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经典的地震层析成像假定介质为各向同性,通过走时反演确定地球介质的非均匀结构,得到的仅是近似地球模型。如果各向异性较强时,应用基于各向同性假设的层析成像算法,可能导致错误的结果。非均匀与各向异性效应是耦合的,如果仅考虑非均匀效应则各向异性结构可能映射到非均匀结构中造成非均匀速度结构的误差,反之亦然。因此,高分辨率的走时层析成像必须同时考虑非均匀和各向异性两种效应。同时反演非均匀和各向异性结构(即各向异性层析成像),不仅可以获得可靠的各向同性速度结构,同时可以确定各向异性结构。相对于S波偏振分析,体波走时方法基于不同的数据集,能提供独立的地震各向异性观测证据。利用地震走时层析成像方法同时研究介质的非均匀性和各向异性,对于认识地球的结构及动力学过程都具有非常重要的意义。  相似文献   

本文基于弱各向异性(WA)介质的正反演公式和qP波的坐标变换,推导了利用qP波反演任意倾斜对称轴的横向各向同性(TTI)介质的各向异性参数和对称轴方向的公式.理论和数值实验表明,利用2个相互正交的变井源距垂直地震剖面(walkaway VSP)可以完全确定钻井中TTI介质qP波的3个WA参数和对称轴的2个方向参数.我们完成了几个由不同数量剖面组成的walkaway VSP模拟实验,使用TTI模型和一般各向异性模型对模拟数据进行了反演,证明了反演公式的正确性和可靠性.使用这些公式,对来自Java Sea的由3条剖面组成的walkaway VSP观测数据进行了各向异性反演,获得了钻井中接收点处介质的WA参数.  相似文献   

正交各向异性介质P波走时分析及Thomsen参数反演   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:10  
对于包含有垂向裂缝的横向各向同性地层或含有多组正交裂缝的各向同性地层,正交各向异性介质模型是最简单的与实际地层相符的方位各向异性模型.本文对单层水平反射界面正交各向异性模型采用射线追踪法计算了全方位角变化的P波走时,时距曲线表现出强方位各向异性.采用小生境遗传算法,对三条成一定角度的测线的走时信息进行速度和各向异性参数反演.模型算例表明,此方法可以得到高精度的裂缝方位角、P波垂直速度和较高精度的Thomsen各向异性参数.  相似文献   

黄国娇  巴晶  钱卫 《地球物理学报》2020,63(7):2846-2857
微地震监测被广泛应用于非常规油气资源的水力压裂作业、油藏描绘和水驱前缘监测工程中.微地震定位采用的初始速度模型一般是基于地震测井记录和射孔数据建立,该速度模型的不准确性易引起定位误差.为降低这种定位误差,本文发展了一种微地震定位和各向异性速度结构同时反演的方法.研究对象为1-D的层状TI介质,其中对称轴方向任意.利用改进的分区多步最短路径算法计算qP、qSV和qSH波的到达时间和射线路径,结合共轭梯度法求解带约束的阻尼最小二乘问题.数值模拟结果表明,该算法能同时进行各向异性速度结构模型(每层的Thomsen参数和界面深度)和微震震源参数(空间坐标和发震时刻)的反演,并且对随机噪声不敏感,有利于实际工程应用.  相似文献   

李磊  郝重涛 《地球物理学报》2011,54(11):2819-2830
Thomsen提出的横向各向同性(TI)介质各向异性参数(α0、β0、ε、δ、γ)是各向异性理论研究和实际资料处理中的常用参数,Thomsen参数的取值必须符合物理学定律和实际地学情况,随意的取值可能导致无意义乃至错误的结果.本文根据热力学定律和弹性常数的物理意义,结合大量的实测数据,提出常见TI介质的Thomsen参...  相似文献   

基于Born敏感核函数的VTI介质多参数全波形反演   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
本文基于VTI介质拟声波方程,利用散射积分原理,在Born近似下导出了速度与各向异性参数的敏感核函数,同时结合作者前期研究提出的矩阵分解算法实现了一种新的VTI介质多参数全波形反演方法.矩阵分解算法通过对核函数-向量乘进行具有明确物理含义的向量-标量乘分解累加运算实现目标函数一阶方向或二阶方向的直接求取,从而避免了庞大核函数矩阵与Hessian矩阵的存储,该方法同时可以大大降低常规全波形反演在计算二阶方向时的庞大计算量.为了克服不同参数对波场影响程度的不同,本文利用作者前期在VTI介质射线走时层析成像研究中提出的分步反演策略实现了多参数联合全波形反演.理论模型实验表明,本文提出的基于Born敏感核函数的各向异性矩阵分解全波形反演方法可以获得较好的多参数反演结果.  相似文献   

