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A widely accepted model for the origin of the Earth and Moon has been a somewhat specific giant impact scenario involving an impactor to proto-Earth mass ratio of 3:7, occurring 50-60 Ma after T0, when the Earth was only half-accreted, with the majority of Earth's water then accreted after the main stage of growth, perhaps from comets. There have been many changes to this specific scenario, due to advances in isotopic and trace element geochemistry, more detailed, improved, and realistic giant impact and terrestrial planet accretion modeling, and consideration of terrestrial water sources other than high D/H comets. The current scenario is that the Earth accreted faster and differentiated quickly, the Moon-forming impact could have been mid- to late in the accretion process, and water may have been present during accretion. These new developments have broadened the range of conditions required to make an Earth-Moon system, and suggests there may be many new fruitful avenues of research. There are also some classic and unresolved problems such as the significance of the identical O isotopic composition of the Earth and Moon, the depletion of volatiles on the lunar mantle relative to Earth's, the relative contribution of the impactor and proto-Earth to the Moon's mass, and the timing of Earth's possible atmospheric loss relative to the giant impact.  相似文献   

The Moon: A Taylor perspective   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We address several current lunar problems. The data suggest that the Moon likely possesses an Fe-rich metallic core a few percent of lunar volume, although definitive proof is lacking. Refractory elements appear to be enriched relative both to the composition of the primordial solar nebula (CI) and the Earth. Very volatile elements appear to be depleted uniformly at high levels. We adopt the single-impact hypothesis for lunar origin, which formed a high-temperature silicate vapor disk, mostly of metal-poor silicate material from an impactor (Theia) that was already depleted in volatiles. We speculate that the curious lunar bulk-composition resulted from condensation from high-temperature vapor at around a few Earth radii. This could produce an enriched refractory-element composition that cut off below 1000 K, producing a uniform depletion in very volatile elements.  相似文献   

The discrepancy between the impact records on the Earth and Moon in the time period, 4.0-3.5 Ga calls for a re-evaluation of the cause and localization of the late lunar bombardment. As one possible explanation, we propose that the time coverage in the ancient rock record is sufficiently fragmentary, so that the effects of giant, sterilizing impacts throughout the inner solar system, caused by marauding asteroids, could have escaped detection in terrestrial and Martian records. Alternatively, the lunar impact record may reflect collisions of the receding Moon with a series of small, original satellites of the Earth and their debris in the time period about 4.0-3.5 Ga. The effects on Earth of such encounters could have been comparatively small. The location of these tellurian moonlets has been estimated to have been in the region around 40 Earth radii. Calculations presented here, indicate that this is the region that the Moon would traverse at 4.0-3.5 Ga, when the heavy and declining lunar bombardment took place. The ultimate time limit for the emergence of life on Earth is determined by the effects of planetary accretion--existing models offer a variety of scenarios, ranging from low average surface temperature at slow accretion of the mantle, to complete melting of the planet followed by protracted cooling. The choice of accretion model affects the habitability of the planet by dictating the early evolution of the atmosphere and hydrosphere. Further exploration of the sedimentary record on Earth and Mars, and of the chemical composition of impact-generated ejecta on the Moon, may determine the choice between the different interpretations of the late lunar bombardment and cast additional light on the time and conditions for the emergence of life.  相似文献   

