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在新的野外调查和室内试验基础上,完善了有关大型浅水湖泊沉积物内源营养盐释放的模式,并在此基础上提出了太湖内源释放的估算方法.通过在太湖开展室内释放模拟实验和风浪期间底泥悬浮及上覆水中营养盐浓度变化的野外观测,提出了静态与动态二种浅水湖泊内源释放模式.静态情况下,营养盐主要通过浓度梯度扩散从沉积物进入上覆水,其释放强度受控于沉积物~水界面的温度,氧化还原环境及营养盐浓度差;动态条件下,沉积物由于动力扰动而发生悬浮,沉积物中溶解性及颗粒态的营养盐随着沉积物的悬浮而释放.虽然动态情况下总的营养盐释放较静态条件下大,但由于湍流导致水体及水土界面充氧,铁,锰等金属元素因氧化而吸附溶解性营养盐(特别是活性磷SRP)的能力增强,所以动力扰动仅引起总的营养盐释放,而不一定导致溶解性营养盐的释放.因此,在动态条件下,营养盐总释放量受控于动力扰动强度,底泥可悬浮量及沉积物中的营养盐含量;对于可溶性的营养盐,特别是SRP,其释放还受控于动力复氧的强度,沉积物中铁的含量及沉积物间隙水与上覆水中营养盐的浓度差.在此基础上,分别估算了静态和动态二种情况下沉积物内源释放量.根据实验室模拟结果,静态条件下太湖全湖一年NH4+-N释放量达1万吨左右,PO43--p释放量达900t左右;结合太湖2001年的风场观测记录,把太湖野外风浪过程分为风平浪静,小风浪,大风浪三种情况,分别占全年总日数的12%,82%,6%.在"风平浪静"条件下,其释放量根据实验室的静态释放试验来估算,而"小风浪"和"大风浪"条件下,其释放量则根据室内水槽试验得到的释放通量来估算.结果显示太湖全年释放量为总氮8.1万吨,总磷为2.1万吨;分别为外源氮磷年输入量的2~6倍.  相似文献   

采用间隙水连续采集法考察滇池和抚仙湖沉积物-水界面营养盐通量,并比较在氧气缺乏及氧气充足条件下界面的氮磷行为.结果表明,滇池草海沉积物-水界面营养盐通量显著高于滇池湖心及抚仙湖.对云南滇池及抚仙湖沉积物进行好氧和厌氧处理对照比较,结果显示,好氧组上覆水pH显著大于厌氧组,而间隙水pH在两处理组之间差异不显著;这可能与厌氧呼吸途径过程中产生酸性物质有关;而在两种处理条件下,间隙水均处于厌氧状态.较好氧条件而言,厌氧条件下间隙水磷和铵氮浓度的增加,与有机质矿化增强有关;而间隙水磷还可能受FeOOH-P模型控制.由分子扩散模型计算获得的界面磷或者铵氮扩散通量均高于表观通量,而且好氧条件下的扩散通量与表观通量之间的差异较厌氧条件下的大;这表明两种营养盐均存在释放潜力,但这种潜力的发挥受氧气的影响.较好氧条件而言,厌氧条件下使用分子扩散模型得到的界面营养盐扩散通量更接近于表观通量.  相似文献   

滇池流域点源污染控制与存在问题解析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用间隙水连续采集法考察滇池和抚仙湖沉积物-水界面营养盐通量,并比较在氧气缺乏及氧气充足条件下界面的氮磷行为.结果表明,滇池草海沉积物-水界面营养盐通量显著高于滇池湖心及抚仙湖.对云南滇池及抚仙湖沉积物进行好氧和厌氧处理对照比较,结果显示,好氧组上覆水pH显著大于厌氧组,而间隙水pH在两处理组之间差异不显著;这可能与厌氧呼吸途径过程中产生酸性物质有关;而在两种处理条件下,间隙水均处于厌氧状态.较好氧条件而言,厌氧条件下间隙水磷和铵氮浓度的增加,与有机质矿化增强有关;而间隙水磷还可能受FeOOH-P模型控制.由分子扩散模型计算获得的界面磷或者铵氮扩散通量均高于表观通量,而且好氧条件下的扩散通量与表观通量之间的差异较厌氧条件下的大;这表明两种营养盐均存在释放潜力,但这种潜力的发挥受氧气的影响,较好氧条件而言,厌氧条件下使用分子扩散模型得到的界面营养盐扩散通量更接近于表观通量.  相似文献   

