481 Ma. The geochemistry of the dacite porphyry is indicative of formation in a volcanic arc tectonic setting, and it is derived from a primary magma generated by the partial melting of juvenile mafic crustal material. The Late Jurassic–Early Cretaceous volcanic rocks belong to high-K calc-alkaline or shoshonite series and have A2-type affinities. These volcanics have εHf(t) and TDM2 values from +5.00 to +8.93 and from 879 to 627 Ma, respectively. The geochemistry of these Late Jurassic–Early Cretaceous volcanic rocks is indicative of formation in a post-collisional extensional environment, and they formed from primary magmas generated by the partial melting of juvenile mafic lower crust. The discovery of late Mesozoic volcanic and subvolcanic rocks within the southern GXR indicates that this region was in volcanic arc and extensional tectonic settings during the Early–Middle Jurassic and the Late Jurassic–Early Cretaceous, respectively. This indicates that the Mongol–Okhotsk oceanic plate was undergoing subduction during the Early–Middle Jurassic, and this ocean adjacent to the GXR may have closed by the Late Middle Jurassic–Early Late Jurassic.  相似文献   

U–Pb LA ICP–MS dating of zircon from rocks of the Nekrasov gabbro–granitoid complex within the eastern margin of the Middle Urals was performed. The average U–Pb age calculated from three concordant measurements (326 ± 8 Ma) shows that their intrusion occurred at the Serpukhov Stage of the Early Carboniferous. According to the ideas on periodization of magmatic processes within the eastern sector of the Middle Urals, the formation of this complex corresponds to the final episodes of the continental marginal (supersubduction) magmatism.  相似文献   

The Daolundaba Cu–polymetallic deposit is a newly discovered Cu–W–Sn deposit on the western slopes of the southern Great Xing’an Range, and its mineralization was related to an early Permian coarse-grained biotite granite. However, there is little information on the age of formation of the deposit. In this article, we present the results of our investigation into the age of the Daolundaba Cu–polymetallic deposit, which involved the selection of chalcopyrite and pyrrhotite samples for Rb–Sr isochron dating. A Rb–Sr isochron defined by the chalcopyrite samples yielded a Rb–Sr isochron age of 290.0 ± 11 Ma (MSWD = 1.2) with an initial Sr isotopic composition (ISr) of 0.71446. The pyrrhotite samples yielded a Rb–Sr isochron age of 283.0 ± 2.6 Ma (MSWD = 1.16) with an initial Sr isotopic composition (ISr) of 0.71447. The Rb–Sr isochron age determined from the chalcopyrite and pyrrhotite is 282.7 ± 1.7 Ma (MSWD = 1.13). These results indicate that the Daolundaba Cu–polymetallic deposit formed during the early Permian (282.7–290.0 Ma). The Rb and Sr contents of the chalcopyrite and pyrrhotite range from ~0.1325 to ~3.6810 ppm and from ~0.1219 to ~9.5740 ppm, respectively, and the initial Sr isotope ratios (ISr) range from 0.71047 to 0.71869, with an average of 0.714723. These isotopic characteristics indicate the ore-forming minerals of the Daolundaba Cu–polymetallic deposit originated mainly from the crust, but with small amounts of mantle material involved. The copper was derived from the associated magma whereas the W and Sn was derived from the surrounding strata. The Permian mineralization of the Xing’an–Mongolia region occurred in an active continental margin setting during subduction of the Palaeo-Asian oceanic plate beneath the Siberian Plate.  相似文献   

