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海滩层理由冲、回流塑造的向海倾前滨楔状交错层理和冲越流形成的向陆倾后滨斜层理组成,二者构成假背斜构造.近年在烟台—莱州岸段海滩上开挖了10个垂岸探槽,揭示出这里海滩以向陆倾后滨层理为主,并且被暴风浪侵蚀面所斜切,该面向海的前滨层理只留下几十厘米的薄层,说明近几十年海岸持续遭受侵蚀,海滩的前滨层理被多次暴风浪切割掉;按暴...  相似文献   

彭俊  蔡锋  李谷祺  雷刚  黄燕 《台湾海峡》2008,27(1):87-91
对福建沿岸岬湾岸型沙质海滩的蚀淤变化分析,结果表明:在0418号台风"艾利"袭击下,台风移动路径左侧的两个海滩表现为侵蚀,滩肩蚀低,滨线向陆移动,其中岩下村海滩比卒子村海滩的侵蚀严重,岩下村海滩侵蚀集中在后滨和高潮带,卒子村海滩侵蚀集中在中、低潮带;台风移动路径右侧的衙口村海滩相对比较稳定,仅中潮带出现弱淤积,后滨向陆侧人工堆积沙丘遭受侵蚀.  相似文献   

海坛岛风沙表层沉积物的粒度分布特征   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
陈方  李祖光 《台湾海峡》1993,12(4):385-392
本文对海坛岛风沙表层沉积物的粒度分布特征进行研究。结果表明:海坛岛风沙沉积物主要是由海岸带基岩和第四纪松散堆积物及闽江南下沿岸流所携带的泥沙,在海洋动力作用下堆积于海滩上,而后在强劲的NNE向向岸盛行风作用下,海滩沙向陆搬运堆积而成的。风成沙的主要粒级为中沙,平均粒径为1.73Ф;分选较好,标准差的平均值为0.68,偏差多近于对称,偏态平均值为-0.02;峰态窄,峰态平均值为1.21。其搬运方式单  相似文献   

海滩地貌动力状态是海滩过程和陆海相互作用研究中的重要内容,但目前国内对北部湾强潮环境下的砂质海滩地貌与沉积的研究相对较少。对2010年3月采集的北海银滩剖面高程与沉积物变化的资料进行分析,探讨此类海滩响应外在驱动力作用的地貌动力状态特征,结果表明:1)北海银滩地貌结构简单,地貌状态属于消散型类型。2)银滩沉积物类型为砂,并以细砂、中砂为主,沉积物分选性较好;此外,沉积物中砂的百分含量和中值粒径自陆向海逐渐减小,而极细砂的百分含量则逐渐增加。3)北海银滩横向剖面沉积物可区分为后滨、滩面和内滨3个沉积单元。后滨沉积物在风的作用下以跃移质为主;滩面沉积物因波浪形成的冲流作用而具有双向运动的性质;内滨沉积物主要受控于波浪和潮流的联合驱动作用而以跃移质组分为主。  相似文献   

海南岛东北部海滩侵蚀与恢复对连续台风的复杂响应   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
在连续台风作用下海滩的侵蚀与恢复是一个复杂的过程。基于海南岛东北部木兰-抱虎湾海滩的现场调查,对比分析台风"威马逊"和"海鸥"登陆前后海滩剖面和后滨沉积物的动态响应。结果表明,超强台风"威马逊"引起海滩的严重侵蚀和强烈的泥沙输移,在木兰湾海滩主要表现出由北向南沿岸海滩的差异性变化,在抱虎湾各海滩变化较为相近;后继登陆台风"海鸥"引起海滩显著堆积,对海滩主要起恢复作用,木兰湾海滩恢复效果明显,海滩后滨沉积物趋于恢复至台风前的状态,由于抱虎湾水下珊瑚礁及近岸岩礁地貌减缓了台风对该处海滩的侵蚀和堆积作用,抱虎湾海滩表现出与台风前较大差异性。两处海湾海滩的不同走向及台风的风向变化也是造成海滩不同响应的重要原因。研究将有助于更好地理解海滩对连续台风作用的复杂响应。  相似文献   

