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何为生态文明的自然本原?它就是良性的生态循环.生态文明的自然基础是一系列生态系统的良性循环——森林生态系统、草地生态系统、农业生态系统、湖泊生态系统、河流生态系统、海洋生态系统……等等,而良性循环的标志有二:1)为人类提供清洁的水源、新鲜的空气、优质的农—牧—渔产品、舒心的休闲景观等,这些是我们身心健康的前提,没有它们的支撑,人类文明的大厦将难以为继;2)为珍稀濒危以及土著物种提供良好的栖息之地,维持良好的生态平衡关系,增加生态系统对外界干扰的可塑性.  相似文献   

袁勇  王成清 《地球》2013,(9):94-95
正土地资源是生态资源的核心要素。优化国土空间开发格局,科学合理地进行土地综合整治,对土地生态系统实施保育或恢复重建,可以有效促进生态文明建设,实现生态中国、文明美丽中国的战略目标。生态文明与土地综合整治生态文明是指人类遵循人、自然、社会和谐发展的客观规律,改造自然  相似文献   

生态需水是湖泊生态系统的重要指标,维持着湖泊生态系统的良性循环.以内蒙古中部半干旱湖泊岱海为研究对象,对湖泊动态生态需水进行分析.本研究在遥感和气象数据的基础上,获得1975-2020年长时间序列高精度水文要素数据,分析岱海水文要素时空演变规律;通过天然生态水深分析法、水深经验频率分析法和湖泊形态分析法分析岱海的水深随面积变化的关键水深;构建基于生态耗水规律的湖泊生态需水模型,计算自然状态下岱海生态需水动态变化范围.研究结果如下:岱海地区6-9月为丰水期,10月至次年5月为枯水期;45 a以来岱海水面面积呈显著下降趋势,近年来下降速率减缓;枯水期岱海适宜生态水深为8.72~9.92 m,丰水期为9.40~10.69 m,适宜生态需水量为5.62亿~7.71亿m3,适宜湖面面积为70.92~84.77 km2.本文构建了长时间序列气候水文数据库,确定岱海动态生态需水范围可以实现对湖泊生态健康的实时监测,为相关规划与管理提供科学依据及可操作性指导,从而为岱海湖泊治理提供理论参考.  相似文献   

燕乃玲  虞孝感 《湖泊科学》2004,16(Z1):143-152
生态功能区划是我国正在开展的一项关于资源与环境管理的重大基础性工作.生态功能区划的理论和方法是当前生态学、环境科学、地理学等学科面临的一项新的热点课题.本文首先讨论了生态功能区划的概念,从认识区划看,生态功能区划属于生态系统区域划分的范畴,从实践的角度,则强调人文活动对生态系统可持续能力产生的影响,指出自然生态区不是生态功能区,生态功能区须反映人类的利用和价值判断.生态功能区划,不单是以自然要素或自然系统的"地带性分异"为基础,更是以生态系统的等级结构和尺度原则为基础,用生态系统完整性的评价测量人类活动对生态系统的影响,将生态功能区划的科学基础落在"基于生态系统的管理"平台上.文章提出了基于流域的我国生态功能区划的初步思想,讨论了区划的原则和方法,建立了生态系统完整性评价和功能区划分的指标体系.其基本内容是,认识并按照生态系统的自然边界划分生态系统单元;进行生态系统完整性评价;在此基础上划分不同的生态功能区,确定主导生态功能.  相似文献   

