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研究和实施了由卫星测高数据计算垂线偏差,用莫洛 金斯基(Molodensky)公式反演 大地水准面高,由此求得我国海域大地水准面高. 为了检核,将测高垂线偏差利用逆维宁迈 纳斯(Vening Meinesz)公式反演重力异常,与海上船测重力值进行了外部检核;同时还用 司托克斯(Stokes)公式,将上述反演的重力异常计算大地水准面高,与莫洛金斯基公式直 接解得的相应结果进行比较作为内部检核. 在积分计算中充分应用了FFT的严格公式.由重力和GPS水准数据确定的陆地大地水准面,和主要由卫星测高数据确定的海洋大地水准 面,二者之间一般都存在以系统误差为主的拼接差,本文分析了产生这一现象的主要原因, 并结合我国在陆海大地水准面拼接区重力资料稀疏的实际,提出了新的拼接技术,最后将拟 合参数校正中国全部海域的重 力大地水准面,以最大限度地削弱拼接点和制约测高海洋大地水准面可能存在的系统误差.  相似文献   

基于有限元方法的陆海大地水准面衔接   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
大陆上用重力数据和GPS水准数据确定(似)大地水准面,海洋上用卫星测高数据确定(似)大地水准面.由于沿海地区和近岸海域往往缺少完好的重力数据,近岸海域卫星测高数据质量相对较差,两类大地水准面在陆海相接区域精度偏低且存在拼合差.纯几何方法拟合陆海局部区域大地水准面,不能顾及大地水准面的物理特性,拟合结果不稳定.顾及到大地水准面的物理特性,依据其在局部所应满足的数学物理方程,拟合陆海局部区域大地水准面问题,转化为Laplace第一边值问题.讨论了有限元法衔接陆海局部区域大地水准面的数学思想,给出了相应的数学模型.  相似文献   

本文针对已有月球探测任务主要为极轨的特点,仿真分析了大倾角轨道卫星跟踪数据在月球重力场解算中的贡献.文中针对极轨道、77°倾角和极轨道结合77°倾角轨道三种情况各三个月的轨道跟踪数据进行了月球重力场模型仿真解算,通过重力场功率谱、基于解算模型位系数协方差矩阵的重力异常及月球大地水准面误差以及精密定轨等手段对解算模型进行...  相似文献   

建立高精度高分辨率区域地球重力场模型是大地测量学科的重要科学目标之一,可为固体地球物理、地球动力学、地震学以及资源勘探等领域提供基础信息,也是当前大地测量现代化发展实现GNSS测定海拔高程的重大需求.提出了一种基于矩谐分析的区域重力场建模方法,在局部直角坐标系中求解地球引力位的Laplace方程,推导了扰动位、重力异常、重力扰动、大地水准面差距和垂线偏差的矩谐展开式以及矩谐系数阶方差和阶误差的计算公式,给出了利用重力观测值进行矩谐分析求解矩谐系数的数学模型和算法,为抑制矩谐分析中存在的周期延拓边界效应,提出了扩展计算区域范围的策略.利用EGM2008重力位模型生成模拟地面重力和航空重力观测值,加入标准差为2 mGal的高斯白噪声,分别设计基于地面重力数据和基于航空重力数据的模拟数值试验,对矩谐分析建模方法进行了验证与分析.数值结果表明基于矩谐分析构建的区域重力场模型可靠且可达很高的精度,由地面和航空重力数据计算的2.5′×2.5′大地水准面精度分别达到1 cm和1.4 cm,4 km飞行高度处航空重力观测值的向下延拓误差仅为3.1mGal,矩谐分析可为区域重力场精细结构的逼近提供一种新的选择.  相似文献   

基于卫星测高的海域大地水准面   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
利用测高数据的一次差分计算海域垂线偏差,有效降低了动力海面地形和系统残差对垂线偏差的影响;然后根据扰动场元间的协方差函数是具有各态历经性的平稳随机函数这一特征,提出了利用垂线偏差精确逼近海域大地水准面的协方差函数. 而海域大地水准面的精确确定,为从测高数据中精确分离动力海面地形提供了条件. 本文还利用Topex/Poseidon、ERS 1/2测高数据计算了全球海域大地水准面和动力海面地形,证明了本文所述方法是科学合理的.  相似文献   

