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边界层参数化方案及海气耦合对WRF模拟东亚夏季风的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
区域气候模式的边界层参数化方案很大程度上影响着陆地-海洋-大气间水汽、动量及热量的交换,该方案的不确定性会给模式结果带来明显误差.本文基于WRF区域气候模式中四种常用的边界层参数化方案(YSU,ACM2,BouLac和MYJ)分别对东亚夏季风进行模拟研究,分析了不同的边界层方案对东亚夏季风环流及降水模拟的影响.结果表明,局地湍流动能方案BouLac和MYJ对东亚夏季风的模拟结果相对于非局地闭合方案YSU和ACM2更接近于观测,前者能更好的模拟出中国东部中低空西南风气流和西太平洋副热带高压.对于东亚夏季风降水,无论是空间分布还是季节内演变,BouLac和MYJ方案都要明显优于YSU和ACM2.此外,通过对比YSU和BouLac两种方案的模拟结果,发现边界层方案对东亚夏季风的模拟在海洋区域的影响更为显著.造成不同方案模拟差异的主要原因是非局地方案YSU和ACM2的边界层垂直混合偏强,使得海表向上输送的潜热通量明显偏强,对流更活跃,导致降水偏多以及相应季风环流的异常偏差.进一步研究指出缺少海气反馈过程使得WRF模式由边界层方案引起的模拟误差在海洋区域更为突出,引入海气耦合可以减小海表热通量误差并明显改善东亚夏季风的模拟结果.  相似文献   

MYJ和YSU方案对WRF边界层气象要素模拟的影响   总被引:20,自引:5,他引:15       下载免费PDF全文
研究新一代中尺度气象模式WRF中两种大气边界层方案(MYJ,YSU)对沈阳冬季大气边界层结构模拟的影响,重点分析温度层结、低层风场、边界层高度等对污染物扩散有重要影响的气象要素.和观测数据的比对表明WRF基本能够模拟出温度风速的日变化特征,但模拟风速偏大.YSU方案由于模拟的边界层顶卷挟和边界层内混合作用较强,夜间接地逆温强度低于MYJ方案,逆温维持时间比MYJ方案短4小时,同时模拟边界层高度也高于MYJ方案,有利于污染物垂直扩散.边界层高度的3种计算方法中,湍流动能方法计算的边界层高度最高,Richardson数方法次之,位温方法得到的高度最低.Richardson数方法对临界值的选取较敏感.  相似文献   

利用WRF模式中5种常用边界层参数化方案(ACM2、YSU、BouLac、MYJ和MYNN2.5)及美国能源部大气辐射观测试验(ARM)寿县综合观测数据(2008年8—12月),对比分析了晴天及阴天条件下,不同参数化方案对典型农田下垫面气象要素及边界层结构的模拟效果,结果表明:(1)模式对于云层状况的模拟,非局地方案ACM2和YSU方案优于局地方案.(2)对于近地层气象要素,晴天和阴天条件下均是ACM2方案对于2 m温度和比湿的模拟效果最好,MYJ方案对于风向风速的模拟效果最好.(3)对于位温及比湿垂直廓线的模拟,晴天和阴天条件下均是非局地方案(ACM2和YSU)对白天的模拟效果优于局地方案;ACM2方案对夜间弱稳定层结和逆湿结构的模拟最优;(4)对于风速垂直廓线的模拟,白天不稳定条件下,晴天条件MYJ方案最优,阴天MYNN2.5方案的模拟效果最好;夜间弱稳定条件下,晴天条件ACM2方案与观测值之间的偏差最小,阴天YSU方案模拟效果最好;(5)总体而言,在对典型农田下垫面进行模拟时,晴天和阴天条件下均是ACM2方案更具优势.  相似文献   

