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气候条件是一个地区是否适宜茶树生长以及茶叶品质优劣的决定因素之一。为揭示重庆市名优茶产品巴南银针的主产区茶树生长的气候优势,本文以巴南银针茶叶产区为研究对象,基于气候条件与气象灾害发生情况统计,分析茶叶种植区气候可行性;综合气象因子对茶树生长与品质形成的影响,分析春茶生长期影响茶树生长与茶叶品质形成的主要气象因子特点;基于气候适宜度理论以及气候品质评价模型,定量分析巴南银针茶叶产区茶叶生长的气候适宜性以及气候品质等级。结果表明:巴南银针茶叶产区热量条件优越,无早春冻害,能够确保茶树安全越冬以及春茶的早采高产;春茶生长期,从一芽一叶开采期开始计算,气候适宜度平均值0.75,并维持在较高水平,气候条件适宜茶树的种植以及茶叶生产;春茶气候品质等级维持在2级到1级,气候条件利于春茶品质成分积累,保证了优质茶的生产。  相似文献   

《江南茶叶生产气象保障关键技术研究》   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
正该书通过人工气候控制试验、田间试验和典型年份相关信息,构建了江南茶区茶叶主栽品种(龙井43、乌牛早、鸠坑、福鼎大白茶等)的农业气象指标体系,研究了茶叶生长发育、品质和产量与气象条件的关系,建立了茶叶气象灾害监测预警、茶叶生长气候适宜度和茶叶气候品质评价诊断等模型;揭示了气候变化背景下茶叶生产气象灾害的发生规律和茶叶生长气候适宜性的变化特征,开展了基于GIS技术的茶树种植精细化气候区划和气象灾害风险评估;探讨了遥感  相似文献   

泰顺丘陵山区气候与茶叶优质高产对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据茶树生产对气候条件的要求,对泰顺县茶树生长的气候条件分析表明:光照、平均气温、积温和降水等条件基本能满足茶叶生产的需要;影响茶树生长的主要气象灾害有春季冻害、高温干旱、洪涝暴雨;并且参照农业综合气候区划,水平划区和垂直分层相结合,以热量作为分区的一级指标,水分作为二级指标建立气候区划模型,提出泰顺茶叶优质高产对策。  相似文献   

庞振潮  俞建英 《气象》1983,9(6):29-29
高山上的茶叶品质优良,与高山上的气候生态环境有密切的关系。茶树喜温暖潮湿的气候条件,在散射光多,水分充足,温度不很高的条件下,有利于含氮化物的形成和积累,茶叶内含物增加,芽叶健壮肥嫩,品质优良。若直射光强,温度较高,水分不足,则有利于纤维素形成,茶叶粗老,品质下降。我国出产名茶的高山茶园,大都分布在500—1200米的山坞中。由于地形地势的影响,一般气温不很高,雨量充沛,相对湿度较大,云雾特多,形成直射光减少,散射光增多的气候特点,为优质茶的生产创造了有利条件。  相似文献   

茶树遮荫的生态气候效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
鲍继骞  孟爱德  胡锡超 《气象》1987,13(12):44-47
遮荫能改善茶园微气象条件,有降低温度、增加相对湿度的作用。它创造了一个适宜茶树生育的生态气候环境,从而提高茶树光合作用强度,延长光合作用的有效时间,降低呼吸消耗,协调碳氮比例,增加叶质持嫩性,减少紫色或微紫色反应和芽小的性状,取得茶叶原料的鲜叶优质高产,达到品质和产量同步增长的效果。  相似文献   

杭州春茶产量和品质与气候的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
庞振潮 《气象》1981,7(2):30-30
杭州是驰名中外的名茶——西湖龙井的产地,龙井茶分布在西湖周围的群山中。目前,杭州茶叶亩产较高,已超过100斤,主要出产龙井茶的龙井、梅家坞和双峰大队亩产已超过300斤。龙井茶品质优良,据分析,氨基酸、儿茶素、叶绿素和维生素C等有效化学成分的含量均较高。龙井茶以春茶最好,明前茶更优,为龙井极品。  相似文献   