雷刚  蔡锋 《台湾海峡》2005,24(3):395-403,i0003
利用福建长乐江田下沙砂质海滩台风前后两次野外调查资料,探讨了该处沙滩地貌和沉积物组合分布的基本特征;初步研究了该处沙滩对0418号台风“艾利”的响应模式.研究结果表明,下沙沙滩剖面沉积物以细砂和中细砂为主,台风前后采集的18个样品中,细砂6个,占总样品量的33%;中细砂11个,占总样品量的61%.沉积物结构上具有三维均匀性,沉积特征单一.剖面地形具有典型的夷直海岸特点,前滨滩面宽阔平坦,后滨沙丘带发育,岸线平直.受台风“艾利”作用,剖面后滨和高潮带遭受严重侵蚀,后滨低沙丘带平均蚀退超过6m,并出现高度为0.5~1.0m间的直立侵蚀陡坎.海滩沉积物对台风的响应相对较弱,台风过后剖面表层沉积物的平均粒径(Mz)均值由2.48变为2.39,粒度稍有变大;分选系数(σi)平均值由0.52变为0.63,分选稍有变差;偏度(Ski)平均值由-0.02变为0.01,峰态(Kg)平均值由0.96变为1.13;偏度和峰度没有明显变化.剖面底层沉积物对0418号台风“艾利”的响应特征与表层沉积物的沉积响应相似.  相似文献   

在0307号台风“伊布都”(Imbudo)袭击华南沿海前后,对相距约300km的高栏岛飞沙湾(位于气旋前进方向右侧)和水东港下大海(位于气旋前进方向左侧)的固定海滩剖面地形及滩面沉积物进行了对比调查。调查结果表明,右侧海滩地形受台风暴浪冲击发生剧烈变化:后滨陆侧堆积,后滨向海侧及前滨滩面侵蚀(单宽侵蚀量达55m^3/m,平均海面(MSL)位置蚀退13m,岸线位置蚀退5m),以致剖面类型由滩肩式断面向沙坝式断面转变,表现出了海滩对台风做出快速响应;而左侧海滩剖面地形基本保持原状,虽也略呈侵蚀,但冲淤变化不大,表现为对台风做出迟缓响应。同时,从动力、滨海输沙、滩面沉积物变化和海岸地貌等方面对两侧海滩明显差异的风暴效应的机制进行了探讨。  相似文献   

研究台风影响下的海滩沉积过程不仅可加深极端海况下的海滩冲淤变化理解,而且有利于海滩资源的保护与海岸工程保护。以强潮海滩——北海银滩为例,通过采集北部湾海区1409号威马逊超强台风作用前后的沉积物、剖面高程及水文资料,探讨强潮海滩的动力沉积过程。结果表明:1)台风作用前后的海滩沙丘-滩肩-沙坝体系的地貌状态基本不变,其中沉积物组分均为砂,细砂、极细砂和中砂三组分平均含量占所有组分的95%以上;与台风作用前比较,台风后的地貌在维持先前形态的条件下,发生局部侵蚀和后退,沉积物相对变粗且细砂含量增加了10%。2)台风作用后后滨沙丘侵蚀,且沉积物滚动组分增加;冲流带和滩肩前缘沉积物的搬运由双跳跃转为单一的跳跃形式。3)台风作用前后的海滩沉积物主要变化过程可由两个模态表征,其中主要模式反映了台风作用前后的海滩以细砂为主的动力沉积变化特征,该模式受控于区域波浪和潮汐的长期耦合作用,并以波浪为主导因素。台风作用前的次要模式反映潮汐作用控制下的海滩沉积横向振荡特征;台风作用后的次要模式表征了台风影响下的海滩横向沉积物偏粗、冲流带-低潮带振荡及其沉积分异过程。  相似文献   

通过对北戴河西海滩养护前、养护初、3个月和一年后表层沉积物样品粒度实验,获得沉积物粒度参数,并结合Gao—ACollins粒径趋势模型,对海滩养护后沉积物粒度变化特征及其对养护海滩的影响进行了研究。结果显示经波浪等动力作用后,养护后的新海滩沉积物整体呈粗化、分选性变好趋势;海滩沉积物以推移质和跃移质为主;沉积物净运移趋势由离岸搬运为主变为沿岸搬运占优势;填沙物质特征对填沙区及其上、下游沉积物粒度特征有影响,但这种影响随时间推移逐渐减小;潜堤等硬工程设施对养护海滩的稳定具有积极作用。一年后,养护海滩保存良好,填沙物质的选择较合理。  相似文献   