融合多源数据的高精度、高分辨率的局部重力场建模是物理大地测量学的前沿和热点问题.本文研究了基于径向基函数融合多源数据的局部重力场建模方法,利用Monte-Carlo方差分量估计实现了不同类型的观测数据的合理定权,引入了最小标准差法确定基函数的适宜网络,分析了地形因素对于基函数网络确定及局部重力场建模精度的影响.以泊松小波基函数为构造基函数,结合残差地形模型,融合实测的陆地重力异常、船载重力异常及航空重力扰动数据构建了局部区域陆海统一的似大地水准面模型.研究结果表明:引入残差地形模型平滑了地形质量引入的高频扰动信号,简化了基函数的网络设计;并提高了重力似大地水准面的精度,平原地区其精度提高了4mm,地形起伏较大的山区其精度提高了约5cm.总体而言,基于"三步法"构建的局部重力似大地水准面在荷兰、比利时及德国相关区域,其精度分别达到1.12cm、2.80cm以及2.92cm.  相似文献   

本文设计了一种高-低卫星跟踪卫星、低-低卫星跟踪卫星和卫星重力梯度测量相结合的新型重力测量卫星系统,其可在一定程度上发挥卫星重力梯度和低低卫星跟踪卫星两种测量模式各自的优势.基于重力卫星系统指标设计的半解析法,深入分析了不同重力测量卫星系统配置和不同观测量及其不同白噪声水平情况下,新型卫星重力测量模式反演重力场模型的能力.数值模拟分析结果表明:在观测值精度和星间距离相同的条件下,轨道高度是影响重力场反演精度的关键因素;随着星间距离的增大,高频重力场信号反演精度会先提高后降低,轨道高度在200~350 km之间时,星间距离在150~180 km之间时反演精度最优;星间距离变率和卫星重力梯度两类观测值仅在某些精度配置时可达到优势互补,如果某一类观测值精度很高,则另一类观测值在联合解算时贡献非常小或者没有贡献.在300 km轨道高度,若以GRACE和GOCE任务的设计指标1 μm·s-1/√Hz和5 mE/√Hz来配置新型重力测量卫星系统中星间距离变率和引力梯度观测值的精度,联合两类观测值解算200阶次模型大地水准面的精度比独立解算分别提高1.2倍和2.8倍.如果以实现100 km空间分辨率1~2 cm精度大地水准面为科学目标,考虑卫星在轨寿命,建议轨道高度选择300 km,星间距离变率和卫星重力梯度的精度分别为0.1 μm·s-1/√Hz和1 mE/√Hz.本文的研究成果可为中国研制自主的重力测量卫星系统提供参考依据.  相似文献   

首先对中国近海及邻域(0°-40°N,105°─135°E)内4年的T/P卫星测高数据(1992-10-03-1996-10-09)和1年多的ERS-1卫星测高数据(1992-10-23-1994-01-20)进行了预处理以剔除数据中的粗差影响.然后,对卫星的重复轨迹采用"共线"处理方法得到该海域的平均海平面.在扣除海面地形的影响后得到该海域30'×X30'大地水准面起伏。再分别采用Stokes公式逆运算加FFT技术和最小二乘配置法恢复出该海域30'×30'海洋重力异常.所得到的海洋大地水准面起伏精度为8.5cm,恢复出的重力异常的精度为35×10-5m/s2.  相似文献   

用GRACE卫星跟踪数据反演地球重力场   总被引:41,自引:17,他引:24       下载免费PDF全文
利用141天GRACE卫星观测资料,包括K波段、星载加速度和卫星轨道数据,反演了80阶地球重力场模型IGGGRACE01S,该模型在半波长为500km的空间分辨率上,确定大地水准面的精度约为0012m,中长波(<80阶)精度优于重力卫星发射以前研制的重力场模型. 与EIGEN_GRACE02S、EIGEN_CHAMP03S和EGM96模型的位系数相比,该模型系数最接近于EIGEN_GRACE02S,与另两个模型差异较大. 比较几种模型确定的全球重力异常和大地水准面起伏,结果发现IGGGRACE01S与EIGEN_GRACE02S模型的计算结果比较接近,与EGM96模型结果差异较大,差别较大地区主要在南极等地区. 对于中国大陆,比较IGGGRACE01S模型(前72阶)计算的重力异常和NIMA重力异常数据(25°×25°网格),两者之间的标准偏差为48mGal.  相似文献   

