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胡昌苗  张微  冯峥  唐娉 《遥感学报》2014,18(2):267-286
全球地表覆盖遥感制图与关键技术研究项目要求对两个基准年度(2000年,2010年)的全球覆盖30 m分辨率遥感数据进行辐射处理,转换到地表反射率,数据以Landsat TM/ETM+为主,HJ-1A/B CCD数据为补充。海量数据中有些不适宜进行绝对大气校正,为了保证全球覆盖,对这些数据设计开发了一套自动的相对辐射处理及精度验证流程算法,利用相邻数据重叠区域进行相对辐射校正的方式,将数据由Oigital Number(DN)值直接转换为地表反射率,精度验证以MODIS地表反射率产品MOD09GA作为参考,比较对应波段数据的相对一致性,算法采用了图像分块处理技术及OpenMP加速技术提高效率,实际应用结果表明该算法流程可以满足项目对辐射处理精度、速度及自动化程度的要求。  相似文献   

单小军  唐娉  胡昌苗  唐亮  郑柯 《遥感学报》2014,18(2):254-266
环境与灾害监测预报小卫星星座(环境一号卫星,HJ-1A/B)自发射以来,在环境监测、灾害评估、土地资源调查等领域发挥了重要的作用。但是HJ-1A/B卫星CCD图像的2级产品(HJ-1 CCD图像)几何精度低,实际应用中需要进行几何精校正。HJ-1 CCD图像具有宽覆盖、大视场角、几何变形复杂的特点,几何精校正难度大。针对该问题,本文提出了一个以Landsat TM全球拼接图像为基准,基于Forstner算子和模板匹配的分层配准方法。该方法使用分层匹配获得的大量高精度且分布均匀的控制点构建Delaunay三角网,有效地解决了HJ-1 CCD图像的几何精校正问题。在配准技术研究的基础上,研发了HJ-1 CCD图像几何精校正系统,系统具有全球HJ-1 CCD图像的自动批量处理能力。实验结果表明,本文提出的几何精校正方法精度高,实现了环境星图像的自动批量处理。  相似文献   

徐军  韦金丽  何燕君 《测绘》2015,(2):76-79
为研究环境一号(HJ-1)CCD影像在土地利用中的应用能力,选取HJ-1 A/B CCD和Landsat ETM+作为数据源,在遥感影像土地利用要素识别、土地利用计算机分类精度、土地利用信息提取二级分类精度和土地利用分类等方面,对HJ-1A/B CCD数据和Landsat ETM+数据在土地利用分类中的应用能力进行对比研究,结果表明土地利用分类应用中,HJ-1 A/B CCD基本可以替代Landsat ETM+,且HJ-1 A/B CCD数据光谱敏感性更强,反映地物细节的能力更强,比Landsat ETM+数据更有优势的结论。  相似文献   

姜亢  胡昌苗  于凯  赵永超 《遥感学报》2014,18(2):287-306
地形校正可以减小地形起伏对地物光谱的影响,提高计算机分类在山区的精度。设计了针对全球土地覆盖分类的Landsat TM/ETM+数据地形校正方法 SCOS(Smoothed COS余弦),首先对地形的坡度角进行抹平处理,很大程度上削弱了地表非朗伯性对地形校正的影响,然后利用简单有效的余弦校正去除地形效应。该方法与其他常用地形校正算法的对比分析是通过对全球不同区域、不同地表覆盖的有代表性的6景Landsat TM/ETM+数据的试验,采用统计分析与目视判读的方式,从过度校正和类内均一性两个方面进行的。结果表明,该方法在目视效果和统计结果上优于常规方法,并且更加简单有效,无需复杂的大气参数及传感器参数,满足全球地表覆盖分类对地形校正的需求。  相似文献   

李大成  唐娉  胡昌苗  郑柯 《遥感学报》2014,18(2):307-319
Landsat 5卫星较低的时间分辨率(16天)使得其很难获得大区域的、时相一致的清晰影像数据集。本文发展了一种基于半物理模型的时空融合算法-即乘性调制融合算法,并借助多时序的MODIS反射率数据来生成多时相的Landsat TM/ETM+反射率合成影像,经镶嵌后得到区域尺度的高时空分辨率地表反射率数据集(Landsat TM/ETM+)。本文利用吉林省2006年—2011年的Landsat 5 TM地表反射率数据以及500 m的MOD09A1反射率产品来生成3个时相的Landsat 5 TM反射率合成数据,从而获得研究区在上述时相下地表反射率数据的镶嵌图。初步分析表明,所生成的Landsat 5 TM反射率数据的光谱分布特征与MOD09A1反射率数据较为一致,且图像在整体上光谱特征的连续性较好。  相似文献   

