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野外简易脱气装置简介   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
根据水力学原理结合水氡在实验室分析中水样鼓泡脱气的方法 ,进行了大量的野外试验 ,研制开发了野外简易脱气装置。通过几个月的试观测 ,脱气装置气流稳定 ,脱气效率高 ,完全可以满足自动化观测仪器对气量的需求。该装置解决了地下水化学在野外冷水泉无法进行气体观测的难题 ,而且制作简单、费用低廉 ,非常便于推广。  相似文献   

攀枝花川05井在2011年完成"十五"数字化改造后,水位整点观测值长期受到气汞仪抽气干扰。2017年将原来的溅落式脱气装置更换为自吸气鼓泡脱气装置,并对整个气路进行了改造。通过对改造后7个月的各项观测数据进行对比分析,结果表明,抽气干扰的问题得到了有效解决。  相似文献   

为寻找更适合兰洋台观测条件的脱气装置,2014~2018年兰洋台开展了溅散式(平板溅散式)水气分离装置、卧式自然水气分离装置和自吸鼓泡式水气分离装置的对比观测试验,通过测值大小比对、日变形态、年变趋势、与气温的相关性以及气路设计等方面的研究,认为:在兰洋台观测条件下,卧式装置的测值相对较高,产出的数据有明显的冬高夏低的年变形态,气路设计简单,不需要增设缓冲、冷凝和干燥等中间装置。较其他两类装置相比,卧式装置更适合兰洋台类似的高温井(泉)脱、集气观测使用。  相似文献   

针对库尔勒新43泉SD-3A型自动测氡仪脱气装置水路容易堵塞和工作过程中气路内水蒸气形成的冷凝水等影响。2016年5月6日更换了新的自然吸气鼓泡脱气装置,观测结果表明:新装置脱气效率高,产生的气体更加稳定。在1年左右的时间里产出了连续、准确、可靠的资料,观测信息能够实时反映新43泉的实际变化情况,达到了预期的效果。较好地反映了新疆呼图壁M_S6. 2地震和新疆精河M_S6. 6地震孕育与发生的过程。  相似文献   

长期以来,我国的氡观测一直以模拟水氡观测为主。模拟水氡观测是地震监测预报中前兆观测的重要测项,一直采用定时取样、鼓泡、测值计算及数据入库等一系列人工观测手段。其观测方法落后,且带有较大程度的人为操作误差,使观测数据的质量受到一定程度的影响。“鼓泡”是模拟水氡观测过程的关键环节,鼓泡操作是否规范直接影响水氡测值的准确性。通过对传统模拟水氡鼓泡装置进行改造,研制出一套适用于所有模拟水氡仪器的自动鼓泡装置,解决传统人工鼓泡过程中鼓泡时间与鼓泡速率不规范对水氡测值产生较大干扰的问题。自动鼓泡装置可降低鼓泡操作难度,减少人为操作误差,提高水氡观测资料质量。  相似文献   

针对地下流体汞观测仪的主动采样、脱气方式,设计了满足主动脱气条件的储气装置。以储气装置气囊内气压稳定性为指标,开展储气装置匹配ATG-6138M型痕量汞在线分析仪和自然吸气鼓泡脱气装置的气汞观测实验。结果表明,储气装置能保证被测气体及时置换,维持整套气汞观测系统动态稳定,具有较好的兼容性。  相似文献   

在盘一井数字化气氡观测过程中,脱气装置经过两次改进,但出现的各种干扰因素无法得到有效解决,应用效果一般。为了减少脱气装置对气氡观测的干扰,提高观测数据质量,盘锦台改进制作了新型喷射负压式脱气装置,经过近7个月的试验研究,有效地减少脱气装置在气氡观测中的干扰,解决了氡观测脱气装置稳定性难题,这也进一步提高了气氡观测数据的内在质量。可为国内地震台站观测(水质矿化度高的观测井口)提供脱气装置制作、观测经验,具有一定的推广应用价值。  相似文献   

