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整理汇集了同时具备距离、年龄与金属丰度数据的疏散星团样本,共计118个。利用这些资料,对银河系疏散星团的金属丰度分布性质进行了若干统计分析,进一步研究了银盘径向金属丰度梯度随时间和空间的演化情况,并对银盘年龄-金属丰度关系作了讨论。  相似文献   

银盘的径向金融丰度梯度   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
详细综棕了银盘(包括HII区,早B型星,行星状星云和疏散星团)径向元素丰度梯度的观测结果,分析了丰度梯度的空间和时间变化的情况,指出根据目前的观测结果,还很难确定在银盘的演化历史中径向元素丰度梯度是逐渐变平缓还是逐渐变陡,比较了目前各种化学演化模型对径向丰度梯度演化的预测结果,初步探讨了丰度梯度可能的产生机制及影响其演化的各种重要物理过程。  相似文献   

研究发现,即使在银河系长期缓慢演化的过程中,其核球中依然可能存在垂直的金属丰度梯度。该结果反驳了早期研究中认为的银河系核球中长期缓慢演化的过程会消除任何存在的化学丰度梯度的观点。通过使用一个模拟银河系薄盘的多体数值模拟模型得出该研究结果,该模型能自洽地通过盘的棒不稳定性和屈曲不稳定性形成一个盒状/花生状的核球,并结合化学-动力学模型,分析银河系核球中化学成分的演化。在该演化模型中设定了一个初始的径向金属丰度梯度(-0.3 dex/kpc),通过长期缓慢的演化过程,其核球部分呈现出与观测相符的垂直金属丰度梯度。对此一种可能的解释是,星系盘的金属丰度分布在长期缓慢演化的过程中经历了“两步”演化过程,首先盘星系初始半径较大的贫金属粒子在径向混合的过程中产生了更大的径向速度弥散,然后由于核球的屈曲不稳定性演化,垂向速度弥散最终会保持与径向速度弥散的一定比值(约0.8)。这个机制导致贫金属粒子在演化过程中能占据更大的垂向范围,从而形成核球的垂直金属丰度梯度。银河系核球动力学模型通过简单的化学-动力学过程揭示的核球金属丰度演化机制,应在包含更复杂的核球演化机制的模型中同样存在。此外,还通过化学动力...  相似文献   

动力学过程和恒星演化及二者的互相影响都会对球状星团的演化产生重要影响.由于金属丰度会影响恒星的演化轨迹,与之相伴随的恒星质量损失率的变化也会对球状星团的动力学过程造成影响.通过一系列N体模拟研究金属丰度对球状星团的质量损失率、半径等的影响,并分析其原因,同时研究了大质量恒星以及星团初始数密度分布的影响.模拟中采用的球状星团模型初始成员星数目N=50000,运行于类银河系的引力势中并考虑成员星的演化.结果显示,由于低金属丰度恒星拥有较快的演化时标,所以贫金属球状星团在早期会拥有较高的质量损失,但与此同时它们的核塌缩时间会比后者显著推迟,因此在核塌缩之后其质量损失会被富金属星团反超.另外由于大质量恒星演化导致的质量损失较大,所以大质量星的存在会使金属丰度更加显著地影响球状星团早期的扩张以及随后的核塌缩过程,同时星团的初始数密度分布也对该效应有着不可忽视的影响.  相似文献   

张华伟  赵刚 《天文学进展》2000,18(2):151-158
银河系的银盘、银晕、核球的平均金属丰度为-0.2,-1.6,-0.2。年龄-金属丰度关系给出了银河系形成和演化的线索。为了解释观测的年龄-金属丰度关系及其弥散,银河系化学演化模型必须考虑恒星轨道运动、非瞬时混合等机制。  相似文献   