Thomsen各向异性参数的求取对于正确的时深转换和深度域偏移成像处理至关重要。相比其它各向异性参数估算方法,从VSP资料中更容易获取准确的各向异性参数用于地面地震偏移成像。本文分析研究了利用Walkaway VSP资料估算VTI介质Thomsen各向异性参数的方法,该方法基于VTI介质近偏移距动校正公式利用Walkaway VSP近偏移距初至信息求取各向异性参数δ;基于各向异性介质纵波速度Thomsen近似公式采用射线追踪时差扫描方法求取各向异性参数ε。数值模型正演表明利用该方法估算的各向异性参数误差较小。利用塔里木盆地8个方位的Walkaway VSP实际资料求取了该区深度域Thomsen各向异性参数ε和δ值,同时结合地面三维地震资料建立了较为准确的各向异性深度一速度模型用于叠前深度偏移成像,进一步提高了碳酸盐岩储层的成像精度,减小了目标地质体的深度误差。  相似文献   

邵媛媛  郑需要 《地震学报》2014,36(3):390-402
提出了利用人工爆破P波走时反演地壳介质方位各向异性参数的方法. 在假定介质是弱各向异性介质的情况下, 使用扰动理论得到了线性化的反演公式, 其中待反演的弱各向异性参数是P波走时的线性函数. 如果在反演公式中参考走时取相同震中距接收点的P波平均走时, 那么所获得的弱各向异性参数与参考介质速度的选取无关. 反演得到的弱各向异性参数可以看作是不同震中距和不同深度范围内介质的等效弱各向异性参数. 等效弱各向异性参数在一定程度上反映了不同深度范围内水平方向相速度随方位的变化. 这种变化可能是不同时期构造应力作用的结果. 2007年中国地震局在首都圈怀来地区实施了一次大吨位人工爆破实验, 以爆破点为中心, 布设了高密度的地震观测台网和台阵. 台站相对于爆破点具有360°的全方位覆盖, 所得到的地震记录数据为研究怀来、 延庆地区地壳介质P波方位各向异性提供了必要条件. 我们通过走时反演获得了与水平方位相关的弱各向异性参数, 并对弱各向异性参数进行坐标变换, 得到了能够直观描述岩石弱各向异性的具有水平对称轴的横向各向同性介质, 给出了对应的3个独立弱各向异性参数及其对称轴方位, 讨论了介质各向异性与构造应力场的关系. 结果表明该地区地壳介质存在明显的方位各向异性, 其最大值约为4.6%.   相似文献   

地震波走时计算在观测系统设计、偏移成像、速度模型走时反演和地震定位等方面起到重要作用.各向异性广泛存在于地球介质中,影响地震波传播的振幅和走时,忽略各向异性的影响将对成像、反演以及地震定位等造成一定的误差.因此对于高分辨率成像和反演,走时计算中考虑各向异性十分重要.快速扫描法不需要存储和追踪波前面信息,在各向异性初至波...  相似文献   

地壳不同深度介质的地震各向异性是研究地壳不同深度范围变形方式的重要依据.鉴于地壳介质的复杂性,如何从远震体波接收函数中提取不同深度的各向异性参数仍是一个有待深入研究的课题.在已有研究的基础上,本文利用广义反射-透射系数矩阵方法计算的合成地震图,研究了复杂地壳分层各向异性介质的接收函数随反方位角(back azimuth)变化及不同层位各向异性参数对接收函数波场的影响,为各向异性介质接收函数的解释提供了新的理论依据.通过引入粒子群优化理论,发展了分层各向异性介质接收函数全局反演算法.数值及观测数据的验证结果表明,在各向同性速度模型确定的前提下,我们的方法能够可靠地提取地壳分层各向异性参数;在反演中引入曲波变换去噪技术,对于正确解析不同层位的各向异性参数具有重要价值.  相似文献   

起伏地形下的高精度反射波走时层析成像方法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
全球造山带及中国大陆中西部普遍具有强烈起伏的地形条件.复杂地形条件下的地壳结构成像问题像一面旗帜引领了当前矿产资源勘探和地球动力学研究的一个重要方向.深地震测深记录中反射波的有效探测深度可达全地壳乃至上地幔顶部,而初至波通常仅能探测上地壳浅部.为克服和弥补初至波探测深度的不足,本文基于前人对复杂地形条件下初至波成像的已有研究成果,采用数学变换手段将笛卡尔坐标系的不规则模型映射到曲线坐标系的规则模型,并将快速扫描方法与分区多步技术相结合,发展了反射波走时计算和射线追踪的方法.进而利用反射波走时反演,实现起伏地形下高精度的速度结构成像,从而为起伏地形下利用反射波数据高精度重建全地壳速度结构提供了一种全新方案.数值算例从正演计算精度、反演中初始模型依赖性、反演精度、纵横向分辨率以及抗噪性等方面验证了算法的正确性和可靠性.  相似文献   