一、茶叶产量与气象条件的关系和以采收籽实为经济目的的作物不同,茶叶的产量除与品种、树令、茶园复盖度、技术水平、社会经济条件等条件和土壤、气候等自然条件有关以外,还与采摘标准关系特别密切。本省各地的“名茶”一般均在一芽二叶甚至一芽一叶初展时采摘,由于叶面积小,所以产量较低。大众茶一般在一芽二、三叶采摘,产量也相对较高。  相似文献   

天门市日照充足,年日照时数1648.8 h,年日照百分率37.2%,年大雾日数为23.1 d;年降水概率为32.45%,湿度大,全年的气候干燥度为0.88,春季气候干燥度为0.69,以春季气候干燥度最适宜天门市茶叶生长。针对不利于茶叶生长的灾害性天气,提出了相应的应对措施,为茶叶种植提供防灾减灾、趋利避害气象保障。天门市位于北亚热带季风气候区,四季分明,雨量充沛,是“茶圣”陆羽的故乡。由于境内年降水变化率大,天气变化剧烈,水旱灾害时有发生,特别是洪涝灾害多、危害重,严重影响农业生产。研究茶叶生长与气候条件的关系,在生产中充分利用有利的气候条件,克服不利气象因素的影响,对于推动天门茶旅游业发展,提高茶叶产量和品质有着重要的意义。1天门市茶叶种植的气候条件茶叶生产对气候因素的要求比较严格,合理利用气候条件进行趋利避害,使效益达到最大化。茶树喜欢生长在温暖湿润的环境,ph值4.5~6.0的酸性土壤中为最佳,并且炎热干旱和低温阴雨都会对茶树的生长产生影响,因此对气候条件的分析十分必要。  相似文献   

本文在分析茶树栽培与气象条件关系和重庆市气候资源和气象灾害特点的基础上,综合确定了影响重庆市茶树区域分布差异的主要气候生态区划指标;利用Arc GIS和数字高程模型(DEM)得到重庆市80%保证率≥10℃活动积温、春旱、夏旱、伏旱和秋旱100m×100m空间分布,制作了茶树气候生态区划,将重庆市划分为:气候炎热大叶茶适宜栽培区,气候温热中小叶茶适宜、大叶茶次适宜栽培区,气候温和中小叶茶适宜栽培区,气候温凉中小叶茶次适宜栽培区和气候寒冷茶树不适宜栽培区等5种类型区,为重庆市茶树产业合理布局提供了依据。   相似文献   

紫金县茶叶种植气候适应性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
结合紫金县茶叶相关资料和当地的气候资料,抓住影响茶叶生产的关键气象因子,通过对紫金茶叶生长与气象条件关系的分析,找出影响紫金茶叶生产主要气象因子和主要的气象灾害,并提出针对性的应对策略,供有关部门参考,以期达到对气象条件趋利避害,提高茶叶产量和品质,促进当地茶叶产业发展,为茶农增收致富提供气象保障。  相似文献   

基于1961—2019年修水县气象观测资料,运用气候倾向率方法分析了近59 a春茶采摘期间(3月1日—5月10日)主要气象要素、春霜冻灾害和基于气候品质指数的春茶气候品质等级的变化趋势。结果表明:在气候变暖背景下,1961—2019年修水县春茶采摘期间平均气温呈明显上升趋势,平均相对湿度呈减小趋势,日照时数呈显著增加趋势;春霜日数呈明显减少趋势,春霜冻发生概率在下降;近59 a来修水县春茶气候品质等级为特优、优和良的总日数呈增加趋势;春茶采摘期间,气候品质特优等级的概率随时间呈先增加后减小的趋势,等级为优和良的概率呈增加趋势。综合考虑平均气温、平均相对湿度、日照时数等气象条件,以及春霜冻和春茶气候品质等级变化特征,认为气候变暖有利于修水县春茶品质趋好。  相似文献   

