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电离层闪烁对全球导航卫星系统(GNSS)的定位影响分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
电离层闪烁是影响卫星导航系统定位性能的重要因素之一,中国南方区域是全球电离层闪烁多发区之一,开展电离层闪烁对卫星导航系统性能的影响研究具有重要意义。利用中国区域的电离层闪烁数据和GPS测量数据,对电离层闪烁情况下的用户定位性能进行了比较分析,发现电离层闪烁将引起用户定位误差的普遍增大,严重时可能出现定位异常,电离层闪烁对不同的定位应用方式具有不同程度的影响,电离层闪烁对卫星导航系统的多种影响是卫星导航系统的重要威胁之一。  相似文献   

徐彬  刘钝 《全球定位系统》2011,36(3):5-8,17
电离层闪烁是影响卫星导航系统定位性能的重要因素之一。电离层闪烁可造成GNSS载噪比降低,测量误差增大,载波周跳次数增多,电离层修正精度降低,定位用精度因子变大等影响。中国南方区域是全球电离层闪烁多发区之一,电离层闪烁影响的时空范围和程度较大,是我国卫星导航应用应关注的问题。针对电离层闪烁影响,提出了我国卫星导航系统应用中可行的针对性减缓措施。  相似文献   

太阳风暴将对北斗卫星导航系统的正常运行产生影响。对即将到来的第24个太阳活动高年期间,北斗系统可能受到的影响进行了分析。电离层延迟误差将使北斗系统用户定位精度进一步降低。电离层闪烁发生更为频繁,对北斗系统性能产生影响,闪烁严重时用户甚至失去定位功能。太阳风暴引起的电离层扰动,如电离层暴,也将对北斗系统性能产生影响。针对北斗系统建设,提出了应采用的应对措施。  相似文献   

电离层闪烁造成GPS接收机测距误差增大、以致强闪烁条件下的频繁周跳和卫星信号失锁,集成闪烁仿真功能的GPS信号模拟器能够为接收机抗闪烁算法研究和性能测试提供必要的信号源。首先设计了基于AJ-Stanford模型和Cornell模型的电离层闪烁仿真软件,可以灵活配置闪烁时间、数据更新周期以及各模型参数,从而得到闪烁影响下的GPS信号幅度衰落及相位波动序列;然后开发了集成电离层闪烁仿真功能的数字中频GPS信号模拟器,该模拟器作为抗闪烁研究平台工具,可以灵活调整闪烁卫星号、模型及相关参数、开始时间和持续时间;其设计正确性通过实验室自研的软件GPS接收机得到了验证。  相似文献   

北斗卫星导航系统及全球定位系统等全球卫星导航系统电磁波信号在大气中传播会受到电离层延迟的影响,为满足导航用户需求,我国北斗卫星导航系统和美国全球定位系统均采用Klobuchar 8参数模型进行电离层延迟改正。但是全球定位系统Klobuchar模型和北斗卫星导航系统Klobuchar模型的电离层参数并不相同,分析不同导航系统发布的电离层参数精度对这两种双模导航定位中电离层参数的选择具有重要的研究意义。分别采用北斗卫星导航系统和全球定位系统电离层模型进行伪距单点定位,通过比较最终的定位精度从而对这两种不同模型在全球范围内的改正精度进行评价。研究结果表明:在中国区域内,采用北斗卫星导航系统模型的伪距单点定位精度较全球定位系统模型有较大提高;采用北斗卫星导航系统电离层参数更利于中国区域的全球卫星导航系统的导航定位。  相似文献   

电离层延迟是影响导航定位精度的最主要因素。北斗卫星导航系统采用Klobuchar模型修正单频接收机用户的电离层延迟误差,对于双频接收机,可以利用不同频率信号的伪距观测数据解算得到电离层延迟值。为比较两种方法在天津地区的电离层延迟修正效果,利用NovAtel GPStation6接收机(GNSS电离层闪烁和TEC监测接收机)采集到的卫星实测数据进行计算。以国际全球导航卫星系统服务组织(IGS)发布的全球电离层格网数据为参考,对两种方法的修正效果进行比较分析。结果表明,在天津地区,利用双频观测值解算电离层延迟比Klobuchar模型计算结果更加精确,且平均每天的修正值达到IGS发布数据的82.11%,比Klobuchar模型计算值高948%   相似文献   

