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中国天文学会天体力学专业委员会和卫星动力学专业委员会联合举办的“天体力学学术讨论会”于1994年11月1-5日在浙江省温州瑞安市召开,参加会议的有中国科学院、高等院校和测绘系统的全国各地15个单位的37名代表。该会议得到瑞安市府和科委的大力支持和赞助。瑞安市副市长周正野、科委主任吴承宽同志出席了会议开幕式。这次天体力学学术讨论会包括22届IAU大会介绍、学术报告和中国天体力学的发展方向专题讨论三方面内容。参加22届IAU大会的代表黄天衣向大家介绍了22届大会的概况,特别是与天体力学专业有关的学术活动、研究热点和组织…  相似文献   

简讯“射电天文学前沿”学术讨论会盛况空前中国天文学会恒星和行星、星系与宇宙学、射电天文、高能天体物理、星表和天文常数、高空和大气外天文观测、天文仪器和技术等七个专业委员会以及中科院射电联合开放实验室联合发起召开的“射电天文学前沿”学术讨论会,于199...  相似文献   

理论天体物理学术讨论会于1983年8月22—28日在新疆乌鲁木齐市昆仑宾馆召开。这个会议是由中国天文学会“高能天体物理”和“星系与宇宙学”两个专业委员会联合召开的。会前,于8月15日—21日,还由这两个专业委员会举办了一期宇宙学暑期讲习班。 参加宇宙学暑期讲习班的有来自全国各地的专业工作者三十余人。这次讲习班由方励之作了宇宙  相似文献   

1986年8月25-30日,国际天文联合会第124次“观测宇宙学”学术讨论会在北京召开。会议由著名的天体物理学家伯比奇(G.Burbidge)教授和中国天文学会副理事长方励之教授主持。国际天文联合会秘书长斯温斯(J.P.Swings)博士,中国天文学会理事长王授琯教授也参加了会议。 国际天文联合会的讨论会是国际天文学界最高水准的专业学术讨论会,这次会议是以观测宇宙学为专题的一次这种类型的会议。参加这次讨论会的学者来自23个国家,国外的天文学家和天体物理学家131名,包括  相似文献   

中国天文学会太阳物理和日地关系专业委员会发起并组织的《太阳活动区物理》学术讨论会于1989年10月25—30日在四川省峨眉山市举行。会议得到。国家自然科学基金重大项目《太阳活动和宇宙活动天体研究》、中国科学院重点课题《第22太阳活动周峰年日地整体行为研究》和中国科学院天文委员会太阳分支学科的大力赞助。太阳射电爆发高时间分辨第二次学术工作研讨会和CSGD太阳耀斑资料会同时举行。中  相似文献   

自从1979年召开首次学术讨论会以来,国际天文学联合会(IAU)所属之序号为51的“生物天文学委员会”,又于2004年7月12~16日在冰岛首都雷克雅未克(Reykjavik)、组织召开了第八次“国际生物天文学讨论会”。这些会议为天文学家、生物学家、地质学家、行星科学家以及其他从事相关研究的学者,提供了一个的良好机会,共同探讨一系列有关“地球和其他天体上生命的起  相似文献   

由中国天文学会高能天体物理专业委员会委托,中国科学院昆明分院,云南天文台、南京大学天文系、云南大学物理系、云南省物理学会主办的“中国天文学会高能天体物理第六次脉冲星和活动天体学术讨论会”于一九八八年四月一日至十二日在昆明召  相似文献   

《第一届张衡学术讨论会》于1990年8月23—29日在陕西临潼陕西天文台举行。这是一次我国(非太阳)天体物理学的联合学术讨论会,内容有:(1)近年来天体物理学的进展与展望评述报告会;(2)全国第七次脉冲星与活动天体讨论会;(3)全国第三次双星讨论会;(4)全国星系和宇宙学学术讨论会;(5)全国第一次空间天文学术讨论会。 这次会议的会务工作由陕西天文台承办,学术组织工作由南京大学天文系负责。  相似文献   

由中国天文学会星系及宇宙学和高能天体物理两个专业委员会召开的1983年理论天体物理讨论会,于1983年8月22日至8月28日在新疆乌鲁木齐市昆仑宾馆举行,来自全国各天文台,大专院校及其它科研单位的约五十余名代表参加了讨论会,新疆及其它地区高等院校的二十余名教员、研究生列席了会议。  相似文献   

在90年代前夕,中国天文学会所属天文地球动力学、星表与天文常数,时间与频率专业委员会,于1989年12月2日—5日在陕西天文台联合召开了90年代天体测量讨论会。参加会议的有20个单位的代表115人,收到论文96篇,其中包括了综合评述和近期研究工作的进度,并讨论了90年代我国天体测量的发展前景,集思广益提出了90年代中能与国际竞争的研究课题。会议有各方面专家参加,因此交叉学科的课题得到了深入的讨论。  相似文献   