月球的化学演化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
月球是一个发生了化学分异的星球,它由月壳、月幔±一个小的金属月核组成。大量观察事实显示月球曾经有过岩浆洋,岩浆洋的结晶分异主导了月球的化学演化。目前主流观点认为,月球是在太阳系演化的早期,至少45亿年前,一个火星大小的星球,与即将完成原始吸积的地球胚胎发生偏心撞击,造成地球的熔融,形成岩浆洋,飞溅出来的物质迅速吸积形成绕地球运动的月球,并且在月球上形成了全球规模的岩浆洋,进而发生了结晶分异。,由于月球上没有海洋和板块俯冲,岩浆洋分异是其化学演化的主要途径。月球岩浆洋的80%~85%在大撞击后的100Ma内已经固化,这可能是由于月球体积小、表面没有大气包裹所致。月球极贫水,因此在岩浆结晶过程中斜长石首先结晶。斜长石由于密度小于玄武质岩浆而漂浮在岩浆洋的表层,橄榄石等密度大的矿物则堆积在岩浆洋的底部。随着结晶分异的进行,残余岩浆不断富集不相容元素,包括K、U等放射性元素;与此同时,密度较大的钛铁矿开始结晶,造成高钛堆晶岩密度大于其下的橄榄石堆晶岩的不稳定结构,进而发生月幔翻转,引发一系列岩浆活动,进而形成月球上特有的镁质系列、碱质系列等岩石。由于月球氧逸度较低,Eu主要以+2价形式存在,因此斜长石高度富集Eu,相应地除高地斜长岩外,其他岩石均表现为Eu高度亏损的特点。与此同时,Re在低氧逸度下表现为强亲铁元素的特点,Re/Os在月球岩浆过程中不发生分异。月球的体积远小于地球,因而其演化时间远远短于地球,很多原始的分异被完整地保留下来。因此月球的化学演化是类地行星早期演化过程的“化石”,尽管与现代的地球存在较大差异,但是对于认识地球早期演化具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Aubrites are achondritic meteorites (enstatite pyroxenites) that were formed in highly reduced magmatic environments on a differentiated parent body sharing a common oxygen isotope reservoir with enstatite chondrites (EC), Earth and Moon, and could be considered as a geochemical model of the early proto-Earth. Some pyroxenes of the Pesyanoe aubrite have high abundance of gaseous inclusions, captured during the crystallization of the rocks. Investigation of the inclusions by IR spectroscopy reveals presence of OH groups and C–H bonds. The former are assigned to protonated point defects in enstatite lattice and the latter to compounds occupying void walls. Molecular water and CO2 were not observed. Volatile components released from the samples of the Pesyanoe enstatite by stepwise crushing and heating are composed of CO2, H2O and a non-condensable phase. Hydrogen isotopic composition of volatiles extracted in form of molecular water in Px-separates varies in the range δD = −61 – −84‰ with mean value of δD = −73 ± 16‰ VSMOW and is within the ranges of ECs and Earth’s mantle. The total abundance of H2 in the pyroxene of Pesyanoe were estimated as at least 0.047 ppm that is too low in comparison with that of enstatite chondrites (≥30 ppm H2) and could indicate nearly complete degassing of the Pesyanoe primitive precursor material during the Pesyanoe parent body accretion or a mantle degassing in igneous differentiation process. In a last case a primitive precursor could have D/H ratio different from that of enstatite chondrites.  相似文献   

Composition of terrestrial planets records planetary accretion, core–mantle and crust–mantle differentiation, and surface processes. Here we compare the compositional models of Earth and Mars to reveal their characteristics and formation processes. Earth and Mars are equally enriched in refractory elements (1.9 × CI), although Earth is more volatile-depleted and less oxidized than Mars. Their chemical compositions were established by nebular fractionation, with negligible contributions from post-accretionary losses of moderately volatile elements. The degree of planetary volatile element depletion might correlate with the abundances of chondrules in the accreted materials, planetary size, and their accretion timescale, which provides insights into composition and origin of Mercury, Venus, the Moon-forming giant impactor, and the proto-Earth. During its formation before and after the nebular disk's lifetime, the Earth likely accreted more chondrules and less matrix-like materials than Mars and chondritic asteroids, establishing its marked volatile depletion. A giant impact of an oxidized, differentiated Mars-like (i.e., composition and mass) body into a volatile-depleted, reduced proto-Earth produced a Moon-forming debris ring with mostly a proto-Earth's mantle composition. Chalcophile and some siderophile elements in the silicate Earth added by the Mars-like impactor were extracted into the core by a sulfide melt (∼0.5% of the mass of the Earth's mantle). In contrast, the composition of Mars indicates its rapid accretion of lesser amounts of chondrules under nearly uniform oxidizing conditions. Mars’ rapid cooling and early loss of its dynamo likely led to the absence of plate tectonics and surface water, and the present-day low surface heat flux. These similarities and differences between the Earth and Mars made the former habitable and the other inhospitable to uninhabitable.  相似文献   