《International Geology Review》2012,54(13):1594-1612

The mechanism that triggered large-scale Late Mesozoic magmatism in the northeastern Great Xing’an Range (NE GXAR) is strongly controversial. In this paper, we present whole rock geochemistry and zircon trace element, U-Pb and Hf isotopic data on the volcanic rocks in the Longjiang and Guanghua formations in the northeastern Xing’an Block. Zircons with ages of 120–119 Ma indicate that these volcanic rocks were formed in the Early Cretaceous. Combined with previous data, it is clear that volcanic rocks in the NE GXAR erupted between 128 and 108 Ma. The andesite samples of the Longjiang Formation show high contents of Al2O3, CaO, and MgO, significant negative Nb, Ta, and Ti anomalies; εHf (t) values of zircons from the andesite sample vary from +4.13 to +7.67, indicating an enriched mantle source. The rhyolites of the Guanghua Formation show high SiO2 and K2O concentrations, low P2O5, MgO, Cr, and Ni contents and Mg# values. The positive εHf (t) values (+5.72 to +10.58) with two-stage Hf model ages ranging from 939 to 701 Ma indicate that the rhyolites are derived from the partial melting of basaltic lower crust. Combined with the regional geological evolution, we conclude that the generation of the Early Cretaceous volcanic rocks in the NE GXAR might be triggered by the dehydration, disintegration, and foundering of the Mongol-Okhotsk Oceanic flat-slab and the subsequent upwelling of the asthenosphere.  相似文献   

Blueschists in the Yilan area, Heilongjiang Province, are known as important parts of the Heilongjiang Complex. However, their metamorphic evolution history is still unclear. Petrographical, and mineral chemical investigations on the blueschists from the Yilan area are carried out in this study. P‐T pseudosections are calculated in the system Na2O‐CaO‐K2O‐MnO‐FeO‐MgO‐Al2O3‐SiO2‐H2O‐TiO2‐O (Fe2O3) (NCKMnFMASHTO) with the PERPLE_X software for three blueschist samples. Peak metamorphic conditions are estimated to be 500‐525°C, 1.14‐1.2 GPa for garnet‐barroisite schist (g‐brs‐wnc‐act‐phn‐chl‐ep‐ab‐stlp); 480°C, 1.4 GPa for chlorite‐epidote glaucophane schist (gl‐brs‐wnc‐act‐chl‐ep‐stlp) and 450‐500°C, 0.95‐1.2 GPa for phengite‐glaucophane schist (gl‐wnc‐phn‐ab‐ep‐chl‐sph), which indicate that they all underwent peak metamorphism in the limit epidote‐blueschist facies conditions. Combined with the previously reported geochemical and geochronological data, the clockwise P‐T paths of the blueschists are constructed. The formation of blueschists in the study area marks the young oceanic crust subduction, and represents the final closure of the Paleo‐Asian Ocean and the beginning of the Paleo‐Pacific tectonic system. The P‐T pseudosection recorded the P‐T increasing process before the metamorphic peak and that the maximum temperature was coincident with the maximum pressure in the process, which indicates that the epidote‐blueschist facies conditions implemented in the process of subduction, rather than exhumation. The retrograde trajectory nearly coincidently retraced the prograde trajectory, which represents the similar geothermal gradient (11‐14°C/km) in the subduction and the relatively slow exhumation process.  相似文献   

The early Paleozoic tectonic framework and evolutionary history of the eastern Central Asian Orogenic Belt (CAOB) is poorly understood. Here we present zircon U–Pb geochronology, whole rock geochemistry, and Sr-Nd-Hf isotope data of the early Paleozoic granitoids in eastern CAOB to investigate the petrogenesis and geodynamic implications.The early Paleozoic granitoids from the Songnen Block yield zircon U–Pb ages of 523–490 ​Ma, negative εNd(t) values of –6.7 to –0.8, and εHf(t) values of –8.6 to 7.1, indicating they were generated by partial melting of ancient crustal materials with various degrees of mantle contribution. They generally show affinities to A-type granites, implying their generation from an extensional environment after the collision between the Songnen and Jiamusi blocks. In comparison, the early Paleozoic granitoids from the Xing’an Block have zircon U–Pb ages of 480–465 ​Ma, εNd(t) values of –5.4 to 5.4, and εHf(t) values of –2.2 to 12.9, indicating a dominated juvenile crustal source with some input of ancient crustal components. They belong to I-type granites and were likely related to subduction of the Paleo-Asian Ocean. The statistics of TDM2 Hf model ages of the granitoids indicate that the Erguna and Jiamusi blocks contain a significant proportion of Mesoproterozoic crystalline basement, while the Xing’an Block is dominated by a Neoproterozoic basement.Based on these observations, the early Paleozoic evolutionary history of eastern CAOB can be divided into four stages: (1) before 540 ​Ma, the Erguna, Xing’an, Songnen, and Jiamusi blocks were discrete microcontinents separated by different branches of the Paleo-Asian Ocean; (2) 540–523 ​Ma, the Jiamusi Block collided with the Songnen Block along the Mudanjiang suture; (3) ca. 500 Ma, the Erguna Block accreted onto the Xing’an Block along the Xinlin–Xiguitu suture; (4) ca. 480 Ma, the Paleo-Asian Ocean started a double-side subduction beneath the united Erguna–Xing’an and Songnen–Jiamusi blocks.  相似文献   