电离层闪烁是引起GNSS接收机性能降低甚至失锁的重要环境干扰因素。利用实测数据,比较分析了不同电离层闪烁活动强度下,不同GNSS系统(BD和GPS)接收机的定位性能。结果表明:电离层闪烁较弱时(S4〈0.3),两种接收机均可以实现基本的定位功能;电离层闪烁较强(S4〉0.7),且持续时间较长时,不同GNSS接收机将出现定位结果的抖动、跳变或失去定位能力;GNSS接收机应对电离层闪烁影响的能力与接收机设计相关。研究结果可作为抗闪烁接收机开发或闪烁影响分级的参考。  相似文献   

卫星信号仿真电离层闪烁模型研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
电离层闪烁会导致地空无线电信号产生随机起伏,影响各种地空信息系统的工作性能.为了满足电离层闪烁影响效应评估的应用需求,建立了一个卫星信号电离层闪烁模型.该模型是在对闪烁信号衰落特性进行统计分析的基础上建立的,它将信道函数分为直接分量和随机多径成分两部分.模型可根据输入的电离层闪烁指数和去相关时间仿真出信号振幅和相位的变化,并可直接嵌入到各类卫星信号模拟器中,用于卫星导航、卫星通信等系统的衰落信道仿真.  相似文献   

电离层闪烁是指无线电信号的振幅和相位在短时间内出现快速随机波动的现象,可以导致全球导航卫星系统(GNSS)的测量噪声增大、信号丢失。目前,接收机跟踪误差随机模型(RTES)可以有效降低电离层闪烁对GNSS精密单点位定位(PPP)的影响。然而,该模型依赖专用型电离层闪烁监测接收机(ISMR)的数据产品。与遍布世界各地的测地型接收机相比,ISMR监测站的数量非常有限,并且获取ISMR数据产品也较为困难。本文利用加拿大高纬度北极电离层闪烁监测网络(CHAIN)2014—2022年的GPS观测数据与闪烁产品,提出了一种适用于高纬度地区测地型接收机的PPP随机模型,简称高纬接收机跟踪误差随机模型(HL_RTES)模型。HL_RTES模型采用振幅闪烁指数(S4c)和总电子含量变化率指数(ROTI)来估计接收机跟踪噪声的方差,并通过对观测值进行重新加权以提高闪烁环境下PPP定位精度。利用2023年2月1日至2023年2月28日的CHAIN网跟踪站GPS数据进行单频仿动态PPP试验验证,结果表明,HL_RTES模型与RTES模型性能相当,都可以改进闪烁环境下PPP的定位精度;与高...  相似文献   

卫星导航局域增强系统采用差分技术实现高精度定位能力。电离层扰动现象将对局域增强系统产生严重影响。电离层暴降低了电离层延迟空间相关性,进而影响差分定位的精度;电离层闪烁引起卫星信号质量和测量质量的降低,同时伴随闪烁产生的电离层电子密度不均匀体也会降低电离层延迟的空间相关性,影响差分定位精度。电离层扰动对局域增强系统的影响应通过接收机设计、增强系统设计、完好性实现方法等多方面的改进加以应对。  相似文献   

导航信号经过电子密度不均匀的电离层时,信号的幅度和相位会产生快速随机起伏,即为电离层闪烁。电离层闪烁对接收机信号捕获跟踪以及解调定位都有一定的影响,本文采用理论和仿真的方法分析了电离层闪烁对I,Q支路以及跟踪环路的影响。结果表明:相位闪烁对信号I,Q支路均有影响,幅度闪烁对I支路的影响比较大,在相位闪烁比较强或者幅度闪烁比较强的区域,信号更难跟踪处理。弱闪烁时锁相环(PLL)的跟踪门限约29 dBHz,延迟锁定环路(DLL)的跟踪门限约为20.2 dBHz,强闪烁时PLL跟踪门限约为32 dBHz,DLL的跟踪门限约为22 dBHz。相比而言,载波跟踪环路更加脆弱。同时得到,闪烁越强,载波发生周跳的概率越大,载噪比越高,抗闪烁能力越强。   相似文献   