A modified Bowen ratio(BRm),the sign of which is determined by the direction of the surface sensible heat flux,was used to represent the major divisions in climate across the globe,and the usefulness of this approach was evaluated. Five reanalysis datasets and the results of an offline land surface model were investigated. We divided the global continents into five major BRm zones using the climatological means of the sensible and latent heat fluxes during the period 1980–2010:extremely cold,extremely wet,semi-wet,semi-arid and extremely arid. These zones had BRm ranges of(-∞,0),(0,0.5),(0.5,2),(2,10) and(10,+∞),respectively. The climatological mean distribution of the Bowen ratio zones corresponded well with the K ¨oppen-like climate classification,and it reflected well the seasonal variation for each subdivision of climate classification. The features of climate change over the mean climatological BRm zones were also investigated. In addition to giving a map-like classification of climate,the BRm also reflects temporal variations in different climatic zones based on land surface processes. An investigation of the coverage of the BRm zones showed that the extremely wet and extremely arid regions expanded,whereas a reduction in area was seen for the semi-wet and semi-arid regions in boreal spring during the period 1980–2010. This indicates that the arid regions may have become drier and the wet regions wetter over this period of time.  相似文献   

In climatology, one of the most important pieces of information about the climate of a place or a region is information about the Climatological Normals (CLINO)—the average values of meteorological elements for a 30-year period. This kind of information usually comes in tables and is available for different observation sites from national meteorological services or from World Meteorological Organisation publications. The key issue, then, becomes how to interpolate these values over the entire area of interest to get reliable and accurate estimates (maps) of climatic elements. Here, the regression kriging framework has been applied for mapping of 20 climatological parameters for the 1961–1990 period for the 56,594 km2 of Croatian territory, with a resolution of 1 km. In total, 152 main and climatological and 567 precipitation-measuring stations have been used in the analysis. Extensive pre-processing of metadata on station co-ordinates has been done, as well as completion of missing monthly averages. The final results are 20 climatological maps available in high resolution together with error maps and accuracy assessment measures.  相似文献   

Indices for extreme events in projections of anthropogenic climate change   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
Indices for temperature and precipitation extremes are calculated on the basis of the global climate model ECHAM5/MPI-OM simulations of the twentieth century and SRES A1B and B1 emission scenarios for the twenty-first century. For model evaluation, the simulated indices representing the present climate were compared with indices based on observational data. This comparison shows that the model is able to realistically capture the observed climatological large-scale patterns of temperature and precipitation indices, although the quality of the simulations depends on the index and region under consideration. In the climate projections for the twenty-first century, all considered temperature-based indices, minimum Tmin, maximum Tmax, and the frequency of tropical nights, show a significant increase worldwide. Similarly, extreme precipitation, as represented by the maximum 5-day precipitation and the 95th percentile of precipitation, is projected to increase significantly in most regions of the world, especially in those that are relatively wet already under present climate conditions. Analogously, dry spells increase particularly in those regions that are characterized by dry conditions in present-day climate. Future changes in the indices exhibit distinct regional and seasonal patterns as identified exemplarily in three European regions.  相似文献   

Spatial and temporal analysis of dry spells in Croatia   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
Systematic statistical analysis of dry day sequences, which are defined according to 0.1, 1, 5 and 10 mm of precipitation-per-day thresholds, is performed on seasonal and yearly basis. The data analysed come from 25 Croatian meteorological stations and cover the period 1961–2000. Climatological features of the mean and maximum dry spell durations, as well as the frequency of long dry spells (>20 days) are discussed. The results affirm the three main climatological regions in Croatia, with the highlands exhibiting shorter dry spells than the mainland, and the coastal region exhibiting longer dry spells. The prevailing positive trend of both mean and maximal durations is detected during winter and spring seasons, while negative trend dominate in autumn for all thresholds. Positive field significant trends of mean dry spell duration with 5 and 10 mm thresholds are found during spring and the same is valid for annual maximum dry spell duration with a 10 mm threshold. It is found that the Discrete Autoregressive Moving Average (DARMA(1,1)) model can be used to estimate the probabilities of dry spells in Croatia that are up to 20–30 days long.  相似文献   

