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基于COSMOS(Cosmic Evolution Survey)/Ultra VISTA(Ultra-deep Visible and Infrared Survey Telescope for Astronomy)场中多波段测光数据,利用质量限选取了红移分布在0z3.5的星系样本.通过UVJ(U-V和V-J)双色图分类判据将星系分类成恒星形成星系(SFGs)和宁静星系(QGs).对于红移分布在0z1.5范围内且M*1011M⊙的QGs来说,该星系在样本中所占比例高于70%.在红移0z3.5范围内,恒星形成星系的恒星形成率(SFR)与恒星质量(M*)之间有着很强的主序(MS)关系.对于某一固定的恒星质量M*来说,星系的SFR和比恒星形成率(s SFR)会随着红移增大而增大,这表明在高红移处恒星形成星系更加活跃,有激烈的恒星形成.相对于低质量的星系来说,高质量的SFGs有较低的s SFR,这意味着低质量星系的增长更多的是通过星系本身的恒星形成.通过结合来自文献中数据点信息,发现更高红移(2z8)星系的s SFR随红移的演化趋势变弱,其演化关系是s SFR∝(1+z)0.94±0.17. 相似文献
观测发现,恒星形成星系(star-forming galaxies, SFGs)的恒星形成率(ψSFR)与恒星质量(M*)之间存在紧密的相关关系(即lgψSFR-lg M*,称为“主序关系”),弥散约为0.2~0.4 dex。主序关系对限制星系演化的理论模型具有重要的意义,是描述星系演化的基本关系之一。近年来,随着大型观测设备和数据处理技术飞速发展,星系形成和演化的理论模型也越来越完善,在此基础上,天文学家对于主序关系的研究取得了许多重要进展。首先介绍测量星系ψSFR的技术和挑选SFGs的方法,方便后续分析主序关系存在系统性偏差的原因。然后介绍主序关系最新的观测进展:主序关系在大质量端会“变平”,可能是由于星系/暗晕冷热吸积模式发生转换导致冷吸积减少;主序关系的弥散对恒星质量的依赖呈现U型,可能是由于小质量端的恒星反馈和大质量端的活动星系核反馈导致恒星质量相近的星系在恒星形成历史上具有多样性;理论与观测得到的主序关系零点在中高红移存在差异的问题依然存在较大争议。最后对主序关系的研究进行了总结和展望。 相似文献
利用赫歇尔空间望远镜的H-ATLAS(Herschel Astrophysical Terahertz Large Area Survey)SDP(Science Demonstration Phase)天区从紫外到亚毫米波段数据,结合星族合成方法和尘埃模型,计算了星系的红外总光度.在此基础上,分别针对强恒星形成星系和弱恒星形成星系,研究了利用紫外光度、红外光度和Hα谱线计算得到的恒星形成率(Star Formation Rate,SFR)的差异以及导致差异的内在物理起因.发现对于恒星形成活动强的星系,这3种恒星形成率指针给出的结果基本一致,弥散较小、只是在高恒星形成率端,利用紫外光度算得的恒星形成率比利用Hα谱线流量算得的恒星形成率略微偏小;而在低恒星形成率端,紫外光度指针偏大于Hα谱线指针;红外光度指针与Hα谱线指针在两端无明显偏差.对弱恒星形成星系,紫外光度、Hα谱线和红外光度3种恒星形成率指针存在明显的差异,且弥散较大.利用紫外光度和Hα谱线计算得到的恒星形成率的弥散和系统偏差随着星系年龄、质量的增加而增大.系统偏差增大的主要原因是利用紫外连续谱斜率β定标恒星形成活动较弱星系的消光时,高估了这些星系的紫外消光,使得消光改正后的紫外光度偏大.另外,MPA/JHU(Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics/Johns Hopkins University)数据库中弱恒星形成星系的恒星形成率SFR(Hα)比真实值偏低. 相似文献
从观测上测定早型星系中恒星形成活动随红移的演化有助于理解这类星系的形成演化.结合GEMS(Galaxy Evolution from Morphology and SEDs)巡天的HST/ACS(Hubble Space Telescope/Advanced Camera for Surveys)高分辨图像和CDFS(ChandraDeep Field South)天区Spitzer、GALEX(Galaxy Evolution Explorer)等多波段数据,基于形态、颜色和恒星质量选出一个0.2≤z≤1.0红移范围的包含456个早型星系的完备样本.利用stacking技术测量了样本星系紫外与红外平均光度,估计早型星系的恒星形成率.结果显示,早型星系中的恒星形成率较低(<3 M⊙·yr-1),随红移递减而降低.在红移z=1以来的恒星形成贡献的质量小于15%.星族分析亦肯定大质量早型星系的主体星族形成于宇宙早期(z>2). 相似文献
机器学习在当今诸多领域已经取得了巨大的成功,但是机器学习的预测效果往往依赖于具体问题.集成学习通过综合多个基分类器来预测结果,因此,其适应各种场景的能力较强,分类准确率较高.基于斯隆数字巡天(Sloan Digital Sky Survey,SDSS)计划恒星/星系中最暗源星等集分类正确率低的问题,提出一种基于Stacking集成学习的恒星/星系分类算法.从SDSS-DR7(SDSS Data Release 7)中获取完整的测光数据集,并根据星等值划分为亮源星等集、暗源星等集和最暗源星等集.仅针对分类较为复杂且困难的最暗源星等集展开分类研究.首先,对最暗源星等集使用10折嵌套交叉验证,然后使用支持向量机(Support Vector Machine,SVM)、随机森林(Random Forest,RF)、XGBoost(eXtreme Gradient Boosting)等算法建立基分类器模型;使用梯度提升树(Gradient Boosting Decision Tree,GBDT)作为元分类器模型.最后,使用基于星系的分类正确率等指标,与功能树(Function Tree,FT)、SVM、RF、GBDT、XGBoost、堆叠降噪自编码(Stacked Denoising AutoEncoders,SDAE)、深度置信网络(Deep Belief Network,DBN)、深度感知决策树(Deep Perception Decision Tree,DPDT)等模型进行分类结果对比分析.实验结果表明,Stacking集成学习模型在最暗源星等集分类中要比FT算法的星系分类正确率提高了将近10%.同其他传统的机器学习算法、较强的提升算法、深度学习算法相比,Stacking集成学习模型也有较大的提升. 相似文献
星系的光谱包含其内部恒星的年龄和金属丰度等信息, 从观测光谱数据中测量这些信息对于深入了解星系的形成和演化至关重要. LAMOST (Large Sky Area Multi-Object Fiber Spectroscopic Telescope)巡天发布了大量的星系光谱, 这些高维光谱与它们的物理参数之间存在着高度的非线性关系. 而深度学习适合于处理多维、海量的非线性数据, 因此基于深度学习技术构建了一个8个卷积层$+$4个池化层$+$1个全连接层的卷积神经网络, 对LAMOST Data Release 7 (DR7)星系的年龄和金属丰度进行自动估计. 实验结果表明, 使用卷积神经网络通过星系光谱预测的星族参数与传统方法基本一致, 误差在0.18dex以内, 并且随着光谱信噪比的增大, 预测误差越来越小. 实验还对比了卷积神经网络与随机森林回归模型、深度神经网络的参数测量结果, 结果表明卷积神经网络的结果优于其他两种回归模型. 相似文献
发展了的星系形成和演化的半解析理论,可以很好地再现不同红移时宇宙恒星形成率密度(SFR)和中性气体共动密度的最新观测结果。对该理论各个不确定性因素对结果的影响作了说尽的讨论,并指出在中等红移星系间的相互作用可能是主宰恒星形成的决定性因素,根据宇宙学模型对观测和半解析理论的影响,对宇宙学参数作出限制。 相似文献