疏散星团是研究星族和银河系形成与演化的理想示踪体。基于LAMOST DR7低分辨率光谱,在视向速度和金属丰度两维空间上,构建包含团星和场星的混合模型:以二维正高斯模型来描述团星的分布,以星团天区周围的恒星来构建场星的分布模型。同时,在模型中考虑了观测误差的影响。对3个具有丰富光谱数据的典型疏散星团进行了拟合。年轻星团Melotte 22和中年星团NGC 2281可以较好地约束其视向速度的内禀弥散,分别为:1.47-1.18+0.95km·s-1和2.05-1.18+1.39km·s-1,而年老星团NGC 2682只能给出速度弥散的上限约为0.96 km·s-1。Melotte22、NGC 2281和NGC 2682的金属丰度内禀弥散分别为:0.170-0.009+0.012dex,(0.108±0.012) dex和(0.050±0.005) dex,都明显大于金属丰度的观测误差(约0.02...  相似文献   

为了理解银盘的径向丰度梯度形成机制及冷气体演化,构建了银盘化学演化模型.模型中采用了与分子氢相关的恒星形成律,分开计算了分子氢和原子氢的质量面密度演化,并将模型预言和观测到的各物理量径向轮廓进行了比较.结果表明,模型预言对所采用的内落时标非常敏感,采用与分子氢相关的恒星形成律的模型能够较好地符合银盘基本的观测特征,尤其是能够自然地得到银盘的径向氧丰度梯度和冷气体的径向面密度轮廓.采用瞬时或非瞬时循环假设对冷气体的演化影响不大,在气体密度较低的情况下更是如此.  相似文献   

恒星的Al元素丰度可以为探索星团和星系的化学演化提供重要线索.通过系统分析银河系薄盘、厚盘、核球、银晕以及M4、M5等球状星团中恒星的[Al/Fe]随恒星金属丰度[Fe/H]的变化趋势,得出银河系薄盘、厚盘和核球恒星的[Al/Fe]随着[Fe/H]的增加而缓慢下降,而球状星团M4和M5恒星的[Al/Fe]随[Fe/H]增加没有下降趋势,这暗示Ia超新星对M4和M5恒星元素丰度的贡献比较小.详细研究了银河系恒星[Al/Fe]与[Mg/Fe]、[Na/Fe]的相关性,结果表明银河系场星的[Al/Fe]与[Mg/Fe]正相关,但在球状星团M4和M5恒星中未见此相关性;银河系盘星及M4和M5等球状星团恒星的[Al/Fe]与[Na/Fe]都存在正相关.  相似文献   

星流在星系形成与演化过程中扮演了重要的角色,对银河系中星流的研究将有助于进一步探究银河系的合并历史.将LAMOST(Large Sky Area Multi-Object Fiber Spectroscopic Telescope)DR6光谱数据以及SDSS(Sloan Digital Sky Survey)DR12光谱数据分别与Gaia(Global Astrometric Interferometer for Astrophysics)DR2天体测量数据交叉匹配,获得恒星自行等数据.对GD-1星流在速度空间、几何空间和金属丰度上进行限制,从LAMOST DR6和SDSS DR12数据中共获得了157颗星流成员星.GD-1星流的平均金属丰度为[Fe/H]=-2.16±0.10 dex,延伸长度超过80°.收集前人给出的GD-1星流高概率成员星,组成较大的成员星样本进行对比分析,发现GD-1星流的金属丰度分布呈现内低外高的特点,沿着星流方向径向速度分布特点是两端大、中间小,?1=-20°(?1为GD-1星流坐标系横坐标)和?1=-60°附近的间隙是因为成员星运动差异形成的.根据成员星分布及其速度分布特性,推测GD-1星流起源位置是在?1=-40°附近.  相似文献   