沙棘是新疆伊吾县的特色产业,沙棘的优质高产与气象因素密切相关。气候品质认证是一个新兴产品,通过开展沙棘气候品质认证工作,将有利于保护特色种质资源、提升企业的品牌价值和市场竞争力。利用伊吾县1991—2020年国家基本气象站和2010-2021年池镇区域自动站的气象观测数据和沙棘发育期资料,根据沙棘的生长习性、种植区气候适宜性和管理状况对品质影响的分析,构建沙棘气候品质认证模型,对伊吾县种植的特色气候品质的沙棘进行了认证和评价。结果表明,2021年伊吾县沙棘气候品质等级为特优。  相似文献   

Indications of earlier onset of spring have been observed in behavior of diverse animal and plant species in the Northern Hemisphere in response to recent climate warming. Knowledge of changes in the spring onset is a critical requirement for understanding ecosystem adaption to climate change, especially for agricultural regions. In this study, we present a climatological approach for detecting the temporal and spatial variability in onset of spring with particular emphasis on how they vary along geographical parameters. Yearly dates for spring onset were computed for 71 climate stations in Northeast China based on daily surface air temperature records. These analyses were conducted for the two study periods (1960–2004 and 1979–2004). We also examined the boundary shifts of spring onset for three selected dates between the periods of 1960–1978 and 1979–2004. The results showed that advancement of spring onset was more pronounced for the period of 1979–2004 than for the period of 1960–2004 (4.0 vs. 2.2 days/decade). For the 22 stations where the spring advancement was statistically significant in the two periods, the mean rate of advancement was ?0.6 days/decade during the period of 1960 to 1978. The trends of advancement of spring onset decreased with both increasing latitude and altitude up to 300 m above sea level, and these geographical effects were clearer during 1979–2004. Analysis of boundary shifts of three specific dates revealed that the spring onset has moved to higher latitudes for each date with an average shift of about 1° of latitude (about 110 km). Our results suggest that attempts to address how ecosystems will adapt to spring advancement associated with climate warming should consider the differences in response rates and geographical effects across the study area.  相似文献   

气候业务中全球台站逐日气候资料集的建立   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王小玲  任福民  李威  龚振淞 《气象》2006,32(3):39-43
通过对全球逐日气温和降水观测资料集(GDCN1.0)的改进,建立了适用于开展气候业务的全球台站逐日气候资料集。新建资料集保留了GDCN1.0资料集中有较好代表性的资料,基本保持了原资料的空间分布,同时中国范围(含台湾岛)的资料内容更加丰富。对气温进行了严格的质量控制,最大限度地减少了错误值的影响。新建资料集在时间和空间分布上以及质量上都基本满足业务需求。  相似文献   

气候变化对小油菜生长发育及产量的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
以青海省门源县为例,分析小油菜生育期气候变化规律.观测资料表明,小油菜生育期气温升高,气候变暖,4~8月降水量以每10年1.64~20.70 mm的幅度下降,9月降水以每lO年20.16 mm的幅度增加;气候变暖使小油菜播种期提前,成熟期推迟,生育期延长,为提高气候资源利用率和单位面积产量提供了保证;增温对各发育阶段的影响差异明显,除出苗至现蕾间发育进程加快外,其余各发育期生长发育出现迟缓变化;气候产量主要受4、6月和年平均气温及6月降水的影响.  相似文献   

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