申秋实  范成新  王兆德  张雷  刘成 《湖泊科学》2016,28(6):1175-1184
湖泊水底Fe~(2+)和ΣS~(2-)浓度的快速增加是湖泛暴发最早发生于沉积物-水界面的主要前提,缺氧环境下水底扩散层附近Fe~(2+)和ΣS~(2-)的迁移是其在沉积物-水界面处稳定积累的重要原因.以蓝藻聚积水体沉积物-水界面为研究对象,应用湖泊过程模拟装置及间隙水被动采样等技术,重点研究了间隙水和底层上覆水中Fe~(2+)和ΣS~(2-)的垂向分布特征,并定量估算了二者的扩散通量及迁移方向.结果表明:湖泛样品水体沉积物-水界面处于典型的还原性环境,表层沉积物间隙水中Fe~(2+)和ΣS~(2-)浓度显著高于对照样品,二者在表层沉积物中积累趋势明显.湖泛水体沉积物-水界面处Fe~(2+)释放通量较高,表现出较强烈的自沉积物向上覆水方向的释放能力;而湖泛样品ΣS~(2-)在沉积物-水界面处释放通量为负,迁移方向为自上覆水向沉积物扩散.Fe~(2+)和ΣS~(2-)在湖泛水体沉积物-水界面处不同的迁移特征证明:缺氧/厌氧条件下,湖泊水体表层沉积物间隙水中高浓度Fe~(2+)向上覆水的扩散为湖泛致黑物质的形成提供了重要的物质基础;底层上覆水及界面水中SO~(2-)4在表层沉积物中被还原,为终端还原产物ΣS~(2-)为湖泛致黑物质的形成提供了另一重要物质来源.  相似文献   

为探讨水丝蚓(Tubificid worms)扰动对磷在湖泊沉积物-水界面间迁移的影响,选取太湖梅梁湾与大浦口两富营养化湖区为研究对象,通过室内培养实验,利用Rhizon间隙水采样器等技术,研究了水丝蚓扰动对太湖沉积物-水界面理化性质及溶解活性磷(SRP)在界面通量的影响.结果表明水丝蚓扰动能够增大表层沉积物含水率、氧化还原电位,减小间隙水中Fe2+浓度.水丝蚓没有显著改变梅梁湾间隙水中SRP浓度,同时促进了梅梁湾沉积物中SRP向上覆水的释放;但水丝蚓显著减小了大浦口间隙水中SRP浓度,并抑制了大浦口沉积物中SRP向上覆水的释放.水丝蚓扰动对磷在沉积物-水界面间迁移的不同影响可能是由沉积物中Fe2+含量差异较大造成的.  相似文献   

模型估算法与静态箱法是水-气界面气体通量监测的主要方法,因原理不同监测结果通常存在一定差异.目前对引起上述差异的主要环境因素仍不清晰.本研究使用自行设计的静态箱对三峡支流澎溪河水-气界面CO2通量进行监测,并与同步开展的CO2通量薄边界层模型估算法结果相比较,探讨该水域引起这两种监测方法结果产生差异的主要环境因素.结果表明,瞬时风速、水汽温差及水深均会对静态箱法及模型估算法的监测结果产生影响.风速越强、水汽温差越大、水深越大,这两种方法监测结果的差异就越小;而水域面积对两种方法的差异没有影响.比较发现,两种方法所获通量数据呈显著正相关,但静态箱法所获通量数据离散性显著高于薄边界层模型估算法.从方法的稳定性角度,在峡谷河道型水库水体温室气体监测中薄边界层模型估算法可能更为适宜.  相似文献   