本文利用高分辨率中尺度WRF模式,通过改变边界层参数化方案进行多组试验,评估该模式对美国北部森林地区边界层结构的模拟能力,同时比较了五种不同边界层参数化方案模拟得出的边界层热力和动力结构.结果表明:除个别方案外,配合不同边界层方案的WRF模式都能成功模拟出白天对流边界层强湍流混合特征和夜间稳定边界层内强逆温、逆湿和低空急流等热力和动力结构.非局地YSU、ACM2方案在白天表现出强的湍流混合和卷夹,相比于局地MYJ、UW方案,模拟的对流边界层温度更高、湿度更低、混合层高度更高、感热通量更大,更接近实际观测,这表明在不稳定层结下考虑非局地大涡输送更为合理,但局地方案在风速和风向的预报上存在一定优势.TEMF方案得到的白天局地湍流混合强度为所有方案中最弱,混合层难以发展,无法体现对流边界层内气象要素垂直分布均匀的特点.对于夜间稳定边界层的模拟,不同参数化方案之间的差异较小,但是YSU方案在一定程度上高估了机械湍流,导致局地湍流混合偏强,从而影响了其对稳定边界层的模拟能力.  相似文献   

本文基于WRF-ARW(V4.0)中尺度数值模式,选用耦合同一近地层参数化方案(Eta)的五种边界层参数化方案(MYJ、MYNN2、MYNN3、BouLac、UW),对2020年5月1—2日海南岛一次典型山地环流个例进行模拟,对比分析了这五种方案所模拟的山地环流结构和湍流特征的差异,旨在为模式应用于山地环流研究和模式改进提供一定的科学依据.研究结果表明,这五种湍流动能边界层参数化方案均能模拟出山谷风特征,对环流结构和湍流特征的影响表现为谷风时段大于山风时段.对于山地环流水平结构的模拟,因平原风推进距离的不同,五种方案模拟的近地面风速差异可达4 m·s-1以上,其中MYJ方案模拟的谷风最强盛,而MYNN3方案最弱,山区多为静风或小风.对于山地环流垂直结构的模拟,MYNN2、UW方案模拟的谷风环流较强,表现为谷风厚度较厚,推进距离较远,同时由于模拟的谷风环流可越过山顶,从而模拟的高海拔地区上升区的覆盖范围和强度均较大;MYJ、BouLac方案模拟的谷风环流均未能越过山顶,且其中BouLac方案的平原风环流未能与上坡风环流耦合;而MYNN3方案模拟的环流结构最不明显.湍...  相似文献   

热带气旋边界层关键结构研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
边界层的动热力结构在很大程度上决定了热带气旋(TC)的发生发展,首先,TC边界层是触发TC对流的源地,并作为海-陆-气能量交换的主要中介,提供TC发生发展的重要能源;其次,边界层是TC对流发展所需水汽的主要输送通道;第三,TC登陆时,陆地下垫面摩擦直接作用于边界层,加强辐合、对流和湍流输送.对这些特征的了解有利于从根本上掌握TC发展变化的规律,为提高登陆TC分析和预报水平奠定基础,具有重要的科学价值和实际意义.本文在前期TC边界层研究工作的基础上,从热力学和动力学的角度,介绍了近年来国际上关于TC边界层风场、湍流交换、卷涡、能量和水汽输送等关键结构特征研究的主要进展.阐述了边界层入流对于TC能量平衡、水汽输送的重要作用,揭示了边界层超梯度风现象存在的机制和成因,以及边界层卷涡与边界层动量输送和TC强度发展的关系.这些认识有助于加强TC边界层关键结构对TC发展作用的理论认识.在此基础上,指出了目前TC边界层研究中存在的核心难点问题,并建议将TC边界层研究与数值预报方法相结合:除了将边界层观测通过资料同化应用于TC数值模式初始化,还可研究优化与TC涡旋结构相关的边界层参数化方法,实现TC数值模式初始化与边界层物理过程的衔接,探索可切实改进TC预报的有效途径.  相似文献   

