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山东海岸沙滩滨海沙生植被由沙生植物及部分耐沙植物组成,其特点是: (1)组成植物种类简单,有种子植物68种,隶属于22科55属;(2)植物科、属的区系地理成分具有明显的温带、北温带性质,并含有一定数量的热带、亚热带成分;(3)沙生植物种的区系成分多数是北方分布的种类、而耐沙植物则大多数是广布种;(4)植被具有旱生性质,组成植物有耐旱、耐瘠、耐热、耐盐的生态生理特性,在形态上表现为低矮、匍匐、具刺、肉质和根系特别发达等形态学特征。最后从植物生态学角度论述了山东海岸沙生植被的保护与开发利用。滨海沙生植被是海岸带生态系统的重要组成部分,是沙滩生态系统中最基本的生物资源,其种群数量变动对沙滩生态及海岸带环境有着重大影响。对滨海沙生植被的研究国内虽有报道,但还无人对地处暖温带气候区山东的滨海沙生植被种类组成及其群落性质进行系统地研究。  相似文献   

为促进粤东地区发挥区域优势、提升海岸带生态功能和促进可持续发展,文章概述粤东海岸带生态系统的类型及其分布,分析其面临的问题,并结合已开展的海岸带生态保护修复项目提出建议。研究结果表明:粤东具有砂质海岸生态系统、重要河口生态系统、红树林生态系统、珊瑚礁生态系统和海湾生态系统等海岸带生态系统,海洋资源十分丰富;但面临海岸侵蚀、环境污染和过度开发利用等问题,不利于发挥海岸带生态和减灾功能;在已开展的中央海域使用金支持项目、“蓝色海湾”整治行动、围填海项目生态保护修复和海岸带保护修复工程等的基础上,未来应开展海岸带生态系统现状调查和评估、加强滨海湿地保护、建立海岸带生态系统动态监视监测平台以及加快海岸带生态保护修复标准体系建设。  相似文献   

本文分析了连云港市海岸带地理环境条件的特征,指出该区是江苏海岸带资源植物最丰富的岸段;分别就药用、香料、纤维及油脂四类资源植物,在种类、分布等方面作了较详尽的阐述。最后根据该市海岸带自然条件和资源植物分布特点,提出开发利用的具体意见。  相似文献   

本文概述了海岸带地质灾害成因上的复杂性,空间分布上的区域性,时间分布上的群发性和继承性,指出地质灾害发生的必然性与社会发展的同步性以及减灾防灾的可通用性,基于致灾动力的研究提出海岸带地质灾害的分类。  相似文献   

海岸带是陆海相互作用地带,也是滨岸地区进行对外贸易和文化交流的纽带及开发海洋、发展经济的基地,具有十分重要的地位。文章以山东省7个滨海城市作为研究对象,通过选取与海洋产业相关的13项指标,运用层次分析法确定出各评价指标的权重,构建海岸带开发利用强度综合指标体系,最后运用ARCGIS绘制专题地图。通过对滨海城市海岸带开发利用相对强度的分析,将山东省7个滨海城市海岸带开发利用强度分为3个等级:青岛、烟台、威海为强度开发;潍坊、东营为中度开发;滨州、日照为轻度开发。研究表明:滨岸城市在海岸带开发利用中,滨海旅游业和海洋渔业所占比重最大。  相似文献   

本文概述了海岸带地质灾害成因上的复杂性、空间分布上的区域性、时间分布上的群发性和继承性.指出地质灾害发生的必然性与社会发展的同步性以及减灾防灾的可能性.基于致灾动力的研究提出海岸带地质灾害的分类.  相似文献   

我国海岸带湿地面积广大,类型多样,不仅能为人类提供资源,还具有降解污染、涵养水源、防风减灾等一系列作用。但由于污染加剧、过渡捕捞和湿地围垦等原因,海岸带湿地及其生态系统正遭受着严重的破坏,针对不同的破坏原因,提出了修复策略。  相似文献   

我国海岸带资源价值评估的理论与方法   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
海岸带资源价值评估是引入市场机制、为建立资源有偿使用制度、实现海岸带资源优化配置的必要环节。回顾与总结了我国近20年来海岸带资源价值评估从资源价值观、资产化概念、资源类型划分、评估方法、资产化管理试点等方面的研究,认为我国对海岸带资源价值的理论研究比较成熟,评估方法涉及了矿产资源、渔业资源、空间资源、海涂和浅海资源、港址资源、滨海旅游资源和海岸带生态价值等核算模式;提出了海岸带资源价值评估在今后一段时期研究的重点是:在区域宏观分析的基础上,期望在资源评估因素的选择、评估单元的划分、评估指数和级别标准的确定、基准价包括经济系数的测算有评估结果验证等取得新的进展,并以典型实例为依托,在成果应用上纳入国家海域使用管理体系。  相似文献   