GAMIT/GLOBK是全球应用最广泛的高精度GPS数据处理软件之一,不仅在高精度定位方面得到应用,而且在全球地壳板块运动监测、电离层监测和GPS气象学等领域也得到广泛应用。本文介绍了在Windows7系统下实现Ubunru Kylin16.04桌面版系统的安装,并在Ubuntu Kylin系统平台下安装、更新最新版GAMIT/GLOBK10.60,并利用中国及其周边IGS站观测数据进行基线解算和网平差,验证了软件安装的正确性。   相似文献   

随着大众市场对高精度定位需求增加,基于低成本小型化设备的全球卫星导航系统(GNSS)高精度定位成为研究热点之一. 本文以低成本多系统GNSS接收机μ-blox M8P型号为例,分析其观测数据质量,研究其伪距单点定位和单频载波相对定位的定位性能和特点,为低成本GNSS接收机高精度定位应用提供参考. 实验结果表明,与测量型接收机相比,μ-blox输出GNSS观测值的载噪比略小,伪距和载波相位的测量噪声较大. 静态模式下,μ-blox的单频载波相对定位(基线长度约为430 m)可以提供厘米级的定位精度;城市环境动态模式下,其单频载波相对定位可提供亚米级至米级的定位精度. 信号受限环境下,GPS/GLONASS双系统能够提供更稳定的定位结果.   相似文献   

The location requirements for emergency callers outside urban areas can hardly be fulfilled without global navigation satellite systems (GNSS). Consequently, interest in positioning techniques based on use of a GNSS such as GPS or on the cellular network infrastructure itself is growing rapidly in the mobile-telephone community. Moreover, the increasing demand for commercial location-based services (LBS) has driven cellular-phone and network manufacturers to focus on positioning solutions which are even more accurate than the regulatory mandates for positioning of emergency callers. One example of these upcoming LBS is our PARAMOUNT project, which aims at improving user-friendly info-mobility services for hikers and mountaineers by combining wireless communications (GMTS), satellite navigation (GNSS) and geographic information systems (GIS), based on a mobile client/server architecture. The availability of mobile phones or PDAs with combined GNSS and cellular network-based wireless communication on a high integration level is one primary demand of such LBS applications. Based on this, we will give some initial answers to the question of whether mobile handset architecture synergies exist for the combination of GNSS with wireless location in CDMA cellular wireless networks. In order to identify synergies, we will outline similarities and differences between wireless communication and satellite navigation. In this respect, we pay particular attention to the so-called RAKE receiver architecture employed in mobile CDMA cellular handsets. Our initial investigations will show that the RAKE receiver architecture, on which mobile CDMA cellular handsets are based, will most likely be the one most suitable for achieving synergies between the two positioning techniques within the same mobile handset architecture. Consequently, several receiver components could be used to handle both types of signals (navigation and communications), resulting in a reduction of manufacturing costs and in a decrease in energy consumption. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

GNSS(global navigation satellite systems)系统时使用原子钟作为时间基准,相比使用晶振的GNSS接收机,其稳定度高出几个量级。GNSS系统间钟差相比接收机钟差具有更高的稳定度,如果可以充分利用此先验信息将有助于优化多GNSS系统的定位结果。分析如何充分利用系统间钟差更稳定这一先验信息,并测试引入这一先验信息对多系统单点定位结果的影响,推导了基于两种不同钟差估计方法的定位解算模型,给出了最小二乘和扩展卡尔曼滤波两种参数估计算法。通过比较不同模型和估计算法在静态和动态定位的实验结果,最小二乘法无法利用系统间钟差更稳定的特点改善定位精度;静态实验结果表明,扩展卡尔曼滤波自身有一定的降噪效果,若引入系统间钟差更稳定的先验信息,将更有利于减小噪声;动态实验结果表明,引入系统间钟差更稳定的先验信息可减弱扩展卡尔曼滤波的发散现象。  相似文献   

