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不排水抗剪强度是黏性土的重要力学指标,在边坡稳定性分析、地基和桩基承载力的计算中都有广泛的应用。在国内海洋勘察工程中,通常软黏土不排水抗剪强度的确定方法有不固结不排水三轴压缩试验、手动十字板试验、电动十字板试验和无侧限压缩试验等。中国南海北部陆陂深水海域,海底浅层沉积物多为饱和软土,这种软土土质比较均一,具有高含水量、高液限和塑性指数、容重小、抗剪强度低等特点,从而使这种沉积物与常规意义上的饱和软土特性相比可能存在差异,利用落锥试验方法确定其黏性土不排水抗剪强度,具有很强的适用性。本文介绍了落锥试验的试验方法和试验关键技术点,通过该深水海域两个孔位的部分土质资料对比,说明落锥试验确定的黏性土不排水抗剪强度与海上工程设计、分析中使用的不排水抗剪强度具有很好的相关关系。  相似文献   

黏性土的不排水抗剪强度Su是海上风电工程设计中重要的力学参数之一,孔压静力触探测试(简称CPTU)无法直接测得黏土强度,但其所提供的锥尖阻力、侧摩阻力以及孔隙水压力与土体的不排水抗剪强度存在映射关系,国内外基于CPTU已经演化出多种解释土体不排水抗剪强度计算公式。基于滨海某海上风电项目,开展了原位CPTU试验、三轴不固结不排水(UU)、三轴固结不排水(CU)、固结快剪(CQ)以及船上微型十字板剪切(MVST)试验,对已有计算公式的适用性进行了校验,分析发现需根据区域场地情况对其中经验系数进行相应的调整以提高计算精度。研究基于CU试验结果,结合工程实例对原有公式中经验参数进行优化修正,最后通过误差分析,验证了修正预测模型的准确性与合理性,利用改进后的修正预测模型可使江苏地区海域黏性土不排水抗剪强度的计算得到更准确的结果。  相似文献   

利用东海陆架海底输油管道路由调查获得的孔压静力触探数据和钻探资料等,采用统计分析的方法,对管道路由区5 m以浅土体的孔压静力触探曲线特征、土的分类方法鉴别作了探讨,结果表明:研究区5 m以浅黏性土的锥尖阻力(qc),侧摩阻力(fs)值较小,且随深度呈线性增加,粉质土的qc,fs值增大,但随深度线性增加规律不明显,砂类土的qc值急剧增大,但fs值变化不大;Robertson法和Eslami-Fellenius法两种土类划分方法均适用于研究区浅表层软土的土类划分,但Robertson法在判别粉质土时受到一定限制,Eslami-Fellenius法判别较为准确,应用简单。本研究可为我国在海底管线工程路由勘察中直接利用孔压静力触探(CPTU)参数划分土层和判别土类作铺垫。  相似文献   

浅层沉积物不排水抗剪强度(Su)是深水作业的关键参数之一。为了获取南海神狐海域首次海域天然气水合物试采区W18-19框体的基本工程地质特征,试采工程准备阶段开展了原位孔压静力触探测试(CPTU)及大量的室内实验。本文将主要基于CPTU计算不排水抗剪强度的基本模型,采用微型十字板、电动十字板、袖珍贯入仪及不固结不排水三轴实验,确定该区域不排水抗剪强度的基本模式,并提出适用于南海神狐钙质黏土层的不排水抗剪强度纵向分布规律计算模型,对该区域水合物上覆层的不排水抗剪强度进行预测。 结果表明,基于总锥端阻力、有效锥端阻力、超孔隙压力的模型系数分为13.8、4.2、14.4。综合考虑地层压实效应和含气情况,本文提出的分段函数预测模型与室内结果的一致性较好,可用于工程设计阶段进行工区不排水抗剪强度纵向分布规律的预测。另外,基于有效锥端阻力的不排水抗剪强度经验模型适应于浅层极软-较硬压实的钙质粘土层,基于超孔隙压力的不排水抗剪强度模型适用于较硬-坚硬的不含气层,而基于总锥端阻力的不排水抗剪强度计算模型则适用于坚硬含气的钙质黏土层。本文提出的分段函数模型有效的提高了经验模型在南海神狐水合物赋存区的适用性,计算结果可为工程安全评价提供支撑。  相似文献   