对埕岛海域CBG4a孔岩芯进行粒度分析,划分出海滩、三角洲支流河口滨线、海滩附近沙丘、黄河三角洲河口沙坝、黄河三角洲水下三角洲前缘隆起、水下天然堤、河流等7种沉积环境。对样品进行Q型聚类分析,识别出分辨力及代表性更强的一组分类统计量:各粒组百分含量及相关的粒度参数(C,Md,Mφ,δ1,Sk,Kg,Q1,Q3)。Mφ-δ1,Kg-Sk等结构参数散点图与沉积环境有很好的相关性,河流、海滩、沙丘等沉积物有较明确的界线。粒度象图反映了沉积物分布总体特征,其中水下天然堤、三角洲支流河口滨线沉积、海滩及其附近沙丘沉积等亚相易于在F-M图中区分,而黄河水下三角洲前缘隆起沉积、黄河三角洲河口沙坝沉积、河流沉积等在L-M图和A-M图中均易于区分。  相似文献   

This study describes the transport of salt and suspended sediment in a curving reach of a shallow mesotidal coastal plain estuary. Circulation data revealed a subtidal upstream bottom flow during neap tide, indicating the presence of a gravitational circulation mode throughout the channel. During spring tide, landward bottom flow weakened considerably at the upstream end of the channel and changed to seaward in the middle and downstream areas of the reach, suggesting the importance of tidal pumping. Salt flux near-bottom was landward at both ends of the channel during neap tide. At spring, however, the salt flux diverged along the bottom of the thalweg suggesting that tidal pumping caused a transfer of salt vertically and laterally into the intertidal zone. Thus, landward flux of salt is maintained even in the presence of subtidal seaward flow along the bottom at the downstream end of the channel.Landward bottom stress is greater than seaward stress, preferentially transporting suspended sediments upstream. Compared with salt, however, the weight of the suspended sediments causes less upward transfer of sediments into the intertidal zone. Flood flow carried more suspended sediments landward at the upstream end compared with the downstream end. We speculate that secondary flow in the curving channel picks up increasing amounts of suspended sediments along the sides during flood and adds them to the axial flow in the thalweg. Since the landward flow along the bottom of the thalweg weakens and even reverses during spring tide, there appears to be a complex re-circulation system for sediments re-suspended in curving channels that complicates the picture of a net transport of sediments landward.  相似文献   

本文运用沉积动力学的理论和方法,对褚岛连岛沙坝的形成与演变进行了动力机制方面的探讨。  相似文献   

对2007年采自越南红河水下三角洲北区24个表层沉积物样品进行了粒度分析和粒度参数计算,初步探讨了该区沉积物的主要类型及分布特征。结果表明,越南红河水下三角洲北区的表层沉积物主要由粉砂组成(体积平均含量为54.35%),平均粒径为6φ。按Link沉积物命名法,该区沉积物主要类型有砂、砂质粉砂和黏土质粉砂。水平分布上,由西部的砂向东逐渐变为黏土质粉砂,呈现出由近岸三角洲前缘相的粗粒级沉积物逐渐向前三角洲-浅海相的细粒级沉积物变化的趋势。与前人研究成果对比发现,红河水下三角洲北区沉积物黏土的比例较1996年的比例明显增大,可能与海岸线近10a来总体上呈向陆迁移、水下三角洲沉积向岸蚀退以及纵向上水动力逐渐变弱有关。  相似文献   

The shore-zone sediments between Jeddah and Yanbu, west coast of Saudi Arabia, are composed mostly of skeletal carbonate sands. The nearshore sediments containing benthic foraminifera, algal fragments and molluscs are multimodal, the mean grain size varying between 0.76 and 2.35 ø. The beach sediments, except samples dominated by cerithid gastropods in some localities, are relatively finer than the nearshore sediments. Although the beaches to a great extent comprise sand-sized material, fine lime muds and coarse clastic gravels occur in certain areas. The dune sediments comprising mostly algal grains and ooids are very fine with 50 percent of the material in the 0.25–0.18 mm size grade. Except a general northward decrease in mean grain size, regional trends in the textural parameters of the sediments between Jeddah and Yanbu are not quite apparent. Lateral variations in the textural characteristics suggest a landward migration of the sediments in the shore zone under the influence of northerly and northwesterly winds. The carbon and oxygen (δ 13C + 4.80 to 4.84‰ PDB) (δ 13O − 0.04 to + 0.53‰ PDB) isotopic ratios of the lime muds occurring in certain shallow margins in the shore-zone, which are much higher than those of the green algae, indicate that the fine carbonates are at least in part inorganic in origin.