Field geological investigation and geochemical analysis are carried out on Baya’ertuhushuo Gabbro in South Great Xing’an Range. Field investigation reveals that the gabbro is a magmatic intrusion rather than a component of an ophiolite suite as previously thought. Zircon laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy (LA-ICP-MS) U-Pb dating indicates the gabbro was formed in 274–275?Ma, just as the widespread volcanic rocks of Dashizhai Formation (P1d), monzogranites and miarolitic alkali-feldspar granites in the study area. The gabbro has SiO2 content between 47.23 wt% and 50.17 wt%, high MgO and FeOT contents of 6.95–11.29 wt% and 7.32–12.24wt%, respectively, and it belongs to low-K tholeiitic series in the SiO2-K2O diagram. The Chondrite-normalized rare earth element (REE) patterns and primitive mantle-normalized spider diagrams of the gabbro are similar to those of Normal Mid-Ocean Ridge Basalt (N-MORB) except for the enrichment of large ion lithophile elements (LILE), such as Rb, Ba and K. In trace element tectonic discriminative diagrams, the samples are mainly plotted in the N-MORB field, and Zircon in?situ Lu-Hf isotopic analysis also indicates the gabbro originated from depleted mantle. Through synthetic studies of the geochemical characteristics and petrogenesis of Baya’ertuhushuo gabbro, volcanic rocks of Dashizhai Formation and granitoids in the area, it is suggested that the early Permian magmatism in the Xilinhot-Xiwuqi area formed in the tectonic setting of asthenosphere upwelling, which was caused by breaking-off of the subducted Paleo-Asian Ocean slab.  相似文献   


The Tayuan plutons located at the boundary of the Erguna and Xing’an blocks expose a coexisting mafic–felsic association that is made of monzogranite and gabbro-monzodiorite as well as subordinate quartz monzonite. LA–ICP–MS U–Pb zircon dating revealed a synchronous emplacement of the monzogranite (314–317 Ma), gabbro (308–315 Ma), and quartz monzonite (310 ± 3 Ma). The majority of these intrusions are characterized by an enrichment in light rare earth elements relative to heavy rare earth elements and a depletion of high strength field elements (e.g. Nb, Ta, Ti). Zircons from the gabbro and monzogranite have εHf(t) values of 1.1–9.6 and ?3.0–3.3, respectively. Geochemical data show that the gabbro-monzodiorite may have been generated by the melting of a fluid-metasomatized lithospheric mantle, while the monzogranite may have been formed by a partial melting of the Mesoproterozoic crust. The quartz monzonite has similar whole-rock geochemical and Hf isotopic compositions to those of the gabbros and could have been produced from the same mantle source as that from which the gabbros were extracted. The Tayuan plutonic rocks have high contents of K2O and total alkalis and show a northwestward polarity like that of the continental margin plutonic rocks along the Hegenshan–Heihe suture zone. Combined with data from published studies, our data indicate that the Tayuan intrusive rocks were generated by the northwestward subduction of the Hegenshan–Heihe Oceanic plate.  相似文献   

Deng  Changzhou  Sun  Guangyi  Sun  Deyou  Han  Jinsheng  Yang  Dongguang  Tang  Zongyuan 《Mineralogy and Petrology》2019,113(5):651-666
Mineralogy and Petrology - The morphology, trace-element composition and geochronology of 43 zircon grains from two monzogranite samples from the Northeast Xing’an Block, northeastern China,...  相似文献   

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