Common‐midpoint moveout of converted waves is generally asymmetric with respect to zero offset and cannot be described by the traveltime series t2(x2) conventionally used for pure modes. Here, we present concise parametric expressions for both common‐midpoint (CMP) and common‐conversion‐point (CCP) gathers of PS‐waves for arbitrary anisotropic, horizontally layered media above a plane dipping reflector. This analytic representation can be used to model 3D (multi‐azimuth) CMP gathers without time‐consuming two‐point ray tracing and to compute attributes of PS moveout such as the slope of the traveltime surface at zero offset and the coordinates of the moveout minimum. In addition to providing an efficient tool for forward modelling, our formalism helps to carry out joint inversion of P and PS data for transverse isotropy with a vertical symmetry axis (VTI media). If the medium above the reflector is laterally homogeneous, P‐wave reflection moveout cannot constrain the depth scale of the model needed for depth migration. Extending our previous results for a single VTI layer, we show that the interval vertical velocities of the P‐ and S‐waves (VP0 and VS0) and the Thomsen parameters ε and δ can be found from surface data alone by combining P‐wave moveout with the traveltimes of the converted PS(PSV)‐wave. If the data are acquired only on the dip line (i.e. in 2D), stable parameter estimation requires including the moveout of P‐ and PS‐waves from both a horizontal and a dipping interface. At the first stage of the velocity‐analysis procedure, we build an initial anisotropic model by applying a layer‐stripping algorithm to CMP moveout of P‐ and PS‐waves. To overcome the distorting influence of conversion‐point dispersal on CMP gathers, the interval VTI parameters are refined by collecting the PS data into CCP gathers and repeating the inversion. For 3D surveys with a sufficiently wide range of source–receiver azimuths, it is possible to estimate all four relevant parameters (VP0, VS0, ε and δ) using reflections from a single mildly dipping interface. In this case, the P‐wave NMO ellipse determined by 3D (azimuthal) velocity analysis is combined with azimuthally dependent traveltimes of the PS‐wave. On the whole, the joint inversion of P and PS data yields a VTI model suitable for depth migration of P‐waves, as well as processing (e.g. transformation to zero offset) of converted waves.  相似文献   

I introduce a new explicit form of vertical seismic profile (VSP) traveltime approximation for a 2D model with non‐horizontal boundaries and anisotropic layers. The goal of the new approximation is to dramatically decrease the cost of time calculations by reducing the number of calculated rays in a complex multi‐layered anisotropic model for VSP walkaway data with many sources. This traveltime approximation extends the generalized moveout approximation proposed by Fomel and Stovas. The new equation is designed for borehole seismic geometry where the receivers are placed in a well while the sources are on the surface. For this, the time‐offset function is presented as a sum of odd and even functions. Coefficients in this approximation are determined by calculating the traveltime and its first‐ and second‐order derivatives at five specific rays. Once these coefficients are determined, the traveltimes at other rays are calculated by this approximation. Testing this new approximation on a 2D anisotropic model with dipping boundaries shows its very high accuracy for offsets three times the reflector depths. The new approximation can be used for 2D anisotropic models with tilted symmetry axes for practical VSP geometry calculations. The new explicit approximation eliminates the need of massive ray tracing in a complicated velocity model for multi‐source VSP surveys. This method is designed not for NMO correction but for replacing conventional ray tracing for time calculations.  相似文献   

Seismic amplitude variation with offset and azimuth (AVOaz) inversion is well known as a popular and pragmatic tool utilized to estimate fracture parameters. A single set of vertical fractures aligned along a preferred horizontal direction embedded in a horizontally layered medium can be considered as an effective long-wavelength orthorhombic medium. Estimation of Thomsen’s weak-anisotropy (WA) parameters and fracture weaknesses plays an important role in characterizing the orthorhombic anisotropy in a weakly anisotropic medium. Our goal is to demonstrate an orthorhombic anisotropic AVOaz inversion approach to describe the orthorhombic anisotropy utilizing the observable wide-azimuth seismic reflection data in a fractured reservoir with the assumption of orthorhombic symmetry. Combining Thomsen’s WA theory and linear-slip model, we first derive a perturbation in stiffness matrix of a weakly anisotropic medium with orthorhombic symmetry under the assumption of small WA parameters and fracture weaknesses. Using the perturbation matrix and scattering function, we then derive an expression for linearized PP-wave reflection coefficient in terms of P- and S-wave moduli, density, Thomsen’s WA parameters, and fracture weaknesses in such an orthorhombic medium, which avoids the complicated nonlinear relationship between the orthorhombic anisotropy and azimuthal seismic reflection data. Incorporating azimuthal seismic data and Bayesian inversion theory, the maximum a posteriori solutions of Thomsen’s WA parameters and fracture weaknesses in a weakly anisotropic medium with orthorhombic symmetry are reasonably estimated with the constraints of Cauchy a priori probability distribution and smooth initial models of model parameters to enhance the inversion resolution and the nonlinear iteratively reweighted least squares strategy. The synthetic examples containing a moderate noise demonstrate the feasibility of the derived orthorhombic anisotropic AVOaz inversion method, and the real data illustrate the inversion stabilities of orthorhombic anisotropy in a fractured reservoir.  相似文献   