中国陆地生态系统生态资产遥感定量测量   总被引:58,自引:0,他引:58  
生态系统的自然价值及其服务功能效益是地球生命支持系统的重要组成部分, 也是社会与环境可持续发展的基本要素. 生态资产是生态系统生物资源直接价值及其生态服务功能价值的总和. 对生态资产价值进行定量估算不仅可以从经济学的角度对生态环境进行定量评价, 而且能够引起全社会对生态环境建设的高度重视, 同时也是最终将其纳入社会与市场经济体系、建立绿色GDP核算体系、制定生态环境建设补偿政策的必要前提. 本文在传统生态学生态资产单位面积价值研究的基础上提出了基于遥感定量测量的生态资产价值评估模型, 并利用NOAA/AVHRR和其他辅助数据对模型所需要的参数, 如: 陆地生态系统地表覆盖类型、植被覆盖度(f)、植被第一性净生产力(NPP)进行了定量测量, 并参考Costanza等人的经济参数, 对中国陆地生态系统生态资产价值进行了全覆盖的定量测量, 并据此绘制了中国陆地生态系统生态资产价值空间分布图. 结果表明: 中国陆地生态系统每年的生态资产总价值为64441.77亿元人民币; 较之传统的生态学静态计算方法, 遥感测量克服了以点代面的缺点, 测量结果可以更加客观地反映中国陆地系统生态资产及其空间分布的现实情况, 为今后开展相关研究奠定了良好的基础.  相似文献   

<正>习近平总书记指出,生态环境保护是功在当代、利在千秋的事业。面对我国资源约束趋紧、环境污染严重、生态系统退化的总体形势,生态国土建设必须深入贯彻党的十九大精神,坚持以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,树牢社会主义生态文明观,增强尊重自然、顺应自然、保护自然的自觉性,践行绿水青山就是金山银山的理念,坚持节约资源和保护环境的基本国策,贯彻节约优先、保护优先、自然恢复为主的方针,按照源头保护、高效利用、系统修复、改革创新的要求,把生  相似文献   

太湖流域湖荡湿地影响着整个流域生态系统的健康运转,是湖泊水体与陆地之间的过渡带,对周边城市的生态环境起到重要的净化调节作用,对太湖流域湖荡湿地生态系统健康进行评价,有利于湖荡湿地的科学管理,从而实现湖荡湿地资源的可持续利用.本文选择太湖流域11个典型的湖荡湿地为研究对象,于2012-2015年开展周年湿地观测季度调查.利用主客观组合赋权方法,结合太湖流域自然条件和社会功能,提出了基于生态可修复性指标的太湖流域湖荡湿地生态系统健康评价体系和方法.结果表明:太湖流域湖荡湿地中生态系统健康等级为优的占27.27%,分别是傀儡湖、尚湖和钱资荡;生态系统健康等级为良的湖荡湿地占9.09%,为长荡湖;中等生态系统健康水平的湖荡湿地居多,占36.36%,分别是阳澄湖、昆承湖、元荡和淀山湖;生态系统健康等级为差的湖荡湿地占18.18%,分别是滆湖、澄湖和宜兴三氿.本研究建立的湖泊生态健康评估体系和湖泊生态健康评价结果对太湖流域湖荡湿地的后续有效管理具有重要的现实意义.  相似文献   

中国陆地生态系统服务净价值评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生态环境保护是维护生态系统健康、改善生态系统服务功能、增加人类社会福祉的有效途径.然而,生态系统服务价值(VES)的获得必然会产生成本投入,传统的生态系统服务价值评估方法忽略了相关成本分析,给土地规划造成了混乱,不利于环境保护和社会经济的可持续发展.为了认知生态系统服务价值和净价值(NES)的差异,改进生态系统服务评价方法,该研究在生态系统服务价值研究的基础上,评估了1952年以来中国大陆主要生态系统(包括农田、草地、林地和湿地)服务净价值及其变化.结果表明,中国陆地生态系统年均服务净价值为10.0×10~3元/公顷,为服务价值的35.1%,草地生态系统服务净价值最低,为-0.7×10~3元/公顷;中国大陆农田、草地、林地和湿地2014年实现生态系统服务净价值7.2×10~(12)元,是全国国民净收益(居民可支配收入与政府收入的总和)25.6×10~(12)元的27.0%.1952年以来,由于人口增加的持续压力和环境政策的原因,中国陆地生态系统服务价值和净价值持续减少;1998年以后,中国政府陆续实施了一系列森林保护政策,中国陆地生态系统服务价值和净价值止跌回稳.但相关政策忽略了林地以外其他生态系统的保护,导致农田、湿地和草地等生态系统严重退化.由于社会经济条件、资源禀赋差异,不同地区之间的生态服务价值和净价值差异显著.为了维护生态平衡,生态修复(尤其是人工生态修复)和社会经济发展都应该注重成本效益问题,通过不同措施的成本收益比较,最大限度地降低生态保护项目的成本,增加环境保护项目的收益,这是修复生态学需要面对的重要科学问题.  相似文献   