奚镜伦  陈建平 《江苏地质》2018,42(3):481-494
地球和月球很可能是通过大撞击形成的。在行星地质学中,研究月球的地质-构造现象,对了解月球、地球乃至太阳系的形成与演化历史都有很大帮助。月球的构造分为深部构造与月表构造,寻找它们在分布或成因上的关系,可以为月球甚至地月系的起源和演化历史提供重要参考。利用LROC的宽视角影像数据以及LOLA数据提取解译月表构造,结合深大断裂进行观察分析,并对月球的撞击盆地进行统计,最后以静海地区为例分析构造分布特征,发现月球的质量瘤盆地中具有环状分布的月岭,外侧具有近环状分布的深大断裂,自前酒海纪至酒海纪,具备上述特征的质量瘤盆地占总撞击盆地的比例突然有一个很大的提升,且静海地区西部具有该构造分布特征。推测该特征与撞击、月海沉降等有关,且在酒海纪与雨海纪期间月球有较多的月海玄武岩分布,由此判断静海西部存在质量瘤,发生过撞击与月海沉降。  相似文献   

《Geochimica et cosmochimica acta》1999,63(13-14):2105-2122
We present new bulk compositional data for 6 martian meteorites, including highly siderophile elements Ni, Re, Os, Ir and Au. These and literature data are utilized for comparison versus the siderophile systematics of igneous rocks from Earth, the Moon, and the HED asteroid. The siderophile composition of ALH84001 is clearly anomalous. Whether this reflects a more reducing environment on primordial Mars when this ancient rock first crystallized, or secondary alteration, is unclear. QUE94201 shows remarkable similarity with EET79001-B for siderophile as well as lithophile elements; both are extraordinarily depleted in the “noblest” siderophiles (Os and Ir), to roughly 0.00001 × CI chondrites. As in terrestrial igneous rocks, among martian rocks Ni, Os and Ir show strong correlations vs. MgO. In the case of MgO vs. Ni, the martian trend is displaced toward lower Ni by a large factor (5), but the Os and Ir trends are not significantly displaced from their terrestrial counterparts. For Mars, Re shows a rough correlation with MgO, indicating compatible behavior, in contrast to its mildly incompatible behavior on Earth. Among martian MgO-rich rocks, Au shows a weak anticorrelation vs. MgO, resembling the terrestrial distribution except for a displacement toward 2–3 times lower Au. The same elements (Ni, Re, Os, Ir and Au) show similar correlations with Cr substituted for MgO. Data for lunar and HED rocks generally show less clear-cut trends (relatively few MgO-rich samples are available). These trends are exploited to infer the compositions of the primitive Earth, Mars, Moon and HED mantles, by assuming that the trend intercepts the bulk MgO or Cr content of the primitive mantle at the approximate primitive mantle concentration of the siderophile element. Results for Earth show good agreement with earlier estimates. For Mars, the implied primitive mantle composition is remarkably similar to the Earth’s, except for 5 times lower Ni. The best constrained of the extremely siderophile elements, Os and Ir, are present in the martian mantle at 0.005 times CI, in comparison to 0.007 times CI in Earth’s mantle. This similarity constitutes a key constraint on the style of core-mantle differentiation in both Mars and Earth. Successful models should predict similarly high concentrations of noble siderophile elements in both the martian and terrestrial mantles (“high” compared to the lunar and HED mantles, and to models of simple partitioning at typical low-pressure magmatic temperatures), but only predict high Ni for the Earth’s mantle. Models that engender the noble siderophile excess in Earth’s mantle through a uniquely terrestrial process, such as a Moon-forming giant impact, have difficulty explaining the similarity of outcome (except for Ni) on Mars. The high Ni content of the terrestrial mantle is probably an effect traceable to Earth’s size. For the more highly siderophile elements like Os and Ir, the simplest model consistent with available constraints is the veneer hypothesis. Core-mantle differentiation was notably inefficient on the largest terrestrial planets, because during the final ∼ 1% of accretion these bodies acquired sufficient H2O to oxidize most of the later-accreting Fe-metal, thus eliminating the carrier phase for segregation of siderophile elements into the core.  相似文献   