东巢湖沉积物水界面氮、磷、氧迁移特征及意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以东巢湖近城市湖湾沉积物为研究对象,在沉积物氮、磷营养盐分析的基础上,采用沉积物柱状芯样静态释放模拟法定量评估研究区域沉积物—水界面氨氮、溶解性活性磷酸盐营养盐释放潜力,利用微电极非损伤测定技术获得沉积物—水微界面溶解氧(DO)剖面分布及微界面DO消耗和扩散特征.结果表明:东巢湖近城市湖湾沉积物氮、磷污染物蓄积量较高,受TN、TP污染程度较重.沉积物内源氨氮、磷酸盐释放明显,平均释放速率分别达到32.44 mg/(m~2·d)和1.25mg/(m~2·d),区域内沉积物已成为水柱中氮、磷营养盐的污染源.研究区域上覆水体处于好氧状态,沉积物—水微界面平均DO穿透深度(OPD)达到5.3 mm,平均DO扩散通量为4.56 mmol/(m~2·d),表现出良好的DO扩散能力.沉积物内源氨氮和磷酸盐释放能力与表层沉积物TN/TP物质含量及沉积物—水微界面DO穿透深度有关,在沉积物氮、磷污染较重的情况下,DO穿透深度越低越有利于氮、磷污染物从沉积物向上覆水体释放.  相似文献   

鄱阳湖沉积物和水界面磷的交换通量   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
采用扩散模型法与实验培养法对鄱阳湖沉积物和水界面间可溶性总磷和可溶性磷酸盐的界面交换过程进行研究,并探讨了其影响因素.结果表明,利用2种方法得到鄱阳湖各站点可溶性总磷和可溶性磷酸盐在沉积物与水界面间的交换方向不完全相同,大部分站点沉积物是磷的源,其中,利用扩散模型法估算的可溶性总磷和可溶性磷酸盐平均扩散通量分别为0.052和0.047 mg/(m~2·d),而实验培养法测得可溶性总磷和可溶性磷酸盐的平均交换通量则分别为0.25和0.24 mg/(m~2·d),且各站点利用扩散模型法测得磷的交换通量均小于实验培养法的计算结果.此外,上覆水溶解氧浓度及水体温度对可溶性总磷和可溶性磷酸盐的交换过程均具有一定的影响,表现为温度越高,溶解氧浓度越小,可溶性总磷和可溶性磷酸盐的交换越强烈.  相似文献   

回顾了有关长江中下游地区湖泊水、生物、沉积物中营养盐的迁移、转化、循环和交换等研究工作进展.典型湖泊的研究结果显示,历史上长江中下游地区湖泊的营养本底的确较高,处于中营养和富营养状态;人类活动在最近几十年中加快了这些湖泊的富营养化进程.长江中下游地区湖泊的治理不仅要重视外源污染的削减,也要重视湖泊内源污染的控制.长江中下游地区的浅水湖泊沉积物中,一般只有30%以下的磷是以较活跃的藻类易利用态存在的,表层沉积物通过吸附-解吸等交换作用对浅水湖泊水体中磷的浓度有较大的影响.长江中下游浅水湖泊沉积物中的营养盐释放主要有静态和动态二种释放方式.前者是基于化学平衡条件下的水土界面扩散作用.决定其释放量大小的主要因子是孔隙水与上覆水之间的营养盐浓度差.后者是基于水动力扰动对水土界面物理破坏条件下的底泥悬浮释放作用.二种释放模式在浅水水体中都存在.无论是静态或动态,水土界面的氧化还原环境,铁、锰、铝等元素含量,都对释放有影响.动态释放能在短期内大大提高水体颗粒态营养盐的浓度.在动态释放的初期,将有效增加水体可溶性营养盐,但是如果沉积物中铁、铝等金属元素较丰富,水体中的溶解性营养盐将由于吸附等作用而沉淀至湖底,因此,这样的湖泊往往具有较强的自我净化能力.长江中下游地区绝大多数湖泊都属于这种类型的湖泊.用底泥疏浚方法来控制湖泊内源污染的方法只适用湖泊面积较小、还原环境强烈,或者沉积物中铁、锰含量较低、水体去除可溶性营养盐的能力较弱的水体.此外,长江中下游地区的浅水湖泊生态系统对富营养化也具有强烈的反馈作用.水华暴发期间蓝藻的暴发性生长能通过改变水体的pH而引发沉积物中磷释放数量的大幅增加,大量释放的营养盐反过来又会促使蓝藻的大量生长,从而加剧水华的暴发.研究显示污染相对较重的水域水体中营养盐的含量高,微生物的生物量及生产力也高,碱性磷酸酶的活性也高,水体营养盐的循环也就更快.这反过来又促使微生物生产力增加,营养盐循环更快,加剧富营养化的危害.今后的工作应该重点围绕生物参与下营养盐的迁移转化等方面开展工作.  相似文献   