作为目前研究复杂恒星系统的有力工具 ,星族合成方法是建立在单星演化理论基础之上的 ,因此 ,必然有其不完善性存在 ,尤其当系统中的双星成分不容忽视时。作为演化星族合成方法的基本单元 ,简单恒星星族模型的构成即排除了双星贡献。本文中 ,我们以银河系疏散星团为简单恒星星族模板 ,构造出一系列简单恒星星族积分光谱。从中我们可以看到 :蓝离散星这类理论上主要来源于双星系统的恒星 ,对星团积分光谱的紫外及蓝端有很大影响 ,从而造成简单恒星星族积分光谱能量分布的改变。这种改变势必影响对星团年龄及其它一些物理参量的判定 ,并最终影响星族合成的结果。同时 ,若以 (B -V )色指数进行度量 ,蓝离散星对简单恒星星族积分颜色的影响可达到 30 %。工作中 ,我们选取了 2 6个年龄在1x10 1 0 ~ 6x10 1 0 年之间的疏散星团为样本进行统计研究。  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTIONRadial abundance gradient along the Galactic disk constitutes one of the most importantobservational constraillts fOr models of the evolution of the Galactic disk. The existence of sucha gradient is now well established, through radio and optical observations of HII regions, diskstars, pIanetary nebulae (see Henry and Worthey 1999 for a detailed review) and open clusters(Friel 1995, 1999). An average gradiellt of dlog(X/H)/dR ~ --0.06 dex kpc--' is observed inthe Milky …  相似文献   

A comparison is made between the age–metallicity relations obtained from four different types of studies: F and G stars in the solar neighbourhood, analysis of open clusters, galactic structure studies with the stellar population synthesis technique and chemical evolution models. Metallicities of open clusters are corrected for the effects of the radial gradient, which we find to be −0.09 dex kpc−1 and most likely constant in time. We do not correct for the vertical gradient, because its existence and value are not firmly established.
Stars and clusters trace a similar age–metallicity relation, showing an excess of rather metal-rich objects in the age range 5–9 Gyr. Galactic structure studies tend to give a more metal-poor relation than chemical evolution models. Neither relation explains the presence of old, relatively metal-rich stars and clusters. This might be caused by uncertainties in the ages of the local stars, or pre-enrichment of the disc with material from the bulge, possibly as a result of a merger event in the early phases of the formation of our Galaxy.  相似文献   

We present and analyse the kinematics and orbits for a sample of 488 open clusters (OCs) in the Galaxy. The velocity ellipsoid for our present sample is derived as  (σ U , σ V , σ W ) = (28.7, 15.8, 11.0) km s−1  which represents a young thin-disc population. We also confirm that the velocity dispersions increase with the age of a cluster subsample. The orbits of OCs are calculated with three Galactic gravitational potential models. The errors of orbital parameters are also calculated considering the intrinsic variation of the orbital parameters and the effects of observational uncertainties. The observational uncertainties dominate the errors of derived orbital parameters. The vertical motions of clusters calculated using different Galactic disc models are rather different. The observed radial metallicity gradient of clusters is derived with a slope of   b =−0.070 ± 0.011   dex kpc−1. The radial metallicity gradient of clusters based on their apogalactic distances is also derived with a slope of   b =−0.082 ± 0.014   dex kpc−1. The distribution of derived orbital eccentricities for OCs is very similar to that derived for the field population of dwarfs and giants in the thin disc.  相似文献   

A sample containing 1 026 stars of spectral types F, G, and K, mainly dwarfs, from the solar neighbourhood with available space velocities and metallicities is treated. The treatment comprises a statistical analysis of the metallicity and velocity data and calculation of galactocentric orbits. Sample stars identified as members of the galactic halo are detached from the rest of the sample based on the values of their metallicities, velocity components and galactocentric orbits. In identifying halo stars a new, kinematical, criterion is proposed. Except one, these halo stars are the metal‐poorest ones in the sample. Besides, they have very high velocities with respect to LSR. On the other hand, the separation between the thin disc and thick one is done statistically based on LSR space velocities, membership probability (Schwarzschild distribution with assumed parameters) and galactocentric orbits. In the metallicity these two groups are not much different. For each of the three subsamples the mean motion and velocity ellipsoid are calculated. The elements of the velocity ellipsoids agree well with the values found in the literature, especially for the thin disc. The fractions of the subsystems found for the present sample are: thin disc 93%, thick disc 6%, halo 1%. The sample stars established to be members of the thin disc are examined for existence of star streams. Traces of both, known and unknown, star streams are not found (© 2009 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