月球形成和演化的关键科学问题   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
林杨挺 《地球化学》2010,39(1):1-10
我国正开展月球探测和科学研究,其成果将加深认识月球的组成、结构以及形成和演化,同时揭示地球的早期历史。通过对月球研究成果的总结,就月球形成和演化关键科学问题的现状作了较为详细的说明,从而为我国月球探测和科学研究提供有益的启示。主要的关键科学问题包括:地球一月球体系的大撞击成因、月球岩浆洋与月壳形成、39亿年大撞击事件、玄武岩浆喷发与月球内部结构和月球南极艾特肯(Aitken)撞击盆地的形成等。  相似文献   

The Moon     
Recent geochemical and geophysical data from the Moon enable a revision of earlier interpretations regarding lunar origin, structure and bulk composition. Earth and Moon show many similarities among their isotopic compositions, but they have evolved in totally dissimilar ways, probably related to the deficiency of water and volatile elements in the Moon as well as the vast differences in size and internal pressure. Some global geochemical differences from the Earth such as volatile depletion based on K/U ratios have been established. However, all current lunar samples come from differentiated regions, making the establishment of a bulk composition more reliant on bulk geophysical properties or isotopic similarities; it remains unclear how the latter arose or relate to whole Moon composition. The lack of fractionation effects among the refractory and super-refractory elements indicates that the proto-lunar material seems unlikely to have been vaporized while the presence of volatile elements may place lower limits on proto-lunar temperatures. The apparent lack of geochemical evidence of an impacting body enables other possible impactors, such as comets, to be considered. Although the origin of the Moon remains currently unknown, it is generally believed that the Moon originated as the result of a giant impact on the Earth.  相似文献   

Samples returned from the surface of planetary bodies are both complementary to orbital and in situ observations and provide a unique perspective for understanding the nature and evolution of that body. This unique perspective is based on the scale the sample is viewed (mm-Å), the ability to manipulate the sample, the capability to analyze the sample at high precision and accuracy, and the ability to significantly modify experiments as logic and technology dictates over an extended period of time (decades). Unlike the Apollo missions, robotic sample return missions in the next decade will result in the return of relatively small sample mass. Such robotically returned samples are scientifically more valuable if they can be placed within a planetary context through orbital observations and if information concerning planetary-scale processes and conditions can be extracted from them. Conversely, samples give remotely sensed data ground truth. That is, they act as a “calibration standard” for these data allowing a much enhanced global view to be constructed.The Moon is an example that illustrates how information can be extracted from small samples and then extended to planetary and solar system scales. Three examples from the Moon illustrate this point. First, multi-analytical and experimental studies of minute (10-500 μm) glass beads representing near-primary magmas provide constraints on the composition and condition of the lunar mantle, the style of early planetary differentiation, the history and character of early mantle dynamics and melting, and the isolation of the lunar mantle from late-stages of lunar accretion. Second, trace element analysis of individual mineral grains via ion microprobe and isotopic analysis of small rock fragments representing some of the oldest and youngest periods of lunar magmatism illustrate their usefulness for both fingerprinting distinct episodes of lunar magmatism and reconstructing the evolution of lunar magmatism. Third, mechanisms for primitive planetary mantles degassing and volatile transport on airless bodies can be understood by the analysis of volatile coatings on glass and mineral fragments in the lunar regolith.As many of our insights about the Moon are based on samples that primarily were collected within a limited lunar terrain, our understanding of the Moon is somewhat biased. Future scientifically strategic sampling targets are young mare basalts (Roris basalt in Oceanus Procellarum), far-side mare basalts (Mare Moscoviense), large pyroclastic deposits and potential mantle xenoliths (Aristarchus plateau, Rima Bode) major unsampled crustal lithologies outside the Procellarum KREEP terrane (central peak in Tsiolkovsky crater, South-pole Aitken basin), basin and crater melt sheets (South-pole Aitken basin, Giordano Bruno) and H deposits in permanently shaded areas (South-pole Aitken basin). Sampling these locations would further our understanding of processes at work during the early evolution of the terrestrial planets, provide a comprehensive history of endogenous (e.g., primary volcanic degassing) and exogenous (e.g., solar wind, galactic cosmic rays, volatiles from comets) volatile reservoirs and volatile transport and would provide unique historical information about events and processes that affected the entire inner solar system, a record obscured on the Earth and Mars.  相似文献   

