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Along with the consumption increase of the petroleum products,more countries have transferred their attentions to the offshore fields,especially the deepwater oil and gas reserves.For deepwater exploitation,the risers must be installed to act as the conduits connecting surface platforms to subsea facilities.In this paper,the typical risers sorted by different classes are introduced,and the correspondent installation methods are presented.By investigating the recent projects performed in the deepwater hot spots,and combining the challenges of HYSY201 for riser installation,a lifting device developed for assisting riser installation is proposed and detailed to satisfy the installation of deepwater risers in the LW3-1 Gas Field of in the South China Sea.Tests on both the functions and performances of such a new system exhibit the satisfaction of meeting all challenging requirements of HYSY201 for application to riser installation in waters up to a depth of in the South China Sea.  相似文献   

西方大力神深水钻井平台国内首次应用介绍   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了深水半潜式钻井平台发展现状和西方大力神深水钻井平台在中国南海首次应用情况,主要包括:西方大力神深水钻井平台的主要工具设备、工艺流程等。西方大力神深水钻井平台是第6代半潜式钻井平台,在国内外处在先进地位,此平台能够很好解决在100~3 000 m水深钻井问题。  相似文献   

The main challenge in predicting global responses of floating vessels in deepwater and ultra-deepwater areas comes from the system's coupled effect.In this paper,the coupled approach is used to analyze effects of riser on floating system in deepwater.The analysis results show that the coupling effects of risers will mainly affect the low frequency (LF) motions of the system.That is because risers will provide the system with a significant low frequency (LF) damping which will vary with the sea states.Under ...  相似文献   

新型多功能干树储油半潜平台研发   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
针对凝析油气田开发了一型适应我国南海环境条件的深水多功能干树半潜平台,平台运动性能优良,可实现干树开采、回接水下井口、油气生产处理、凝析油存储、钻修井等功能。平台由上部组块、主船体、细长柔性连接结构、垂荡板、顶张紧式立管(TTR立管)系统、系泊系统构成,结构特点为采用细长柔性连接结构连接主船体与箱型垂荡板。垂荡板采用箱型结构,承受作业吃水压力,可实现平台与箱型垂荡板的整体拖航,平台安装简易,细长柔性连接结构可在位维修或更换。平台立柱内设置储油舱存储天然气凝析油,解决凝析油存储外输问题。平台采用成熟系统系统集成,运动性能优良,海上施工风险可控,未来有望成为一种新的深水油气田开发平台型式。  相似文献   

硬悬挂钻井隔水管涡激振动特性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对深水钻井过程中遭遇强台风,基于安全性考虑要求钻井平台悬挂隔水管提前撤离的问题,采用软件SHEAR7针对HYSY981钻井平台硬悬挂隔水管系统避台风撤离作业过程中,受南海一年一遇海流作用时诱发涡激振动(VIV)的情况,研究航速与悬挂长度对VIV特性的影响。研究表明,浮力块覆盖率越高,隔水管系统张力越小;浮力块分布对隔水管系统VIV响应影响较大,25%交错布置方案VIV响应最弱。隔水管并非越短越好,要综合考虑洋流剖面、隔水管配置和平台航行的影响;在不同悬挂长度及航行条件下的VIV响应,在撤离作业前应尽量避免在高流速区布置浮力单根,撤离作业时应尽量采用顺流而避免平台逆流航向。  相似文献   

针对海上目标探测问题, 将矢量水听器和Argo浮标相结合, 可构建一种具有水中目标探测能力的新型水下声学浮标平台。该浮标平台可多次上浮和下潜, 具有在位时间长、隐蔽性能高、成本低等特点, 单台水下声学浮标即可实现海上目标探测, 利用多台水下声学浮标可快速形成大面积区域覆盖能力。为进一步验证水下声学浮标对海上目标探测性能, 2019年8月在南海海区开展了多台水下声学浮标海上试验, 数据处理结果表明: 南海夏季典型声速剖面下, 水下声学浮标对船长42m航速8.4kn的水面航船目标最远探测距离可达13.8km, 目标估计方位均方根误差最优可达5°, 在水面航船距离最近的1.9km处, 目标估计方位标准差可达2°。  相似文献   

文章以假设发生在南海北部深水油气勘探开发海域的1279m深水井喷溢油事故为例,采用深海溢油输移扩散模型,以2020年冬季(1月)和夏季(7月)三维流场和海面风场为主要环境动力,数值模拟研究未实施和实施海底消油剂处理情景下的溢油在海洋环境中的输移扩散全过程。模拟结果显示:不同深度的海流对溢油输移轨迹有着显著的影响;深水环...  相似文献   

琼东南盆地第四纪块体搬运体系的地震特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
第四纪以来,琼东南盆地的陆坡区域广泛发育深水块体搬运体系。深水块体搬运体系是广泛发生在外陆架/上陆坡的一种沉积物搬运机制,包括滑动、滑塌和碎屑流等重力流作用过程。利用深水3D地震资料,提取振幅和相干数据,通过地震剖面、构造图和时间切片分析,揭示块体搬运体系具有丘状外形、波状反射结构、弱振幅和连续性差的地震特征,内部整体比较杂乱,主体发育褶皱,趾部发育逆冲断层,具有塑性流体特征。结合南海构造背景分析,认为研究区第四纪沉积速率高并位于地震多发带,构成了块体搬运体系的形成条件和触发机制。  相似文献   

