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鉴于野外地震采集具有系统庞大、仪器昂贵、成本高、风险大等诸多不利因素,利用虚拟现实技术高仿真性的优点,开发虚拟地震采集仿真系统用于地震采集人员培训或高校实践教学无疑具有重要的现实意义.按照简单、快速、高效的原则,以加拿大ARAM系统有限公司生产的ARAM ARIES便携数字地震仪为原型,借助于3DS MAX三维建模软件和中视典VRP三维引擎平台,实现了地震采集仪器系统中检波器、采集站、交叉站、爆炸机、记录仪等各部件的仿真建模,开发完成了虚拟地震采集系统VSAS1.0版本,该系统仿真效果真实感强、渲染速度快、交互性能良好.对于地震采集人员培训以及高校实践教学而言不失为一次有益的尝试.  相似文献   

地震灾场模拟及救援虚拟仿真训练系统研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
实践证明,开展地震紧急救援工作是防震减灾的关键举措之一,是震后最大程度减少人员伤亡的必要政府行为。"科学救援"是现代救援的重要理念,如何确保"双安全",即幸存者和救援人员本身的安全是救援行动中最为重要的问题。救援技能和水平的提高依靠科学的培训,现实的情况往往无法不断提供大震巨灾的模拟训练环境,而虚拟仿真技术可以构建出逼真的虚拟震灾场景和救援废墟环境。不同规模的虚拟地震灾场,能让救援队员了解严酷的真实救援环境,并可根据具体虚拟废墟开展救援策略和方法的研讨。由此可见,开展灾场模拟和虚拟仿真训练系统对救援训练来说,具有极其重要的现实意义。本文对地震灾害场景仿真模拟技术与方法、地震救援虚拟仿真训练系统等开展初步的探索性研究。主要研究内容摘要如下:  相似文献   

高保真高分辨率遥测地震勘探采集系统研制及应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
矿产资源勘探尤其是金属矿勘探具有地质条件复杂、勘探深度大、分辨率要求高等特点.常规地震勘探技术与装备难以满足复杂地形高精度三维地震勘探需求.针对该技术难题,研发一套高保真、高分辨率轻便分布式混合遥测地震勘探系统迫在眉睫.鉴于此本文开发了信号高保真高分辨率数据采集技术、实时通讯及采集单元无址链接技术和多媒介混合遥测技术等一系列关键技术.成功研制出SE863单站单道分布式混合遥测地震数据采集系统,该系统由31位高分辨率采集单元链、集3 G/4 G无线通讯及有线通讯的交叉数据管理站、便携式主控站以及测控软件组成.支持二维、三维高密度地震反射波勘探、散射成像、天然源透射成像等地震数据采集工作.利用该套系统与428XL地震数据采集系统进行同步对比,并将该系统交付第三方使用完成了1 km2三维地震勘探实验,结果表明该系统设备轻便、性能稳定、分辨率高、数据质量好,是我国具有完全自主知识产权的高精度轻便分布式地震勘探技术装备,大大增强了我国地震勘探技术核心竞争力.  相似文献   

通过测震台网网络技术平台,分析其系统构成及虚拟台网、3G无线传输、远程网络监控等技术在陕西测震台网的应用.该平台的建成,提高了测震台网运行质量及流动测震台网的快速响应能力,实现省、市测震台网观测数据的实时共享,对进一步提升地震部门地震响应能力、完善监测体系,具有重要意义.  相似文献   

基于虚拟技术的地震应急指挥技术系统应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
地震应急指挥技术系统的特殊性要求整个系统必须具有高可靠性及稳定性.基于虚拟技术的地震应急指挥技术系统可实现整个系统的容灾备份,并通过虚拟机特性将原来在多台服务器上部署的系统在一台高性能服务器上实现,节约资源的同时,使异地移植更加灵活.基于虚拟技术的地震应急指挥技术系统,可提升整个系统的稳定性、灵活性、可靠性.  相似文献   

获取地震频段弹性模量对于地震数据定量解释、研究地震波传播特征及油气勘探开发具有重要意义.前期建立的测试系统基于应力应变法可以获得地震频段内岩心的杨氏模量、泊松比和衰减.该系统仅适用于φ38 mm岩心,而测量物性参数(孔隙度、渗透率等)、测量超声纵横波速度时一般使用φ25 mm岩心.为将 φ25 mm岩心应用于地震频段弹...  相似文献   