The paper is focused on the evolution of the Earth starting with the planetary accretion and differentiation of the primordial material (similar in composition to CI chondrites) into the core and mantle and the formation of the Moon as a result of the impact of the Earth with a smaller cosmic body. The features of the Hadean eon (ca. 4500–4000 Ma) are described in detail. Frequent meteorite-asteroid bombardments which the Earth experienced in the Hadean could have caused the generation of mafic/ultramafic primary magmas. These magmas also differentiated to produce some granitic magmas, from which zircons crystallized. The repeated meteorite bombardments destroyed the protocrust, which submerged into the mantle to remelt, leaving refractory zircons, indicators of the Early Earth’s geologic conditions, behind.The mantle convection that started in the Archean could possibly be responsible for the Earth’s subsequent endogenous evolution. Long-living deep-seated mantle plumes could have promoted the generation of basalt-komatiitic crust, which, thickening, could have submerged into the mantle as a result of sagduction, where it remelted. Partial melting of the thick crust, leaving eclogite as a residue, could have yielded tonalite-trondhjemite-granodiorite (TTG) melts. TTG rocks are believed to compose the Earth’s protocrust. Banded iron bodies, the only mineral deposits of that time, were produced in the oceans that covered the Earth.This environment, recognized as LID tectonics combined with plume tectonics, probably existed on the Earth prior to the transitional period, which was marked by a series of new geologic processes and led to a modern-style tectonics, involving plate tectonics and plume tectonics mechanisms, by 2 Ga. The transitional period was likely to be initiated at about 3.4 Ga, with the segregation of outer and inner cores, which terminated by 3.1 Ga. Other rocks series (calc-alkaline volcanic and intrusive) rather than TTGs were produced at that time. Beginning from 3.4-3.3 Ga, mineral deposits became more diverse; noble and siderophile metal occurrences were predominant among ore deposits. Carbonatites, hosting rare-metal mineralization, could have formed only by 2.0 Ga. From 3.1 to 2.7 Ga, there was a period of “small-plate” tectonics and first subduction and spreading processes, which resulted in the first supercontinent by 2.7 Ga. Its amalgamation indicates the start of superplume-supercontinent cycles.Between 2.7 and 2.0 Ga, the D″ layer formed at the core-mantle interface. It became a kind of thermal regulator for the ascending already tholeiitic mantle plume magmas. All deep-seated layers of the Earth and large low-velocity shear provinces, called mantle hot fields, partially melted enriched EM-I and EM-II mantles, and the depleted recent asthenosphere mantle, which is parental for midocean-ridge basalts, were finally generated by 2 Ga. Therefore, an interaction of all Earth’s layers began from that time.  相似文献   

The Moon is generally depleted in volatile elements and this depletion extends to the surface where the most abundant mineral, anorthite, features <6 ppm H2O. Presumably the other nominally anhydrous minerals that dominate the mineral composition of the global surface—olivine and pyroxene—are similarly depleted in water and other volatiles. Thus the Moon is tabula rasa for the study of volatiles introduced in the wake of its origin. Since the formation of the last major basin (Orientale), volatiles from the solar wind, from impactors of all sizes, and from volatiles expelled from the interior during volcanic eruptions have all interacted with the lunar surface, leaving a volatile record that can be used to understand the processes that enable processing, transport, sequestration, and loss of volatiles from the lunar system. Recent discoveries have shown the lunar system to be complex, featuring emerging recognition of chemistry unanticipated from the Apollo era, confounding issues regarding transport of volatiles to the lunar poles, the role of the lunar regolith as a sink for volatiles, and the potential for active volatile dynamics in the polar cold traps. While much has been learned since the overturn of the “Moon is dry” paradigm by innovative sample and spacecraft measurements, the data point to a more complex lunar volatile environment than is currently perceived.  相似文献   