The troposphere affects Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) signals due to the variability of the refractive index. Tropospheric delay is a function of the satellite elevation angle and the altitude of the GNSS receiver and depends on the atmospheric parameters. If the residual tropospheric delay is not modelled carefully a bias error will occur in the vertical component. In order to analyse the precise altimetric positioning based on a local active network, four scenarios in Southern Spain with different topographical, environmental, and meteorological conditions are presented, considering both favourable and non-favourable conditions. The use of surface meteorological observations allows us to take into account the tropospheric conditions instead of a standard atmosphere, but introduces a residual tropospheric bias which reduces the accuracy of precise GNSS positioning. Thus, with short observation times it is recommended not to estimate troposphere parameters, but to use an a priori model together with the standard atmosphere. The results confirm that it is possible to achieve centimetre-scale vertical accuracy and precision with real time kinematic positioning even with large elevation differences with respect to the nearest reference stations. These numerical results may be taken into consideration for improving the altimetric configuration of the local active network.  相似文献   

Ionospheric disturbances can be detrimental to accuracy and reliability of GNSS positioning. We focus on how ionospheric scintillation induces significant degradation to Precise Point Positioning (PPP) and how to improve the performance of PPP during ionospheric scintillation periods. We briefly describe these problems and give the physical explanation of highly correlated phenomenon of degraded PPP estimates and occurrence of ionospheric scintillation. Three possible reasons can contribute to significant accuracy degradation in the presence of ionospheric scintillation: (a) unexpected loss of lock of tracked satellites which greatly reduces the available observations and considerably weakens the geometry, (b) abnormal blunders which are not properly mitigated by positioning programs, and (c) failure of cycle slip detection algorithms due to the high rate of total electronic content. The latter two reasons are confirmed as the major causes of sudden accuracy degradation by means of a comparative analysis. To reduce their adverse effect on positioning, an improved approach based on a robust iterative Kalman filter is adopted to enhance the PPP performance. Before the data enter the filter, the differential code biases are used for GNSS data quality checking. Any satellite whose C1–P1 and P1–P2 biases exceed 10 and 30 m, respectively, will be rejected. Both the Melbourne–Wubbena and geometry-free combination are used for cycle slip detection. But the thresholds are set more flexibly when ionospheric conditions become unusual. With these steps, most of the outliers and cycle slips can be effectively detected, and a first PPP estimation can be carried out. Furthermore, an iterative PPP estimator is utilized to mitigate the remaining gross errors and cycle slips which will be reflected in the posterior residuals. Further validation tests based on extensive experiments confirm our physical explanation and the new approach. The results show that the improved approach effectively avoids a large number of ambiguity resets which would otherwise be necessary. It reduces the number of re-parameterized phase ambiguities by approximately half, without scarifying the accuracy and reliability of the PPP solution.  相似文献   

Strong equatorial scintillation is often characterized by simultaneous fast phase changes and deep amplitude fading. The combined effect poses a challenge for GNSS receiver carrier tracking performance. One of the consequences of the strong scintillation is increased navigation message data bit decoding error. Understanding the rate of the data bit decoding error under equatorial scintillation is essential for high accuracy and high integrity applications. We present the statistical relationship between the data bit decoding error occurrences and the intensity of amplitude scintillation based on the processing of intermediate frequency GPS scintillation data collected on Ascension Island in March 2013. A third-order phase lock loop (PLL) is implemented to process the data and to access the data bit error typically expected in conventional receivers. A Kalman filter-based PLL is also used to process the same data to demonstrate that the data bit decoding error can be reduced through advanced carrier tracking designs.  相似文献   

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