Like the shallow-water carbonates in tropical seas, aragonite and high Mg-calcite are the dominant carbonate minerals in the shore-zone sediments. There is a landward increase in aragonite contents caused by the landward migration of fine material from the nearshore. The dominant clay mineral in the nearshore sediments is kaolinite with subordinate swelling chlorite and little illite. Kaolinite is contributed by the coastal regions under the sub-tropical humid climate. Swelling chlorite is considered to have been formed in the nearshore by mechanical mixture of chlorite and montmorillonite derived from the metamorphic and igneous terrains of the Tertiary mountains bordering the coastal plain.  相似文献   

Multichannel seismic reflection profiles across the Sunda Trench slope off central Sumatra reveal details of subduction zone structure. Normal faults formed on the outer ridge of the trench offset deep strate and the oceanic crust, but die out upsection under the trench sediments. At the base of the inner trench slope, shallow reflectors are tilted seaward, while deeper reflectors dip landward parallel to the underlying oceanic crustal reflector. Intermediate depth reflectors can be traced landward through a seaward-dipping monocline. We interpret this fold as the shallow expression of a landward-dipping thrust fault at depth. Landward of this flexure, relatively undeformed strata have been stripped off the oceanic plate, uplifted 700 meters, and accreted to the base of the slope. The oceanic crust is not involved in the deformation at the toe of the slope, and it can be observed dipping landward about 25 km under the toe of the accretionary prism.The middle portion of the trench slope is underlain by deformed accreted strata. Shallow reflectors define anticlinal structures, but coherent deep reflectors are lacking. Reflectors 45 to 55 km landward of the base of the slope dip 4°-5° landward beneath a steep slope, suggesting structural imbrication.A significant sediment apron is absent from the trench slope. Instead, slope basins are developed in 375–1500 m water depths, with an especially large one at about 1500 m water depth that is filled with more than 1.1 seconds of relatively undeformed sediments. The seaward flank of the basin has recently been uplifted, as indicated by shallow landward-dipping reflectors. Earlier periods of uplift also appear to have coincided with sedimentation in this basin, as indicated by numerous angular unconformities in the basin strata.Contribution of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, new series.  相似文献   

In the tidally influenced Fraser River, Canada, palynological and carbon isotope (δ13Corg) signatures of channel-margin sediments are compared to environmental parameters (e.g., grain size, water salinity) to establish how the signatures vary across the tidal–fluvial transition. Palynological assemblages in the Fraser River are dominated by tree pollen, which constitutes between 85% and 95% of all assemblages. Dinocyst abundances do not exceed 2% of the total palynological assemblage, and the number and diversity of dinocysts gradually decreases landward. The calculated landward limit for dinocysts is at approximately 83 river km, which is relatively close to the upstream limit of the tidal backwater (at ∼100 km). δ13Corg values show minimal variability across the tidal–fluvial transition, and the average value is approximately −26‰. The δ13Corg signature of river sediments indicates a dominance of terrestrially sourced organic matter regardless of brackish-water and tidal influence on sediment deposition.Six palynological and geochemical trends are identified as relevant to the rock record. 1) In deltaic environments, palynological and geochemical characteristics are less useful than sedimentological and ichnological characteristics for establishing depositional conditions. 2) In marginal-marine settings, low abundances and low species diversities of dinocysts, coupled with a “terrestrial” geochemical signature (δ13Corg < −25‰) do not necessarily indicate deposition in a terrestrial environment. 3) Dinocyst abundances above 1% of the total palynomorph population can indicate a significant marine influence on sediment deposition. 4) Mud beds, preferably bioturbated, should be preferentially sampled in order to maximize palynomorph recovery. 5) Marine palynomorphs can occur, albeit in very low concentrations, to the landward limit of the tidal–backwater zone. 6) Palynological and geochemical data should be compared across the paleo-depositional environment in order to establish general trends and remove local variations caused by biases such as grain size.  相似文献   

The oxygen isotopic composition of the clay fraction in Recent argillaceous sediments in western Europe shows regional differences, the δ18SMOW values varying between + 15.8 and + 21.7‰. This phenomenon is used for sediment-transport studies. In the Rhine-Meuse estuary a landward transport of marine sediments is observed. The clay fraction of the sediments in the Wadden Sea is only for a minor part derived from the rivers Rhine and Meuse.  相似文献   

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