Attractive features and difficulties of the most widely held concepts on the energy sources in quasars and active galactic nuclei (a supermassive rotating magnetoplasmic body, an accreting black hole, a compact star cluster) are reviewed and discussed. In the light of the available data (particularly of recent results on the character of optical variability in a number of objects) models of a compact star cluster seem improbable. The concept of a magnetoid is less vulnerable, but the final choice between magnetoid and accreting black hole will be possible only after the details of these models have been thoroughly elaborated, and when new observational data become available.An extended version of the paper read at the Joint Meeting of Commissions 40 and 48 at the XVI General Assembly of the IAU (Grenoble, 27 August, 1976).  相似文献   

At a time when the United Nations, in collaboration with Wolfram Research, has selected the Mathematica software package to inform developing countries about available scientific tools, it is important to review other choices of software being used by active scientists around the world. For observational astronomers with large volumes of digital data to be analyzed, the main challenges are data reductions, image handling, model comparisons, interactive fits, data simulations and visualizations, etc. There are several good alternative software packages such as: AIPS, IRAF, MIDAS and IDL The first three packages can be obtained free of charge by contacting the sponsoring institutions. Information can be obtained, via the World Wide Web, from the URLs indicated in the footnotes. IDL is a commercial package that can be used in all kinds of computer platforms and is extensively used in space astronomy (e.g., main language of software reduction packages of missions like IUE, HST, ROSAT, SOHO, etc). All of these packages are able to handle some of the most common commercial and scientific data formats (FITS, CDF and HDF). These software packages provide general tools for image processing and data reduction with emphasis on, but not limited to, astronomical applications. All of these packages have good active customer support strategies, the most useful ones being periodic newsletters, related meetings (e.g., annual meeting on Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems), software user groups, bulletin board discussions, FAQs, etc. The purpose of this paper is to present the relative usefulness, available platforms, associated libraries, related resources, of these software packages and the many already existing and potential astronomical applications. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

In September 1977, a crater studies workshop was held for the purpose of developing standardized data analysis and presentation techniques. This report contains the unanimous recommendations of the participants. This first meeting considered primarily crater size-frequency data. Future meetings will treat other aspects of crater studies such as morphologies.  相似文献   

国际天文学联合会(IAU)自70年代末引进地球力学时TDT和质心力学时TDB后,又在第21届大会上决定以地球时TT取代TDT,并引进地心坐标时TCG和质心坐标时TCB两个新的类时变量,现对引进这些变量的原因、其间相互关系以及目前存在的问题作一介绍。  相似文献   

We examine procedures for the determination of reliable parameter sets characterizing stars in short period eclipsing binary systems of later dwarf, generally sunlike, spectral types. These stars have magnetodynamically active components and form a useful extension to the solar laboratory. Their much more rapid rotation than that of the Sun implies correspondingly enhanced indications of activity-particularly with relatively large maculation effects in broadband data.We concentrate on five such systems, for which we discuss new data and analyses-CG Cyg, ER Vul, YY Gem, BH Vir and UV Psc. Our main aim is to enable more reliable absolute comparisons between the basic properties of such stars and the Sun. Some indications of the ages of these binaries can also provide further pointers to the relative importance of different parameters (e.g. rotation, age, etc.), in determining stellar activity.This article originally appeared as Poster JD12 G42 at the 22nd General Assembly of the IAU, The Hague (van Woerden, 1994).  相似文献   


An overview is given of the scientific and organizational outcomes reached at the 30th General Assembly of the International Astronomical Union, held on August 20–31, 2018, in Vienna, Austria.


第24届IAU大会决议和天体测量的前沿课题   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
阐明了IAU决议对天文学发展的作用,并扼要地介绍了第24届IAU大会通过的三项决议,简要评述了2000-2003年基本天体测量的前沿课题,并对我国基本天体测量未来的优先发展领域提出了几点建议。  相似文献   

This final Workshop of the Flare Build-up Study (FBS) aimed for an up-to-date synthesis of the preflare state based on new knowledge gained during and since the Solar Maximum Year (SMY). More joint discussions were held than was customary at previous FBS Workshops among the study groups. Consensus was possible on some broad issues, but for the thornier aspects of preflare activity the Workshop had to settle for tentative conclusions and to redefine goals for improved future studies. Some of the highlights are summarized below for each study group.  相似文献   

This special issue consists of 12 invited reviews on the frontier areas of as-tronomy and astrophysics, and is aimed at a timely, in-depth evaluation of the current status and key progress, with suggestions for future directions. This special issue is particularly dedicated to the IAU XXVⅢth General Assembly (GA) and is comple-mentary to the IAU GA Invited Discourses during the conference.  相似文献   

Conclusion Clearly there is no concensus or agreement at present about the nature and mechanism of the solar cycle or, indeed, about many of its observed features. However, by highlighting these areas of agreement and disagreement through the presentations and discussions during this meeting, it is hoped that the work of the Workshop Groups will be directed to resolving at least some of these questions at or before the next meeting (planned for August, 1987). In particular, it is hoped that Group V (The Sun as a Star) will be able to contribute through studies of the sun in relation to stellar cycles and activity.  相似文献   

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