正滨海湿地是近海生物重要栖息繁殖地和鸟类迁徙中转站,是珍贵的自然资源,具有重要的生态功能。由于长期以来大规模围填海活动,滨海湿地大面积减少,自然岸线锐减,对海洋和陆地生态系统造成损害。十八大以来,中央高度重视生态文明建设,将围填海管控纳入生态文明体制改革总体部署。2016年12月,中央全面深化改革领导小组审议通过了《围填海管控办法》。2018年7月,国务院印发了《关于加  相似文献   

湖泊生态水位计算新方法与应用   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:2  
淦峰  唐琳  郭怀成  高伟 《湖泊科学》2015,27(5):783-790
水位是湖泊水文情势的主要特征指标,对湖泊的水量、水质和生物的栖息地等有直接或间接的影响,被认为是湖泊生态系统健康的关键影响因素.如何确定合理的湖泊水位以保证生态系统健康成为湖泊科学研究的重要科学问题.根据湖泊天然水位情势,从天然水文变化中识别多项反映完整水位过程的指标,构建了湖泊生态水位的计算方法.从湖泊天然水位情势中提取出高、低水位的历时、发生时间和变化率等水位指数来表征其生态水位.该方法弥补了传统湖泊生态水位计算方法仅给出最小生态水位的不足,体现了湖泊生态系统健康对水位过程的要求.基于提出的生态水位计算方法和鄱阳湖都昌水位站1952-2000年共49年的日均监测数据,计算了鄱阳湖的生态水位目标值区间,以期为鄱阳湖水利工程生态调度提供决策依据.  相似文献   


We developed a water-use conflict analysis framework to determine environmental flows that optimally balance water requirements for ecosystems and human activities. This framework considers trade-offs between water use for ecosystem health and agricultural processes and considers temporal variations in hydrological processes. It comprises three separate models that (a) analyse water balance between agriculture and initial environmental flows, (b) identify outcomes of varying balances in water use, and (c) determine recommended environmental flows for sustainable water use. We applied the framework to a region downstream of the Yellow River in China. Based on our results, we recommend a water management plan that allocates more water to ecosystem services than is currently allocated and that does not increase predicted economic losses. In addition, we found that recommended flows change depending on the ecological objectives considered and whether technologies or methodologies that improve water-use efficiency are employed.
Editor Z.W. Kundzewicz; Guest editor M. Acreman

Citation Pang, A., Sun, T., and Yang, Z., 2014. A framework for determining recommended environmental flows for balancing agricultural and ecosystem water demands. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 59 (3–4), 890–903.  相似文献   

生态系统地震灾害及其深层机制   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
所有地震时空、强度对人及人类破坏的复杂性可以贯穿到各个层次的生态系统中体现出来,这样地震给人类带来的空间和时间的全面灾害即可用生态系统地震灾害来进行描述。以人类为核心,按照构成生态系统的主体和环境因子的不同,可将生态系统由内向外、逐层包容地划分成社会生态系统、环境生态系统和自然生态系统三个层次类型。在社会生态系统震害中,人类的能动作用居于主导的地位,在环境生态系统震害中,人类的能动作用居于协调的位置,在自然生态系统震害中,人类的能动作用处于服从的地位。整体上来看,生态系统震害具有四个一般特征,即连发性、群发性、长程关联性和影响长期性。蕴震体及地球岩石部分本身就具有自组织、自适应和自相似即自复制类生命体特征,因而具有网络性。因而从生态系统角度研究可以发现,地震灾害与多种灾害之间构成了一个整体的联系,这就是生态系统震害的深层机制,称之为网络性机制。地震灾害的宏观过程是地震作用于人类生存的生态环境(天然生态环境和人工生态环境)从而危及人与社会并形成灾害,震害是由多种相互关联的要素所构成的复杂系统。  相似文献   