利用从斯隆数字巡天(Sloan Digital Sky Survey,简称SDSS)第4次释放的光谱数据中选取的10~5个发射线星系样本,研究了[O_Ⅱ]λ3727/Hα流量比与星系尘埃消光、气体电离态和金属丰度的关系.发现尘埃消光改正对[O_Ⅱ]λ3727/Hα谱线流量比影响显著,消光改正前、后的[O_Ⅱ]λ3727/Hα谱线流量比的中值分别为0.48和0.89;尘埃消光改正后,F([O_Ⅱ]λ3727)-F(Hα)的弥散显著减小.贫金属星系的[O_Ⅱ]λ3727/Hα谱线流量比随星系气体的电离度增高而减小,而富金属星系不存在这种关系.另外,[O_Ⅱ]λ3727/Hα流量比与星系金属丰度相关.当12+lg(O/H)8.5时,星系[O_Ⅱ]λ3727/Hα流量比随金属丰度增加而下降;12+lg(O/H)8.5的星系,谱线流量比与金属丰度正相关.最后,利用气体电离度参数和星系的金属丰度,给出了计算不同类型星系[O_Ⅱ]λ3727/Hα流量比的公式.LAMOST望远镜将观测到大量红移z0.4的星系光谱,利用该公式可以给出星系的[O_Ⅱ]λ3727/Hα流量比,从而可以利用[O_Ⅱ]λ3727谱线流量计算z0.4星系的恒星形成率. 相似文献
Major-mergeing pairs of galaxies are excellent experimental objects to study the simultaneous influences of galaxy itself and the external environment, which can be traced by the changes of star formation rates. These effects, including the stellar mass of galaxies, the projected distance, and the relative inclination of pairs of galaxies, are all important factors related to star formation rates. The results imply that the galaxies with the greater star formation rates tend to be caused by the greater stellar masses, and the galaxies with relative inclinations close to parallel also have greater increases about star formation. However, the projected distances have no correlation with the star formation rates in the scope of this study. 相似文献
Using the Luminous Red Galaxy (LRG) sample of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 7 (SDSS DR7), we investigate the environmental dependence of stellar mass, star formation rate (SFR) and specific star formation rate (SSFR) of LRGs. It is found that stellar mass of LRGs nearly is independent of local environments, and that the environmental dependence of SFR and SSFR in the LRG sample is much weaker than the one in the Main galaxy sample. One possible explanation is that galaxy color and morphology are a pair of galaxy properties most predictive of local environments, while LRGs are a group of galaxies that are likely to be luminous, red and of early types (© 2012 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim) 相似文献
We compile multi-wavelength data from ultraviolet to infrared(IR) bands as well as redshift and source-type information, for a large sample of 178 341 sources in the Hawaii-Hubble Deep Field-North field. A total of 145 635 sources among the full sample are classified/treated as galaxies and have redshift information available. We derive physical properties for these sources utilizing the spectral energy distribution fitting code CIGALE that is based on Bayesian analysis. Through various consistency and robustness checks, we find that our stellar-mass and star-formation rate(SFR) estimates are reliable, which is mainly due to two facts. Firstly, we adopt the most up-to-date and accurate redshifts and point spread functionmatched photometry; and secondly, we make sensible parameter choices with the CIGALE code and take into account the influences of mid-IR/far-IR data, star-formation history models, and AGN contribution. We release our catalog of galaxy properties publicly(including, e.g., redshift, stellar mass, SFR, age, metallicity, dust attenuation). It is the largest of its kind in this field and should facilitate future relevant studies on the formation and evolution of galaxies. 相似文献
Xin-Fa Deng Yi-Qing Chen Ping Wu Cheng-Hong Luo Ji-Zhou He Mathematics Physics College Nanchang University Nanchang Management College Nanchang University Nanchang 《中国天文和天体物理学报》2006,6(4):411-420