美国南加州大学设计的CRM-3型自记测氡仪主机采用了中规模集成电路组件及打印计算器等小型元器件,因而主机性能稳定,功耗低,体积小。但是,该仪器的连续脱气装置比较庞大:长1.5米、直径8厘米的鼓泡筒浸在长1.7米、直径15厘米的水容器内。还要外接一个  相似文献   

使用姑咱海子泉气氡观测数据,分析在不同脱气—集气(溅落式和自吸式)装置下观测数据的地震前兆异常反映。溅落式脱气装置在脱气过程中无空气混入,脱气效率较低,但地震前气氡观测异常明显;自吸式脱气装置在脱气过程中有大量空气混入,脱气效率相对较高,在地震前气氡异常不明显。分析认为:①空气混入起到稀释作用,致使气氡含量降低;②脱气装置前放置恒水位槽,将地震前泉水深部自然逸出气体释放,造成异常信息减少。  相似文献   

KJD-2000R测氡仪(α谱仪)观测结果分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过分析KJD-2000R测氡仪(α谱仪)记录的下关温泉水中氡含量的4组α粒子能量脉冲数、氡含量以及影响观测结果因素,结合传统水氡观测仪器FD-125型室内氡钍分析器平行对比观测结果,认为:KJD-2000R测氡仪观测对象明确,而且自动鼓泡和读数,完全避免了人工鼓泡和读数引起的误差,对提高氡及其子体变化规律的认识,提高水氡观测资料质量及映震能力,充分捕获水氡前兆异常信息都具有一定实际意义,也为地震观测及台站水氡观测仪器选型提供参考。  相似文献   

对气氡脱气装置改造的几点认识   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
拆除了格尔木井原气氡脱气装置,针对该井冷水、大流量的实际情况,自行设计、制造了一套新的脱气装置,在其后的气氡观测中取得了良好效果,通过对改造前后氡值的分析,充分认识到了合理的脱气装置的重要性,形成了几点新的看法.  相似文献   

用于数字化气体观测的脱气-集气装置研制与应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
介绍用于地震地下流体台站数字化气氡、气汞等气体观测中的脱气-集气装置的研究.该装置采用流体溅射的负压脱气原理,可以有效地将自流井地下水中的气体脱析出来,在脱气过程中,可实现对装置的喷射嘴堵塞等清理的功能.  相似文献   

气氡观测脱气装置改造的试验研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
SD-3A自动仪器是“九五”期间中国地震局研制的自动测氡仪器,其脱气装置需要根据观测点的具体情况自行设计、制造。为此,笔者通过对武都殿沟泉脱气装置反复试验、改造,研制完成的脱气装置在武都气氡观测中获得良好效果:整点观测值的离散度明显减小,在6个月中(2002年2月至7月)有101个值超过3倍的均方差,降低到(2003年2月至7月)超过3倍的均方差的数值为零,观测值日变化幅度从几千Bq/L,降低到100Bq/L左右。。  相似文献   

In this paper we have developed a new method for measuring in situ soil permeability, which is based on the theory of radial gas advection through an isotropic porous medium. The method was tested in the laboratory and at several locations on the island of Vulcano (Aeolian Islands, Italy). It consists of a special device which generates a gas source at a depth of 50 cm and it permits measurement of the relative induced pressure in nearby soil at different depths. The characteristic error of the method was less than 10%. Furthermore, soil permeability measurements were carried out in the island of Vulcano during different periods of the year (between May 2000 and June 2001). A strong decrease in permeability in the upper layers of the soil during and after rainfall was noted, with very poor correlations between the spatial distributions of soil CO2 flux and shallow soil permeability.  相似文献   