曝气充氧对城市污染河道内源铵态氮释放的控制   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
凌芬  刘波  王国祥  许宽  周锋  杜旭 《湖泊科学》2013,25(1):23-30
以城市污染河道沉积物和上覆水为研究对象,利用模拟实验方法,探讨不同曝气充氧方式(水曝气EW、底泥曝气ES)对污染河道內源铵态氮(NH4+-N)释放的影响.研究结果发现:从间隙水和沉积物中NH4+-N的削减效果来看,底泥曝气均要优于水曝气;实验结束后,底泥曝气组沉积物与间隙水中NH4+-N含量分别减少63.39%和43.33%,水曝气组分别减少了7.54%和13.98%;从沉积物-水界面NH4+-N的扩散通量变化来看,水曝气组界面通量高于对照组,其变化规律与对照组相似;底泥曝气组沉积物-水界面NH4+-N扩散通量变化过程完全不同于其它两组,在整个试验周期内(除第5 d以外),底泥曝气组的通量低于水曝气组,在第15 d最低,为13.73 mg/(m2.d),仅为水曝气组和对照组的14.68%和19.93%,表明底泥曝气组沉积物NH4+-N的释放潜力低于水曝气组沉积物.  相似文献   

城市浅水型湖泊底泥释磷的通量估算—以南京玄武湖为例   总被引:15,自引:4,他引:11  
以南京玄武湖为研究对象,通过静态条件下5℃、10℃、15℃、25℃、35℃玄武湖底泥释磷室内实验计算玄武湖释磷速率,得出底泥释磷速率与上覆水温度的关系,进而算出玄武湖北湖每年磷释放量为0.815 t,东南湖每年磷释放量为 1.013t,西南湖每年磷释放量为0.266t.玄武湖每年底泥释磷总量为2.094 t.根据费克定理,建立了间隙水扩散模型,利用模型计算玄武湖北湖每年磷释放量为0.799 t,东南湖每年磷释放量为0.983 t,西南湖每年磷释放量为0.232 t.玄武湖每年底泥释磷总量为2.014t.在不考虑外源污染的情况下,由底泥磷释放造成的内源污染使玄武湖磷浓度年均维持在 0.101 mg/L,超过湖泊富营养化磷标准,因此,在切断外源污染的情况下应采取措施治理磷的内源污染.  相似文献   

浅水湖泊生态系统中的沉积物—水界面是湖泊内源氮释放的重要界面,而水动力因素是改变沉积物氮释放的重要因素.三峡大坝修建以后,长江中下游通江湖泊的水动力条件发生了明显的变化.通过采集洞庭湖湖口区域的沉积物和水样,在双向环形水槽动力模拟装置内模拟湖泊水位和流速的变化,探讨湖泊沉积物氮在沉积物和水系统中的二次释放特征.结果表明,随着扰动强度的增加,上覆水悬浮物浓度增大,上覆水中总氮浓度增加,沉积物向上覆水释放氮的强度增强,水动力条件的改变所引起的沉积物内源氮释放不容忽视.在该模拟实验条件下,沉积物存在最适扰动水位(20cm),此水位下上覆水中悬浮物浓度最低,总氮浓度最小.水动力条件的改变对上覆水和沉积物—水界面处铵态氮和硝态氮浓度的影响并不明显,孔隙水中铵态氮与硝态氮之间发生形态的转化.  相似文献   