From the Main galaxy data of the SDSS Data Release 4 (SDSS4), we have identified close galaxy pairs at neighbourhood radius R = 100 kpc by three-dimensional cluster analysis. Using the criterion that an "isolated galaxy pair" must be separated from its "nearest neighbor" by more than 500 kpc, we constructed an isolated galaxy pair sample of 1158 pairs. We also constructed a random pair sample by randomly selecting 1158 galaxy pairs from the Main galaxy sample, which has the same redshift distribution as the isolated galaxy pair sample, and in which the two components of any pair have the same redshifts. Comparative studies of luminosity and size between the members of the galaxy pairs are performed. We find and further confirm there is no tendency for paired galaxies to have similar luminosities or sizes. From the isolated pair sample we also selected a subsample with the magnitude limit of the primary raised by 2 magnitudes, so as to include pairs in which the secondary is 2 magnitudes fainter than the primary. This subsample contains 82 pairs. A random pair sample is similarly constructed. 相似文献
The DEEP2 Galaxy Redshift Survey: the relationship between galaxy properties and environment at z∼ 1
Michael C. Cooper Jeffrey A. Newman † Darren J. Croton Benjamin J. Weiner Christopher N. A. Willmer Brian F. Gerke Darren S. Madgwick † S. M. Faber Marc Davis Alison L. Coil † Douglas P. Finkbeiner Puragra Guhathakurta David C. Koo 《Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society》2006,370(1):198-212
R. E. González N. D. Padilla 《Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society》2009,397(3):1498-1509
We use a semi-analytic model of galaxy formation to study signatures of large-scale modulations in the star formation (SF) activity in galaxies. In order to do this, we carefully define local and global estimators of the density around galaxies. The former are computed using a voronoi tessellation technique and the latter are parametrized by the normalized distance to haloes and voids, in terms of the virial and void radii, respectively. As a function of local density, galaxies show a strong modulation in their SF, a result that is in agreement with those from several authors. When taking subsamples of equal local density at different large-scale environments, we find relevant global effects whereby the fraction of red galaxies diminishes for galaxies in equal local density environments farther away from clusters and closer to voids. In general, the semi-analytic simulation is in good agreement with the available observational results, and offers the possibility to disentangle many of the processes responsible for the variation of galaxy properties with the environment; we find that the changes found in samples of galaxies with equal local environment but different distances to haloes or voids come from the variations in the underlying mass function of dark matter (DM) haloes. There is an additional possible effect coming from the host DM halo ages, indicating that halo assembly also plays a small but significant role (1.14σ) in shaping the properties of galaxies, and in particular, hints at a possible spatial correlation in halo/stellar mass ages. An interesting result comes from the analysis of the coherence of flows in different large-scale environments of fixed local densities; the neighbourhoods of massive haloes are characterized by lower coherences than control samples, except for galaxies in filament-like regions, which show highly coherent motions. 相似文献