测高重力内区效应的推导与计算   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
为了提高测高重力恢复计算的精度,本文利用新方法计算沿轨测高垂线偏差分量,并在对逆Vening Meinesz公式的FFT算法进行分析的基础上导出了内区效应的计算公式.结果证明内区效应与逆Vening Meinesz公式奇异区内垂线偏差分量的梯度及奇异区面积的大小有关,与重力异常计算点及其附近的奇异区内的垂线偏差无直接关系.最后利用ERS_1卫星测高数据,根据本文提出的方法计算垂线偏差分量,采用本文导出的内区效应公式计算了北大西洋6°×6°区域内区效应对测高重力结果的影响.  相似文献   

Successful development of geodetic satellite missions has aroused new interest in determining global and regional gravity field based on satellite data. Satellite altimetry data enable direct determination of the geoid over sea regions. In Egypt, where land and marine geophysical data are inadequate because of rough topography and economic reasons, the use of satellite altimetry data is of special importance. The northern Red Sea region has been selected as a site for case study of the current research, after applying spectral analysis to reveal near-surface structure, the residual geoid of the studied region shows a good correlation with the known geologic features. Moreover, satellite-based gravity data enhance small-scale features and agrees well with land and marine gravity data. Thus, geoid undulation and satellite gravity data can be a complementary source of data to determine near-surface and deep structures.  相似文献   

The requirements for precise geoid models on local and regional scales have increased in recent years, primarily due to the ongoing developments in height determination by GPS on land, but also due to oceanographic requirements in using satellite altimetry for recovering dynamic sea-surface topography. Suitable methods for geoid computations from gravity data include Stokes integration, FFT methods, and least-squares collocation. Especially the FFT methods are efficient in handling large amounts of gravity data, and new variants of the methods taking earth curvature rigorously into account provide attractive methods for obtaining continental-scale, high-resolution geoid models. The accuracy of such models may be from 2–5 cm locally, to 50–100 cm on regional scales, depending on gravity data coverage, long wave-length gravity field errors, and datum problems. When approaching the cm-level geoid basic geoid definition questions (geoid or quasigeoid?) become very significant, especially in rugged areas. In the paper the geoid modelling methods and problems are reviewed, and some investigations on local data requirements for cm-level geoid prediction are presented. Some actual results are presented from Scandinavia, where a recent regional high-resolution geoid model yields apparent accuracies of 2–10 cm over GPS baselines of 50 to 2000 km.  相似文献   

The National Survey and Cadastre - Denmark (KMS) has for several years produced gravity anomaly maps over the oceans derived from satellite altimetry. During the last four years, KMS has also conducted airborne gravity surveys along the coast of Greenland dedicated to complement the existing onshore gravity coverage and fill in new data in the very-near coastal area, where altimetry data may contain gross errors. The airborne surveys extend from the coastline to approximately 100 km offshore, along 6000 km of coastline. An adequate merging of these different data sources is important for the use of gravity data especially, when computing geoid models in coastal regions.The presence of reliable marine gravity data for independent control offers an opportunity to study procedures for the merging of airborne and satellite data around Greenland. Two different merging techniques, both based on collocation, are investigated in this paper. Collocation offers a way of combining the individual airborne gravity observation with either the residual geoid observations derived from satellite altimetry or with gravity derived from these data using the inverse Stokes method implemented by Fast Fourier Transform (FFT).  相似文献   