共振运动是深海浮式平台设计的关键考虑因素之一,对海洋平台的作业具有重要影响。采用半潜式平台运动的非线性耦合数学模型,考虑浮筒和横撑出入水以及垂荡、横摇和纵摇运动耦合对平台浮力和恢复力的影响,研究半潜式平台非线性共振运动特性,以及不规则波浪参数对运动的影响。研究表明:在非线性耦合运动和浮力变化的影响下,半潜式平台纵摇和垂荡运动的固有周期会随运动幅值的增大而逐渐减小,且最终趋于稳定,对纵摇运动周期的影响更为显著;非线性效应会使半潜式平台产生显著的低频纵摇共振响应,以及共振频率漂移的现象,且受随机种子和波浪周期的影响较小。  相似文献   

This paper reports on progress in developing a regional research and education strategy for Pacific Island countries and communities wishing to transition to a low carbon sea transport future. Sea transport is an absolute necessity for most such communities. All current services are fossil fuel based and are becoming increasingly unaffordable and unsustainable. The countries in the Pacific region are the most dependent on imported fossil fuels in the world, importing more than 95% of needs. Such dependency is having a crippling effect on national budgets and major impacts on key productive sectors. The region's transport issues are unique; small and vulnerable economies scattered at the ends of some of the longest transportation routes in the world and arguably the most challenging to maintain per capita and per sea mile. Alternatives to current fossil fuel powered sea transport have been almost totally ignored in recent regional and national debates and the issue has been largely invisible within the policy and donor strategy space at all levels despite concerted efforts over more than two decades to transition Pacific countries' electricity sector fossil fuel use. The University of the South Pacific has been collaborating with a network of stakeholders and knowledge partners since 2012 to advance this agenda, building off previous doctoral research and the resultant Sustainable Sea Transport Talanoa 2012. Prasad et al. (2013) set out the basis for a catalytic research program following from the consensually agreed outputs of SSTT 2012 and this paper records the progress made since.  相似文献   

远海孤立碳酸盐台地周缘发育了碳酸盐岩峡谷, 对其开展研究有助于深刻理解碳酸盐碎屑沉积物的“源-汇”体系及深水油气成藏等方面。文章利用多波束测深、高分辨率二维多道地震等数据, 精细刻画南海西沙海域永乐海底峡谷的地貌形态及内部充填特征, 揭示该峡谷沉积演化过程, 分析峡谷成因控制因素及稳定性。永乐海底峡谷形成演化可分为萌芽、汇聚和拓展3个阶段, 随着演化过程的发展, 峡谷规模及对沉积物输运作用增加。永乐海底峡谷形成及演化主要受古地貌隆起形成的负地形和沉积物重力流侵蚀作用影响。峡谷在第四纪以后仍有较明显的活动迹象。分析显示永乐海底峡谷是西北次海盆的重要物质输送通道, 其沉积演化过程及稳定性对研究碳酸盐台地沉积物输运等深水沉积过程及岛礁工程建设具有一定参考意义。  相似文献   

通过对溢油在深海环境中的输移过程及行为特点的分析,初步建立基于拉格朗日积分法的深海溢油模型.该模型除了能够模拟油气混合物在真实深海环境中的共同输移与分离输移扩散过程,还考虑了石油溶解、气体溶解、天然气水合物形成与分解等行为变化对溢油运动轨迹的影响.应用该模型初步数值模拟了一次实际深海溢油试验,结果表明溢油在水下的空间分...  相似文献   

南海琼东南深水海区是南中国海石油天然气资源潜在储量较为丰富的地区,油气勘探开发的力度正日益加大。但是,该海区处于南海大陆坡与西沙海槽区域,海底水深大,地形变化剧烈,水体动力环境和海底地质条件复杂,引发地质灾害的触发机制丰富,稍有疏忽,将给石油钻井平台带来巨大损失。在收集有关资料的基础上,对海底的地质环境务件作了研究,发现了一些有可能发生或潜在的地质灾害类型,并对其特征作了描述,以引起有关方面在石油钻井钻前井场工程地质调查和评价时予以重视。  相似文献   

随着全球对能源需求量的不断增加,海上石油开发逐渐向深海甚至超深海范围发展,传统的海洋平台已经不能满足海洋油气开发的需要。顺应式塔式平台(CT或CPT)、张力腿式平台(TLP)、迷你张力腿式平台(Mini-TLP)、Spar平台、水下生产系统(Subsea System)、浮式生产系统(FPS)和浮式生产储油装置(FPSO)等各种结构形式被用于深海的开发。随着水深的发展,系泊系统(含锚固基础)成为平台的关键部分。深入了解这些结构各自的特点、使用情况以及锚固方法,将有助于我国深海石油事业的发展。  相似文献   