The broad differences between the Moon and Earth surface elements are treated, and that many of the lunar features are yet un-named as a result of lack of similar earth features. It is emphasized that continued lunar studies will have a direct bearing on the better understanding of the origin and development of the earth as well as other planetary masses.  相似文献   

J.L. Whitford-Stark 《Earth》1982,18(2):109-168
The products of volcanism on the Earth and Moon differ widely in terms of morphology, distribution, composition, and age. These differences result partly from the different thermal histories of the two bodies and partly through the different controls on volcanic eruption conditions. The controls of volcanism are here separated into three groups: (1) controls which remain constant on any one body but which differ from planet to planet: (2) parameters that are controlled by the rheology of the magma: and (3) controls which are intrinsic properties of individual eruptions and are themselves dependent upon the planetary and rheological variables. In terms of planetary variables it can be predicted that lunar volcanic morphologies are influenced by greater tephra range, hemispherical eruption clouds, lesser lithostatic pressures at corresponding depths, slower cooling, slower erosion, lesser horizontal stress differences, and no features typical of hydrosphere-magma interaction. In terms of rheology, the lunar eruptions had different rock and gas compositions, low yield strengths and viscosities, and high densities. Many lunar basalts appear to have been produced at high eruption rates, to have been derived from monogenetic volcanoes, and to have flowed in a turbulent manner.The weight of available data points to the vast majority of lunar craters being of impact origin though some dark halo craters, sinuous rille source craters, rimless pits, and craters atop domes and cones are undoubtedly of volcanic origin. Other impact craters appear to have been modified by volcanic events. Included within this latter group are the floor-fractured craters and the mare basins.Studies of volcanic morphologies on bodies other than the Earth may help isolate the effectiveness of those controls of volcanism which remain constant on any one body. Although volcanology has advanced substantially within the last few decades, much more detailed integrated scientific research is required before we are able to predict confidently the environmental hazards that result from volcanism and to understand the role of volcanism in planetary evolution.  相似文献   