In mountainous regions with scarce gravity data, gravimetric geoid determination is a difficult task that needs special attention to obtain reliable results satisfying the demands, e.g., of engineering applications. The present study investigates a procedure for combining a suitable global geopotential model and available terrestrial data in order to obtain a precise regional geoid model for Konya Closed Basin (KCB). The KCB is located in the central part of Turkey, where a very limited amount of terrestrial gravity data is available. Various data sources, such as the Turkish digital elevation model with 3 ?? × 3?? resolution, a recently published satellite-only global geopotential model from the Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment satellite (GRACE) and the ground gravity observations, are combined in the least-squares sense by the modified Stokes?? formula. The new gravimetric geoid model is compared with Global Positioning System (GPS)/levelling at the control points, resulting in the Root Mean Square Error (RMS) differences of ±6.4 cm and 1.7 ppm in the absolute and relative senses, respectively. This regional geoid model appears to be more accurate than the Earth Gravitational Model 2008, which is the best global model over the target area, with the RMS differences of ±8.6 cm and 1.8 ppm in the absolute and relative senses, respectively. These results show that the accuracy of a regional gravimetric model can be augmented by the combination of a global geopotential model and local terrestrial data in mountainous areas even though the quality and resolution of the primary terrestrial data are not satisfactory to the geoid modelling procedure.  相似文献   

海潮对卫星重力场恢复的影响   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
本文讨论了海潮对卫星重力测量的影响问题. 首先介绍了海潮对卫星重力测量影响的基本理论;采用FES02和TPXO6海潮模型计算了海潮负荷对卫星重力结果前60阶的影响;并用两个模型之间的差异作为海潮模型精度的估计量,据此计算了海潮模型误差对卫星重力结果的影响. 与GRACE恢复的重力场精度的比较说明:海潮对重力场40阶以下的影响都超过了目前重力场恢复精度;尽管由于卫星测高技术的发展,海潮模型的精度有了很大的提高,但目前的全球海潮模型用于GRACE重力场恢复的前12阶的改正还是不够精确. 另外,我们也利用中国东海和南海潮汐资料以及FES02海潮模型讨论了中国近海潮汐效应对GRACE观测的影响. 结果说明该影响与海潮模型的误差相当. 这反映了当前海潮模型的不确定度,因此通过结合全球验潮站资料有望提高海潮对卫星重力测量的改正精度.  相似文献   

Regional gravity field modeling with high-precision and high-resolution is one of the most important scientific objectives in geodesy,and can provide fundamental information for geophysics,geodynamics,seismology,and mineral exploration.Rectangular harmonic analysis(RHA)is proposed for regional gravity field modeling in this paper.By solving the Laplace’s equation of gravitational potential in local Cartesian coordinate system,the rectangular harmonic expansions of disturbing potential,gravity anomaly,gravity disturbance,geoid undulation and deflection of the vertical are derived,and so are the formula for signal degree variance and error degree variance of the rectangular harmonic coefficients(RHC).We also present the mathematical model and detailed algorithm for the solution of RHC using RHA from gravity observations.In order to reduce the edge effects caused by periodic continuation in RHA,we propose the strategy of extending the size of computation domain.The RHA-based modeling method is validated by conducting numerical experiments based on simulated ground and airborne gravity data that are generated from geopotential model EGM2008 and contaminated by Gauss white noise with standard deviation of 2 mGal.The accuracy of the 2.5′×2.5′geoid undulations computed from ground and airborne gravity data is 1 and 1.4cm,respectively.The standard error of the gravity disturbances that downward continued from the flight height of 4 km to the geoid is only 3.1 mGal.Numerical results confirm that RHA is able to provide a reliable and accurate regional gravity field model,which may be a new option for the representation of the fine structure of regional gravity field.  相似文献   