Williams Lake, Minnesota is a closed‐basin lake that is a flow‐through system with respect to ground water. Ground‐water input represents half of the annual water input and most of the chemical input to the lake. Chemical budgets indicate that the lake is a sink for calcium, yet surficial sediments contain little calcium carbonate. Sediment pore‐water samplers (peepers) were used to characterize solute fluxes at the lake‐water–ground‐water interface in the littoral zone and resolve the apparent disparity between the chemical budget and sediment data. Pore‐water depth profiles of the stable isotopes δ18O and δ2H were non‐linear where ground water seeped into the lake, with a sharp transition from lake‐water values to ground‐water values in the top 10 cm of sediment. These data indicate that advective inflow to the lake is the primary mechanism for solute flux from ground water. Linear interstitial velocities determined from δ2H profiles (316 to 528 cm/yr) were consistent with velocities determined independently from water budget data and sediment porosity (366 cm/yr). Stable isotope profiles were generally linear where water flowed out of the lake into ground water. However, calcium profiles were not linear in the same area and varied in response to input of calcium carbonate from the littoral zone and subsequent dissolution. The comparison of pore‐water calcium profiles to pore‐water stable isotope profiles indicate calcium is not conservative. Based on the previous understanding that 40–50 % of the calcium in Williams Lake is retained, the pore‐water profiles indicate aquatic plants in the littoral zone are recycling the retained portion of calcium. The difference between the pore‐water depth profiles of calcium and δ18O and δ2H demonstrate the importance of using stable isotopes to evaluate flow direction and source through the lake‐water–ground‐water interface and evaluate mechanisms controlling the chemical balance of lakes. Published in 2003 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Phosphatase may accelerate the process of lake eutrophication through improving phosphorus bioavailability. This mechanism was studied in three Chinese eutrophic shallow lakes (Lake Taihu, Lake Longyang and Lake Lianhua). Phosphatase activity was related to the concentration of soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) and chlorophyll a. Stability of dissolved phosphatase in reverse micelles may be attributed to molecular size, conformation and active residues of the enzyme. At the site with Microcystis bloomed in Lake Taihu, dissolved phosphatase activity was higher and more stable in micelles, SRP concentrations were lower in interstitial water, the contents of different forms of phosphorus and the amounts of aerobic bacteria were lower while respiration efficiency was higher in sediments. Phosphobacteria, both inorganic and organic and other microorganisms were abundant in surface water but rare in sediments. Therefore, internal phosphorus may substantially flux into water column by enzymatic hydrolysis and anaerobic release, together with mobility of bacteria, thereby initiating the bloom. In short, biological mechanism may act in concert with physical and chemical factors to drive the internal phosphorus release and accelerate lake eutrophication.  相似文献   

Based on the research into the physical-chemical properties and distribution of sediments and the characteristics of pore water in sediments of Miyun reservoir, the release flux of the total phosphorus (TP) from sediments is estimated by simulating deposit environment of reservoir bottom in laboratory. They are 0.018 mg·cm-2·d-1 and 0.821 mg·cm-2·d-1 at 2℃ and 8℃ respectively. The gross TP released in a year is 11.34t. As a contrast, the pore water diffusion simulation method is used to measure gross TP released and gains 11.56t. The two results are relatively close and prove that experiment simulation has some reliability. On the basis of experiments, some conclusions can be drawn: (1) Endogenous phosphorus from sediments accounts for 27.9 percent of the TP entering the reservoir, and it cannot be ignored; and (2) increasing temperature is helpful to TP releasing from sediments.  相似文献   

Pore water of sediments plays an important role in aquatic systems as mediator and as the reactive zone between the sediment and surface water. Sediment pore waters with high ionic strength from acidified pit lakes were investigated to obtain information about the influence on the lake water quality. The analysis of soluble reactive phosphorus, nitrate, ammonium, silica, dissolved organic carbon, ferrous iron, sulfate, chloride, sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, manganese, and total dissolved iron was predetermined as the dataset required for evaluation of water quality. The data collection procedure was optimised by designing a methodology for stabilisation, dilution of pore water samples and adaptation of analytical methods. The developed methodology was evaluated with respect to the effort required in the laboratory under routine conditions. In the first round of analyses, 72% of 638 individual analyses from a random selection of pore water profiles were found to be within the calibration ranges. Remedial actions to handle the remaining 28% of invalid analytical results are exemplified. Differences between comparative analyses of some ions by continuous flow analysis, ion chromatography, and atomic emission spectroscopy were evaluated. The majority of results measured by ion chromatography differed on a highly significant level from results measured by atomic emission spectroscopy. Possible reasons, originating from the extreme sample matrix, are discussed. Finally, the designed methodology and the results of the method comparison are used to recommend the selection of analytical methods under specific conditions.  相似文献   

附着藻类对太湖沉积物磷释放的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
张强  刘正文 《湖泊科学》2010,22(6):930-934
附着藻类是清水态浅水湖泊的重要组成部分,为了解附着藻类对湖泊沉积物磷释放的影响,在室内柱状装置中,将尼龙网所培养的附着藻类加盖到太湖沉积物上,即处理组,并设置无附着藻类加盖的对照组,进行为期13d的实验.结果表明:加附着藻类的处理组中的无机磷释放速率显著低于无附着藻类的对照组.与对照组相比,实验期间加附着藻类的处理组释放到水体中的磷,平均减少1.16mg.其中附着藻类吸收了0.81mg磷(70%),而附着藻类通过光合作用改变沉积物表面的氧环境抑制了0.35mg磷的释放(30%).研究表明,底栖附着藻类可以通过吸收磷和抑制沉积物磷释放降低水中营养盐含量.  相似文献   