The Moon likely accreted from melt and vapor ejected during a cataclysmic collision between Proto-Earth and a Mars-sized impactor very early in solar system history. The identical W, O, K, and Cr isotope compositions between materials from the Earth and Moon require that the material from the two bodies were well-homogenized during the collision process. As such, the ancient isotopic signatures preserved in lunar samples provide constraints on the bulk composition of the Earth. Two recent studies to obtain high-precision 142Nd/144Nd ratios of lunar mare basalts yielded contrasting results. In one study, after correction of neutron fluence effects imparted to the Nd isotope compositions of the samples, the coupled 142Nd-143Nd systematics were interpreted to be consistent with a bulk Moon having a chondritic Sm/Nd ratio [Rankenburg K., Brandon A. D. and Neal C. R. (2006) Neodymium isotope evidence for a chondritic composition of the Moon. Science312, 1369-1372]. The other study found that their data on the same and similar lunar mare basalts were consistent with a bulk Moon having a superchondritic Sm/Nd ratio [Boyet M. and Carlson R. W. (2007) A highly depleted Moon or a non-magma origin for the lunar crust? Earth Planet. Sci. Lett.262, 505-516]. Delineating between these two potential scenarios has key ramifications for a comprehensive understanding of the formation and early evolution of the Moon and for constraining the types of materials available for accretion into large terrestrial planets such as Earth.To further examine this issue, the same six lunar mare basalt samples measured in Rankenburg et al. [Rankenburg K., Brandon A. D. and Neal C. R. (2006) Neodymium isotope evidence for a chondritic composition of the Moon. Science312, 1369-1372] were re-measured for high-precision Nd isotopes using a multidynamic routine with reproducible internal and external precisions to better than ±3 ppm (2σ) for 142Nd/144Nd ratios. The measurements were repeated in a distinct second analytical campaign to further test their reproducibility. Evaluation of accuracy and neutron fluence corrections indicates that the multidynamic Nd isotope measurements in this study and the 3 in Boyet and Carlson [Boyet M. and Carlson R. W. (2007) A highly depleted Moon or a non-magma origin for the lunar crust? Earth Planet. Sci. Lett.262, 505-516] are reproducible, while static measurements in the previous two studies show analytical artifacts and cannot be used at the resolution of 10 ppm to determine a bulk Moon with either chondritic or superchondritic Sm/Nd ratios. The multidynamic data are best explained by a bulk Moon with a superchondritic Sm/Nd ratio that is similar to the present-day average for depleted MORB. Hafnium isotope data were collected on the same aliquots measured for their 142Nd/144Nd isotope ratios in order to assess if the correlation line for 142Nd-143Nd systematics reflect mixing processes or times at which lunar mantle sources formed. Based on the combined 142Nd-143Nd-176Hf obtained we conclude that the 142Nd-143Nd correlation line measured in this study is best interpreted as an isochron with an age of 229+24−20Ma after the onset of nebular condensation. The uncertainties in the data permit the sources of these samples to have formed over a 44 Ma time interval. These new results for lunar mare basalts are thus consistent with a later Sm-Nd isotope closure time of their source regions than some recent studies have postulated, and a superchondritic bulk Sm/Nd ratio of the Moon and Earth. The superchondritic Sm/Nd signature was inherited from the materials that accreted to make up the Earth-Moon system. Although collisional erosion of crust from planetesimals is favored here to remove subchondritic Sm/Nd portions and drive the bulk of these bodies to superchondritic in composition, removal of explosive basalt material via gravitational escape from such bodies, or chondrule sorting in the inner solar system, may also explain the compositional features that deviate from average chondrites that make up the Earth-Moon system. This inferred superchondritic nature for the Earth similar to the modern convecting mantle means that there is no reason to invoke a missing, subchondritic reservoir to mass balance the Earth back to chondritic for Sm/Nd ratios. However, to account for the subchondritic Sm/Nd ratios of continental crust, a second superchondritic Sm/Nd mantle reservoir is required.  相似文献   

杨宏伟  赵文津  吴珍汉 《地质学报》2016,90(9):2206-2218
一直以来月球上都没有发现像地球上一样的全球板块构造现象,被认为是属于单板块构造的行星体并且是不活动的。随着月球地形探测精度的提高,人们逐渐发现了一些地质现象表明月球并不像之前想象的一样是不活动的。高精度的月形数据显示出了月球上除了存在众所周知的(撞击作用产生的)复杂的撞击构造外,仍然存在许多可能由内生作用产生的构造特征:如裂谷、山脊、火山群等。本文利用最新高精度月球激光高度数据(LOLA数据)建立了全月60m(相当于7秒网格)高精度月形图。由于数据量超大(TB级别),作者编写了基于并行架构的集群计算处理代码,其计算效率提高了近300倍。基于这些图件,作者在全球范围内找出许多重要的构造现象,并根据其构造及地质特征进行分类研究。研究结果表明并不像之前认识一样,月球上的确存在许多地质构造体是由月球的内生地质作用所产生,并建立对于月球结构和构造的新认识。此外,通过对比发现,像地球上全球尺度的线性山脉只是板块构造运动的结果;另一方面,在无板块构造的行星上,就像月球一样,会产生大面积的高地(月陆)和低地(月海地区),这种地质现象很有可能是行星地壳岩浆演化的直接结果。在文章最后,作者还将制作出的60m分辨率的全月月形系列图件附后并公开,以方便其他科研人员进一步开展相关研究;并以此敬献中国地质科学院60周年庆典。  相似文献   