During June 1999, we measured the amplitude and rate (number of events per second) at which gas exited the vent at Stromboli volcano as discrete gas bursts or puffs. This allowed us to identify two styles of gas burst (puffing) activity. The first is characterized by frequent, rapidly rising puffs, the second by less frequent, slowly rising puffs. Each style persisted over 5–40-min-long durations and was associated with a high and low number of strombolian explosions per hour, respectively. Each period was also associated with characteristic delay times between the arrival of the infrasonic and thermal signals during strombolian explosions; the delays were longer during vigorous puffing periods. To explain our observations, we propose a model in which the degassing process cycles between vigorous and weak degassing phases. During vigorous degassing phases, bubble layers ascend the conduit at a frequency of 0.5–1.0 s−1. This high degassing level reflects a gas-rich magma column and leads to an increased rate in the formation of shallow foams and, hence, an increase in puffing and explosive activity, as well as a higher free surface level and/or gas jet velocity. During weak phases, bubble layers ascend the conduit at a reduced frequency of 0.2–0.3 s−1. During such times the magma column is poor in gas. This leads to a decreased rate of foam layer formation and hence a reduction in puffing and explosive activity, as well as a lower free surface level and/or gas jet velocity. Variations in puffing activity can thus be used to track changes in the rate at which the shallow system is supplied by fresh, gas-rich magma. Our observations indicate that the two degassing styles last from 5 to 40 min and that the switch from one to the other occurs over a matter of minutes.  相似文献   

This paper deals with sulfur, chlorine and fluorine abundances in the eruptive volcanic plume of the huge October 2002-January 2003 eruption of Mount Etna, aiming at relating the relevant compositional variations observed throughout with changes in eruption dynamics and degassing mechanisms. The recurrent sampling of plume acidic volatiles by filter-pack methodology revealed that, during the study period, S/Cl and Cl/F ratios ranged from 0.1-6.8 and 0.9-5.6, respectively. Plume S/Cl ratios increased by a factor of ∼10 as volcanic activity drifted from paroxysmal lava fountaining (mid- and late November) to passive degassing and minor effusion (early January), and then decreased to the low values (S/Cl=0.1) typical of the final stages of the eruption. Parallel variations in chlorine to fluorine ratios were also observed. A theoretical model is proposed for quantitative interpretation of these changes in plume composition. The model calculates the composition of a volatile phase exsolving from an ascending Etna magma, based on knowledge of solubilities and abundances in the undegassed melt of sulfur and halogens [T.M. Gerlach, EOS 72 (1991), 249, 254-255]. According to this model, degassing of Etnean basaltic melt at high pressures and depths (>100 MPa, 3 km) is likely to release a CO2+H2O-rich vapor phase with S/Cl molar ratios ∼1. Extensive sulfur and chlorine degassing from the melt would take place at shallower depth (P<20 MPa, 0.6 km), with S/Cl ratios in the vapor phase increasing as pressure drops to 0.1 MPa. Comparisons between model compositions and volcanic plume data demonstrate that the chemical trends observed during the eruption may be explained by increased degassing due to depressurization of a basaltic magma batch ascending toward the surface.  相似文献   

The emission rate of carbon dioxide escaping from the summit of Kīlauea Volcano, Hawai?i, proved highly variable, averaging 4900 ± 2000 metric tons per day (t/d) in June–July 2003 during a period of summit inflation. These results were obtained by combining over 90 measurements of COSPEC-derived SO2 emission rates with synchronous CO2/SO2 ratios of the volcanic gas plume along the summit COSPEC traverse. The results are lower than the CO2 emission rate of 8500 ± 300 t/d measured by the same method in 1995–1999 during a period of long-term summit deflation [Gerlach, T.M., McGee, K.A., Elias, T., Sutton, A.J. and Doukas, M.P., 2002. Carbon dioxide emission rate of Kīlauea Volcano: Implications for primary magma and the summit reservoir. Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth, 107(B9): art. no.-2189.]. Analysis of the data indicates that the emission rates of the present study likely reflect changes in the magma supply rate and residence time in the summit reservoir. It is also likely that emission rates during the inflation period were heavily influenced by SO2 pulses emitted adjacent to the COSPEC traverse, which biased CO2/SO2 ratios towards low values that may be unrepresentative of the global summit gas plume. We conclude that the SO2 pulses are consequences of summit re-inflation under way since 2003 and that CO2 emission rates remain comparable to, but more variable than, those measured prior to re-inflation.  相似文献   

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