The net ecosystem services value in mainland China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Protection of the ecological environment is an effective strategy for maintaining ecosystem health,improving provision of ecosystem services,and increasing human well-being.However,traditional calculations of the value of ecosystem services(VES)provide weak guidance because they ignore the costs of these services,leading to economically inefficient strategies.To understand the difference between VES and the net ecosystem services value(NES,after subtracting costs from VES)and to improve evaluations of ecosystem services,we estimated NES for mainland China(including farmland,grassland,forest,and wetland).NES totaled 10.0×10~3RMB ha~(-1)yr~(-1)in 2014,which is only 35.1%of the corresponding VES.Grassland NES was–0.7×10~3RMB ha~(-1)yr~(-1),in contrast with a positive grassland VES.NES of farmland,grassland,forest,and wetland in2014 totaled 7.2×10~(12)RMB,accounting for 27.0%of China’s GNP.Recent Chinese planning based on VES emphasizes forest conservation and ignores the conservation of other important ecosystems,such as grassland,leading to a continuing loss of China’s natural capital.Due to regional differences in economic conditions,resource endowments,and geographical characteristics,VES and NES differ among regions.To maximize the ecological benefits from conservation,it is necessary to account for these differences by comparing strategies based on NES,thereby choosing projects that maximize both economic and ecological benefits.To maintain the ecological balance,ecological restoration and socioeconomic activities should account for the costs of providing ecosystem services.This is essential to minimize the costs and maximize the benefits of projects.  相似文献   

Stable isotopes of carbon and nitrogen are increasingly used in marine ecosystems, for ecological and environmental studies. Here, we examine some applications of stable isotopes as ecological integrators or tracers in seagrass ecosystem studies. We focus on both the use of natural isotope abundance as food web integrators or environmental tracers and on the use of stable isotopes as experimental tools. As ecosystem integrators, stable isotopes have helped to elucidate the general structure of trophic webs in temperate, Mediterranean and tropical seagrass ecosystems. As environmental tracers, stable isotopes have proven their utility in sewage impact measuring and mapping. However, to make such environmental studies more comprehensible, future works on understanding of basic reasons for variations of N and C stable isotopes in seagrasses should be encouraged. At least, as experimental tracers, stable isotopes allow the study of many aspects of N and C cycles at the scale of a plant or at the scale of the seagrass ecosystem.  相似文献   

This paper surveys approaches to the economic valuation of ecosystems and the determination of their optimal utilisation. The components of the value of ecosystems are defined and methods of measurement are presented. Also discussed is a simple model of the economic use of a dynamic ecological system. Economically optimal trajectories are shown and scenarios are presented in which it is economically optimal to destroy the ecosystem. Particular problems arise if the ecosystem is a common-property resource as is often the case with marine ecosystems. This issue is also addressed. Moreover, the paper presents some extensions of the model that add complexity and uncertainty.  相似文献   

A series of field experiments were carried out in natural model ecosystems (mesocosms) with the aim to study the effect of pollutants on processes proceeding within water body. The generalized thermodynamic state parameters used in the study were the rate of photosynthetic production and destruction of organic matter. The ratio of destruction to primary production and the rate of changes in this ratio were used to construct phase portraits of ecosystems. Analysis showed that the dynamics of ecosystem states described by those characteristics corresponds to the general regularities in the evolution of the state of dissipative structures, hence the rate of changes in the destruction-to-production ratio can be taken as a thermodynamic criterion of evolution of aquatic ecosystems. The proposed approach allows this criterion to be used to develop methods for standardization of ecological loads.  相似文献   

水生态系统是人类赖以生存的基础,近年来气候变化和水资源开发、水体污染、过度捕捞等人类活动导致水生态系统严重受损,水生态系统的保护和修复已成为全球面临的重大挑战。科学合理的水生态评价方法是实现水生态系统稳定、健康和可持续管理的基本保障,也是目前我国各相关管理部门高度重视的关键问题,多个部门围绕水生态评价展开了积极探索与实践。本文系统回顾了水生态评价方法的发展历程并阐释了水生态评价的内涵,梳理了常用的水生态评价方法,明晰了各方法的基本理念和应用场景,分析了各方法的优点和不足,提出了基于生态完整性的水生态健康评价方法,最后对目前我国水生态评价需进一步完善的工作进行了展望。本文以期与相关领域研究者和管理者在水生态评价理论和方法方面进行探讨,为我国水生态考核工作提供理论支持。  相似文献   