Zircon grains were separated from lunar regolith and rocks returned from four Apollo landing sites, and analyzed in situ by secondary ion mass spectrometry. Many regolith zircons preserve magmatic δ18O and trace element compositions and, although out of petrologic context, represent a relatively unexplored resource for study of the Moon and possibly other bodies in the solar system. The combination of oxygen isotope ratios and [Ti] provides a unique geochemical signature that identifies zircons from the Moon. The oxygen isotope ratios of lunar zircons are remarkably constant and unexpectedly higher in δ18O (5.61 ± 0.07 ‰ VSMOW) than zircons from Earth’s oceanic crust (5.20 ± 0.03 ‰) even though mare basalt whole-rock samples are nearly the same in δ18O as oceanic basalts on Earth (~5.6 ‰). Thus, the average fractionation of oxygen isotopes between primitive basalt and zircon is smaller on the Moon [Δ18O(WR-Zrc) = 0.08 ± 0.09 ‰] than on Earth (0.37 ± 0.04 ‰). The smaller fractionations on the Moon suggest higher temperatures of zircon crystallization in lunar magmas and are consistent with higher [Ti] in lunar zircons. Phase equilibria estimates also indicate high temperatures for lunar magmas, but not specifically for evolved zircon-forming melts. If the solidus temperature of a given magma is a function of its water content, then so is the crystallization temperature of any zircon forming in that melt. The systematic nature of O and Ti data for lunar zircons suggests a model based on the following observations. Many of the analyzed lunar zircons are likely from K, rare earth elements, P (KREEP)-Zr-rich magmas. Zircon does not saturate in normal mafic magmas; igneous zircons in mafic rocks are typically late and formed in the last most evolved portion of melts. Even if initial bulk water content is moderately low, the late zircon-forming melt can concentrate water locally. In general, water lowers crystallization temperatures, in which case late igneous zircon can form at significantly lower temperatures than the solidus inferred for a bulk-rock composition. Although lunar basalts could readily lose H2 to space during eruption, lowering water fugacity; the morphology, large size, and presence in plutonic rocks suggest that many zircons crystallized at depths that retarded degassing. In this case, the crystallization temperatures of zircons are a sensitive monitor of the water content of the parental magma as well as the evolved zircon-forming melt. If the smaller Δ18O(zircon–mare basalt) values reported here are characteristic of the Moon, then that would suggest that even highly evolved zircon-forming magmas on the Moon crystallized at higher temperature than similar magmas on Earth and that magmas, though not necessarily water-free, were generally drier on the Moon.  相似文献   

It is known from observations of the gravitational field and figure of the Moon that its center of mass (COM) does not coincide with its geometric center, with the line connecting these two points deviating to the Southeast of the direction toward the center of the Earth. The deviation of the lunar COM to the South was explained earlier. Here, the deviation of the lunar COMto the East of the direction toward the Earth is considered. The theory of the optical libration of a satellite orbiting synchronously about a planet for an observer at the secondary (free) focus of the orbit is first refined. It is shown that the main axis of inertia of the satellite undergoes asymmetric, non-linear oscillations whose amplitude is proportional to the square of the orbital eccentricity. A mechanism for the evolution of the orbit has been developed, taking into account the preferred direction of the axis of inertia of the Moon toward the empty focus. Of two alternative scenarios—evolution of the lunar orbit with decreasing or increasing eccentricity—only the latter scenario is consistent with the observed eastward shift of the lunar COM. This mechanism predicts that the lunar orbit had a lower eccentricity in the past than it does today. This conclusion is consistent with the results of observations and also with the fact that the eccentricity of the Moon’s orbit is indeed currently increasing, indicating that it was lower in the past than its current value, e = 0.0549. It is shown by averaging themotion over a rapid variable that thismechanismfor the orbital evolution can explain about 18% of the currently known eastward shift of the lunar COM. The results obtained refine the theory of the tidal evolution of the Moon.  相似文献   

张诚  陈建平 《江苏地质》2019,43(3):514-522
撞击坑是研究月球最直接的对象,也是月球表面最为普遍且显著的地貌单元和地质构造标志,在行星地质学研究中具有重要的地位。通过对月球撞击坑识别方法和撞击坑分类方法研究进展进行概述及总结,将月球撞击坑识别方法概括为人工识别、基于形态特征提取算法、基于机器学习算法、基于地理信息融合分析算法4类,并对月球撞击坑识别方法研究中存在的问题进行了分析。  相似文献   

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