We develop a methodology to obtain a consistent velocity model from calibration shots or microseismicity observed on a buried array. Using a layered 1D isotropic model derived from checkshots as an initial velocity model, we invert P‐wave arrival times to obtain effective anisotropic parameters with a vertical axis of symmetry (VTI). The nonlinear inversion uses iteration between linearized inversion for anisotropic parameters and origin times or depths, which is specific to microseismic monitoring. We apply this technique to multiple microseismic events from several treatments within a buried array. The joint inversion of selected events shows a largely reduced RMS error indicating that we can obtain robust estimates of anisotropic parameters, however we do not show improved source locations. For joint inversion of multiple microseismic events we obtained Thomsen anisotropic parameters ε of 0.15 and δ of 0.05, which are consistent with values observed in active seismic surveys. These values allow us to locate microseismic events from multiple hydraulic fracture treatments separated across thousands of metres with a single velocity model. As a result, we invert the effective anisotropy for the buried array region and are able to provide a more consistent microseismicity mapping for past and future hydraulic fracture stimulations.  相似文献   

The design of reflection traveltime approximations for optimal stacking and inversion has always been a subject of much interest in seismic processing. A most prominent role is played by quadratic normal moveouts, namely reflection traveltimes around zero-offset computed as second-order Taylor expansions in midpoint and offset coordinates. Quadratic normal moveouts are best employed to model symmetric reflections, for which the ray code in the downgoing direction coincides with the ray code in the upgoing direction in reverse order. Besides pure (non-converted) primaries, many multiply reflected and converted waves give rise to symmetric reflections. We show that the quadratic normal moveout of a symmetric reflection admits a natural decomposition into a midpoint term and an offset term. These, in turn, can be be formulated as the traveltimes of the one-way normal (N) and normal-incidence-point (NIP) waves, respectively. With the help of this decomposition, which is valid for propagation in isotropic and anisotropic elastic media, we are able to derive, in a simple and didactic way, a unified expression for the quadratic normal moveout of a symmetric reflection in its most general form in 3D. The obtained expression allows for a direct interpretation of its various terms and fully encompasses the effects of velocity gradients and Earth surface topography.  相似文献   

A new algorithm for tomographic inversion of traveltimes of reflected and refracted seismic waves is developed. The inversion gives interface configurations and velocity distributions in layers. The important features of the algorithm are: (a) the inclusion of shot time delays in the list of unknown parameters; (b) the regularization is applied in such a way that the most probable model is characterized by the similarity of neighbouring interfaces. As the problem under consideration is non-linear, several iterations are necessary in order to obtain the final model. In the case of a very inexact initial model, a 'layer-by-layer' inversion strategy is recommended as a first inversion step. The inversion program is supplied with a user interface, thanks to which one can: (a) pick interactively and identify seismic traveltimes; (b) build and edit depth/velocity models; and (c) display calculated traveltime curves and compare them with picked traveltimes as well as with the original seismic sections. The efficiency of the inversion software developed is illustrated by a numerical example and a field example in which shallow seismic data are considered. Application to wide-aperture reflection/refraction profiling (WARRP) data is also possible.  相似文献   

This paper presents a traveltime inversion approach, using the reflection traveltimes from offset VSP data, to reconstruct the horizontal and vertical velocities for stratified anisotropic media. The inverse problem is reduced to a set of linear equations, and solved by the singular value decomposition (SVD) technique. The validity of this inversion scheme is verified using two sets of synthetic data simulated using a finite‐difference method, one for an isotropic model and the other for an elliptically anisotropic model. The inversion result demonstrates that our anisotropic velocity inversion scheme may be applied to both isotropic and anisotropic media. The method is finally applied to a real offset VSP data set, acquired in an oilfield in northwestern China.  相似文献   

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