海底土的物理、力学特性是海洋地质学、海洋土工学、海洋地质灾害等调查研究及海洋资源开发环境条件调查和评价等方面非常重要的资料,海底静力触探试验(CPT)是获取这方面资料的一种快速高效、成本低、测试精度高的原位测试方法。它可同时获取海底土锥尖阻力、侧摩阻力等方面的连续原位测试数据,这些数据与海底土取样样品测试分析资料及物探资料结合,可对海底土的工程特性等作比较全面的分析和评价。本文对采集的海底土样的静力触探参数与海底土样的物理力学指标进行相关分析,分粘性土和砂类土二类,建立了海底浅表层土的静力触探参数与物理力学指标之间的相关方程。利用相关方程可以通过静力触探的数据来推算土的物理力学指标,进而对海底土的工程情况作较全面的评价。  相似文献   

利用单剪SHANSEP试验方法测定了南海某石油平台场址两种粘性土层的不排水剪切强度。通过对比单剪SHANSEP试验结果、原位静力触探(CPT)试验结果和三轴不固结不排水(UU)试验结果,表明通过单剪SHANSEP试验确定的粘土不排水强度与现场CPT解释结果更趋于一致,同时也表明了SHANSEP方法适合于中国南海粘性土强度的评价。因此利用单剪SHANSEP试验能够克服土样扰动对粘土强度的影响,更加客观评价粘性土的强度,为工程设计提供可靠的数据。  相似文献   

为研究饱和海积黏土在均匀与不均匀波浪荷载作用下的循环特性,利用GDS空心圆柱扭剪仪进行了一系列不排水试验,在相同的初始固结状态下,对试样施加不同最大偏应力qmax、最小偏应力qmin的圆形及螺旋形应力路径的轴—扭联合循环载荷。分析了在考虑主应力轴旋转时,这两种不同应力路径的循环应力比RCS与动应力比δ=qmim/qmax对循环加载期间土体动力特性的影响。试验结果表明:RCSδ的增大均能提升黏土在波浪荷载下的孔压、轴向应变、双幅剪切应变及其速率,同时也能使土体轴向回弹模量与动剪切模量的衰减更严重,且δ的作用效果会随RCS的增大而增大。当RCS≤0.05时,土体在循环期间保持为“弹性安定或塑性安定”状态;而当RCS≥0.06时,土体会处于“疲劳破坏”或“塑性蠕变”状态,其具体形式由RCSδ共同决定。土体在循环过程中的轴向回弹模量与动剪切模量近似呈一定比例。  相似文献   

螺旋桩芯劲性复合桩(helix stiffened cement mixing pile,简称HSCM桩)是一种新型复合桩,其成桩工艺会对桩身及其承载性能有较大影响。为验证HSCM桩在软黏土中同步旋进注浆工艺的可行性,并研究其成桩参数对抗压承载性能的影响,设计了2组缩尺模型试验,包括不同叶片数量与钻进速度的HSCM桩与对比螺旋桩。通过在高岭土制备的软黏土中成桩,并进行抗压承载性能及桩身几何尺寸测试,分析HSCM桩的成桩参数与水泥土桩身间的关系。试验结果表明:同步旋进注浆工艺能够在螺旋桩周围形成倒圆台状的水泥土桩身,水泥土桩身的平均黏结直径约为叶片直径的1.17~1.35倍;适当增加叶片数量能够使水泥与土体充分拌和,提高水泥土桩身的完整性与连续性,以改善HSCM桩的成桩质量;钻进速度大幅提高会导致注浆量不足,减小水泥土桩身的黏结直径与刚度;试验条件下HSCM桩的抗压极限承载力是螺旋桩的3.83~3.93倍,桩径扩大提高了侧摩阻力,注浆工艺加固并提高了土体强度,弥补了叶片在旋进过程中扰动土体造成强度降低的问题。  相似文献   

通过对东海大陆架海底浅表层土样的静力触探参数进行统计分析,得到该区域细砂、粘土、淤泥质土和淤泥的静力触探统计值,建立了研究海区基于静力触探参数的土类判别图,可用于快速判定土的类别.根据静力触探参数,并应用经验公式估算了海底粘性土的抗剪强度和灵敏度,对估算公式经验系数选择进行了深入研究,提出在研究海区应用经验公式进行粘性...  相似文献   