利用Apache+PHP+php My Admin+My SQL5.0的方式建设环渤海虚拟台网地震数据管理平台,实现对地震事件、震相信息、台站参数的管理,同时增加地震矢量分布图等功能,管理员通过程序后台管理实现用户分级、上传下载修改信息记录,保证系统使用安全。该系统投入使用后提高了滨海虚拟台网数据的利用率,实现滨海虚拟台网与天津台网的区域统一编目功能,解决了区域台网无法使用国家地震统一编目系统的问题,保证了地震观测质量。  相似文献   

通讯技术是地震数据采集工作中的关键技术之一,直接影响着采集系统规模的大小与工作效率的高低.按照采集工作中应用的通讯技术不同,目前陆上地震数据采集系统分为三类:有线地震数据采集系统、无线地震数据采集系统、混合式地震数据采集系统.文章在三类系统中选择7种具有代表性的产品,对比这7种产品所使用的组网方式、通讯协议及其在通讯方面的性能,分析目前陆上地震数据采集系统中常用的通讯技术的优点与不足,并由此总结了当前陆上地震数据采集工作对通讯技术的需求,提出在陆上地震数据采集中应用一种基于簇树结构的复用传输技术的想法.  相似文献   

三维地震勘探技术一直被成功地应用于石油、煤炭等中深层勘探领域,对于深度小于100 m的浅层三维地震勘探,由于受到多种条件的限制,相关的研究和应用成果还很少.为了研究浅层三维地震勘探技术的应用特点,以南水北调某工程为研究对象,深入研究并开发出了服务于工程的浅层三维勘探采集、分析、处理、成果展示系统.包括设计符合现场地震地质条件的三维地震观测系统、针对浅层三维地震资料的特点对数据进行处理和解释、建立现场三维地震地质数据体.研究结果表明:浅层三维地震资料总体信噪比较高,获取的现场高精度三维数据体准确揭示了覆盖层的深度信息.  相似文献   

国内外对于微地震监测技术的研究虽然并不成熟,但其在油气田、煤田、地热等领域的应用得到了快速的发展.本文在分析研究古墓等田野文物被盗时人为活动特点基础上,提出了采用微地震监测技术,通过建立微震动监测网,实现对田野文物防盗掘保护的实时监控的技术方法.该方法通过对地下半空间介质内地震信号的采集、传输、处理和识别,实现对目标区域内地下挖掘、爆破盗掘等犯罪活动的实时监控和报警.结合河南某古墓防盗掘监控系统的试验研究,详细讨论了系统构成,以及最大限度防止漏报,减少误报的技术措施.近两年时间监测结果表明,利用对盗墓时产生的微震动信号的监测,是古墓等田野文物防盗保护的较为有效的技术途径,弥补了现今安防技术对于地下活动监控的不足.  相似文献   

A procedure is proposed for the reconfiguration of the macroseismic planes relative to earthquakes that, being characterized by a reduced number of points of observed intensity due to a lack of information, or having the epicenter very close to the coastline, are characterized by an incomplete distribution of observed intensity levels. The design of a plurality of virtual areas, through which a distribution of intensity consistent with an anisotropic model of attenuation is depicted, allows a reliable determination of macroseismic parameters of the same seismic event.  相似文献   