采用基于边缘块剔除的局部方差法对我国HJ-1环境卫星CCD图像的信噪比进行了评估,选取满足噪声评估环境的图像,分析了HJ-1/CCD影像各个波段的信噪比特征。结果表明,HJ-1/CCD影像第3波段信噪比最高,第4波段相对较低;与美国Landsat/TM图像相比,HJ-1/CCD图像信噪比整体上更高。  相似文献   

基于6S模型的环境星CCD数据大气校正   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
应用6S辐射传输模型建立查找表,对环境与减灾小卫星CCD数据进行大气校正。结果表明:校正后的图像更加清晰,对比度增强;与实测光谱对比,处理后的环境星数据可以更真实地反映地物反射特征,消除了NDVI信号在大气传输过程中的衰减效应,更好地复原了地表植被覆盖的真实状况。通过讨论,提出对于HJ-1-A的CCD数据,可以考虑通过同星搭载的高光谱传感器进行气溶胶光学厚度反演;对于HJ-1-B的CCD数据,可以采用对比方法反演气溶胶光学厚度,进而作为模型的输入来提高大气校正精度,以及考虑地表二向性反射现象来提高大气校正精度。  相似文献   

HJ-1B卫星热红外遥感影像农田地表温度反演   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以我国自主研发的HJ-1B卫星影像为数据源,利用其热红外影像、基于JM&S普适性单通道算法反演2009年5月20日河北省涿州市和高碑店市的农田地表温度。最后将HJ-1B IRS影像的地表温度反演结果与同时相Landsat TM5影像的反演结果进行比较分析,分析结果表明:本文所提出的基于HJ-1B卫星热红外影像反演农田地表温度精度可靠,该方法是可行性的。  相似文献   

基于影像交叉学习的CBERS CCD波段模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
与TM/ETM+相比,CBERS CCD缺少2个红外波段(波段5和波段7),这便导致了许多针对TM/ETM+数据的图像处理方法难以直接应用于CBERS CCD图像.为此,采用基于影像交叉学习的波段模拟方法,即以ETM+数据作为先验知识,通过支持向量回归( Support Vector Regression,SVR),拟...  相似文献   

本文利用多时相Landsat TM/ETM+影像分析了兖州市1998年和2002年的土地利用/覆盖变化。综合考虑波段间相关系数和OIF指数,选择最佳波段组合进行图像解译,并在此基础上运用最大似然分类器(MLC)和支持向量机(SVM)的分类方法对遥感影像进行分类。进而利用SVM分类结果进行土地利用遥感动态监测,获取兖州市土地利用/覆盖变化信息,并与社会经济统计资料的统计结果进行比较。最后提取TM/ETM+影像的RDVI,基于线性混合像元分解模型分析了植被覆盖的变化。结果表明,基于多时相TM/ETM+影像分析的土地利用/覆盖变化与实际统计数据较吻合,适合动态监测土地利用变化,且精度较高。  相似文献   

以准同步的Terra/MODIS反演的气溶胶为辅助,采用FLAASH模型对2009-10-24鄱阳湖HJ-1A/B卫星CCD影像进行大气校正处理。结果表明,大气影响可以被有效去除,在水体遥感反射率较高的红、绿波段,大气校正精度较高,平均相对误差分别为13.4%和9.8%;而在水体遥感反射率较低的近红外、蓝波段,大气校正精度较低,这可能与波段不同的信噪比和陆地邻近像元效应有关。  相似文献   

In support to the Remote Sensing Survey of the global Forest Resource Assessment 2010, the TREES-3 project has processed more than 12,000 Landsat TM and ETM+ data subsets systematically distributed over the tropics. The project aims at deriving area estimates of tropical forest cover change for the periods 1990-2000-2005. The paper presents the pre-processing steps applied in an operational and robust manner to this large amount of multi-date and multi-scene imagery: conversion to top-of-atmosphere reflectance, cloud and cloud shadow detection, haze correction and image radiometric normalization. The results show that the haze correction algorithm has improved the visual appearance of the image and significantly corrected the digital numbers for Landsat visible bands, especially the red band. The impact of the normalization procedures (forest normalization and relative normalization) was assessed on 210 image pairs: in all cases the correlation between the spectral values of the same land cover in both images was improved. The developed automatic pre-processing chain provided a consistent multi-temporal data set across the tropics that will constitute the basis for an automatic object-based supervised classification.  相似文献   