We have derived ages and metallicities from co-added spectra of 131 globular clusters associated with the giant elliptical galaxy NGC 4472. Based upon a calibration with Galactic globular clusters, we find that our sample of globular clusters in NGC 4472 span a metallicity range of approximately −1.6≤[Fe/H]≤0 dex. There is evidence of a radial metallicity gradient in the globular cluster system which is steeper than that seen in the underlying starlight. Determination of the absolute ages of the globular clusters is uncertain, but formally, the metal-poor population of globular clusters has an age of 14.5±4 Gyr and the metal-rich population is 13.8±6 Gyr old. Monte Carlo simulations indicate that the globular cluster populations present in these data are older than 6 Gyr at the 95 per cent confidence level. We find that within the uncertainties, the globular clusters are old and coeval, implying that the bimodality seen in the broadband colours primarily reflects metallicity and not age differences.  相似文献   

It is textbook knowledge that open clusters are conspicuous members of the thin disk of our Galaxy, but their role as contributors to the stellar population of the disk was regarded as minor. Starting from a homogenous stellar sky survey, the ASCC‐2.5, we revisited the population of open clusters in the solar neighbourhood from scratch. In the course of this enterprise we detected 130 formerly unknown open clusters, constructed volume‐ and magnitude‐limited samples of clusters, re‐determined distances, motions, sizes, ages, luminosities and masses of 650 open clusters. We derived the present‐day luminosity and mass functions of open clusters (not the stellar mass function in open clusters), the cluster initial mass function CIMF and the formation rate of open clusters. We find that open clusters contributed around 40 percent to the stellar content of the disk during the history of our Galaxy. Hence, open clusters are important building blocks of the Galactic disk (© 2010 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

The problem of the chemical composition gradient in the Galactic disk is studied based on a sample of metallicity estimates of open star clusters, using Gaia DR2-improved distance estimates. A clearly non-monotonic variation was observed in the average metallicity of clusters with increasing Galactocentric distance. One can clearly see the metallicity jump of 0.22 in [Fe/H] at a Galactocentric distance of about9.5 kpc, which appears to be linked to the outer boundary of the thinnest and youngest component of the Galactic disk. The absence of a significant metallicity gradient in the internal(R 9 kpc) and external(R 10 kpc) regions of the disk demonstrates the absence of noticeable metal enrichment at times of the order of the ages corresponding to those of the disk regions under consideration. Observational data show that the disk experiences noticeable metal enrichment only during the starburst epochs. No significant dependence was identified between the average metallicity and the age of the clusters.  相似文献   

赵君亮 《天文学进展》2007,25(4):338-345
对疏散星团质量分层的有关问题做了简要的评述,包括空间质量分层和速度质量分层的表现形式和探测途径,质量分层形成机制的研究现状.最后概要介绍了2MASS测光资料对探讨疏散星团质量分层效应的作用.  相似文献   

Studies of globular cluster systems play a critical role in our understanding of galaxy formation. Imaging with the Hubble Space Telescope has revealed that young star clusters are formed copiously in galaxy mergers, strengthening theories in which giant elliptical galaxies are formed by the merger of spirals [e.g. Whitmore, B.C., Schweizer, F., Leitherer, C., Borne, K., Robert, C., 1993. Astronomical Journal. 106, 1354; Miller, B.W., Whitmore, B.C., Schweizer, F., Fall, S.M., 1997. Astronomical Journal. 114, 2381; Zepf, S.E., Ashman, K.M., English, J., Freeman, K.C., Sharples, R.M., 1999. Astronomical Journal. 118, 752; Ashman, K.M., Zepf, S.E., 1992. Astrophysical Journal. 384, 50]. However, the formation and evolution of globular cluster systems is still not well understood. Ages and metallicities of the clusters are uncertain either because of degeneracy in the broad-band colors or due to variable reddening. Also, the luminosity function of the young clusters, which depends critically on the metallicities and ages of the clusters, appears to be single power-laws while the luminosity function of old clusters has a well-defined break. Either there is significant dynamical evolution of the cluster systems or metallicity affects the mass function of forming clusters. Spectroscopy of these clusters are needed to improve the metallicity and age measurements and to study the kinematics of young cluster systems. Therefore, we have obtained GMOS IFU data of 4 clusters in NGC1275. We will present preliminary results like metallicities, ages, and velocities of the star clusters from IFU spectroscopy.  相似文献   

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