Suspended sediment is conventionally regarded as that sediment transported by a fluid that it is fine enough for turbulent eddies to outweigh settling of the particles through the fluid. Early work in the fluvial field attributed suspension to turbulence, and led to the notion of a critical threshold for maintaining sediment in suspension. However, research on both turbulence structures and the interactions between suspended sediment and bedforms in rivers has shown a more complex story and, although there appear to have been no studies of the impact of bedforms on aeolian suspended sediment concentrations, turbulent flow structures and transport rates of saltating particles have been shown to be affected. This research indicates that suspended sediment neither travels with the same velocity as the flow in which it is suspended, nor is it likely to remain in suspension in perpetuity, even under conditions of steady flow or in unsteady flow the where dimensionless critical threshold is permanently exceeded. Rather, like bedload, it travels in a series of hops, and is repeatedly deposited on the bed where it remains until it is re‐entrained. Is there, therefore, a qualitative difference between suspended and saltating sediment, or is it just a quantitative difference in the size of the jump length and the frequency of re‐entrainment? It is our contention that the distinction of suspension as a separate class of sediment transport is both arbitrary and an unhelpful anthropocentric artefact. If we recognize that sediment transport is a continuum and applies to any fluid medium rather than split into different “processes” based on arbitrary thresholds and fluids, then recognizing the continuity will enable development of an holistic approach sediment transport, and thus sediment‐transport models that are likely to be viable across a wider range of conditions than hitherto. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Using the 160‐m‐long flume at Tsukuba University we undertook an experiment to provide a first estimate of the virtual velocity of sand in the size range 0.5–2.0 mm. For the flow velocity used in our experiment this sediment‐size range would conventionally be regarded as suspended sediment. The virtual velocity was found to be 37–41% of the flow velocity. Paradoxically, virtual velocity decreases as particle size decreases. Such a lower virtual velocity of finer sediment is not inconceivable. First, trapping of the sediment appears to be a function of bed roughness, and there is a probable relationship between bed roughness and trapping efficiency for particles of different sizes. Second, finer particles are more likely to find sheltered positions on a rough bed and thus experience lower mobility, relative to the more exposed coarser grains, as observed for bedload transport. Third, the virtual velocity of particles undergoing bedload transport has been found, in some instances, to be lower for finer clasts. We combine our data with previous studies of virtual velocity of bedload to develop, for the first time, a hypothesis for a holistic analysis of sediment movement in rivers. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

地震虚源法是为了解决复杂近地表问题而发展起来的一种新方法技术,采用地表激发井中接收的观测方式,通过在接收器位置构建虚源,能够获得井中接收器之间的地震响应.这一过程无需速度和震源位置信息,从而避开了复杂近地表对地震波场的影响.目前主要应用于复杂时变近地表条件下的油气勘探开发领域,如4D油藏监测、钻探风险评估和高陡构造精细成像等.本文首先详细介绍地震虚源法的发展历史、原理和技术特点,其次介绍其实际应用的成功实例,最后简单分析其存在的问题,并展望其潜在的应用前景和商业价值.  相似文献   

VPN技术在地震监测网络远程维护中的应用   总被引:2,自引:5,他引:2  
系统介绍了将VPN技术引入地震监测网络远程维护工作的技术思路,以及该技术思路在“中国地震局卫星数据通信网”中的实现方法。通过构建VPN网络,可以利用公共互联网资源,实现远程灵活、安全的接入局域网系统,显著提高了远程维护工作的效率。  相似文献   

An anisotropic attenuation law, based on an anisotropic characterization of intensity distribution for seismogenic zones, is proposed. This approach, that distinguishes itself for its consistency to the observed data, initially reconfigured by filtering procedures, is particularly suitable for seismic hazard evaluation.  相似文献   

For the seismic hazard evaluation of the region including the southern Calabro-Peloritanian Arc and southeastern Sicily, the determination of the macroseismic virtual intensity distributions has been carried out, characteristic of the seismogenic zones that fall within the area in study, starting with the structural framework of the region and from the analysis of the observed intensity effected through suitable filters. The macroseismic parameters, derived from such virtual distributions and used for seismic hazard evaluation, are not only a reference for eventual subsequently deeper knowledge referable to the need for a better characterization of the reference modelling, but distinguish themselves as an essential instrument for the definition of seismic hazard scenarios correlated to seismic events that take place in single seismogenic zones.  相似文献   

通过介绍宝鸡市地震局虚拟测震台网建设过程,及网络集成,技术应用、运行状态等情况,表明市、县一级地震工作机构,在现有环境和条件下,完全可以利用地震信息节点平台建设虚拟测震台网,实现地震数字观测资料共享、地震事件实时监测、快速获取震情信息、建立强震预警机制等功能,这无疑是逐步提高防震减灾队伍快速响应能力和全社会综合防灾能力的有效途径。  相似文献   

“虚拟测震台网”技术在广西地区的应用   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
介绍了“虚拟测震台网”技术在广西地区的应用,从一个侧面反映出广西“十五”数字测震台网建设的显著成效。地震观测技术的数字化和网络化,不仅提高了广西的地震监测能力和地震研究水平,也为市县地震局和地震台站完善其监测预报体系建设带来了良好机遇。  相似文献   

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