徐韦  程和琴  黄知  郑树伟  陈钢 《海洋学报》2019,41(1):172-182
近海海底地形探测与沉积物精确分类对涉海工程建设、生物栖息地反演以及海底资源勘查与开发具有重要的现实意义。以澳洲Joseph Bonaparte湾为例,利用多波束测深技术获取了该海湾约880 km2水域的水深数据与背向散射强度信号,结合同步采集的54个海底表层沉积物样品,通过随机决策树模型对该海域海底表层沉积物进行了分类研究。结果表明:(1)利用随机决策树模型分析该海域沉积物类型与背向散射强度的关系时,当模型内部参数设置:树的总数为200,最小分裂节点为2,每棵树的最大分裂级数为5时,可提高预测准确率;(2)该参数设置下,利用13°和37°入射角的背向散射强度预测该海域沉积物类型时,准确率最高,其值为83.3%,且在研究海域,砂质砾和砾质砂分布在背向散射强度较强的深槽或海沟等地区,而砾质泥质砂和含砾泥质砂主要分布在背向散射强度较弱的浅水海域。分析还发现,当水深数据作为预测海底表层沉积物类型的特征变量时,有可能降低最终预测结果的准确率。  相似文献   

Undrained shear strength is a fundamental parameter for estimating the stability of soft soils. This study explores the relationship between undrained shear strength, void ratio, and shear wave velocity for saturated and normally consolidated clay specimens. The undrained shear strength void ratio-shear wave velocity relationship was correlated to empirically determined parameters of selected marine clay specimens. To verify the proposed relationship between undrained shear strength and shear wave velocity, in situ flat dilatometer tests were used for determining the undrained shear strength, and downhole tests were used to assess the shear wave velocity on a natural soil deposit at various depths. The undrained shear strength estimated from the in situ shear wave velocities was compared to the undrained shear strength obtained in the field. The results show that the inferred undrained shear strength yield similar values and follow the same trends as the in situ undrained shear strength data. This method using shear wave velocity can help to nondestructively estimate the undrained shear strength of soft soils in the field and be used in both on-shore and off-shore geotechnical engineering projects.  相似文献   

通过对南海重塑粉质粘土土样的大量动三轴试验结果分析,得到此种土在波浪荷载作用后不捧水抗剪强度衰化同动载作用引起的动应变幅及平均累积孔压之间的相互关系和预估公式;并通过与超固结土样的静三轴剪切试验结果的比较,发现动、静三轴两种试验结果具有很好的吻合关系。建议可用超固结土样的静三轴剪切试验同时结合部分动三轴试验来预估土样在波浪荷载作用后不排水抗剪强度衰化与平均累积孔压之间的关系。  相似文献   

This paper proposes a modified-theoretical approach to interpreting the undrained shear strength from piezocone tests in clays. Assuming the shear and normal stresses on the cone face to be the friction at the cone–soil interface and the ultimate expansion pressure, respectively, an expression of the tip resistance is first derived at force equilibrium. The undrained shear strength is then determined by combining the derived expression of tip resistance with the formulation for pore pressure at the cone shoulder position. Many factors, such as the penetration rate and the cone roughness, are considered in this model. Different shaped model penetrometers, including cone- and ball-shaped ones, are adopted in centrifuge tests to investigate the validity of the proposed method. The undrained shear strength estimated from the piezocone test is found to agree well with that from ball penetrometer test. Case studies are also presented to show the application of the proposed method. Comparisons between the predicted and measured values of undrained shear strength indicate that the proposed approach is generally applicable for nonfissured clays, especially intact clays.  相似文献   

A total of 1,014 measures of sediment shear strengths were measured by means of miniature vane shear and fall cone tests on five gravity cores collected in Eckernfo‐erde Bay, Baltic Sea. Paired t test was used to compare the shear strengths measured by the two methods. It was found that fall cone strength calculated with Wood's K60value (0.29) overestimates the vane shear strength by 0.15 kPa (a = 0.001) and the sample mean of the fall cone strength is 4.1% higher than the mean of the vane shear strength. However, fall cone strength calculated with Hansbo's K60 value (0.24) underestimates the vane shear strength by 0.88 kPa (a = 0.001), and the sample mean of the fall cone strength is 13.8% less than the mean of the vane shear strength. Both calculated fall cone strengths are significantly different from the vane shear strength, with a p value of less than 0.001. Regression analysis of the Echernfoerde Bay data indicates that a new K60 value is 0.275 with a confidence interval (a = 0.01) from 0.2704 to 0.2786. Paired t test shows that there is no significant difference between miniature vane shear and fall cone tests for these samples if the fall cone strength is calculated with K60 = 0.275.  相似文献   