滨海旅游开发与保护的研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
滨海旅游业在带来巨大的经济利益的同时,对沿海地区的环境具有一定的负面作用。区域海岸带综合管理规划是解决滨海旅游业的开发与环境保护矛盾的有效方法。按照综合管理的原则在对海岸带地区资源承载力和生态承载力做出估计后确定其环境容量及旅游容量,在保证国家宏观调控和地区优先发展方向的大前提下,做出滨海旅游可能的最优发展规划,最终应在地区性法规体现以保证实施。同时旅游业行业管理条例中同样应做出规定,提倡生态旅游,真正地实现海岸带和旅游业的可持续性发展。  相似文献   

由于受自然侵蚀和人类活动的影响,海岸带生态环境遭到破坏,正面临海岸线受损、湿地面积减少和植被退化等问题,如何实施生态修复保护海岸带已经成为沿海城市面临的重大机遇与挑战。构建滨海生态廊道正是保护海岸带的有效措施之一。生态廊道具有保护生物多样性、过滤污染物、调控洪水和连接景观斑块等多种生态功能,滨海生态廊道的构建可以缓冲海洋资源保护与城市发展之间的矛盾。文章以杭州湾北岸上海段为例,在上海市海洋保护修复和生态廊道建设的实践基础上,从廊道内部与外部空间、景观绿化和海洋生态基底等方面提出了一系列滨海生态廊道的具体指标和建议值,并结合杭州湾北段的生境现状,从廊道的生态功能与社会功能两方面提出构建滨海廊道的建议。  相似文献   

马尼拉俯冲带潜在地震海啸对我国南部沿海城市构成巨大威胁,利用情景式数值模拟技术重构灾害过程并评估危险等级有助于理解南海海啸传播规律并指导预警预报和防灾减灾工作。根据美国太平洋海洋环境研究中心(Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory, PMEL)发布的马尼拉俯冲带断层参数设计Mw 7.5、Mw 8.1和Mw 8.5三个震级下共19个震源,应用非静压海啸数值模型(Non-hydrostatic Evolution of Ocean WAVE, NEOWAVE)模拟各震源激发海啸在南海海盆的传播过程,通过最大波辐和测点时间序列发现海啸波能量传输分布并评估代表区域危险等级。研究表明, Mw 7.5级地震海啸对我国南部沿海的影响较低,波幅一般不超过30 cm; Mw 8.1级地震海啸对华南沿海主要造成太平洋海啸预警中心定义的Ⅱ或Ⅲ级海啸危险等级,海啸影响范围和能量分布特征由震源位置决定; Mw 8.5级地震海啸主要对中国沿海构...  相似文献   

Interaction of solitary waves with emergent, rigid vegetation   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In this study, solitary wave interaction with emergent, rigid vegetation was studied numerically and experimentally. Laboratory experiments were carried out in a wave flume with vegetation models of different lengths and porosities; the Boussinesq equations with the effects of the vegetation being modeled by a quadratic drag law are used to simulate the wave scattering by and the wave propagation through vegetation. Effects of incident wave height, vegetation density, and vegetation length are discussed. An empirical expression for the mean drag coefficient of emergent, rigid vegetation is presented and compared with other available data. The results are useful for studying tsunami hazard mitigation by coastal forests.  相似文献   

广东省海岸侵蚀现状及影响因素分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
20世纪50年代以来,广东海岸蚀退现象比较明显,本文基于广东省海岸侵蚀全面系统的调查,描述了广东省海岸侵蚀现状,进行了侵蚀强度分类及分布规律统计;总结分析不同海岸侵蚀类型的特征及差异;通过分析影响海岸侵蚀灾害的因素认为,广东海岸侵蚀是自然因素和人为因素共同作用下产生的,人类活动是近代海岸侵蚀加剧的主要原因。本研究将有助于广东省海岸带减灾、防灾目标的实现,为海岸侵蚀灾害的进一步研究打下基础。  相似文献   

植被斜坡岸滩海啸波消减数值模拟研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An explicit one-dimensional model based on the shallow water equations(SWEs) was established in this work to simulate tsunami wave propagation on a vegetated beach. This model adopted the finite-volume method(FVM)for maintaining the mass balance of these equations. The resistance force caused by vegetation was taken into account as a source term in the momentum equation. The Harten–Lax–van Leer(HLL) approximate Riemann solver was applied to evaluate the interface fluxes for tracing the wet/dry transition boundary. This proposed model was used to simulate solitary wave run-up and long-periodic wave propagation on a sloping beach. The calibration process suitably compared the calculated results with the measured data. The tsunami waves were also simulated to discuss the water depth, tsunami force, as well as the current speed in absence of and in presence of forest domain. The results indicated that forest growth at the beach reduced wave energy loss caused by tsunamis. A series of sensitivity analyses were conducted with respect to variable parameters(such as vegetation densities, wave heights, wave periods, bed resistance, and beach slopes) to identify important influences on mitigating tsunami damage on coastal forest beach.  相似文献   