The recent free availability of Landsat historical data provides new potentials for land-cover change studies. Multi-temporal studies require a previous radiometric and geometric homogenization of input images, to better identify true changes. Topographic normalization is one of the key steps to create consistent and radiometricly stable multi-temporal time series, since terrain shadows change throughout time. This paper aims to evaluate different methods for topographic correction of Landsat TM-ETM+ data. They were assessed for 15 ETM+ images taken under different illumination conditions, using two criteria: (a) reduction of the standard deviation (SD) for different land-covers and (b) increase in temporal stability of a time series for individual pixels. We observed that results improve when land-cover classes where processed independently when applying the more advanced correction algorithms such as the C-correction and the Minnaert correction. Best results were obtaining for the C-correction and the empiric–statistic correction. Decreases of the SD for bare soil pixels were larger than 100% for the C-correction and the empiric–statistic correction method compared to the other correction methods in the visible spectrum and larger than 50% in the IR region. In almost all tests the empiric–statistic method provided better results than the C-correction. When analyzing the multi-temporal stability, pixels under bad illumination conditions (northern orientation) improved after correction, while a deterioration was observed for pixels under good illumination conditions (southern orientation). Taken this observation into account, a simple but robust method for topographic correction of Landsat imagery is proposed.  相似文献   

China–Brazil Earth Resource Satellite (CBERS) imagery is identified as one of the potential data sources for monitoring Earth surface dynamics in the event of a Landsat data gap. Currently available multispectral images from the High Resolution CCD (Charge Coupled Device) Camera (HRCC) on-board CBERS satellites (CBERS-2 and CBERS-2B) are not precisely geo-referenced and orthorectified. The geometric accuracy of the HRCC multispectral image product is found to be within 2–11 km. The use of CBERS-HRCC multispectral images to monitor Earth surface dynamics therefore necessitates accurate geometric correction of these images. This paper presents an automated method for geo-referencing and orthorectifying the multispectral images from the HRCC imager on-board CBERS satellites. Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) Level 1T (L1T) imagery provided by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is employed as reference for geometric correction. The proposed method introduces geometric distortions in the reference image prior to registering it with the CBERS-HRCC image. The performance of the geometric correction method was quantitatively evaluated using a total of 100 images acquired over the Andes Mountains and the Amazon rainforest, two areas in South America representing vastly different landscapes. The geometrically corrected HRCC images have an average geometric accuracy of 17.04 m (CBERS-2) and 16.34 m (CBERS-2B). While the applicability of the method for attaining sub-pixel geometric accuracy is demonstrated here using selected images, it has potential for accurate geometric correction of the entire archive of CBERS-HRCC multispectral images.  相似文献   

基于多元变化检测的相对辐射校正方法通过阈值获取校正点,该方法的校正结果优于传统人工参与的校正方法。文章对方法中阈值选择以及自然景观特征等影响因素做了进一步研究,选择北京市平原区和山区的各2期TM影像作为数据源,运用均方根误差和变异系数2个统计特征参数比较和评价校正结果,结果表明:基于多元变化检测的相对辐射校正方法获得的结果有利于后续数据分析;不同阈值获得的校正结果没有明显差异;不同自然景观特征对该方法影响程度不同。  相似文献   

Radiometric correction is a prerequisite for generating high-quality scientific data, making it possible to discriminate between product artefacts and real changes in Earth processes as well as accurately produce land cover maps and detect changes. This work contributes to the automatic generation of surface reflectance products for Landsat satellite series. Surface reflectances are generated by a new approach developed from a previous simplified radiometric (atmospheric + topographic) correction model. The proposed model keeps the core of the old model (incidence angles and cast-shadows through a digital elevation model [DEM], Earth–Sun distance, etc.) and adds new characteristics to enhance and automatize ground reflectance retrieval. The new model includes the following new features: (1) A fitting model based on reference values from pseudoinvariant areas that have been automatically extracted from existing reflectance products (Terra MODIS MOD09GA) that were selected also automatically by applying quality criteria that include a geostatistical pattern model. This guarantees the consistency of the internal and external series, making it unnecessary to provide extra atmospheric data for the acquisition date and time, dark objects or dense vegetation. (2) A spatial model for atmospheric optical depth that uses detailed DEM and MODTRAN simulations. (3) It is designed so that large time-series of images can be processed automatically to produce consistent Landsat surface reflectance time-series. (4) The approach can handle most images, acquired now or in the past, regardless of the processing system, with the exception of those with extremely high cloud coverage. The new methodology has been successfully applied to a series of near 300 images of the same area including MSS, TM and ETM+ imagery as well as to different formats and processing systems (LPGS and NLAPS from the USGS; CEOS from ESA) for different degrees of cloud coverage (up to 60%) and SLC-off. Reflectance products have been validated with some example applications: time series robustness (for a pixel in a pseudoinvariant area, deviations are only 1.04% on average along the series), spectral signatures generation (visually coherent with the MODIS ones, but more similar between dates), and classification (up to 4 percent points better than those obtained with the original manual method or the CDR products). In conclusion, this new approach, that could also be applied to other sensors with similar band configurations, offers a fully automatic and reasonably good procedure for the new era of long time-series of spatially detailed global remote sensing data.  相似文献   

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