Turkish regional geoid models have been developed by employing a reference earth gravitational model, surface gravity observations and digital terrain models. The gravimetric geoid models provide a ready transformation from ellipsoidal heights to the orthometric heights through the use of GPS/leveling geoid heights determined through the national geodetic networks. The recent gravimetric models for Turkish territory were computed depending on OSU91 (TG-91) and EGM96 (TG-03) earth gravitational models. The release of the Earth Gravitational Model 2008 (EGM08), the collection of new surface gravity observations, the advanced satellite altimetry-derived gravity over the sea, and the availability of the high resolution digital terrain model have encouraged us to compute a new geoid model for Turkey. We used the Remove-Restore procedure based on EGM08 and applied Residual Terrain Model (RTM) reduction of the surface gravity data. Fast Fourier Transformation (FFT) was then used to obtain the residual quasigeoid from the reduced gravity. We restored the individual contributions of EGM08 and RTM to the whole quasi-geoid height (TQG-09). Since the Helmert orthometric height system is adopted in Turkey, the quasi-geoid model (TQG-09) was then converted to the geoid model (TG-09) by making use of Bouguer gravity anomalies and digital terrain model. After all we combined a gravimetric geoid model with GPS/leveling geoid heights in order to obtain a hybrid geoid model (THG-09) (or a transformation surface) to be used in GPS applications. The RMS of the post-fit residuals after the combination was found to be ± 0.95 cm, which represents the internal precision of the final combination. And finally, we tested the hybrid geoid model with GPS/leveling data, which were not used in the combination, to assess the external accuracy. Results show that the external accuracy of the THG-09 model is ± 8.4 cm, a precision previously not achieved in Turkey until this study.  相似文献   

本文通过分析陆地实测空间重力异常数据、海洋船载测量空间重力异常数据、卫星测高重力异常,布格重力异常数据、EGM2008地球重力模型数据等多种来源数据的性质和精度,并对相关数据进行对比,研究了编制1:500万中国海陆空间重力异常图的数据使用方案和技术方法.在地形较为平坦、实测数据分布均匀的陆区,使用实测数据,在地形复杂,实测数据稀少以及没有实测数据的陆区或岛屿,利用布格重力异常反推空间异常的方法合成平均空间重力数据,西藏地区的数据对比实验证明合成平均空间重力异常数据是一种有效的数据补充.利用三观测列方差分解法在南海地区对船载测量空间重力数据和美国SS系列及丹麦DNSC08GRA卫星重力数据进行了方差分解计算,结果表明不同来源的卫星测高重力数据具有很大的一致性,数据精度较以往有了很大的提高.海区空间重力数据使用原则是在船载重力测量数据校准下,全面使用卫星测高重力数据进行编图.海陆过渡区的异常处理应以EGM2008地球重力模型重力场为基准参考场,实现海陆异常平缓过渡,无缝连接.对中国海陆空间重力异常场进行了小波变换处理,对空间重力异常场进行了解读,勾画出三横四竖的一级重力梯级带及其所围限的8个一级重力异常区,并划分了二级重力异常区和梯级带,为块体构造学体系中大地构造格架的建立提供了地球物理证据.  相似文献   

We present a geoid model for the area of Lake Vostok, Antarctica, from a combination of local airborne gravity, ice-surface and ice-thickness data and a lake bathymetry model. The topography data are used for residual terrain modeling (RTM) in a remove–restore approach together with GOCE satellite data. The quasigeoid is predicted by least-squares collocation (LSC) and subsequently converted to geoid heights. Special aspects of that method in presence of an ice sheet are discussed.It is well known that a body freely floating in water is in a state of hydrostatic equilibrium (HE). This usually applies, e.g., to ice shelves or sea ice. However, it has been shown that this is valid also for the ice sheet covering the subglacial Lake Vostok. Thus, we demonstrate the use of such a refined regional geoid model for glaciological and geophysical applications by means of the HE surface of that lake. The mean quadratic residual geoid signal (0.56 m) w.r.t. the GOCE background model exceeds the residual variations of the estimated apparent lake level (ALL) (0.26 m) within the central part of the lake. An approach considering the actual geopotential at the ALL has been derived and subsequently applied. In this context, downward continuation of the potential field within the ice sheet as well as the latitudinal tilt of off-geoid equipotential surfaces are discussed. In view of the accuracy of the ice-thickness measurements that dominate the total error budget of the estimated ALL these effects are negligible. Thus, the HE surface of subglacial lakes may safely be described by a constant height bias in small-scale regional applications. However, field continuation is significant with respect to the formal uncertainty of the quasigeoid, which is at the level of 5 cm given that accurate airborne gravity data (±2 mGal) are available.  相似文献   

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