基于前两部分的研究,第三部分从能量转换的角度揭示了风垂直切变对大气静力适应过程的影响.研究显示,对非静态等温大气,初始时刻加以有效势能和有效弹性势能的强迫后,风垂直切变改变了适应过程中扰动能量在各能量形式中的分配比例,这种作用随扰动尺度和时间的变化有显著差异,系统尺度越小影响越显著.比较东风急流模型和西风急流模型显示,负的风切变应力使得四类扰动能量谱随系统尺度的变化趋于平缓,使得微尺度和小尺度(中尺度)系统中扰动垂直动能(扰动水平动能)的比例随时间减小,正的风切变使得扰动能量谱随系统尺度的变化显现跳跃的特征,使得中尺度(微尺度和小尺度)系统中扰动垂直动能(扰动水平动能)的比例随时间减小.风垂直切变引起的动量通量输送是扰动能量与基本气流能量之间交换的通道,当风切变应力和动量输送方向相同时,风垂直切变使得能量向基本态转移,维持基本气流,削弱扰动能量,缩短静力适应过程的周期;当风切变应力和动量输送方向相反时,风垂直切变作用相反;此作用随着扰动尺度的变化差异明显.  相似文献   

为了修正中尺度气象模式WRF(Weather Research and Forecasting model)对低层风速模拟的系统性误差,有学者在新版本WRF模式的YSU(Yonsei University)边界层参数化方案中加入了两个地形订正方法:Jiménez方法和UW(University of Washington method)方法.本文利用这两个地形订正方法,选取了两个时间段,对北京地区的地面气象要素以及气象要素垂直廓线进行了个例模拟研究,模拟结果和观测数据的比对表明在北京地区:是否采用地形订正,对地面温度的模拟几乎没有影响;采用地形订正后,模式对地面风速的模拟有明显的改进,两种方法对风速模拟的差别主要体现在山/丘陵地区;Jiménez方法在山/丘陵地区的模拟风速明显偏大,而采用UW方法进行订正后,模拟的风速减小,更接近观测值;两种方法在山谷地区对风速均有一定的过度订正.通过分析气象要素的垂直廓线发现,不同地形订正方法主要影响的是2000m以下的低层风速.总体而言,UW地形订正方法在北京地区更为适用,采用UW方法后,模拟得到的地面气象要素的各项统计参数基本达到了统计基准值.  相似文献   

沙漠-绿洲陆-气相互作用和绿洲效应的数值模拟   总被引:17,自引:8,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
本文利用一个已发展的陆面过程参数化方案与大气边界层模式耦合,模拟了半干旱区绿洲戈壁非均匀下垫面的陆面过程及其与大气边界层的相互作用,给出了“绿洲效应”这一自然现象垂直剖面上更为清晰、准确和细致的结构特征.数值模拟的结果与早前的许多观测实验结论相吻合,即“绿洲效应”具有明显的“冷岛效应”和“湿岛效应”;它表现为在绿洲区域比戈壁沙漠区域环境温度低、湿度大、湍流动能输送弱,具有下沉气流而导致与周围戈壁沙漠区域产生水平输送环流.而更加细致地研究这些现象对于深入了解绿洲气候的形成和绿洲的维持机理具有重要的意义.  相似文献   

沙漠绿洲陆面物理过程和地气相互作用数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用一个已发展的陆面物理过程参数化方案与大气边界层数值模式耦合, 模拟了半干旱区沙漠绿洲非均匀下垫面的陆面物理过程及其与大气边界层的相互作用过程, 成功地模拟了局地气候效应和地表温度、净辐射、感热和潜热通量特征并与实测资料进行了比较. 给出“绿洲效应”这一自然现象的垂直剖面上更为清晰准确和细致的结构特征, 结果表明: “绿洲效应”具有明显的“冷岛效应”和“湿岛效应”; 它表现为在绿洲区域比戈壁沙漠区域环境温度低、湿度大、湍流动能输送弱, 具有下沉气流而导致与周围戈壁沙漠区域产生水平输送环流. 这些结果对于深入了解绿洲气候的形成和绿洲的维持机理具有重要的意义.  相似文献   