Majority of shallow floodplain lake ecosystems of the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River (China) have gone through serious eutrophication problems over the recent past. The severe environmental deterioration accompanied by cyanobacterial blooms have become major water resource management challenges in the region. An advanced research method is urgently needed to tackle these challenges. The concept of ecological resilience address pressing questions of non-linear dynamics, threshold effects and regime shifts in shallow floodplain lakes, and help manage the ecosystem effectively. Palaeolimnological techniques are important for assessing long term resilience and associated thresholds effects of shallow lake ecosystems. However, the lack of reliable proxy methods available, the assessment of long term ecological resilience of shallow Yangtze River lake systems has become increasingly difficult. Cladocerans (water fleas) play a central role in lacustrine food webs by responding to external drivers and internal ecosystem processes in lakes. Their subfossils are well preserved and becoming one of potential proxy indicators of lake ecosystems change for a longer time scale. This study explores the potential application of subfossil cladocerans and their ephippia in assessing a long term ecological resilience and help better management strategies of lake ecosystems and water resources of the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River in China.  相似文献   

Eutrophication and toxic loading of freshwater occurred even in early geological epochs as a result of natural factors (e.g., large animals, volcanism), and nutrients and xenobiotics are more quickly integrated in material cycling in aquatic than in terrestrial systems. Therefore, aquatic ecosystems show many defensive mechanisms against organic and toxic loading. Many other defensive reactions can be described in addition to the well-known example of microbial self-purification.Freshwater ecosystems possess compartments which cooperate towards the function and protection of the whole system but, in opposition to these “euoecisms”, there are also “dysoecisms”. The defensive reactions of an ecosystem are founded largely on species-egoistic adaptations that have an (accidental) system-altruistic effect. The whole ecosystem reacts only seldom, and it is not clear whether there are selection processes which favour water bodies with a slow eutrophication and therefore slow silting-up, because the freshwaters are important for the global water balance.It is possible to compare organismic with ecosystemic defensive reactions but the origin of both reactions is very different.  相似文献   

During the implementation of the Belt and Road Initiative(BRI), simulating the change trends of terrestrial ecosystems in Eurasia under different climate scenarios is a key ecological issue. The HLZ ecosystem model was improved to simulate the changes in the spatial distribution and types of terrestrial ecosystems in Eurasia based on the climate data from Eurasian meteorological stations from 1981 to 2010 and the data from the RCP26, RCP45 and RCP85 scenarios released by CMIP5 from 2010 to 2100. Ecological diversity and patch connectivity index models were used to quantitatively calculate the future changes in ecological diversity and patch connectivity of terrestrial ecosystems in Eurasia. The results show that(1) cold temperate wet forest, cool temperate moist forest and desert are the major terrestrial ecosystem types and cover 36.71% of the total area of Eurasia.(2) Under all three scenarios, the polar/nival area would shrink more than other terrestrial ecosystem types and would decrease by 26.75 million km2 per decade on average, and the subpolar/alpine moist tundra would have the fastest decreasing rate of 10.49% per decade on average from 2010 to 2100.(3) Under the RCP85 scenario, the rate of terrestrial ecosystem changes will be greater than that under the other two scenarios, and the subpolar/alpine moist tundra would exhibit the fastest decreasing rate of 10.88% per decade from 2010 to 2100.(4) The ecological diversity would generally show decreasing trends and decrease by 0.09%, 0.13% and 0.16% per decade on average under the RCP26, RCP45 and RCP85 scenarios,respectively.(5) The patch connectivity would first increase and then decrease under all three scenarios. In general, the trends of the changes in terrestrial ecosystems would show an obvious difference in the different regions throughout the BRI area.  相似文献   

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