Forms of phosphorus in sediments from 25 lakes in the middle and lower reaches of Yangtze River were analyzed by the sequential extraction procedure. Contents and spatial distrubution of algal available phosphorus (AAP) in sediments of Lake Taihu, the third largest freshwater lake of China, were also studied. Relationships between phosphorus forms in sediment and macrophytes coverage in sample sites, as well as phosphorus forms in sediments and chlorophyal contents in lake water were discussed. Exchangeable form of phosphorus (Ex-P) in surface sediments was significantly positive correlative to total phosphorus (TP), dissolved total phosphorus (DTP) and soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) contents in the lake water. Bioavailable phosphorus (Bio-P) contents in sediments from macrophytes dominant sites were significantly lower than that in no macrophyte sites. In Lake Taihu, Ex-P content in top 3 cm sediment was highest. However, content of ferric fraction phosphorus (Fe-P) was highest in 4–10 cm. Bioavalilble phosphorus (Bio-P) contents in surface sediments positively correlated to Chlorophyll a contents in water of Lake Taihu with significant difference. Therefore, contents of Bio-P and AAP could be acted as the indicators of risks of internal release of phosphorus in the shallow lakes. It was estimated that there were 268.6 ton AAP in top 1 cm sediments in Lake Taihu. Sediment suspension caused by strong wind-induced wave disturbance could carry plenty of AAP into water in large shallow lakes like Lake Taihu.  相似文献   

Estimation of internal nutrient release in large shallow Lake Taihu, China   总被引:17,自引:2,他引:17  
Based on field investigation of wave, sediment suspension and the changes in nutrient concentration of the water column in Lake Taihu, China, we proposed two release models to quantify nutrient release under static and dynamic conditions, respectively. Under static conditions, nutrient release from sediments to the overlying water mainly depends on chemical diffusion induced by concentration gradient, in which the nutrient release is controlled by the temperature, dissolved oxygen concentration in the sediment-water interface, oxidation-reduction potential and the concentration difference between porewater and overlying water. Under dynamic condition (or disturbed condition), both dissolved and particulate nutrients in sediments are released into the water column because of wind-induced sediment suspension. The amount of nutrient release under dynamic conditions is larger than that under the static condition. The release of dissolved nutrients, however, does not increase because the wind induced turbulence made oxidation of metallic elements such as Fe (ferric iron), Mn which are capable of precipitating soluble reactive phosphate (SRP). Under dynamic conditions, therefore, the release of total phosphorus (TP) increases dramatically but the release of SRP is close to those under static conditions. In sediments of Lake Taihu, high Fe content leads to a high ratio of Fe to P contents in sediments (Fe:P ratio). Under dynamic conditions, therefore, nutrient release is controlled by the intensity of disturbance, sediment consolidation and nutrient content in sediments. As for dissolved nutrients, especially SRP, the release is also controlled by the intensity of dynamic re-oxidation, Fe content in sediments and nutrient concentration gradient between porewater and overlying water. Based on these two release modes, the release flux in Lake Taihu has been estimated. In the static condition (i.e. laboratory experimental condition), total release of NH4 -N for whole lake is ca. 10,000 ton/a, and PO43--P is ca. 900 ton/a. In the dynamic condition, nutrient release following sediment suspension was estimated according to three different intensities of wind forcing which were defined as "calm" (wind speed is less than 2 m/s), "gentle" (wind speed is greater than 2 m/s and less than 6 m/s) and "gust" (wind speed is greater than 6 m/s). The release rate in the condition of "calm" was estimated in terms of the nutrient release in the laboratory experimental static condition; whereas the release rate in conditions of "gentle" and "gust" was estimated in terms of measurement during sediment resuspension conducted in flume experiments. With the observation of wind velocity and frequency in 2001, each type of wind forcing took the frequency of 12%, 82% and 6% for "calm", "gentle" and "gust", respectively. The yearly release of nitrogen was 81,000 ton and phos- phorus was 21,000 ton, which is about 2-6 folds of annual external loading, respectively.  相似文献   

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