The planetary boundary layer(PBL)scheme in the regional climate model(RCM)has a significant impact on the interactions and exchanges of moisture,momentum,and energy between land,ocean,and atmosphere;however,its uncertainty will cause large systematic biases of RCM.Based on the four different PBL schemes(YSU,ACM2,Boulac,and MYJ)in Weather Research and Forecasting(WRF)model,the impacts of these schemes on the simulation of circulation and precipitation during the East Asian summer monsoon(EASM)are investigated.The simulated results of the two local turbulent kinetic energy(TKE)schemes,Boulac and MYJ,are more consistent with the observations than those in the two nonlocal closure schemes,YSU and ACM2.The former simulate more reasonable low-level southwesterly flow over East China and west pacific subtropical high(WPSH)than the latter.As to the modeling of summer monsoon precipitation,both the spatial distributions and temporal evolutions from Boulac and MYJ are also better than those in YSU and ACM2 schemes.In addition,through the comparison between YSU and Boulac experiments,the differences from the results of EASM simulation are more obvious over the oceanic area.In the experiments with the nonlocal schemes YSU and ACM2,the boundary layer mixing processes are much stronger,which lead to produce more sea surface latent heat flux and enhanced convection,and finally induce the overestimated precipitation and corresponding deviation of monsoon circulation.With the further study,it is found that the absence of air-sea interaction in WRF may amplify the biases caused by PBL scheme over the ocean.Consequently,there is a reduced latent heat flux over the sea surface and even more reasonable EASM simulation,if an ocean model coupled into WRF.  相似文献   

The Andhra severe cyclonic storm (2003) is simulated to study its evolution, structure, intensity and movement using the Penn State/NCAR non-hydrostatic mesoscale atmospheric model MM5. The model is used with three interactive nested domains at 81, 27 and 9 km resolutions covering the Bay of Bengal and adjoining Indian Peninsula. The performance of the Planetary Boundary Layer (PBL) and convective parameterization on the simulated features of the cyclone is studied by conducting sensitivity experiments. Results indicate that while the boundary layer processes play a significant role in determining both the intensity and movement, the convective processes especially control the movement of the model storm. The Mellor-Yamada scheme is found to yield the most intensive cyclone. While the combination of Mellor-Yamada (MY) PBL and Kain-Fritsch 2 (KF2) convection schemes gives the most intensive storm, the MRF PBL with KF2 convection scheme produces the best simulation in terms of intensity and track. Results of the simulation with the combination of MRF scheme for PBL and KF2 for convection show the evolution and major features of a mature tropical storm. The model has very nearly simulated the intensity of the storm though slightly overpredicted. Simulated core vertical temperature structure, winds at different heights, vertical winds in and around the core, vorticity and divergence fields at the lower and upper levels—all support the characteristics of a mature storm. The model storm has moved towards the west of the observed track during the development phase although the location of the storm in the initial and final phases agreed with the observations. The simulated rainfall distribution associated with the storm agreed reasonably with observations.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the sensitivity of the numerical simulations of a near equatorial Typhoon Vamei (2001) to various planetary boundary layer (PBL) parameterization schemes in the Pennsylvania State University (PSU)/National Centre for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) non-hydrostatic mesoscale model (MM5). The numerical simulations are conducted on two domains at 45 and 15 km grids nested in a one-way fashion. Four different PBL parameterization schemes including the Blackadar (BLK) scheme, the Burk–Thompson (BURKT) scheme, the NCEP Eta model scheme and the NCEP medium range forecast (MRF) model scheme are investigated. Results indicate that the intensity and propagation track of the simulated near equatorial typhoon system is not very sensitive to the different PBL treatments. The simulated minimum central pressures and the maximum surface wind speeds differ by only 5–6 hPa and 6–8 ms−1, respectively. Larger variations between the simulations occur during the weakening phase of the typhoon system. While all schemes simulated the typhoon with reasonable accuracy, the ETA scheme produces the strongest storm intensity with the largest heat exchanges over the marine environment and the highest warm moisture air content in the PBL around the core of the storm.  相似文献   