The Huanghe River(Yellow River) Delta has a wide distribution of fine-grained soils. Fluvial alluviation, erosion,and wave loads affect the shoal area, resulting complex physical and mechanical properties to sensitive fine-grained soil located at the river-sea boundary. The cone penetration test(CPT) is a convenient and effective in situ testing method which can accurately identify various soil parameters. Studies on undrained shear strength only roughly determine the fine content(FC) without ma...  相似文献   


Under seismic loading, the soil layer is subjected to multidirectional cyclic shear stress with different amplitudes and frequencies because of the coupling of multiple shear waves and the soil element within a slope or behind a retaining wall is subjected to initial static shear stress before subjected to cyclic loading. Due to the complexity of seismic loading propagation, a phase difference exists between the initial static shear stress and cyclic shear stress. To investigate the influence of the phase difference and initial static shear stress on cyclic shear strain, cyclic modulus, and cyclic strength, a series of laboratory tests are performed on Wenzhou marine soft clay by multi-directional simple shear system, which can simulate the actual state better by controlling the horizontal cyclic stress in the x and y directions simultaneously. As the phase difference varies from 0° to 90°, the dynamic shear modulus increases and cyclic strain accumulation decreases with an increasing number of cycles. The shear strain increases with the initial shear stress.  相似文献   


A nonlinear mathematical model for estimating the water content dependent undrained shear strength of clayey soils was developed. Three types of clay mixtures (kaolinite, bentonite, and kaolinite-bentonite) were considered. The shear strength of the given soil samples was determined via torvane tests. Experimental results were compared with three numerical results: (i) the analytical function fit, (ii) modeling without the water content effect, and (iii) modeling with the water content effect using the Mohr-Coulomb (M-C) model. There was good agreement among the experimental, analytical, and numerical results with and without the water content effect in the fully softening zone. However, there was a large difference between the numerical results obtained from the developed model with and without the water content effect in the flow zone with a high liquidity index, because the shear strength may decrease significantly to low value in the case of an abrupt increase of the water content. The greatest advantage of the developed model is that it can simulate the reduction of the shear strength and shear band development under the high water content condition, which may trigger a large mobile mass movement.  相似文献   

Non-linear analysis of undrained cyclic strength of soft marine clay   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Iwan models are used to simulate the non-linear and hysteretic behaviour of soils under cyclic loading conditions. However, the model in its original form cannot take into account the stiffness degradation which is observed during cyclic loading of soft clays. Studies show that the stiffness reduction (expressed as degradation index) can be represented as a function of the number of cycles and of a degradation parameter depending on the strain amplitude in the case of strain controlled cyclic loading tests. This degradation index has been incorporated into Iwan's series–parallel model as a single fatigue parameter to account for the degradation during cyclic loading. The comparisons made with the existing results of two marine clays tested under undrained cyclic triaxial and simple shear conditions provided an opportunity to understand the capability of the one dimensional model.  相似文献   

Soft kaolinite deposits of marine origin are encountered as foundation soils in many parts of the world. The well-developed flocculated structure of kaolinite-bearing marine deposits is amenable to alterations from leaching of pore solution salts, loss of overburden, and secondary compression. Secondary compression causes densification of microstructure that may impact the viscous resistance, soil stiffness, and undrained shear strength of kaolinite-bearing marine deposits. This study examines the influence of secondary compression on viscous resistance and constrained stress–strain modulus of soft kaolinites prepared in synthetic seawater and sodium chloride solutions. The impact of secondary compression on undrained shear strength is interpreted from changes in microstructure, percent monovalent cation concentration, viscous resistance, and constrained stress–strain modulus. Kaolinite specimens experience reduction in void space during secondary compression. Breakdown of edge–face (E–F) and edge–edge (E–E) contacts of kaolinite particles during secondary compression and creation of interlocking zones is observed from scanning electron micrograph studies. Breakdown of E–F and E–E contacts is considered responsible for reduction in constrained stress–strain modulus during secondary compression. Concomitant, creation of interlocking zones at particle contacts increases the viscous resistance of microstructure that enhances the undrained shear strength of soft kaolinites.  相似文献   

Laboratory model test results for the uplift of a shallow circular plate anchor embedded in a soft saturated clay are presented. For all tests the bottom of the anchor plate was vented to eliminate the mud suction force. The tests were divided into two categories: (1) short‐term tests to determine the variation of the net ultimate uplift capacity and hence the breakout factor with embedment ratio, and (2) creep tests with sustained uplift loads at varying embedment ratios. Based on the model test results, the variation with time, has been determined for the rate of strain of the soil located above the plate anchor. Empirical relationships for obtaining the rate of anchor uplift have been proposed.  相似文献   

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