印度洋海啸灾害特点及其对工程防御的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
印度洋海啸现场调查表明,海啸灾害不同于地震和洪水灾害。海啸通过高水位淹没、浪涌冲击对海边地势低平地区的房屋、道路、桥梁、机场、给排水、供电、通讯等设施以及车辆、船只造成严重破坏。海啸上岸后,由于巨大的冲力,将夹带一些破损建筑产生的固体漂浮物一同前进,破坏力更强。由于淹没、浪涌、冲毁建筑物压埋以及漂浮物冲击等综合作用,造成人员死亡率极高,所过之处,财产皆空。抗御海啸灾害的工程措施主要包括:合理规划(避让、削弱、分流、阻挡)和科学设计(潜在海啸灾害等级划分、结构性态决策、海啸荷载确定、抗海啸分析、构造设计)。  相似文献   

海岸侵蚀灾情分级   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
分析了海岸侵蚀灾变强度因子和灾度因子,提出了基于海岸侵蚀后退速率和海滩宽度侵蚀模数的海岸侵蚀灾变强度分级方案;在参考其它地质灾害灾度分级方案的基础上,给出了海岸侵蚀灾度分级方案。  相似文献   

A note is presented on tsunami bore front. This tsunami bore front is an old dynamical problem but also a new problem to be understood. The tsunami event on 2004 December 26 has raised this is an urgent problem. The author introduces here a model in order to see a hydrodynamical specific property of the tsunami bore front. This modeling gives us a new understanding about what mechanics is for the interested tsunami bore front, especially, around a coastal zone. This work adds a new understanding about mechanics of water motions as the tsunamis generated by the earthquake undersea at a distant area from the coast. The model in this work points out a specific transitional pattern as a function of time and space of tsunami bore front. This modeling gives what is essential at considering tsunami bore front.  相似文献   

A note is presented on tsunami bore front. This tsunami bore front is an old dynamical problem but also a new problem to be understood. The tsunami event on 2004 December 26 has raised this is an urgent problem. The author introduces here a model in order to see a hydrodynamical specific property of the tsunami bore front. This modeling gives us a new understanding about what mechanics is for the interested tsunami bore front, especially, around a coastal zone. This work adds a new understanding about mechanics of water motions as the tsunamis generated by the earthquake undersea at a distant area from the coast. The model in this work points out a specific transitional pattern as a function of time and space of tsunami bore front. This modeling gives what is essential at considering tsunami bore front.  相似文献   

Laterally extensive sand sheets deposited by the 26th December 2004 Asian tsunami provide a valuable modern analogue for comparison with wash over deposits of unknown origin. In many places on the east coast of India, distinct deposits of marine sand drape the landscape and overlie the muddy soils of the coastal plain. This paper discusses detailed measurements of coastal topography, tsunami flow height, and deposit thickness made at Kalpakkam, India. Five transects were examined in detail to assess the sedimentology and spatial distribution of the tsunami deposit. Near the mean water line, the tsunami eroded approximately 10–25 cm of sand from the beach and berm. At Kalpakkam the sand sheet deposited by the tsunami begins 25 m from the shore extending 420 m inland where it becomes thin and patchy approximately 30 m from the limit of inundation. In some cases, the deposit consists of 2 to 4 normally graded units, with coarse sand near the base and fine sand at the top, a characteristic observed in many tsunami deposits worldwide. In many places, the deposits also contain numerous thin laminated units, a characteristic usually associated with storm over wash. The presence of the laminated beds is indicative of the complexity of tsunami sedimentation on the coast. Such observations are essential to the formation of definitive facies models for palaeo-overwash studies that are capable of distinguishing between sediments deposited by storms or tsunami.  相似文献   

1 MAJN CHARAcrERISTICS OF MARINE DISA5TEROwing to marine natural environment anomaly and imense changr, alI those disastersthat cause Peoples life and propedy loss over the sea aod coast area are called marinedisasters. China is a country with big sea area, of coast line l8000 km length, precinctsea area 3,000,000 km', more than 6500 islands bigger than 500 m2 with coast line of allislands 14000 km length. The Pacific Ocean is ocean with the most frequent marine disasters,further…  相似文献   

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