We used a two-dimensional quasi-geostrophic barotropic model simulation to study effects of an initial brows-like meso-scale vortex on tropical cyclone(TC) track.Our results show that the impact of each of the three foundational factors(the environmental current,the asymmetric structure and the asymmetric convection system) on TC track varies with time and the importance of each of the factors is different for the different TC motion time period.They show two kinds of the effects.One is a direct way.The asymmetric outer wind structure and the positive longitudinal wind speed averaged in radial-band(100-300) km in the period of(0-11) h are caused by the introduction of the initial brows-like meso-scale vortex,which results in TC track to turn to the north from the northwest directly.The other is an indirect influence.First,initial TC axisymmetric circulation becomes a non-axisymmetric circulation after the addition of the meso-scale vortex.The initial non-axisymmetric circulation experiences an axisymmetrizational process in the period of(0-11) h.Second,axisymmetrizationed TC horizontal size is enlarged after t=12 h.Third,both the TC asymmetric structure and the TC energy dispersion induced-anticyclone are intensified,which quickens the TC motion and results in the track to turn to the north indirectly.The TC motion is characterized by the unusual track under the direct and the indirect effect.The formation of the unusual track should be attributed to the common effects of three factors,including the environmental flow,the TC asymmetric structure and the asymmetric convection system.  相似文献   

坑道全空间直流聚焦超前探测模拟研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
常规坑道直流电阻率超前探测方法在掌子面后方观测,受到坑道腔体和工作环境的影响较大,增加了资料解释的难度.利用同性电流相斥原理,并参考地面电阻率垂向测深和直流侧向测井技术设计出适合坑道空间掌子面和侧壁测量的垂直聚焦电位和梯度电位超前探测方案.应用有限元数值模拟技术,对三维坑道空间中掌子面和侧壁探测方案的聚焦超前探测效果进...  相似文献   

A numerical simulation of very severe cyclonic storm ‘Phailin’, which originated in southeastern Bay of Bengal (BoB) and propagated northwestward during 10–15 October 2013, was carried out using a coupled atmosphere-ocean model. A Model Coupling Toolkit (MCT) was used to make exchanges of fluxes consistent between the atmospheric model ‘Weather Research and Forecasting’ (WRF) and ocean circulation model ‘Regional Ocean Modelling System’ (ROMS) components of the ‘Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere-Wave-Sediment Transport’ (COAWST) modelling system. The track and intensity of tropical cyclone (TC) Phailin simulated by the WRF component of the coupled model agrees well with the best-track estimates reported by the India Meteorological Department (IMD). Ocean model component (ROMS) was configured over the BoB domain; it utilized the wind stress and net surface heat fluxes from the WRF model to investigate upper oceanic response to the passage of TC Phailin. The coupled model shows pronounced sea surface cooling (2–2.5 °C) and an increase in sea surface salinity (SSS) (2–3 psu) after 06 GMT on 12 October 2013 over the northwestern BoB. Signature of this surface cooling was also observed in satellite data and buoy measurements. The oceanic mixed layer heat budget analysis reveals relative roles of different oceanic processes in controlling the mixed layer temperature over the region of observed cooling. The heat budget highlighted major contributions from horizontal advection and vertical entrainment processes in governing the mixed layer cooling (up to ?0.1 °C h?1) and, thereby, reduction in sea surface temperature (SST) in the northwestern BoB during 11–12 October 2013. During the post-cyclone period, the net heat flux at surface regained its diurnal variations with a noontime peak that provided a warming tendency up to 0.05 °C h?1 in the mixed layer. Clear signatures of TC-induced upwelling are seen in vertical velocity (about 2.5 × 10?3 m s?1), rise in isotherms and isohalines along 85–88° E longitudes in the northwestern BoB. The study demonstrates that a coupled atmosphere-ocean model (WRF + ROMS) serves as a useful tool to investigate oceanic response to the passage of cyclones.  相似文献   

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