Triple mass-transport deposits(MTDs) with areas of 625, 494 and 902 km2, respectively, have been identified on the north slope of the Xisha Trough, northern South China Sea margin. Based on high-resolution seismic reflection data and multi-beam bathymetric data, the Quaternary MTDs are characterized by typical geometric shapes and internal structures. Results of slope analysis showed that they are developed in a steep slope ranging from 5° to 35°. The head wall scarps of the MTDs arrived to 50 km in length(from headwall to termination). Their inner structures include well developed basal shear surface, growth faults, stepping lateral scarps, erosion grooves, and frontal thrust deformation. From seismic images, the central deepwater channel system of the Xisha Trough has been filled by interbedded channel-levee deposits and thick MTDs. Therefore, we inferred that the MTDs in the deepwater channel system could be dominated by far-travelled slope failure deposits even though there are local collapses of the trough walls. And then, we drew the two-dimensional process model and threedimensional structure model diagram of the MTDs. Combined with the regional geological setting and previous studies, we discussed the trigger mechanisms of the triple MTDs.  相似文献   

作为浮式结构最常采用的两种系泊方式,悬链式系泊和张紧式系泊皆存在不足。本文提出了一种新型系泊系统,并以一深水FPSO为例,采用完全时域耦合分析方法,对不同工作水深情况下的浮体及新型系泊系统的运动性能进行了数值模拟,并将该新型系泊系统的仿真结果与传统的张紧式系泊系统进行了比较,分析了新型系泊系统在浮体运动性能、缆索张力等方面的改善,同时探讨了该新型系泊系统的最佳工作水深。  相似文献   

利用一个太平洋区域分辨率为12.5 km的ROMS-CoSiNE海洋物理-生态耦合模式1997-2016年的积分结果,对东海黑潮硝酸盐输送的年际变化进行分析。结果显示:东海黑潮的硝酸盐输送存在约3 a与7 a的年际变化周期,且在100~400 m深的次表层与400~800 m深的中层水中变化较为显著。东海黑潮上游海水中,南海水及直接汇入东海黑潮的西太平洋海水对黑潮硝酸盐的年际输送变化具有重要影响。其中,南海水主要影响东海黑潮中层水的硝酸盐输送,而西太平洋海水对东海黑潮次表层水硝酸盐的输送影响较为显著。  相似文献   

Seismic images of a collision zone offshore NW Sabah/Borneo   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Multichannel reflection seismic data from the southern South China Sea, refraction and gravity modelling were used to investigate the compressional sedimentary structures of the collision-prone continental margin off NW Borneo. An elongated imbricate deepwater fan, the toe Thrust Zone bounds the Northwest Borneo Trough to the southeast. The faults separating the individual imbricates cut through post-Early Miocene sediments and curve down to a carbonate platform at the top of the subsiding continental Dangerous Grounds platform that forms the major detachment surface. The age of deformation migrates outward toward the front of the wedge. We propose crustal shortening mechanisms as the main reason for the formation of the imbricate fan. At the location of the in the past defined Lower Tertiary Thrust Sheet tectonostratigraphic province a high velocity body was found but with a much smaller extend than the previously defined structure. The high velocity structure may be interpreted either as carbonates that limit the transfer of seismic energy into the sedimentary layers beneath or as Paleogene Crocker sediments dissected by remnants of a proto-South China Sea oceanic crust that were overthrust onto a southward migrating attenuated continental block of the Dangerous Grounds during plate convergence.  相似文献   

科学评估围填海对海洋中物质输运的影响,对海洋环境保护和管理具有重要的意义。本文采用非结构网格有限体积海洋模型 (FVCOM) 模拟渤海湾 2004 年和 2018 年岸线变化前后水动力场,通过拉格朗日拟序结构的方法,评估岸线变化 对物质输运的影响。结果表明:岸线变化后,物质自近岸向湾内的扩散加强,且物质的输运通道和聚集区发生改变。曹妃甸附近原有清晰输运和聚集区域消失,物质向湾内输运;黄骅港阻碍了西部水体沿岸的南下路径,并在防沙堤顶部形成新的聚集区;渤海湾东南区域的物质输运通道向东延伸,输运能力加强,且聚集面积减小。  相似文献   

基于三维频域势流理论,计算船体的水动力参数;采用动态耦合方法分析了深海半潜式生产平台各系统之间的相互作用特征,研究了立管系统对锚泊系统定位能力的影响。计算结果表明,立管系统在一定程度上增加了整个系统的刚度,其所受的附加质量和阻尼可降低平台的低频响应,从而降低平台的偏移和系泊缆的张力;海流将增大立管上的拖曳力,使平台偏移更远,锚索上的张力更大;立管系统对锚泊系统定位性能的最终影响需综合考虑多种因素的叠加。对目标平台而言,由于服役海域的流速较大,对立管的拖曳作用较为明显。因此,为确保平台的安全性,当服役海域流速较大时,带有多立管的平台,其锚泊系统的设计应考虑立管的影响。  相似文献   

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